HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-03-07, Page 6ij
THE WUUG[AI TINES )I 11(` 1 7, 191)7
41 ��M�� fre� 111E S�C��1�111 �I�� ARC
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges,
Austria, remarkable for its largo eat, It is a dull market in New York city
rets, lead the. burliest rleeth rate. When 5.000,000 eggs an' 500,000 pounds
tC) A. 0 M7' Cl? rt, Z:.A?•. • ot butter are not received.
lla+rs the
`uf ,r, The Kind Yea have Atm; BeallEczemaRelieved in a day—Dr, Ag
8iynetaro /// j�' new',. (hutment will cruet this disgusting
•41lf - shirr etteeaPa without fall. It will oleo
ENGLISH hP.AVIN LI141fiJEN r re. erre Barber's Iron, 'Netter, Salt Rheum,
stoves all Vern, tett or eactoubed hoops and all skin eruptlone. In from three to
and hlentiehee frnut ltorbe$, blood spavin, six nielits it will cure Band, Bleeding,
Curbs'. splints, ringbone, sweeney. stifles, aur1. Itchiug Piles. One application
names, tore and .woollen throat,cQughs, brines rnmfort to the most Irritating
etc, Save $50 by the use of one bottle, rases 35 cents, -111 Sold by A. 1a
Warranted this moat wonderful Blemish Hamilton.
Vere ever known, Sold by A , L. Handl. People who work for wages don't
ton, wear as good clothes aa those who draw
More than GO 000 stamps manually aro a salary, but sometimes they have more
it ie said, Toned loose in the letter boxes . to eat.
of the United R.ingdom' ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches and
Convinced by Printed Testimony of eve;p terra of contagious Itch on hurnarl
the hunnrede ot the nurtd, Mm iteuz, of or animals cared in AO minutes by Wee.
416 E 8th street, New York, who was ford's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails.
tor year a great evferer from Catarrh, - Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
procured two botileta of Dr. Agnew'd
There are no apples in China beyond
Catarrhal Powder and it effected au alt.PP
sedate cure in a very elm while. One the amen crab tipple, The oommeuett
puff through the glover will clear the native fruits are the mango, lichee and
head and step headache. 50 cents. -113 mangateen.
Sold by A. L Hamilton. Are You Haunted Day and Night?
It is said that the tusks of nti fewer llllun and body racked and tortured by
than 60,000 elephants are used annually aril forbodinga, glommy and dull, robb•
for piano keys. Tnis inelnoes the piano• ed of that "Dtvine restorer", sleep, ap•
xnalpng industries all over the'world, petite gone, nerves ehatte ed. geuerally
For Catarrh, let me send you free, just det'ilttatea? This is none too dark a
to prove its merit, a Trial size Box of Dr picture for great South American Ner•
Shoop'!+ Catarrh Remedy. It is a snow urns to obliterate and Pet up in its stead
white, creamy. heating antipeptio balm the glowing tinte of perfect health. -105
that Rives lnetaut mind to Catarrh of Sold by A. L, Hamilton.
the nose and throat. Make the free test Tulips are so sensitive to the light that
and nee. Address Dr Shoop, Recine, they will often close their pedals during
WetcaLarge jars 50 WIN. Sold at a dull day, and remain shut up until the
Waltey'a thug More. sunlight Iheard au amusing thing the ether i g t r eturns,
day. It hteFpened in a local option Doan's Kidney Pills not on the kid-
town- A box, labelled "hooks,' came to °ue, a bladder
d urinary bac , s ouny.
the railway station, addreseetl to a ter- atisul, diabetes, congestion, infiamation
• rain party and a few days afterwards the gravel, Bright's disease and all other
station agent wrote to the party as fol- • kidneys ararisingd nfrom wrong action of tbe
Iowa: "Dear Sir,—Please send for roar' r.
Wurtetnberg is the fruit center of
case of bcoksat once. It is leakiug."
