HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-03-14, Page 1THS
NO. 1831,
What is the best
Why ?
1. It contains 50 per cent. Pure Cod :.
Liver 011.
2. It Contains Hypophoepbites and
3. Is easy to take, and a perfect
Walton McKbboii
Macdonald Block, Wingham.
Horse Racil
The Ontario Assc
the closing meeting
considerable majorit
at Fairs, andappoi
wait on the Minist
-urge a ohauge in t
Monteith had no 0
'speed; but he oppos
prize money to a
simply for racing
:against farm anima
.simply urged that t
as to Ieave raoing t
idividnal Fair Boar
tione to be impose
:objectionable feats
at Fairs:
iation of Fairs, at
recently, voted by
in favor of racing
ed a deputation to
of Agriculture to
e law. Hon. Mr.
jection to trials of
d the idea of giving
ass of horses kept
and pitting these
The deputation
e law be so changed
the discretion of in-
, with such restrie-
ns would eliminate
Wear ttreer's Shoes and Rubbers
Fell and Fre ured Leg.
Mrs. L. McLean et with a painful
accident last Friday f renoon. She was
going down the stairway and when near
the bottom fell and 'robe one of her
lege. This unfortnu te accident will
confine Mrs, McLean tie her bed for sgme
Business Caange
Lust week Mr. P : 1. Hili, sold his
aeriated water works titaness to Mr, J
W, Orr, late of the Ki g Edward hotel
Mr Orr will take pose Bion of the busi-
ness on the lst of M y, Mr. Hill in-
tends taking a trip th ongle the West.
Bee Hive, Go me
Br ch
People who do not r convenient
to atted my slaughte-- a in Wiugham.
drop into the Brain) - 'tore, Gorrie. I
am selling at greatly -educed prices, A.
The Salvat 3n Army.
General Booth, he: d of the Salvation
Army is now tonrin. Canada for a few
days. He delivere throe addresses in
Maesey Hall at Tor
General Booth is 130
of age. He started
work in old Londo
'the Army is now i
51 conutries and or
Cattle Sale
Mr. T. E. Wal
auction tale of
hotel on Satnrd
week. This lot i
cows, some with
as some good ono
ers and steers.
• to on Sunday last,
over eighty years
be Salvation Army
41 years ago and
active operation in
ext Saturday.
r will hold another
ttle at the National
afternoon of this
eludes fifteen miloh
:Ives at foot, as well
nd two year old heif-
r: Jas. Henderson,
eive the bids.
auctioneer, will re
Prope - ty Sold.
Absalom Taylor has disposed of his
vacant lot and sto, e foundation on Vic-
toria St to Alex. s: neon, Of town,recent-
ly of Gorrie. has. Maguire has die -
Good working hdrse for pale. Apply!
at Wingham•Salt Works.
FOR SALE—Two bedroom spites, cora-
'p1e te; one parlor suite, upholstered iu.
silk rug; strictly high cleat; one new
coal heater and several other articles to
be sold at once as I am leaving town for
Erandon. Enquire at residence on John I
street. WESLEY WALKER. •
You will find a
bran new stock of
up to snuff
Latest cuts and styles in
Men's and Boys'.
• House Furnishings
Of all kinds, The new-
est designs and latest pat-
terns in Carpets, Rugs,
Linoleums, Oilcloths and
all Floor Coverings.
1000 pair Lace Curtains, 25o to $6
Tapestry, Silk, Chenille, and
iifadras Curtains by the pair
and per yard --swell
4 yard wide tinolenms, good
weight, in Floral and Black
designs, regnla $2.00 and
12.25, Saturday • 81"40
Store open at 8.30. Shop early.
Clothier and Hound Furnither
Old Pott Office Stand.
posed of his home tend property, lot 8,
con. 2, Morris, wh.th he has occupied
for over fifty years, to R. E. Hethering-
ton, of Langeide, -oho gets possession on
the first of April. Meese sales was made
through the Real _,state Agency of J.H.
Wedded. at Clinton.
A happy event ftok place at the Pres-
terian manse in Linton, on Thursday
afternoon last, wl n Mrs. Ellen Yeoams
f ormetly of Turn erry was united in
marriage with D r, W. J. Mann, of
Wooleley'Sasit, he ceremony was per-
formed by Rev.A. tewart, D.D.,of Clin-
ton, the groom be ng assisted by Mr.
