HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-03-07, Page 1r ‘4N THE VOL XXVI. NO. 1830. • What is the best Erntilsion ANSWER ; HOWARD'S Why? 2. It contains 50 percent. Pure Cod . Liver Oil, 2. It Contains Hypophospbites and Glycerine, Is easy to take, and a perfect Emulsion. 8. FOR SALE BY Wallop McKibben THE DRUGGIST . Macdonald Block, Wingham. Sale of Mr T. E, Welke auction at the Nati day, March 9th, a teen good milch +celled and other member of one an At thd same time and 3 year old m male. F. S. Scott Cattle will aell by public nal hotel, on Bator. 2 o'clock p. m., M- ow% some having with calf; also a two year old heifers. a 11 year old mare re will be offered for vill be the auctioneer. Highest oash price paid for butter and eggs at W. Bone's grocery, Chisholm block. Auctio Mr. A. E. Lout Tnrnberry, will ho sale of lanai stoek, lidaroh 151 apnea:well bred et irennostly • , * Everything Ni11130. Auctioneer Joha 3lienernete, i Sale. it, lot 26, con. 10, d a clearing auction implements, eto., on The list includes at, and •the inept°. w and in good shape. Id witbout reserve', arvici will wield the, GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Wear Oreerht Shoes and Rubbera Important tj Teachers, The uniform prom tion examinations for the public echo° in Huron will be held on Thursday 4u4 Prtday, March 21st and 220, Pa rs have been pre. pared for J enter II., enter Il eTimior III, Senior III., and Tunior IV. chasm Teachers should no fy the public, school inspector, at once, of the number of papers required for aoh clam. Good working horse for rale. Apply at Wingham Salt Works. Died in Chicago. Mr, Fred. SW& r received word on Monday of the deaJh in Chicago on San - day of his sister- hew, Minnie Prior, wife ot Mr. Albs t E, Russell, aged 26 y care. Mrs. Russ 11 was a resident of Winghana for so e time previous to moving to Chicago, and many old friends here will be sorry o hear of her death. The remains were nterred in Elmwood cemetery at Ohio o. Heavy reavement. Mre. Ineve, sr., 11r. Thos, Kew, Mre. Wm. Field, of W gham, and Mrs. 0. Henderson, ot Wiliteohurob, were called to Niagara Palle 1 st week owing to the death of the wife f Mr. Wm. Kew and also his oldest da hter. Two deaths in the one home within forty-eight hours is a very sore berme ,ement and the bereav- ed will have the eyrapathy of numerous friends in their tam) of affliction. Call at R. johneton'a and see his line of Felts, Rubbers and Shoes and be con- vinced. 1 ese of one •of their e Bee Htve 0o. intend to crag pale for menoing with Satur- Extraordinary bar. ' 111 all lines of. goods, Rohde, telothing, gni' negesenneinsaleidethe : net be reduced so ag- e. Read the list of ge advt. on another WINGITAIL ONTARIO, ,THURSDAI, NARCI1 1907, Profits Ate at $100. The concert oomaiittee title Week handed over about $ 00, the profits on the hospital. worse 0 concerts to the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Wingham HON' pital. he member; of the emeintittee spent considerable dme in own:motion with these tioncert and they sbould receive the hearty t Janke of the hospital authorities. Wearan--Thirtv °V cedar. Apply We rn FoundrY 0o. int good dry Clearing Sale of everything in Winter Shoe*. Big )3argains. W. J. GREER, Mr. King fieliouslY 111. The numerous frieitele of Mr. George E, King win be sorry to learn that be is not improving in lien th. Hie brother, Ik. Thos. King, of So rie,Mane lase been with hint for some ti e. Mr, King was moved to the Win ham bospitai on Tuesday and an oper formes today andel that it may be engine spected townsman recovery. tion will be per. will join it hoping inland that our ro. ay have a speedy The "13ee Hive'laranchrGorrie There's no ream n whatever, wily people should leav aerie in quest of birgaine. Since op g here this store has bad a rush of mimeo, and "Bee Hive" bargains are he magnet for bigg- er business than ev r this week, Five Ne Mr. W. 