HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-03-14, Page 31
S TO ;;'ES
find that on account of their lease expiring they are forced to consolidate their two immense stocks into one
store, and as both stores are simply overflowing now, this is an impossibility until greatly
reduced. They have therefore decided to throw their whole
of high-grade dependable m- rc andise, Dry Goods, Clothing, Men's Furnishings, Hats and Caps, Dress Goods,
Silks,Linens, nens, Housefur ish zgs, etc., etc., on the market
To every purchaser of $25.00 worth we
will refund the price of their return fare to
any point in the county of Huron.
Present your tickets at the office.
It will pay you to come 25 miles to visit
this great sale. •
Remember the date. the day is set
MARCH 9th at 9 a. m.
This is not a sale for any particular member of the family.
You w illfind here unheard-of Bargains for Men, for Women, for Boys
and Girls. Every member of every family in this whole county will
benefit by our generous values,
Our offerings are such that, no matter what the weather condi-
tions, you MUST and WILL be here to secure early choke.
Sensational Values in House Furnishings. •
The ohanoe of a life -time to furnish the new home or re -furnish the •
old. Bring your room and widow measnrea with you.
Best Nottiugh•ucn Oartains, fall width extra long, suitable designs for bed.
room, sitting•room or parlor, regular $L.25 for per pair 69e
Extra Heavy Canadian Oilcloths, floral or tile designs, regular 30 per yard •
for,, - - - - - 21c :
: Tapestry Carpet, splendid heavy weights, and elegant designs, for all par- ,
poses, regular 75o value for per yard • - 44c
Scotch Litioteumns, 2 yards and 4 yards wide, greatly reduced,
- Roller Blinds full width and length, strong spring, regular prides GOo for 39c
Clothing Prices gone to Smash ! !
Every garment guaranteed as to fit and finish or your money back. i
50 Youths' and Men's Suite, in fine quality, domestic and imported tweed,
padded shoulders, w 11 set np, regular $G.00, value :'or each • $3.95
: Men's Suits of fine. sightly, west of England tweed, hued with XXX per- •
manent finish Italian double worped, regular $10.00 and $12 00 value for
each - - • $7.95
- Men's Heavy Tweed Pants, all sizes, regular $1.50 for only - - 98c
_ Men's Heavy Winter Coats, simply mast be cleared out, lines worth $8 00 ,
will be sold for each - - - - $2,95. .
Great Slaughter of Staples.
Right on top of an advancing market, our superior buying facilities
enable us to quote prices away below present wholesale cost. •
- 1000 yards of linen towellings all kinds and worth up to 10c per yard, for
per yard - - - - - • 45e
- 1000 yards of Flannel's, good widths, fast colors, now striped designs, reg,
value 100 for per yard - - 63:ic ,
Heavy Oxford Shirtinge, fast colors, good weights, regular 10c value for ?sc
- Heavy, fast color print, good new patterns, nothing to equal it today at per
yard - - - - 5e
Everything reduced nothing reserved.
Ladies' Hosiery and Underwear at greatly reduced prices.
Ladies' Golf Jackets and Tams at slaughtered prices,
'We assure each and every purchaser '
absolute satisfaction, and guarantee every
article, every price and every statement here
made. We will take back, exchange, or refund
the money during these thirteen days on any
article unsatisfactory for any reason what-
ever. .Everything worked in plain figures.
No juggling with prices.
Remember the date.
Look for the big signs.
An Avalanche of Value for
Men and Boys.
You'll never do better than here and now.
