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The Huron Expositor, 1982-10-13, Page 7
LEAVES ARE FUN- Most residents spend their spare time raking leaves, but kids think leaves are great. B.J. Little, left and -Judy Horne had fun with a pile of leaves, burrowing themselves to their shoulders. Sure looks exciting. (Wassink Photo) VCOCI © V©OCC (urrespondcnl NORMAN EAST. 482-7034 Bingo results for •I ucsclay. October 5, are: first Share•the Wealth was Joyce Beachlcr of (;ildent li second Share the Wealth µInner as unknrris n 1 hied Share• the -Wealth Kathleen 11;1,1111 ton 01 16,f1e•rieh rhe ,at kp0l Ilri,e µinner The la, kpnl prise µ Inners were R0% Sle( ,,iii lr and los %%ife Hanel VANASTRA PUBLIC SCIIOOI. I hr• St )10.'1 .111oad% t atnr In Ilu• end 01 the lirsi month of Ihls sihoot sear Seieral clubs 11.1%t dread% started I.+ h .11) p til and 11.111% mon are whin. 2.1--•1.1tTr.-.Ilhl uar-4. held for Ili, omnng months vier% Wednesda, morning at 111a In PERSONKIS \I, tit is s for the Vanasira 1ni t .s I1. ht in on Sa1urda%s ,11 - 111 11.1,1 Tl tat is Iht• deadline Nes%s 1s 10 he handed in 111 *Norman 1 .1sl at 4h2 "034 Parents are reminded that the health nurse Ms. Fisher is at the school each viii d r} nn+rtliligs. Children in grades 1. 2 and 1 and kindergarten visited Art Hell's Fruit Farm and had lots of Ion. V.anastra Puhlie Sel n it as %ell %Isilt•clthe Huron Count% / Board alloaad these children 10 slsn the apple orchard, VANASTRA CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunda% '.ihn01 Is held escn Sunda,. at 10 a.m. and the Worship Sersiit Is at I 1 I10 a to ( time Alisi is held este% 1 uesu1.1‘ ntghl from ,1(1 p tit. 1'lcast mak. ,1 unit 0i %11111 ialcndar that on Wtdncsd.n (hlohcr 1.1 Is Open House From f p m In ,) p OI lobvi 1; is tht ( toss (coni(s '.feel Nos enthcr 5 is 'trent lea, her mlt•r\ ion s and NMCilihei 24 1s 1' 11 Da, Ilapp% Hlrthda% w Lam 1 ee on October 25. TUCKERSMITII DAY NURSERY A rha,ksgis itig dinner was held last Frida\ \%1kh µas rnju%rd 1, all the children. the Chime for the µeek is all. about fall 112.1,1,% Hlrihdas 'n Ilmnth f milling on Otlihcr 4th, 1 here are mole orµ child ren .n the 1 ind,ersinith Do *Nurser, and the% .Ire 1.111 date l;m 1)anun. 1(.55.1.111d ,'vlaltheµ Sll rn5'r.l •inti Sarah lit 1d ( o ngr,llul,ln ons 1., ( arrlt' Henn. t.1t s on her 11cµ bah% Mother I lit 1.t inners of Fhe Hlkc A 111011 µ,is bun (mu1dn11; 11011,n 11.1, % .11111 111111,1 1111 1 1. 