11. Gree with Mears. W. 100,000 brick, som ready been deli property near the will build five ho summer and so gated that we ohn town as "Garl v Houses. has placed an ordet & W, EL Elliott for of which have al red onto Mr. Green's Sax mill. Mr. Green see during the coming e people have sup, isten that part of the le. We are pleased te learn that tar. keen is going ahead Thirtee Days Sale, with his new hone. Wingham's great. Owing to the 1 stores expiring, t holding a gaga thirteen days, c day of this wee. gains will be gi'v via;--drleneral dr cerise, eto., -Tins two large stacks to go into one eta bargains in the 1 page of this issue I SLA1,41., TER SALE—Cash elaughter sale • • of Drees\eoods, Fars, etc. G. E. Dr. Oronh atekha Dead. est need is more dwelling houses and from the present appearance of things the shortege evilnte somewhat overcome when the upread t of twenty new bootee are erected this sirson. TO:„REET—FiVet Oa s<Prreisel farm of a /00 &trope plenty: atetneretntine:‘iiene; Wiaglitini. Akaftea Devis. A ()amanita line of Felts, Rubbers and Shoes now on hand at R. johnston'a Boot and Shoe Store. The Dait Disaster. At epidemic of daasters by land and sea marked the ye4r 1906, and seetne to continue into 1907 with startling regu arity, A Protestn1 school in Hocheis. ga, Montreal East, took fire on Tuesday Afternoon of last week, and 17 young children and one t acher lost their lives here being abou 200 pupils in the chool at the tim . About the same ; Dr, Oronbyateljha of Toronto, the 1 famous former cftief of the Mohawk Indiante Supreme hief Ranger of the •HnoOn, where he w nt some few vreeks Independent Ord of Foresters, died at ere- Savinnah, Georgit, on Saturday after. CHURCH OTES. OTSS. Rev, Tr5, Bowe to young mark next she subject of "Scott At St. Paul's preacher on Friday e Rer. C. O. Vinton, Rev. Mr Lowe, w visit Wiz/gluten last w Hines*, Will he here, March 15th, 11 preach a sermon unday evening on olszu." i uroh the special entail' will be the eotor of =when. lo was unable to lett en account of tt is expeoted, on Rev. Dr, Sutherland and Rev. Dr, Cermet leave in a few days for japan. to anent in the work ot organizing the new united japanese tfethodist Ohurdh, lieln 0.13. WallWin,73A., wellnanown to many of our readerS, Mut been invited to remain the fourth' Tr as pastor tie the Empress AvenueMethodist church at London. At a meeting of th congregation of 1 St, Andrew's Presby erian °Lurch of Blyth, heldnat week a call* was ex. tended to Rey,J. L. k mall, of Auburn, to become pastor o‘' the Church to succeed Re'. Dr. MoLean, who recently retired, The Rev, W. G. Iloweon, pastor of the Methodist Church, will occupy his own pulpit next Sunday. Subjects, 11 a. m, "A Syrian lie, that ought to be burieda thousand fatlebras deep," 7 p "A man *anted; d he is wanted quick." The usher will be pleased to allow strangers to sea s. Rev, E. R, Fitch o nee up from To- ronto and took tins w rk in the Baptist Church on Sunday 1 et. The members of the congregation ere sorry to hear Mr. Pitch tender is resignation as pastor, at the roorni service. He has been only a little ove : year pastor of the church, and was doing good work. • slid reraov d from town will be regretted by our yawnspeople gener- ally. With his 'thrall trouble Mr. Fitch finds it impossible Lc continue the work in Wingham. Hill e have the best Wishes of, many fr ends in whatever work he mei engage *a for the future. The resignatlim will e dealt with at a meeting of the Gong gation to be held op Friday esipaigg„e • Died al oderich, • Though ailing i health, owing to heart trouble, for wine time, James Porter, of Goderic , had been confined to bed for only a eve days before his death last Sunda Feb. e4th. Mr. Pole for had been a re dent of Goderioh and Goderich townsh p since. boyhood, but had Several time visited the land of his birth. Hh rete ed to that town to re- , side about two o three mouths agc, ow' ing to failing he 1th, He was a native of Donnybrook, ' Dublin, Ireland, and came to this co try with his father and the rest of the f mily on July 121h. 1843, coining straigh to Ooderioh. 