David Bell, of thi- town and Slee bride
by Mies Fothergi 1, of Westfield. Mr.
and Mrs. Mann 1iift on the afternoon
train from Clinto a for their home in the
West and will ha' •e the very beet wishes
of numerous friesds in this section.
Fon SALE —A few choice young York-
shire brood sows at $15 and $16 each, if
taken soon. A. McNeil, con. 12, East
Wawanosh or Wingham P. 0.
Movin ; to Galt.
Mr. A. E. Brad*,'lab late of the Blyth
Standard, who reeantly went to Toronto
to take a position :n the Saturday Night,
has resigned that position and is now
manager of the daiiy and weekly Re-
former at Galt. Mr. Bradwin is well
fitted for this new position and the Re-
former should pro .per under him. Ho
has had many yea °a of newspaper experi-
ence and hie old -friends in Wingham
and district will
He is a former '
Tmnls is always I
mer residents for
ish him every success.
ugh= boy and the
eased to hear of for-
ing ahead to the beet
Canadian Foresters.
Died in alkerton.
Mr. Patrick O things, who for a few
years was the pro rietnr of the National
hotel in this town , died at bis home in
Wackerton on M aday morning after a
short illnese.
SurveyiTown Lots,
Tho Angus pea -arty will be put on
the market in be near future. Mr,
Angus is arrangii ;; to have a snrveyer
some to town au: survey the property
into town luta, Watch for full parti•
enlar'a en future i sues of this paper.
St. Pat ick Social.
A St Patrick sc ail, under the aus-
pices of the Ladle ' Aid Soolety, will be
held iu the lector room of St, Andrew's
Presbyterian Oh rch on Friday evening
or this week. he program will be
made up of Iris songs, nett Alone, etc
A good evening' entertainment is pro.
raised. The ed destine will be 10o and
16o. Programm to commence at 8
o'clock. All are cordially invited to at-
At the regular leeting of Court Mait-
land, Canadian oresters, on Friday'
evening last sever 1 new members were
admitted. A ape 1a1 meeting will be
hold on Friday ev ning of .this week
when several mere ew members will be
reoeived. All m mbers of the Court
are requested to b present at Friday
evening's meetings Mr. T. G, Weston,
who) has been wor ling here in the inter -
este of the Order, has decided to make
Wingham his he quarters And Will take
up his residence ere, Mrs. Weston cora-
beg to town this week. The TIJtns is
pleased to weloo a Mr. and Mrs. Wes-
ton as residents f Wingham.
Fog SALE.—Rriok homes and lot; also
a good brink house with all modern
eonvienoea; heed and soft Water, good
barn, and from one to four acres of
land. Get pattioularit at the Trtatafa
Fon SATE—One p.rlor s •ve, with
oven ; one cools stove, . nal . ty of house-
hold furniture; genil n's Cleveland
bioy ole, Apply to P. treL,
Property ransfers.
Last week there ae another transfer
of real estate in ingbam. The pro-
perty next the Mac onald block, recent-
ly purchased by B. Elliott has been
sold to Geo. C. H nna, who will move
tale frame buildin away and build a
brink store. On nraday,Messrs F, H.
Walley and 11. B. Elliott purchased the
"Stone block" pr perty from Messrs J.
H. Chisholm an Walton McKibben.
Mr. Walley will take the corner store
and Mr. Elliott t e balance l the block.
durable with firs
stook to select tro
EF—Strong and
ante. looks. Fall
Hockey Games.
The Kincardine igh School hookey
club played the ret ru game with the
Wingham H'gh Se ool hockey boys in
the rink here on F. •iday last. The game
was a very good o;,e and ended in a tie,
eaoh team scoring Aix goals.
On Friday even ng the Business Col-
lege team went to 3ruesels and were de-
f Bated seven to ou I. The Brussels boys
oame back to
evening and again
nese College boys
Ingham on Monday
on from the Busi-
y a ecore of seven to
Easter carde and no billet; in great
abundance at K. M., F leer's book store.
Watch for window,
Off for Ne!- Provinces.
The 'nth for the hew prairie provinc-
es has commenced! People vs ho have
been spending the minter in Ontario and
settlers who intend eocating in the West
are now leaving 0 tario points so ae to
be ready for the pring work in the
West. Among th se who left Wingham
this week were t following: —Jas H.
and Adam Bova n to Saskatoon; J.