Sictne7 Disease for Twenty TearsGermany. The last count showed that
'firs Caswell Reid. Orrville,'TInsknka, ; it had S,250,CCO apple and pear trees of
'Fon are divot:ragt'tl
You fete! old mud wurrt.
You are bl(k, but bot aware Qt the
You oan drag yaureelf aropud--but
work to imposetble
W*t-h your stomach crying art for etre
enetttnne std the nerves ell en edut, why
not try Ferri. watt burbly dQ;'ort
Porn Zeno is a wonderful e.ombinetion
of vNaett.h i" exiraetet, Yt.rttiled by txcei•
lent tome* for tune &t4 Hutt tttnin'trb.
People may beadepts at dropping
biota µ bo are slow at picking them up.
That people of the G"pited Statee have
more money deposited in having baulis
than thea, of any other country,
Tho '\emitter; ramose ese of DUoxae
Disease IS a tearitut down, wneting
away anti destroying ot the depicted et the
betty and a ' bhriveliing up ot the !terve
donee and 'blood rorpubolee. Natant the
mends ttest,teutue t t overcome t hod dread•
tal wttbtiit►t protases liner Stte needed lie p
is best euppheel by Dr, Cbas'e'ti Nerve
Feed, the great burns boulder and net ve
Wbau you feet despuutte...t, Vanua me rebtorativa.
Cheers \oil up ' .
Where laugour awl npllreesioo weigh Fifteen thonseud dollars' worth of
yen down, Ferran Awl hraees yea up hire ouins were stolen trout the 1,Itseunl
iVllen start, is ii ct .fnla I''el'ro7.Jlhe ut Art at Vancouver.
calms the mires and gives you nee
1•"i•r bountling health '•urttd luck$, good
spirits, natbieg ewe:de F.•rrt zone; intik% b
the weak streets mull tee sock welt Geed
for mete women and children; try iter
rezone 50o per box at all dealer',.
Two men named Il'eaner and !Reitz, of
Berlin Out are charged with mautlaupll•
ter in oonnrt'tiou With the death of John
Oat.. wriree: "For twenty tears I was the 77S,CCO,C00 in the empire.
trOub1Pd with kidney- disease and have The eeaential lung•healing principal of
seoent 1p been a••*auy'le saly cared by nsiug the pine tree has finally been successfully
three b"x•s of Dr. Cease' t Kidney Liver t separated and refined into a perfect
Pella. I had mad many remedies, hue oongh medicine—Dr. Wood's Norway
notbing seamed to '0. rue h^uch good•, Ptue Syrup Sold by all dealers on a
until I need this sr:euclicl family meds- guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25
A village seder, whose most trouble- Th t Commeteial Hotel, Seaforth, at
some patient was an elderly woman, present in the hands of Messrs Hender-
praoticelly on the !Tee list, received a eon and Delacey, has been ]eased by
sound rating from her bne day for not Messrs McLennan and Broadfoot, the
coming when semmoned the night be- change not to take place, however, un -
fore.. "You can go and see your other til the expiration of the lease of the pre -
patients at right," said she: "why can't sent tenants.
you corns when I Fend for yru? Ain' hauScular Rheumatism, predated by
my money as good as oilier people's?' expobure, if rim:letteo, develops into the
"1 don't kuow, madam, I never saw any chronic form with almost incredible
of it „ rapidity. South Amerman Rheumatic
Cure is a quick
"Prevnntiee" will promptly ()hertz a:wave, aafP, eiulpie and
cold or ihit Grippe when taken early or harmless care. acts directly on tee Fye•
at the "sneeze Aram" Prevnutiot onre tent, not a liniment to temporarily send•
seated colds Pa well. PCQCentiCB are en pato. An internal treatment that
wilt absolutely care most
little randy cold rare tahlets, and Dr gents terms in
Wis . will caviler mail from one to three days. -114 Sold by
Shoop. Racine,
yon temples end book on Colds free, if A L Hamilton.
