The Wingham Times, 1907-03-14, Page 44
Itl+1`Ailralt?i1Era Ill:t
r[���+ I1� TIMES.
Ilii NiUAI TIMES. Weak,Tlred 037; Depressed People
xt,1't,143'.1.Ii1xT, i'itsrtatimaAWOPltertitt`ro» Need a Tonle to Put the Blood
Spring blood id bad blood. Xudocr life
daring the winter months is responsible
for weak, watery. impure Moth You
need a tonic to build up the blood iu
spring just a8 iun2h as the trees need
uew sap to give then vitality for the
summer, In some it breeds pimples and
eruptions. Ia others it may be through
ozcasioual headaches, a variable appetite.
p Maps twinges of neuralgia or then- l
watism, or a lazy feeling in the morning
and a desire to avoid exertion. Per
these spring ailments it is a tomo you
need, and the greatest blood -making, :
health -giving tonic in all the world i3
Dr. W1.1tar8' Pint; Pills. Every dose
nelps to mak new, rich red, health-
giving Mood, which reaches every nerve
and every organ in she bo;jr bringing
health. strength and a gy to weak,
despondent ailing i u atld a oaten.
Isere is proof Urs, Teo Merritt, Sandy
Clave, N 1; , s st, "I was weak, feel-
ing miserable ad terribly run dawn.
Ti'1tdoctor whom I consulted said the
trouble was at:aemia. but he did not help
me. A friend advised me to take Dr.
\i illiams° Pink Pills and it is simply an •
possible tor me to over•esti uareelta• good
they hare done me. 1 *hall always
res emmend then. to ailing f: ituiels." ;
But if yon waist new health you must
get the genuine Dr. Williams' Pink fills
for Palo People, manntneturea in e.':tii
acts et Brockville, Oat. 0:her so•eal;.'d'.
pink pits are fraudulent initations. Tne
t:euut ne Dr. Williams' Pink Pats are
sold by all reparable medicine dealers er
sent by .• ail at 30 cents a bis or Mx'
!teres or $a :.Y' by writicg the Dr Wit.
limns' Medicine C`o , Brockville, Oat.
TIiTIRSX)A`F'. blA1011 1.4. WM.
In Manitoba on Thursday last in the
general election the Roblin Government
'eras returned to power with a rnixjtliity
Of sixteen.
The principal countries consuming
Coop ter in WM were: Unite.. Zitagdotn,
60,451 tons; Germany, 165.107 tens;
France, 06,32S tons. All now a contid-
erablea inerease in consumption over the
preceding year.
Thews Martin, M. P. for North
eWellingtou died at Ottawa on Tuesday.
Mr. Martin's. home was in tit Irtst and
be had b en .11ayar of that town betore
entering Pariiaeucus in 18i4 Ito va+ tC
Liberal. During the present session
three members of the Commons and
tour Seuat'rs have passed aw•;y.
Tim imports of eggs into the United
Ringliou. *luring the year 1J:lii, Axys the
New a ark Produce Review, were val-
ued at 0.31,5IS,1t)1 drawn from the fol-
lowing countries: R assia, $11.80$ ir0;
»eumark. low,"►. Yw ; 1.1 .many„'1 tall.-
Del; Belgium, $4.StIS Cirri: France, $3,-
aaa; C`anade, $ilii PAT: all other
countries, $1.07,400 The *Canted
Stan's exports eggs to a limited extent.
tlics t: at".15 to all e2,autries being vat.
tied at *only $543 aaa
W. H torr of Srusse"s Norioated for
the t_s:cal
Tho n, tiro :.erg convention for this
east rtin g *: Karam was hell is the
Town ilea, I ruseeis. on '.Ya shay after-
i:'ua?n last wfens the parpase 0t
yeoma iii a a I.a:' a t. ea dila:e ?or t:.e
Pr.ovin ail :.;xis:arnre. C?:.e hnz;.*rr
and =:-vt'ntr•six sae ligates ausw:rcai to
their neat s atter Pe saett at \\ . M a.n-
elaae bat rattle a ariet audl 'e IIsie °.• tsar
thee?. air. A, Ras tigw. , wv::o
t.-. lie a_t t:. w' -� 4
lois aa, n t aa.. for Eris:,
RcZ:l.:i, had been it..a,t'S9.i:n1 Iv: the
tvanNa..zsh.:n:atoe.' L""•a.:.\1 w cf aaaes-
irit:XamZsh ar. i.1c ta;i tea am sae red
W. Ii Rena eclt'.t-retl 13.Csst:•' zs:
illi r.:¢' >:xACs Lig t %at l;a xh leas
errs:a next wit." az votes Oa
mat.. a at Mr. 'tri: t:aoar,.,
Ic. t:. Seat, to e. r1.':.7.Ltd:1a'.i wits
raaaa ani a mes.
rea Ctea3thea..:eainasmart
amerai. aaarea-
es waie male by al 'vs . 3a38Sal.-.1111-
/an et ilia t:, D..111s, ti ^:ata, ex al P
Pow ea , A3
:.le a.aaet a.te tCt''a1t::