HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1982-11-17, Page 17THE HURON EXPOSITOR, NOVEMBER 17, 1982 — A17 Put elf ill lhe mikepkc bi the 2-i Card of Thanks My sincere thanks to every- one for their visits, cards, gifts and beautiful flowers and boxes of fruit 1 received during my stay in Seaforth hospital. Special thanks to the doctors and nurses, Every- thing was very much appre- ciated. Sincerely Lou Bolton 24-84x1 I would like to thank my friends, relatives and neigh - hours for their visits, cards, (lowers and treats while I was a patient in Seaforth Com- munity,Hospital. Special thanks o Dr. Stapleton and 1)r. Rodney and the nurses and staff for their +-kind attention. Also -thanks to Father Carrigan, and Father Caruana. Everything was scr> much appreciated. , Julia Smith 24-84-1 Mummy and I would like to express our thanks to those ho visited us and sent cards and gifts during our stay in Seaforth hospital and since returning home: Special thanks to Dr. Wong and, nurses Cindy Flanagan and Diane Wood and all the staff at the hospital. Judy and Patty -Jo McLean 24-84x 1 Huron board.. of education discusses term appointments 24 Card of 'Thanks 24 Card of Thanks Mike and Mary Coyne would like to say thanks to Dr. Hussey and nursing staff of Stratford Hospital. Also thanks to Dr. Wong and Mrs, Eisler in emergency and Dr. Rodney and nursing staff of Seaforth Hospttal. Thanks to our family, neighbours and friends for the mass offer- ings, prayers, visits, flowers, treats and cards. 24-84x1 My sincere thanks to my family and friends who sent gifts. dowers and cards while I was in Clinton and Univer- sity Hospitals. Special thanks to Dr. Harrett and Dr, Zatelny and those who provided transportation to the hospital for Dorothy. Elmer Townsend 24-84 I A11E147IN FAR:- ERS We pay •20. to `50. per hundred weight:for old, recently iniurod or crip- pled cows and steers. Must he =Oise and drug free. Call collect (MARK 4S05 AilID SMS d1YESTOCK MtOverton M91495-4845 SI-RVONG THIS AREA SINCE: 11974 Many thanks to friends, neighbours and relatives for gifts, cards and visits while 1 was in Stratford General Hospital and since coming home. Special, thanks to Rev. Swan, Dr. Kohn, Dr. Mac- iver, nurses and staff. Annie Williamson 24-84x1 24 Card of Thanks 24 Card of Thanks We would like to express our sincere thanks to our friends, neighbours and relatives for the lovely flowers, cards, memorial donations, food brought in, and prayers at the time of the loss of our very dear mother and grand- mother. Audrey Malone, Bob, Gary and Anne Mane 24-84x1 ass, e 19 Notice 24 Card of Thanks 19 Notice' 24 Card of Thanks My sincere appreciation to relatives, netghbours and friends for flowers, cards and visits on our 55th wedding anniversary. Also when 1 was a patient in South Huron Hospital. A special thanks to June, Lloyd and Scott. Morley and Florence Cooper 24-84-1 My sincere 'thanks to, my family, friends and relatives for their visits, cards and flowers while I was a patient iii Stratford General Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Gall, Dr. Quinlan and Dr. Tamblyn. Mary McCarthy ' 24-84-1 19 Notice Walter and Grace Forbes wish to thank their relatives, friends and neighbours for joining with them on their 50th wedding anniversary. Many thanks for the beautiful floral arrangements, cards, gifts and visits. Special,. thanks to the ladies of the Ontario Street U.C,W. who provided a very delicious lunch. A very special thanks to our family who arranged for us a never to be forgotten celebration. 24-84-1 EXPOSIT. WANT ® A R s iMg: Phone 527-0240 19 Notice FAR LIJ ERS For o good farm, building at competitive prices PHONE: RAY LAMBERS CONSTRUCTION R.R. q2 Clinton 482-3305 FREE ESTIMATES We would like to thank all our friends, neighbours and rela- tives for all their acts of kindness shown during the recent illness and death of Harry. The flowers, dona- tions to Arena and Cancer Society were greatly appre- ciated. Special thanks to Rev. Vanslyke, the ladies of the church, doctors, nurses, am- bulance attendants and the neighbours who helped in such an abundant way with the harvest and for all the food, help at the house and meals to the men in the field. Your kindness will always be remembered. Marie