HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-03-14, Page 8TEAL. Is Positively the Finest Tea in tb.e World. Packed in air -tight packages, therefore you are assured that it has retained all its original flavor and deliciousness. Lead Packets only. 23c, 30o, 40c, 6Oo and 60o per lb. At all Grocers'. MINOR LOCALS. —Tines and Weekly Globe for one year for $1.33. —The two Wingbam curlin rinks lost both games at Seaforth on Thursday last. —East Wawanoeh Township Council will meet at Belgrave, an Friday, March 22ud. —"Elijaha" Dowie, the famous leader of a religious sect, died at Zion City on Saturday. aged 00 years. —Mr Dudley Holmes will address a meeting of the Oonservatives at Brussels an Friday evening of this week. —The rate of $1.35 for the TIMES and Weekly Globe is still good. Subscribe early for these two papers at the low price. —Mr. E. G. Stevenson, Supreme Counsellor has been selected as the new Supreme Chief Ranger of the Indepen- dent Foresters. —Regular meeting of Camp Caledonia, Sons of Scotland will be held neat Mon- day evening, All members are request- ed to be presont. —A. NicboIson & Sons, of the Bod- win Lime Works can supply any quanti- ty of lime for the comiug summer. See adrt in another column. —Dr. Orcnbyatekha, late Supreme Obief Ranger of the I. 0. F. left an estate of about $75,000, of which per- haps $40,000 is in life insurance. �VIr. John A. Menzies shipped a oar load of horses to Manitoba on Tuesday. This was said to be one of the best load of horses that has left these parts for Some time. —Mr Thos M. Walker, one of the old and respected residents of Ingersoll died on Monday of this week Deceased was father of Mr. C. M.Walker of this town, who left on Tuesday to attend the funer• al. Dr. Butler. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist. 370 Qneen's Avenue, London, 3rd door East of St. Andrew's Church, Mr. A. E. Gibson, formerly mana- ger of the Dominion Bank here and for some time manage: of the Seaforth branch, will shortly leave for Winnipeg, where he will undertake higher work for the same Ame bft nk —The Tams was in error last week when we reported that Mr. Albert Louttit had lost three horses during the past winter. Mr. Lonttit has lost one horse each winter for three yearn. This is a heavy loss for the average person. ;;all at R. Johnston's and see itis line of Felts, Robbers and Shoes and be con- vinced. —TheSemi Bur- chill,offriends ninny of East Wawanosh will be sorry to lean that he was stricken with paralysis on Sunday evening last. He has been very sick since that day, but his friends will be pleased to learn that he may soon recover and be able to be around again. —Mr. T. Hall has completed nine years as editor and publisher of the Wingham Advance. The Advance has been wonderfnllyimproved during those years and Mr. Hall is deserving the in- gretteed pgtrnllage his paper is receiving, Onr best wishes for continued Success, Brei. Hall. GREAT SALE j —Ufi- 1 Wall Paper FOR 10 GAYS Y. PERSONAL - Wo shall be glad to have contributions to this column from any of our readers. if you have visitors or purpose going awry yourself, drop in and tell us, or send us a note to that effect. Mr R J. Ross, of Bowmanville was calling on Wingham friends on Monday, Mr. Wm. Nicholson was visiting for a a few days last week at Galt, Berlin and Waterloo. Mr. Arch Pringle, of Wallaceburg was visiting with his son, Mr, W. D. Prtnate for a few clays. Mr, Will Swinbnnk, of Minnadosa, Man. was visiting for a few days at the home of Mr Edward Boaman. lairs. Jas. Glenville and children, who have been visiting with Wingham rela- tives for some time, left on Tuesday for their home in Cutler. Miss Simpson left this week for Innis - fail, Alta, after several weeks visit with ber sister, Mrs. A. H. Musgrove and at her parental bomo in Culross. Mr. and Mrs. J. H Leishman left yesterday morning for their new home in Spence, Sask, Their many friends wish them success in their new home. Mr. S, A. Maguire is in Orangeville this week attending the annual meeting of the Ontario West Orange Grand Lodge, as delegate from tho local lodge. Mr. W. E. Floody, of Toronto was in town on Tuesday calling on old friends. He informed us that the Toronto Huron Old Boys' would run