HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1982-11-24, Page 9Community musical coming in March A community -minded group of local residents have put their heads together to plan the musical production called The Fantasttcks, to be presented March 10, 11 in the new arena hall. The Seaforth Agricultural Society is pro- viding the financial backing and publicity. The choice of The Fanta - sticks was based on its reasonable budget, simple set and costumes and a small cast of eight. It is a fantasy - a Tight romance between a boy and the girl next door who suffer through the humour- ous interference of their fa- thers. These four characters are supported by a travelling troupe of actors who provide the framework of the play, the asides and the comments of life. The script is sprinkled with many lively songs and dances, as well as lots of laughs. 11 is thoroughly enjoyable entertainment for young and old in both the audience and the cast. The action on stage is accompanied by a four piece combo orchestra to provide a lively tempo. At this time a complete production staff of volunteers has been assembled. These people bring the time and expertise to mount a first class production. "After see- ing the talent show at the high school in June we are quite confident that there are E C r Tuesday afternoon saw five tables of euchre in play at Seaforth Manor with re- sidents and volunteers parti- cipating. High score for the men was Elmer Bakcsy and consolation went to Harold Walsh and Maxine Elliott. High visiting lady was Mrs. Margaret Smale who also donated delicious cookies for the social half-hour. Friday afternoon Rev. Archie Robertson of Bethel Bible Church conducted wor- ship service in the absence of David McKnight who was unable to be with us. Bingo was enjoyed on Ray C kies Thursday afternoon with a good attendance present. The November meeting of the Resident Council was held Thursday morning at 10:45 a.m. and at 11 a.m. one minute silence was observed in memory of Remembrance Day. Edith Salo recited the poem "In Flander's Fields" followed by the regular meet- ing. PERSONALS Mr. Allan Nicholson, Mr. Bill Dalrymple, Mr. Peter Malcolm and Mr. Bill Wil - bee called on veterans Ar- thur Nicholson and Frank Case on Thursday afternoon. Later Frank Case enjoyed an or outing to the legion with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Harris. Miss Isabel Lambie at- tended the "Program Con- tact" at Vanastra on Thurs- day. Mr. Charles Hendy of Exeter visited with his broth- er Mr. Bert Hendy on Friday. Mr. Oscar Noll of Palmer- ston visited his wife Ruth Noll on Saturday. Miss Norma Streets went Christmas shopping also on Saturday. Residents enjoyed seeing the S.D.H.S. band on T.V. on Saturday in the Santa Claus Parade in London. Mr. George Addison visit- ® (lea receives 20 year medal from OPP, A Seaforth resident, Cor- poral Ray Primeau of the Goderich OPP Detachment has received his 20 year Long Service and Good Conduct Medal. it was presented at a ceremony in Arthur recently. This medal is presented to a member of irreproachable character who has served not less than 20 years, the last 10 of which shall have been with good conduct and satisfactory service. Corporal Primeau has served at Seaforth and Goder- ich. Commissioner Jim Erskine made the presentation at a ceremony that included four other recipients of the same medal, two civilian OPP Long Service awards, four OPP Awards for Bravery, 11 Com- ed with residents. Mr. Ross McClure visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McClure. Mr. McClure had celebrated his 87th birthday on Thursday. Visiting with Art Nicholson on Sunday was his wife Cassie. Mrs. Glady's Ruston spent the day at her home. Miss Mary Lamont visited her cousin, Mr. "Kelly" Lamont. Miss Ruth Cluff visited with Frank Case. Also celebrating a birthday