HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-03-07, Page 5H E
Blue Front Store
" You are in need of a new hat," This can be said
of almost every man, as the old hat always looks shabby
in the bright spring days.
Our new Spring Goods are in and opened up.
They are the choice from the best makers of Europe and
America, including the following makes :
Our range of shades, styles and sizes are most
complete, and prices will suit everyone. Be sure you see
ours before you ley.
We have the new Telescope Hat, in black,
fawn and grey, in a good quality, at the popular price,
Two -Fifty.
McGee Cam)
Another of the pioneers of this towiz-
phip lase been called to the great beyond
in the person of Mr. James Rose, who
peeved away on Sunday last in ilii Stet
yeer. Deceased was a native of Soot•
land and emigrated to this country in
early life. He way a Man held in high
esteem and has for years been a resident
of the 2ad ooaceasioa. Thefetneral tout
place no Wednesday afternoon to the
Malaga cemetery,
EAST wawa JOSu.
'The following cs the report of S. S.
No. 9, E. Wawanosh, for the month of
Pebraary. Names in Order of marks
made in the weekly examinations for
the mouth.
Fifth Class—Katie Shiell, Leary Cur-
rie, EU Walker, Gordon Riatoul, V,4il-
frid P0000k,
Fourth Class—George Currie, Tessa
.Anderson, Earl Elliott, Roy Anderson,
Mary Elliott, Gwendolyn Carrie. Gar-
field Shoebottom, Howard Shiell, Ray-
mond Elliott, Walter Pocock, Herb
Sr. Third Class—Pearl Deacon.
Jr. Third Class—Verna Taylor, Dial
Deacon, Ernest Shiell, Harold' Currie,
Franklin Robinson, Maggie Pocock.
Jr. 2nd Class—Elva Robinson, Wil-
mur Taylor, Bessie Burchill, Ella Dea-
con, Fiona Deacon, Annie Carrie.
Part tad Class—Maud Rintonl, Ena
McDougall. LINDA MUNE, teacher.
Let the Stomach Alone.
You can't oure catarrh by dosing the
stomach. The disease is in the throat,
nose and bronchial tubes. Inhale Ca-
tarrhozone to the spot where the disease
really is,—it clears away foul secretions,
stops discharges at onee, purifies and
heals the passages, literally annihilates
every trace of catarrh. Nothing else is
so direct and oertaiu as "Oatarrhorone."
Results guaranteed. Two sizes, 25c and
$1.00 at all dealers.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gaunt entertained their
friends on Friday evening. All present had a
good time.
A. new organization is to be started in con-
nection with Whitochmch Epworth 'League.
It will be called the Missionary Post Office,
the object being to get letters front the mis-
Ialonstry field for the members to read. It
should arouse more interest in missions gener-
"Mrs.t Bev.1G.P, Outman is away this week at-
ending the funeral of her sister.
a iit
- t The good sleighing has helped the farmers to
_ - a 1111 the mill yard.with lobs,
• ' Master H. Sperling, who Inas been. ill with
N pnetutionia is now recovering.
Mrs.Jos: Clark has been on the sick list. 13er
many friends hope she rout' have a speedy re-
covery •
Mr. and•irs. Brinker, of Blnevnle, who have
been visiting friends here, returned hoinc on,
Mr. Geo. Tnmoth has returned to Belmont,
'Man. after ax visit with his mother here.
A House, Barn or Fence ?
We are in v. position to offer you very low prices on •
Be sure and get our prices before purchasing elsewhere.
TO IItAND—A large assortment of Sap Pails, Milk Pails.
Galvanized Pails and Tubs.
INGHAM. - ., jam,
esea e mac•teeesa%ricGe`tet�
1 rs.
is the passport to the very s
best positions in the;,Iand. r
T -he Centel
Busines ,/College
offers this pamper on easy
terms to all ambitiouspea -
pie. Write for particulars
if interested in seonriug a
good position at a good ;e
salary. •
395 Yonge St., Toronto, Can. Lei
TIMES ,' t. ttCIT•'' 7, 1907
eteransamortinefienntilflemilgIfiOti al lusth0 ,ceau;Mi.e ii.,o:: 10,41.031111111111111 its. ale Lemma a ..4.i ad,i , :1 k4i CC.
