HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-03-07, Page 44 TO ADVERTISERS ate ot change* mom be lett at this od�oe not later than Saturday noon. 'Jk'lte oopy for ohaugefr'=net be left not later than Monday evening, Omuta #3ativertisemonta awoepted up. to noon Wednesday of each week. $$%"Aei i$13ED 1172 \YINfinAI TINES. ,1 ..SILLIO'd'T', PUuLIMN disc PAaratATO9 THURSDAY, MARCS Z te07. k{ r} .• VV NOTES. AND COMMENTS, At else Liberal convention at Brussels on on Tuesday-, • Mr. W. R. Kerr, of the t3russe's Piet was unanimously nominated as the can- didate for the Ontai:io Legislature for East Huron. We heartily congratulate Brer $err on receiving the nomination end feel sure he will have no trouble in keeping East Enron in the Lthoral columa. Further particulars as to the convention and candidate are held ever r until our next issue. r The story of Canada's timber wealth is a w uderful tale. Two thousand miles '• long is its field of uncut timber compris- ing 1,500,000,000 acres divided into three great baits. To put it briefly —according X to Dominion anthoritiss--Canada'atimb er area is four times greater than the timber area of the United States, three times greater than the timber area of guttas, twice as great as the timber area of all Europe. And this source of wealth lit praoticady untapped. - The three prairie provinces have al- most doubled their population in five years. The oftioial figures are as fol. lows; — 1906 1901. Manitoba 365 6S8 255.211 Saskatchewan....... ...5,,763 ;91,279 Alberta .. .. ..... 186,412. 73,022 Totals .,,.,...808,86g, 419,512 Toe immigration figures for Qauada fax the five years are: —1902, 17,259; 1903, 41,792; 1904, 50,374; 1905, 65,859; 1906, 86,796. .tlir.. W. K. MoNaught, til. P.P., thinks the Toronto press is saying too trench in connection with the liaease investiga- tion now being heldin that city. 'Che Globe Comes out and says:--" We oan say to the member for North Toronto that the.newepapermen of the city care very little for the "interests" which to the politician seem so sacred. We have had enough of standing by the "interests" of thiel or that clique of politicians. What is needed is an honest and thorough in- veetigation, and all this "insinuation" about things as they were under "the Ross Ministry" is irrelevant and incon- seguent bluff. Tarn on the light every. 'ts•liere• .. . During debate in the foase of Wm - teens an incidental reference was mad e to Mr. Fowler's connection with the deal, exposed dnriug the investigatiou by the Insurance Commission, by certain mem- berg of Parliament in railway lands in the.Northwest. Mr. Fowler, angered by what had been said, declared thatif his private affairs were not left alone he would expose the connection of mem- bers on the Government side with wo- men, wine, and graft. We can heartily endorse the Listowel Banner when it says : —" We by no means agree with the doctrine that the private life of a public Stank is of no public concern. A man who is dishon est or unmoral in private life is not worthy of public trust. We cannot separate our judgment of a man's character into two separate parte; ' if he ie nutrnstworthy in his private affairs few will be found willing to trust him with public affairs. Men who ask public confi.ienoe should be worthy of it, both in pnblto and in private. flat any man who will repeat private scandal, who Will blacken a man's oharaoter and not be able to grove his charge or wittitij, to drive it home, is a man who is not lit for association with docent fellow beings If the things Mr. Fowler said are true it is time we fel know it and the guilty ones, no matter who they are or what their position. are driven from pubi c life If Mr, Fowler wore merely. trying to cover np his own wrong•doiug by the repetition of baseless scandal, that is double reason for his own retirement " • 17''/i a Elliott got away from hint at all sry, .?#9 stages at the game. Jack Habbick Q✓ /� wa. good. but did riot play the game he has played at home, while Bob • .1.. hill TOWN POU NO .. Council met Monday, March 4 ; all the members present. A. communication was read from the Trea,snr'y department, enclosing a. cheque for $90,76. the town's shale of the railway taxation, after deduction of cost of supporting insane persons, for whose support the province has re- ceived less then $1.50 per week. Fol. lowing is the statement enclosed ;— Town's share of railway taxa- tion $101 36 Less east of insane patients100 00 Cheque in favor of town$ 00 70 FINANCE COMMITTEE'S" REPORT, V. Vannorman, salary $.42 00 J. B. Ferguson, sal. and postage 40 50 Hook & Ladder Co., services3 50 W. A. Currie, work 2 50 Bell factory, drying hose 3 40 R. Rankin, bell ringing 0 25 ZVin, Guest, night-watchntan18 72 Theo. Hall, auditors' report and assessment schedules34 00. A, Sanderson, snow plowing3 50 R, Saint, teaming50 F, Gutteridge, drain tile . 