HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1982-11-10, Page 16A16 - THE' HURON EXPOSITOR, NOVEMBER 10, 1982 Cash,..co 'ou'll fin 1 Coming Events VANASTRA and District Lioness Club Christmas Bazaar, Sat. Nov. 20 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Vanastra Recreation Centre. Proceeds to community work. 1.83-2 CERMAMICS & Crafts Open House. Table of specials and door prizes. Nov. 18-19-20, 2 p.m. -9 p.m. Corner of Stret- ton and Queens St., Brussels, Come for coffee. Kaye Duncan 1-82-2 RESERVE Sunday, Decem• ber 12 at 2:00 p.m. for the N.H.L. Oldtimers playing the Seaforth Beaver Oldtimers in the new Seaforth and District Arena. Adults $3, children 51. 1-82-3 BINGO every Tuesday evening at VANASTRA CENTRE R.R. 5, CLINTON 1st regularcard$1; 15 regular games of 515; 3 Share -the - Wealth. Jackpot 5200.00 must go. Admission restrict- ed to 16 years or over, 1-78-tf CLINTON Legion Bingo, every Thursday. 8 p.m. 1st regular card 51. Restricted. to 16 years or over. 15 regular games of 515.00. 55. least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot 5200 must go each week. l-78-tf EUCHRE party. Wednesday. November 17, 2 p.m. at the 1.O.O.F. Hall, Seaforth. Sponsored 'by the Rebekah Lodge, 1-83-1 BRUSSELS Recreation Christmas Dance. Dec. 11 and 'New Years Dance, Dec. 31. 1.83-2 EUCHRE for LOBA, Novem- ber 15 at 8 p.m.. Orange Hall. 1-83-1 THE Canadian Toy Collectors Society presents the 11th annual "Canada's Greatest Collector's Toy Show & Sale" Sunday. Nov. 14th. 10 a.m. • 4 p.m. St. Lawrence Market, Front & Jarvis Sts.. Toronto. Admission 52.50. Accompany led children free. Bring the whole family. 1-83-01 CHISELHURST Ladies Broomball Dance. Date: No- vember 13. 1982: Where: Brodhagen Community Hall: Time:9p.m. to 1 a.m. Band: Free Spirit. Admission -53.00 nen person. 1-83-1 3 Found STRAYED to W. I/, lot 28. conc. 9 McKillop on or about Sept. 26 a 250 ib. calf. Owner may claim calf by identifying and paving ad. 52'-180' 3.83-1 4 Help Wanted PERSON to live•in and take care of invalid. Room and board, Wagcs negotiable. 52--142'. 4.83x1 ANYONE interested in work- ing in Australia or New Zealand contact: Shefs World Trade Ltd.. Shuswap Ave.. Lumby. B.C.. VOE 2G0 (604)54".9214. 4-82-1 SALES Position -Executive income. Weekly income guaranteed. plus commission and monthly bonus. The position: Direct Field Sales to the public -Motor Club bene- fits, Requirements. Intan- gible sales experience. self- starter. ambitious with a car. Full or spare•time work. Can you qualify? Apply in person to Mr. Bauer on Wednesday, November 17th at 2 p.m. or - p m. sharp at the Elm Haven Inn, Clinton, 4.82-1 5 Bus. Opportunity OPENING$ available for ex- panding business. Part and full-time positions available. Four persons required. Apply Box 3679, c/o The Huron Expositor. Seaforth. 5-83-3 SALES manager is required immediately for the classified advertising department at the North Shore News. The North Shore News, recognized as one of the leading suburban newspapers in North Amer- ica, is published on Wednes- day and Sunday in B.C.'s richest market. North and West Vancouver, circulation 55.000, Responsibilities in- clude supervising and moti- vating a present staff. full and pPart•Ume salespeople plus hiring and training new sales people. The successful appli- cant will be self motivated, success oriented and com- fortable in an energetic, in- formal atmosphere. Previous dassified or telephone sales experience required. We offer starting salary and bonus in excess of 520,000 plus the opportunity to make a lot more. Please reply in writing to: Mrs. Berni Hilliard. Personnel Director, c/o North Shore News. 1139 Lonsdale Ave.. North Van- couver, B.C. V'M 2H4. 