HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-03-14, Page 53
in Men's and Boys'
Clothing are now open
for your inspection. Eve ry
day has seen us opening
up new goods, until our
tables are now heaped
with the newest and most
up to -date clothing obtain-
What about a New Suit for Easter ? Have you
talked it over yet ? Drop in and talk it over with us
If your own judgment does not p ompt you to buy, you
will not be urged.
a We are showing both Double and Single Breasted Suits, in
Fancy Tweeds and Worsteds. Also Navy and Black Worsteds,
Cheviots, etc„ at prices ranging from 87,50 to 518 00. These goods
l 4 are made by experienced workmen, and we are safe in guaranteeing
, satisfaction in style, fit and quality.
We have a new and up•to date range of Spring Suitings and
Trouserings wbieh we make up to your order. We can guarantee
youin this satisfaction department, too.
op.'s Furnishings.
The New Spring Furnishings are here, too, and it would be a
wise thing for you"to matte your choice now, before the lines get
New Hats, New Caps, Now Shirts, New Collars, New Ties,
New Shoes, New Hose, New Gloves, etc.
Mr. and Mrs, Albert AitKens have re-
turned to theirhome i,nGlenhuru, North
Messrs. George and Peter Muir are
visiting friends around. Gillies Hill,
A number of people in this vicinity
are Suffering from the gl ippe.
Many Children Sick.
Get their feet wot, catch told or
- tramps, and give mothers an anxious
- time. With the first shiver or Sn'pze
rub the little one's ohest with Nervilin• ,
gargle the throat, and give ten drops in
- water at bed time Next morning all ia
el well No o old no time lost at rohool.
-4 If Poison's Nerviline isn't in your hon e
get it there at once, Dealers sell it :n
2 large 256 bottles
11�feu9tbk3t3D1f1&3i'J.t+37rlll'aL�Slrlitir1`"°.'^,7i�M�,awllcdta+6YtGsil+�AtT:7lLtiai,Ci'1•••«.w, , ..u.,. „yam
Pence ?
A House, Barn or
We are in a position to offer yon very low prices on
Be sure and get our prices before purchasing elsewhere.
!J) ]ligtND—A large assortment of Sags Pails, wok Pails,
Galvanized rails anal Tubs.
'YiNHtls'4:•eli�i'u"' - �,4#.t,tWt�tLkltn."`°`-cyTt91iD4S9l
guns:tar,rx¢tt:t121Cwaicutsrsafw,arcafENSi,rvw •.aIEQyrmNoratcrosrnt
W RiTECnUltcnt,
A party was held at the home of Mre.
Grain at Zetland, on Friday evening in
:marriage of the ,ariage of her son.
In the Presbyterian Church next Sun-
day morning, the pastor, Rev. 0. P.
Duncan will preach en Church union,
Rev. W. A. Finlay does not intend
leaving Whiteohuroh as has been rep )rt -
ed. Mr. Findlay is doing good work
here and we hope he may continue to
have success ia his work.
It Actually Destroys the Cause.
That's why oaterrh is invariably oured
by inhaling "Oatarrhozone," The heal-
lug vapor spreads to every part of the
breathing organs Germs infecting the
tissues of the nose, throat and tangs are
killed. Nothing is left to cause iutlam
Dnation. Spote that are sore are healed
Discharge is cleared away and catarrh
becomes something of the past, Use.
"Oatarrhozoue" and your recovery its
guaranteed. Two sizes, 25o and $1,00 at
all dealers,
Mr. Alex McDonald, 4th concession
has rented his farm to his son, Mr.
Frank McDonald,
Just a month after the death of his
partner in life who died on February let,
George Caslick passed away on Friday,
March 1st. Deceased was in very poor
health for over two months, and after
the death of his wife, which occurred in
Teeswater, he moved to the home of his
son William, on the 3rd concession, Out
toss, Here he appeared to improve for a
time and called on most of his former
neighbors But he nuexpeotledly collaps-
ed. He was aged 70 years and 0 months
and though not a pioneer was one of the
early residents of Oulross. He was twice
married, and leaves by the first marriage
two sons and one daughter; William in
Oulross, Robert in Michigan, and Mrs.