111 78 The committee recommended pay- ment of the above accounts. D. M. Gordon, Chairman. Nicholson—McDonald—That the re- port of the Finance committee be adopted—carried. The Electric Light .accounts, amount- ing to $426.04, were laid on the table, recommended for payment by the Fi- nance committee. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORT. The Executive Committee recom- nl,ended as follows :- 1 -4 -That any transient trader having paid the fee of $50, after• paying two years' taxes, • and being still a rate- payer. shall have the balance of the fee refuuded him. 2—That we find that the Council of 1900 sanctioned extensive improve - meats in the electric light plant, and that $1,850 of the cost is still unpaid ; also that the revenue was $400 less than in 1905 ; therefore it is necessary to practice rigid economy to make the - revenue meet the indebtedness and necessary expenditure. We recom- mend that the Town do the wiring. installing, repairing, supplying of lamps, futures, etc. That the Town buy ail material wholesale or from manufacturers, at lowest cost. That three 'ren giving all their time to the corporation is a'surneient number to inn the plaint, except on special occa- sions. That this will materially lessen expense and increase the revenue. SIGNED. On motion of Cnune. Gordon and Nicholson, the report of the Exe.cutivc committee was adopted in full. Bell—Gregory—That a cheque in payment of water -twain pipes be issued as soon as the chairman certifies that the weight of- the pipes received is correct—carried. _ The Hospital Concert committee, re- presented by Messrs. Greer and Ken- nedy, :asked that the Council grant the Hall=tree for the concerts in aid of the Hospital, seeing that it was a laudable object, and the Hall was so cold that it interfered with the receipts... . Irwin—Nicholson--That the Town Hall be granted free of charge to the Hospital Concert committee, as the proceeds were in aid of Winghatn Hospital. Coun. Gordon asked for explanation regarding rumors. Mr. Greer gave a most satisfactory explanation. The motion was then put and carried. By-law No. 362, for appointment of officers of Council, was read three times and passed, on motion of Bell and Nicholson. Bell—Nicholson—That Dr. T. �� ilsori be allowed to remove his office across the street (while his block is being built), provided he removes it from front street fire Limits within six months—carried. McDonald-- Irwin — That $400 be placed to the credit of the Public School Board, and 3500 to the credit of the High School Board for main- tenance—carried. Gordon—Kerr—That the question of the desirability of having a formal opening of the new post -office be re- ferred to n committee, cousistin$ of Reeve Irwin, Couns. Nicholson, herr, Gordon and Gregory—carried; com- mittee to report at next meeting. Lucknow Lost. Lucknow hockey Club played the return game in \Vinghttin on Friday night,: and although they were ahead 1>y ;;rote of 4 to 3 at half time, they lost the {name to the local team by a score of 0 to 5. There was only a small crowd present but they enjoyed f he fin immensely, and a great cheer greeted each good platy. Licknow lust's are :1. fast bunch of players. Pelt. McCoy again played. on the for- ward line, and showed plainly that his • place was on defence, as "Smug" ervous Thomsen en shared the honor' of best man in visitors' lints -up. For Wing- s hath, Ed. Elliott hi centre seentccl to be the best, but Jiniiuy .IcGillivray and Herb. Elliott both played a very fast mime. McLean did not feel like Then your blood must be in playing, and only on a• few occasions a very bad condition. You did lie break away, putting two shots - cle:dn through the nets in last half; certainly know what to taker which missed the goal umpire's eye. then take it--Ayer's Sarslt- - Moore played cower and ryas fell over the ice, scoring three goals for tine pirillil. If you doubt, then ioeals and admits scoring one for _ consult your doctor. SXTe know Lucknow, but along with Britton, he nude the road hard for Lttcknoty. What he will say about this Ed. Elliott scored one goal, Herb. -grand