HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1982-11-10, Page 13Hensall Correspondent BERTHA McGREGOR 262.2025 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Dick- ens won a trip its Japan through Suzuki M@torcycles of Canada and Hully Gully. They arrived in Tokyo on October 31 and were there two days and stayed at the hotel in which Prince Phillip was staying. There were 86,from across Canada. given a royal wel- come at Tokyo, where they toured the Suzuki plant, They travelled on to Kyoto and were met by the president from the head office of the Suzuki plant. On Friday they returned to Tokyo, travelling on the "bullet train" at 200 km. per hour. They left Tokyo A Nom@110 coed c ie ci THE HURON EXPOSITOR, N1.:VEMBER 10. 1882 - A13 couple home from trip to Japan on Sunday evening and arrived at Vancouver, return- ing home Monday. The couple report a glorious holi- day and wonderful hospitality and say the people are so interesting. Mr. Wilfred Mousseau who has been a patient in Victoria Hospital returned to his home. W.M.S. IiIEAR ADDRESS ON REMEMBRANCE The president', Mrs, R. Bell presided for the W,M.S..of Carmel Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Bert Thompson was in charge of the Devotional, Mrs. Al Hoggarth gave a reading. Mrs, `Thompson gave an interesting address on "Remembrance". Mrs. Thompson gave two read - President Mrs. ,Neilands presided for the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary on Tuesday evening. The annual "C'hrist- rilas party" for the members families will be held on December .5, The members will have a gift exchange at the December meeting. Members enjoyed a day of bowling. Wednesday', at the Exctcr bowling lanes. The colour party of the Hensall Branch of the Cana- dian Legion comprising of, Wilmer Dalrymple Parade Marshall, Sgt. at Arms Iva Reid, Hilda Smale, Sgt, at Arms Murray Traquair and Jim Senate led by the band: Brian Fink, Gerry Wurm and C. Schroeder marched to the cenotaph for the service con- ducted by Rev. Stan McDon- ald:''who welcomed Harry Horton formerly of Hensall, now of Huronvicw, a World War 1 veteran. Bugler Van Boogcmans sounded the last post and wreaths were placed as fol- lows: Hensall Branch Cana- dian Legion; Irvin Ferris; Hensall Ladies' Auxiliary; Mrs. Alice Neilands; Kins- men & Kinettcs: Dwight Consist, Hensall Boy Scouts: Tom Bailey. Thompson's: Pete Swaan: Village Hensall: ns Paul Neilands; Province of Ontario: Mrs, Jean Munn; Bank of -Montreal: Eric La- ther, Bank .of Commerce, Mrs, Doxtator; Liquor Con- trol Board: Garnet Allan; Twp, of Tuckersmith, Robert Bell; Twp. of Hay, Lloyd Mousseau. Following the closing by singing "The Queen" and prayer, refresh- ments were served in the Legion Hall. ******* Rev. Kenneth Knight con- ducted worship service in ,Carmel Presbyterian Church en Sunday. Mrs. Dorothy Taylor presided at the organ for the service of song. The ladies' of the church, Sunday School and Arnold Circle Evening Auxiliary held a most successful bake sale, produce, crafts arid tea on Saturday afternoon. All who helped and the patronage was much appreciated. ******* The Hensall Branch of the Canadian Legion will hold a dinner at the Hensall Coln- nnnlity Centre on Thursday evening November 11 when a special speaker will be in attendance. C.N.LB. CAMPAIGN Eric Luther reports the campaign for funs presently ings. Mrs. Ben premed for the business, Mrs. Wm. H. Bell. treasurer gave the fi- nancial report. The officers for the•coming year are president: Mrs; Robert Taylor',( vice -Ares, Mrs: Hoggarth, treas. Kathy, Bell; see. Mrs. 