their an- nual summer excursion to the old county on the last Saturday in July. miss 'fisher f now offering last year's stock of Wall Paper at a great reduction, to make room for now stook just coming in. All fresh, clean paper, with good Colorings --very best. REMNANTS TO CLEAR Will have oh sale large and small bundles of Remnants for sale at half price from now until 23rd inst. Opening days will be Wednesday and Thursday, April 3rd and 4th, when we will have a niagniflcent display of New Wall Paper for your inspection and purchase. K. .Mit FISHER. TRE 'CSI GICAM TIES MARCH 14 PRESBYTERY OF MAITLAND. The Presbytery of Ma]tiend met in Wrnghani on the 6th March, with the Rev. John Radford, Moderator, in the coati. The meeting was the best for attendance and interest in many genre, There was an eapeoiaily large Attend. auce of elders, which is very gratifying. The Revs D Perris, R. R. Orate, A. Miller, and A. 0. Wishart, ministe s, and Meyers. P ver Orea' ar and John Rutherford, elders,woro appointed Oman mtssionete to the Cantered .,Assembly. The sessions of the North Knauss, and RLpley land 13ervie charge Inose thea prt- vilege of nountnatint each a UUmulia• stoner. Rev, A, Miller was appointed a roam• ber of the Asseinbly'a Committee on bills and overtures. The report of Church Life and Work was given by Mr. Craw. It indicated tbat the congregations within the hounds ere enjoying general prosperity. A very intereeriug ctikoussion on special uvange• Betio effort resulted from the reading of the report, at the cor:clu,ion of which the thanks of the Presbytery was tend- ered ]4r, (haw. The report of Sabbath Schools was rendered by Mr. McKtaroll. Discis- sion on this report in accordance with the new order of baldness, was deferred iutreduced by Mr. Ferric. Nearly every member eapreetled himself on th:e im- portant Subject, and although no formal vote was taken, it was evident that about one half of the Presbytery favour- ed the organic/ union of the three negotiating Churches; that most of the other half were in favour of a federal union, some with ultimate organic union in view and a few seemed opposed to anima of either kind. So far as the statement here given regarding Church union is concerned it is not oilieial, but is given ant the impre.sion made upon the 'u atter by the discussion, When rho clock indicated that 10 p. m halt alulot.t artived the Court ad. jonrned to meet in Luoknow on the third Tuesday in May, at 1 p tn. ANDllnw AIACNA1;, Clark ot Presbytery. BABY'S SMILE Baby'o srnfir indicates that he is well and happy, It is only the sick chili. who is erose and restless. And the mother can depend upon it that when her baby cries he is not crying simply to be ugly—that is not leis uaturo—ho is crying because he is in pain—most probably his little stomach is,,etft of order. Tho mother will d Baby's till the May meeting. g Own Tablers a nev failip cure for all Mr Mclnerroll made a statement re- I rhe n icor aliments f little onee. Itithe girding S. 5, Institutes, and on his homes where the tees are teed there motion it was agreed to hold such la- are no cross, crying babies—nothing but stitutes towards the enli of May in Kin. bright. happy and playful babies—the sardine, Lucknow and Ben sets. At kind that ars a joy to the home. Mrs 'each there will be an afternoon and J•is L•i;ree, Caragnet, N,B , says: "At evening conference, and au address the time I gent for Baby's Own Tablets from the Rev. J. 0. Robertson, the my little one was weak and fulling. He general Secretary of Sabbath Schools. would err night and day, and I did not It is hoped that all teachers, and others seem able to get anything to help him. interested in Sabbath School work will Atter giving him the Tablets there was avail themselves of the privilege, and a great change and ho has since thrived attend th-se Institutes. finely." The Tablets are sold by drug - In oonnectiou with the recent put- gists or by mail at 25 cents s, box from chase of a manse by the Lucknow eon- rhe Dr. Williams' Mediciue Co„ Brock- gregatiou, the Presbytery expressed ap- villa, Oat. predation of their action, and their cordial support in the manner of financ- ing tbo same. They also highly com- mended them for their success in pay- ing off an