HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1982-10-13, Page 10r ' A10 - THE HURON EXPOSTIOR, OCTOBER 13, 1982 WANT ADS BAT 1000 IN THE SELLING LEAGUE 1 Coming Events REPERCUSSION presents an ' exciting concert of music from Bach to jazz to African rhythms at Blyth Memorial Hall, Sunday, Oct, 17, 2 p.m. Good tickets available at the door, $8, DESERT SONG, the rollick- ing hit musical comedy from ttie Shaw Festival will be -at Blyth Memorial Hall, Satur- day, Oct. 23 at 8 p.m. and Sunday, Oct. 24 at 2 p.m. Tickets 510. Reserve by call- ing 523.9300. 1-79.2 ST. THOMAS • A.C.W. . Christmas Bazaar, Saturday, November 20 at 2 p.m. Please notice the change in day, 1.79.2 ST. THOMAS A.C.W. Rum- mage Sale, Parish Hall starts at 1 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 23. 1.79.1 THF family of Claire and Con E.:kart wishes to invite rela- tives, friends and neighbours to their parents' 40th wed- ding anniversary reception on Friday, Oct. 15 at Eckerlca Acres. RRI. Seaforth. Danc- i'ug 9 to 1 to tan Wilbce's Orchestra, Best wishes only please. 1.19-I ROAST BEEF Supper. Brucefield United Church, Wednesday. October 20. 1982 from 5-8 p.m. Adults So.00, Children 6-12 52.50. L oder 6 Free. Advance tick- ets only, 1.76.1 FIRST Boy Scouts Apple Day, Saturday. October 23 (Friday night Oct. 22). 1-79.2 DAY TRIPS. Jack Miner's. Monday, October 25: London for the day. Tuesday. October 19. Phone Helen McBurney. Nicholson Bus Lines, 357-3424. 1.79-I "LAN to attend thc St. olumban P.T.A. Turkey "lingo on Nov, 21 at 8 p.m. in Columban Parish Hall. 1.79.1 loth Anniversary Dance. Sat• urday. October 23rd. Legion Hall. Seaforth. Music by Mozart's Melody Makers. Admission 510 per couple. Lunch provided, All wel- ,romc. Sponsored by Father Stephen Eckert Knights of c ()Iambus of Seaforth and District, 1.79-I DABBER Bingo at Seaforth District High School held rs Monday at ":30 p.m, I h cr V.00 in prizes. Proceeds student activities, 1.'8-4 BENEFIT DANCE will be ',cid on October 16. 1982 at 'he Brussels. Morris and .rev Community Centre for Paul and Nancy McGill, R.R. : Brussels. who lost their r+rn and contents by fire. iusrc M 'Country Cnmpan• Dancing 9.1. All dance proceeds go to Paul and Nancy McGill. Donations will c accepted at the Bclgrase ••(0 and Taylor's Grocery. tie -grave prior to the dance or at thc door. I adies please I ,ng lunch Fservone wet. me 1.-8.2 1 Coming Events THE family of Norman and Agnes Schadc invite you to attend an Open House on Sunday, October 1', 1982 for thio• occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary from 2-5 p.m. at Duff's United Church. Walton. Best wishes only. 1.7852 BRUSSELS Legion Br. 218, nun's dart league meeting on Oct. 13th and teams ,will' be drawn up . pn Oct. 20th, Anyone interested please attend. • 1.78.2 BINGO every Tuesday evening at VANASTRA CENTRE R.R. 5, CLINTON 1st regular card 51: 15 regular games ofz 515; 3 Share -the -Wealth. Jack- pot 5200.00 must go. Ad- mission restricted •to 16 years or over, 1.78°tf CLINTON Legion Bingo. every Thursday. 8 p.m. 1st regular card 51. Restricted to 16 years or over. 15 regular games of 515.00. 