5-83-01 7 Situations Wanted WILL do babysitting in my own home. 527-0547. 7-83-2 VERN'S Chimney Sweep Service. Seaforth, Ontario. Phone after 6 p.m. 52'-0674. 7-83-1 HAVE TRUCK -WILL TRAVEL. Evenings and weekends: about town, light moving, delivery. refuse re- moval. basements, garages. cleaned. Snow removal -walks driveways. 527-1065. 7-83x1 UNEMPLOYED man wants work. Full or part time. Call Gregor. 52'-0273 anytime. 7-83x1 8 Farm Stock CASH for crippled or sore footed livestock, cattle. stock- ers. cows and hogs. Phone •_S19-8'6-3250 or 834-2020. 8-78-tf 2 steers. short -horned and hcrcford cross bred. Weigh approx. 800-900 lbs. 482-91 5 8-83-1 WILL feed and house beef calves over winter, Can take feeder calves as well. From a closed herd. Call at supper hour. Bob Hulley, Blyth 523-9411 . or 527-1856. 8-83-1 10 Used Cars 19' Ford LTD. ,151 engine, low mileage, as is or certified, Henry Grobhink, 88'-6'08. 10.83.2 19-8 Ford F250 4x4 pickup. 8 cyl.. power steering and brakes. Excellent condition. Phone 482-3855. 10.83.1 19-3 ('omet, as is. Best offer. 52- 0265. 1083-1 CLASSIFIED RATES - DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS 12 NOON TUESDAYS Charges are based on the number of words. Set of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. 22 words -53.50 16 c per word thereafter. BIRTHS -No charge ENGAGEMENTS -Flat rate of 56. Additional charges for reception notice with engagement. 510 with picture. MARRIAGES -Free for 6 weeks after date of wedding. After this time, photo and cutline only, 515. IN MEMORIAMS-53.50 plus 30c per line of verse COMING EVENTS -22 words 3.50. each additional word 16c. CARD OF THANKS -25 words 3.50. Each additional word Sc. 50c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE THURSDAY NOON OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION BOX NUMBERS TO THiS OFFICE -53.00 per insertion. SEMI DiSPLAY-1.15 per cm. Phone 527-0240 11 Articles for Sale BUY your meats in bulk and save at Clinton Boxed Meats. Now at our new location just off Hwy. #4 north of Clinton, 1 I/4 mile south of Londesboro. Watch for our sign . By the case or by the pound.. Call collect 523.9508, 11.83.1 26 in. Admirakco ur televi- sion in good working condi- tion. 50172. 11-83-1 WOOD Carmor down draft wood stove, Gendron baby buggy. umbrella stroller, baby sleigh, swing-a-matic, jolly jumper. baby clothes. 52/-0.2. 11-83-1 SEALED wood stove with an automatic draft; 23 cubic ft. freezer. 527.1506. 11.83.1 1 Bainton 1/4 length leather coat. size 38 to 40, excellent condition and 1 stereo re- ceiver turntable, equalizer and speaCkers, like new. Call 52'-1893: 11.83-1 DELUXE walker and jogger exerciser. Al condition. 482-7655. 11-83-1 DISTRESS SALE: Colour TV 5100.00. washer/dryer 5200.00; refrigerator 575.00; men's elevator shoes, size 9. Phone 527.1062 after 5 p.m. Ask for Louie. 11-83x1 USED Franklin stove in good condition with brass balls and accessories. Ross Leonhardt 345.2234. 11-83-1 EUREKA upright vacuum cleaner. 520. Bath -change table 525. Good condition. 527.0198. 11-83-1 HEAVY steel mail box posts for sale. Free installation during November. 527-1856. 11-83-2 YOUNG male Poodle type dog. greyish black colour, very friendly, likes children. Free to a good home. Phone 527•1826. 11-83-1 MEN'S velour house coat. new and spun rayon, size large: men s green dress blazer. new, size 38-40: men's brown wool top coat. siic 40. Phonc 52'-03.4. 