Tau will write him. The eamples !prove A very pretty wedding took place on
their merit Check early colds with Wednesday, Feb 20th, at the home of
Preventit'e end stop pneumonia. Cold
in 5 and lac boxes at Walloya Drag Mr. and Mrs B, Campbell, of F!ordwich,
Store. when their daughter, Miss Ella, was
A wag informed the minister of a united in marriage to Hngh S. Warooch
country village near Glasgow that one of Marsville. The bride was brought iu
of bis eonelegation did not think it in-
consistent with his profession to back a
horse occasionally. The minister with
deeply•rooted haired of gambling,gave
the man an early opportunity of deny -
Ing the charge, but, to hie astonishment
the latter not only adm tted the all' gid
offence, bot proceeded to justify it.
"Look here. sir, if you had to cairt coal
as 1 hae to dee, an' it you bad to tum'le
them afore folks' doors as I hae to dae,
DR. A.
W. {CHASE'S rn
CATARRH ME e,8 t',a
is tent direct to the diseased
pares by the Improved blower.
i teals the race's, dears tee air
passages, stops droppings in the
throat and petmanantly cures
Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower
tree. All dealers, or nr.A. W. (haw
Medicine Co.. Toronto and Butthlo.
A Ulan May have the cotirage of his
convtctiona without baying the coin,
For Infants and Children,
Tho Kind You 1avo Always Bought
Bears the
natnT �%
0 of fr�
i Lf .rtGf
S 8 cer-�
January is the windiest month in the
year, there being ou au average five
heavy gales in it.
Cinnamon -Coated Pills — Dr. Ag.
new's Liver Nuts are coat.d ikea cinua•
mon drop, very small Ana deltghtfnl to
take. Otte ptll a dose. 40 in a vial ter 10
ce te. Their popularity is a whirlwind,
sweeping competitors before it live chaff
No pain, 110 griping, no inocnvenienee.-
109. Sad by A. L. Hamilton.
Car•tles in the air are too apt to have
material connection with fortunes in the
Nature Revolts against High Liv-
iving auei tt liaa ne-t its s•tnl to is t,v rrdnlnic
to in seas ailments the stem tee of diabetes
liniment utettivat mon nuril recently
proclaimed 11 a -no core" dISPSPP, hut
South American Marley Core has knock-
ed down their pet fallacy and has prov•
ed itself master of eidetic' tiieenee in rill
its forms. Relief in fd hones —110 Sold
by A, L Hotntitnn.
Pais'ey wauts the governtueut to sea
if a dam cannot be built on the Saugnen
so that power eau be developed at that
"We never Know we have a St 1lnaeh
Unless Something is Wrong with it "
When you begin to realize that yon
heve a stowaoh,•it means !Mat this organ
Is not in Root! oondtriou, and it is re-
alientug you: of tips taut.
Dv not feel oiauultriitred and mieernble
(-tektite ot the precee a of tnat;{batten,
It is the bebt thing in the world for you
if you wen only dee It and give the Mtn/t-
acit proper treatment.
Champs the weak etomaoh to a healthy
mitt by uut Mi o•na sromaoh tablets.
Torii moue
remedy ie not a mere digestive,
gtvipg ouly temporary relief, but a mono
binatiotl of ienlediea that actually
strengthen tbe ernmaelh, excite the secre-
tion of gastric jntces and enatle the
digestive organs to ,care for tood you
eat in a natural, norniet way.
By taking a Mi o-na tablet before each
meat you eau el joy n good dinner with-
out distress and Buffering, and you will
u: ver know that you have a btomaoh•
Our druggists sold a god many 500
boxes of Mi lana mtomaot& tablets, and
the more the remedy la used, the more
triendd it hast.Ytor every box gives saris•
face ion
Wo absolutely agree that your money
will he refuuded bhoutd you bay a 500
box of Mi•o-na stomach tablets and not
be eatiefied with the results. •Itti•o•na is
Hold by druggists everywhere, or will be
sent by moil on receipt of price, 50c.