_1 •
Watch This Space weekly.
This week we offer at cost for cash the finest line of Stoves and Base Burners
ever before shown in Wingham. We have the following in stock : '
Base Burners—new.
1 only Art Huron, with oven, was $35, at $28 •
1only Art Huron, without oven, was $30, at $25 .
1 only Favorite, with oven, was $40, at $32
1 No. 46 Art Souvenir, with oven,was$45,at $36
1 No, 20Art Souvenir, with oven,was$32, at $25
I only Record, with oven, was $25, at $20
Coal Heaters.
Tortoise Heater, watt $12.50, at $8
New Idea, was $12, at - $8
ltiesoot Heater, wall $10, at $6
Base Burners --Second Hand.
3 Art Souvenirs, nearly new, at ' - - $25
1 Oonntess Oxford at - - - 625
1 Art Souvenir at - - - - $20
1 Radiant Home at • - - - $5
Second Hand Ranges.
1 No. 49 Happy Thought, with high shelf
and water front, a bateain at - $25
Wood Heaters.
G Wood Heaters, from $2 to $5
1 Box Stove - - - $2
New Wood Cooks
1 Blk Acorn, ext.,'was $23, at $17
1 Anchor, ext., Was $25, at $20
.Wood Cooks—Sec. hand
1 921 Grand •lewa1, eq., at ese
1 921 Grand Jewel, ext,, at $20
1 923 Royal Huron, ext., at $15
1 Model, ext., at • -
1 Jewel, ext., at - • $17
We also carry a full line of the best Ranges on the market, including " Huron"
Stoves and Ranges.
1insmithing, Steam Heating, Plumbing of all kinds. Eavetroughing a specialty.
We are agents ents for the celebl'ated Sherwin-Williams and Robertson's Read'
Mixed. Paints. Church's Alabastine on hand.
" s are ' These BargPill only good
until March 15, 1907.
Rapid changes of tempeiratur'e,are hard
• on the toughest constitution,,.
The conductor passing` from the heated
inside of a trolley car to the icy temperature
of the platform—the canvasser spending an
hour" or so in a heated building and then
walking against a biting wind --know the
difficulty of avoiding cold.
Scott's EsnaLrfon strengthens the
body so that it can better withstand the
danger of cold from changes of temperature.
It will help you to avoid taking cold, Z000000000000000AND
ALL DRUGGISTS; 50c. $1.00.
-.I Glum. ,«•'
Township council meets next Monday.
James G. Hogg, formerly of the 4th
concession, has purchased the Milverton
libery stable and is now in possession.
The Neil Dancauson 100 acre farm,
14th con., has been sold to Albert Carter,
of this township for the sntre of $5,300.
Mr. Duncanson, will retire from the
active operations of farm life and take a
well earned rest.
On Saturday, Feby, 23rd, Alexander
Hyslop, well-known in Grey and Morrie,
paid Natare's debt after attaining the
patriarchal trge of over 99. Hi passed
away at the home'of'his son-in-laiv, .T.
Stevenson, lot 6, oou, 13, where he had
been making bis home i'or some time.
Mr, Hyslop wife here. in Wtt'rtonsbire,
Sootlaud, and•oatne to Canada in 1840.
Hewes married 57 or 58 years ago to
Margaret Jamieson, at • Herpt rhey, and
they made their home on a farm on the
Huron road before moving to a bush lot
on the 6th line, Morris ,ownship, where
they resided for many • years. Aire.
Hyslop died 1$ years ago, aged 61;yeare.
The surviving •obildren are. Airs. Step-
henson, of Grey; ..And;.Ndrer A. K. te-
Allister, of Winnipeg. Mrs. Rich.,
Bewley, of,.Iliornts, another daughter,
went home tether reward 15 yeah ago.