Johnston and family 24 -Revs Tiatt'o's Egcipme PI G SALES O PARTS • SERVICE L GAN RD Tractor Sales Ltd. Hwy. 8 East OSf Mitchell PHONE 348-8467 WALLPAPER Several books Available at BaIAm9Nacalday Ltd. Seaforth 20 Auction Sales We wish to express sincere thanks to our friends, rela- tives and neighbours for the lovely floral tributes, cards, donations of food brought to our home and mass cards. Your thoughtfulness was ap- preciated and will always be remembered. Louis, Shirley Kramers and Family 24.84x1 PHIL's Refrigerator and Ap- pliance Service. Prompt, de- pendable service to all makes and models of domestic ap- pliances. Phone 887-9062. 19-78-tf PREGNANT & distressed? Married or single. Free con- fidential support. Call collect Birthright, 432.7197 or after 6 p.m. 527-0115 or 524-2023. 1 Q-78-rf 19 Notice 19 Notice SATURDAY. November 27, 11 a.m. Wanted consign- ments`' of Skiidos, snowmo- biles. guns, trailers, sporting goods, tools, machinery and tractors, lawn and garden equipment, cars, trucks, for our 13th annual Skiido auc- tion at Orval McLean Auction Centre, Lindsay. All consign- ments must be in by Novem- ber 20th. For information call: 705-324-2783. 20-84-01 $25 '75 FAR WA ERS TE Cottle - Sick or Disabled e pay top dollar 25 in Memoriam 1A C'IEL Call 527-1859 BY STEPHANIE LEVESQUE A report on term appoint- ments for employees was received by the Huron County Board of Education. No action was taken on the report at the hoard's Nov. 1 meeting. The report had originally been submitted to the person- nel committee and then the committee recommended ac- cepting the report at the hoard's October meeting. However, Trustee Joan Van dcrl lirocck requested the report be tabled until copies ss ere received by each trustee and not just those on the personnel committee. Within the structure of the Huron County Board of Edu• cation there are three term appointments. They are the Junior, primary and French co-ordinators. All are three- s car renewable term appoint- ments. Whether the appoint• merits are renewed or not remains to be seen as the primary en•ordinator position is in the second year and the others arc still in their first sear of appointment. Term appointments may include such positions as department heads, vice-prin• !pails. superintendents and es en 11rectors of education. 1 he purpose of term appoint• meats is to either provide uniplo(ees an opportunity to hold positions on a temporary basis when promotion :ham es are slim and there arc ,+ large number of em• silos res desiring such a posi- tion or to make a temporary position for a specific task to be completed i.e. co-ordina- tors working on a specific curriculum. 'rhe report, prepared by Huron County Board of Edu- cation's personnel relations administrator Peter Gryseels, states the term appointment concept should not be viewed as an avenue to remove incompetent individuals holding positions of respon- sibility. The report points out that when renewal of term ap- pointments has been based on merit it has usually failed since that is not the intention. Under term appointments there is no special contract for teachers having positions of responsibility. As members of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation, Federation of Women Teach• ers' Association of Ontario and Ontario Public School Men Teachers' Federation, all teachers arc employed under a standard contract. Mr. Grvscels' report notes that "technically individuals holding positions of respon• sihility arc employed on a one-year renewable term ap- pointment." Clauses in thc teachers' contract which state no teacher shall he demoted, disciplined or discharged without lust cause. limit the use of term appointments, Pros racially the OSSTF op- poses term appointments. Study your roads and municipalities told B1 SIF.PHANIELEVESQUE sLuil,Ipahltes could save mon, s hs determining the 1( 1111 5 of their roads. • l I ink. marketing man - 01 I';nemcnt Manage mint S\slems Limited of !old the .14th annual nu. 1,ng of the Perth County *slim. pal Association that 'sI sang :mild he rcahicd b, moor, 1p. lItics having an n'or til the condition of 'h. r r,.,Is and knowing :a. ols s, hen repair work be done \ ir I ink's company has nmcnn,1 .I machine which r.Ilv,l,'I, s su, h Information