Write t ,•day for a free sample peek•
age, and alto give ne your symptoms,
and one of rhe best known stomach spec-
ialists will give your Dada his careful and
personal le rennet without charge.
Booth's Mionn Company, Buffalo, N, Y
Sold by Walton McKibben, Wingham,
T17 This for TOUT Cough.
To relieve a cough or break up a cold
in twenty -lour !pours, that following
eirul.,le foe mum, the iugred lent s of which
carp b•, obtained of nay good prescription
druggist at srnnll cntt, pa all that will be
regnired: V}rtt}n Otl of Pine (Pure),
oue•hr+it' nonce; C;tycerioe, two out:tet;
good \4hitkey, a halt pint. Shake well
and take in teetpootetnl notes every four
hours. The deemed vaults eau not be
obtained unleee the inurecliects are pure.
It IS therefore better to purclrae'e tate in•
gradients separately end prepare the
mixtortt yonreelf, Virgin Ott of Iine
(Pure) tltoulcl be purchssed in the emelt!.
et hr IH`•nuner-1 vials, which drnagiets buy
for diepeneinu. Each viand securely
sealed in a round wn,'rden Crepe which
protects the Otl from exposure to light.
by her father, while Miss M. J. John- Around the wooden 'ase 1e an engaged
,ton, the bride's cousin played the wrapper with the name—"t'trkin Oil of
Five Lindon (Oat,) firemen received
serious injuries in a b14zi that gutted
the Grand Trunk planing mi11, The fire
loss was 830,000,
wedding march. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. A. B. Dobson in the
presence of a few relatives and friends.
Indigestion Can't Stay where Dr,
Von Steads Piueappte Tahietts are array- _
erd agaiost it. Thomas Smith, of Dover, lyfany railroad wrecks have marked
Ont., says: "I ani deliehted with them- the hat six months throughout the
front almost the first nsing I have been
entirely relieved of the pains of indtges• United States, and have left a record of
non —I have the greatest confidence in /tie dead and nearly 703 injured.
the Tablets and heartily recommend
Pine (Pure)"—plaittly '.etitten thereon.
'There lire many imitation, and cheep
productions of Pine. hut these only
create bantea, aed never effect the de-
sired results.
Stuvpl tweuuss,
Disordersof the etonlaoh prodt1ne a
nervone COttditlen nod often prevent
sleep. Chamberlain's Stomach and Div-
er Tab
iver'i'ab eta stimulate the digestive outland
restore rho t+y++tenl to a healthy condi
runt Anil make bleep posblble, .11'or sale
by call drugglats.
A large deputation of shipping men
wetted on the Government at Ottawa to
urge the eutargeuleut of the Weiland
hcaelnee, Tetter, t'isji Mutant, 1'tn!t, 111LIh
15 urn►, p*arped, tlterbnrn' Itub,
Ali of these di•casee are attenee'1 by
itltbttee gelling, Warhol is almost lustaut-
ly rtllidved by applying Ohawberiniu'e
Sleeve and by ltd continued uwa a per'•
ineuent care may be effected It has, in
fame, oared many enures that had resisted
nil other tretttulent. Price 25 eeutd per
box. For stile by all druggintd.
It, A. Robertsou, of Auburn hae die
posed of ilia well•lnatched team of blaelts
to G to. Horne, of Dungannon, for which
he received the net sum of ;i400.
,A. Favorite Runway for Babies
Ite pleasant taste and prompt mires
ban' made Ohauiberlain's Cough Reto
e.dy a favorite, anti the mothers of small
children, it quickly cures their coughs
and oolds and prevent$ any danger of
pnentuotlia or other eerione cousegneno-
es It not only cures'orour.. hat when
given els Boon as the croupy cough ap-
peace will prevent the atttee. For sale
by all dtnggtsts.
