HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-03-07, Page 88
Axe You a Japan Tea Drinker ?
It is absolutely pure and far more delicious
than Japan.
Lead Packets only. 23o, 30e, 400, tato and 60o per lb. At all Groove'.
-March come in like a lion.
.Tunes and Weekly Globe for one year
OL $L8.
-Last Wednesday eveniqg at Gode-
rich the lett Forest hockey club loot by a
*core of 11 to 6.
-The regular monthly meeting of the
Pubho School Board will be held next
Tuesday eveniug.
-,The Dominion Bank bas issued a
handsome calendar for the year -March,
1007 to Marcli, 1908.
-J. Bugg & Son are selling beefing
stoves at cost for oash. See advt. in
another column of this issue.
-Piper McDonald and Miss Mabel
McDonald assisted at concerts in Tees.
-water and 13elgrave last week.
-Three rinks of Wingham curlers are
in Seaforth to.day playing a friendly
same with the curlers of that town.
-The number of cigarettes manufac-
tured in Canada have increased from
83,000,000 in 1896 to 270,000,000 hi 1906.
-The Presbytery of Maitland met in
'Wingham on Tuesday. Official report
ct the meeting will appear in our next
-The loot dog advertised in our 00
inane was restored to the owner on
Saturday last. This is another case
were it paid to advertise.
- If you want to purchase a farm
read J. H. Chisholm's large list of farm
properties which are deeoribed in anoth.
er column of this issue.
-Mr. R. H. Crowder has been con.
-fined to his home for two week. His
numerous friends are pleased to know
that he is now recovering.
-Three horses owned by Mr. Albert
Loattit, of Turnberry have died during
the past winter. This is a very heavy
loss for one man during one season. Mr
Louttit had refused $215 for the last
horse that died.
A simple and effective remedy for
They combine the germicidal value of Crosolene
with the soothing properfies of slippery elm and lico-
:ire. Tour druggist or from us, 10c in stamps.
Uremia, Aiwa Co., Limited, Agents, Mouireal. ece
- Mr. John Campbell has sold his re.
sideuce, near the race track to Mr. John
Reid, of Luoknow at $2,000. Mr. Fin.
lay, Mr. Campbell's successor in bete -
nese has rented the property and is mov-
ing his family from Lucknow.
-Messrs John and Robt Cochrane,
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Campbell; Mr Wm.
Cochrane, Morris; Menu S. G.aoey and
H. B. Elliott accompanied the remains
.of the late James Cochrane to New
Hamburg on Wednesday of last week.
-Mr. Geo. H. David, of Bennet, late
of Belgrave has been appointed as fore.
man on the Junction section of the G.T.
Mr. David has purchased a building
lot on Catherine street and will build a
new dwelling and move his family to
-A traveller remarked, that with our
electric lights out three nights last week,
our streets looked very mull like Wing -
ham streets when the lights are on.
Kincardine Reveivr. We do not believe
a traveller made the statement above.
'Witeglisera's &relights give a much batter
service than Kincardine's incandescent
street lamps.
-Mrs. Wesley Walker has returned
to Wingham from Blyth to make or-
raegeraente to mere her household
Offecto to Brantley, wbe;e lifr, Walker
has engaged in the furniture and mufti.
cial business. The many friends of Mr.
and Mrs. Walker will wish them every
success in the Western city. Mr. Walk-
er arrived home on Tuesday and will re-
main here for a few weeks before re.
turning to the West.
Mr. Thole 0. Kelly left on Tuesday
for Tisdale, Sask.
Mr. Mann, of Wolseley, Sask.,is visit-
ing this week with Mr. D. Bell.
Mr. John Varouhartant, of Teeswater.
wag ogling on Wingham friends On
Mr. John Davidson, of Bright's spend
lug a few days at his parental home at
the :auction.
Thito Linklater has returnsd
home After a two months` lien With re.
latives Clochtiork,
1&r, Abner Connate in Waterloo
dal* attending the anntuti meeting of
the lifotttnal Lite scabs CO.
