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The Huron Expositor, 1982-11-24, Page 4
A4 - THE HURON EXPOSITOR, NOVEMBER 24, 1' +2 1 Gra `ei JOAN B1RIT/MR At the recent Fall Vocation of Conestoga College of Ap- plied ARts and Technology, Joan. Bruner received her diploma in the nursing pro- gram. Joan is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs: Frank Bruner, Dublin. She also attended St. Patrick's School, Dublin and Seaforth District High School. all tr Cort RS. p ondeAt I ,EONHARDT 345.2419 On Saturday evening a . banquet was held to honour the coaches, and managers of the ball teams, and the champions, "The Brodhagen W.O.A.A. Midget Girls,' in the Brodhagen Community Centre. Trophies were received by the following, The Elligson, DubOM ©nd cc © The video generation use bu • s push:.utt JOAN CRONIN 345-2772 Christmas is but 31 days may and one's shopping list gets longer every day. If you lidn't have ulcers before you went shopping, you sure will when you get home, after seeing the price of things. The toys are becoming so sophisticated that the fun is gone out of them. Young- sters don't play checkers, cards, pool or hockey games, they have computers. Child- ren don't go out and play street hockey or have a snow ball fight with a group of local youngsters, instead they perch on a stool all by their lonesome and press buttons and watch wierd symbols and creatures scurry across a TV -like screen. Parents were told by psy- chologists and great think- ers that the problem between parents and their children was that they couldn't com- Cromarty welcomes Flanagan, Flanagan Trophy to Stephen Hoff; the Beau- mont trophy to Brian McGav- in; the Louise Murray trophy to Bev Rapien; the Louise Murray trophy to Joan Ma- loney. Congratulations to the winners and a big "Thank You" to all coaches and managers who gave so much of their time. A dance followed, put on by the ladies slowpitch ball Warn with the orchestra TYME" providing the music. 4-H Mothers and friends of the nfembers of the 4-H club municate. Did you ever try to communicate with someone who has played with one of those Atari games all day? You would have to run back and forth in the room making wierd beeping and buzzing sounds and maybe, just maybe, you will appear more prominent than the comput- er. The TV commercials and newspaper advertising sect- ions have people brain- washed, l haven't seen one commercials and newspaper advertising sections have people brainwashed. 1 hav- en't seen lone commercial for cross-country skis, tobog- gans, hockey sticks and skates and fashionable sports clothes such as ski suits, yet this year. All those hearty, red-cheeked children and teens who built snowmen andlayed outdoor , sports will become a group of push-button house bugs. The prese Ii L gathered at the community centre for a "bread making" party on November 15. The guests were greeted by the leaders Jean Ahrens and Barb Scherbarth. Bev Rapien and Heather Ake arranged the first game where each member was a different kind of bread and when your name of bread was called you had to run and change chairs with the other kind of bread before the person in centre got there. Barb Scherbarth explained the second game in which mothers and members had to name 12 different dishes of Job's Daughters Correspondent MRS. JOHN TEMPLEMAN 345-2346 Rev. Ken Knight welcom- ed the membtits Ardcluneil of Job's daugJi ts' Bethel . No. 4, Mitchell,-ttrlhe- regular clmrch service on Sunday morning at Cromarty Pres- byterian Church. Honoured Queen, Shirley Miller read the New Testament lesson. Following Rev. Knight's sermon on worship, the council members presented the ceremony of the Lighted Crass. Mrs. Bill Freele, Parkhill, Mrs. Gordon Hess, Zurich and Mrs. John Drake, Staffs, visited recently with their aunts, Mrs. Belle Colgn- houn, Clinton and Mrs. Christen Sorter, Sedorth. Mr. and Mrs. John Tem- pleman, Richard and David. were overnight guests of Joanne Capling, Mississauga and attended the Royal Winter Fair; Richard show- -mg bis 4-14- calf. - Congratulations to Lorne Fell, who was named "World Soybean Champion" at the Royal Winter Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Tem- pleman, Carrab