iudebtedness of over five thonsaud dollars within two years. Tho Lucknow congregation has been greatly prospered since the settlement ot their present pastor, the Rev. D. T. L. Mc- Kerro 1, about two years ago. They have ever since been growing stronger in every way tbat growth is possible, The Rev. A. Miller and the Ashfield congregation were likewise congratu- lated by the Presbytery upon their hav- ing recently bruit a new Church, cost- ing seven thousand dollars, which to -day stands free from debt. This speaks well for both pastor and people, and shows what can be done when a great effort has been made. Mr West presented a petition from the Biuevale congregation for permis- sion to build a new Church ou the site of the present building. The petition was granted, and the pastor and people commended for their action. Mr. MacNab replrrted for the delega- tion appointed to visit Pine River in no. cordance with the Geueral Assembly's iustrcutioe, and stated that the infor- mation elicited wa9'to the effect that the Congregation had suffered the loss of many families in recent years so that they aro now far from being numerous, and do notf;el:able to increase their contributions for ettpend, and that in view of all the cironmstances they had advised that they make application for help from the Augmentation Commit- tee. It was agreed to receive the re- port, consider ite recommendation, and thank the Committee. After considerable discussion it was moved by Mr. West, seconded by Mr. Perrie that a grant of three hundred dollars be asked for. moved In amendment it was mo by Mr. Tait and seconded by Mr. Wishart that W a grant of one hundred and fifty dollars be asked for. The motion was carried. Later in the day a motion was made by Mr. Miller„seconde1 by Dr. Murray, and carried, that owing to epocial oie- cumstancea, the Presbytery etrougly recommended the Augmentation Oom- mittee to consider the ease of Pine River as favourably as possible. A communication was reed from the Assembly's Systematic Beneficence Committee and was referred to Presby- tery's resbytery's Committee on Systematic Beae- ficernce, for consideration, with instruc- tions to report at the May meeting, Messrs. Wishart and Duncan were ap- pointed to address the Presbyterial W. F. M. S. at their afternoon meeting in Lnoknow on the third Tuesday in May. It was agreed that the next regular meeting of Presbytery take place in Lucknow on the third Tuesday in May, at 1 p. m. The folliowng resolutionwas moved by Mr. MacNab, seconded by Mr. Tait and carried: —That we, the Presbytery of Maitland, of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, express our entire disapproval of the change made in the Liquor Li- cense Law, which requires a three fifths majority vote to carry Local Option in any municipality. We consider such requirements to be unfair, and mins- Maple Sugar Bulletin For the purpose of distributing a bulle- tin on the manufacture of pure maple sugar and syrup, the Department of Agriooulture at Ottawa has undertaken to collect a list of maple sugar makers from each county in the Dominion. If by chanco any names of sugar makers, or any interested in the manufacture have been omitted from the list, or the copy mailed has gone aetray,the Depart- ment will be glad to send all who apply, or to anyone who may wish to sand in a hat with P.O. addresses, a copy of the maple stater bulletin just issued, ed. This bulletin notn o Iy deals with the mann- facture of "fare Maple Syrup and Sug• ar” but also explains the section of the Adulteration Act having reference to maple syrup and sugar, and like ingredi- ents, and gives a "Form of Warranity" which has to be signed by the sugar maker himself and handed on to the wholesaler, retailer and consumer, thus giving the purchaser assurance that the goods sold as "Pure Maple Syrup" or "Pure Maple Sugar" are what they are represented to be. CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS A simple and effective remedy for SORE THROATS AND COUGHS They combine the germicidal value of Cresoiena rith the soothing properties of slippery elm and lico- rice. Your druggist or from as, 10^ in stamps. aa'rilni3, Mugs Co., Limited, Agents, Montreal, 40t NEWS NOTES. Ten thousand dollars was