HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1982-11-17, Page 8A8 — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, NOVEMBER 17, 1982 ssels Pos Shower held Correspondent MRS. ALLAN McCALL 887.6697 The Walton Unit meeting opened with a sing song of favourite hymns in the base- ment of Duff's United Church November 10th. Mrs. Nelson Reid was in charge of devotions. Mrs. Ray Huether was pianist. Mrs. Nelson Marks read the scriptures. The topic on the South Pacific Islands was given by Mrs. Reid. She had taken the four unit leaders to the t • resource center in Mitchell last month. when they met a ' minister and treasurer from churches in Somolia and near Figi. The business was in charge of Mrs. Allan McCall who read an Armistice poem. Minutes were read by the secretary Mrs. Howard Hack - well. Copper contest leaders. Mrs. Judi Weisbrod and Mrs. E. Mitchell reported Mrs. Mitchell's side will put on the supper for the Christmas meeting, December 8 at 6:30 p.m. with a small 52 gift exchange. Mrs. A. Searle was asked to bring in the slate of officers for next year. All members of the units are urged to attend the Christmas meeting of the U.C.W. on the first Wednes- day in December, with a potluck supper at 6:30 p.m. in 1 the church basement. 17th and Bougdary unit to serve and McKillop responsible for clean up prior to the meeting. Following the Grace a social half hour was enjoyed over lunch provided by Mrs. A. Reid, Mrs. Maxine Marks , and Mrs. Judi Weisbrod. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. John Mak- symuk of Arthur visited last Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ponomarenko. Miss Pam Hackwell, Tor- onto spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hackwell. Mrs. Adeline W .ber of Kitchener is spending this week with her sister Malinda Johnston and Mr. Hugh Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. John Dunn of Stroud spent Armistice Day and over the weekend with the Thamer families. Miss Ruth Thamer, Wood- stock spent the weekend at her mother's home. MISCELLANEOUS S :'OWER The Walton Unit held a shower on Friday evening in the church basement in hon- our of Miss Kim Dunn prior to her marriage early next month. Alice Searle was in charge of the guest book. Annie Reid gave a warm welcome then conducted a sing song assisted by Mildred Traviss at the piano. Betty McCall conducted a alton couple of contests, Berva Watson conducted a couple of contests. Annie gave a com- ical reading followed by Marie'Coutts giving a poem, "Marriage Recipe. Kim, the bride -elect, her mother, Mrs. Joan Dunn and the groom's mother, Mrs. Ruth Thamer were called to the decorated chairs at the front when an address was read by Betty McCall. Gifts were carried in by Darlene Gulutzen. Ruthie Thamer and Maxine Marks. Kim said thanks for the lovely gifts given to her, her mother also added her thanks. CIIURCI9 NEWS Mr. Martin Baan led in the worship service for Laity Sunday service at Duff's United Church. Greeters were Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Godkin. The organist, Mr. Lane Hazelwood of Burling- ton graciously consented to be the guest organist, his father, The Rev. Dr. R. Gordon Hazelwood served Find our ad in, this paper for Pre -Christmas Savings! etherington In S�•a_Seal��ntt,n�7-t1't0 Feamity otwear .Mi; i r' 1: this congregation for nine years. Receiving the offering were:' an Wilbee, Jack Mc - Ewing and Ray Huether. • The choir consisted all of men when they 'rendered two choruses during the service entitled "Mine eyes have seen the glory" and "1 am Thine 0 Lord" accompanied by Lane Hazelwood at the organ. The New Creed" was read in unison, the scripture lessons were read by Douglas Fraser. The Rev. Charles A. Swan chose "Certainty" as his topic for the sermon. Mr. Baan gave courtesy remarks. Flowers were placed in the sanctuary in memory of the late Rev. Ure Stewart, Sea - forth who had passed