W. Torrey to Su -atoon; W. J. Paxton
to Hamiota;Chas E.Lake to Edmonton;
Lyon Findlater t Hanley; W. R. Smith,
taking -a car load of settlers effects to
Woolsley. Mr Jas. 11. Robertson
shipped a car loa of horses and settlers
effects to Whigs star, Man.
Dr. Nelson Tai of
Toronto, with be t
Wingham, on Fri is
8,30 a. m. till 3 p. �r
diseases, of Eye, loan
Glasses fitted.
498 S,pdina Ave.,
he O`aeen's Hotel,
, arch 15, from
for consultation in
Nose and Throat.
Died in North Dakota
There died at h home in Hanaboro,
North Dakota, ou Monday, February 18,
of neuralgia of the heart, James Messer,
eon of Mr. James Ilesser of Morris town-
ship, aged 44 yeas, 2 months and 12
days. The late M e Messer was born in
Morris township, ear Bluevale, in Dec.
1862, and spent is early life there.
About sixteen yea ago he went to the
west and for a ti e resided at Beim -
vain, Man., remo ng in 1805 to Rolla,
N. D., where he nt into the bakery
business. Later h was manager of a
store at Antwerp, nd after some time
he purchased the st ok and moved it to
the new town of authoro. He was
postmaster at Antw rp, and after his re-
moval to Hansboro as also postmaster
theta. In August, 006, he was married
to Miss Mabel S cord. who with a
daughter ten mon as old, now mourn
the lots of a hub nd and father. De-
ceased was a mem er of the A.O.TJ.W„
and was held in h' - h esteem by a large
circle of friends an aequaintancos. The
remains were burl: d in the cemetery at
Rolla, N. D.
A. complete line terFelta, Rrtbhers and
Shoes now on hand at E. .7ohnbton's
Boot and Shoe Store. block.
Suois—The best makes est prioes.
WANTED—Thirty oorda of good dry
cedar. Apply at 'Western Foundry Oo.
A. 0. F. " Horne"
OnTuesday eveui g, Court Huron,
No. 8408, a. 0 F. he a very success-
ful "A c Home" in th it lodge room
After their regular mea ng about fifty
of the members add the friends en:
joy ed the social event an the evening
was enlivened by a cher programme
and speeches by Jas. H milton and
many of the other able or tors of the
Court. Court Huron bas eau on the
upward road this winter and on the
next meeting night a class land
eight are
to be initiated. {+
90 RENT —First-01aes grass farm of
100 acres; plenty of water' 2 miles from
Wingham. Apply to Il. Laois,
Rev. D. Parris and Rev J. J, Hattie,
of Brlgrave exchanged 1pit work on
Sunday last,
Mr, 3. D. Forward, of Toronto con-
ducted the services in the Wiugham
Baptist church on Sunder last.
The annual meeting of the Missionary
Society of the Diocese of kuron is being
held in London this weiik. Mrs. W.
Diamond and Miss Mae1 Knox are the
delegates from St. Paul'aohnroh.
Rev. W. Lowe was in town this week
on his way to attend tbe meeting of the
Ontario West Orange Grand Lodge
meeting at Orangeville, He will spend
Friday in Wiugham and on that even -
will preach to hie forme parishioners in
St. Paul's ohuroh,
The Rev. W. G. H wenn preaches
next Sunday in the N th at. church,
Godeiick, it being the ret anniversary
of the new church. T e pulpit of the
Methodist Church her will be filled by
the Rev. B. Clement. A collection for
t he sufferers from tit famine in China
will be taken at the a ening service.
,Pastor Fitch has o ly three more Sab-
gath evenings left as actor of Wingham
Baptist Church, will devote these
to a consideration f three great ques-
tions asked in the B tile. Next Sabbath
evening will be "T a Question of Ques-
tione." Mr. Fitch eaves at the first of
April to give his t oat an extended reet,
At the meeting or he Baptist congrega-
tion on Friday even ng Mr, Fitoh's resig-
nation was acoepte and a committee ap-
pointed to take th • necessary procedure
to secure a new pa tor.
Public Sc
The regular mon
Public School Boar
day evening. Me•
tees Griffin, Hall, I
and Ross. In the
Lloyd, Trustee Gil
ool Board.
ly meeting of the
was held on Taos -
bars present—Trus-
ard, Kerr, Jenkins
bsenoe of Chairman
n was voted to the
chair. Minutes of previous meeting
were read and approved.