subscribed at the anniversary of Central Methodist church, Calgary, cbiovous, inasmuch as it puts a Iower Sixty settlers and eight cars of stock value upon the votes of one section of and effects left Michigan Friday for the people as against those of another Western Canada. section, and thereby thwarts the will of the majority; and It has the effect of Piehes of all sizes and quality were buttressing the liquor traffic, notwith- rained from a waterspout in the streets standing its admitted responsibility for rime disease, of thepoverty,oand of Ortona, Italy, last week. much death that corse and devastate our civi- A blaze at Sault Ste. Marie destroyed lization, Nor do we consider this in - the municipal buildings, the Carnegie Library, and the fire hall. Loss $36.000. 03011,11. Rnsiorrn—In Winghan, on March 3rd, the wife of Mr. W. H. Iiintoul; a son. GURNEY—In Wiugham, on March 4th, the wife of Mr. W. EL. Gurney ;a daughter. MCGREGOR —In Luelalow, On MnrchOth,the wife of Mr. W..1. 1. A. McGregor, of tho Luck - now sentinel; a son, LAUDER•—At "Terrace Lawn, Durham. on February 26th, the wife of Mr, A. Will 11. Lauder, (nee Miss Frankie B1aek, of Wing- bain) ; a son. DIED Gnovga-1n Lower Wingbani, on Marchllth, Duncan Groves, in his 71st year. Kum-.-ln Wingham, ou March 10th, George E, King, in his 50th year, HEFFRON—Ill London, nn March 3rd, Mrs. Ann Heifroo, formerly of Morris and Blyth, aged 75 years. MARRIED SIVPSON—BieoS;TitnoN-At tho manse, Wing - ham, un March 11th. by Rey. D. Perrie, Mr. Cecil U. Simpson, of Erin to Miss Catherine L. Dronthron, of Hensall WRIGHT—BELL—In Hetrick, at the home of the bride's 'parents, by the Rev. C. P. Wells, Mr. W m. Wright to bliss Jane Bell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Jas Bell. 11ANte—YEOAMS—At the manse, Clinton, on Marchi 7th, by Rev. A. Stewart, D. D., Mr. W. .T. Mann, of Woolsle r, Sask to Mrs, Ellen Yee - anis, of Clinton and formerly of Turnbcrry. BOOM LIME WORK: The undersigned will he r ared to supply line in any gttantitles ring the coming summer. Parties requiring same should call on or write to A. NICHOLSON & SONS, Belgrave: FARM FOR SALE OR RENT Lot F2, Con. 1.2, East Wawanosh, containing 105 acres, is offense forsale or rent. Th • c, farm is mostly cleared • soil, good clayLoam, and in good state of cultivation. There are on the Premises a good. bank barn with stabling un- derneath; a good frame house. Plenty of good spriugwater ; about il acres of good bearing orchard. if not sold at once, will be rented for n term of years. For terms and particulars apply to justice to be repaired by the requirement Of a three fifths majority vote for the re- establishment of the liquor traffic in Thirty-five persons are reported to municipalities in which by a similiar have been killed at San Andees, Texas, vote it has been destroyed, einen it has cy been owmipities on thnrsday, by a dynamite e�splosion h tt preabhaven beeinn m unto alha wrearoentla em ad eci nave Frederick Forbes escaped from the it re-established that it is an almost im- Woodstock jail by taking advantage of possible thing iii any instance to secure sHottT Hous even a bare mayority it its favour. a door being left open for etfoiv minutes. And inasmuch as the Premier of the Buli, 3 yrs and over JAMES DONLEY, Whitechurch, P. O. Huron County Stock Exhibition at Clinton - Thursday, April 4th, 1907 PRIZE LIST HORSES CLVDEsnaLES 1907 DOMINION BANK HEAD OFFICE' : TORONTO, Coital paid up, $3,000,000 Reserve Fund and undivided profits $3,928.795 Total Assets, over 49,000,000 WINCHAM BRANCH. Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. RAVINGS DEPARTMENT—Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal 30th June and 31st December each year. D. T. HEPBUIIN, manager R Vanatone, Solicitor. Farm Labourers and Domestics. I have been appointed by the Dominion Gov- ernment to place emigrants from the United K'ngdoni in positions as farm laborers or do- ls esti° servants in this vicinity. Any person requiring such Help should notify me by letter stating filly the kind of help required, when wanted and wages offered. Tho number ar- riving may not be sufficient to supply all re- quests but every effort will be made to pro- vide each applicant with help required. PETER