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The Huron Expositor, 1982-10-27, Page 10
A10 — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, OCTOBER 27, 1982 STRETCH AND BEND—Barb Alkemade leads her fitness class in a little exercise on Wednesday at SPS. (Photo byHook) Continued from page 7 Oilers Tiger Cats 5 THURSDAY NIUIITERS Ladies: weekly high single Rose Bisback, 320. triple - bo 6 O O•' 0 7 Rose isback, 723; season's high single - Rose Bisback; 320, triple - Rose Bisback, 723, average - Linda Gridzak, 204. Men: weekly high single -" For transportation or Info. Phone 527-11180 Ray Klages, 288, triple - Ray Klages, 771; season's high single - Murray Bennewies, 376, triple - Murray Bennew- ies, 840; average - Murray Bennewies. 242. Standings: #1 Head-Pinners 17 #6 Skippy's Dippers • 16 I2 Trouble -on -Six 16 #4 Fixed 13 #5 Rookies • 11 #3 Brewers 11 ST JAMES Mens high single and triple, John Coleman, 284 and 746. Ladies high single - Linda Ruston,, 245, high triple. Elaine Palin, 589. Standings: T -birds VW Farara Chargers Corvettes Mercedes 23 18 11 31 18 25 Elect Wm. G. (Bill) CAMPBELL FOR REEVE 527-0452 VOTERS in SEAFORTH I humbly solicit your support at the polls on November 8 To the VOTERS OF SEAFORTH request your support at the polls on Nov. 8 for councillor f VOTE: DAVE DEVRIES For Council To the VOTERS OF SEAFORTH I respectfully solicit your support on NOVEMBER 8 for REEVE dote BRUCE HOELSCHER For Transportation or Information, Telephone 527-1027 Vanastra offers ne uY BARBARA ALKEMADE Lower back pain. One of the common ailments or symptoms of our times. Most of us suffer from it at one stage or another in our lives. It may just be a nagging discomfort that goes on and on, or the scarey, mind - numbing spasm that literally leaves us bedridden. A new pilot program for low -back -pain sufferers is - being offered at the Vanastra Recreation Centre this fall. Called Active Care of Back Pain, the program has been researched and compiled by Doug Lafreniere, BPE, MSc., fitness co -.ordinator for the Lake !Huron Zone Recreation Association. Mr. Lafreniere, previous to the program's inception, encouraged comments and suggestions from local medical prac- titioners and chiropractors by showing them the program in full. At present, Vanastra fitness instructors are im- plementing the program on Friday mornings. Each session aims to help people whose back pain is of a mechanical nature and who are allowed by their doctors to exercise. The program emphasizes relaxation and stretching and improving the flexibility of the muscles of the lower back, while program strengthening the abdominal muscles. Relaxation exercises are used at the beginning and at the end of each exercise session for three reasons. First, they are used to relax muscle tension, frequently the cause of toe back and neck discomfort. Second, relaxation exercises are important to use prior to stretching or flexibility exercises because a relaxed muscle will naturally stretch more easily and lengthen more fully than a tense muscle. Third, relaxation exercises teach people to become aware of muscle tension and relax it before so : sm and pain occur. verne BY KRIS SVJELA Player injuries. and inconsistent play resulted in the Seaforth Centenaires Junior D hockey club, losing two and tying one in their Iasi three games. In the first two games against Mitchell and Tavistock, the team displayed a lack of team effort by the forward lines and the defence. However, a tie again'st Thedford should help to spark new life in the Centenaire ranks and get the team on the road to winning games. The team continues to fail badly in front of their own net, which other teams have learned to capitalize on, It does not matter how well the goaltenders perform if they lack the proper defence. The defencemen continue to let opposing forwards in the slot position without attempting to hamper their play in front of the net. As mentioned before in this column. proper policing in front of the net is essential to minimizing the opponent's scoring opportunities. On the forward lines the Centenaires have yet to establish a solid power -play and passing system. Position play, shots on goal. and accurate passes will help the team. There are still some players who feel they can 'work in short bursts instead of an Iflj ts e overall effort for, the time they play. It is evident that the team still has several cuts to make and that strong lines, which play well together, hsve not been establish- ed. The fault lies with the management whijh has to make,the decision soon, as'to the number of players they plan to have .on the roster. Against Thedford, the team displayed that it indeed has the talent, stamina and drive to play consistent hockey and win against good teams in the league. To make a winning team is a difficult process. It takes the entire effort and determination of all members of the club, from individual team players and manage- ment. The team has a week off before it faces Mitchell once again. It