On Tuesday, Feb 20th at 10 O'clock
preoisoly at the residence of Mr. Samuel
Enini rttcit, Kincardine, was the scene
of a pretty wending, the contracting
p irties being his daughter, Mtss La•rira
M. Etnmarson end Mr. Edwin Percy, t,f
Kinlough. The marriage service was
perfot toed by Rev, Mr. Lockie,
A Kansas City man has just succeed•
ed in getting a patent on au energy mot,
or fastened on a oow'e back, the elec.
trieity being generated by a dynamo at.
Cached to her tail. It strains the milk
and hangs np the pail and the strainer.
A email phouograph accompantea the
outfit and yeila "Sol" when the cow
moves. If she kicks a hinged arm
catches the atilt; drool and lands her
over the back.
ce7 -SO tit CD dn.
Bears the The Kind You Have•Alvrays Sou;hi
hoo wad you fret yer horse richt unless them to any and every sufferer trom
ye backed it?"
stomach troubles." 35 cents. -112 Sold
by A, L. Hamilton.
5 or 500 On the 2Ist of February, at her home
on lot GI, con 12, Township of Huron,
or Corut•y of Brace, Mrs. Margaret Dora
Jeater died at the ripe age of 78 years.
yvvvgvvv She hart ,,menet,--, a cold about two
Wm Lelia died at his home at Wroxe•
ter, on Monday morning last, February
25th at tbe age of seventy-five years and
four menthe. He was one of the old
pioneers of Howiok having come frorn
Wellesley about 45 years ago. He was
married before he left Wellesley to Mary
Clinton lost a most estimable citizen
by the death of Mr. John Bean, on Sun-
day, Feb. 24th, in his 71st year. Deooae-
ed had only been ailing for a week, wiih
pneumonia, but from the first there was
little hope of hie recovery. He was born
at Hensel!. Yorkshire, Eng. on the Gth
of Marob, and came to Canada at the
age of 17 years. He was a wood turner
by trade, and after coming to Clinton
some 33 years ago, he carried on bnsi•
nese for himself for a time, giving this
ap, however, some years ago.
The coal oil lump is nearing the end
of its days. In the past five years there
haat been a decrease of 40 per cent. in the
tnenufacture of oil lamps in the States
It is interesting to observe, however,
that the output of lamp chimtaeya still
increases, The manufacturers seem to
be producing a kind of a lamp chimney
that breaks if nayone. in the • room
coughs, sneezes, laughs, or looks squint-
eyed at the lamp.
For Ovsr Sixty Tetars.
An old and Well•Tried-Remedy—Mrs'
Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup baa bean nod I lteve him perfectly honorable in all bun -
for over sixty years by millions of moth. 1 netts transactions and financially able to
ers fcr their -children cvhile teething, !entry out any obligatioas made by his
with perfect saccess. It soothes the firm•
Child, sottens the rune, allays all pain,1 WALDI\c, EtNN.t.` & MARVIN,
onree wind colic, and is the best remedy - Wholesale Draitgtsts, Toledo, 0.
for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal-
31n11'd Tbis
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re.
warn for any case of Catarrh that can-
not be curer! be Hall's Catarrh Care,
F. J. Ct•1lsxsy x Co , Toledo, 0,
We, the uederstgned, have known F.
.T. Chenney for the last 15 years, and he•
weeks beforehich developed into Sold by druggiets. In every part of the 1y, acting directly upon the blood and
—they are all wworld Twenty five cents a bottle. Its mucous surfacett of the system, Testi•
alike. pneumonia and weakness of the heart. valve is incalctiloble• Be bora you ask monads sent 'free. Price 75 cents per
Each biscuit Mrs Jeater was born La Naasagawaya, for Mrs Winslow'tt Soathtna Syrup, and bottle. Sold ttle. Hall's 11 Dm:gs for const: a•
Halton Co in October 1825, Her ar• take no other kind. C3ueranreed under 9 p
madeas by fair
ents were Mr, and bare, John and Alicia Serial Number 10:18. t
hands, y Husband, natives of Ireland, who wore
Little Liver Pills.