Mr. James Elliott, jr., of Stream,
Ont. is visiting with relatives and old
friends in Wingham and viqinity.
Mr Colin Campbell, of ()rennin is
visiting this week with hie brothers,
Messrs Peter and Alex. Campbell,
Kra, John Cochrane was at Clinton
on Saturday last attending the funeral of
her sioter-izele.w, Mrs. John Powell.
Mr and Mrs, A, E. Smith and Mies
Nora Smith were in Oshawa last week
attending the funeral of Mrs Hynes.
Daring his stay in town on Tuesday,
Mr. 3. Cameron, D.D.G.M. of the A F.
& A M., of Marton, visited with his
sister-in-law, Mies Jennie Struthers,
Mrs. John Barnard, of London, was
visiting Wingham friends on Saturday.
She had been at Wroxeter attending the
the funeral of her nephew, Muter Hugh
A. Barnard.
Meson James Grant, and C. Krug, of
()holey were in town last week inspect.
ing Whigham's waterworks. Chesley is
undertaking the installation of a whter-
works plant and sent the deputation
down to look over our plant and get in-
Messrs Geo. C. Hanna, W. S. Rintonl
and Adam Schaefer wore in Goderioh
last week looking over two new stores
that were erected in the county town
last summer with a view to getting
plane and pointers for the erection of the
new store for Hanna So Co. Meson
Rintoul and Schaefer have been award-
ed. the contract for the building of the
Hanna store.
Mr. Maurice Van der Water, of Tor-
otito, was a guest at Mr. F. Buchanan's
over Saturday and Sunday last. At the
services in the Methodiet Church, Mr.
Van der Water rendered Belem which
were much appreciated by the congre.
gations. At the evening service he sang
"Crossing the Bar." Mr. Van der Wat-
er is a teacher in the Peterboro College
of Music, and possesses an excellent
tenor voice.
Healthy babies are good babies -it is
onty the sick child that ones all the slate.
2e10thers, If you want to see your little
ones smiling and happy give them Baby's
Own Tablets -there Is a smile in every
dose. The Tablets cure all the little ail-
ments of childhood arising out of a dis-
ordered condition of the stomach or bow-
els. They are good for all babies and
are sold under the guarantee of a gov-
ernment analyst to contain no opiates or
harmful drtiga. Mrs. F.D. Kirk, Dum-
fries, N.S., says :-"I always use Baby's
Own Tablets for the ailments of my lit.
tie ones and find them a splendid medie
eine. A few dosealways restores them
to perfect health. I would not be with-
out the Tablets in the house." The
Tablets are sold by druggists or by mail
at 26' cents a box from The Dr. Williams
Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont.
Mr. and Mrs. John Menziee, Mr. John
A. Menzies and Mrs. Robt McGee were
in Clinton last Saturday attending the
funeral of Mrs. John Powell,
51re. H. J. Wightman died at Gode-
rich, on Saturday', February 23rd, after
an illness of several months with an-
aemia. She was born in East Wawanosh
over forty.one years ago and was mar-
ried twenty-two years ago. She is Bur-
vived by eight sisters and a brother;
Mrs. John McDowell, East Wawanosh;
J. H. McClinton, East Wawanosh; Mrs.
Wm. McDowell, South Dakota; mee. Brood alare, 8 yrs and over
Helps, Colorado; Mrs. Rent. McDowell I Brood Mere: 2 yrs under
and Mrt, Heni71 of East Wa G"Ilit400"1.bPsirainld"nald
want:nth; Team in harness,
Mrs. Jellied MAIM' (Ma Airs. John maltose 10 hes &RtutrIzylleSo‘ver 10
Armour. of Wingham, and Mete H. -atateee,1 h 9 e, ye leave
Montan, of Goderich. The funeral see- Single horse0ic181113vrilea Ire-111311cl: &
arrixgreett, steered 0
vices 'Were conducted by Rev. G. N. d
, Lars in harnesO, 15,is lois Ss over,.