'Faber; Asst Sec. -Mrs, Bert Thompson, Glad Tidings Sec. -Mrs. P. Campbell; Cradle Roll Sec, Mrs. Faber; Literature and Library Sec, Mrs. E. Camp- bell, Queensway Rep. Mrs. Gertie Moir; Assoc, Mem- bership Sec. Mrs. Jean Snell; Pianist -Mrs, R. Taylor. Mrs. Margaret Hoggarth presided for the Ladies' Aid meeting which followed and gave two readings "Kindness" and "Nature" and led in prayer. rty totals $879.00 which is ser- iously short of theobjective of $1.500.00. The door 'to door campaign in Hensall has been completed. There has been very little response, however, from the rural campaign. The ('.N.I.B. needs your assist- ance. Please forward your donation to the Bank of Montreal, Hensall. Thank you very much.' ******** QUEENSWAY NURSING HOME The ladies of Bethel Re- formed Church, Exctcr enter- tained residents on Monday afternoon with bingo and musk. Residents enjoyed a shower held on -Wednesday in honour of Miss Troyann Bell. Mrs. Christine Tal'na' and Mrs. Toonstra visited Miss Alccta Kats. Mr, and Mrs, Charles Westlake of St. Cath- arines visited with Miss Mary Westlake, Mrs, Violet Bishop and Mrs. Joan Betteridge si' ited Mrs. Irene Kalb- fleisch. Mr. Michael Moss and Jim visited with Miss E. Moss, Mr, and Mrs. Russell Mar- lin of Dorchester spent the past week at the home of their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Dickins. Brucefield UCW'hears Mrs.Robinson on Indonesia Correspondent ISABEL SCOTT 482-7135 Members of Unit 3 UCW were in charge of the Thank - offering meeting on Tuesday evening. Mrs, Eileen Town- send gave the call to worship and a hymn was sung with Mrs. Donna McBeath at the piano. After prayer Mrs. Lorraine Scott gale the med- itation on thankfulness. She said we need to learn how to cope with prosperity and also poverty and put our trust in God, Mrs. Townsend read a poem on Autumn and intro- duced Mrs. Margaret Robin- son of Clinton, who went to Indonesia this summer for four months under the spon• sorship of Crossroads Inter. national. She taught F.nglish to the children and adults in schools in Panakan which has a population of 1600 to the square mile. Mrs. Robinson showed slides and told about Kippen WI will hear Linda Crerar Correspondent RENA CALDWELL 262-5935 Kippen East W.I. will meet on Nov. 16 to avoid conflict with Kippen Fall Supper. Mrs. Charles Eyre. E_gmond- ville is hostess and Mrs. Stewart Pepper is Co -hostess. Mrs. Campbell Eyre will give the motto and Mrs. Linda Crerar will be the guest speaker. Mrs, Morlcs Cooper Is a patient in South Huron Hos• pital, hatter. Mrs. -toss Broadfoot has moscd into Hensall for the w Inter, We extend a w'elc'ome to Mr. and Mrs. Dasid Hunt