55. least on split. Many other specials. .lackpot 5200 must go each week. 1-78-tf BINGO in Dublin Community Centre every Friday night. Growing jackpot, Dublin and District Athletic Association, Jackpot 5650,00 in 51 calls. 1.78-tf A day of Thanksgiving, Oct. 1' at St. John's Anglican Church, Brussels, 11;30 a.ro. Harvest Festival. Guest preacher Bishop TownSend. ":30 p.nt. Thanksgiving Eve- ning song led by the "Joyful Noise" Folk Choir from Si, Stephens, London, Come and join us. All welcome, 1.78-2 FGMONDVILLE United Church Turkey Supper. Wed. Oct. 2', 1982. Three sittings. 5. 6 & 1 p.nt. Take-outs available. Adults.56.00. Children (6.12)-53.00, Pre• schoolers free. Limited tick• ets. Advanced sale only. For t ickets call 527.1601. 1-'8.3 The children of Frank and Jane Golding invite you to participate in the celebration of their parents' 25th anni• scrsarv. An open house will be held in their honour al.42- S Market Street, Seaforth on Sunday. October 24. 1982 from 2.5 p.m. and -•9 p.m. Best wishes only please, - --- Il 8x3 ------ AUTUM FAIR. Northside Church, ct. 16. 2 p.m. Crafts. h king and delicates• sen. Ad iissinn .50c includes tea. 1-'-x3 1LIVF.S on Guatemala. Octo- ber 1". -:30 p.m, Brussels Mennonite Fellowship. wel- t rinses sou. I--9.1 F1'( FIRES for LORA: Octo• her 18 November 15, De :ember 20 at 8 p.m : January 1-, February 21. March 21. April 18 at 2 p m. Dessert euchre. Mas 4 at the Orange Hall 1.-9.1 CLASSIFIED RATES DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS 12 NOON TUESDAYS Charges are based nn the number of words. Set of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers. phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. MIST INSERTION -45 words 53,00. 10c per word thereafter' SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS -No copy changes. 8c per word. minimum 52.00. Accepted in multiples of half inch BIRTHS -15 words. S3 i0; 10c per word thereafter. MARRIAGES, ENGAGEMENTS, DEATH NOTICES -15 words. 53.00: each additional word IOc. IN MEMORiAMS-53.50 plus 15c per line of verse COMING EVENTS -IS words 53.00, each additional word 10c. CARD OF THANKS -30 words 53 50. each additional word 5c. 50e DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE THURSDAY NOON iN WEEK OF INSERTION BOX NUMBERS TO THiS OFFICE -5150 per my-rtion, SEMI -DISPLAY FiRST INSERTION -.19 per agate line SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS -.16 per agate line (Minimum size in this category 21 agate lines) Nr cats citation of multiple insertions advertisements after Noon Tuesday Phone 527-0240 Let I'm 'Hat For Ysu all 527®0240 - 1 Coming Events HAROLD & Myrtle Vodden invite relatives and friends to an open house odOctober 29 ut BIs th United Church from 2 :to 4 and 7 to 9 on the occasion of their 50th wedding anni- versary. Best wishes only, 1-79x1 GUN SHOW,, Sunday, Octo- ber 24. 8;00 a,m. till noon, Legion Auditorium, Listowel, Buy, sell. trade, look. dis- play. Firearms, related items. Reservations, inform- ation 15191 291-3960, (519) 291-1299. 1.79.01 2 Lost, Strayed LOST: A chrome show stick Monday afternoon between Brussels Sales Barn and Vanastra, Contact Brad Fal- coner. Phone 482-9858. 