11-83x1 USED windows, various sizes. Phone 345-2211. 11-83-1 3 point hitch wood splitters 13 ton pressure/2200 'PSI. oil from tractor. 26" opening 4" x 24' cylinder. Call Isaac M. Bauman. R43 Wallenstein 15191 669-4328. Dealers wet. , conic. 11.83-01 APPLES: Macs. Northern Spys, red and yellow Deli- cious. Russets, ida Red, pears. red and white pots• toes, cooking/Spanish onions. Special Windfall Spys, Red Delicious and Ida ' Reds. $4.50 a bu. Fresh apple cider. Art Bell's Fruit Farm. Phone 524.803'. I 1-82-tf OVEN ready chickens, 6- 8 Ib, average. Will deliver. Phone Murray Manning. 523.4298. '11-82.2 1HINKiNG of building? We've got the solution•the most complete line of steel buildings available for farm. Industrial. commercial and residential use. Display building discount. Call collect anytime (-05) 4'4-1180. 11•'8xtf BRUSSELS Sprouts S20.00 a 7 bushel or Sc a stalk. Cab- bage 55.00 a dozen. Visscher Farms. 3 miles west of Exeter on Hwy. 83. Phone orders only 23 -3442 or 23--341 1. No Sundays calls please. 11 •'8-tf WATERBEDS, pedestal. pine frame. heater. safety liner, mattress, fill kit. Complete. Vanastra Furn'- turc 482-'922. II•'8-tf THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNiT invites you to attend the CHILD HEALTH CLINIC held at the Health Unit Office, Seaforth Hospital on: THURS. NOV. 18, 1982 from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening 3. Immunization 4. Fluoride s Corn, Cars them all i the 11 Articles for Sale APPLES: Most varieties still available in number ones and number twos, also cider apples. Bring containers. Mc- Clymont Orchards, 1 mile south of Varna. 482.3214. 11-80-tf APPLE SPECIAL: Macs and Ida Red N1-$8,00 bushel. While they last. 55.00 for. seconds. Marlene Qrchards, west of Egmondville. Cider by orders. Phone 527.1507.' 11-80-4 SWIMMING Pools. Clear- ance prices from 51,395.00 on complete packages including % hp sand filter, in wall skimmer, ladder, deluxe vac- uum and maintenance kit etc. Walkways, patio decks, fenc- ing and expert installation also available. Call collect 416.945-47'3 11 '8xtf OAK pedestal table. Call 527-0823 after 5:30, 11-83-1 WE'VE got the solution to your metal building needs! Fall specials plus generous display building discount on dome. straight -and -slant walls. Call collect anytime (705)474-1180. 11-83-01 COMPLETE custom framing for needlepoint, crewel, • photographs, all paintings ctc. Regular or non glare glass. Ready to hang. Forty- eight hour service. 482-740. 11-83-I 5 x 1.6 tandem axle pig trailer. bumper hitch. solid roof. 5900.00 firm. 482.7126 after 6. • 11.83-1 BOOKS: Bought. sold, 'ex- changed. Hundreds to choose from. Harlequin Romance from 25c. hard cover from 50c, The Book Room, 121 Quebec St.. Mitchell. Phone 348-9420. 11-8312 FREE 1 medium sized gold colour dog. 2 years old. Good watch dog. Has had shots. 527.1079 11-83-1 12 Wanted to Buy TV tower and antenna, 52'-0549. 12-83-1 WANTED TO BUY: 300 bales of clean straw. Phone 527-1504 meal time. 12-83x 13 Wanted WANTED: Old brick build- ings for wrecking and salvage purposes. Contact R. Lumley Demolition Inc. 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia. 1.542-4088. Ontario's largest supplier of reclaimed brick. 13-83-1 4 ton (approx.) bulk feed bin. Call 52 1913. 13-83-2 14 Property for Sale SEASONAL business for sale on Main St.. Bayfield. Gour- met food store and cafe, equipment. fixtures and good (case. Phone 565.28". 