HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1982-10-27, Page 15THE HURON EXPOSITOR, OCTOBER 27, 1902 - A15 ¶here's -no trick to placing a Want Ad ... ut they ork like magic 1 Coming Events, THE families of Jack and Jean Henderson and Harold and Daphne Johnston wish to invite you to their parents' 40th wedding anniversary, Sat. Nov. 13 at 9:00 p.m. at Vanastra. Music by Lan Wil - bee. Best wishes only. 1-81-2 RESERVE Saturday, October 30. 1982, for the Monster Flea Market at the Wingham Armouries from 10 a,m, to 4 p.m. sponsored -by the Wing - ham and Area Day Centre for the Homebound. For reserva- tion of a table call 357-1456. 1.-81.1 YARD Sale at 53 Centre Street, Scaforth, Sat. Oct. 30 at IOa.m. 1-81-1 HOW To Measure, Your Bus- ness and Plan Its Future Seminar, November 16 & 23, 1982, 7.10 p.m. Conestoga College, Stratford. Call Faye Cook, FBDB, 271-5650 to register. Registration fee $45/person, 580/double. 1-81-1 ANNUAL Tea and Bazaar at Scaforth Manor Nursing Home, 100 James St. on Saturday November 6th at 2:30 p.m. Crafts, ceramics, decorations, cushions, home baking. Draw will also be held at 4 p.m. Admission 50c. t•81x1 THE family of Grace and Walter Forbes is holding an Open House in honour of their parents' 50th wedding anniversary at Ontario Street United Church Parlour, Clin- ton on November 7 from 1:30 • 4:30, Your presence is their present. We respectfully re• quest no other. 1.81.1 The Brussels Arthritic Soci- ety will hold their annual Ativason Mon. Nov, 1st. The canvas will be done by the Brussels Leos of the Brussels Liens Club. 1.81.1 4th Annual Burlington An• tiquc Show -Sale at the Royal Botanical Gardens Auditor, ium. 680 Plains Road West. Friday, October 29th, 1:00 • 10:00 p.m. Saturday. October 30th. 10:00 - 6:00 p.m. 26 selected dealers from Ontario 1.81-01 SENIOR CITIZENS: Anyone wishing to bowl please he at Noble Lanes on Fri. Oct. -29th at 1 •30 for meeting. Bowling at 2o'clock. 1.81x1 BARGAIN Sale on Nov. 6 at 1 p.rn at the Anglican Church Hall Sponsored by the Sea - forth Lioness Club. Donations greatly appreciated. For pick- up call 52'-0063 or 527.0153. l -8f 1 MAIN Street Klipper Open in Scaforth at 3 Main St. Mon• day November 1st. Hair g'ooming for men Mall ages. AlColeman. pmp. 1-811 BRODHAGEN Chamber of Commerce annual Turkey Bingo Night. Wednesday. November 10 at 8 p.m. Draw will be held for turkeys and cash prves. Held at the Brndhagen Community Cen- tre 1.81.1 1 Coming Events AVON open house will be held at my home in Ethel, November 8 and 9 from 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.'and 7 p.m. - 9 p.rn. Many specials and door' prizes. Helen Dobson 1-81.2 KiPPEN Turkey and Ham supper -held at Brucefield United Church, Nov. 17/82. Adults•56.Q0,"children $2.50. Advance tickets only. 1-80-3 CAMEO, Bowmaster, Nature Aloe Open House. Sat. Oct, 30, 10 a.m.-10 p.m. at our home. 1/2 mi, west of Walton Church. Many quilts and idtias displayed. Bowmaking ana painting demonstration. Linen and paint specials. Come bring a friend and meet Annette, our president. Mrs, Phyllis Mitchell, instructor. . 