2-79-1 4 Help Wanted PART-TIME cleaners, exper- ienced and reliable for morn- ings in Brussels, 1-434-4686. • 4-78=2 A woman to live-in and prepare meals and light housekeeping as mother is unable to work. Quiet home, own room, wages negotiable. An older woman preferred. Scal'nrth.52'.0766, 4.78.2 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR for the Wingham and Area Day Centre for the Homebound. (Seniors). Duties will include assisting in programs, co-or- dinator of volunteers and bookkeeping. 'Recreation ' background an asset. For- ward complete resume to Rita C. Rice, Director. 273 Edward St., Wingham, Ontario NOG 2W0, by October 29, 1982. 4.79-2 CAREER jp trucking trans- port drivers needed. Train now for your Class A licence. Write Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training School. P.O. Box .186. Cambridge N3H 4S6, 4.79-01 ANYONE interested in work- ing in Australia or New Zealand contact: Stefs World Trade Ltd.. Shuswap Ave„ Lumby. B.0 , VOE 2G0 1604) 547.9214. 4.79.1 5 Bus. Opportunity • THE /-Homestead Rabbitry Gala,. Raise rabbits the easy was, Maximum bents, minimum effort. Rabbit re- cipes Included, Sent! 5.3.60 to Blur' Heron Press, Box 125, Durham. Ontario. 5-'9.01 HOW to accomplish anything you want in life. Send for free details, F.. Enterprises. 66 Bcllefontaine Street, Scar- borough, Ont. MiS 4E5. - - 5.79.01 DESIGN `ourself a new way of hfc, full time part time. Realize your ambitions through the Shaklee oppor• tarots 1 xi client income pn• tcntial. bonus program. For information call 262.504'. " Situations Wanted 81RYSIrr!N(, wanted after ho.,l and weekends. Call atter 1 10 p m Tracy or ( hers! Read. S2"..0353,":"8.2 (1 STUN plowing. Phone f hes Rotk, Moncton. 14" 21x4 -.78.3 SS'111 do reupholstering car seats kitchen chairs, etc, s2 1112 _.---•8_tf A F -f 1 1+ a battle with ill health I an, ,ons. more able to install the reliable Snow Belt mail boy pont Order now for a snowplough earefrec winter. Humin ds dot Huron and Perri- ,Hunts roads. Highly ratnmmcncicd by plough operators e'rrswhert'. Roh• art f Hulley s2- 1856•---9x1 WALLPAPER Several books Available at Rall -Macaulay Ltd. Seaforth 7 Situations Wanted WiLL babysit in my home. Phone 527-0377, 7.79.01 8 Farm Stock THE Glen Islay Angus Sale. Saturday, October 23, 1:00 p.m. at the farm 5 miles south of Coiling wood and 2 miles west of Highway 24. Selling one herd bull prospect. 23 cow calf lots, 21 bred heifers, 5 early 1982 heifer calves. This is an ogtstanding offer- ing of Aberdeen Angus breeding stock selected for growth. and frame and func- tional efficiency under very practical working conditions. For information and cata- logues contact Don Currie, Nottawa, Ontario LOM 1 PO 1-05)445-1526. 8-79-01 -CASH for "crippled or sore footed livestock, cattle, stockers, cows and hogs. Phone 519.876-3250 or 834-2020. 8.78-tf REGISTERED • Holstein Hereford by Rockman Lester, Due October: 31. Former 4H calf, Phone 527-0897. 8-79-1 60 pigs. 50-55 lbs, 345-2857 8-79-1 10 Used Cars '79 Chev Capris. 9 passenger wagon: '79 Chev 'zt ton, 12.000 miles; "3 GMC. 60 passenger bus; "3 Dodge. 20 passenger bus; 2 8N Ford tractors with loaders. 345-2006. 10.79-1 11 Articles for Sale MACS. SPYS, red delicious, Portlands, red and white potatoes, onions. fresh cider, plums. Special bu. of Macs 55., 10 gal. of cider or over 51.75 plus container. Custom pressing cider. Art Bell's Fruit Farm. Phone 524-8037. 