1dust Boar SIGnntnre oY
Sea 1?a:�.51n:1]o Wrapper w
is ....1
/Fore apnea and as 0e17
to take as sugar.,
RS Filil YIIZItdEaSe
�� FOR
QS9::Qtrriwi: ul:Se,uv[9 MAwnc. -_
'2srcot liputrolp lege. arum,n•Cn :„..ve.
Meal in a ' ,, o .ent
Bovril will do it for you
A meal prepared with the help of a chafing
dish has a great fascination for many.
But the woman who u se a chafing dish and
hasn't tried what the addition of a few drops
of Bovril will coo, has yet to find out how
delightfully piquant and appetising, a chaf-
ing dish, preparation can be made.
Not on1r does "Bovril" add to the richness
and taste, but also very materially to the
nourishing qualities, and that's best of all.
W A•. " r�
A Household Necessity
Laxa•Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite
medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick
Headache, Billiousness, and Dyspepsia
without griping, purging or sickening.
Children are often attacked suddenly'
by painful and dangerous Colic, Cramps,.
Diarrhoea Dysentery, Cholera Morbus,
Cholera Int'rintuw, etc. Dr. Fowler's.
Extract ot Wild Strawberry is a prompt
and Euro onre which should always be
kept in the house,
••t•0o0®•N•OYolo•O•OOt►AOe/a9 Or►®004tO0A0oO00.O®ipi'141►ft0041,
'terms to suit purchaser,
We are sole agents for the celebrated SCRANTON COAL,
which has no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, Cannel and
Domestic Coal, d Wood f 11 kinds,always o hand
omen t0 oa , an o0 o a a wa a n
(Dressed or undressed)
Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc.
/air Highest Price paid for ail kinds of Logs. "alum a
GAL an
Residence Phone No. 55. Office, No. 64. Mill, No: 4.4..
•44444444444446444444444440 •444044454444444444444440$
► ►. • r'nnoijncement for'
► I have determined to clear out my Dress Goods stock at areatit' reduced se
prices this Fall. Ae the HARSCO goes on, atony lines are going at less than
P. 75c on the dollar. Black Dress Goode a specialty.
w I purchatted very ler•rety by the case in all ltiierie from 5e, per yard up. I
d Can give you heavy, 30 in, wide, all colorings, nt 10o.
a Grey Flannels and Flannel Shirtings. I
► 41
Froin the Wroxeter, Teeswater and Kingsmill factories. Pure stork, •
well cleansed and very cheap, at the prime wool has been this summer. Call
a and see them if in need of a pair. Sheeting, white and grey, 36 and 72 inches.I.
C . I keep the celebrated STANFIELD Shirts and Drawers, made from Nova ilt
r Scotia wools, soft and flexible, and gnaranteod not to shrink, sine 36 to 46 ,
ie Ladies' Wear in the Puritan make. The best brands in Canada. Also Misses'
h... and Children's in all sizes, from 15c each up to the finest.
fail and �n4er.
Fall and ,Dark Winter Prints at Cost, 1
And a nice variety of Shirts made to order.
li lit as if p tllit It and Drost Act Jnne 30th, 1400, loon. .
among the earliest settlers of that die- A pretty wedding was celebrated on
Braked to a tt'let.
brown, are sorry to reportthe death o law,
Cobalt miners passed a strong rosolu- Tuesday of last week at the residence of
golden russet tion against the Provincial Government's ; Mr. and Mrs. Robert McPhail of Car -
Mr. John Geddes, who departed this life mtsing tax
So fresh,
and crisp, and
tempting, that
just opening the
box is teasing
the appetite.
And you
find a new
delight in every
one you eat.