old family medicine, Elliott the remaining two. Line-up Lucknow—McQuaig, icLachian, 3`iab- tat le Yell erete geeheo 'wit Sett,* vtveld hickThomson, Johnston, McCoy , YdY•-Ars your bows regular," no katova - that daily *entre at tfto»ais is sesame's. Batton, Vinghan-7. MeGillivraY, eeentlatoreeneety, ee" tont' treat sms.M Britton, Moore, 1�. McGillivray, - see Year bower? rover tam tara,UUve dot*. of Ayor'u rifle. Elliott, B. Elliott, 31cLean, Referee WEAK AND WORN QUI% Dr, William;' Pink Pills Give New Strength to Overworked Worrell. The lite of a domestic is a hard one, She toils from early morning till late at ipght; her work is never done. Often she ill too busy to get out ot doors for a breath of fresh atr. Unless her blood is. kept rich end pure thiel close confinement wears en her health. Her strength will fail; she may lege her appetite, become pale and: dyspeptio. In feet elle is in danger .of a general, breakdown. • Snob wall the condition of Miss Marie ` Anne Floury, of Ste. Anne de la Parade, Que., before she used Dr, Willi tms'Piok kills, She says:, "For a number of years. I have been a servant. Up to a year ago I always enjoyed the best of health, but suddenly I was seized with pains in my side, my appetite left me, I became dye- peptio and lost all strength, I consulted e doctor who told me I was suffering from general debility, 1 was for stop and for three months I foil doctor's treatment, but with I was advised to try Dr. W lame' Pink Pills, and as I had otten ad of the Cas. es they cared, Idede• o do so. I only took eight boxes be r'e I was cored, and today I am stron er than I ever wan, My digestion is good and'1 oan now go abOnt my stork without fatigue. I owe a debt of gratitude to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for what they have done tor me and I strongly advise other weakly sick- ly girls to give them a trial." Mies Fleury's case 1e one of many that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have cured aft- er doctors' help had failed. The success of these pills lies in the fact that they strike right at the root of the . trouble -- the blood. Other medicines simply act on the symptoms of a trouble—and natty re- lieve, but they do not cure. Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills make new, rich blood— that is why they cure dyspepsia, rheu- matism, anaemia, heart palpitation, headache, backache and the ills of wo- men : all of these are caused by bad blood—Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure them all because they make new blood. For sale at druggists or by marl at 60o a box or six bnxas fax $2.50. from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,Ont. 20 ed the t benefit, BELMOI9I:. Tho wife of Mr, John Powell succumbed to her illness on Wednesday evening. She had been in delicate health for some time, but only re" cently had her illness been of a critical nature, though on Wednesday' she seemed fairly well. She leaves a family of three daughters and one son, who have the sympathy of the communi- ty in their bereavement, She was a member of Wesley church, and a woman much respect- ed. The above from the Clinton New Bra re fere to the death of the mother of Mr. W. 3. Powell, of this place. Mr. Powell attended his mother's funeral at Clinton on Saturday. Are You Losing Look. or Strength? Ouse you worn robust, bright and happy. Today you are dull, worried, faittug in vitality and appearance. Just when you should be at year best you're played out and need it cleansing, brac- ing tonic. Your blood will soon redden, your vivacious spirit will soon return, you'll be yourself again 'it you regulate the system with Dr. Hamilton's Pilis. A Only wonderful medicine. It searches out disease, positively drives away head- ache, weariness, and lack of vital force. '-'Give yourself .a chance. Use Dr. Ham-, iltou's Pills and watch the result. Sold everywhere in 25o boxes ' ==• —Ivan Johnston. 