111 hes, pcipll 11.111 1,, start MI at illy \l,111 51,111. Ir,1%o1 n• Ilrutrfield ,Ind hook ( lingrditil,llunls to IhesP 1,1'111111.111111.; Ihl 01111.,%'ihi' 1),1111‘111,11t One Of Society's Most Important Tasks Is The EDUCATION OF OUR CHILDREN Are you Interested in becoming a school board trustee? A CANDIDATE MUST <, be at least 18 years of age ,,be a Canadian citizen .be a resident of the area have the signatures of 10 electors from the area on a nomination form to be delivered to the municipal clerli. ARE YOU AWARE OF TODAY'S EDUCATIONAL ISSUES? DO YOU CARE ABOUT CHILDREN? If You Are Interested In Improving Education Act Now! NOMINATIONS CLOSE MONDAY, OC- TOBER 18 '82. This b,, dvertisemewt Sponsored By HURON WOMEN TEACHERS ASS •,CI.S, TION ONTARIO PU<_LIC SCHOOL TEACHERS FEDERATION Faxlij THE HURON EXPOSIT R, OCTBER 13, 1982 -..A7 -A7 SDHS band to play in Toronto Three months have gone by since Seaforth was represented at the Calgary Stampede by the SDHS Girls -Trumpet Band. The band's booster club wants to thank all in the community who 'made cash donations or helped in any way with the cost of their trip, also for those who baked for their bake sales each month' and attended their dances. A special thanks to the Lions Club for inviting the booster club to have a y rem The Seaforth Happy Citi• tens met in ,the Legion hall, Oct. 7. Kathleen Cuthill • played the pian A minut silence was observed in memory of Mrs. Gemmell and Mr, Chas. Murphy. Hazel McNaughton welcomed everyone c flz m SIB ns. er Winners in euchre were: ladies high • Mrs, Vincent Lane, lone hands - Margaret Taylor,, ladies low -' Hazel McNaughton, Men's high - John Simpson, lone hand - Ivan Forsythe, men's low - Harry Palin. barbecue as part of their Carnival, It was a great success. A small amount had to be borrowed before the trip and the club is pleased that with money from fall fair parades a,nd the ploughing match parade, they have been able to pay off the loan. The Seaforth District High School Girls Trumpet Band will be taking part in parades during November which will be televised -.The London Santa Claus Parade, Saturday, November 13. to be seen on Channel 10 and 14 at 10 a.m. - The Grey Cup Parade in Toronto on CBC and CTV at 1 p.m. Saturday, November 27, IJ IC LIA ICES "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VA68NA" °IFllLTEir QUEEN SALES s SERVICE *VACUUM CLEANERS • Maims 81 Service to Moat Manes) e FM COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS For Farm &'Illmsiness *SPEED LI;UEEN APPLIANCES ° }yia4>FFAT APPLIANCES *INSECT LIGII'll'S & FLY IULLING UNITS *GIFTS °MANY la'THEIIY ITEMS VA NA,NT. 4::;2.7103 Also the booster club wants to express thanks to Mrs. Mary Doig, and Mrs, Peg Coombs, for many hours of time they have given to the band and also to the Band Leader Charlie Kalbfeisch for his excellent leadership. 