CAMPBELL, Canadian Government Employment Agent Wingham, Ont. sr CENTRAL // -'' STf3ATFOROs ONT. A FAMOUS SCHOOL , is recognized to be one of the leading commercial sohools in Ontario. Onr - • courses are thorough and practical. ; Each department is in the hands of• experienced instructors. Our grade• ates are in demand and are meeting with great success. Many leading ' Business Colleges employ our grade- ates as teachers. Write for free • catalogue. You may enter at any ' time, ELLIOTT & McIACILAI PRINCIPALS. WVVWVVVVWVWVVVVVWWVW Just Think 1 C what it means—three meals per day, besides the extras. There's difficulty of choice, and we all get tired of sameness. FOOD VARIETY 41 is here—always fresh, good and S pure. Expert experience is behind every dollar's worth bought, and poorgoods never of on our g shelves. HIGH GRADE TEAS EXCELLENT COFFEES SELECTED COOKED MEATS CHOICE CHEESE ORANGES—bitter and sweet � LETTUCE good to eat. tlmell all An mostlythings 9 PRODUCE TAKEN. 1st2ndHenry Christie ; $10$8 3 'n 3and over t Stallion, yrs e Stallion, 2 yrs and coder 0 4 'd 1 smaaa c Stallion, 3 yrs and over 10 0 3 Grocer and China Merchant stallion,: yrs and ander 0 4 2 ` WINGHAM, ONT. PEncHtnox K Best Percheron Stallion 10 5 vAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIN'AAAAAA HEAVY DRAUGHTS Brood mare, 3 yrs and over 0 4 2 Brood mare, 2 yrs and raider 5 3 2 Gelding, 3yrs and over 5 3 2 Gelding, 2 yrs and under 5 3 Tenn in harness 8 0 4 Fainily of 3 colts, of 1806 0 4 AGRICULTURAL 2 Team in Harness, 1st, Roller donated by Thos. Murphy, Agent Deering Mfg. Co , value S4' 5 3 Brood Marc, 3 yrs and over , 5 3 2 Brood Marc, 2 yrs under 3 3 '2 1 GENERAL PUIIPOS® Team in harness, 1400 lbs and under. 6 4 ROADsTERs Stallion, 16 lids & under, 3yrs & over 10 5 2 Stallion, 16 hdsiover, 8 yrs and over10 5 2 Single horse in harness, 15f,;; hands & over equipment Considered. r, 4 Saddle horse 5 3 Team in harness, 15,.: bds & over10 5 Best single pacer in harness, equip• nient considered 5 3 Jumping over hurdle 10 5 Roadster under 15' bands, equipment con- sidered, prize of a blanket donated by R. Gra- ham. Best Roadster Team, under 15'� Made, n -hip donated by James WCtss. CATTLIi Buil, '� yrs and urdcr The late Timothy Eaton left an estate Province has recently declared that the Bu11, 1 yr and under valued at $2,629,642,94, a large portionle fif. fsth aty� lntot dfe%ged J r v�rS gull over excuse O e Lanai o si 1 1 y o eII oxo- S 1 yr Of which is bequeathed to Mr. J. C. i.ng the law when it has behind it a Eaton. simple majority, we express the hope There is a shortage of about $80.741 in and prayer that theLeglslative Assembly may, hit an earl data, eo amend the law the funds of the Presbyterian Church of that, as former; a by-law prohibiting Canada for the yarious schemes of the the retail sale of liquor shall baoonie law March. if itis approved by a majority of the otsMr. Gordon Smith of Paris has been el Ie wasmovegd by Mr, Duncan, second - appointed Superintendent of Six f.+Ta- ed by Mr,'Loteod, and carried, that a tion Indians, with headquarters' at copy of this resolution be sent to the Brantford. Premier, the Provincial Secretary, the 5 a 2 5 3 2 5 3 2 5 ;1 2 5 „ HEREFORDS Bull, 2 yrs and over 5 8 Bull, 1 yr and under 5 13 flow, 3 yrs and over 13 3 Heifer, under 2 yrs POLLED ANGTT8 Bull. e. yrs and ever 5 :13 Ball, I yr arid under 5 13 flow, ;, yrs and over 5 3 Heifer, under 2 yrs 5 '3 17A1tt t Cows, FAT S ferocx sTEEtts ! ntiVtles Dairy Cow any age or braid t3 5 5 ' Fat :Heifer, age considered t steer age considered • s ears s a under • 2,15teekheifers, 3 yrs and under 2 • 5 3 2 WINGHAM Hour Mills FARMERS Have your Wheat gristed and get '28c. a bushel for it, in Flour, Bran 'and Shorts, as follows : 83 lbs Star Mont at $2 10 lbs Bran at $1 • - a lbs Shorts at �I • • .66 - .10 - .02 S ' ' Fa , K id d 1 2 IUWQI� ���� Pp 1 tsteads steers, ndu d 't •' ll u leading daily b 3 1 �y►�i p u tura' Oommittee at Ottawa that the San Where the Preabytery'a ordinary busi,r SwtiteenATtra eRpCKL ARVs 86 ossa lied been disposed 4f, a West in. Vaal Maio any ego Creole .Toes scale has been exterminated in Ni• teteeting and illuMinating 'disettslliOn Ate sibs T r itged 3 yrs do under with , Clock i , agars and Britfuh Colnmliia. took Diane on Uhtirch "ihlnioti. finis was bull Daptomi► Leader of the O ositien and to the Dr. Fletcher reported to the Agrionl• ea ing ai y pa era. 11 _I 11111 I_.,,__I 1 11 111 1111 1.. 