as tdi, nughness. Burse rate, skid r,ilc er, of roads. The ,.vnpul rllk: machine gives ,ul :Loa ,.tinh wdl indicate Ili' optimum time when obi r repair :it- resurfacing ,+irk should he done. 1lrhnugh we work for pn,. tit, cs and states. we assn u or k for smaller munic•ipali• scan'1 Mr link. +,s .In (sample. where a mon„ Ip,'1 , mined has inti. .'t, d to in. road engineer 11, how- much Is to he sp, nu on road construction. \1r I ink said. the machine „old pro, ide a priority list of hit rodits to do first. This. s.n,1 sir 1 Ink. results in using i8. [mono (pal funds wisely. Ile indnated programs on Id he mad, to the spccift• Ions required hs individual rnunl.Ila'III(es fnrnnto's nerds will not IN the sante as. sav Flrpa I,unsh'p's sommcnted Mr I ink f hr r.nfs company of its save, kind in C anvil.+. ilwrc arc scscr,il similar ,ontp.mlcs In United Stales Hating hccn in busmen's for IS scars. I'.n crnent Management Ss • stems 1 lmited is ahead of tis u+mps•titnrs to lc, hnnings The same holds true for Huron County. In 1975 a local committee made up of OSSTF representatives, trustees and administrators investi- gated term appointments and while some teachers favored such a concept the majority didn't. No further action was taken at that time. To give trustees an indica- tion as to what is taking place in Huron County schools, an overview of elementary school principals was in- cluded in the report. The average age of these princi• pals is 44, the average num- her of years as principal is 15 and the principals have been at their present schools for an average of 9.8 years. Also 11 principals have been in their current schoolsfor 11 years or more. The report concludes with issues that should be ad- dressed by the board if term appointments arc adopted by the board. The issues include the philosophical base the hoard will be using. should term appointments apply to both elementary and second• ary teachers. should it apply to new appointments or to past appointments and if appointments may he renew• ed. "If thc board adopts the concept. the details and pro- cedures should be negotiated with the respective branch affiliates," concludes the re- port. Mrs. Van den Broeck asked if a survey by OSSTF. added to the report, provided the most current information. The survey indicates that eight of 56 school boards in the province have adoptcd sonic form of term appoint- ments. Mr. Grvseells said he had been informed the survey is the most recent. Board chairman Dorothy Wallace called Mr. Gryseels' work an "illuminating re- port " Three new faces on Huron B of E lit STEPHANIE LEVESQUE There will he three new trusteeson the Huron Counts Board of Fdusanon. Two incumbents. .lean Adams of Gndermch and Bert Morin of WIngham, lost their trusteeship in the Nos 8 election. Mrs ,)dams along with current hoard chairman Doro- thy Wallace ran for thc one scat to represent Gnderich. Also running was .Ism Kings Icy. Mrs. Wallace topped the polls reccising 1.485 votes while Mrs. Adams received 756 and Mr ,Kingsley re• ceivcd 894 Mr. Morin was defeated by newcomer Arthur Clark and incumbent Murrat Mulvey. Mr. Mulvey received 1.860 votes. Mr. Clark 1.155 votes and Mr. Morin 945 votes. Mr. Clark and Mr. Mulvey will represent Wingham and the townships of Turnhcrry and How ick s. There were four candidates running for two scats in Seaforth and McKillop and Hullctt townships. Incum- bent John Lewitt was easily returned with 1.176 votes as was newcomer Graeme Craig received 1.0"6 votes. Other candidates were William .1. Henderson who took 708 votes and Hugh Flynn who took 319 votes DISC JOCKEY STEVENS Country Gold & ROCK 'N' ROLL Good recorded music for weddings, dances, anniversaries, parties. etc. 5 years experience Phone Brussels (daytime or evenings) 887-6159 VEAL'S Abattoir and Meat Market Hwy. 83.31/2 miles east . of Exeter 235-1123 KERCHER: In loving mem- ory of a dear mother and grandmother Myrtle Kercher who died one year ago on Nov. 21, 1981. A wonderful mother laid to rest, For each of us she did her best Her place on earth no one can fill, We miss you mother and always will. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by Ross, Marg- aret and Jim, Doris and Spencer, Judy, Ruth and Bill. 25-84-1 Custom Slaughtering Proceesing Kill Day Wednesday CENTRE NEW APPLIANCES AT Anytime '50 '100 DISCOUNT PRICES ALL WITH COMPLETE MANUFACTURER'S GUARANTEE *Personal Shopping Only 'No Phone Calls Please AUCTION SALE to be held at Wingham Auction Centre for MRS. IRIS [MORREY1 FIELDING AND BALANCE OF MRS. MARGARET BELL'S FURNISHINGS AND ADDITIONS Saturday, November 20, 1982 PHELANS PLACE DIVISION Of D. 8 8. WATSON SALES LTD. 393.6181 SEBRINGVILLE Try us for CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING Kill days•Tuesdays OUR SPECIALTY Home cured and smoked meats processed exactly the way you like it. DASHWOOD 237-3677 Building Truss Plant LIOUIDATION AUCTION MORELLA MFG. CO. LTD. [building truss division] 48 Wellington, Mitchell, Ont. SAT. NOVEMBER 20, 1982, 10 A.M. HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPUTER programmed for 5 -truss program U.S.M. Auto Nailer; Assort Paslode & Dorofast Nailers; Stroke belt sander; air operated radial arm saw; radial arm speed saw c/w roller conveyor; jointer -planer; auto 60" truss stacker; 12' truss roller conveyor: Trans Cora Truss Hyd. C clamp; truss tables; prop -up truss table on wheels: single head notcher; etc. etc. etc. 7,000 lb. tow motor fork lift 3 Little Giant battery operated pallet trucks: pipe; assort shop trucks; conveyors: steel shelving: assort motors; 20 hp Ingersoll Rand air comp c w air after cooler; 15 hp air comp.: etc. etc. etc. 40' truss delivery trailer COMPLETE RANGE OF OFFICE. EQUiPMEN f PARTIAL LIST ONLY LUNCH ON PREMISES VIEWING FR1. NOV. 19/82l1-4 p.m. Terms: 5100 cash or certified cheque deposit on major items. Geo. A. Sills & Sons degauss.— Home Hardware MERCHANTS PLUMBING -HEATING & ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Phone 527-1620 Scaforth RICHARD LOBB Auctioneer AUCTION CALENDAR Clinton 482-7898 SAT. NOV. 20 al 10 a.m. timoge dishes, antiques, furniture, modern appli- ances for Fred Elliott Estate and for Grace Crich of Clinton at Richard Lobh's Barn, Clinton. SAT. NOV. 27 at 10 a.m. Antique. furniture, piano, etc. for McDonald Estate of Brucefcld at Richard Lohh's Barn, Clinton. M. R. JUTZI & CO. Inc. 11:00 A.M. Consisting of:'Unique period, carved, solid oak 4 pee. twin bedroom suite; antique wooden pegged pine harvest table: period dresser and commode; wool winder. minus parts; 4 dining side chairs - upholstered seats; period waterfall dining suite: 4 drawer chest; maple kitchen table and 4 chairs; 2 Filter Queen vacuums; 3 pce. uph. parlour suite; 2 Victorian uph. side chairs; 4 heavy maple office chairs; cedar chest; portable sewing machine; chair vibrator; odd chairs, tables, rockers. table lamps, Serta mattress: single bookcase bed': 3 pre. chesterfield; comb. stereo A.M.-F. M. record player G.E. dryer. 24" elec. stove and refrigerator; projector screen; pictures; lady's bicycle; 2 tricycles; 2 bl. & wh. T.V. sets (one portable): 8' heavy duty aluminum step ladder; several stainless steel pots. pans and quantity electrical and other kitchen utensils: 4 Limited Edition plates; cruet set: glass candlestick holders; stemware; finger hold c.o. lamp: several Arcoroc (France) glass dishes; several other pieces of interest; cutler'; etc. PREVIEW: Frl. Nov. 19, 2-5 and 7-9 and Saturday, Nov. 20, prior to sale. MOBILE LUNCH JACK ALEXANDER — AUCTIONEER Tel. 357.1011 and 357-1442 ESTATE AUCTION SALE Bridal Wreath Elite Limoges dishes. antique furniture, modern appliances etc. to beheld for the Estate of Fred Elliott of Clinton and for Mrs. Grace Crich of Clinton being held at Richard Lohb's Barn, Clinton, Ontario. inns McOuail will reprc• sent the townships of Ash- field and West Wawanosh w inning his seat by 488 votes. He campaigned against Mary hcllc Cranston who took 33- votes and Patricia Hask- ell ssho received 324 notes. Mr. MCQllail takes over from retiring trustee Marion Zinn. Incumbent Clarence Mc- Donald had no trouble retain- ing his seat in Exeter and t'shorne Township. Mr. Mc- Donald took 1.021 votes and the other candidate William Hart had 815 votes. Frank Falconer will contin- uC to represent Clinton and Tuckersmith Township after obtaining 1.228 votes. His rival for the seat. .Joseph Atkinson. received 819 votes. All other trustees were acclaimed to the board. They included Donald McDonald of Brussels and Grey