21e was married over fif y years ago to Jane Ed- ward, and besid s his widow, leaves a family of oven hildret enrviving, four sons and three daughters. Deceased a was 76 years qf e and was a brother of Messrs, Alex. an Richard Porter, of this town. ago for the bonen of his health. Dr, h Oronhyatekha wr of pure Mohawk line. r • age, and was born, August 10, 1841 at the our the Montreal, to Chicago express an off the track t few miles east of Gruelph, and three Iparsons were killed nd about 30 injure t: Then last Friday ay a 0, P. R. express train bound rom Toronto to Maltreat collided with freight train. and avete express messeng. ritVere killed. with the goods Brantford, Ont. Having Six Nations' radianBrantford, reservation, near a • been at the been at the head f the I. 0. P. since f 1881, he was kno n in all pats of tne a world. Pants enough for r year • 4 • 'toys' Pair for 4 Boys' • . Pair FRIDAY BARGAINS 385 pairs Boys' Datk Tweed Pants, - • all sizes. 20 to 34, regular price 75c, Friday, - - 25e 86 pairs Bente' all-vrool Halifax Tweed - Pants, lined, double seat and knees, • all sized 20 to 83, regular. price al, - Friday - — 49e 68 Bents' Odd Coats, in light and dark • Weaned and tweeds, saok and Nor- - folk styles, sizes 24 to 34, These coats are taken from snits old for $4 to $7.50. Friday, at $1.49 65 Pairs Men's Dark Tweed and Worsted Inane, all sizes, regular $1175, Friday at — 99e This is all " Lion Brand" • _ Clothing, and is the best - Boys' Clothing made in Canada.. Don't miss this trj4 rare chance for boys', good clothing 'cheap. - Stote Open at 8.80. Sheet early. • Clothier and Houma iturnieher 014 Pest Office Stand. in..elon SALE -255, Off on all lune of Fail and Winter Sturm. See advertise. ' ment. W. J. March Wedding A very happy ev t tookplace at the home Of Mr and lrs Wm Webb, of West Wawanosh at five o'clook yester- day afternoon when heir daughter, Miss Elizabethniecame tIe wife of Mr. Frank E. Grain, Of Eastj Wawanosh. The bride and groom ve re unattended and the ceremony was perforraed by Rev. T. S. Boyle in the Iresenoe of a number of invited guests. After spending a few days in this node , Mr and Mre Grain will leave for Pilo Mound, Man., where Mr. Grain hat' r nted a farm, They will take with thdm the very best wishes of many friends. Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London, 3rd door East of St. Andrew's Church, Death of qrs. McHar• dle. The many friencis of a former resident of Winghara, Mre. J. 11, Monlardy, will be Berry to hear otter death last Week in Neleon, B. O., oe beat failure. Mrs, bloHardy was an i al wife and mother, gentle, affeotionat4 unfailingly cheek. - fat, , and charitably minded. Mr. Moll dy died six years ago, and since then he has just gradate ally' beett fading unottentatIons bu6 binoere 'Christian woman., Besideis he daughter, Mrs. 8. H. Stehle, of Clinton elle lenteif tit° anis, Hardn of Toronto, a d Chas. of Nelsen, ft.O.; she eIs0 has th ettt brethers—RObt, W, Moltenzie of Gderioh, Georg° of Wingnare, and Mark f Chioago. FOR SALE -A few chmeiyoung York- shire brood sows at0,15,e-rind $16 each, if taken soon, A. Moleal, 004. 