HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1982-10-13, Page 131. 11 h� pnclto�@ Clubs, sports are popular THE HURON EXPOSITOR, OCTOBER 13, 1982 — A13 THE JUNCTION STAFF—Many work on the SDHS news page of the Expositor Fare; fibro left, back: Caroline Willems, Elaine 'Dennis,lDoris Glanville, Mr. Howard (staff advisor), Carol Ann Williamson, Mary Brown, I . of those who Debbie Costello and Debbie Hulley. Halle David Hook, Colleen, Mero, Sharon Weigel, Tammy Driscoll, Sheila Van Dorp, Sean Lane. Front: Cherryl Smith, Allyson Scott, Trish Rimmer. Absent were Brian Chessell, Sherri Bachert, Phil'Menary, Jane Van de Baan. (Photo by Hook) Whykids,sfayi , r; school f od2o ft@wo bawd ow-bgtw@c ryo, extra taught. I d they had no 1. ht now tin taking that t g . grades, reg tion 01' going to university or year for grade 12 o`r 13 is a i am not sure but I can gond t tea. Many high school seniors lace the problem of not snossing exat'!t shut work they would like to get into. By taking an extra year before trying to commit yourself to a )articular field• you can learn more things unci perhaps sec a whole new angle to an e 1111(15 different occupation. The grade 13 class of the year 1982 1983 is the largest one in SDHS in history. There are two homerooms 'of ap- pr0yim8tely 30 students in each. 'there are many stu- dents in every grade 13 cottrsc. This betters the chance id liming certain courses such as French 550 oil erect m the school. 'There 1s to he a certain number of students who nant 10 take a COUrse hcforc 11 is offered. With so plans students in grate 13 this. scar. most courses—offered- are being t With this in mind. it In last weeks Huron Ex- ctrl cµ, people positur were three pictures of is understandable why p111 p the classes which either cont- with a college -'or university mcnced into grade 13 or education found jobs easier to graduated and went onto get, '1 here were only a small something else, 'these pie- percentage of students who tures probably shocked a lot would get their grade 13 diplomas. at people. 'I he picture of Ole grade 13 graduates s as not surprising. All of the students looked very 111ce. were bright and smiling and typical honour graduates. The ave of the class was a good site for SDHs. Iloweser, the picture of the 'grade 12 graduates leaving SI)I(S and the grade 12 graduates remaining at SOUS Mr another year looked as it they should he reversed. fhtn are 51 more 1 here were 15 students in the , grade 12 graduate photo of students out of 11)0 students students who have left conn ingrad`hunine u who ntil statheyed l inn pared to the 00 sonde -odd g ..1(1(11.-111S who has remained finished grade 12 in 14140 than , to get their grade 13 diplomas 15 years before. in 1955. 40 of before going out 141 colleges, those 100 students remained umsersnties or jobs. This was do school until grade 13 in a smart nine on their part. 1 1480 tontpared to the 1 - thuds. 14111 why? students nut of a hundred in Ihis uas explained in a 1955 hfu,illYl' ;macho,' to ilii AMBITIOUS? nod term reports gisen U. us This docs 11111 mean that ' Iasi 1 rida vteenagers teldas are more 111 1455 there"were 61,911 :1011411iuus and better edu• students in grade 9, 2.3,486 in noted than 15 s ears ago, it grade 12 and I0.'99 in grade simply means that tics are 11 in Ontario. Why did finding good reasons for ,ipprosimately a third of the alas hdg 111 school anti eontinu• students leave before grade ing then. education for as long h+els e'' This is because if the as !hes ca11. The main reason students ,sere not intending for stastng 111 high school as u, gds 10 uriscrsity, they long as possible is the high didn't bother going to grade uneniplosmem rate. 12 or grade 13. lo get a Ing. a person has to the students in the olid 50s he sell educated anti know found that they were Netter her field of work. I litre is a of ArVent iohs in the lower lot of competition' for iohs The funny thing 1 find is that these students I ant discussing could quite pas• sibly he the parents of high se'h,iul students today. The world sure has changed and so have the statistics on grade 12 and 13 graduates. Accord.• mg to this pamphlet, m 1981) 1Iicre were 135.499 students to grade 9."-•1-19. 26 students 111 grade 12 and 53.60 students in grade 13. What a fere nee' 0 v Holly Gully D THE MATH CLUB Through the years - SDHS has organized and developed a math club. This year is no exception as Mr. Kennedy has organized an- other intended for students who want to learn different aspects of math. other than the ones they learn in a math class. This broadens their knowledge and provides - them with information which would be helpful at .ttfe yearly math contest -fn the spring. For those• interested in joining.