14.83.2 SAVE high realty charges. Sell your own property. Kit includes large sign with phone number. Only 20 dol - ars plus tax. Home Sales. Box 895. Barrie. 14.80-01 J ? t7 xon 7//�oran y �Oad o/ (�JQUcail » requires a SECRETARY at HENSALL PUBLIC SCHOOL Hensall, Ontario Written applications stat• ing date of birth. experi- ence and telephone num• ber should be addressed to: MR. P. GRYSEELS Heron County Board of Education, 103 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario This position is for 24.5 hours per week. Applica- tions should be submitted prior to November 17, 1982. Applicants shall be notified if required for an interview. D. WALLACE Chairman D.J. COCHRANE Director 14 Property for Sale FOR SALE: A one Boor, 3 bedroom cottage with syn deck on West William St. m Seaforth. ideal, quiet loca- tion, close to Main St., schools, churches. arena. Full basement, new kitchen, new roof. A worry -free home on 1'/4 lots. Good 121/2% mortgage due June 1984. Phone 527-0673 after 5:30 p.m. for viewing, 14.78-tff 15 Property for Rent FOR rent in Seaforth, 3.1 bedroom apartments. newly renovated, broadloomed. Call 262-3146 or 527-07.12 after 5. 15-82-tf FOUR bedroom farm house. Franklin fireplace and oil furnace. Price negotiable. Please call meal times or evenings, 887-6605. 15-82-2 BACHELOR apartment. 5200 per month includes utilities, recently redecorated. Phone 527-1458. 15-82-tf DUPLEX, nice home in quiet area, , close to downtown Clinton. Fridge and stove required. Private entrance. Lawn and driveway. 529-7949 - 15.82.4 THREE bedroom house in country, oil or wood heat. Available December 1. Phone 482-7815. 15-82-2 HOUSE for rent, 4 miles from Mitchell. Please call 527-1913 15-82-4 3 bedroom laundry room, carpeted, clean. central loca- tion. 527.0962 evenings. 15-82x2 COMFORTABLE 3 bedroom private mobile home, located 2 miles from Seaforth. 527.1507. 15-80-tf FURNISHED apartment, all utilities included. Suitable for one person. Quiet area. Park- ing.527-0964. 15-82x1 2 bedroom apartment with stove and fridge. North Main. 52'•1'15. 15-83x2 19 Notice PHiL's Refrigerator and Ap- pliance Service. Prompt, de- pendable service to all makes and models of domestic ap- pliances. Phone 88'-9062. . 19-'B-tf 20 Auction Sales SATURDAY, November 2'. 11 a.m. Wanted consign- ments of ski dos, snowmo- biles, guns- trailers. sporting goods. tools. machinery and tractors. lawn and garden equipment. ears, trucks. for our 13th annual Skiido auc- tion at Orval McLean Auction Centre. Lindsay, All consign- ments must be in by Novem- ber 20th. For information call: '05-324.2783. 2043-01 Classified Ads pay dividends. ///e r7lirron TO0((1l( -%Joann of &kcal mr requires a TEACHER'S AIDE at HURON HOPE T.M.R. SCHOOL Huron Park, Ontario Written applications stat- ing date of birth, experi- ence and telephone num - ber should be addressed to MR. P. GRYSEELS Heron County Board of Education, 103 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario This position is for 27 hours per week. Applica- tions should be submitted prior to November 17, 1982. Applicants shall be notified if required for an interview, D. WALLACE Chairman D.J. COCHRANE Director 24 Card of Thanks We would like to thank everyone for the beautiful cards. flowers and gifts we have received since the birth of our daughter. Special thanks to Dr. Malkus for his exceptional good care. Also thanks to Dr. Fellows and. Dr. Chance and nurses at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Ray and Gwen Devereaux 24-83x1 1 would like to take this