1-80x2 HOT Turkey Supper, United Church. Walton, Wednes• day, Nov. 3rd. 3:30 till 7:30. Adults $5.50, Children 52.75. Pre•School Free. 1-80-2 BINGO every Tuesday evenin at VANASTRA CENT R.R. 5, CLINTON 1st regular card 5 ; 15 regular games of $ 5; 3 Share -the -Wealth. ack- pot 5200.00 must g Ad-, mission restricted to 16 years or over. -'8-tf CLINTON Legion Bingo, every Thursday, 8 p.m. 1st regular card 51. Restr cted to 16 years or over. 15 egular games of 515.00. $5. cast on split. Many other specials. Jackpot 5200 must go each week. 1 •'8-tf BINGO in Dublin Community Centre every Friday night. Growing jackpot. Dublin and District Athletic Association. Jackpot 5650.00 in 5' calls. 1.'84 DABBER Bingo at Seaforth District High School held every Monday at ':30 p.m. Over 5500 in prizes. Proceeds to student activities t .'R.e 4 Help Wanted SEA FORTH Restaurant and Steak House. 23 Main St.. Scaforth. arc looking for experienced waitress' waiter. Hours from 8 a.m. - 2 p m Available anytime. Call for Interview 521_1020.4.8052 ANYONE interested in work- ing in Australia or Ne(v Zealand contact: Stef s World Trade Ltd. Shuswap Ave.. umby. B.C. VOE 2G0 (604) 54-.9214. 4.81.1 EXPERiENCE.D television technician required. neat, rcliahlc, self motivated. Ze• nith experience preferred. Contact Doug Shaw, Napa- ncc. Ontario 16111 354.2155. 000am 1230.1:30-5:30 p m 4-81-01 ('.ARFFR In trucking trans- port drivers needed. Train now for your Class A licence. Write Men Orr's Transport Dnscr Training School. P.O. Brix 3186. Cambridge, N3H 4S6 4-81.01 CLASSIFIED RATES ' DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS 1S 12 NOON TUESDAYS Charges are based on the number of words. Set of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers. phone numbers or prices cxunf as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count' as separate words. 22 words -53.50 16 c per word thereafter, BIRTHS -No charge ENGAGEMENTS -Flat rate of 56. Additional charges for reception notice with engagement. 510 with picture. MARRIAGES -Free for 6 weeks after date of wedding. After this time, photo and cutline only. 515, IN MEMORiAMS-53.50 plus 30c per line of verse COMING EVENTS -22 words 3.50. each additional word 16c. CARD OF THANKS -25 words 3.50. Each additional word 5c. 50c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE THURSDAY NOON OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION 130X NUMBERS TO THiS OFFICE -$3.00 per insertion. SEMI DISPLAY -1.15 per cm. Phone 527-0240 SeetWer 4 Help Wanted WANTED help on dairy farm. 345-2209. 7-81-1 7 Situations Wanted 18 year old male looking for work on farm. Experienced in dairy and swine. Call Mark Melady, 345-2069. 7-81x1 A ailable to babysit in my home weekdays, any age. 527-0642 Barb Osborn. 7-81-1 UNEMPLOYED man wants work, full or part time. CaII Gregor, 527-0273, anytime. 7-81x1 8 Farm Stock FI YXL gilts for sale. Closed herd with all breeding stock originating, from '^an S.P.F. herd. Contact Laverne McClure 527.1156. 8-81x1 FOR SALE; 1000 pound pure Hereford bull, 78c a pound. Phone Darren Beuerman, 345-2306. 8-81-1 BRED nanny goats for sale. Phone Wroxeter, 335-3619. 8-81x1 HOLSTEIN bull calves, 345-2209. 8-81-2 PUREBRED Aberdeen Angus bull, 3 years old with papers. Ideal size for first calf heifers for carefree calving. Blood tested, clean and proven breeder. 527.1856. 8-81x1 2 billy goats, one horned and one pulled. 527-0938. 8.81.1 CASH for crippled or sore footed livestock, cattle, stockers, cows and hogs. Phone 519-876-3250 or 834-2020. R 78-tf 9 Farm Machinery NEW Holland 2 row Snapper head for an 890 or 892 harvester. Phone 88'•6695. 9-80-2 10 Used Cars 19-6 Toyota Land Cruiser 4x4. good condition. 