• the 2'Iub gathers every Tuesday at 3:05. Sherri Bachert i Inc that the size of next year's grade .13 will be somewhat smaller than this through much mud, the band year but still larger than lead the parade. On October previous years. Students are 9, we had our last parade at finding that extra year very tldcrton. For the next four important for finding their weeks the band will be career goals, meeting new preparing their Christmas' friends and. understanding musk for the Santa Claus themselves. SDHS has seen a parades. real change over the past 15 years. as has Ontario. mag Seaforth vs Stratford. North- western, 19.44; Seaforth vs Exeter, 42-26; Seaforth vs Walkerton, 43.21; Seaforth vs Listowel, 44-43, The games against Central, Clinton and Listowel were all league games. On Wednesday, October 6, the girls played Goderich. Needless td say they tried, but unfortunately all their effort the girls were defeated -- by over a 40 point spread, BAND The SDHS trumpet bane has elected their new president. She is Laurie McIntosh and vice is Jeanne Mcdonald. These girls are doing an exeptional job at keeping the band in shape, The members of the band have been very busy parad- ing this past mdnth. On Labour Day we travelled to the city of St. Thomas and on the following Saturday went to Lambeth. These parades were long and most of the girls were hot and exhausted but it was still worth it because of the publicity we get. Poor weather conditions at Brussels and Seaforth fall fairs didn't stop us from parading through our home towns. On Saturday - September 28 the band was scheduled to arch at the International Plowing Match in Lucan but because of weather conditions the - parade was cancelled. How• ever, on Saturday the - 'weather- was beautiful and without having to marc -k *The percentages in this column were an approxima- tion. They may not be 100 per cent accurate. Much of the infgrmation in this column was found in the Excellence In •Education pamphlet put out by. the Ontario Secondary School Teacher's Federation. There is a lot more about the secondary school system in this brochure, so if you arc interested. ask a student of SDHS for it: they were all given one. Juncti®n answers My dad and 1 arc constantly arguing. He pest- ers Mom with questions Happy Birthday to Barry Noakes. 1 yr. Oct. 12. Happy Birthday to Angie Roth, Kon 11, t'hcr I8 and her 11111111 ( hers! is ho it ill be on the sank dos. October 18. Happs Birthday to (icrrd Rin,nler w ho w 111 he celchrat- 1119 h15 2yth htrtlldas (again?1 1111 n mbar I' Holly Gully Holly Gully Hully Gully Oteli y VARNA, ONT. JUST OFF HWy 4 afrWEEN nENSALL AND SF1UCEF,Ei Phone 262.3318.5809 USED MOTORCYCLE Blow -Out 3 Days Only Fri. Sat., Sun. Due to the overwhelming 'Increase in new motorcycle sales this season we are dammed to the rafters with great used motorcycles. They Must Be Sod Bring your cash or take advantage of our finance Plan We need snowmobile trades Holly Gully Nally Gully Hully Gully Hully Gully Hully Gully C 0 c about me. He asks her if 1 went to the bank and how much did 1 deposit. 1 never scent to do anything right. What should I do? Pestered Dear Pestered You should go straight to your father and tell him that if he wants to know anything about you, he should ask you himself and not get informa• tion from your mother. Tell him you appreciate the fact that when it comes to your affairs, he is concerned. But when it comes to your money. that is your business, not his. Tammy Driscoll CROSS COUNTRY TEAM This year's cross - country team is small but enthusiastic. They travelled to several meets this year. the most recent being the Stratford Central meet, - where we had two people placing in the top 10. Faye Carnochan had tough com- petition for third place • against runners from God• erich and Exeter. Brian Underwood.also had a very good showing. placing a strong 8th. Although th crest of the team were not in the top 10. they placed very well in their di, Isions. On October 8, the team is scheduled for a meet in Kitchener. Mr, • O'Connell, the new coach feels that his cross country team should have a good showing at Huron -Perth. BY Phil Menan. JR. GIRLS' BASKETBALLby Colleen Mero The junior girls basket• hall team has not done too badly so far this year. Out of seven games .they have won five and lost two. The following socres tell the whole story: Seaforth vs, Mitchell. 24-22; Seaforth vs Stratford Central, 43.46: Seaforth s s Clinton. 