Hazen and Rev. A. E. Jones, Auburn single pacer in .harness, wide
and the pall -bearers were John and Jumping mt considered 5
bride and groom under • l000msive of
evergreen* trimmed with lilles end . oh,
boa. The bride was given away bx. her
brother, Jame*. They entered the par-
lor to the straino of the wedding march.
played by her satece, rtle 13541.
croft. The bride wore uk; prOtEy 002LIMU)
of brown. brocaded silk, trimmed era
embroidered cniffon and ruching. The
gueeto then repaired to the dining room
where a sumptuous wedding supper was
Perteleen of. The many beautiful and
useful presents showed the esteene
which the bride and groom are held:
Before leaving for their home in the
West they will That friends at Listowel
and Toronto. The bride will be much
missed by a host of ftiends who wish
them both a happy and prosperous
fUlrevrein.g eeeme to be the order lately around
Culifin. George Simmons is InOring from town
to Mrs Chapinan's twat ;Mrs, Chapman is soon
going over to Fordyce to loop the post office
and run a sinall grocery store. Hugh McLean.
hoe moved from lot 34, con 10, to Belgrave:
Adam Robertson is moving to the farm which
Mr.. McLean has just left. Emmanuel Staple-
ton is moving to the 00 acre farm, which he
bought last sprina from Adam Robertson, and
we are told, Joe Mt:Burney, who has given up
the hardware busieess in Wingliain,ls corning
buck to run his own farm.
Inspector Tom, visited S. S. No. 11 on Tues-
day, and appeared to be pleased with the pro-
grese the pupils are making under the manage-
ment of our new teacher. Miss Settle. Mr
Tom suggested some new ideas andimprove-
mente to the school house.
Bad colds have become almost an epidemic
among the school children this last week or so.
We are having the worat storm of the winter
to -day (Tuesday). and the roads are filling
with snow very fast. We would like to be out
in sunny Alberta for a week or two so as to get
thawed out with those lovely chinook winds.
There 0 trouble between the town au-
thorities of Paris, Ont., and the fire bri-
gade, and the men threaten to resign.
The fifth anniversary of Rev. Drs.
Carman and Potts in the Methodist min-
istry was celebrated at the twentieth
banquet of the Methodist Social Union,
meint-Rerssria,-At thehome of the bride's
parents, Sunshine, on Feb. 20th, by Rev. G. W.
Rivers. 13. A, B. D., Mr. Robert Clark to Mise
Sara M., daughter of Mr and Mrs. James
Russell, all of atones.
G.P.AIN-WEnE-At the home of the bride's
parents, West Wawanosh, on Mar 6th, by Rev.
sr. e. Boyle. Mr. Prank B. Grain of East We-
wanosh to Miss Elizabeth Webb, daughter of
Mr. Wm. Webb.
BoSS-In leinloss, on March 8rd., james Ross,
pged 10. years and 4 months.
PORTER-Ia Goderich, on February 2401.
Ames Porter, brother of Messrs Alex and
Richard Porter, of Wingham, aged 76 years.
WronearAe-In Goderich. on February. 23rd,
Christiana, beloved svife of 1.8. J. VS ightman,
formerly of East Wawanosh, aged 41 yeaes, 9
months and 12 days.
, RUSSELL -In Chicago, on March 3rd, Minnie
Prior, wife of Zen Albert E. Russell and sister
of Mrs. Fred Stricker of Winghatn, aged 20
KELLY -In Morris, on February 20th, the
wife ot Mr Michael Kelly, sr.; a son.
Notice Le hereby given that the partne-ship
heretofore subsisting betweeu Alex. Young
and Joseph McBurney, hardware merchants,
has this day been dissolved by mutual con-
sent. .All parties owing the late firm will
settle with Alex. Young, by whom all debts of
the firm will be paid.