53.500. Call 565.28'1. 10.81.1 19-0 Ford Econoline van. Phone after 3:30. 52'-1465. 10-81x1 19-2 Polaris Colt. 295 cc. 5400 or hest offer, 1969 Marquis Brougham. less motor 5500. or best offer. Phone 482-3166 10-80-2 11 Articles for Sale WASHER and spin dryer. 521.0081. 11.81x1 LEARN to make famous Yule logs and nine other special occasion recipes. Send self- addressed. stamped enve• lope for free details to: Mrs. K's Kitchen, Box 418. St. Thomas. Ontario N5P 3V2. 11.81.01 ONE long blue dress, size 40. one short lime green brides- maid dress, size 16 and other dresses. Phone 88'-6566. 1181.1 COMPLETE custom framing for needlepoint. crewel. photographs. all paintings. etc. Regular or non glare glass. Ready to hang. Forty- eight hour service. Harold Tyndall. Clinton. 482.1409. 11-81-1 10 Used Cars L&M AUTO WRECKING R.R.3, BRUSSELS ONT. Used Auto Parts and Towing We buy rads, batteries, copper and scrap We pay cosh for complete cars, or trucks, etc. CALL 887-9561 11 Articles for Sale 11 Articles for Sale CROWN quart sealers, 52.00 a doz, and 40 -oz glass jars, $J .00 a doz. Phone 527-0477. 11-81-1 40' T.V. tower complete with aerial, rotator and power booster. Phone 527-1880or evenings 527-1784. 11.81x1 I used Inglis dishwasher in good working condition. $I00.00.527-1632. 11-81x1 POOL table, 4'x8'. Brunswick Commander, in excellent condition. 527-0320. 11-81x1 GIRLS size 13 ice skates and girls clothes, size 6 and pair of Allvent speakers. Call 482- 7439. .. 11-81-1 DOG to' give away. Phone 345-2553. 11-81-1 FOR SALE: 14 in. rims to fit Ford or Plymouth. Asking 520. for the pair. Call 527-1771. 11-81-1 FORD V -type reversible snowblower -$50. 12 chicken cages -$I2, 3 rabbit cages -512 small oil stove -510, 2 amp battery charger -55; old frig suitable for barn -$20; snow- mobile (Scorpion) 5100, Phone 482.7234. 11 -81 x 1 FREE Siamese cat, 1 year old, house trained. Has had all shots. Phone 527-0498 or 527-1334.. 11-81-1 WE'VE got the solution to your metal building needs. Fall specials plus generous display building discount on dome, straight and slant walls. Call collect anytime (705)474.1180. ' 11-81-01 HEINTZMAN used upright piano. Reasonable. Will de- liver. Phone 345.2308.11.81.1 WESTERN Ontario Zone Hereford Sale. Sat. Novem- ber 6, 1982 at Walkerton Agricultural Buildings. Walkerton. Ont. Show at 11:00 a.m. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Selling 35 lots of registered horned and polled herefords including 8 bulls and 27 females. 11.81-01 BROWN Leather North Star shoes. 9D. worn once. Skates, boys, size 2. Men's'. Nearly new. 527-1968. 11.81x1 USED Desks. chairs. legal - letter file cabinets. plastic chair mats. fluorescent lights. store island and wall shelving. steel adjustable shelving. Lovers New and Used. 1.519.842.3414. 11.81-01 A small airtight wood stove, 345.2476 after 6 p.m, 11.81.1 FRANKLIN fireplace and an air hockey game, Phone R21•1039. 11.80.2 TrucYe Enurorne fir✓ • SALES • PARTS • SERVICE LOGAN FORD Tractor Sales Ltd. Hwy. 8 East of M,Itchell PHONE 348-8467 OVEN ready ducks and geese. 5-10 lbs. 527-0596 11-81-2 FREE 10 week old kittens, part Siamese. Call 52-7-0498 or 527-1334 after 5 p.m. 11-81-1 THINKING of .• building? We've got the solution -the most complete line of steel buildings available for farm, industrial, commercial and residential use. Display building discount. Call collect anytime (705) 474-1180. 