was Mr. Stephen Faurnier on Sunday celebrating his 80th. Every week more and more people discover what nighty jobs are accom• plished by low cost Huron Expositor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240. people in the community to fill the cast positions," says producer Bruce Whitmore. Auditions will be held at Seaforth Public School be- ginning at 10 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 11. with call-backs for final selection on Sunday afternoon Dec. 12. "We hope that we can fill all roles from the surrounding municipali- ties," Mr. Whitmore says. An audition is simply an interview with the director, the music director and the producer who decide how to cast the applicants based on singing and speaking voice, height, age, etc. An applicant tries out by singing a song of their choice, reading lines and possibly following some dance steps. The applicant can try for a particular role or simply have 'a general audition and the committee will decide on the final placement. The cast consists of: El Caelo (the narrator), Luisa (the girl); Matt (the boy); J Hucklebee (the boy's father), Bellomy (the girl's father); Henry (the actor); Mortimer (the old actor) and the mute. The first five parts require singing. The actors have speaking parts, and the mute as you can guess acts and dances with np singing or speaking. "A rehearsal schedule will be arrangedto suit the cast as we have many busy people in the comn)unity," the pro- ducer sa s. Rehearsals will begin in anuary. Scripts are availabl now for anyone wishin to read it before audons. Already the grape- vine has brought several requests to borrow scripts. /Scripts are available from Bruce Whitmore. Anyone wishing to audition should contact Bruce to book a convenient audition time on Dee. 11. The cast can have every confidence that their per- formance will be supported by a very capable production THE HURON EXPOSITOR, NOVEMBER 24, 1982 — A9 ALIMISINIIINISPEEMSeall staff. They include Mr. Whit- more, as producer; director. Marie McGavin; musical director -Marg Whitmore; a choreographer -yet to be named; lighting and sound - Don Jones; script assistant and stage manager, Dawn Fapple; costumes -Jan Del- vecchio; sets -Stanley Millen; props -Helen Cragg; make up - Doreen Strong, Ross Ribey; publicity, ticket sales- Agri- cultural Society (Ross Ribey); house manager, refresh- ments -Jim Rose, Harold Turnbull; and business man- agement and programme - Carol Baker and Mary. Doig. "Anyone wishing to help with production should con- tact the department head named for your type of talent or interest. The more involve- ment -the more fun," Mr. Whitmore says. Oly missionhr's Citations and three St. John Ambulance Awards. Receiving Commissioner's Citations were Richard Adolph Kloss and his son, Richard Dean Kloss of Bruce - field for their courageous life-saving actions at an acci- dent scene in Tuckersmith Township on May 13. Blyth's Christmas concert The Blyth Festival Singers will present two concerts of Christmas music on Sunday, December 5 at 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. in Blyth Memorial Hall. This mixed. community choir of 80 voices came together in September, '80 under the auspices of the Blyth Centre for the Arts. It represented a new direction in the growth of the Centre and the subsequent sell-out concerts throughout the sea- sons since then attest to the following that the Blyth Fest- ival Singers are accompanied by Arlene Darnbrough of Goderich. The choir is under the direction of Laurie Rowbo- them of Listowel. Mr. Row- botham says that he feels the choir is developing into a fine ensemble and he thoroughly enjoys the experience of - guiding its development: The' - Festival Singers are accomp- anied by Arlene Darnbrough of Goderich. The Junior Choir of the Exeter Public School will New