11.79.1 CAULIFLOWER, broccoli, potatoes. onions. squash. etc. Large and small quantities. Also you pick tomatoes. Teem Farms. RRI, Bayfield, 4829940. 1 1 ."9-1 THINKING of building? We'sc got the solution -the most complete line of steel buildings available for farm, industrial, commercial and residential use. Display building discount. Call collect anytime f'05) 4'4.1180. 11.78xtf OVEN ready capons. 52'•00'9 after six. 1 1 •-8.3 Brussels Sprouts 520.00 a bushel or -5c a stalk. Cab. bage 55.00 a dozen. Visscher Farms. 3 miles west of Exeter on Hwy. 83. Phone orders only 234•3442 or 23".3411, No Sunday calls please. 11 -88-tf WATERBEDS, pedestal. pine frame. heater. safety liner, mattress. fill kit. ('nm• Mete Vanastra Furniture 482-'922_ 11. -84 SWIMMING Pools, (Clear. ance prices from 51.395.00 on complete packages including '. hp sand filter, in wall skimmer, ladder. deluxe var uum and maintenance kit etc. Walkways. patio decks. fens• ing and expert installation also available. Call collect 416_945.4'-,1_---_ I 1-'Sxtf WATERBED: Do it yourself kit. 51-5. Includes mattress, heater. liner. Single. queen or king. Save money by making frame yourself. Com- plete instructions. frac delivery. (416) 637.6904, I I -'8xtf L&M AUTO WRECKING R.R.3, BRUSSELS ONT. Used Auto Parts and Towing We buy rads, batteries, copper and scrap We pay cash for complete cars, or trucks, etc. CALI. 887-9561 11 Articles for Sale SHIN TZU Puppies, ready to go October 31. Shots,•worm- ed. tatoocd. 345-2511 eve- nings." II -'8x2 8 wooden storm windows, �32'h x 64 and wooden shut- ters, 1 aluminum storm win- dow 32x62 and 1 aluminum storm door 32'/2 x•:80. Sell cheap for quick sale. Call 52"-0083. 11-79-1 FIGURE skates, size 4; shoes, 2 pair size 6 and one , size five; girls coat with hood, size 14; medium ladies snow suit, Phone 527 -1669'i:1 -1.79x' SELLING 1500 pre-sorted overnight calves, October 18, November 1, November 15, North Battleford, Saskatche- wan, Pool Yards, 10:00 a,m, Sold in uniform packages for quick delivery. Contact John Florence, (306) 445-9421. 11-79-01 KITCHEN cupboards, approx. 71/2 ft. long, 4 alumi- num storm windows. Phone 527.0477. 11-79x2 I p'tir boys Bauer Special Pro 95 skates, size 6; and 1 pair boys Bauer Supreme II. size 4. Phone 527-0897. 11-19.1 NEW Dashwood Millenium White, vinyl -clad double glazed, picture window with screened panels at both ends. 84" x 48", Never installed. List 590.00. Aking 5290,00. Bill Southgate 52'-0812. 11.79x1 HARD Maple wood, cut for fireplace. Call 345-2294. 11.79,1 COMPLETE custom framing for needlepoint, crewel, photographs, all paintings etc. Regular or non glare glass. Ready to hang. Forty eight hour service Harold Tyndall, Clinton. -452•'409. II.79.1 '81 Indi 500, 9-0 miles. excellent condition. Phone .145.2'95. I I •.99.2 KEROSENE heater. plus fuel 5120.52-•0308 11.79-1 GIRLS halls clothes from infant to size 24 months, in good condition and 2 matern ity dresses. like new, Size 12. Call 527.1893. 11-79.1 ROXBORO Garden open after 4 p.m fila sale• Pota toes. beets. squash, red and green cabbage and pump. kins.