who have moved In the 2nd concession Turkersrnith and also to Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Fahu w ho have moved to the former Doig property. her experiences. Mrs. Stoll presided for the business, A moments silence was observed in memory of Mrs. Mildred Walker, The treasurer's report was read by Mrs. Jack Henderson and a thank you letter read from Mrs. Verna Reid, Donations arc to he made to Alma College and the John Milton Society. The next meeting will be the Christmas pot luck dinner at 12:30 on Dec. 7 and the shut in boxes will be packed at the next meeting. Unit 1 ladies from Tucker - smith served lunch. Sympathy is extended to Mr, Norman Walker and family due to the death of his wife, Mildred. Tuckersmith Unit meets Tuckersmith Unit 1 met Nov, 1. Mrs. ,lean Henderson and Mrs. Ha/el McNaughton took Devotions with their theme on Armistice "War honfs out the worst In people and the tics' in people too." Faith of our Fathers was sung with Mrs. Ann Broadfoot playing the piano. Looking for the Ideal CHRISTMAS GIFT" Why not give a one-year GIFT SUBSCRIPTION to t he ljuron xpositor WE HAVE APPROPRIATE GIFT CARDS TO ANNOUNCE YOUR CHOICE Mrs. Taylor supplied for the secretary who was absent. The treasurer Mrs. Hyde gave a report of finances and also the rummage sale. Mrs. Bert Thompson gave a report of the kitchen supplies. Officers were chosen for the coming year: -P-resident Mrs, Taylor; Vi. -Pres. M . Snell; secretary -to be contact- ed; Treas. Mrs. Hyde; kit- chen committee -Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Skea; cards and treats; Mrs, R. Bell; quilt committee-Mrs.- Gertie Moir and Mrs, Alex MacGregor; group leaders Mrs. R. Bell and Mrs. Wm., H. Bell. f !_TM as H Hensall.United Church was filled on Sunday morning for the annual Remembrance Day service. Legion mem- bers. as well as Auxiliary, along with the community groups of Scouts. Cubs and ,Reavers paraded to the church, Rev. McDonald spoke on the subject "Where are the Thankful Hearts": he stressed the importance of pausing for a few moments in rc^rembrance of those who died, and are still suffering from war. But he said, our remem- brance is not enough, for if that were all', our remem- brance would soon become nothing more than a mockery. The only valid memorial is peace, peace, understanding and love between ourselves, our neighbours. our country and the world, and if we tail there then all others memor- ials.will be pretty unconvinc- ing. Don McCaffrey was soloist with Douglas Klopp at the organ. The ushers were s zehrs 5' Mr, and Mrs: Robert Chaffe, Tony and Sally of Mitchell were recent visitors with Mrs. Chaffe's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Corbett. LODGE MEETS Noble Grand Mrs. Marg- aret Consitt presided for the meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge on Wednesday eve - sail r e ning assisted by Vice Grand lyn McBeath; lone hands - Mrs. Margaret Upshall who Mrs. Leona Park; ladies low - reported for the visiting com- Mrs. Hazel Corbett. Refresh- mittee. R.S.N.G. Mrs. Hazb1 ments were served by the Corbett reported the jewels committee