The principal's re sort showed the fol-
lowing attendance for the month of
ebruary:—Dept Boys G rls Total Avg
1 22 4 54 49
2 19 . 49 36
3 27 2 48 46
4 17 3 51 48
5 27 1 ' 45 43
t; 21 2 47 42
7 33 2 65 53
169 lea 3E2 316
On motion of True::ees Ross ani Kerr,
the following accounts were ordered to
be paid: --Town of V1ngham, vaterrate,
$2; 3. B. Ferguson, 'teatimeexpenses,$3;
Hunter a Co,, inepcting boiler, new
grates and repairs, $13.57; Canadian
Express Co„ express barges, 40c; C. N.
Griffin, supplies, $5 3p.
Inspector Robb repRF,.rted as foliows : —
Brssels, t+'eby 25, 07.
Pablio School Trustelss,
Win ham.
Gentlemen,—I beg to report that I
visited year school o February 18, 19
and 20.
I found the rooms clean, warm and
comfortable, of cum e, there is no ven-
tilation except the pernitive one of open-
ing windows. I thin this should engage
the attention of the bo rd.
As usual, the staff i doing very satis-
factory work'—some f the teaohers with
greater success than there.
I am, ge itlemen,
your obedient servant,
D. Hong.
On motion of Trustees Kerr and Hall,
Inspector's report wets left over for dis-
cussion at a future meeting,
Mr. John Ritchie a rested the Board
in reference to inspect n and insurance
on boiler, The matter Iwas left over till
next meeting.
On motion of Trust s Ross and Herr,
he re
the salaries of cavo and officers we
ordered to be paid.
One of Wingha 's beat known and
highly respected bus -these men passed
away on Sunday right last in the person
of Mr. Geo.E. Kiu';, Mr King had been
ailing hast fall, bu ; had recovered suffi
ciently to enable 'm to again attend to
bnsinesa. Three wake ago be was again
roroed to remain n the house, suffering
much pain fro i an inward trouble.
Last week he we removed to the Wing.
ham hospital an an operation perform
eel on Tliureclay `om whi, h the sufferer
received relief a seemed to be improv
lug until Sunday Deceased was a son
of the late Dune n long, of near Blue -
vale and was bora in York county near-
ty fifty years nevi. He received hie edn•
cation at Blueva
ines Collegiate
self for the teao
followed for so
schools in Turn
Sin ghampton,
oided to enter
and moved to
years ago. He
business by hie
dealing and his
Highest cash price paid for bitter and
eggs at W. Bone's grocery, Chisholm
Ie school and St. Cather.
cstitute, preparing him-
ing profession which he
ne years, teaching in
erry and Morrie and at
imcoe county, He de -
he mercantile busiuoss
gingham some nineteen
built lap a fionrisbing
enial manner and fair
tore drew trade from
farmers who lig many miles from
Wingham. He .vas a man of many
sterling qualities 'ind made many warm
friends. Mr. King was a great admirer
of a good horse awl was a splendid judge
of an auimal. I.1, spent his Ieibure time
in driving his he ao, and was for some
years Secretary-11,1easurer of the Wing -
His death at a cora
age is deeply re -
be greatly missed iu
OM life of Wingham.
d by his widow (nee
oue daughter, Mies
, Thos. and Robert
aged mother, four
etors survive him, all
ham Turf Lamb.
paratively your'
gretted and he wii
the bnsinesa and s
Mr. King is eurvivl
Mies Henning) an
Ethel and two son
all at home. His
brothers and two si
of whom will have the sincere sympathy
of a large circle o; friends in their be-
reavement, The .,rothers are John W.
and Peter of Blue7ale; Robert, of God-
erioh; Dr. Tnos.,-3f Solaris, Man., who
was a ith hie late arother dur'ng hie last
illness. The twd sisters are Mrs Paul
Powell, of Tnrnbetry and Mrs Geo. Mc-
Donald, of Biuevala. Mrs Burgess, who
met with so andden'•`,a death in a mu -
away accident at 0 wd
ago was a sister.
place yesterday afte
ham cemetery and
tended. The caske
beautiful wreaths
amoug them was
from the business me
a lovely wreath made
a horse shoe, which vi
Sound some time
he funeral took
noon to the Wing -
as very largely at -
was laden with
from friends and
beautiful wreath
of the town, and
lap in the shape of
as given by a few
of Mr. King's intimate friends.