Three others died in childhood.
Monitletl•lip With Cramps
• Stomach feels.like an infernal machine
and you want !.relief mighty quick.
Nothwg deep eine. work halt so sown: as
I'pltem'e Nervfline. Why is kills the
pain 'inecantly ' 'If your • Witte is empty
get Aka:tater to-deay. Nerviltne ke;epet the
doctor bill small because it eurett piths
ills before they grow big.- Nothing for
indigestion, heartburn and cramps like
Po1son'e Nervilene. Large bottles for
it; Li NA•
Dir. and Mrs . Albert Aitken and Mal-
colm and Mise Mary are visiting their
sister, Airs. Neil Reid, of Gillies Hill.
Rev. Mr. Wishart, B. A., of Brussels,
conducted anniversary services in
Eadie'a church on Sabbath, 24th Febru-
ary With much; acceptance. The tea-
• meeting on tlio'foilowing Tuesday even-
ing was welt attended and everybody
enjoyed themselves. Bluevale Presby.
torten ebnroh alloir rendered an e.:oei-
lent programme of mode. Mr. J. D.
Melville and Miss M. Duff were much
appreciated as elocutionists, and the ad-
dressee given by Rev. Mr. Danoan, and
Rev. Mr. Radford were well received.
A very unique part of the programme
was the preeehtation of a Persian Lamb
cap and gauntlete and gold watch aliain
to the'pastor, Rev. W. .1. West, M. A ,
by the young people of the congregation,
accompanied -by the following address.
nee. W. J. i'Tsem, M. A.
Dear kutstbr,—We, the young People of
1.11adin'•t congregation, desire on this festive
oocasicn to in some measure express our ap-
preciation of your work among usidurint tho
ten years you have boon thu honored pastor off
this church. Wo recognize your ability as a
preacher of tho gospel, in the faithful exposit-
ion of the word which God has enabled you to
deliver to ns from time to time, and we rea-
lize that your ministry and wise council have
been a groat blessing to us. Your noble eluali-
tiea of head and heart, have also endeared roe.
to us, and wo rejoice that the work has pros-
pered. so harmouiously and with sunh nueeess.
As a slight token of our regard for v-ott we ask
Yon to aactnt these one, gauntlets and watch
chain, and pray that you may be spared for
many years to labor in the Master's vineyard.
Signed on behalf of the young people of
DELLA McDonts.&Z,
Asir:113 MST:Vt.:Fr
IN Olt'Blits,
Township Council Will meet noz.t Monday.
J. Cook, Gth non., has a thorough bred Loi •
easter owe, which has 2 lambs, that came oa
Wednesday of last Week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jneason, of tiartney, Ma., aro
visiting at Robt. McMurray's, 4th lino, 11re.
McMurray and Mrs Jackson aro stators.
George W.Jacltson, son of Jno, Jackson, 8th,
will go West to Southern .Alberta, where he
purposes making his home. Mrs Jackson will
not go until tho su next. 11.te Jackson solid
his tarns to his uncle, George Jackson,
A quiet weeding took plate at the Home of
James and Mrs. Bussell, Sunshine, on Tuesday.
February 2501. 'whorl their youngest denghtert
Mists Sara bt., heentne the bride of Itobt. t;latik,
of the panic 'plaice, The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. G. . Rivers, E. A., E. D., of
Eeteeeee. Thu happy comet lett on the after-
noon train for Buffalo, Niagara Ti alls,and Galt -
After spending a few WeeksYfeitlN; ftietida in
thin community they leaye for their new home
at Cfeirsholtn, Alberta.
TII1tti L'E itIty.
A very interesting ev'nt took place at
the home of Mrs, A, McMichael =Wed-
nesday. Feb. 27th. when her youngest
daughter, Miss Charlotte, became the
bride of Wm R. Smith of Wolseley,
Sask., son of Jos. N. Smith of Tarn.
berry. As the clook was striking six
Rev. J. H. Jsterhout, B. A. B. D., spoke
the mystic words that united the young
ooaple in the holy bonds of matrimony.