Ambler in North Dakota. By the second
marriage there was also two sons and
one daughter; John on the old home-
stead, Albert who died three years ago,
and Mrs George Harkness of Teeswater
4 t3L-1� a.AF. L .LI�ut. l•'L..L•.lC'L71 LL, ..1 L. L•]L�
is the passport to the very r°l
best positions in the land. L'
The Central
Business College
or Toao"To
offers this passport on easy
termeto alt ambitiouspeo-
ple. Write for particulars
if interested in securiug a
good position at a good
395 Yongo St., Toronto, Can,
�_�>_��n� �� rye;�,.„-t'—'•t-,•...-�.")�7t✓.7C�'
Settee Pans, regular 25e and 35e, now
Granite Bowls, reg, 25e, now
Stew Kettles, reg. 25c and 35e, now
Preserving Kettles, large size, regular
65c and 75e, now
Preserving Kettles, medium size, regular
50e and 60e, now .35 and
Preserving Kettles, small, regular 35c
and 50c, now .25 and
Granite Water Pails, regular 75e, 85e
and $1.00, now.40 and
Call and see them while the stock is large.
SherinWiliiams andRoberIsoll9s Readyfeed Painis
Church's Alabastine.
Houle -made Sap Pails and Boiling Pans,
Call in and see our Special ,Bargain
Prices. We consider it a
pleasure to show goods.
A. Y€*UNG.
s 4•'•7D -."t11. ,,•'C1 --•••"R" •o•T ”' ... .. . .Ill. 111en t bk,114 Va
O It is a food that builds and keeps up a
• girl's strength.
O 000...0
Girlhood and .S'cot's .Ealul..'ion are
linked together.
The girl who takes Scott's Erma -
4.11.01n has plenty of rich, red blood; she is
plump, active and energetic.
The reason is that at a period when•a girl's
digestion is weak, Scott's Emulsion
provides her with powerful nourishment in
easily digested form.
ALL DRUGGISTS; 500. AND $1,00..
- New Idea
Only 100
Albert 1'o,. has leased his farm, 10th
con , to John and Charles Fischer, of
Ethel locality, for a teras of four years
and will give up possession this month.
Avery quiet wedding took plane on
Wednesday, March 0th at 11 a.m. at the
'home of John McNair, 14th ton., Grey
when their only daughter, Miss Jennie
was uuited in marriage to James Idislop,
of Manitoba. Rev. D. B. McRae per-
formed the ceremony.
Saturday, March 2ad, Joseph Knight,
10th ton., was called away to his re-
ward in his 32nd year. He had been in
tailing health for serine years although
the end came rather unexpentedly, De-
ceased was born in Devonshire, Eng-
land, and spent a go id share of his life
no Canada, about 35 years of it in Grey
Township, 30 years ago he was united
in marriage to Mrs. Dulperow, They
had no family. Mr. Knight was a good
termor and was highly esteemed in the
neighborhood and ohutch. He was a
staunch advocate of Temperauco. His
brother James, is ia his Wad year and
his brother John is geeing; well along;
he pathway of life also,both well known
residents of Ethel locality.
A Cordial Inv.tatlon to Disease.
This is an apt description of consti-
patiouu It's an unnatural condition to
begin wi h, and it's more, because it
brings about, blood deterioration, lutes•
teres with digestion, r.nulers you sag•
oeottble to infections diseases and cause s
aeti'mi't. Not so touch a purgative as a
natural stimulant to the bowels is what
you need You get it in Dr 1-Latuitton'a
Pitta anthill increase liver aotivity, re-
stnre the bowels to perfect action nod
positivt:ly euro constipation and its at-
tendant evils. Iutdst on baviug only Dr,
Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and But•
toruut, 25c per box at all dealers.
Mr. Edward McDowell is visiting
with friends in Hespeler.
Miss McKellar, of Saginaw, is visiting
her brother Albert and other friends in
this vicinity.
John Bamford is spending a few days
under the parental roof, previous to
akin, his departure to his home in
Saskatette war.,
Miss Eva Wigh'man, With her friends,
Mr. and Mrs. Bell, left last week for
Braudon, where she intends to reside for
eome time,
J. E. Tom, of Gederich, school in-
apeotor for West Huron, visited our
school last week and found it in a pros-
perous condition under the Supervision
of Miss Clark.
Hiram Campbell, who has been spend-
ing the winter in Toronto, and his
daughters, Mrs. Hiles of Kincar-
dine, and Mrs. Rogerson, of Jamestown,
N.Y., are visiting at the home of W. H,
Mr. and DIrg J. H, Hoover of Pigeon,
Mich., after spending a few days with
Mrs. Hoover's brothers, W. H. and J.N.