Dated at Winghant this 14th day of Febru-
ary, 1007.
Huron County Stock Exhibition
at Clinton.
Thursday, April 4th, 1907
1st 2nd 3rd
Stalliou, 8 yrs and over 510 $0 $8
Stallion, 2 yrs and under 6 4 2
Stallion, 3 yrs and over 10 0 8
Stallion, 2 yrs and under 6 4 0
Best Percheron Stallion 10 5
Brood mare, 3 yrs and over 6 4 0
Brood Mare. 2 yrs and under 5 3 2
Gelding, 8 yrs and over 5 8 "
Gelding, 3 yrs and under 5 s
Team in harness 8 0 4
Family of 3 colts, of 19011 6 4
Team in 'levees% 1st, Roller donated
by Thos. Murphy, A lout Leering
elf . Co , value $45 5 8
5 It !I
2 I
5 2
5 e.
Charles Wightman, of Beet Wawanes.h; R d e tut IRS ha d n
s, rergr 10 5
3 ; Robert best Roadster Team, under IS; haus&
ed prize of a bliinkat 4:eV Xuipnhenb. : •
Robert Wightman, of BI sth tid"
Henry and John MoDevrell,East Wawa- whip donated by Janie; Weiss.
nosh, and H.I. Iforrish, Goderioh. The StIonT Nona
services were held in Westfield church Bull, airs and over
and the interment made in Westfield Ralgsandggr
"0 "o's , DOMINION BANK.
Bank of
Real Eti te office HEAD°rpm; 'TORONTO.
The fallowing are tbar of the many
farm properness on ne "For Sale" lists
at the present thine Kindly look this
listesever end if you see. AnYthiag Yon
think would salt you call and get full
I have also a much,larrier Jist, which
you 04a see at the e tinee.
40 AORES-4. mil from Wingham;
brick liquee, ben born, 2 acres', of
Orchard. Terme
50 ACRES -Adjoin g Blnevale. In
first clan owe o cultivation; fine
buildings; 4 acre fall wheat and 23
acres of fall plo ing.
100 ACRES -4e m es from WIngham.
Good frame .b Mingo, fenoes in
good repair; an excellent property,
will be sold the • $1,800 cash, bal.
aims 5%.
123 ACRE.S.--5 int es from Wingbatn.
Bank baro, tw -story brick home
worth half the vice of farm ; good.
fences, epritag creek, 7 acres hard".
wood bush; soil clay loam; a desir-
able property. '
100 ACRES -12 salles from Winghaen
and 7 trom . 85actres cleared,
• balance beeoh a d maple bush ; Paid
to be one of the nest farms in East
Wawanoeh. G od bnildinga; tame
150 ACRES -10, iles from Winghain
and from Bel ray°. Goocl frame
house, beak barti. No. 1 fences. two
acres orchard.
illhe sold cheap,
150 ACRES -2 miles from Wingham.
12Q acres; oleare 4, an excellent bank
barn, frame • h sun, No. 1 fences,
nicely situated. $1,500 down, bal-
ance at 43%.
100 AORES-9 ta les from Wingham
and 3 from Wititeolaurch. 90 acres
cleared, balance hardwood bush;
new frame ho , bank barn,- good
fences; $I,600 own, balance 5%..
150 ACRES -2i ilea from Wingham.
New brick hou e, bank barn; in a
good state o oultivation; spring
creek. Terme easy. A chance for
some one.
100 .ACRES -1e iles from Wingham.
New bank ba , frame house, ltel
notes orchard two Boring oreeks.
No. 1 fence's, 1,500 down, bantam
at 5%.
100 ACRES -3 • iles from Wiugham,
On Lucknow t d. Bank bern,frame
house; 70 acre- 'cleared, the balance
blaok ash sty, nip. Beautiful loca-
tion; termisea
100 AC RES -8 iles from Winghsitn
and 3 from B grave. 0 acres good -
bush; spring meek, good lances.
