HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1982-11-10, Page 18A10 — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, NOVEMBER 10, 1982 CORN SPILL—Poor weather last week resulted in this corn trailer tipping over and spilling a load of corn. A crew from the Seaforth Co-op were on the scene transferring corn to one of its trucks. (Photo by Svela) GRACE COMMUNITY CHURCH. Huron Centennial School BRUCEFIELD, ONT. 482-9260,565-5341 and 236-4979 10:OOa.m. - Family Bible School 11:00 a.m.. Speaker Randy Mann Water Well DRILLING W. b. Hopper and Sons 4 MODERN ROTARY RIGS Noll 527-1737 Du rl 527-0828 Jim 527-0775 t_1112111111 Mervyn Hodgert has re- turned home from the Strat- ford General Hospital on Sunday. We wish him a speedy recovery. , Mrs. Katie Querengcsser is still a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital, We hope she will keep on improving. Congratulations are ex - Correspondent MRS. JOHN TEMPLEMAN 345.2346 Mrs, Carter Kerslake, Mrs, Lloyd Miller, Mrs, John Templeman. Mrs. Charles Douglas, Mrs, John Miller and Mrs. Jack Burchill, from Staffa Womens' Institute at- tended the Perth South Dist• riot exec•utise banquet on tended to Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kells of Brodhagen on the arrival of their son Tyler Marshall. on October 26 in St. Joseph's hospital, Lon- don. Plan to attend the annual Turkey Bingo Night on Wed- nesday. November 10 at the Brodhagen Community Centre. Tuesday evening at Russel - dale Hall. (,len (Towne Wo - mens' Institute catered, Mr, Lorne Fell flew to Winnipeg for a few days. where he attended the Seed Marketing Seminar. Rev. Ken Knight is con- ducting communicant classes every Friday evening in Cromarty Presbyterian Chur ch, PECK APPLIANCES "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" °FILTER QUEEN SALES & SERVICE °VACUUM CLEANER .ISales&Serviceto Most Makes/ °F,M COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS For Farm Al Business 'SPEED QUEEN APPLIANCES °MOFFAT APPLIANCES °INSECT LIGHTS & FLY KILLING UNITS °GIFTS °MANY OTHER ITEMS VARNA, ONT. 482-7103 Students honor war dead Correspondent NORMAN EAST 482-7034 Some children at Vanastra Public School put entries to the Legion Contest and Fri- day, November 5 were Par- ent Teacher Interviews. Monday a Remembrance Day Assembly was held from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. On November 24, a Pro- fessional Activity Day is scheduled. Report cards will be sent home on Dec. 3. On November 27, the Goderich Santa Claus Parade will be held. The children have been learning about Immunize Your School Children, Now it's the law and the school has sent a pamphlet out. Under the New legislation, all Ontario pupils, unless they have been exempted, must be adequately im- munized or in the process of becoming immunized, or they may be suspended from school. These requirements apply to all pupils under the age of 18 attending primary and secondary schools, whether private or publicly -support- ed. Starting in the fall, 1982, Ontario medical officers of health, family physicians and pediatricians will be assess- ing the immunization levels of school children. Primary emphasis will be on school entrants who are most vul- nerable. The immunization program will be rapidly expanded to include the remainder of the students. All residents of Ontario can obtain a yellow personal Immunization Record Card at the time of the immuni- zation. It is important for the parents to keep this record and have it updated each time the child is immunized. Proper documentation will help ensure an uninterrupted school year for the children and most importantly, the success of this program. ICINGO RESULTS Bingo results for Tuesday, November 2nd are first share the wealth was Flossie Talbot of Varna; second share the wealth was shared by three people. Third share the wealth was won by Libby Van Damme of Clinton. The jackpot prize winner was shared by Moira Robin- son of Vanastra and Judy Mellor of Vanastra. TUCKERSMI'➢'16 DAY NURSERY The nursery would like, to welcome back Robin