The bride is a p'easing appearing yonug
lady stall times, and looked charming in
a gown of pearl grey taffeta Kik. She
was given away by her 'brother Archie, V,
and was unattended. The bride was a
general favorite and received many t(
handsome and useful gifts among a blah
was a beautiful gold watoh and chain,
the gift of the groom,
The following is the report of 5 S No
9, for February. Names in order of
erit:—Fifth Class: Katie 511c.Bnraey, Frank
Fourth Cittar: Clara i&cKetzits, Gordon '•�'
Wray, Robert..Beeen.
Third Claae: P_leatha Smith, Lizzie
Breen, Hugh Russell, George Benedict
Second Sr : ,Toy Wray, Pearl Merkley,
Willie Bolt, _Ilio Breen, Cecil Fuller,
Jean Ross, Percy Merklev, Mary ]$c-
13aroey, Lottie Y4cl3nrney, Murray j
Ross. ,I
Second Jr.: -Howard Wylie, R ubbie
Part II : Leslie Bolt.
Part I : Dorothy McTavish, Sander-
son Breen.
L. H. Vanstone, Teacher.
• Report of el. S. No. 6, Taruberry.
' Names in order of merit.
SR.1'V'–V. Chandler, G. McCormick,
H. Mitobeli, S Klug.
JR. IV.—V, Showers, S. Dickson, R.
SR ITI—h. 1l1eE'.agne, W, Jones, F.
Paxton, R. Iixc1 ague, M. Chandler, B. I
3B, III—(aj
V. Piing, .T. Snell, A. Mc-
Kinnon, G. Snell, W. Mel ague, ,T, Me-
Kiunoa, R. Faille, {h) B, Holmes, A.
Paxton, E. Faille, P. Penis.
SR. II—B. Chandler, 3. HOlules, E.
Dickson, J. IsteKagun, L. Snell, M. Goy.
JR. II—G. Dalglohsch,. 51. Porter.
SR. pr. It—E. Link.ater, P. King, H.
Foston, 0, Showers.
JR. Fr. II—E. Chandler, L. James,
G, Pallia.
I—rll.Holme-, H. Showers.
A. A. LAlit)Nh;1, Teacher.
Men Rule by Force, Women by Charm.
And yet because they live less strenn-
ouely. women neglect the early evi•
donees of failing vigor. The wire wo-
man will not' permit her chanes to be
robbed by iii -hearth. When she feels
appetite failing, neryi a getting on edge,
color fading, she takes Ferree tne. How
it sharpens the appetite! How thickly
rich blood i+ available to restore color to
the (+hooks, bnnya'lcy to the step. Better
try Ferrozone. You'll feel like a new f
being. with new vigor and ability to
confront life's difil;uities. Yon are sure
to bless the day you commenced Ferro -
zone. Sold everywhere in 50c boxes.
A railway car ran oft the track at Fer-
gus and tors the side out of a house,
Sirs. Fischer, who Wag pitting in the
house wap caught between the car and
the wall and hail her ankle broken. •
,l st tfiishcd .S79
Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitiis
Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria
Cresolt'ito IS a boon to AsthlnatIts
1 toes it ea see% Dive ereztive to ireatbe in n
remedy to tare disease of t'.s laeathirt; organs
than to take the reme3j• tato the -sten:eat t
It tures ieeense the air ran.:eted strongly anti-
septic is cnieied over tie ui•eascd surface with
every breath, Rivit4 prolonged told et/CS:ant ire:,t.
trent, 11 is invaluatte to susthets s,ith small
Those ofA consumptive
tendency find immediatt
relief from t:otighs or in-
flamed conditions of the.
ii • , e s,
[ 1C 3 {.
1 lrl
y E
Send postal for bookie'.
l,at'atst;, Mi 1:S Co.,
iatntted, Agents, Soots
tett, Canada. u.7
Ou1y 100
Motu for
Now U.