Township. John Elliott from Blyth and Morris and East Wawanosh Township. Robert Peck from B.1,‘field and Stanley Town- ship. John Goddard from Hensall. Zurich and Hay Tnw nship. Joan Van den Brocek of Goderich and Col - bourne Townships. Harry Hayter from Stephen town- ship and the separate school representative Eugene Frayne and Dennis Rau. TOWN SEAFO Scaled tenders. clearly marked as to , intents. will he received by the undersigned until 5:00 p.m. o'clock local time. Tuesday, December 14, 1982 For a three (3) year term, 1983-86. to supply the following fuel requirements: Heating OR for the Town Hall Approximate yearly requirements • 12.5001. Gas and Commercial Diesel Supplies for the Public Works Department Approximate yearly requirements I 0001. of gasc'{line Approximate yearly requirements.h.u001. of diesel The above should be tendered as a "PACKAGE DEAL IN ADDITION: the tender must supply the following equipment for the Public Works portion: 1-2250 litre tank for gasoline with electric pump 1.1125 litre tank for diesel with electric pump Tenders must quote current tank wagon price and discount given on quoted tank wagon price. Lowest tender not necessarily accepted. JAMES CROCKER Clerk Boa 610, Seaforth, Ontario NOK IWO ✓Ln/t/ine�� �lr zrr/r HENSALL BUSINESS LIQUIDATION We has e been ,nstructed hs the proprietor of Fmk Hardw are. 1-5 King Street. Hensall. to sell hs Public Auction. approximate's $8,000,I(0 , 1 plumbing. heating and etc,tncal supplies plus equipment on WEDNESDAY, NOV. 24. 1982 AT 6.00 P.M. CONSiSTTVG OF EQLTPMENT: Power s ice pipe wrenches and dies; chain wrenches. solder pot and torches: sheet metal hreakc. sheet metal bench, stakes. and hand machines. plus small hand tools. INVENTORY: iron and copper pipe. conductor pipe: quantity of pipe fittings and reducers, metal. plasm and conduit fittings: furnace fans and ontrols: oil burners: quantits of burner pumps: fractional H. P. pumps and fan motors. Duro and Jas tun pumps, cup leather: sakes. plungers: brass lined s quantity of pump parts; water howls: w ire: sw itches: outlets; pole hardware: plus mans more items related to this IN pc of business. For further information. please Contac 1 RATHWELL & ASSOCIATES Dick Robinson - Sates Manager Telephone: 527-1458 • AUCTIONEERS. LIQUIDATORS Ar"•,r A'SERS 77 MAIN ST SEAFORTH ONTAR,O NCK 1Wn (5191 527-1458 Saturday, Nov. 20 at 10 a.m. 26" colour T V approx. sixty five pieces of Bridal Wreath Floc Limoges dishes, cups and saucers. grass hoat,cos co-ed howl. lunch plate, tea plates, fruit dishes ctc large dinner plate. two cereal howls, sifscr tea pot. cream and sugar. some antique dishes. dining table with seven leases. large antique chest o1 drawers with spooled corners and mustache pulls. Rogers Majestic 23'' colour T' gewd one. Har est Gold Westinghouse frost free fridge Har est Gold 24 ' electric stove. small apt st7c freezer. 1 sear old. Frigidaire lothcc dr,cr. like new . Westinghouse clothes drset yk(st+nghousc wringer washer. blanket ys' onnecr washer. Homer spin dr ,+ashrr humidifi'r. hall tree. modern three prc,c hcdro,'m suite with '. size bed. box spring and mattress that, honk dining table six chairs and buffet ,hcstcrficld and chair. like new. antique mantel I. dos 1- chrome table and four chairs. Ilkc newtwo good carpets. rocking horse sv nh so kcr scat. high chair, long hall table combination desk and chest of drawers, dressers wuh mirrors, large chasing type mirror. hand made quilts, high hos , hest of drawers with cedar ihe•et drawer. linens. quilt top. tw,'' fancy hand hooked rugs. four round hand hooked ,ha,r ,'sirs ,cdar tewcllcrs hoc. large china r.ah.nct with plass front and ends. treadle se, me ma, hone. sacunm ,leaner, upholstered ,hal*s maga; tie table. small plant table old mo' s,vile f� tra.s, ,,,mbinatoin radio and rt plaicr. cls, til, heaters, some bedding , h 'ds rah;, .and shales. ,cos"lcri floor lamps, ,i1,1 da.crport , ouch. sic,.I led s+Ith good mattress ,+ small honk, ase, , lathes hampers golf .art an,' , Oohs. awn,hairs , rot. k,odd wood,ri,'i.,•r" phis many other Items not mentioned `otc this site has loss small ler, s• „•me earlier for tnrniture this is a good , , a+ offering of mode rn .rh'•ancrs 11 R\1tt \sll Al ('TIONFFR RIGH ARD I OBB 482.'898