Martin after he had an operation. The nursery would like to welcome Brent Ribey and Connie White. The theme for the week of Nov. 8-12 is about "Pets". Parents are reminded that a Christmas Bazaar is to be held Nov. 20. If you have any articles please contact the nursery or take them in yourself. Fellowship group to elect officers The Fireside Fellowship Group of First Presbyterian Church met Nov. 2 in the Centennial Room of the Church with a good attend- ance. The meeting was in charge of the Cosfords and Pattersons. Viola Lawson, president 'opened the meeting followed by the scripture reading by Ted Cosford. Rev. Duke led in prayer. In the absence of the treasurer. Peg Grieve. Viola Lawson read the treasurer's report. A motion was made that -the Past Presidents. the Browns and the Keyes bring in a new slate of officers for the next meeting. The McMichaels and the Keyes are to be in charge of the next meeting Dec. 7. John Patterson, the speak- er for the evening. took members on a bus tour which he and Mrs. Patterson had taken a year ago. DRYWALL KNOWN FOR HIGH QUALITY Peter Bakos Drywall COMPLETE DRYWALL SERVICE 527-1398 5 TREES Trees trimmed, removed Stump Removal Bucket Truck — Brush Chipper Service Fully Insured — Free Estimates Southwestern Tree Service '82 482-3822 25 yrs. experience 4M114 4%0, 11.011001,02 ARNOLD J. STINNISSEN UFE and Mortgage Insurance Plans Deferred Annuities INCOME Tax Deductable Flexible NO 1,0A111- H.11.S.t°. NEW Tel.S27-0410 117 • GODERICH ST. EAST SEAFORTH Non -Smokers Rates Available REPRESENTING Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada TASTY NU BAKERY & CHEESE HOUSE ltllti WI 1 K'S SPE('IAIS 1)I I ICIfU5 ( HO( 01 A11 ( 1111' 111 BOARD /AATT'EN NOW OPEN SUNDAY AFTERNOON 1 PM -5 PM Also open Monday to Saturday, Including Wednesday 10 AM - S:30 PM, also Friday evenings '91119 PM. THE BOARD AND BATTEN GIFTS AND HANDICRAFTS 9 HAtt.-nbury Street FAO, Clinton 042-3728 til W WFIOIFSOMI COOKIES Ill (, 1 1'1 I)O/l Al 1 ®� . 00/1 N MUFFINS 6/1°15 til^I'I F LFA! WH(111 WHl AT PROCESSED CHEESE SLICES 2.791h I\\S0 Schneiders Quality Cold Cuts l We have a wide variety of Canadian and'importerl c heeses FRESH OFF THF R1O( K Seaforth 527-1803, The Lioness Club would like to remind everyone that tney are holding a Christmas Bazaar on Sat., Nov. 20 at the Vanastra Recreation Centre. Anyone wishing a table at the bazaar, please phone 482-7700 or 482-3881. The draw for the quilt will be held at the bazaar. Tickets can be bought by any mem- ber or at the Vanastra Factor Outlet. - Thank You To the rgtepnyers of H!L*llett for returning me no your Deputy Reeve for the newt term. Joe Gibson 'r Full line of Potted PLants and Cut Flowers FI Seaforth 527-0121 (at the former Horne's Appliance Store) New at Verbeek's Farm and Garden Centre Top Quality - Canadian Made WINTER WEAR Se ready when the snow flies! We have a complete selection of winter wear In stock, for mon, ladles, children - full range of shies. 1 mors WINTER COATS.......... 523.95 LADIES' AND MEMS WINTER COATS .... E29,95 CHILDREN 'S.2 NICETOSIZE 6X SNOWSUITS 549,°S YOUTH'S 4 PIECE. SIZES 1 TO 1E SNOW SUITS 069.99 MINI AND LADIES T PIECE _ SNOWSUITS 189.91 w..11001;;--- TRADE-INS o'n00110^_TRADE-INS on chlldron'E and youth's snow sults . must bo clean and In good condition. CLEARANCE! All Tulip and Daffodil mulbs... 1/2 PRICE KEROSENE HEATERS Good selection . from 4.000 S 1 44.99 BTU to 19.910 BTU.... FROM VERBEER'S FARM AND GARDEN CENTRE 77 Isaac Strom CLINTON 482.9333 172 THE SQL/ Akl, GODERICH MAIN CORNER, CLINTON MAIN COQNERY SEAEOR1N 'TIS THE SEASON FOR SAVINGS! HEAD d SHOULDERS SHAMPOO ISO mi 29 0140, 3 S CREST TOOTHPASTE 10 ml GEl N0911MA FACIALml LOTION TTo oNEY$4.49 JOHNSON'S BABY LOTION looms LIMADYRA BODEODORANT SPRAY JOY LIQUID DETERGENT 100 rot ONLY 794 $2 49 ONLY • 39 loo ml ONLY $2• ONLY 994 BIW ,-* I ?11) OJ. TAMPONS 30'1 $ONLY 3 29 CAREFREE NfICH_ NCOWNL ILiP AK ,9 700 m. 4tn A°� qQ„700.°-7. / ;-)A44 DIVA LN 1.///p r�,dM1L,I /rtt'�'�,r It Ahsnp,.v / Oma' ,....p t7 ;I&r ar;..,..s-.If1- LT•M ,Lit Err0 Ess ,YY ":j �rL• rl+rnr14 e.,0.,i J//fi'?