in charge. were placed in the jewel box. UNIT 3MEETS Following the business, pro-' Unit 3 of Hensall U.C.W. gressive euchre was enjoyed met on Tuesday afternoon with the following prize wits- with the President presiding. ners-Ladies high -Mrs. Eve- and opened the meeting with the theme song and prayer. Mrs. Ardys Glann gave the worship based on 'Peaces' in Dwight Consitt, Steven Cor- bett, Jeffrey Cor-6`eft and Steven McGregor. Elaine Stebbins greeted the wor- shippers. The flowers at the front of the church were placed in honour of the marriage of Brenda Pepper to Shawn Brennan. Next Sunday will be the Annual Anniversary with the congregation celebrating its 135th anniversary of the church, and 95th anniversary of the church building. Rev. W.D. Jarvis of Tillsonburg ers will be the guest minister and the Men -of -Accord of London will be the guest choir, F flowing the noon hour ydncheon the choir will pre- sent a short concert. Following the closing hymn the congregation paraded to the cenotaph for the laying of the wreaths. Rev. McDonald was dinner ' guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Pollard and family on Sunday evening, keeping with "Remembrance Day". Mrs. Dorothy Brintnell gave an item on "Hallo- we'en., Mrs. Pearl Taylor read on Missions in India and Lesontho. The annual bazaar will be held on Nvember 18 at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Margaret Cole had the study and Mrs. Irene Davis guest speaker spoke on "Stewardship". Hostesses were Mary Brint- nell and Erla Coleman. pen Wedding Race floe for J SA H 1 LITTLE and Y *ALE IFLR@ AY, 0 PAM 12T 9 potlblo SALTF,, Rfl FRESH! COUNTRY CUT CHICKEN ..... PARTS 7,c 3 Forequarters with whole nock & back; 3 Hindquarters with whole back. 3 Wings a 2 Giblet pack. 74/kg fine markets... of fine foods FRESH PART BACK ON CHICKEN LEGS 2.629 1, f9 TENDERLEANYOUNG ONTARIO FRESH PICNICS (PORK SHOULDERS) 2.16,kg 98). FRESH CHICKEN SPLIT BREASTS 3.28. 1.49 /kg •Ib FRESH SHOULDER BUTT PORK ROAST 3.04 f. 38 PREVIOUSLY FROZEN SCHNEIDERS SLICED BEEF LIVER 2. �8 99! k9 b. SCHNEIDERS ROUND 6 VARIETIES SLICED COOKED MEATS 17591.48 SCHNEIDERS PORTION SIZE HAM STEAK 17591.78 YOUNG ONTARIO FRESH BUTT PORK CHOPS 3.O4f.38 /k9 Ib DEVON BRAND SLICED SIDE BACON PK559 1.89 MAPLE LEAF FROZEN BAVARIAN SAUSAGE PKG9 f9 48 SHOPSYS DELI FASHIONED PASTRAMI OR CORNED 'BEEF 7./69 3.49 lb TRY OUR OWN BRAND ZEHRS SLICED BOLOGNA 375g 1.29 TRY OUR OWN BRAND ZEHRS WIENERS 4549 PKG 1 meat specials f Schneiders sliced THREE CORNED BEEF 5° 92.18 6.57/5 BACK BACON , . 2, 98 In Pride o1 Canada Min, 6.37/59 '2. DINNER HAM p899lb Maple Leaf S.P 407 /k9 COTTAGE ROLL 2.19 Ib York Cornmoaled 9 Schneiders SAUERKRAUT 909 mL 1.48 No Name Chicken BOLOGNA 375 9 1.19 We reserve the right to limit purchases GREEN GIANT FANCY 12 OZ. NIBLETS CORN. OR 140Z. SUMMER SWEET PEAS. CREAM STYLE CORN OR KITCHEN SLICED GREEN OR WAX BEANS 211 McCAINS FROZEN CONCENTRATED ORANGE JUICE 12.5 OZ TIN KRAFT FRUIT OR WHITE MINIATURE MARSHMALLOWS 250 g 89'2/*1 TIDE LAUNDRY DETERGENT 6 LITRE ENHANCE CONDITIONER OR SHAMPOO 450 mL 129 COLGATE • 3 VARIETIES TOOTHPASTE 150 on 169 