Any reasons le!effer accepted.
100 ACRES -9 mile° from Wingham
and „ ,fro prypeels. Firot.chiss
bnildingstan. feages,plenty of water,
Nd, 1 " sold cheap, .
. .
100 ACRES- milk from Winghtsra
all cleared,. ot aekeot-of waste land,
all in past*4e; eau excellent. grass
100 ACRES- niffee from Winghatti,
excellent b ildtnets, 10 acres fall
wheat, 10 a res bush; owper has
lived on far over. fiftst years; snap
at the price $2,000 down,. balance
5% •
100 ACRES- miles from Wingham
and five ire Brunets, Tp. Gray,
bank bark, frame house, spring.
oreek. $100 dpwie, balanoe 5%.
100 ACRES -3 nee from Wingleam,
10 acres bl k ash slash, spring
oreek, bank b a. .$1300 down, bal-
ance 4te:%.
200 ACRES -9 miles from Wingham.
bank barns,b. ick house, good fence!,
2 acres ache: el, a beautiful property
and exoeIlei! soil.: $2100. down,
balance at 5y,
100 AORES-4enties from' Wingham,
6 .aores.. bns;s, spring oreek, fair
- buildings, niS one foot of waste
land. $1300 town,"balance. 5%.
100 ACRES-4miles from Wingliam,
Tp. Turnberar, good' fendee, new
bank barn ant new frame house, 1
acre orchard. Snap for quick sale.
100 AORES-7 idles from Wingham
all cleared, nt• better soil in 'Canada;
1N, acres oroLard, drilled well, fair
buildings. $ 300 &own, balance 5%.
96 ACRES -2 rallies from Winghatn,
on Teeswatell road, barn 30 x 40;
brick house, dasy tering. • •
100 ACEES-3;t4 miles from Wing.
ham, all in gr me, spring creek, small
house and saiall barn, Na, 1 !toil.
$1300 dewn, Valance 59.4'; ,
1.50 ACRES -It milea from Wingham-
in Tp. East Wawanosh, two good
houses and se s of out buildings, 4
acres orchard' spring oreek, Easy
Blacksniith hop and Beni-
mees-Five lies nom Winghern.
With propert Snip for a good
cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Wightman Fiore er and Over
moved to town about a year ego and nilir:r;
. . Eut
pa: I ;17 Ana tieronns
many friends in Goderioh as .W011 is
the township of East Wawanokh extend
their sympathy to Mr. Wightman and
his On,Gordon,,in their bereavement,
.A very happy event took plates at the
home of Mr. James Robinson, of the 8th
line of East %wants& at &clack p.m.
on Wednesday, the 27tit February,
*hen hill sister, Mini Helen Was united
in the holy bonds Of triatrineetty 10 Mr,
Citimberiand, of Mattiton, Man. The
amnion,' Wes performed by the gel. A..
E. :ones Of Attburn, in the presence of a
few of the relittitiol and friends ot the
. •
• •
Capital paid up, $3,000,000 ; •
. • In ten years the deposits of the Bank have increasea
278 per cent. -as will be noted from. the following
Reserve Fund' and
Undivided profits $3,928,198
• • -
Total Assets, over. . 49,000,000
• •
Farmers' Notes `discounted. '
Drafte sold on all notate in gonads,
1897-$ 6,457,436
1898- 7,684,374
1899- 8,770,994.
1900- 10,019,581
1901- 11,549,904
1903- 15,864,880
1904- 17,583,149
1905- 21,464,121
1906- 24,386,027.
the United States and Europe.
SAVINGS DEP.ARTMENT-Interest Interest on deposits of $1.00 and
and added to prinoipal 80tla June and - Agent rent rates. Compounded half.
upwards, allowed at highest cur- =I
allowed on deposits of $t and upwards, I V. maim,
31st December each year. yearly. •
D. T. HEPBURN, *onager. '
u Vatistone, Solicitor.