Yon get perfection
when you get
rick, when their second daughter, Miss
on Feb. 21, Mr. Geddes was born near Aftiietett with Stueornatism
Mae,hwas united in marriage to M. Se -
Ottawa on June 4th, 1837, When a boy "I was Mand
am yet 6ffltcted bastian Forstine of the south line,
wine, Brant. The ceremony was performed
he moved'with his parents (Rev. James thenmattsm,'•'
says AIr. J', C. Bayne, at high noon by Rev, Thos Wilson of
and Mrs Geddes, well known in Kincar• editor of the Herald, Addington, Xndan lB
Crory •'bat thanks to Chamberla4, 's 'WIk
dine Tp) to Owen Sound, ata at the pain Haim ani able once more to attend
age of twenty-three he married Mies to business. It is the beat of liniments." . •
Jane Geddes of Chatsworth, who prow•
affectionate mother, la the year 1875 more tan p eerie w t t e promp re•
lief which it affords. One applicatfbn
When. they moved to a tetra in Kinloss relieves the pain, For sale by all drng-
Tp. on the 'Durham Road, remaining gists.
there until seven years ego when he --�-`-'
he "telegraph poles in tall blossom ate to
be seen in iigatida. The wires are
strong on a species of fig tree, which
has extraordinary power* of germina.
If ttoubted with rheumatism give Pain
ed to be a devoted wife and a kind and Balm n trial and you are pertain to be'
h 1 d ihh t
moved to 4th eon. of Heron, where
resided until his death,
As a spring medicine° Burdock Blood tion'
Bittern has no equal. It tones up the ,pis.• T 417r 2711. X AL •
Systeal and removes all impurities from *smith a 81 Ktnd You Hare AtwMys Reim
the blood, and takes away that tired, alsnatttrs
3S' 00
weary feeling ao prevalent in the sprung.
Dear Mother
Your little unci arc is constant care in
Fall and Winter ter-ather. They will
catch cold. Do you know about Shiloh's
Consumption Cure, the Lung Tonic, and
what it has done for so many? It 1'3 :earl
to be the only tcliable rentcy foe all
dieeases of the hit pa::ages in ehildte:p.
Itis absolutely harmylen and pleasant to
take. It is guaranteed to curd or your money
n returned. The prise is 23c. per bottle,
and all dealers iii medicine sell 3'4
This remedy shield lie in every hoti,eh id.
Machine Works
Having secured a first-class machinist,
I flue prepared to co alt kinds of repate-
ing on the shortest notice. Also , le
I Ain else Miilding A few
Portable Sawing Machines
--something new. Call and inspect
before placing your order elsewhere.
lr'oni the Welleley Knitting Mills direct, The best wearing goods in
Canada, madefrom pnre. North-west wools, and at prices that cannot be
equalled, quality considered,
I have`decided to clear ont my large stock of Clothing this fall and win-
ter, and can give you great bargains. A nice Overcoat for $4,00, usually $0, e
A good, serviceable Snit $4.00, and loran stock to select from, Boys' School '
Suits, splendid variety, A good Work Pant for $1.00, wotth $1.40.
Carpet, Oilcloth, Linoleum.
A large number of ends in All•wool, Union, Tapestry and Brussels, at
about half price. Ceti and see them and get prizes. Some cheap Hemp
Carpets and Mats to offer.
Linoleum in 1, 2 and 4 yards wide. Oilcloth in 1 and 2 yards Wide.
Men's and Women's Fur Goods.
Coon., Wombat. Russian Calf, Dog and Bishop Coats for Men. For the
Ladies, Astrachan Coate that OM t e eaten or vs n q .
manship guaranteed. Call and see them.
Hats, Caps, Gloves, Boots, 'Shoes, Rubbers, Grog°ries.
Satter and. Agf4a, Timothy and
Cloves Bead, Buckwheat and
Tartar ling Oats Wetted,
W. C. PATON. *UWE' AthASAAILIESAlielliniaiii'ilililiCtilrilWAIMEAMT Waite,