( P c PRESBYTERIAN Church 59 Goderich Si. W., Seaforth Rev. T.A.A. Duke, Minister Mrs. Carol Carter. Organist SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 14, 1982 11:15 Worship Service. Sunday School & Nursers • Nos emher 21 Anniversary services'' at 11 15 and - 10 with Res H. Douglas Stewart as guest preacher ST. THOMAS Anglican Church SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 14, 1982 10:00 - Morning Worship. Sunday School and Nursery Provided NORTHSIDE United Church 54 Goderich St. West. Seaton!: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1982 11 a.m. Church Service. Church School and Nursers Rev. J.G. Vanslyke. Minister Margaret Whitmore Audrey Mcl (wain Orkenist Choir Director Jr. Choir Leader t_1112111111 Mervyn Hodgert has re- turned home from the Strat- ford General Hospital on Sunday. We wish him a speedy recovery. , Mrs. Katie Querengcsser is still a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital, We hope she will keep on improving. Congratulations are ex - Correspondent MRS. JOHN TEMPLEMAN 345.2346 Mrs, Carter Kerslake, Mrs, Lloyd Miller, Mrs, John Templeman. Mrs. Charles Douglas, Mrs, John Miller and Mrs. Jack Burchill, from Staffa Womens' Institute at- tended the Perth South Dist• riot exec•utise banquet on tended to Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kells of Brodhagen on the arrival of their son Tyler Marshall. on October 26 in St. Joseph's hospital, Lon- don. Plan to attend the annual Turkey Bingo Night on Wed- nesday. November 10 at the Brodhagen Community Centre. Tuesday evening at Russel - dale Hall. (,len (Towne Wo - mens' Institute catered, Mr, Lorne Fell flew to Winnipeg for a few days. where he attended the Seed Marketing Seminar. Rev. Ken Knight is con- ducting communicant classes every Friday evening in Cromarty Presbyterian Chur ch, PECK APPLIANCES "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" °FILTER QUEEN SALES & SERVICE °VACUUM CLEANER .ISales&Serviceto Most Makes/ °F,M COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS For Farm Al Business 'SPEED QUEEN APPLIANCES °MOFFAT APPLIANCES °INSECT LIGHTS & FLY KILLING UNITS °GIFTS °MANY OTHER ITEMS VARNA, ONT. 482-7103 Students honor war dead Correspondent NORMAN EAST 482-7034 Some children at Vanastra Public School put entries to the Legion Contest and Fri- day, November 5 were Par- ent Teacher Interviews. Monday a Remembrance Day Assembly was held from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. On November 24, a Pro- fessional Activity Day is scheduled. Report cards will be sent home on Dec. 3. On November 27, the Goderich Santa Claus Parade will be held. The children have been learning about Immunize Your School Children, Now it's the law and the school has sent a pamphlet out. Under the New legislation, all Ontario pupils, unless they have been exempted, must be adequately im- munized or in the process of becoming immunized, or they may be suspended from school. These requirements apply to all pupils under the age of 18 attending primary and secondary schools, whether private or publicly -support- ed. Starting in the fall, 1982, Ontario medical officers of health, family physicians and pediatricians will be assess- ing the immunization levels of school children. Primary emphasis will be on school entrants who are most vul- nerable. The immunization program will be rapidly expanded to include the remainder of the students. All residents of Ontario can obtain a yellow personal Immunization Record Card at the time of the immuni- zation. It is important for the parents to keep this record and have it updated each time the child is immunized. Proper documentation will help ensure an uninterrupted school year for the children and most importantly, the success of this program. ICINGO RESULTS Bingo results for Tuesday, November 2nd are first share the wealth was Flossie Talbot of Varna; second share the wealth was shared by three people. Third share the wealth was won by Libby Van Damme of Clinton. The jackpot prize winner was