- 11-"•:).1 USED Arra•, and Deakin steel shelving. fluorescent lights. rolling ladders legal file cabinets. show,ases, wall. (ares, store slicking. Lovers New and (sed )5191 842- .1411, 11 -9.01 C'5NAf1IA'v made Streaker sailboat kits plus five other designs 1 'rnh, water pro teal Sail nest Spring. Write to M.S K 51)1 'sit: 13 Avenue S W ( algars \Iberia T2R (1Kb Saosfai Mon guaranteed 11 -9.01 County of Huron rrginr• . CARETAKER Full time • r„ployment. 1 xcclleni ,,,'ting condi- tions and t'rop'ovee bene- fits Apply in wrriing to the undersig no ,1 •,,, later than 12 noon Monday, October 25, giving personal particu• lars. previous employ• mint and ref, rt•nces to: BILI. G. HA NLY Clerk -Treasurer & Administrator Counts of Huron, Cowl House, Gorier -kb, Ontario "475 1512 11 Articl-es for Sale HOSPITAL bed with mattress Also Westinghouse - dish- washer, Phone 527.1424, I1=79x1 LOG home kits. Do it yourself or we will do it for you. 54.00 for colour catalogue and in- formation. P.O., Box 1539, Uxbridge, Ontario LOC 1K0 11.79-01 Mc1NTOSH APPLES: Seconds 53,50 half 'bushel, brigg containers. Martene Orchards, west of Egmond- ville. No sales 1 I a.m. - 2 p.m, Phone 52-.1507, Fresh cider made daily for orders. 3.50 gal. .. II.76-6 12 Wanted to Buy CATTLE, sick or disabled. Pay top dollar. Call anytime 39a-6829, 12-784 SMALL calves, either dairy or beef, 35'-2861, 12-78-tf 13 Wanted • ANTIQUES for consignment to our next- adtique auction. dishes, furniture, clocks. Phone C05)324-2783 or bring to Ors al McLean Auction Centre. Lindsay. 13-79.01 WANTED: old brick build- ings for wrecking and salvage purposes. Contact R. Lumley Demolition Inc., 1185 Mur- phy Road. Sarnia. 1.542.4088 Ontario's largest supplier of reclaimed brick, 13.79-1 HAVE feed and barn room for about twenty-five more head sof clean beef cows for winter. Winter calving not preferred. No feeder cattle please. 523. 4411 or 52 7.1856. 13.79 1 14 Property for Sale McKillop Township, 1' acres approx. 11 workable, sow Karn for 25 sows. bank barn, 533.000: 12 x 60 ft. North - lander trailer, 510.000. Tom Reidy Realts Ltd.. Realtor 34-_2358. 14.'9.1 HFNSALI arca. '5 acre cash rnp farm, May he purchased ss tth or s; ithout crop. Contact Tont Reidy Realty Ltd.. Real. tor, 34" 2358. 14-'9.1 ( AR DI ALERSHIP•Modern facthts, excellent sales re• cord. parts, vehicles. and equipment included. Owner wants to retire Contact Ken Mcl.aaKlan Permanent Real F state. 1 nndnn. Ont. N6A .102 14.-8.2 FOR SAI.I: A one floor. 3 bedroom cottage with sun desk on West William St. in Seaforth Ideal, quiet Iota• torn. close to Main St.. sohosots. churches, arena. Full basement. new kitchen. new roof A wnrrs free home on 1' , lots, (rand 12' mnrtgag, due .lune 1984, Phone 52-•06-3 after 5.30 p m forstewtng 14•`8•If 14 Property for Sale SCENIC last lot overlooking river 84,5' x 146', mature trees, village water available, Enquire Tues; - Sat. 9-5, 527.1270; after 6 527-1541. Reasonable price, 14-78-2 5 acres farrow to finish operation with newer home. Sows also available, 527.1269 14782' 15 Property for Rent PROPERTY for Rent or Sale - 3 bedroom home in Walton, nicely decorated, 887.9200, 15.78-3 One bedroom apartnxint cently renovated. Available immediately. Rent 5200,00 per month including heat and water. Phone 527.1458. 