42.25: depending on the work - progress and the deadlines needed to be met. During the summer editor Jackie Schenck and Wilma Van Dyk attended a Year- book Workshop at Trent University in Peterborough. They learned correct layout. copywriting, photography - and many other angles of publishing which they will be passing onto the members at the first few meetings. Each member must attend every meeting and have assignments in on time to the editor. The 1981 yearbook will be here in November. by Kathy Turnbull SR. GIRLS' BASKETBALL The senior girls - travelled to Brantford for their first tournament of the year. On Friday night they defeated Paris by a score of 39-31. Our second on Satur- day afternoon was a strong team from Sajtfleet. Seaforth tied the game in the last seconds to force overtime. After three-tnins. of overtime Saltfleet came out the victors by a score of 55-50. On the following Monday we began our regular season. We got the season off to a good start with a 65-17 win oy r Clinton. Despite the e cellent start to the season e team was unable to efeat Stratford Central. Our second tourna'met of the year was hosted by Wingham. We opened the tournament with a loss to Stratford Northwestern. We were then able to win our next two games to win the consolation title. The third game of the regular season was, played in Listowel and won y Seafoth 52.22. On Wednesday we had our first home game of the season. We defeated - Goderich by a score of 65-41. By: Miss Dawson and - Sharon Weigel. Hully Gully Hully Gully Hully Gully CURRENT Motorcycle List STREET - 77 RD 400 '895 mint cond. - 79 KZ1000 '2295 shaft 82 Honda CM 450 77 Honda CB 125 76 Yamaha XS 360 72 Suzuki GT 350 78 Suzuki A-100 81 Suzuki GS 250 81 Kawasaki KS 440 LTD 78 Hondo 400 Automatic 82 Yamaha 650 SECA 77 Hondo CB 550 81 Honda 650 Custom 78 Suzuki GS 550 81 Suzuki GS 550 78 Kawasaki KZ 650 82 Suzuki 750 Cabana 72 Norton 750 Commando Plus many others ENDURO 75 Yamaha DT 400 5495 78 Suzuki T5 100 Plus a dozen more 78 Honda Z50 \ 81 Yamaha IT 175 USED ATC°S 81 Yamaha TR 125 '795 MOTOCROSS 81 Suzuki RM 80 80 Hondo CR 125 82 Yamaha YZ 125 81 Kawasaki KX 125 82 Suzuki RM 125 81 Honda CR 250 81 Honda CR 450 Holly Gull* Hully Gully c 2 2 c.. YEAR BOOK CLUB If you are interested in business, photography, - journalism. art or any other kind of creativity then the Year Book Club is for you• At this time there are ENTERPRISES about seven staff members ELDER although it is hoped that the number will go up within the SALES & SERVICE next few weeks. Meetings DIAL 262-6142 HENSALL - ONT. will be twice a week or more yA D r►l'HE INCREDIBLE. This year at SDHS two clubs have been organized to go places other than Seaforth during the March break. The first trip was to be to Hawaii with the travel club. It was headed this year by Mrs. Byers, the family studies teacher at SDHS. The trip was going to cost the break for nine days. The - students cost $1 the each. travellers would take a tour • The yourof the andtrip of all of Germany. The included lioroom your ' adventure would cost around sotransportation. All meals and • $2,000 each. This would be , paid etc. wouldeve t - include your breakfasts every students , iby thet morning, airfare and your students so they might figure on about 51,250. There txtomFarag is still waiting for would have to be 15 people wanting to go to Hawaii. The more details. . group would have went sight- by Caroline WIfilen s• ing and learned first-hand about the people. Sine there were not that many people interested, the trip had to be crThelled. ten other trip is to - Germany. The German 450 class and the' teacher, Mr. Farag, wanted to go to Germany during the March T look -tit error IJr t s5 MOSi. WOO takAll-enewalook01 Q for 1 -.. 7� of a new more powerful. 534 type rotary valve, liquid -cooled, Ratak' 16mcn (rack, carbideun errs CDI ignition, rbs. Nide. on, ffull instrumentation--all standard on the new Blizzard 9700 The ultlmale in speed and performance Take a look at the sled ' .designed for unsurpassed two up luxury and comfort on long days of trail and cross country touring Take a look at the song "wide track that rides smooth os silk, adjustable Torque Reochdn slide suspension. full ,nstrumenlahon, electric starter, extra large fuel lank and powerful. reliable Ratak' engine.ultimate in style -rid luxury 1h#4, with liquid -cooling fora longer season, The cll'A 1Otf 4500/4500E Take a look at an economical two• seater that gives you smooth, responsive handling. plus big sled features like a twin. fan• cooled Rotax* que suspension, CD engine, ,00 oillinject onstale aReaction slide and electric starter on the 4500E Easy hondlrng of an easy to handle puce' Take a Look at 0 Canadian JI -dog I MiLE WEST AND 1 ®� MILE SOUTH OF HENSALL. THE INCREDIBLE SEPTEMBER 27 _`_ _ TO OCTOBER 23 192 MODEL REBATE h aerr,ge,ators . Snde by Side, Frost free s 75A: 'o Top Mount. Frost Free ! s 40 a Manual Defrost s 25 laanges eta j• Double oven buitt•in &,.n.„, Ovens with microwave i s 100 a Self Clean models s 535 ;• Manual Clean models 1 s 25 to Platform elements 620 • Over -the -range is 100 electronic models ,o All other models s 30 D.ehwashers I. All models s 30 Washers 1. All models 30 Dryers }. All models , 020 I M,crowave ae5 HENSALL 262-2728 "THE PLACE TO BUY APPLIANCES"! OPEN FRI. NIGHTS CLOSED MONDAYS a