HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1982-10-27, Page 6A6 — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, OCTOBER 27, 1982
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Try it out, or you'll never know
Seaforth ,District High
Schools activities are based
on a,program of total group
participation. The Students'
Council gives the kids a
chance to get inholved with
the running of the school.
Take for instance, the tuck
shop, and cafeteria. These
jobs offer a chance to feel
trusted, as kids are dealing
with incoming nioney, and
also the responsibility of
keeping sales running
smoothly, and at the same
time making everybody
It is a, .good idea, for the
Students' Council to urge
kids to get involved. It takes
a lot of pressure off of the
staff, and helps, the student
body see ,what actually
makes our whole system tick.
This also helps tb show'
that nobody is perfect. or
miracle -workers; and just
because our Principal and.
Student Council. don't
always give us what we want,
doesn't mean they're square-
instead it could mean that
our budget won't allow it; or
there could be something
better in store?
Gettinginvolved 'inside'
the school can really be
interesting. and the rewards
are far greater than you could
ever imagine -unless you trv.
In most high schools there
is a cafeteria. SDHS is no
exception, This year our
cafeteria'is run by 21 studen
volunteers, it's open ever
day at lunch, selling a large
variety of items and after
school selling ice cream, etc.
The cafeteria serves french
fries, hamburgers., cheese-
burgers, chickenburgers, hot
dogs, soup, milk, pop, juice,
vachon cakes and ice cream.
When 1 interviewed Wilma
Van Dyke, head of the
cafeteria,., she said that they
hope to be serving specials of
pizza, fish & chips, cabbage
rolls, and ham and cheese,
weekly or bi-weekly, '
throughout the year.
Although it's hardly
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gourmet and the lineups are
long and slow, the cafeteria
is a great place to eat,
by Cheryl Smith.
Oct. 12, the Junior girls
basketball team played F.E.
Madill (Wingharp) at SDHS.
Although all girls played an
excellent game they were
defeated 41.34. The next day
they,played Norwell. Again
everybody played well. This
t' le they won 51-34.
Llay; Oct. 18, the Sea -
forth girls travelled to St.
'Marys. It was a close game at
the beginning, but then St.
Marys got a lead. The Sea -
forth team just didn't have a
chance to catch up. The final
score was 26-25.
-Allyson Scott
Since last report, the
senior boys' volleyball team
has played in two tourna-
ments at Stratford Central
High School.
On October 7, Seaforth
travelled to Stratford where
they played against Stratford
Northwestern and Stratford
Central. In the first game
against Northwestern, Sea -
forth won with a score of 15-5
and 15-13.
In their second session,
Seaforth split with North-
western, winning 15-9 and
losing 15 to 12. Against
Stratford Central it was again
a split. Seaforth won 15-12
and lost 15-9.
On October 13, in Strat-
ford, the senior team lost to
Norwell 15-6 and again 15-6.
Against Listowel, they lost
15.13 and 15-6. The senior
team also lost both games to
Goderich but the scores for
that game are not available.
The coach attributed the
poor showing to lack of
practice. for a week because
of gym scheduling. "The
boys just could not get it
together on the 13th," said
Mr, Procter. Their total is
four wins to two losses.
We are still pulling for you
•Brian Chessell
Tse junior boys have play-
ed in two tournaments, in
Stratford since last report.
On October ', Seaforth
juniors lost two games to
Northwestern 15-12 and
15-11, split with Central los-
ing 13-15 and winning 15-11
and lost again to North-
western 15-13 and 15-9.
On October 13. the juniors
played against Norwell. Lis-
towel and Goderich winning
five out of six games. The
juniors now stand at '9 wins
and 9 losses. We are behind
you boys.
•Brian Chessell
The writing club is a
group of SDHS students,
lead by Mr. Caldwell, the
English department head,
who want to increase their
writing talents and 1-a•
chances at entering tir .
work in competitions.
The club meets on -
Tuesdays at 3:10. The -
ultimate goal for any writer is
to have his or her work
published in some way,
whether it be in a magazine,
book or newspaper. This is
also the goal of ,the writing
club. As a group, they hope
to give some members the
chance to have something
published or in competition
by the end of the school year.
They are also aiming to
improve their writing and
attempt new writing styles.
by Trish Rhnmer
Frie ds are c nv g too
"What are we doing Satur-
day night guys?" That iS one
of the famous sayings around
the school. Or "Hey, what's
going on this weekend?"