and Cain, visited on the weekend with Miss Carol Stewart and Dr. Jane Robinson, Hamilton. Miss Janice Vivian attend- ed the National 4-H Confer- ence in Toronto recently. She was one of eight young le chosen to attend from tario. Mrs. John Templeman is attending the Board Meeting 1, USE EXPOSITOR WANT -,ADS Phone 527-0240 of the Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario, this week in Toronto. With Mr. and Mrs. Bob Norris and Robert on the weekend, Were Miss Jill Norris from Western, and her room -Mate Miss Sara Goldstein, Calgary. price of these new games is devastating. When the young folk get bored with that cartridge, Mom and Dad are expected to go out and buy a different cartridge, which is also very expensive, because you wouldn't want to see this computer idle nor all those budding Einsteins with nothing to occupy their valuable time. Have you ever watched the creeping and toddling group? They open the box, set the toy aside and play with the big cardboard box and the wrapping paper. Today's children would be quite hurt if they got a jigsaw puzzle as a gift; it doesn't make noise. Girls don't want just a soft cuddly doll, they want the in thing and that's either Barbie or a Smurf. Christmas is a time for giving but who on earth said one must buy such extrava- te ingredients that go into bread making, Gloria Gilbert received the Teddy Bear Loaf Ear fast prize. - A smorgasbord luncheon consisting of pizza, breads, sweet rolls, cheese, jams, vegetables and dip was en- joyed by all. Marilyn Ahrens thanked everyone for coming and showing their interest in 4-H. The leaders thanked the girls for baking the breads and preparing the evening. PERSONALS Mr. Ken Elligson is a patient in the Stratford Gen- eral Hospital, having under- gone an operation last Thursday. We wish him a speedy recovery. Melissa Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Diegel was baptized at the worship service on Sunday morning in St.' Peter's . Lutheran Chruch, Brodhagen. Her sponsors were Janiece Cum- mings and Jim Diegel. Guests at the Diegel home after the service were the sponsors, Mr. Peter Daven- part of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Don Diegel and faihily, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Diegel, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Diegel and family. Rabies expected te increase here The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources has warn- ed various areas in southern Ontario to be on the watch for rabid animals as the number of rabies incidents is expect- ed to increase this winter. Natural resources minister Alan Pope last week indicated that based on wildlife popu- lation trends. three and four- year cycles of rabies common in areas is southern Ontario and a review of recently documented cases there could be a possible increase in rabies cases this winter. Perth County is'included in the areas where rabies occur. The Ministry warns residents to beware of animals that appear sick, tame or un- usually friendly. gant gifts? The gift of love and peace among one's fellowman is the greatest gift of all. To be with Family and friends during the holi- day season watching little children sitting on grandma , or grandpa's knee, m their sleepers before going to bed, being read a story, is price- less. Sharing your Christmas dinner with someone who is lonely and less fortunate, is the true meaning of giving. So when you buy that special present, no matter how small or inexpensive, if it is truly a gift from the heart, it will be cherished more than the finest gem by its receiver, and you will reap the rewards of having a friend for life. This Thursday, November 25, the Dublin Parent Teach- ers Association are holding their annual Turkey Bingo in the Dublin Community Centre beginning at 8: p.m. What a perfect way to get that big turkey for your Christmas dinner. Mr. Frank VErberne has returned home after being a patient in the Seaforth Com- munity Hospital. Mrs. Mary K. Ryan is a patient in the Seaforth Com- munity Hospital. Miss Tammy Cronin has also returned home after being a patient in the Sea - 1;1 forth hospital last week. The Dublin and District Athletic