Lot 112, Con. 12, East Wavranoth oontainin
108 acres, Le offered for sale or rent. The farm .
is mostly cleared ; soil, good clay loam, and in ,
OF COI1(MERC.Egood state, of cultivation. There aro _en the HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO • ESTABLISIIED 1867
premises at icood. bank barn with stabung we
deriteath; a good frame house. Plenty of good .
spring water ; about 8 acmes of good bearing 73. E. WALKER, President '
mbar& le not Held at once, Will be opted
• • N111 AV) .o
for a term of years. For terms and partleultirs
A. H. IRELAND, Superintendent of Rest, - 5,000,000'
apply to
Farm Labourers and
Domestics. Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and Baglandi
Total Assets, 4- 113,000,000,
Whitechurch, P. O. . Branches
er1nntheen appointed by the Dominion Gov- •
Paid-up Capital, $1 0,000,000
Mastic) servants in this vicinity. Any person
requiring such aelp should notify me by letter
stating fully the kind of help required. when
wanted and wages offered. The number ar-
riving may not be sufficient to supply all re-
quests but every effort will be made to pro-
vide each applicanAaRhelog.d..
Canadian Government AgentEmployriniveinutul, 1.
Assurance Co. of Canada.
For 1906 stows substantial increases
over the previous year. as may be
seen from the following figures:
ITEMS 1905 1900 settles over
Assets $ 9,298.092 510,880,5811 $1,089,447
Income 1,950.518 2.073,423 115.905
Surplus 952,001 1.203,378 249,377
Insurancein force 44,197,954 40,912,407 2,712,453
Expense ratio to
Income 17.8 p.o. 16.34 p.c. 1,40 p;c
• AgentsWinghane
< Do They Please? 15. 2
I, That is the question which
ought to be asked and answered
Satisfactorily after every pur-
chase of groceries and pro-
then let me know. It's your good
faith I am striving tor and that
only on the strength of Quality.
Every order receives personal
attention, and nothing of inferiot
quality is willingly sent ont.
Teas & Coffees a Specialty.
-IL Henry Christie
Grocer and China Mereha,nt
Flour Mills
We have good corn at $20 00 per
' ton come and secure your supply.
• Alekinds of Chop and a good
•supply of Bran, Shorts and Low
Grade Flour.
Always ask for Wingham 3111l's
Space will not p rmit me to give any .
more farms in 4e1411, but 1 might just
interested in buying
Canada, call ancl see
lay that if you are
5 3 2 land in any part o
•j 3 2 me.
8 2 / have tor sale
5 2 ham Town Lots
532- n ric fr ni 4
COws 3 yrs and over
and ictirtele.r * I! g
Heifer, under 2 yrs •5 3
5 ' 8
Pot/Lein Azeaust
Ran. 2 yre end over 5 a
Bull, 1 yr and tinder 5 3
OCAS., 3 yrs Mid over...•..••• ........ • 5 8
Helfer, under 2 yrs...4... 5 3
Dente' Cows, VAT di STOCts lenteets *Heinen*
Dairy Dow stir age Or breed . 4 .. so . or a 3 2
Fat 'heifer, age considered '1 "
Fat steer, age considered • 8 '7'
2 stoCk eteere, 8 Yr* and tiltder. II 'B.
2 Stock heifers, 8 yrs and tinder...ern I 2
p o $
advantage tolook
making °beide of
lung statute
Money' to. Tots
Western tends
Real Estate,
our choice of Wing.
d Properties ranging
up to 415,000, and the !
ler will find 11 10 his .
over this alit before
house's, lot or bud-
• 1
so **rut Security.
or Sale or Exelaseuge.
ire Insurance,. and
ri Agent.
• ,•
lest Male any agemeek OFFIONeettpetkilll ''''VutistOtte. 11100k'.
realms any age vC.1003g next to Bank of niunilfon. eto. breed, 2 yrs.* littdeteiritit ' •
DiPlOnte WittegAil, .- 00.