'm ®mmmmmmmmmommm®mot®m®moo�lk `e7 THE ETC (SHOP \ m USE FURNISHINGS * APPLIANCES COLLECTA LES 7 A SEF ST. WE BUY ® SELL ® TRADE Plvlc,ate e Res. 345-249 AIE,md m dm d m dm®m®m®md mat m e a m \ HIGHWAY NO. $ THESE SPECIALS � AVAILAGODERICH ELLE MON„ TUES. 9 TO 6 P.M. WED , THURS., FRI. - 9 TO 9 P.M. SAT. 8:30 TO 6 P.M. ONLY IN: JOSEPHINE ST. (HWY. NO. 4) WINGHAM 975 WALLACE AVE. N. LISTOWEL INTERSECTION HWY. NO. 4 AND$3 EXETER MOF4., TUES.. WED. 9 TO 6 P.M. THURS., PRI. 9 TO P.M SAT. 8:30 T06 P.M. S ll' EI SPECIAL! CANADA 1.1:',L, '- x yr,;,•= '.-•. 'A9 GRADE i BEEF � SCNEIDERS POPULAR OKTOBERFEST 178' SAUSAGE 5009 PKG. ROAS'S (BLADE BONE REMOVED) 3.04ROASTS' CANADA "A" GRADE BEEF. 3.26/19 SHORT' RIB BLADE BONE t4r11 Ib /kg Ib. Schneiders Oktobertest SCHNEIDERS OKTOBERFEST PORK BURGERS ZehIs CHOICE "CROSS CUT" 227 9 MUSTARD (2,207, de Z, i8 fine markets..:ofFrner as SHORT RIB ROAST 41 f4,k9 1.881b Schneiders 900 0ktobertest mL 375 g % PKG. I. 19 1.48 SCHNEIDERS MINI DELI NO NAME - 3 VARIETIES PREVIOUSLY FROZEN BONELESS SAUERKRAUT MEAT CHUBS 600 r?Z9 PORK TAILS LONGf.52•250CHUB STYLE 691 STEWING BEEF f 98 4 /kg37 Schneiders roasted gravy PORK TAILS 3 kg 7.49 COOKED MEATS PKG? 1.7 ' At the Deli ZEHRS SLIC D ZEHRS SLICED . ZEHRS SLICED SCHNEIDERS SLICED 5.49,g‘,Pride of Canatla5.49,g‘, COOKED HAM 1.99 !b Schneiders sliced 1.91,k9 SIDE BACON ' 5110 g175 98 • PKG. . COOKED HAM 175 f 49 PKG.. � BOLOGNA 375 ?' 48 PKC � CORNED BEEF g PKGS. � SO THREE 1 98 THURINGER 159 it, Z a W Cooked 8.77•kq ROAST BEEF asst 1b Boneless shoulder* Boneless Cross Cut Rib Maple Leaf Sweet Pickled Brisket POT ROAST 4.14 /k9 1.881b ROAST on STEAK 5.037k92.281b CORNED BEEF 5.93/k9 2.69'b Blade Pndc of Canada Dinner Maple Leaf Price, effective unlit dosing Tuesday, October lg we restore the,191,1 to l,m.l Pi.r1,^.%e. STEAK 170 ,ky 1.681b PORK SHOULDER 5.49 ,,249. BEEF BURGERS 7$0 9 �� Boneless blade Maple Leal Boneless Pork Bult Pride of Canada _ ROASToR STEAK 3.92 ,91.7. ib COTTAGE ROLL 5.25 ,92.3816 BREAKFAST GRILL 375 g 2.18 LIBBYS AL-PHAGETTI, ZOODLES OR SPAGHETTI 8 CHEESE IN TOMATO SAUCE 14 oI TINS 2/s12/79 KRAFT MACARONI E. CHEESE DINNERS 225 9 HALLOWEEN NEILSON BAR ASSORTMENT PKG OF PK �� _ 9 ZEHRS CREAMERY FRESH BUTTER 1 Ib '. 9 8 Limit 6 lbs. per customer P FOR YOUR LAUNDRY TIDE 2 4 k9 30 �� HEINZ TOMATO SOUP IO o2. # TINS - INGERSOLL - 2 VAR. CHEESE 9 SPREAD Z.69 WELCHS WHITE OR CONCORD GRAPE JUICE..., Z.29 4 COLOURS SCOTTOWELS PLUS KRAFT SINGLE 24's CHEESE SLICES ASSTD VARIETIES PURRR 6- CA1 FOOD 3/1iHELPERv7f. ASSORTED VARIETIES HAMBURGER 4I,%9 WESTON SLICED WHITE BREAD 67', y 69 PURE NATURAL BILLY BEE HONEY., 199 ROLL PKG 2 99' 500 g 259i PIECES 8 STEMS 10 o. FOUR STAR 690 MUSHROOMS CLUB HOUSE BLACK D6 PEPPER g 1.39, ZEHRS COLBY, BRICK. MOZZARELLA,I MARBLE OR HAVARTI6.49,R CHEESE 2. 