Campbell, and other friends, took their
departure for Bittern Lake, Alberta,
last week,
Death came suddenly to our old and
respected friend, Mr. James Ross, on
Suuday evening, March 3, shortly after
he had retired for the night. He had
been going about all day and appeared
to be in his usual health. Mr. Ross was
a native of Scotland, born in the village
of Alness, Ross•shire, on Nov. 4, 1820.
He always retained a We.rm spot in his
heart for the land of his birth, which he
visited about thirty years ago. Emigrat-
ing to Canada when a mere Ind, he
worked as a farm. laborer in the vicinity
of Toronto for a number of years, mov-
ing onto the farm, lot 35, con 2, Kinloss
over fifty years ago on which he lived
till his death. He was one of the sturdy
pioneers, who assisted in making Can.
ada 'what it is to -day, and he was very
fond of relating stories incidental to the
hardships pioneer life. Mr. Ross was
a man who was universally respected,
being upright and honest in all his deal-
ings and always taking an active inter-
est in all that pertained to the advance-
ment of the community in which. he
lived. He was a Presbyterian in reit-
glen and an ardent Liberal In polities.
He is survived by his wife, four sons,
and one daughter.
We have them from. $8 up, and an
immense stoats to choose froth.
We are having for E A.STER spe•
otat bargains is
— Hand Painted China
— Crosses
—Cat Grass, eto , etc,
I' yon arra not in Landon, write us
—to will pay you.
Co It Waro & o�
874 Richmond St,
On Sunday afternoon, March ;rel, in
Laudon the spirit of .Mrs Ann H.•eron
was culled home to her reward at the
age of 75 years. iiirs. net -Trott was born
is Ntva Scotia and moved to Morris
township when about I7 years old where
t:.lio married her now deceased husband.
Her lucid•'n uatne was Ana McDonald.
Deceased lived in Blyth for ,s.auv years
and moved to London only a year ago.
Dirs. Canningham, sr., was taken to
the House of Refuge, Gunton, on Wed.
moruiug of last week, which she enters
ue a paying inmate.
Mre. Joseph Clegg it recovering from
a serious attack of planes.. W. hope
she will soon be as well as ever. -
Joe ancl Mrs. McCntoheon and daugh•
ter Evelyn, who have been visiting in
this locality for several weeks, left for
their home in Frobisher, Sask., on Tues-
day of last week.
It Does Cure 11'omen)y itis.
"I feel it my duty," writes lairs. S.
Mead of Fruservl)te, Ont., "to let you
know that aometnues previona to the
change of life I suffered more than 1
could tell. Neighbors t id me Ferro•
zone was the only remedy and their ad-
vise was good. F erruz loo put a stop to
my pato and t,ickuess, had a direct action
on my trouoles that relieved :rani the
start. I safely passed the turn, ane now
enjoy perfect health and rest. No Iva-
manly medicine eau be better than Ferro -
zone." Instant relief if round in Ferro -
zone for femele weakn,si of every kind,
60c per box at all dealers.
The little daughter of Charles Blake-
ley, of St. Stephen, N, B„ died on Fri-
day from burns received as a result of
playing with matches.
Tho drug stores of Vancouver, 13 C.,
were closed all day on Sunday, in pro-
test against. tho Lord's Day Observance
Act. The first case under the Act oc-
curred in Hamilton, where a newsboy
was fined,
�sta3?islearS zS 9
l'hoopi g cbug$1, Croup, Bronchitis
Cough, Grip, Asthma, I iphtiltrii
u".resolene 1.1 a boon to Asthmatics
Does it rot seat more etreiniee t. 1 rectie in a
remedy to care disease of tee hre.aaag t,tyan:
t e t hat ) the stot.iar.lt
titin to ani" the n '
1: care, he.ta,ue. the air ten:iere l strongly anti.
septic is assail over the ciises.ed sur 't - with
every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat.
tient. It is invaluable hs mothers' aids small
Ihosed:Aeltm tptive
to ;det::y find inttue,liatc �jl
relief front (*.Inglis or in-
tianmed conditions of the �fh1
thrr, a .
Surd Sy
Send po talforboaklet.
Lrami n,., 1itn.rs t o„
Limited Agents, Mont•
real, Canada: ;;ay
TUE LEA W O TORE z4i6:Aqaat for
. !sap! Go.
We announce for the
Spring Season of 1907 a
larger, more complete and
better assorted stock, in
all our departments, than
ever before,
We have been. in touch with the best markets and
have been able to secure many lines at advantageous prices.