away the first of the week. After the closing hymn, "All the way my Saviour leads me." The Rev. Dr. R. Gordon Hazelwood of Brus- sels pronounced the Benedic- tion. Lunch and fellowship followed in the basement. russets re Members of the Brussels Royal Canadian Legion and representatives of every service club and organization in the village attended the annual Remembrance Day service at the cenotaph on Thursday, November 11. Legion Padre. The Rev. Charles ' Swan of Duff's United Church, Walton, led the service. Wreaths and crosses were laid at the cenotaph honour- ing veterans. They include David Hastings, Jack r NOTICE Brewer, Jack Alcock, Peter Baker, Lou Taylor and Sam Workman. Organizations and indivi• duals presenting wreaths included: Canadian Govern- ment, represented by M.P. Murray Cardiff; Province of Ontario, represented by M.P.P. Murray Elston; Brussels Canadian Legion, Branch 218; Legion Ladies Auxiliary; Village of Brussels; Township of Morris: Township of Grey; THANK YOU! The President, Officers and Members of the Pi;y al Canadian Legion, Branch J 56 Seaforth, wish to express their sincere appreciation to all those who contributed to their annual Poppy Canvass. Also a big thank - you to all those who participated in their Remembrance Days ceremonies. THE PROVINCE of Ontario Remembrance Day wreath was laid at the Brussels ceremony, November 11, by M.P.P. Murray Elston. The weather and crowd were excellent. A church service followed at Melville Presbyterian Church. (Wassink photo) e bers Brussels Lions Club, St. John's AFT A.M.; 1.O.O.F. and Rebekah Lodge; Opti- mist Club; imperial Bank of Commerce; Royal Bank of Canada; McDonald Buildall; Brussels Stockyards Limited; Brussels Central School; Grey Central School; Murray Cardiff, M.P.; Gerald Exel and family; Brussels Fire Department; Melville Pres- byterian Church; St. John's Anglican Church; St. Am- brose Catholic Church; Brussels United Church; Duff's United Church; Brus- sels Army Cadets; Girl Guides; Cub Pack and Brownies. Following the laying of wreaths, Legion members placed their poppies at the cenotaph. The Last Post was played and silence observed. The Legion party march to Melville Presbyterian Church where a church ser- vice was held, All Brussels clergy participated. Legion presents service pins BY P.R.O. PRISCILLA BRAY Tom MacFarlane from Wen - The Hallowe'en dance dell Richards family, dedi- Oct. 30 with people dressed cated to the memory of Mr. for the occasion was a suc- Richards who was a member cess. of the pipe band and died in The Cadets were out can- November 1980. A banquet vassing-for the Poppy Fund was held at the Legion at 7 on Nov. 6, at Brussels. Ethel o'clock. There was a take out and Walton. order for six, Mrs. Annie The Remembrance day ser- Bray, Maggie Rutledge, Mr. vice Nov. 11 was well attend- and Mrs. Clark Matheson, ed. After the service at the Mrs, Elsie Shaw and Jim cenotaph they marched to the Laurie. Presbyterian church. and The guest speaker was during the service a drum Comrade Irwin Synder, Asst. major s uniform and mace Hon. Prov. Treasurer. was presented to drum major Service pins were present - ed: 40 year to Harold Thom- as, 35 year to Bill Coutts, Walter Bewley, Geo. Elliott, Bill McWhirter, Max Old- field, Herb Travis. Gordon Workman and Herb Stretton. 30 year pin to Calvin Krauter and Bill Adamson; 25 year pin -John R. Gordon. 20 year pin -Geo. McWhirter, Charles Thomas and Cliff Dunbar. A plaque was presented to Comrade Stewart Lowe. for his 15 years of service as campaign chairman of the Poppy Fund. TEST' ATES PLI_,:1 LJ GE NOW HNALLY AT i 75�® ,:1 We can finance your New Care along with top trade - in allowances for your used car. We need good late model Used Cars. 1978 FORD FAIRMONT 4 dr. sold new previously by us and with only 18,000 miles with a thrifty six cyl. auto, p.s.,'p.b. This car is finished In Maroon and Is like new. Lady driven. 