should be a period of review and of establishing a winning base of players and a well balanced system. The talent is there, but it is not consistent or co-ordinated. ' The team can be a winner. They have proven that so far in the early games of the season. It is evident that there is a Targe group of supporters behind the Cente- naires. That combination is unbeatable. WOAA CHAMPS—Members of the championship Brodhagen Midget Girls ball team. are, front, from left, Barb Flanagan, Marilyn Ahrens, Bev Beuerman, middle, Eileen Duffy, Glenda Beuerman, Marg Groot; back, Pat Koehler (coach), Linda Hinz, Joan Maloney, Al Koehler (coach), Danielle Gerard, Mary Murray and Lori Scherbarth. Joan Maloney and Janis Murray were absent when the photo was taken. wh©iro h@rppgnting? What's happening Is a weekly column, space donated by The Huron Expositor. To list your event, call the Recreation Office at 527-0882. DATE Fri. Oct. 29 Fri. Oct. 29 Sat. Oct. 30 Sat. Oct. 30 Sat. Oct. 30 Sat. Oct. 30 Sat. Oct. 30 Sun. Oct. 31 EVENT Pee Wee practice Bantam practice Hallowe'en Party Sr. Ringette Jr. Ringette Novice Midget IHL ,PLACE Hensall Hensel! Library Hensall Hensall Hensel! Hensall Hensall TIME 8:45 p.m. 9:45 p.m. 1:30-2:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:30,p.m. 6-8:30 & 10-11:15 p.m. ALF ROSS for MAYOR CONCERNED INTERESTED IN SEAFORTH AND AREA -Age 47 years. married, wife and three children -Resides '1' Silvercreek Crescent -Employed by Ontario Govt. Inspector Fnodland Preservation Branch -Farmed in area 22 years -Active in Seaforth and community -Past Pres. Seaforth Ag. Society -Past Pres. Seaforth Optimist Club -Past Master Britannia Lodge, Seaforth -Council member for 2 years -Councils rep. on Seaforth and Commentt-v Arena Building and Management Board ISSUES OF CONCERN -Co-operation between council and all departments -Update facilities (police and public s.orks). -Senior citizens facilities -Inuease industrial area -Increase highway -commercial arca -Update community programming -Ratepayers get value for tax dollar. FOR INFORMATION PHONE 527-1013 Flexibility extarcises are used to lengthen hamstring. and calf muscles to reduce stiffness and, rigidity of the trunk. These exercises are sequentially designed to progress from mild muscle stretching to more strenuous types. Low back discomfort Is often identified •Avith weakness of key postural muscles. Like flexibility exercises, muscle strengthening exercises progress from mild to more strenuous types. Next to good posture and a willingness to help your s:ck, the greatest support you. can given your back is building strong and flexible supporting muscles through a good exercise program. See you at Vanastra! For further information, call 482-3544. ON SEAF ` RTH COUNCIL Fr 0C etent tV IL\ VI h] ecisime ® es onsible emetttntI ��>n tlh) W ST I) For Transportattoon 527-0743 T the Eectors Q!) SE f th Your support wouldbe appreciated in the . Election on November8 so that 1 may continue to work W ITH you, FOR YOU VOTE: BILL DALE FOR REEVE 527-0471 100% COMMITMENT IS WHAT I AM OFFERING Although our present level of service Is good I believe we are paying too much for it. I will be 100% committed to reducing our budget by: —Reducing town staff to an acceptable level, — Sticking to the 6% & 5% wage increases for town employees, — Cutting spending on unnecessary equipment that sits idle most of the year. —Liquidating excess (Fire Hall) property owned by the Town, getting that money back to work fOr us. 100% OF YOUR SUPPORT IS WHAT I WANT TO BACK ME UP FOR A STRONG VOICE ON COUNCIL FOR THE NEXT 3 YEARS VOTE HENRY A. MERO Notice of Poll TOWN OF SEAFORTH A poll will be held in t'he-Town of Seaforth to elect the following: MAYOR — one to be elected . REEVE — one to be elected COUNCILLOR — six to be elected PUBLIC SCHOOL REPRESENTATIVE ON THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION — two to be elected Polling day will be Monday, November 8 Polling Subdivision No. 1 Presbyterian Church — 59 Goderich St West. Polling Subdivision No. 2 Mr. and Mrs. Mike Marion — 11 James Street Polling Subdivision No. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dotmage — 32 Main St North Polling gubdivision No. 4 Town Hall — Clerk's Office Polling Subdivision No. 5 Mr. and Mrs. Hal Claus — 66 Elizabeth Street Polling Subdivision No. 6 The Dick House — 117 Main Street South Advance Poll Will be held for the purpose of receiving the votes of electors who expect to be unable to vote on the Regular Polling Day The Advance Poll will be held in the Clerk's Office'on: Saturday, October 30 The Advance Poll will be open at 9:00 o'clock in the morning and close at 8:00 o'clock in the evening. Proxy Voting A person who has been appointed a voting proxy may apply to the clerk not later than 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon of Polling Day to, receive a certificate to vote by proxy for the Polling Subdivision in which the person appointing the voting proxy is entitled to vote. JAMES CROCKER Clerk