15.78-tf FOUR bedroom house in Bayfield, 5280, per month plus utilities. Call 565-2563 evenings or 482-3013 days. 15-79.1 Furniture Repair Service UPHOLSTERY AND AUTOMOTIVE SEATS "Furniture Stripping A Specialty" Phone 482-7379 Bachert Meats Custom Killing Cutting, Wrapping Freezing Kill Day Tuesdays All meat • ,Gov't Inspected on the farm 1' 'mile east of Walton 887-9328 Open every FRIDAY NIGHT and all day WEDNESDAY Thru 'till Dec. 31 CAMPBELL'S CROWN HARDWARE Seaforth 527.1420 ulliga REAL ESTATELTD MAUREEN WILDFONG 482-3224 SMALL ACREAGES 3' , ACRES: McKillop Twp.. 111 storey .1 bedroom house, Small hobby barn, 3 ACRES: McKillop Twp. 1 flonr'home, 9 nears nlrl,'family and laundry on main. Attached garage. WAI.TON: Brick 2 storey home. 1.4 bedrooms. n,sulated. new roof, single garage. 5 ACRES: Tuckersmith Twp.. 12 year old spli' k sol hnmc, farrow to finish operation A ACRES: Farrow to finish. 20 scar ofd Karn. 1 bedroom home. modern kitchen. 10 ACRES: Beautiful stone home, completcls renovated. situated nn a nice country setting. Must be seen to he appreciated. 200 ACRES: Morris Township. 125 workable. 125 ACRES: 115 workable. McKillop Township. 51-200 per acre. 50 ACRES: 45 workable, McKillop Township, modernized 4 bedroom home. Reduced to sell. 100 ACRE HOG FARM: 40 x100 fat Karn, 20x 100 ss caner barn. 34x 1.16 farrowing, 2 silos, 3 bedroom brit k home. 117 ACRE DAiRY FARM: 1'zi storey home. (,nod horn with pipeline system. ' 150 ACRES: Hog and cash crop\ .1 bedroom house, 2 ,dos Inquire for more details. Open for offers. 20 Auction Sales' ANNOUNCING Blue Water Angus 28th Annual Sale, Saturday, October 30th, :Walkerton Agricultural Arena. Bulls, cows, heifers. Catalogues available. Wnt. Lee RR3 Conn, Ontario. NOG 1NO (519) 323-4848. 20.79-01 SATURDAY. October 23rd, wanted farm machinery, trac- tors, tools, cars, trucks for our machinery auction at Orval McLean Auction Centre, ' Lindsay, Consign now (705) 324-2783, Lindsay or bring to barn. 20.79-01 55 POLICE CARS, TRUCKS, VANS, STATION WAGONS 15 - 1970.1980 Chevs. Fords, 8. Plymouths 9-3911-1979 Station Wagons, Suburbans 8, Vans 30 - 1975-1900 half 6 % ton pick-ups 8crew cabs, 1.1970 Rom Charger 4 tt 4. 6 - 1974.1976 1 ton stake & dumps, 1 Massey Ferguson 135 Diesel 2 Lift 8, Tows 1977 Plymouth as low as '595. Lic. OEN 010. MIGHTON'S CAR SALES 6 mi. E. of Hanover on Hwy. No. 4 Phone Durham 369-3136 Real Estate Ltd. Clinton Phone: 402.::371 RESTAURANT VILLAGE OF BLYTH Fully equipped. scats 60. apartment above, reasonably priced for quick sale. Holmcsvillc, I acre hobby farm. I floor hrick bungalow, paved dyne. small insulated barn Londcshoro. I' , floor frame home. .1 bedrooms, gond starter hnmc. Hwy , acres. neat bungalow • attached garage. finished basement. insulated Karn storable for hogs or poultry PRICE RF'DI (1 D Near Brucefield. 6 acres. good frame home. drtse shed and Karn 1 fl,xtrhrick bungalow, Blyth. finished basement, :Acorn heat. carport. ( on' tiler( ;al properts, main street. Bhth. under 520,000 0(1, could he res, dcns'c 4h ;ore highs: as (arm, nt'ar Varna. 23 acres wnrkahle hardwood hush, large double home. large Karn suitable for hogs or poultry, large dose shed with workshop 1I10 :arcs. highwas faini. farrows by finish Hullctt Tow nsh,p Farrow to finish and started pullet farm 59 :ares. near Seaforth. high ratio Ins inter est FCC mortgage 6 a a a a a t 2 miles from Clinton. 