HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1982-10-13, Page 5D�bfl�w amd (Java Bumps a Corresponncnt JOAN CRONIN 345.2772 By now the leftovers are cleaned up from your Thanksgiving dinner. The turkey bones have been picked clean and you are stuffed, not the turkey. Travellers were busy attend- ing the Octnher'fest parade and celebrations in Kitchener and spending their last long weekend at their cottages preparing them for closure for the winter season. The beans are off and the corn is being harvested. The leaves are really falling, so it's time to get our rakes out. The kids enjoy this time of year to Visitors in St•1ffa • Correspondent MRS. JOHN TEMPLEMAN 345.2346 'Dinner guests Saturday -evening with Mr. and• Mrs. Bob Norris and family were Mr, and Mrs. Jim Skinner and Rob Heckman, Mitchell. The occasion was the 4th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. ,Lim Skinner. Mrs. James Capling, Mis• sisauga spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, John Templeman and family. Sat- urday they attended Tees water Fair and visited with Mrs. Elizabeth Hankin, Mrs, Orpha Norris, Mr, and Mrs. Bob Norris, Jill and Robert, Miss Susan NOrris, Stratford and Rob Heckman, Mitchell wre Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Burleigh and family, Goder- ich. Thanksgiving Day 'guests of Mr. and Mrs, John Tentp• leman and fancily were Mr. and Mrs. Dale Martyn and girls, Russcldale, Mr. and Mrs. Jint'Neilsorl and girls and Ruth Templeman, Strat• ford Joanne Capling, Missis. sauga, Darlene Templeman THE HURON EXPOSITOR, OCTOBER 13, 1982 - A4 hazardwent e whydro goes off gotten caught up from last prosperity and a time to plan Wayne spent the weekend In Miss Mary Jo Looby and month. The time has come to ahead for another year. London with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Looby of London spent remove the summer flowers The Dublin and district Clare Oldham, the weekend with Mrs. Mar - and prepare the beds for Athletic Association Bingo Mr. and Mrs, Jim Ouelette garet Looby and boys. winter and the planting of held every Friday evening in and, family, Essex and Mr. Congratulations to Mr. your tulips, daffodils and the Dublin Community and Mrs. Tom Simmonsgn and Mrs. Maurice Ryan on other early blooming bulbs. Centre pis really growing. and Tommy spent Thanks- the birth of a new grand - After a cold, stormy winter, This week the Jackpot will be giving with Mr. and Mrs. child, born to Mr, and Mrs. there is nothing quite like $700.00 on 58 calls. The Hugh Benninger. Allan French (Marilyn Ryan) seeing the pretty little flow- attendance has really been Njiss •Barbara McGrath, of New Dundee on Septem- ers peek though the ground. fantastic so maybe this week ioronto spent the weekend ber 28. Mr. and Mrs.• French It is truly the beginning of there will be a lucky winner. with Mr. and Mrs. Jack hcSve named their new son, another year of growth and Mrs. Delaine Cronin and O'Rourke. " Ryan Robert. make big piles of leaves an and play in them. The trees are looking bare and cold, which is a sign winter is coming closer. The days are getting shorter and the • clocks will soon be set back, The children are gearing up for Hallowe'en, dreaming of all 'that trick or treating. The hydro was out in our area as- well as other areas over an hour on late Sunday evening. Many bumps and bruises were left to show for ft, as the familiar surround- ing suddenly became a living hazard, Those who had al- ready retired for the evening had no problem, but for the rest of us, finding a candle or flash light was almost dead- ly. By the end of' this week another month is half over' and I like many, have not Miss Jayne Delaney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Delaney•is on a one month exchange student pro- gram in Cowichan Lake, Vancouver Island; British Columbia. Jayne is staying with Lisa Rowland and her family and attending school there. Jayne will return home on October 26 and I will have further information on Jayne's experiences, and Don Ellison, Goderich, Mr, and Mrs. Hank Bertcns and Kimberly, Fullarton, Mr. and Mrs. Rob Templeman and family, Staffa, Karen Ulch and Terry Templeman, Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Temple- man and family were Sunda dinner guests of M_ r, and Mrs. Hap Swafridgc and Jill, Wingham. Cromarty Presbyterian (church was very nicely de- corated with harvest bounty of fruits and vegetables and flowers for the Thanksgiving service on 'Sunday. Rev. Knight chose as' his thence. "'thanksgiving and Worry" The Sr, Sunday School class of Mrs, B. Stoneman pre• sensed a special number on Thanks. 