111 r ZI\ "1"212"8230241=1722"01 CAPITAL PAID Ur: 02,5013,100 Thitty-two Million Dollars. 52,000,000 i I,. it I 41 I , 1 ,W.I ,iSl1, I ta,I TOTA1, ASSETS : Rt;$RRVE POND: BANK OF HAMILTON I_ interest allowed. 96 Branches throughout Canada.RECEIVES accounts of corporations, firms and in- dividuals, on favorable terms. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received, and highest current rate of - interest allowed. 96 Branches throughout Canada. WINGHAf'l B[ZANCI-I 0. P. SMITH, - AGENT. ulligateciateatannetattnettanderMetenaMMatatatasettans THE CA,.A A OF C IAN BANK ERCE READ OIII?ICE, TORONTO B. E. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager A. R. IRELAND, Superintendent of Branches ESTABLISHED 1S67 Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Rest, - - 5,OOOyOOO' Total Assets, - 1.13,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England • BANKING BY MAIL 85 Business may be transacted by mail with any branch. Bank. Accounts may be opened and deposits Every attention is pain.. of the arcade or withdrawn by mail. to out-of.•taiwn accounts. WINGHAM (ONT.) BRANCH FARM FOUR SALE. A. E. SMITH, MANAGER. Ivctus Shoes For r-i<en In the newest shapes, made from the best materials, perfect fitting, and guaranteed to givo the best of satisfaction in every particular. Also very fine lines of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes. Rubbers, Overshoes, Rubber Boots, etc„ a great variety to choose from, at very moderate prices. R. Johnston SHOE DEALER • WINGHAII, The undersigned offers for sale his farm of 200 aures, being lots 21 and 22, con. B, Turn - berry. tis' miles west of Wingham, on the boundary. The farm is exceptionally well i good state of t 1 o fenced,v l watered, 0 at red and n a g cultivation. Soil, mostly clayloam. acres of good orchard. 20 acres fall plosving done. On the premises aro a large bank barn 70 x 80 with stone stabling underneath; aiso Iean-to on north end 30 x 70; also drive barn 30 x 60. Alco a large brick brick, with frame kitchen and dining room. On the barn is it new 14 -foot power windmill which drives straw cutter, grain crusher and root pulper, also 50 foot tower pumping 'windmill, which supplies water from never -failing well,toholse and barn. Reasons for selling, terms and price can be had from the undersigned. Possession at any time, HENRY THOMSON, Wingham P. O. is ids Executor's Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0. 183'7. Chap. 129, Sec. 33, that all persons having claims againstlthe estate of James Kelly, late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, laborer, deceased, who died on or A. D. 1007 Are J rt about the first duan day of a y 0 to send by post prepaid p aid or to do- livereqr to the udersigned, Executor of the said deceased, on or before the 18th day of Merck A. D. 1007, their names, addresses and descrip- tions and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security (if any) held by them duly certified, and that after the said day the Executor will proceed to dis- tribute the assets or the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. Dated this 10th day of February A. D. 1007. R. VANSTONE, Winghain P. O , Executor. MEW bEssm Special Gut Bargains in FU NIT AT S. GRACEY'S. 'S. All new and up - to - date stock. PARLOR GOODS, $46,00 Parlor Suites for 39.00 " 35,00 23.00 /1 MATTRESSES and SPRINGS $36.00 31.50 29.00 15.50 1 $3 76 Mattreeses for $2.05 4.50 " 3.35 Hercules Springs—the best in the market at 1 the price, guaranteed I for 5 years, for . 3.50 'We handle the Astermoore Mattresses, too. Bedroom Spites, Sideboards, Parlor and, Extension Tables at special prices. 4.0 off leaves 26 on. We think we can beat that, for cash. CARPETS—If you are wanting anything in Carpets or Floor Rugs this spring, see what we can do tor you. Give us the size of your room and we'll get carpet made to fit. or We matte a specialty of nice, neat Picture Pranting. ' Room Mouldings, 'Window Shades, etc., eto. S. GRACEY $URN1TURE 'DEALER AND UNDEIiTAX Ii, • 1, Li �tt✓-7u.-6;