opportunity on behalf of the residents of Seaforth Manor to thank all who supported our bazaar on Saturday. To everyone who donated arti- cles, also special thanks to the ladies in charge ofihe bazaar tables, tea room and dietary. The girls who waited on tables and sold tickets. Our volunteers and anyone who assisted in any way. Your assistance and support was greatly appreciated. Mary Finlayson Activity Co-ordinator 24-83x 1 The family of the late Douglas Wesley James Small wishes to express our sincere thanks to our many relatives, friends and neighbours for sympathy cards. beautiful Bowers, charitable donations, food, prayers and many acts of kindness during the loss of a dear husband, father, son and brother. A special thanks to Rev. D.J. Pletsch for his visits and words of comfort, the Lockhart Funeral Home and ladies of Main Street United Church, Mitchell. who provided the lunch after the service. Your many acts of kindness will long be remem- bered. The Small Family 24.83x1 To our relatives. friends and neighbours we wish to ex- press a sincere thankyou for the many Mass offerings, donations, Bowers and sym- pathy cards- Our deepest appreciation for food brought to the apartment. Special thanks to Father C. Caruana, "C.W.L.,of St. James Parish for lunch, the Royal Canadian Lcgion Branch 156 and the Whitney Ribcy Funeral Home. Jim McQuaid and family 24-83x1 Thank you everyone for the visits, cards. Bowers and treats while I was in hospital. Thanks to Drs. Rodney and Malkus. nurses and staff, It was all very much appre- ciated. Lyn Hugill 24.83x1 Many thanks to niy friends and rclativrs for kindness shown me during my stay in Stratford General Hospital. Special thank you to Dr. Lindsay. Dr. Quinlan and Dr, Underwood. Also my kind neighbours at 50 Market St. Janet McArthur 24-83x1 HOME . INSULATION Walls and Attics ADAMSON INSULATION Govemment licensed contractors Free Estimates LUCKNOW 528-2113 ATTENTION FARMERS Wo pay S20. to 950. pet hundred weight for old, recently Injured or crippled cows and Wears. Must be alive end drug free, panoplied MARK LEIS AND SONS LIVESTOCK Milverton 1519) 595.4845 SERVING THIS AREA SINCE (974 L&M AUTO WRECKING R.R.3, BRUSSELS ONT. Used Auto Parts and Towing We buy rads, batteries, copper and scrap We pay cash for complete cars, or trucks', etc. CALL 887-9561 tA 25 In Memoriam PRAISER: In memory of my husband Jack Fraiser who passed away Nov. 13, 1977. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear Fond memories linger every day Remembrance keeps hint near, Loving remembered by wife Gerry, sons. Wayne and Jori and Colleen. 25-83x1 FUEL OIL FURNACE - Repair and Cleaning 24 HOUR SERVICE PARATCHEK'S MAINTENANCE Dublin 345-2235 atoi T,acto,s Etlwpmer I • SALES • PARTS • SERVICE LOGAN FORD Tractor Sales Ltd. Hwy. 8 East of Mitchell PHONE 348-8467 Elizabeth Court Apts, 176 Oxford St., .Hensall 1 A 2 BEDROOMS AVAILABLE NOW NOV. 1ST & DEC. 1ST Includes utilities, carpet - Ing, appliances, laundry faclllUes- PHONE 262-3448 or262-2615 15-65_tf 26 Personal Mr, and Mrs. Janes Palin f Seaforth wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Elaine Anne to Larry Thomas East, .son of Mr.- and Mrs. Harold East, RR114, Clinton. The wedding will take place .al 7 m. Friday. November 26, 1982 at St. James Roman Catholic Church, Seaforth. Open re- ception at 9 p.m. in Seaforth Legion Hall. 26-83x1 • Mrs. Meredith 1. Bell and the late Stewart Bcll, R.R. 42 Hensall, Ontario wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Carolyn Troyann to Robert Murray, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cole, RRN3 Clinton, Ontario. The wedding will take place Saturday. Novem• ber 2 ., 1982 at 2:30 o'clock in the Hensall United Church, Hensall, .Ontario, Open re- ception to follow RRN2, Hen• call, Ontario. 