'those participating were 'Tracy Parsons, Lisa Gardiner, Cherie Elliott, Wanda Martyn and 'Toni Laing. The choir under the leadership of Mrs. John S-•otl provided special music. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mc- Phail spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Burrows and family, Hamil- ton. Brodhagen party honours Muegges Correspondent MRS. HERMAN LEONHARDT .f45-2414 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mucggc of RR5, Mitchell celebrated their 401h wed. ding anniversary on Sunday. October 10 al the horse of their daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gilbert and Ninth. Brodhagen, Other tamps guests were Res. and Mrs. Harold Brill and family of St. Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. Aim Weir and family. of Monktun. Mrs. Edna Rock• Kitchener. Mr., and Mrs, Harm Mueggc. RRI, Born- holm. In the esening the bride and groom of 40 scars ws ere pleasantly surprised when more rclatises and neighbours joined them 10 help celebrate Ihc occasion. St.C,..1 C 1 e rs fr to fa thes the co-operataig, (here was a slight interrup- tion during the evening. w hen the hydro played havoc. and c:utclles had to he used. This will long he remembered h5 the guests. ('ongratula- 1 onsuf the community arc extended to Walter and Iris. Many celebrated 'Thanks gis ing with their families ower the holiday weekend. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bode and Eric on Thanksgising Uas w ere their daughter Janice. Ron, Jason and .Iona• than of Toronto. and Howard. Maxine and Melissa. St. Peter's Lutheran (church. Brodhagen was beautifully decorated ssith fruit. flowers, and vegetables for the Th: iiksgiying ccichra uon on .Sunday A special Thank 5101 In Ihc Surncfas school teachers for their help TAXI For Efficient Service PHONE 527-1961 (correspondent MRS. CECILIA RYAN 345-2028 St. Columban C.W.L. met Tuesday evening in the. par• ish rectory meeting room. Mrs. Mildred :Cronin, presi- dent opened the meeting with prayer and conducted the business. Mrs. Margaret O'Reilly read the corre• spondcnce. That you cards from child- ren who rccicvcd gifts from the C. W.1.,for first commun- ion, confirmation and Grade 8 graduates were received, Letters of appreciation from two adopted families in Italy were also read. Eleanor Maloney will visit the sick for the month of October, Used clothing can be left in the parish hall during the month of October. A card party and pot luck supper will be held on Friday. October 22 at 8 p.m. in the parish hall. The C.W.L. deanery meet- ing will be held at Brussels (community ('entre on Nov• ember 3 from 4:30 to 3:00 p.m. Please give your pre- sident a call by October 20 if you plan to attend (345.2553) An invitation was also received from the Kcnnicott ('.W.I . to attend the annual baiaar on October 13 at St. Hridgicf's Church in Logan. t he ( W.1.. has been asked to cater to the Federat• Ion ed Agriculture dinner to be held on November 16 in the St, ('nluniban parish hall. I'hc meeting closed with prayer by Father Onslveen follow cd hs a social hour. For Winter Months SPECIAL RATES TO TORONTO & LONDON AIRPORTS PERSONALS Jim and Pat Subjcc and fancily of Kitchener and Gerry, Karen and Jason Ryan had Thanksgiving din- ner on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ryan and family. Mr, and Mrs. Alphonse Cronin; Jerome Cronin and Darlene Henderson; Gordon Cronin and Bonnie Siemon; Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Ryan; Louise. and Mary Jo and Mark Ryan attended the wedding reception for Sharon Eckert and Gary Henderson, newlyweds at St. Mary's church hall in Owen Sound on•Saturday, October 9. Sharon is the daughter of Jerry and Marie (Dalton) Eckert of Owen Sound, Miss Joanne Swart of London spent the weekend with 'Mr. and Mrs, Roy Swart. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Regier Kitchener with Mr. and splent the weekend and Mrs. Albert Cronin. family of Miss Ca by Murray of Toronto and Gerard Landry of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia and Mary Murray of Kitch- ener spent Thanksgiving weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Mur- ray of R.R. 4, Walton cele- brated their 45th wedding anniversary on Friday, Oct- ober 9. Steve and Agnes along with their family at- tended a ass on Thanks - ,,giving at 5 'clock at St. ON THE MAIN S REET OF DUBLIN S R:olumban R.C. Church.' In the evening their family and neighbours on the line gathered at the home of Ken and Anne Murray for a social evening of cards and visiting. Also attending were Sister Marietta of Strathroy, Mrs. Camilla Evans and Mrs, Marie Melady of Dublin and Mr, and Mrs. Matt Murray of RR1, Dublin, Congratula- tions and hest wishes to Steve and Agnes from the commun- ity. A UAL SPECTAC LA FALL Ines, onto Ihol , ;room truly BRUCE S 1111 Sales Representative Mitchell Co-op Store 130 Georglna Street Mitchell, Ont. NOK INC Bus: 3'48-9975 Res: 348-9975 00 the ' P la'SUWANcI AND 61NANCIAI SIWVICIS LIF'ERHOM EeAUTOoBUSIINESSoa AIBM[ October 15 to 31 .VE UP TO 1/2 mice Mrs. Vincent Lane was at the home of Tom and Bea Kale and family for Thanks• giving dinner on Sunday and on Hondas Torn McQuaid of Toronto and his daughter Elena of Stratford visited with Mrs. lane. .Loc ( lacssens of Kenora and Frank ('lacsscns of Lon• don spent Ihc holidas week• cad ss 116 their parents Mr. ,end Mrs Mall ( lacsscns. Mr .Ilx' Hicknell of St. Peter's Seminars London. Martin and Theresa Van Raay of Dashwund and John Hickncll of Rulgetown spent Thanksgising weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Franck Hick. nell and on Monday Mr..and Mrs Keith Mantel and Jake of Stratford visited al the Ha -knell home. Sister Margaret Rose Eck• ert of Sir.,thros. Jade and Marg MacRae, Jenny. and Ian of London. 1 aura and Les Ward and loris of Kitchener; -"illigKTEIVagteTs THIS IS ONLY A PARTIAL LISTING OF THE FANTASTIC VALUES YOU'LL FIND THROUGHOUT THE STOREI III LIVING ROOMS BRENTWOOD Sofa & Chair, quilted cotton print BRAEMORE Sofa & Chair, brown J.C. SNYDER Contemporary Sofa only, beige, rust & blue stripe effect J.C. SYNDER traditional Sofa only, dacron back, cushions, soft tone beige FLEXSTEEL Sofa, Chair & Ottoman -country casual BRENTWOOD Sofa & Swivel Rocker BRENTWOOD Sofa & Chair, nylon SOFA BEDS KROEHLER, fireside, nylon flock KROEHLER, nylon flock KROEHLER, brown plaid SUGG. $1813. 930. 1530. 2070. 2569. 1463. 1140. 890. 830. 560. SALE PRICE $ 999. $ 579. $ 939. $1299. $1539. $1026. $ 779. $ 699. S 499. $ 338. DINING ROOMS 7 -piece suite, genuine wood, pecan, round pedestal table ANDREW MALCOLMON9-P R COLLIN, 7-p lece French Provincial, cherry, oval table BARONET, 5-plece maple, round table, 1 Captain & 3 Mates Chairs ST. BARTHELEMY 7-plece suite, buffet, hutch, table & 4 side chairs BEDROOMS ANDREW MALCOLM, 7 -piece suite, traditional, 2 nite tables BARONET 8 -piece suite, French Provincial, 2 nite tables KROEHLER 6 -piece d nite tl KAUFMAN of Coilingwoofiplece Georgian Grace Suite, nite tables 3776. . 4370. 675. 1746. 52278. S2970. 5 449- $ 999. 3170. 1494 2140. 5014. $2170. S 999. 51498. $3499" CHAIRS SUPERIOR Traditional Wing Chair, green velvet BRAEMORE Traditional Occasional Chair, Elizabeth Oyster BRAEMORE Traditional Occasional Chair, Needlepoint LA -Z -BOY Recliner, Early American Recliner. brown plaid ALL ITEMS INCLUDE FREE DELIVERY AND SET-UP- These Boots Are Made for Walking with Style & Comfort at Low Prices Now Available from "Don's Shoe Place" 599. 398 409 498 456 $ 299. S 298. S 298. s 349. S 329. TELEVISION BY ELECTROHOME TREMENDOUS VALUE LESS CORSAIR (48 CM REGULAR TRADE-IN 499. 20„ "SCREEN) 689 $190 MOW* ,noel . Spor,beol In Renulne full grain 1.,,,,, Rod lining ',dm learn IMerileIng ler re efrell, end mime ray tie spe ed le<Ing, lone weer 1.9 men med. o,e fele widlh•Medium Cele, ssRent Mens' 43• 99 Boys'/Girls' 38.99 20 to 30% OFF SUGG. LIST ON ALL LAMPS & PICTURES l • FEELINGS' FLOTATION SYSTEMS (BY SIMMONS) A Waterbed of Class REs-(A 0 R ONLY 1144. SUPER BEDDING VALUES 54" Mattress & Box Spr ng SIMMONS 0STERMOOR 44 319. 512 COIL MATTRESS SIMMONS CARESSE i 369. DEEP QUILTED SIMMONS BEAUTYREST e14. 609. BACKCARE II SIMILAR SAVINGS IN 39" AND 60" SIZES SIMMONS RIVIERA QUEEN WATERBED °^ 649. 60 Main S,. Seaforth Sancoaat Man Goderich Don's Shoe Place "Because You're Worth It" WE PROVIDE IN-HOME DECORATING SERVICE Open Tuesday to Saturday 9:30 a.m. to8p.m. Friday Night 'Till 9p.m. - Closed Mondays OPEN HOUSE Sunday, October 17 1 S p.m. ►ETTLER Mbiln . Furniture• ON THE MAIN STREET OF DUBLIN Telephone 345-2250