11-78xtf HALLOWE'EN Ap a Sale -' Spys 56 bushel, No,) Macs 54. bushel. Fresh apple 'der 51.50 gal. Red or White-: potatoes 54/a 50 lbs. Also Ida Reds, Russetts, Red and Yellow Delicious, Empires, cooking and Spanish onions. Custom pressing cider. Phone 524-8037. Art Bell's Fruit Farrel. 11-80-2 OVEN ready roasting chick- ens, 5-10 lbs. Phone 357-3778 Wilma Scott. 11-80-2 WATERBEDS, pedestal, pine frame, heater, safety liner, mattress. fill kit. Com• plete. Vanastra Furniture 482-7922. 11-78-tf Brussels Sprouts 520.00 a bushel or 75c a stalk. Ca'a- bage 55.00 a dozen. Vissc'ter Farms, 3 miles west of Exeter on Hwy. 83. Phone orders only 237.3442 or 237.3411.. No Sunday calls please. 1 1.78-tf APPLES: Most varieties still available in number ones and number twos. also cider apples. Bring containers. Mc- Clymont Orchards. 1 mile south of Varna, 482 3214. 11-80-tf APPLE SPECIAL Macs and Ida Red N1-58.00 bushel, While they last. 55.00 for seconds. Martene Orchards, west of Egmondville. Cider by orders. Phone 527-150''. 11.80-4 PUMPKINS. 50c and up. squash. cabbage. turnips. potatoes: onibns, etc. Te -em Farm, RR1, Bayfield. 482- 9940. 11-80-1 SWIMMING Pools. Clear• once prices from 51.395.00 on Fompletc packages including '. hp sand filter. in wall skimmer, ladder, deluxe vac, uum and maintenance kit etc. Walkways, patio decks. fenc- ing and expert installation also available. Call collect 416-945-4''3, 1 1-'8xtf TREMEER COMMERCIAL PRINTERS & OFFICE SUPPLY slam St . Seaforth 527-1640 4l HELP WANTED We have a position available for a part-time RETAIL SALES CLERK Candidate should possess: 1. A working knowledge of hardware and farm supply products 2. The ability to work on his/her own 3. The ability to meet the public and maintain good customer relations. 4. Experience in agricultural pro- ducts and/or hardware an asset. APPLY IN WRITING TO: SEAFORTH FARMER'S CO-OP Box 399 - Seaforth 11 Articles for Sale FREE to a good home nicely marked kittens, house train- ed; Call482.3166. 11-80-2 12 Wanted to Buy USED mesh playpen and used high chair. Phone 527-0833 12.81x1 SMALL sized deep freeze in good condition. Phone 345.2306, 12-81-2 13 Wanted WANTED: Old brick build- ings for wrecking and salvage purposes. Contact R. -Lumley Demolition Inc., 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia, 1-542-4088. Ontario's largest supplier of reclaimed brick. 13-81-1 17 year old looking for room and board in Seaforth area. Phone 235-0468 evenings or 262-3036 days. 13-81-1 14 Property for Sale HENSALL area, 75 acre cash crop fair. May be purchased with or''1'vithout crop. Contact Tom Reidy Realty Ltd., Real- tor,347-2358, 14-81-1 11 Articles for Sale FREE FALL BULBS 1 Dt 1ZEN FREE TULIP BULBS [or 6 Hyacinths] velth the pur6'hese et S25.1t.'r OR MORE, THIS WEEK ONLY AT SEAFORTH FARMER'S CO-OP 527-0770 RELIABLE person to board. Phone 527-0377, 13.81-1 14 Property PICNIC table in good condi- tion. Phone 527-1856•. 13-81x1 14 Property for Sale McKillop Township, 17 acres approx. 11 workable. sow barn for 25 sows, bank barn, 533.000; 12 x 60 ft. North - lander trailer, 510,000. Tom Reidy Realty Ltd.. Realtor 34'-2358. 14.81.1 FOR SALE: A one floor, 3 bedroom cottage with sun deck on West William St. in Seaforth. Ideal, quiet loca- tion. close to Main St., schools. churches. arena. Full basement. new kitchen, new roof. A worry•free home on I'/2 lots. Good 121/2% mortgage due June 1984. Phone 52'-06'3 after 5:30 p.m. for viewing. 