1981 CHEV PICKUP. One owner, small V-8, auto, p.s., p.b., radio, Scottsdale pkg: Low miles. Come in and be the Judge. Drive one of these models. 1980 THUNDER BIRD loaded with extras. Finished In Maroon. 1980 OMNI 3 door hatchback. Finished in a two-tone blue. 1979 CHRYSLER CORDOBA. Real clean. Finished In light green. PERSONALS The Brussels Legion is holding a dance at the B.M.G on Nov. 27. Comrade Cecil Bateman is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital. London. They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old. Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them. Baptism observed for babes We will be Closed for Inventory on Monday, November 29 OUR YEAR- END IS FAST APPROACHING . Would von please check your account and help us clean up the loose ends by November 26. 1982. Your co-operation will be greatly appreciated. u o wrru co- -a«re v v..+�o 3,Sy- SEAFORTH FARMERS SD 52743770 At the Melville Presby- and Stephanie Kellington; tcrian Church. the service Chad William Earl, son of was taken by the Rev. Art Murray and Marlene Fischer Young of Goderich. The topic and Patricia Ann. daughter of of his sermon was "A Man's Bruce and Kathy Wilbee. Soul". Music was provided Rev. Carpentier's sermon by the choir under the direc- entitled Lest We Forget said tion of Mrs. .loanne King. "We remember before God assisted by Mrs. Karen Car- his youthful servants. who diff at the piano. The arfthem laid down their lives for our was "Goin' Home". The Rev. sakes: by whose sacrifice we limes was conducting the 1 25th anniversary service at Harrington. his home con- gregation. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bryans visited their daughter Barb- ara in Burlington Sunday and Monday of this week. On November' at Brussels United Church. Rev. Charles ( arpenticr presided with Kenneth Cowan on the organ and Mrs, Alice Brothers on the piano. The Sacrament of Baptism n as observed. Baptized were Joel Douglas. son of Murray live. and our worship in Brussels Un.::d Church is conducted in the light of their undying memory. but let us not forget that at the center of our celebration. of our thoughts is Jesus the Christ whose peace invades our spirit and surpasses all un- derstanding. Lest we forget. Stick with us. REMEMBER, IF YOU DON'T SEE WHAT YOU WANT, WE WILL GLADLY GET IT FOR YOU! ! au in CHEVROLET—OLDS LTD. 527-1140 • Seaforth SERVICE • SELECTION • SAVINGS ' SATISFACTION,' LEASING MARK OF II l EXCE11f $CE GM v CLOSING OUT SALE of F Preferred Customer PECIAL Save Big With "Case Cash Certificates" Instant Discounts on: • Lubricants • Batteries • Bucket Teeth and Cutting Edges • Tillage Tool Part • Service Shop Installed Parts • Plus other Maintenance and Accessory Parts For over 50 years your Christmas Seal donations have helped to fund impor- tant medical research. We've helped to minimize tuberculosis cases and are moving forward in the fight against other lung disorders like emphysema, asthma, chronic bronchitis, and Iung cancer. Your Christmas Seal dona- tions will help us win the fight. Millions of Canadians will breathe a lot easier. ALL MERCHANDISE IN OUR STORE excluding tobacco, tobacco products a services DOORS CLOSE SAT., NOV. 27th PLEASE NOTE! All accounts must be paid by Nov. 27 es we are closing our doors on that day. All accounts still outstanding after Nov. 27 will be turned over for collection. Nis FLEA MARKET Anyone irfterestad In renting space to display crafts, baked goods, ceramics, etc. on a regular basis please contact Doug Buck 345-2217. NOW THRU NOVEMBER 30th Clown old Road CLINTON 1 , ; 1 g AND SONS LTD. Ce1:1:11. 482-3409 Give to Christmas Seals. Your Lung Assoc,anon The Christmas Seal People' NOTICE Store and Living Accommodations FOR LEASE OR SALE Separately or together c' Gln 1 77/1 BUCK'S 1 yr FOOD MARKET erodhe en Phone: 345-2217 W5 TAT TO UAW YOU SETTER Mon. -Wed. e-6 Thurs. & Fri. 8-9 Sot. 6-6 CLOSED SUNDAYS & HOLIDAYS .i A 1,