'f"QdAitaaisantaaetitatar K'ni'lt ei *, ,,._... qer g ►1�CYisaAM+. PCemier `Ttrbeie war swornLieutenant•Govornor of Now'Brnnarrick IV* lava as viae*trt df+s l ta>xrte send Attorneyt'lenerel Pugsley sncceefl•' tas basic 2 . so *or ossoaftiAio. VII MOO J ecl to the Premiership. BLUETALL" Mr. J.D. Melville, of Londesboro was visiting at Mr. John fling's last week. Mr. Doc Messer, visited his father this week. Bev. Mr. Baker verfotmed the marriage ceremony of Miss Eva Bouch and Mr. John Stewart at the Parsonage on Wednesday 23th of February. We are pleased to welcome the young couple as residents of the village. The Presbyterian tea -meeting was largely attended, everyone enjoying themselves, The congregation of the Presbyterian church have decided to build a new church next sum' mer and a building . committee has been ap- pointed to proceed with the work. Mr. Binn- ing of Listowel has been employed to draw plans and specifications for the work. . sive Stook Markets. Toronto, March 6—The run at the City Cattle Market to -day was 50 loads with 750 head of cattle, 258 sheep and lambs, 400 hogs, and 83 .calves. Trade was +hill to -day, bat with the very light tun, prices were well main- tained all round, at the range of last week, with a tendency to advance prices for the very choicest picked cattle. Al. though prices are good in Toronto to. day, they are said to be still below the prices which the drovere for some reason or other are compelled to pay in the country. Good butcher cattle • to -day were firm at $4.25 to $4 50, and a few extra choice picked cattle fetched $4.75 to $4.90. Export cattle are steady, with a vary limited supply. There is a steady demand for good heavy export cattle, but very few in the .w1 ONE WAY SECOND CLASS COLONIST TICKETS 1 on sale DAILY until April 80th to points in British Columbia, Califor- nia, Washington, Oregon, Colorado, Montana. Special Train n To Northwest will • leave Toronto EVERY TUESDAY during /Luton Ain ArRIt ( At 9.00 p nt, with Colonist Sleeper) for go- o nintedatfon of eettl rs o e travelling with litre stook. Passengers travel- ling *iIhont live stock should 'rAxn TRAtn Lt ee tXG .Teno1C't4 b&ttir 1.45 p.m. 'or 11.80 pen. Per 181'1 iatortaation 1ss' 10 ratteli and tickets, ctillon L. Ii&ROLD, Depot Agent. J.». ?cTima m, D.P. A., 'oroistd. THE MGM TIMES, ' 1ARCIM 7, 1907 New Springy Goods Easter will sooii be here, You will want your New Suit, ',Light Overcoat, Hat, Gloves, Tie, Fancy Shirt, etc., etc. • SUITINC'S. We have one of the largest and best assortments of Suitings ever shown in this part of the country. All the newest designs and best qualities at lowest prices. Do not buy a ready-made suit and be dissat- isfied all the tirne you wear it, when for a very little more you can get one made to order in an' style you wish ; one you can feel assured will . wear well and always look good. We guarantee satisfactioa. HATS. We have the best assortment of Hats in newest styles. The Perfectus Health Hat is one of the best Flats made ; we are sole agents for it. We can give you anything in new styles. You will not find anything that has been carried over for years in our stock—all new.•. Our Caps are new and stylish. We. also :draw. your attention to our New Fancy Shirts and Neckties. We have a large stock .of these beautiful goods: For anything you want in Men's Furnishings call on• ' riAXWLLL.. '& • HILL. Merchant Tailors and Men's Furnishers. •—•10,44.001....4"--ebmetrApi bwitivad.") market to-daYt • • Heavy feeders and good ehort•keep are firm at $4 25 to $4.60,' • Demand for light stockers of goad' quality is beginning to show some sign or activity, but 'tsbmmon stuff ie' not wanted. Sheep and Iambs are firni, especially the latter, good grata -fed fetohiag 37=to 37 25, The hog market is a little weaker, but only five cents lower, than last week. The following are the quotations: Exporters', cattle— ' ,Per100lbs. • Choice . . : $4 90'. $5 25 Medium. +,t... 4`-'x75 4490' Bulls -li 5 4 25 Light ..',, - . , ;'5'5 4"00; Cgwa, ., , 4,.00, f 4 25: Feeders -- best 1000.ponnds and up • wards ,;,. 3i5 4'00 StoOkers choice 3 75 • 4 25' " balls 1 50 2 `00 Butchers'— • Picked `e75 4 90. Choice 4,30 4 60 Medium 3 90 . 4 25 • Cows; .. 2 56 3 75 Bulls 2•.25 . 2 50 Hogs— •• , Best 6, 5 Lights ' 6'60 Sheep— Export ewes 4,75 5 25 Bucks.... 3 50 4 50 Cnlln 3..50 4 00 Spring Lambe per Ib.. 8`00 10 00 Calves. each 3'00 ' 7' 50 WINOHABIMARKET 2CKPtinTS Wingham, March 6th, 1907 Floor per 100'be ..,. 200 to 2 60 Fall Wheat .. , . 0 70 to 0 70 Oats, ,. 0 85 to 0 35 Barley . ... ........... . . 0 45 to .0 60 Peas ,,.... ......... 0'76 to 0 76 Buckwheat 0 50 to 0 50 Butter...... 0.22 to 0 22 Eggs per doe 0 22 to 0.22 Wood per cord 2 60 to a 00 Hay, per ton8 00 to 11 00 Potatoes, per bushel n.ew0 45 to 0 60 Tallow per lb .... 0 5e to .0 06 Lard.-010to015 Dried Apples per ib 0,06 .too 06i Live Hoge, per owt. 6 10 to 6 10 Turkeys, drawn 0 10 to 0 18 " 008 to 010 Ducks, per lb. ... 008 to 0 10 Chickens, per lb . 