This is always a big thing,
what we are to do on the
As children we all had
many friends. When a kinder-
garten child comes home
from the first day of school,
the first thing she mentions
is all the new friends she met
at school. Not often do we
keep the same acquaintances
all through our school years
but in some cases we do.
➢ remember in grade, five
being so jealous off a friend
because she wasn't hanging
around me anymore or being
so discouraged when my pals
gotangry at me for the
simplest thing. For example
Secretary retires
not helping "so and so"
cheat on a test. As I look back
now I think how silly that
behaviour was.
Friends aren't just some-
one in need but someone to
talk to when you have a
problem, someone to give
you help with your homework
or just someone to give you a
little reassurance -when you
are feeling down. .
When ➢ entered high school
1 met many new people. All
my buddies from public
school either went to Clinton,
moved away or stayed in
Seaforth. We still hang a
round together but we ,aren't
as close, We have changed
but sometimes get together
to reminisce about the good
old days. "Remember when"
and "have you seen so and so
lately," are always a favour-
Whatever the case is.
another drastic .change is
quickly approaching. This
year my friends and ➢ gradin...,.,
ate from grade 12. Most of us
are going to college and a few
are planning on attending
grade 13.
Take a moment to think of
all the friends you've made
through the years. Try to
remember .the last time you
talked to your friends from
grade 12. �.
In five years 1 will wonder
what people from our gang
look like. I may not always
know where they are but the
memory of the good times
will remain in my heart
forever. '
By Debbie Hulley
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The.word is probably out by getting along well and doing you absent-minded people
now that Jean Hildebrand is a great job. Dianne used to out there, start remember -
secretary at S.D.H.S. once work at the board office. ing! -
again , this year. As most In the past, Mrs. Hilde- I know 1 speak for ,every -
people know, Mrs. Hilde- brand has opened the school one at S.D.H.S. when I say,
rand retirel'd at the end of the for some students who forgot' "Mrs. Hildebrand is the best
last school year. However, books, etc. This is a reminder secretary we've ever had and
her return to work is only to those certain forgetful it will be harder to • say
temporary. students: As ;of Oct. 15, Mrs. good-bye the second time
As of the middle of last Hildebrand will not have a around."
June, Joan Pinder has, been key to open, the school. So to Debbie Costello
working at the board office in
Clinton. She is covering for a
woman on maternity leave. A record. review
Joan is returning to the
school Oct. 18.
Mrs. Hildebrand said she
was happy to fill in for Mrs.
Pinder, not only because she
likes the work and the
atmosphere at school but she
misses having students a-
round her. As of yet,' Mrs.
Hildebrand does not have
any specific retirement
plans. She is just takink it a
day at a time.
Mrs. Hildebrand says the
job is interesting and it never
gets monotonous. She always
has something different to do
which doesn't allow her to
get bored.
There is an advantage in
being a secretary at a school
of our size. Mrs. Hildebrand
said, "The students are so
fortunate to be able to go to a
school of that size. The
teachers know them so the
students don't feel like some
number in a book."
According to Mrs, -
Hildebrand. Dianne Steven-
son, the new secretary, is
One of the most promising
bands to come out of the
Australian music scene has
got to be Men At Work with
The problem
1 have a great big
problem. Whenever 1 am with
my friends I have this feeling
that they are talking about
me. Sometimes I feel in-
visible for all the attention I
get. i wouldn't be worried if 1
had this feeling only now and
then but I get this feeling
more and more. Should 1
speak up to my so called
"friends"' and tell them how
I feel or should 1 just let go
that I'm imagining things
What to do
Dear What to do
If I were you 1 would speak
up to your so-called -
"Friends". If they are really
your friends they will listen
to you and probably make
you feel more at home with
R. S1BOXLtd.
their newest album Business
As Usual. '
With two of the biggest hits
on the music chart, Men At
Work provide their own style
of music which is a mixture of
reggae and new wave and are
still able to appeal to people
with a taste for heavy rock.
Getting their start in the
nightclubs of Australia, they
often performed in small bars
where the stage was part of
the dance floor, so if the
people did not like what they
were hearing. they were told
so, making them perfect their
The majority of the songs
on the album are able to
retain to their 'popular beat,
and strong lyrics, without
going too far from their own
style of music making.
After listening to this al-
bum once, you will see that it
would make a great addition
to anyone's record collection.
Business As Usual receives
an 8 out of 10 rating.
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