A resident of this
years passed away on
in the person of Dune
Wingham Town Plo
Deceased had been
weeks, taking a seve
troubled with asth
troubles developed.
section for fifty
Monday morning
n Groves, of the
in his 71st year.
ailing for a few
e cold, and being
a, a number of
dr. Groves was a
native of Ireland and game to this coun-
try before he was tw inty years of age.
He settled first near Brockville, where
he remained until t spring of 1857
when he cam, to tie' section. His first
farm in this sectio was the old Geo.
Taylor farm at Zetland. Two yea s lat-
er he took up the f arm on the Turnberry
side of the Bit_ev a roti, now owned
by Mr. Jas. Fowle . Retiring from the
farm he porches d a property in tbe
Town Plot wher he has since resided.
He was one of t a few remaining pione-
era and saw W' gham converted from
the bush to a rosperous town. Ile
was a man held n high esteem by many
friends. He w s a Conservative and
took an votive art in the political cam-
paigns. Ile w s an Episcopalian in re-
ligion. For fl ty-seven years he was a
member of th Orange Order, joining
the Order befo e reaching his 14th birth-
day, Mr. Gro, es was a man who read a
great deal and ` as always well inform-
ed on the eve is of the day. In early
life he marrie Mary A. Netterliold, who
survives him rch the following child-
ren, viz: —Mr 4 D. B. Stewart, Spokane,
Wash; Wm., Snmmerset, Man; Thos.,
Marquette, Mich; Edward, Stratford;
Robt., and Mrs. ohn Allenby, of Wing -
ham. The funerr took plane yesterday
afternoon to Wingam cemetery.
Fireman ewarded.
As a tangible exp esaioa of the valiant
services renaered bthe fire brigade at
the recent conflagration which destroy-
ed the Hanna aSc Coo store, the firth have
handed a cheque ford $25 to the firemen.
This donation is vera mnoh appreciated.
11 ein SALE -- Massey -Harris' binder,
MaseeyeHarris mower, Norma seed drill,
Portland castor, Bai love -down wagon,
Massey-harris plow, an 21 ;set iron har-
row ;heavy working rse,drivtng horse 7
years old; cow, 7 years old, due to calve
in May. Must be sold by March 53rd,
Apply at TIMES Office.
''11 1111 1113 „"•'g'"""`��-----.
E C4SE dc'�'yty
Liberal Candidate i East Huron for the
Lc+gi. ature.
Mr. Kerr was bor iu the Methodist
Parsonage, Flebhe ,on, Grey Oo , on
September 10th, 1e 5, beiug the eldest
son of the late R v J. L Kerr- The
common schools iu various tnwne and
the Warm:ville (. idnietex 01.,) high
School gave him t e qual:ficatiou to en.
ter the teaohiog rofession, whioh he
followed for fon years, In Angnst,
1885, he purchas d the Brussels Post acd
has continued it publicatiou to the pres-
ent. For a um ber of years he 000apied
the Reeve's chit jr iu tbe Il:ussela Coun-
oil; he was torjbirteen yearn a member
of the Oounty onuoa. and was Warden
in 1903. In abbath school, ohuroh,
temperanoe an 1 fat'rnal society work
Mr. Kerr has a ways taken an active in-
terest. As 8 retary-Treasnrer of the
East Huron Fa 1 Fax and iu the capacity
of a Direetorof he East Huron Farmers'
Institute, he the reudered diligent ser-
vice. For over wenty-six years he has
been Secretary• reaeurer of the riding
Liberal Associat on and has bad more or
less to do with c e organrz.tion during
these years for b ch Commons and L'gis •
Iatnre contests. 1 Mrs. Kerr was Miss
Helen Kay, of Brueeels, whose parents
now reside in W4riuipeg, and their sur-
viving sou is J. eslie Kerr, editor of the
Blyth Standard-
klr. Kerr was last week selected as the
standard bearer or the Legislature and
the Liberals of E ist Hurou have made
an excellent choi e. Mr. Kerr should
carry the riding b a large in j•-rity,
Paid thee eance Claims
The Grand Le.dg of the Ancient Order
of United Work ni
the cfiicers of ae7i
52,000 to Mrs. MeC
late James McGai
insurance carried '.