0 08 to 0 10" Diamonds. We have them from $8 up, and an - immense brook to choose from. We are having for EASTER spe- dial bargains in --Hand Painted China —Crosses --Pendants ' —Watches Necklaces --Crit Glass, etc., eta. If you are not in London, tprite•ns ---it will pity you. C.HoWard & Co. 874 Richmond lit. LONDON, ONT. A FAMOUS SCHOOL CENTRAL TF4 ATFARD. ONT. ' is recognized to be one of the leading commercial schools in Ontario. Oar oourses are thorough and practical. Each department is in the hands of experienced instructora. Our grade Fates are in demand and are meeting with great success. Many leading Business Colleges einploy•our grade Mee as teachers. Write for free catalogue. You may enter at any time. ELLIOTT .& McIACHLAN PRINCIPALS. ' HOMES For Settlers nst WESTERN ONTAI@IO MANIT ••A SASKATCHEWAN //ALBERTA Blow Made and How Reached piTL RwSrte for frog copies of ECIDE giving full rte- . ulars of eca erservice for travelling lie • sl oak and. effects to the Northwest in March and.: pril, with passenger and freight rates. `. WE 'TERN CANADA criptionaof the We. end western conditions. SO paes of . inforuration invaluable to settlers, Useful maps and statistics. ' TIME "TAPI,ES showing double daily service to Winnipeg and Caslgayrxcr train TOURIST SLEEPING CARS . Lca;-eToronto daily. Comfortable, roomy berg hs at moderate rates. Felly equipped with bedding, cooking range and every con- venience. 13erths should he reserved . (throe•h nearest C.P.B. Agent) atioasttwo = weeks before departure. Write to -clay for free hooks and anything : yell Want to know about the west and how • tri reach it. Address C.11, FOStEit. Disf..3?ose„ AAt , C.P.I14' Soronto The Bell Telephone Co, OF CANADA is about to issue/' A New ' Telephone Directory • for the Diettlot of Wett+trn Ontario inoltiding the Towel ozI •fYH lttt Orders for new oonneotiotii. changes of grin names, changes of street ad- dresses or for duplicate entries, should be headed in to the Distal Manager AT ONCIE. F. , TANSLEY, Log Manager, 11111.111111111._ I TIIE "BIG SToR r," WING -Am, OI T, JNO KERB. TEA TEA' TEA TEA TEA Red Belt Tea Red. Bell Tea Red. .Bell Tea That's the name of OUR OWN BLEND NEW PACKAGE TEA. In the future we're going to pat up is 1 lb, and •,, lb packages our own Special Blend of Tea to be known as Kerr's Red Bell Tea: We will guarantee every package to be just as good as we say it is. And we say that its the best, the very best Tea on the market for the money. The regular price of this "Red Bell Tea" is 35e and 50c a Ib. blaek or mixed. But to introduce it we are offering it for a time at 28c and 40c alb. If you're a lover of good Tea try the "Red Bell Tea". Give it a good fair trial. If you do this, you'll always use Kerr's Red Bell Tea. OUR BARGAIN TABLE. Our Bargain Table has proved to be quite a success, This week we offer in addition to very many other money -saving opportuni- ites a big bargain in Writing Tablets. Nearly 300 Writing Peds, good linen paper, ruled or plain, regular price 15e each, special price 9e each. More Bargain Prunes, 200lbs. just received, selling at 5c a lb. Dress Goode Department attractive just now, new goods arriving continually. The most popular weaves and the most fashionable shades. Fancy T weed Snitings, Grey Worsted Suitiags, black and white, Worsted Salting, pretty spring color- ings blended in two'and three tone shadings. • ♦444444++++++++++++++++404 444+++++++♦++++++++444++++ + • • +•• •• ••+ •+ • + + +• for the liberal patronage we have enjoyed in the Z • past, and in return we have decided to give all + + our customers an excellent chance to - + +FOrnisi The Homei 4. + v • 4 at special prices until April lst. i F 4. + 4 !CHAIRS, CHAIRS !: + s i . + Anyone wishing to g t an outfit of chairs at the + + cut pric9. call and see what are made in Wingham 4. $ Chair Factory, as we have thena all set up to 4- + choose from. 40 per cent. off list price till April• : l st. - Now this is a chance that seldom comes Z . + your way ; take advantage of it. +• 4 t Bedroom Suites and Sideboards I + •.. See what are made at the Union Factory. Sold + at the same cut prise as chairs. We have them + all set up to show you. roaches and Parlor Semtex I We carry the best in stock, which will be sold at , cut prices up to April 1st, SPRINGS and MATTRESSES * All the hest, male tet Walker & Clegg's,. and guaranteed. Nowjis your chance to get all the Furniture you need for Spring, before you get busy. + ker ormoil Store. 4+4+4.4.044444444444N44444 40++++lB44.+44 l.4.l.+*4,ll+di Undertaking promptly and satisteotorily attended to.