Association Bingo will be held on Friday evening as usual in the Dublin Community Centre begin "gat 8:;I°r sharp. This week the Jackpot will be $40ID on 52 calls. The consolation winner of 5111 was Mrs. Elizabeth Brown of Seaforth. For those who are worried about the cold, the Com- munity Centre has been insulated and more work is being done each week to make it more comfortable for those who attend. There doesn't seem to be any great visiting going a on these days and the only logical reasons !lean come up with for this is: 1. Everyone went to Florida, 2. The cold - weather has made everyone hibernate like bears, 3. You are too exhausted from shopping to go out or 4. You lost my phone number and can't remember my name. Well, are you ready for the answers? 1. If everyone went to Florida what am 11 doing here? 2. Some days we might be ugly, but we are not bears so that's out. 3. If you did go shopping you can't afford to go out and as for the 4th answer; after reading the above you most certainly don't want, my phone number. Spending plans The Perth County Board of Education has approved a $6,060,988 capital forecast for the next nine years. The board gave approval at its Nov. 16 meeting following a report by the ad hoc capital forecast committee. The fore- cast is a list of building projects for public schools across the county. This fore- cast will be sent to the Ministry of Education for its approval. Trustee Rev. John Ander- son stressed the list is just a fo'r'ecast of projects the board wottjd like to undertake in the future. ' Included in the forecast is a 5500,000 addition to the ad- 4nrinistration Indicting in Strat- ford. Chairjnanlof the com- mittee Trustee Ron Richards pointed out the administra- 5,700 square feet. The esti- mated cost of the addition plus some alterations to the present building is $500,000. The project will be carried out over two years. 1983 and 1984. Also included in the capital forecast is 5250,000 fol the addition to St. Marys Central Public School. Trustee Barb- ara Herman asked why the St. Marys school was included in the forecast. Superintendent of business and finance Ro- land Swanson explained the Ministry approved the project in two parts and the second half -5250,000 would be re- ceived by the board in 1983. tion building project is not eligible for Ministry grants. An administration study indicates the need for an additional space of about To the Voters of Dublin N. I wish to thank you for your support at the polls on November 8th. HERB BROWN 1982 6000 LE 4 door demo ks9,399?0 Y B AIMS GALOR .. SALE DUE TO PRESENT ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, WEST END GARAGE OF MITCHELL LIMITED H4$ DECIDED TO BEGIN CLOSING DOWN OPERATIONS. AS OF THIS DATE, WE WILL START -WINDING DOWN UNTIL OUR ENTIRE INVENTORY IS SOLD, SO IF YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THAT "DEAL OF A LIFETIME" NOW IS THE TIME TO COME AND SEE US. EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD. MOST WILL GO AT LESS THAN DEALER COST, SO HURRY WHILE SELECTION IS BEST. PONTIAC etick GMC TRilCk5 a WEST END GARAGE OF MITCHELL LTD. 82 HURON ST. -MITCHELL 348-8458 OPVN NIONTI T' TILL 0 RM. All DA T SATURDAY 1982 GMC S-15 Long Box V-6 O $7469 00 BUY AY:� DONT� DEL fry 0, ,;„„e" %,lNf�i�lf 4 ff iffy// . ;/ '" f ;; orf SEAFORTH SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET OPEN: MON. TO SAT. 9 A.M. to 6 P.M„ THURS. & FRI. NITES TILL 9 P.M. "WATCH FOR OUR FLYER IN THE MAiL" FOR MORE SUPERIOR SPECIALS, ROCERY SUPER SPECIALS • f, � f fff/rf fiiffy�'s . /yam/yyyy� //1, ' f� ico t 4 %/aj/// �j/.//j/jf',. � lYH / %!` /f /i/� f/ff/fJlfr/ �i,,„<„. crfsffi//fff ///f /' , f fr /ff'r! fry fff .";./�f �'"`F % i y• f'%� 8 / G i 4.5ff/,/,1'4P f' /4 , / /37,, "4,..,74.,,,,e7;., (7,7 � /��� if�fj //•'./..:::1� ..ff ,r,v,�7 �f/f/�%:/ f��i� ff/ffi ij�il�i%%r�%� /,ALS FARM FRESH PRODUCE FROZEN FOOD COCA-COLA 3 °st. PLUS DEPOSIT 75C ML BOTTLE MITCHELL 8 SEAFORTH ON(Y 1 1 Prices effective until Saturday, November 27, 1982 In most Superior Stores No Ramo. dam fagot to L5,en 0o aumam to stomas Faawy Flequovragmets SUPERIOR MARKET Servn9 You Beller - Sav�nq Yc M' SUPPLI & SERVICED BY ELLIOTTIMARR & CO. LTD.