Five Lilies flour, bl, $2.20 to $2.40
Prairie Rose " " 2.00 to 2.20 "
Star - " " 2 00 to 2.13
Cream Pastry Flour 2 00 tO 2.03
Low grade Flonr,ton 26.00 to 27.00
Bran per ton • 20.00 tO 22.00
Shorts, " - - 20.00 te 22.00
screenings 18.00 to 20.00
Chop (mixed) ' - 25.00 10 25.00
,Chop (oat) • • 23.0010 28.00
Chop (Corn) - 21.00 to 24,00
Winter Wheat, bus. .68 to .70
Goose " " .00 to .69
, Manitoba . . " .7510 .85
Goods deliVered promptly. to
parted the toWn.,
Deposits of $1 and upwards received, and interest allowed at.
current rates. The depositor is subject to no delay whatever in;
the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the deposit..
MMus Shoos
For Men
In the newest shapes, made from the best'
materials, perfect fitting, and guaranteed to give
the best of satisfaction in every partactilar. ,
Also very fine lines of Ladies', Mines' and,
Children's Shoes.
Rubbers, Overshoes, Rubber Boots, etc.
a great variety to choose from, at very moderate,
R. Johnston •
The undersigned effers for sale his farm of
200 acres, being lots 21 and 2e. con. B, Turn -
berry. 2% miles west of Wingham, ou the
boundary. The farm -is exceptionally wellfeneed, fenced, well wateted, ad in a good state of
cultivation. 4Soil, mostly clay loam. 8e1 acres
of good orchard. CO acres fall plowing done.
On the premises are a largo bank barn 70 x 80
with stone stabling underneath; also lean-to
on north end; 30x 70; also drive barn 30 x 80.
Also a large brick brick, with frame kitchen
and dining room. On the barn is a new 14 -foot
power windmill width drives straw cutter,
grain crusher and root pulpit., also 50 foot
tower pumpinfewindinill, whioh supplies water
from never -failing well, to house and barn.
Reasons for selling, terms and price can be had
from .the undersigned. Possession at any
Wingham P. 0.
es. '
Executor's Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given ptirsuent to R, 8. 0.
1807. Chap. 129. Soc. 38, that all persona having
claims againstithe estate of James Kelly, late
of the Town of Wingham in the County of
Huron. laborer, deceased, who died on or
about tho first day of Jaduary A. D. 1907 ara
required to send by post prepaid or to de-
liver to the udersignecl. Executor of the said
deceased. onor before the 18th day of March
A. D. 1907, their names. addresses and descrip-
tions and 0 full statement of particulars of
their claims and the nature of the security (if
any) held by them duly certified, end that after
the said day the Executor wilt proceed to dis-
tribute the assets of the deceased among thm.
parties entitled thereto, having regard only to
the claims of which he shell then have notice.
Dated this 19th day of February. A. D. 1007.
Wingham P. 0
• Executor.
was sz I
Special Gut Bargains in
All new and up - to - date stock.
546.00 Parlor Suites, for $39.00
3e.00 " " 31.50
33.00 29.00 '1
23.00 " gi 18.50 1
$3 75 Mattreeses for $2.05
4.50 A g " 3.35
Hercules Springs -the
best in the market at
the price, guaranteed
, 1 for 6 years. for - 3.50
We handle the Astermoore Mattresses, too.
Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Parlor and Extension
at special prices. 40 off leaves 26 on. We think we
can beat that, for cash.
CARPETS -If you are wanting anything in
Carpets or Floor Rugs this spring, see what we can
do tor you. Give us the size of your room and we'll
get carpet made to fit
ger We make a specialty of nice, neat Piastre Framing.
tab Room blealdings, Window Shadei, etc., do.
tK. ',to, ,
4.1...11_ '1, ;r .11-:.414.4At••••• t
••• • • 1•