12, Emit Wawanoeh or Winghara. P. 0. inalletukah Wedding. The Army wed ling on Mondaynight lest was a most naresting and suncess. ful event, as evi tenced by the large and attentive auelience that crowded the town hall. A s lendid programme was given previous t the marriage ceremony. After the openin preliminaries- of song and prayer. Lien eCol. Sharp,the leader, introduced Eno n Riley, who favored the andietice with a eplendid vocal solo, also a guitar solo i nitsting a brass band. and then "Home, 3weet Home," to the amusement of all: was played on one string attached to a tin can. Thi e call- ed for an oncore • d then the audience listened to a fine Pe intone ado. Speeches were given by li ndmaster Janis, EU. sign Thinks and 5 if Capt Hay, dwell. ing on the excelle Christian ehteracter of the contracting parties. Lieut. -001. Sharp rend the ti nal Army Marriage service,after ethic thebride and groom, ergt E. Nutter 1Ierk and Bandsman West E. Simmons, solvated by lilies enema Taylor an Harper O. Shrinaonte tether of the WO .112, alI dressed in the all blue unifornt: of she Army, Wed ennead and 'very distinctly the parties odd the "I wills', Colonel Sharp in a dente Manner pr neuticingthent man and 'wife. invite Wrests to the number of eighty-nve Fiat, Wri to well spread' Wedding banquet Mr. and Mrs E. Simeaone receiv the congretulatitins Of a taro numb .01 friends Withing ta theevery ha Weis in life. The Wedding prevent Were west Wherein. E L f ar. She was an , itaiiiimooresaiisentiallialienamiat Army niversary. The Salvation A my held their anniver sary meetings last asurday and Sunday and were mine sum infiel in every respect. Lieut. -Colonel She p, who has the over- sight of the work i Western and North- ern Ontario was t e prtnoipal speaker. On Saturday eveni g he spoke on Christ's call to the fisheera n to be nFishers of Men." Sunday ruing the subject of "Purity" was d alt with in a very. touching and kelit g intitmer,when there WES a ready res nee for consecrated men and women o the service of God and humanity. • )r, P. Macdonald. was chairman at the nesting in the town hall and eulogize 1 the Army's work in Wingham and • =genialy its effects among prisoners • thopeoitenthwies and jails of Can: Lama -oar sham spoke on the ad ancee of the Army's work in the ova Relicsl branch, rattans homes, prison orlo and immigration. In the last bran h e5000 persona were to be a sistel t Canada this sea- son, t/ per cent were Salvationists, and the balenee Wee divided among the other denOrain ions, fl e considered this was andetin • not only the religions bodies bat comm nities and the COnOtry at large. Tonle the Atray operates in 53 tiountries vie. 7000 societies and 17000 then arid W. 0 en Who give all their time to this Iv rk of ittneliOratio11. Staff °apt. Hay r netted the 'omit work d thriiiiegeceaditiort. was largely attended. • several Solos in an The Maly Bead in a very healthy The night ineeti Utley • effeetire Menne , furnished natilikt. 711 • Vent' Sueettaght Banquet. One of the meet aucceostal benquen in the history of thee local A F. & A, M. wee held on Tuesday analog, the Dow don being the vi t of R. Wor. 13r�. Cameron, D. D, G. ., of Wiarton, the close of the • galar meeting of Wingham Lodge, o. 266, A. F. & A. M., the brethren ad owned to the Na- tional Hotel, yeller. Heat Hanson bad prepared a spread, bo like of which has not been seen in Ingham in a long time. After the in er man had been duly safietted a len thy toed 1st was gone tbrougne Tb first toast, "The King and the Craft' was proposed by W. Bro. H. 0. Bell W. M. and thelarge gatheringjoined he tatty in siagingetiod Save the King.' The Grand Master and the Guard Lod e" was proposed by R Wor, Bro, Boyl P. G. C/hap., Que., bee, and responded to by R. Wor, Bro, Oamerou, D. D, G . At this juncture Mr. P. Hill sang " termini Song." The next toast, "The co nty 10 which we live" was proposed •y R, Wor Bro J. A. Morton and respon. :d to by Wor Bro Geo Spotton, The , the "A Stein Song': by Mr. F. Hill. • Visiting Brethern" was p oposed by " .r Bro W. J. Greer and responded to b R. Wor Bro Diok. son, P. D. D. 0, , of Exeter. The last toxin of the e ening, "The W. M. and Wardens of 1` 'gham Lodge" was proposed by R. W'r Bro Cameron and responded to by Wor Bro H. 0. Bell. Sonne sixty rnemb of the oraft, were present. a few bei .e from outside points and all are united :n saying that Tues. day evening was o e of the most plea• sat t every agent craft Itt Wingham y members of the Fon SALE—Two