14-18-tf ARE YOU READY FOR OLD MAN WINTER? Your Co -Op can help you gear -up! * Large selection of winter work wear and footwear •0uality products at competitive prices. SEAFORTH FARMER'S C0 -OP 527-0770 HUTTON Real Estate WALTON Totally rests led 3 bed• room home. new family room. new kitchen. custom cupboards and much more, (food Inc Garage. Priced in low ,10's Dow n payment • 52501 Mortgage avail- able Use .our grant. VILLAGE GUEST HOME Steady income. Opportun- ity for semi•retircd person. Attached bungalow In real nice shape. Total asking price. 531.900. BRUSSELS Attractive aluminum sided one storey hone. electric heat. carpeted. finished rec room. Private location. Trs your offer. FOUR ACRES Bclgravc area, 3 bedroom aluminum sided. electric all heated house. A river at hack of property. Must he sold to settle an estate. THREE ACRES Wasvanosh Twp. Beautiful updated home. nearly new heated workshop. Creek at hack. Asking 5.15.500. All offers considered. BLUEVAI.E On beautiful ' r acre treed Int. Brick home with kit• chen. living room, hath. on main floor, 2 bedrooms up Attached garage. Mel Mothers Wingham 35--3208 Representing LLOYD W. HUTTON REAL ESTATE LTD. for Sale Real Estate Ltd. Clinton Phonon 402-1371 RESTAURANT VILLAGE OF BLYTH Fully equipped. seats 60, apartment above, reason• ably priced for quick sale. Holmesville, 13 acre hobby farm, 1 floor brick bungalow. paved drive, small insulated barn. Londesboro. 11/2 floor frame home, 3 bedrooms, good starter home. Hwy. #4, 71,, acres. •neat bungalow, attached gar- age. finished basement, insulated barn suitable for hogs or poultry. price reduced. Near Brucefield. 6 acres. good frame home, drive shed and barn. 1 floor brick bungalow, Blyth. finished basement. electric heat. carport. Commercial property, main street. Blyth. under 520.000.00. could be resi- dence, 46 acre highway farm. near Varna. 23 acres work- able, hardwood bush. large double home. large Karn suitable for hogs or poultry. large drive shcd with workshop. 100 acres. highway farm, farrow to finish. H Ilett Tow nship. Farrow to finish and start- ed pullet farm. 59 acres. near Scaforth. high ratio low interest FCC mort- gage 2 miles from Clinton, 100 acres, 0- w orkahle, no buildings. '. acre Inc. Kinhurn, drill- ed well. septic system, hydro. *#'# *. ** # 10 acres. near Kinhurn. gond Krick home. small barn. # # # •,**** 2 acres. near Brussels. Victorian brick home. combination furnace. low down pa mcnt will he considered. see* # # * * I5 acres. wooded. near ,,Auburn, large brick home. combination furnace. 2 small barns. * * * # * * * 50 acres, farrow to finish. 86 Highsvas. new. house, Imo interest. F. ('.0 mart gags •ea see* -6 acres, M- s Town ship. 01-De. aver h 6• • *##*#** LARGE SELECTION OF FARMS AND LAND _ as RE.AL .L STATE: LTD.. MAUREEN ILDFONG 482-3224 NEW LISTING: 2.4 acre well treed lot featuring a unique 2. storey home, cedar shingled and field stone exterior. Custom made pine kitchen, large foyer upstairs overlooking balcony..2 car garage. Close to town. 78 JOHN ST.: New Listing! 