9511, 2 BLENDED VARIETIES DEL MONTE DRINKS 40 0, 89° Kraft CHEESE PIZZA MIX eso 9 29 Scott FAMILY NAPKINS 1BO s 1.79 SKIPPY CREAMY 011 CHUNKY 9 BUTTER PEANUT L 697511 CADBURY INSTANT REGULAR ORA MARSHMALLOW HOT CHOCOLATE STOUFFERS FROZEN MAC & ' "' CHEESE 1.39BLEND VEGETABLE JUICE NATURES 48 or 119 Pure Strawberry or Raspberry /� LAURA SECORD JAMS 5.0-2.29 Laura Secord Orange or 3 Fruit PURE MARMALADE SDC, r•,! 1.59 JOHNSONS 4 BABY � y POWDER Z.49 RAGU PLAIN SPAGHETTI SAUCE 2©e, 1.39, ORANGE FLAVOURED n, PKG �r 4 TANG CRYSTALS 1.49 ' NABISCOHUNTS SHREDDED WHEAT 4509 1.Z9 Stouflers Frozen SINGLE SERVE LASAGNA-- 1.99 Slnuners Frozen CHICKEN A LA KING ,6° 1.99 JOHNSONS REGULAR SHOWER TO ,,, q SHOWER 2.59 TOMATO PASTE ,5,52/89# WELCHADE GRAPE DRINK 46.), % 19 SAICO FLAKED WHITE ALBACORE TUNA ;",°q %O9 Mrs Smiths Reg or Apple crumb APPLE PIES Kraft GRATED PARMESAN „' ' 3.29 PHILIPS 40,60 OR 100 WATT SOFTLIGHT BULBS r-,';•' 990 HUNTS TOMATO SAUCE ,4 n, 59° SPECIAL! FINEST QUALITY DOLE, DELMONTE OR CNIQUITA BANANAS 42„,19.3Ib SPECIAL! N0. 1 ONTARIO GREEN CELERY STALKS EACHCOTTONELLE SPECIAL! FANCY GRAPE MACINTOSH APPLES 9HEINZAUCE GROWNONTARI BAG ZEHRS TOMATO -'t KETCHUP LO9s< HEINZ PREPARED BEEF 1000 GRAVY 2/79# WITH PORK OR IN BEANS •, 69, HEINZ TOMATO JUICE .,. , 1.19 SFCAOtt�'ASLAMIIY PACK TISSUE 300 s 1.41 FAMILY PACK -8 ,ROLL TISSUE 2.69, ONTARIO GROWN FRESH 89 CELLO SPINACH l,' : ° ONTARIO FRESH MUSHROOMS 437 kg198'5ONIONS CAN. 140 I SPANISH TYPE 86' ,g 39°Ir B.C. FANCY GRADE ��° BARTLLTT PEARS 1. 74 ,y Ib. PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CELLO RADISHES+6d, PKc 891. PRODUCT OF U.S.A. GREEN ONIONS BuN(OFS 3/99° Country Oven CORELLE ELLE COR LIVINGWARE 4valiaht,. ^ 0, ' anrdct,ve patfr• s 23,88 'F PIECE ' SET • DANISHc� TWISTS • ' 125 DINNER o �e ROLLS 2.v p FRENCH p e �y s BREAD ' A' O9 N0. 1 FRESH,,,,CANADA BRUSSEL SPROUTS 1,96 k,. N0. 1 CELLO BAGS CARROTS 5 is 79° U.S.A. Indian River GRAPEFRUIT . ••- 41;• 99' PRODUCT OF ONTARIO BEAN SPROUTS 1.30 .,,59°11,.,,59°11,q SMALL I 1 2" POTS MINI -CLAY CACTUS EA 69' CANADA N0, 1 CELLO COOKING ONIONS 51b 19' ONTARIO CHINESE STYLE DRY NOODLES 170 9 060 79° GRAFTED 3" POTS MOON CACTUS E 4 1.99 FOR YOUR TRANSPLANTING CACTUS SOIL 1 L,TRE 99° PRODUCT OF SOUTH AFRICA 4 'r BAG OUTSPAN ORANGES 3.49 SMALL 2 I 2" POTS COMMON CACTUS EA 1,19 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TE) L !MIT PURCHASES TO REASONABLE WEEK' T rAMlly REQUIRE MENTS HIGHWAY NO. $ THESE SPECIALS � AVAILAGODERICH ELLE MON„ TUES. 9 TO 6 P.M. WED , THURS., FRI. - 9 TO 9 P.M. SAT. 8:30 TO 6 P.M. ONLY IN: JOSEPHINE ST. (HWY. NO. 4) WINGHAM 975 WALLACE AVE. N. LISTOWEL INTERSECTION HWY. NO. 4 AND$3 EXETER MOF4., TUES.. WED. 9 TO 6 P.M. THURS., PRI. 9 TO P.M SAT. 8:30 T06 P.M.