craft ideas at Huronview Ena Cook and Evelyn Archer of Huronview, at- tended a craft workshop of Elora on Tuesday bringing back many new ideas and patterns. On Thursday Bible Study was held in the chapel with Rev. Duam Mc. Lean filling in for Mrs. Prouty who is ill. The resi• dents particularly enjoyed his message in song. Monday afternoon Old Tyme music was held in the auditorium with Wilson Mc- Cartney, Bill Marshall, Jim Ruddock. Jim Rose. Warren Whitmore and Stan Millen limning together to provide some toe tapping tunes. While ceramics class met to complete their various pro- jects. Special Care enjoyed the afternoon listening to Margaret Mc'Quutt t play the piano and also to enjoy some refreshments. Wednesday was officially proclaimed Chicken Day at Huronview and eighty-two residents gathered in the auditorium to feast upon Dixie Lee Chick- en This was a pleasant change from the regular menu and received well by the residents and staff. Huronview would like to welcome Annie Steep from Seaforth; Edna Snell from Exeter, iva Alexander from Goderich and Edith Logan from Blyth. Residents from Special Care met for a social hour and listened to the piano music played by Margaret McQueen. Bingo was held Friday afternoon and the new cards were used for the first time. The cards are entirely different from the old ones aid eliminate the use of chips. To the family of the late Margaret Hudie, we extend our sympathy. Mrs. Hudie was a resident of Huronview who died this week. December will be a busy month as everyone prepares for the Christmas season. We are busy at Huronview too, as we are planning our programs for the festive holiday. Visitors and family arc welcome to come and help us celebrate during this holiday time. Clasmtied Ads pa% dnidends• MOTOR COACH TOURS for the Christmas Season share the program with the Blyth Festival Singers. This excellent children's choir un- der the direction of Joan Perrie won the hearts of the audiences at past concerts in Blyth and the singers are pleased to have them on the program again this year. They will perform by them- selves and with the adult choir. Bring the whole family to enjoy an afternoon or evening of sacred Christmas music; join the carol sing -a -long during the concert, and meet the choir, director, and ac- companist downstairs follow- ing the performance while sampling the traditional hot cider and goodies which have been part of the Blyth Centre for the Arts Christmas con- certs. Tickets are 54.00 for adults and 51.50 for children and are available from choir members or by phoning the Box Office on Tuesday and Wednesday at 523-9300 or the Blyth Saga at 523-4331. No reserved seats. GRAND OLE OPRY 5 days Departs Dec. 29th As low as 5279.00 NEW YORK FOR NEW YEAR'S EYE S days Departs Dec. 28th Aa low as S299.00 FLORIDA OF YOUR CHOICE 9 days Departs Dec. 26th 1. Clearwater Beach As low as 5429.00 2. Daytona Beach As low as S409.00 3. Dlsneyworld, Epcot Area As low as 5399.00 FLORIDA 14 DAY EXPERIENCE Departs Dec. 20th As low as 5599.000 Contact Your Travel Agent Today or UNITED TRAILS INC. 100 Main St. Seaforth, Ont. 527-1222 1 UN THAMER and KIM DUAN would like to invits their friends and neighbours to their WEDDING RECEPTION to be held at Family Paradise on FRIDAY DEC. 3 at 9 o'clock NO ,92 i- i, 90 SUNDAY. NOV. 28TH 8 p.m. S1. Calumbin Church Hall 12 games for turkeys 4 Share -the -Wealth Door Prizes Lap card -5150 Extras • 25c each or 5 tor 1 00 0 TO Super Specials PETE _';, Vii; VALLARTA: Christmas Break Dego 2 ( 1 week) 1 per couple `ti FF Nirtal W from only $529 pp Includes Flighr, Hotel and Transfers Coli Ellison Travel Exeter Toil Free 1-800-265-7022 Exeter Area 235-2 I 1) s RS Dec. 02 Roger Whit- taker, Hamilton Place 8 p.m. show 538 Dec. 03 Simcoe lights (including supper)524 Dec. 04 Frankenmuth (lunch at Zehnders)S35 Cali Ellison Travel 235-2000 Toil Free 1-800-265-7022 Exeter, Ont. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12 2 p.m. N.H.L. "Oldtimers" VS Seaforth Beaver Oldtimers Murp._y ez. "WHATEVER YER FAVORITE SPORT... JOIN US AFT -WARDS FER A LIL' FELLOWSHIP!" It's a grand new way to fill out any day. Cause no matter how you sez it, you can't beat Murphy's for a 'Sit -Down' Eating or `Stand -Up' Meeting place. Bring the whole Team! Fabulous Food and Fun all in One! AT THE SEAFORTH & DISTRICT ARENA Adults: $3.00 Children (12 & Under): $1.00 Advance Tickets in Seaforth at: BOB & BETTY'S VARIETY, ARCHIE'S SUNOCO, RECREATION OFFICE and members of the Seaforth Beavers (unpinysENG aNdi►ng 360 BAYFIELD RD., GODERICH 524-2128 OPEN MONDAY TO SATURDAY 11 A.M. TO 1 A.M. SUNDAY 12 NOON TO 10 P.M. • in the new Community Centre Auditorium 7lagraALJ A Special Holiday VILLA VACATIONS 1982-83 DUBLIN & DISTRICT ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION BINGO NEW YEAR'S EVE December 31 PORTUGAL 4 WEEKS on, 8899 Friday, November 26 JACKPOT E400 in 52 Calls 5100 CONSOLATION PRIZE Sponsored by Seaforth Beaver Oldtimers STEVENS COUNTRY GOLD (Disc Jockey) DANCING 9TILL?? LUNCH PROVIDED '12.00 per couple Tickets available from Seaforth Beaver Oldtimers or at Bob & Betty's Variety Open to the Public YULETIDE BUS TOUR raippimmommommpummilimiimip LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Tbls FRIDAY 8 SATURDAY Dec. 14-15, 1982 (Tues. -Wed.) Visiting Dearborn, Michigan GREENFIELD VILLAGE and Bo Bo and COUNTRY IMAGE GREY CUP HENRY FORD MUSEUM $110 PER PERSON Includes: Deluxe Motorcoach transpor- tation, double -occupancy room at th Dearborn Inn, admission fees, Chri mas candlelight celebration, breakf t, all taxes, tips and gratuities. Leaving Egmondville United Chu ch Tuesday, Dec, 14, 9:00 a.m. a returning Wednesday, 9:00 p.m. For information, contact: DAVID McKNIGHT 527-1607 SHERWOOD TRAVEL Limited Seats CANADIAN FOOTBALL LEAGUE Edmonton vs. Toronto See it LVE VIA SATELLITE on Sun., Nov. 28 in Our Lounge 3rd Annual LUCAN CUP CHALLENGE Men's International All-Star Hockey Tournament. Featuring 16 'A' Calibre Teams. December 3,4 and 5 Lucan Arena Prizes Include 'A' Champions - $1000.00 Lucan Businessmen's Pot O' Gold - Lucan Cup Trophy - Individual handcrafted Lucan Cup Diamond ring All-Star; Molson' Lucon Cup All-Star Jackets Bank of Montreal Awards Schedule Lucan Hoffy Construction Windsor v Black Creek Aurora Quakers Pit Martin Pub v Windsor' • Goderich WIENER SCHNITZEL & SAUERKRAUT Every Sunday noon -7 p.m. 4 50 ALL YOU CAN EAT EUCHRE TOURNAMENT every Tuesday Daily Entertainment & Smorgasbord Fr day 600 pm 30 p.m 000 pm 10 30 pm Saturday 7 00 am 8 30 om HURON TAVERN 641911W dop 1000 am 11 30 an, Ilderton Admission 52.50 per person S 1,,00 for students Pre-schoolers free Inc ludes • Round trip private charters Toronto to Lisbon 2 nights in Lisbon 27 nights in Algarve villas' private fully equipped villas all transfers Services of a tour representative JAMAICA 1 Week from $59911142. Includes • 2 bedre: n, 4 rersons round tr'r "ansnc•rration On A,r C'natl� transfers .1n.t baggage hand no arca•^'�-d r ,.n 0!'tilos for aht, Services of tour representative air conditioned -r bedroom villas with full kitchen services of a cook 'ra'd and gardener private sw imming pool Ted Dilr s Landon K itchener • Water loo Mitchell Redford Michigan Royal Oak Michigin Livonia Michigan l International Stick Toronto v Kitchener 5 - MARCH BREAK SPECIAL 5100.00 Off Per Couple JAMAICA Ironshore Villas 5689 p.p. (regular 5739) Based on 2 bedroom villa - 4 persons Sunday 3.30 p.m B Final Sunday 5 30 p m A Final Lucan Cup Dance Featuring Day Break Saturday 9:00 p.m. Wean Arena 235.2000 1- 800- 265 7022 Fall and Winter hours Mon. to Fri.,. 8:30 to 3:30 Saturdays 9:30 to 4:30 Evenings by appointment Located in Exeter's Old Town Hall t