If you are looking for the right cla.s of Goods, at
right prices, you will find them in this store,
New Spring Coats
and Skirts
We are ngF.nts for l`icKINNON'S Coats and
Skirts. We have just opened up a la.ge shipment
of these celebrated garments and, can show you a
nice range of th:' very latest styles at very
reasonrtble prices. Visit our Skirt and Coat
Department on the second floor. We will be
pleased to show you through.
! L,wY C
l� Vv
PHONE 65. �¢yt
�lt`...Tw°1.1."�ii4'",+�yi;W'"i.;,,iL.,,b$raw.�'yar'�IWr.vy.a�Ib'�'-:,tl...ii.,,b.'�,�.�+�'rb'a5.1+.,�1ii'�u�e:�ty5'n'��Y�,aau.5�•'•,.'1.•...�... �47Y�f
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+ i h. L•• 1 ire .11 t t)llllnt I ilCl`
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..c., '.'t ,: -,).,, ;,.t..,• ,•t 't 1 'p:,entc,nrUr, nunsunl
`'• .......:ria t > :, turion::•nl! n: •leru)tiustl enriv:a'ni-ir:'tto
't::1t 11. -.e Lill lt+ t abut::
Vdire LIC;:.etl,
! I , Owes Soon::, Grat. i4.4
;y l�t �r �� •t, .. II
ILev James HMiddl m au D. D., of
Guelph, Presbyterian to mete , (lie,1 ou
Sunday, aged 84 years.
Mrs. Frani: Brown of Dundee, those
mind was deranged. stole from her home
on Friday night and died of exposure.
J. A. Milton, an employee of the steel
plant at Sault Ste. Marie, was killed on
Sunday by falling into the machinery.
Thirty-four parsons are reported
drowned by the foundering of two Ger-
man vessels daring a heavy gale in the
North Sea on Sunday.
, r
Milton Devitt was burled under a
t,tmcir strtok near Burlington, and died
shortly after being taken out.
Captains 'Wm Crawford and W. J.
Smith, Lieut. A. B. Deana, and Firemen
Thos. Spence and Jos. Waterman of the
Toronto lire department were injured
on Saturday in a fire which destroyed
the premises of the Toronto Plate Glass
Company. loom. $155,000.
on sale Ih.tII.T until April 80th to
points in British Columbia, Oalifur-
nia, Washington, Oregon, Colorado,
Spe4ite Trallo
To tiforemireal
. will leave Toronto uvlrlirTrla,nA.
r ., t
duringZl2al.t D Atli) AMU, , .(At J.00
p tai. with Colonist Sleeper) for ac-
commodation of settlere travelling;
with lick stook. Passengers travel.
- ling without live asork should Take
vents LTiAvisat TpaaoNTO DAILY 1.•13
pan. or 11.30 p in.
Pox, full information as to mates and
tickets, call on L. IL.uotn, Depot
A tent. J. D, MODoNALb, 13. P.A.,
Fu Settlers
t117 Made and How Reached
7. 'Write 0.r rr�r't
r;cnpic'+ of
SETTLERS"; TLERS; Qailil� :; lug 1 11 pari le-
ulorn (, hppel:li
, 1 t.:it dieter scalerstnave11,n va ltlive
t c l.' )ea. NortbwmIIMart'lt
l ' tebt pa,, tt s t and fre itr rate , r'
N5d' (t i Q;A:ij:U)?l i'1).t datedes
tripti,m of no i
I .r it tlt••toin r•nn,iitn i s. l.i paa,efi of ;
IIinformal :011 invaluable to 1.t.ttlers. Useful
•1 leaps
T1BL i+is "hcntt. dotal*, /tally
tl l
tluta service -
innipec mid E:.alty;t 3•,
is ,15. )rtto r) a' comfortable. r.)nmy
. m...1 t rah' - Pally t ttuimseil
lt•, t).,,. ramtoevery von- '
1 tu..:ice. 'icrt'tu nh,.l,1d be re.,eived
;, ., t twirl 1 ?' ;:. Agent 1 ttticant two.
t w'l.s t r -) . urn
ri i . irty for t -r , baolo anti onytbine
-'!)u to i.t ,t. about ilm v. e.±t and bow '
':.9 ,..a.11 I.. .'9iti at. -v
C .13 retalfltint
1t1 t. l',.'.n ...(.i'.1i.,:ecoutar',