NESCAFE DECAFFEINATED COFFEE JAR 5.49 JAR INSTANT COFFEE TASTERS CHOICE 2 VAR 8 oz 6.39 JAR ,CREAMERY FRESH ZEHRS BUTTER 1 LB. 3.79 j.89 MEALTYME HOT DOG OR HAMBURG ROLLS PKGS OF 8 2/r1 deli specials Pride of Canada 5.91/kg COOKED HAM 2.681b. Schneiders Blue Ribbon BOLOGNA 483/59 2/91b. Maple Leaf 72S/kg KIELBOSSA I29lb. CAMPBELLS CONDENSED VEGETABLE SOUP 1°pr 3/11 TINS INSTANT CHOCOLATE NESTLE QUIK 750 el 2.59 NESTLE • 8 VARIETIES MINI PUDDINGS 20 oz 149 CRYSTAL STEMWARE DIANA' IMPORTED FROM HUNGARY Goblet. Claret, Hi•ball, Wine. Old Fashion Champagne or Parlail EA 9 DEODORANT - 3 VARIETIES IMAGINE SPRAY 10O mL 2.39 NEILSON • 7 VARIETIES CANDY BARS 1.19 PLANTERS BLANCHED PEANUTS 7508 2.99 BOUNCE FABRIC SOFTENER 60 SHEETS 4.89 COUNTRY STYLE LIPTON CUP -A -SOUP VARIOUS 590 SIZES YORK SMOOTHY OR CRUNCHY PEANUT BUTTER kV 3.99 3 VARIETIES LIBBYS BEANS 14 0: TIN 69? LIBBYS ALPHAGETTI. Z000LES OR SPAGHETTI 19 or TIN 790 HUNTS REGULAR TOMATO SAUCE 28 0r 99? ZEHRS ORANGE PEKOE TEA BAGS 6 < 1.39 KELLOGGS CORN FLAKES 6759 1.59 LI8855 3 VARIETIES PINEAPPLE to 14nr 69 ZEHRS PLAIN OR SALTED CRACKERS °9 99° KNOTTY PINE MEAT PIES 09.500 Torkefe .39 280 q NEILSON ORANGE JUICE STICIS OA DREAMSICLES 12s 1.39 INSTANT COFFEE NESCAFE loo, 4.79 4 Varieties COLONIAL COOKIES Kleenex Boutique FACIAL TISSUE Neilson ice cream - 6 Varieties VENETIAN VANILLA Farmhouse - 4 Varieties CREAM PIES a°O-450 g 120 SHEETS 1 LITRE FROZEN 12 or Bath size Morning Meadow or Seawind FRESH BAR SOAP Knotty Pine FROZEN BEEF PIES Wong Wing • 2 Varieties ' SPARERIBS Grannys BRAN MUFFINS General Mills cereal 350 g STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE High loner Sole FISH STICKS Neilson assorted 1309 280 g 12 or 312 FRUITPLUS YOGURT Westons Cinnamon BUTTERHORNS 14 or 1 kg PKG 09 6 1.69 79' 1.59 1.59 69' 1.79 1.99 1.15 1.89 2.89 2.29 1.19 Country Oven DINNER ROLLS vi ` DO/ Country Oven ALMOND DANISH g p5, 419 09 Country Oven RAISIN BREAD 059 1.39 LOAF SPECIALS IN EF FECT SIX FULL DAYS UNTIL CLOSING TUES. NOV. 16 DEL MONTE DOLE OR CHIQUITA BANANAS 42,k, f" 91b Prod of Lr S A Can L,18 Nn 1 REO 59 GRAPES EMPEROR 99'ib Prod of 0n! irio BEAN r130 kir SPROUTS S9` Ili Prod of 1, S A Can No 1 Sweet GREEN 1.96 PEPPERS 89' Ili Prod of Onl,1,0 437 kq MUSHROOMS 1981b Prod of On, ,ria Dry Style CHINESE NOODLES 170 g 79° PROD. OF U.S.A. CRISP LEAFY FRESH SPINACH 10 oz CELLO PKG 7, Prod of 0014„0 99� TO FU 500 9 Prod of OMar,o BRUSSEL SPROUTS Prod of Ont CA, Fry Red DELICIOUS 199 APPLES 5 m Proof Can No 1 CUCUMBERS ill/ d %9e Prod of Cal torn,,, NAVEL ORANGES not 1.99 1.74 79' fb PROD. OF ONTARIO CAN. NO, 1 GRADE GREEN CABBAGE 3/s1 Prod of CablOr.,a FRESH BROCCOLI BUNCH 99' Plod of Ontano PARSNIPS 2 Ka 7,00 0, Ontar,n PEPPER SQUASH S/�1 Inch otted JERUSALEM CHERRY 99 ZEHRS GIFT CERTIFICATES are ava.iabie< T' al• Zen.< HIGHWAY NO. 8 THESE SPECIALS GODERICH AVAILABLE ONLY IN: MOW„ TUES. 9 TO 6 P,a . WED., THURS., FRI. - 9 TO 9 P.M. SAT. 8:30 TO 6 P.M. JOSEPHINE ST. (HWY. NO. 4) WINGHAM 975 WALLACE AVE. N. LISTOWEL INTERSECTION HWY. NO. 4 AND 83 EXETER MON.. TUES., WED. . 9 TO 6 P.M, THURS., FRI. 9 TO 9 P.M, SAT. 8:30 TO 6 P,M. a