4 bedroom home, workshop. Vendor will hold mortgage. Priced to sell. NEW LiSTING: Brick bungalow, 7 years, old in immaculate condition. Located 3 blocks from uptown. NEW LISTING: 1 floor home in mint condition, 11/2 blocks from uptown. Attached garage. • NEW LISTING: Jarvis St., 11/2 storey home, 3 bedrooms. Vendor will hold 10% mortgage. Asking"' 522,000.00. WALTON: 11/: st SOLD home in good condition. Large 1, mall shed. MARKET ST.: 6 year old brick and aluminum home, laundry on main. 3 bedrooms, full basement. Attached garage.' GODERICH ST.: 2 storey home in excellent condition, single car garage. Must be seen to be appreciated. JARVIS ST.: 6 low, family room, workshop, taunt SOLD • 4tility shed. NORTH MAIN: 11/x storey, 3 bedroom home, modernized kitchen. gas heated, large lot. Priced to sell. WALTON: 2 storey brick home in mint condition. Located on large lot. Must be seen. GODERiCH ST.: One floor,2 bedroom bungalow in excellent condition. Priced to sell. EGMONDVILLE: 11/2 storey home, modern kitchen, patio doors, 3 bedrooms, laundry on main. S30s. DAIRY OPERATi(� - up on 931/: acres, milk quota, 35 cc shed, modern 4 bedroom house. WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. SEAFORTH OFFICE HENRY A. MERO BILL HENDERSON ST. COLUMBAN OFFICE STEVE MURRAY 527-0430 527-0430 527-0995 345-2172 65 ELIZABETH 'ST.:3 bedroom cedar sided bungalow. full basement. large garage, beauti- fully treed lot. Only 544.000.00. 42 WiLSON ST.: 3 bedroom. 2 storey. on a large lot. nice location, 523,500.00. 123 JAMES ST.: 3 bedroom Victorian style home. many renovations completed. large lot, 528,000.00. Offers. JOHN ST.: 2 store Oedroom.Mbeautiful stained glass. am S� .,ud floors. Private lot. 535.000.00. EGMONDViLLE: Large duplex, well rented, nice location overlooking the river. 528,000.00. EGMONDViLLE: A cozy 3 bedroom brick bungalow. full basement with rec 'room. Only 533,900,00, AA NORTH ST., EGO%M.LE: 3 bedroom modular home. " ye d. nice lot. 525,000.00 67 GOUiNLOCtd ST.: I' r Storey 2 bedroom. rec room. house completely rebuilt and in good condition. 535.000.00. 57 COLEMAN ST.: 3 bedroom bungalow. full basement. 6 years old. Only 538,000.00 154 ISABELLA ST.: 11 q. ft, ranch home nh 20' x 40' 'NOW.. heated garage. 2 fir laces. murh,0077uch more. 5135.000,00. 151 JARVIS ST,: Ideal home for a retiring farm couple. beautifully appointed. 3 bedroom split Ica el. ', acre Inc. 24'00' workshop, must he seen 504.0011 M. HARPURHEY: 4 bedroom 2 storey home built in 1a-6. main floor fa mils room. double garage, an esquisrte home 505.000,00. 6 ALEXANDER ST.: 2 year old prick Victorian sty lc home. cscellent location. and in perfect condition Must he seen. 566.000.00. 74 CENTRE ST,: 4 ®'m. 2 storey home. large lot. s ersscSO ., maintained proper, t s . 555.000 00 SI1.5 ER CREEK CRES.: New 3 hedn„am prick, floor carport. full basement. much more S 01111 011 EGMONDVILLE: 3 bedroom brick bungalow full finished basement, built in 10-6 544.0041 00 BRANTFORD ST.: 3 bedroom prick and aluminum sided home. full basement. carport have a look 542.000,00 WATER ST., EGMONDVILLE: 11 scar old duplex 2 2 bedroom units. well rented. in 51 '11 ni condition Asking 548.000 00 ICTORiA ST. EGMONDVII1,E: 4 bedroom bung,losy built on 2 hots with formal dining room. full finished basement. a tnic bargain at 555.000 (111 35 HIGH ST.: 1 OL®sres hri,k Heritage Home- curren ,. sed and ss ell milted. NEW HOME: 3 bedroom brick bungalow, •111.1, hell garage. full basement nice tot. 111111 11(1 A NEW HOME: IN ,MIND? 1 et me explain to , oo the grants and financing as ailahle. 1 au w iI) he surprised how little you can build for.