Men's heavy braces worth up to _loc per pair, including the
famous fire and police br:.ce for only per pair 1 9c
Men's heavy grey woollen sox, winter weight, for, pair 9c
Red and blue Bandana Handerchiefs, regular roc for 5C
An assortment of of fine silk neckties, all shapes, right-up-
to•date, for each
Men's Dress Shirts, stiff or soft, white or colored, all kinds,
regular $i,00 for 39c
Men's four ply linen collars, all shapes, regular 15c and
20c for each - - - - 9c
Men's Umbrellas, fine quality, congo handles, regular
$1.25, for
Men's Heavy Leather Mitts, muleskin, pig -skin, etc.,
lined and unlined, reg, 6oc value for only per pr 39c
Men's Heavy Driving Caps, tweeds and beavers, regular
5oc and 75c for - - - 190
Ways Knit Mufflers and chest protect 'rs, for only 19c
Heavy Cottonade Overalls, only per p.ir 69c
Men's Heavy Cardigan Jackets, famous Hudsons' Bay
make, regular $1 25 for
- - 98c
Men's Heavy Knit Shirts, all sizes, regular 75c for 39c
Meti's Heavy Fiannell Shirts, all sizes, reg. Goc for 39c
Men's Heavy Wool Fleeced Shirts and Drawers, all sizes,
regular, $1,25, per suit, for each
Men's heavy Pure wool unshrinkable shirts and drawers,
regular $2.00 per suit, for only - - 69c
Our Thirteen Days' Sale— We have gone to heavy expense
preparing and advertisiug our Great Thirteen Days' Sale, and expect the
heaviest two weeks selling ever experienced in the County of Huron. While
you will get all that is advertised, and more, we advise shopping early
before assortments are broken. Remember, there will be a crowd, but you
will be •iostled by pleased and goodnatured people.
Our two Bee Hive Stores were closed
on Friday for the purpose of marking down
goods. Everything in the whole of these im-
mense stocks goes down to the price that will
move it and move it quick.
Bargains in Dress goods.
Nlviteach ach►asebefore in Hiraa t- buy right up•tu-1 tie D•Ani
goods as such prices Alt bright new vale. Net az old or damaged plea
in the lot.
500 yards ofb-igh;H+nriettsSana, Llstree, Pt;iia, e`o. asd wa-rte
regularly up to 553, tor during this great sale only per yard - 1.0.. •
, 500 yards of hi;s grads c.astume fabrics, all kis 13 w.irt.t up to 733 for »'r
yard - - • 390
Wonderful values in all liaes of new spring tweeds.
Bargains in Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Dept.
The resonant riag of taese prices will be beard is this county for years
to Dome.
Ladies' plain blas or blaok Dress Shirts, in the latest American styles, fine
heavy qualities of cloth and a really excellent value at $4.00, for mile
each $ t,Ji;
, Ladies' t2 aderskirts, mule frnm fine brilliant mercerized satin, fall frilled. Nil
sizes and worth no ta: 1.50 for each - ii`.)^
Ladies' black Stria Underskirts, all atzes, excellent finish for each - 4.)c
Fancy English Maaaell Waists, beantifai fast oolor designs, regular 75.,
value, for each - • - •- 39e
Ladies' Print and Flannel' Wrappers, elegant designs, all siz+s, ronnlar $5,25
value, for each - - - - - 59c
• Ladies' elegant New York Mantles, worth up to $1.0.00 each, to be claarent
completely for only, exon - •-$De)i`i
Ladies' Bldek Satin Waists, all sizes, worth np.to 75e, for each - 4:)c
A largo stock of Whitewear to be ruthlessly sacrificed.
Wonderful Linen values.
411 lines of Tabl i Linens, Five O'clock Teas, Sideboard 17uaaers,
' Dresser Scarves, etc. all to :e sold regardless of cost or value.
Groceries Slaughtered ! !
Anything saved on groceries it made money, and you'll find lots of it
here during this great slaughter.
Claimed Peas, reg. 10„ zor 5c i Aroma Taa, rag 4'l for 330
: Clow Brant Soda 3c I Eztr:tcts, reg lea for 8e
laic 1 21 lbs. Gran. Sugar $1.0f)
8e J Parlor Brooms, each 10e
Gloss Starch, 4 for 25c
. 7 Bars Soap for
Tront liaddie, tine
We have made arrangement to handle
500 cases of fresh eggs 5000 lbs. of butter, a
ton of dried apples and 200 bags of' potatoes
during this great trade movement at highest
market prices.
Bring in your produce.
The roads are good and all roads lead to
this store.
Air: Impossibility !—In writing a circular life this it is impossible to mention every article for sale during this great event, but even though the thing yon want is not mentioned here,
you will find it here and will also receive on it a startlingly low price. Come yourself, and tell your friends.
THE BEE 111V13