26.83- I FIREWOOD -jlf1:011,' I' FOR fr, , 11 SALE pry Mixed Hardwoods Delivered -Any Ouantlty 482-9250 VEAL'S Abattoir and Meat Market Hwy, 83-3' milts east . of Exeter 235-1.123. Try as for CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING Kill days -Tuesdays OUR SPECIALTY Home cured and smoked meats processed exactly the way you like it. $25 $75 FARMERS WANTED Cattle - Sick or Disabled We pay top dollar Call 527-1859 Anytime , $50 $100 ulliga REAL ESTATELT D MAUREEN WILDFONG 482-3224 3' , ACRES: McKillop Twp . 1' , storey. 1 bedroom house. Small hohhv harn ('lose to town. 3 ACRES: McKillop Twp„ I floor home. 9 years old, family and laundry on main. Attached garage. 5 ACRES: Tuckcrsmith Twp. 11 year old split le\cl hone. farrow to finish operation. 5 ACRES: Farrow to finish, 20 year old, .1 bedroom home. modern kitchen, new hath REDUCED 10 ACRES: Beautiful stone home completely renovated. situated on a nice country sttting. Must he seen to he appreciated. 200 ACRES: Morris township, 125 workable 125 ACRES: 115 workable. 51,200 per acre. McKillop 100 ACRE: Hog farm. 40s 100 !fat) harn, 20x 100 wcancr harn. 34x 1.16 farrowing 2 sllns..1 bedroom brick home in good condition. 50 ACRES: 45 workable. McKillop Township, modern 4 bedroom home. Reduced to set;. DAIRY OPERATiOr� LD,ckstock. ompletc 93' , acres, 35 cow, r modern 4 bedroom house 115 ACRE DAiRY: I' , storey home (food harn • with pipeline system. Priced to sell. 26 Personal ARE you living with a drink- ing problem? Al Anon can help.527-1650. 26-83-1 Geo. A. Sills, & Somas MERCHANTS PLUMBING -HEATING & ELEC'T'RICAL CONTRACTORS Phone 5274620 Seaforth HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1.30 P.M. All classes of livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Greg Hargreaves 2622619 Hensall Victor Hargreaves 482.7511 Clinton BarnMiller 236-2'I7 Exeter and 229.6205 Kirkton Real Estate Ltd. Clinton .Mon.: 411114371 RESTAURANT VILLAGE OF BLYTH Fully equipped. seats 60, apartment above. reasonably priced for quick sale. Holmes, IIIc. 13 acre hobby farm. I poor prick bungalow, pascd dose. small insulated barn. Londeshoro. 1' , floor frame home. 3 bedrooms. good starter home Hw). a4-7', acres, neat bungalow. attached garage, finished basement, insulated harn suitable for hogs or poultrs PRICE REDUCED. Near Bruccfiicld 6 acres,. good (rani, home dntc shed and harn **..tift I nra,1lintk bungalow, Blyth. finished basement. electric heal. rport ( ommcr,lal properlymain strc,1 Bhth. Under 520,000 Uil Could by resi den, i• 46 a, re h,ghw av farm. near Varna 21 acres %sinkable, h,od,sood hush, large double nom, large harn suitable for h"es or poultry. large drisc shod ,slth workshop. }5}80.8. 100 a, res, highway farm. farrow to finish. Hallett l ow nsh,p .•****** 2 miles from Clinton. 100 a, r s. '>- ,s orkable . no build Ings t}t}eee} a, n lot, Kinborn, drilled null septa system, hydro Is .1,rrs. wooded, near Au- hurn large back home. cpm• hinal,nn furnace. 2 small ha rns }lister}} ti ,,, res, farrow to finish. 86 high, ay new house, low mh-rest. F (' ('. mortgage tee}s}eee Ifni a, res, near 1 ,ndcshorn. high , arm( iry hog farm. good ' hnd,lmcs, priced very rya. sur,ahh for quirk sale t t t t e 5 t e I floorfinished h•,srmors®L®t on quiet ylr,,•r