E. Isard Go.
Not in our business experience has it bean our
privilege to offer to the people of 1tVingham and surround-
ing country such a magnificent display of Dress Goods,
Silks and Trimmings. Remember, we carry the
largest stock and you can depend upon getting.just
what you want here, at prices guaranteed as tow as any
city store, and you will be in the express charges by leav-
ing your order with us.
We have met the demands successfully in the past,
and our airs for the future is to greater things, and to make
each season better than the last.
Our Spring Importations comprise the following:
Crepe de Chene, Cream Corduroy, Cream
Serge, Grey Hopsack, Voiles, Cashmeres,
Lustres, Roxanna, Plaids, Grey Cheviot, Check
Tweed, ¶Teu.etians, Canvas Cloth, Broadcloth.,
Taffetaline, Panama, Shepard's Plaid,, Grey
Tweed Suitings, Cord de Chene.
Japan Taffeta Silk, in all colors, 27 inches
wide, 50c.
We will be pleased to show you through our stock
at any time,
All other departments are complete with New
Spring Goods.
.New Waists
Just received a shipment of very pretty shirt waists,
Long or short sleeves. Special value at $1,00 each. Ask
to see them.
Sprig Tera BEGINS AprH 9 st
Daring January and February, theaWingliani 33usiness College
had twenty-dve times as many calls fte cenographers, Telegraphers, ,
Bookkeepers, and College Teachers, s we had graduates to send.
Attendance is always arial t during April, May and Jane, con-
sequently each student get re individual attention. This is the
beat terns of the year for tl Arndent.
L -tarn of the success of onr graduates by writing for a handsome
catalogue of the
Best Actual Business School lis Ontario.
The "ba;ktvard" or "rusty" feel at home with us, as • each
student is instructed at his own desk by a painstaking, sympathetic
teacher. Graduates guaranteed bituations. Eater any time.
Affiliated with Olinton Business College)
GEO. SPOTTON, - - Prineipal.
Hc4:ting Stoves
In order to reduce our stock o: t;'oal and Wood Heating Stoves
we are offering some excellent inducements, When you dee
the goads and Iearn the prices you will be convinced that it
will be money well spent to buy now. Seo what we have
before pnrchasing elsewhere. We can save you money
Sap ]!'mils. 171ilk Paflt , etc., ost band.
3. ugg .Son.
Mr. and 3fra. Thomas Aitken, who have been
'visiting his father. Ur. Sohn Aitkin, 4th line
have returned to the West.
We regret to re;>,rt the illness cf ,fixe Bella
Keith, 4th line. She is ,aid to be suffering a
light attack of typhoid fever.
Mrs. John Hodgson, formerly of North Cul-
ross, but who for the pest three years has been
on a fstrnt user 1 iulntil h, ie seltinit out and
will return to his former business of moving
buildings and 3rsminpz, HO will more into
'Yeeswater and make headquarters there.
Mr.Jnsepitldteyer, 4th line, has rented his
farm to john I1,•liinnon tend will go west early
in April. ile. Meyer is going ltotncstt-atling
ao and
and cousequantiv ha. to go far from town
neighbors. Tile homestead he intends to move
rep on is located about :0) miles set:th-west of
t's. 13ELIS\S.
Miss Clu•Issy Miller has ret urt,cti home froth
afis • Elizabeth Miller is visiting with friends
in To:onto .
Mrs. Abe Dentin. m;,. are pleased to learn is
now recovering.
.1r. and Mrs. Donald Cameron, of
liant, were rutting with old friends i9 this
Mr Peter Campbell, for :,1 years it resident of
West \irawatto,li, ditdt1. on Monday. February'
:5th itt hit Celt ;tvet. 1)tctensed laid heett itt
poor health for sem t•al mo+tt:t . He was a.
native) of Argvte!shire. Scotland. an:I was held..
in high a -stem lay it large eir.:le. of ;friends. lits
wife r;rea,'. (10,411,1m l.lor con ycat .t.'e,.
Bring *bog roar Shot*. 'We der ra.
pairing an.l do it won. W. J. Gsni tt.