1(x1 acres, 9" workable. no build Ings '. as re lot. !tinhorn. drilled well, septic system, hsdro 10 as res, near Kinhurn, gond has k home, small harn 2 acres. lith Zine Morris Victorian hrick- hnmc, fulls renovated. combination fur' nacc. Inw• down payment will he considered 15 acres, wooded' near Au burn. large brick home, corn hination furnace. 2 small harns. Albert Street Rrussels. 1', 'tures frame hnmt•, large lot . nd workshop. gond start, - home. Priced for quick sale LARGE SELECTION OF FARMS AND LAND AN, REAL 'ESTAT'E ALTO', HENRY A. NERO 527-0430 BILL HENDERSON 527-0995 'ST. COLUM AN OFFICE STEVE MURRAY '45.2172 DAIRY: 149 acres, 60 tie up barn, brick house, Morris Twp. RIVER FRONTAGE: 96 acres, 70 workable, Col- borne Twp. MARKET GARDEN: 128 acres, highway farm, Hay Twp.. 58 ACRES: 50 workable, hwy. location, near Clin-, ton. PA 84 95 ACRES: 90 workable, hwy. location, near Exeter QA 52 30 SOW BARN: Brick house, 5 acres, near .Clin- ton, 547,500. DAIRY: 150 acres, 140 workable, good buildings, 5250,000. Cows and equipment for sale also HDI 123 ACRES: 85 workable, house and barn, near Belgrave. HG 41 150 ACRES: 140 work- able, brick house, large granaries and leg. McKil- lop Twp. MG 42 GREy TWP.: 100 acres, 75 workable, beef barn. JG 59 HORSE BARN: Work- shop, good home on 1 acre, near Zurich. 120 SOW: 40 hog capacity. 100 acres, near Seaforth TEESWATER AREA: 100 acres, 85 workable, house and barn, 1 FLOOR BARN: Work- • shop, good home, 14 acres near Clinton, 570.000. 1 FLOOR COLOURED STEEL BARN: 2nd barn, , good house. 50 acres. near Auburn. EXCELLENT 500 ACRES: cash crop farm with mod- ern home and beef setup. Near Kincardine, RIVER FRONTAGE: 95 acres, "0 workable, Sea - forth area. HOWiCK TWP.: 162 acres, 95 workable, brick house, gond barn. BLYTH AREA: 241 acres. 220 workable. w build• togs. 85 FREE STALLS: 12 cow parlour. 100 acres. Near Auhurn 5212,000. BROILER BREEDER BARN: 5 acres. near Am burn NEAR CLINTON! 280 acres, 220 workable, hrick house LA-, LA8, LA9. McKILLOP: 125 acres. 110 workable. house. barn and shed TURNBERRY: 100 acres, 'S unrkahle, decent rouse. small Karn. McKILLOP1 160 acres. 155 workahlc, 9% mort• gage Nn buildings. NEAR BLYTTI: >00 acres. 1"s workable, pig and hccf I barns Good house. 99 ACRES: Brick house, barn. Brussels arca. SI I C.1-810 DAIRY: 45 tie up. 125 at res (.ping concern `sear RIsth 69 ACRES: Trout ponds. Like erascl sow Karn. nodi rn home Near Clin- ton `110(11.1 OP: Feeder pig barn modern home, 100 at rt s l (( mortgage. DAIR1: 160 'acres, '0 ti. Ions 2 harns, -0 cows. 11"1''14 machinery. feed •'nd Fi ( nxxrtgage RAIFIFi•D AREA: 50 a, ri s 2` workable, hush. ° k soenicbuilding site 'IO'RRIS TWP.: 126 acres Ilk: tsorkable. 5125,000 MORRIS TWP,: 600 hog horn hgtud manure, 100 r , excellent house. HIBRF RT TWP.: 199 .1, n s ,•xi client 4 bedroom h,,mt hank Karn, HIRRERT TWP.: 250 r, scelient house and 1'''" n,, e flat land. KINK ARDINE TWP.: 100 .1, r• a brit k bungalow. .18 11, nlxbarn. FCC mortgage FST WILLIAMS TWP.: ,i, ors. 2-0 workalik, I''o sett 100 hog capacity. d room home NI (R DORCHESTER: '8 " s setup for dairy. 4 '" ,boom home. Asking • 1'' non R 1 NTED: Large hrnilcr, o' ills hrniler and layer '1" r .tions