ceased. $2,000 was
Watson, widow of
who left Winehai
ago for Manitoba.
r last week through
ogham Lodge paid
are, widow of the
e, being amount of
the Order by de -
also paid to Mrs.
ie ]ate Wm Watson,
a number of years
Notice to
The Times mania
vised and corrected
Any subsctiber who
on the TIMES previo
quested to examine
paper and see if dr
given; if not, pleas
If yon have made n�
examine the Jebel c
certain the exact
arreara and kindly
list has been re-
sp to Thursday last.
has made payment
s to that day ie re -
the label on this
e credit has been
notify us at once.
payment recently
oaely so as to as-
nount you are in
remit as early as
Finals f "r Bonnets.
What is said to ave been the greatest
curling event of t o season was played
on Friday, being he final game for the
Sootch bonuets pr sented by Dr. J. R•
Macdonald. Thp two rinks playing
were :—
W . Lepard E. Lepard
Geo. Roes H. 0. Bell
T. Gregory B. Cochrane
F. 1'atersou • A. M. Crawford.
Among the cin members it was sup-
posed that the of veteran and hard -to -
beat F. Paterson, would have no difficul-
ty winning the t ophy, as he had claim-
ed the bonnets se eral times before the
play. Mr. Pate son, as skip, had good
support from his layers. That old vet•
eras curler, Th . Gregory, being his
deputy skip, mad some excellent plays.
Geo. Roes, as sec nd, Was always near
the tee, while tn. Lepard was a good
lead player, T re was some danger of
the game being t rmtnated at the tenth
end as the Saute skip was very angry
and exclaimed t his deputy:—"Ye no
did that play r ght; div ye see how
they Were lyin'?' However, the game
went on and tin axed spectators say the
best rink won, rawford played a great
game, keeping b s old reputation as a
winning skip. The score by ends fur-
niaited to the TI 1'829 is as follows:—
Paterson (00100000022000--- 5
Crawford '22011131100312--18
We are sure that nur Cough
Care will cure an- cough• or cold
in a very short time. Try 11 Mute.
Always Flak for ant Weld inn
Cough Cure and tuna eonera
sure y.,a have the beet.
Only 25 cents, at
Walley's Orug.Slore
�6.I ii,11A. J..l YI JY..�.il iW,YIW .,u ILI1 iJ,
Property Owners
Will find it distinctly to their advantage
to make me their agent; based on
quick returns mid Batista°.
tory dealing.
The following list ate a few of the
many properties for sale:
$8450 story, 9 rooms, nearly new,
rents $84 per year; Alice Sr
$900—Solid o onerickMartha cottage,
, 7 rooms,
a$1050-13:4 story bungee, 8 rooms, stoad
pair, rents for $96 per year; John
$1100-11e story frame house, 8 rooms,
hard and snft water, fine cellar, ex-
cellent repair; Francis St.
$12450-13; story house, 8 rooms, hard
and soft water, nice location, rents
fur $10.2 per year; Victoria St.
$1200-2 story housee. pix rooms,
beautiful location; Albert $t.
$1300—new brick cottage, 7 rooms,
hard and soft water, stable; Joseph-
ene St.
$1600-2 story house, 9 ro'me, good
repair. a beanttful home; Sentt fet-
$19450— 2 starer brick cortege, 7 mune,
pie :trio belies, good stable: John St.
$2700-2 story solid brick house. hath,
fnrnace, could not be built now for
('.+4000; Maple St.
$3a00-2 story new brick hcnse, furn-
ace. bash, lavatory, el. eerie light;
everything strictly first class and
up to -date, Patrick ilt.
If you want anything at any time in
Real Estate, come direct to head-
Money to loan on farm security.
J. H. CIiISIiOLrl,
Real Estate. Insuranoe and Loan Agent.
Vanetone block, Wingham.
Highest price paid for hides and poul-
try at T. Fells' butcher shop.
Dr. Ovens. Oculist, Lotaion, Snrgeon
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at Mc-
Hibbon's drugs store, Tuesday, A pril 2nd
—all day. Glasses property fitted.
The coming of Spring
is not all poetry. There
is snow, slush, rain, sleet,
and a mixture of most
every thing connected
with it.
You can't help the wea-
ther, but by coming here
for Rubbers you can help
having wet feet.
Rubbers for the Family
Are Here,
See us rot Trunifs and Valises.
Mel a■ mieehiw
W J. Greer