shared by Moira Robin- son of Vanastra and Judy Mellor of Vanastra. TUCKERSMI'➢'16 DAY NURSERY The nursery would like, to welcome back Robin Martin after he had an operation. The nursery would like to welcome Brent Ribey and Connie White. The theme for the week of Nov. 8-12 is about "Pets". Parents are reminded that a Christmas Bazaar is to be held Nov. 20. If you have any articles please contact the nursery or take them in yourself. Fellowship group to elect officers The Fireside Fellowship Group of First Presbyterian Church met Nov. 2 in the Centennial Room of the Church with a good attend- ance. The meeting was in charge of the Cosfords and Pattersons. Viola Lawson, president 'opened the meeting followed by the scripture reading by Ted Cosford. Rev. Duke led in prayer. In the absence of the treasurer. Peg Grieve. Viola Lawson read the treasurer's report. A motion was made that -the Past Presidents. the Browns and the Keyes bring in a new slate of officers for the next meeting. The McMichaels and the Keyes are to be in charge of the next meeting Dec. 7. John Patterson, the speak- er for the evening. took members on a bus tour which he and Mrs. Patterson had taken a year ago. DRYWALL KNOWN FOR HIGH QUALITY Peter Bakos Drywall COMPLETE DRYWALL SERVICE 527-1398 5 TREES Trees trimmed, removed Stump Removal Bucket Truck — Brush Chipper Service Fully Insured — Free Estimates Southwestern Tree Service '82 482-3822 25 yrs. experience 4M114 4%0, 11.011001,02 ARNOLD J. STINNISSEN UFE and Mortgage Insurance Plans Deferred Annuities INCOME Tax Deductable Flexible NO 1,0A111- H.11.S.t°. NEW Tel.S27-0410 117 • GODERICH ST. EAST SEAFORTH Non -Smokers Rates Available REPRESENTING Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada TASTY NU BAKERY & CHEESE HOUSE ltllti WI 1 K'S SPE('IAIS 1)I I ICIfU5 ( HO( 01 A11 ( 1111' 111 BOARD /AATT'EN NOW OPEN SUNDAY AFTERNOON 1 PM -5 PM Also open Monday to Saturday, Including Wednesday 10 AM - S:30 PM, also Friday evenings '91119 PM. THE BOARD AND BATTEN GIFTS AND HANDICRAFTS 9 HAtt.-nbury Street FAO, Clinton 042-3728 til W WFIOIFSOMI COOKIES Ill (, 1 1'1 I)O/l Al 1 ®� . 00/1 N MUFFINS 6/1°15 til^I'I F LFA! WH(111 WHl AT PROCESSED CHEESE SLICES 2.791h I\\S0 Schneiders Quality Cold Cuts l We have a wide variety of Canadian and'importerl c heeses FRESH OFF THF R1O( K Seaforth 527-1803, The Lioness Club would like to remind everyone that tney are holding a Christmas Bazaar on Sat., Nov. 20 at the Vanastra Recreation Centre. Anyone wishing a table at the bazaar, please phone 482-7700 or 482-3881. The draw for the quilt will be held at the bazaar. Tickets can be bought by any mem- ber or at the Vanastra Factor Outlet. - Thank You To the rgtepnyers of H!L*llett for returning me no your Deputy Reeve for the newt term. Joe Gibson 'r Full line of Potted PLants and Cut Flowers FI Seaforth 527-0121 (at the former Horne's Appliance Store) New at Verbeek's Farm and Garden Centre Top Quality - Canadian Made WINTER WEAR Se ready when the snow flies! We have a complete selection of winter wear In stock, for mon, ladles, children - full range of shies. 1 mors WINTER COATS.......... 523.95 LADIES' AND MEMS WINTER COATS .... E29,95 CHILDREN 'S.2 NICETOSIZE 6X SNOWSUITS 549,°S YOUTH'S 4 PIECE. SIZES 1 TO 1E SNOW SUITS 069.99 MINI AND LADIES T PIECE _ SNOWSUITS 189.91 w..11001;;--- TRADE-INS o'n00110^_TRADE-INS on chlldron'E and youth's snow sults . must bo clean and In good condition. CLEARANCE! All Tulip and Daffodil mulbs... 1/2 PRICE KEROSENE HEATERS Good selection . from 4.000 S 1 44.99 BTU to 19.910 BTU.... FROM VERBEER'S FARM AND GARDEN CENTRE 77 Isaac Strom CLINTON 482.9333 172 THE SQL/ Akl, GODERICH MAIN CORNER, CLINTON MAIN COQNERY SEAEOR1N 'TIS THE SEASON FOR SAVINGS! HEAD d SHOULDERS SHAMPOO ISO mi 29 0140, 3 S CREST TOOTHPASTE 10 ml GEl N0911MA FACIALml LOTION TTo oNEY$4.49 JOHNSON'S BABY LOTION looms LIMADYRA BODEODORANT SPRAY JOY LIQUID DETERGENT 100 rot ONLY 794 $2 49 ONLY • 39 loo ml ONLY $2• ONLY 994 BIW ,-* I ?11) OJ. TAMPONS 30'1 $ONLY 3 29 CAREFREE NfICH_ NCOWNL ILiP AK ,9 700 m.