bedroom suJkt, corn. plete; one parlor suite, up3c1latered In silk rng ; strickly high cl i; one new coal heater and sever p er articles to be sold at once as I anileaving town•for Brandon. Enquire at residence on John street. WESLEY WALIcEn. Harriston ink Won. The ooxnpetitioija in the Wingham Curling Club's bo spiel were not com- pleted until last Taursday morning. Ire the openbeirmet don -amt. Holton's rink from Hersistren won from Mr. F. Patereon'8 rink by ,at narrow roughs of two shots and too ' the Morris chairs home with them. Mr, Paterson's rick won the suit oases, The players with Mr. Paterson were Dr. 3. R McDonald, C. N. Griffin and 3 H. Stephention, In tbe Coneolation, Ms Murdock'e Luck. now rink won first prize and V. Van- norman's second. ho player(' with Mr. Vannorman were 3 W. Orr, KA. Ham- mond and D. Dinsl y. The scores since oar last issue are a follows; — TnOreiY—S COIcn ROUND, Wu:whim F. Paterson, sk.11 Listowel 3. Boebmer, sk. Lu cknow, J. D. Murdock sk If- Palinerston. J. II. Taman, sk. SE= Wingham F. Patel son, sk . .15 Lnoknow. 3. D. Mardock,sk 1 Wingham 0. Knechtel, 811_7 Wingham R. Vauuorman,ak 8 nninghatu A. M. Crawford 10 • Ilan tenni Capt Holton, ek ,14 Duns. Listowel. J. Boehmer, ek.. 8 Harriston. Capt Holton, sk .17 reeves . grammar, geograp $1 A TEAR IN ADVANCE •WELL-KNOWN PEOPLE ) Have you a Cold? We are sure that our Cough Cure will cure ante (weigh or told in a very short time. Try it oboe. Always ask for Canadian Catigiii Claire and tuett you are sure yoii }Mira the beet, • 1,1R. JOHN menteen. A Morris To ship Pioneer. Mr. Miller drat se the light of day at Fano, Berwickshire Sootland,on A.ugust 25th, 1830. In 1851 he came to the New World to the Genes &Valley, New Yolk State, and in the f 11 of 1854 with the early eettlers, loca d itt Monis town- ship. At this time there was no settle went north of the th line. They had come from Buffet to Port Stanley by beat and then 6-h se stage to London • The newcomers lked to Ooderich to secure their land d then footed it to thew new poseessi s, the Miller family Road. lots 53, 5 , 55, 58, in first con and afterwards bo ght No. 57. Having bought oxen, a tri was made back to London for their aggage. This was no small task in tho days. In 18b9 Mr Miller married rgaret Moffatt, and their family cone as of 3 sone and 3 daughters. He 1 ok an active part in the municipal aff re in his earlier days and was 10 years 'n the township Conn Only 25 cents, at Walley's Drug Store PITONS 100. WINGRA31, ONT, Properly 0 wo rs Will find xt distinctly to their advantage • to make me their agent; based on quiok returns and eatisfao. tory dealing. The following list are a few of the many properties for sale: 5850—len story, 9 rooms, nearly new, rents $B4 per year; Alice St. . $1.050—iee story house, 8 rooms, Rood repair, rents for $9G per year; Joha St. $1100-1)4 storyframe bona, 8 room, hard and soft water, fine cellar, ex. • cellent epair; Viands Se. $1250—len story house, 8 rooms, nerd and soft water, tire location, waits for $102 per year; Victoria St. 51200-2 story houpee, six rooms, betentiftil location; Albert St. • $1200—len fltory house, 8 roma flue oil, 5 of which 101 was Deputy Reeve For 30 years he 3. -as a magistrate; we Captain of the Whitt in the good old • days; .20 years Llama Inspector and 23 yeas, Pvesident o the .BInevale Cheese Co. For 27 or 28 years Mr, Miller be sat at the Board o the Howick Mutual and bus served 11 years as Preeident. In politics Mr. Minel is a pronounced Lib- eral and in religion he is a pronounced Presbyterian, beibg an Elder in the Wroxeter congre tion for years. To see hie stalwart fo m and the activity Possessed yon wou1d hardly guess he was past his 76th bi thday but he is hale and hearty and attends punctually to his work. cellar, stable, 20 free.. trees, two • armee of land, Lower Wingham. 8 $1300—new brick cottaes, 7 rooms, hard and soft water, stable; Jeanie - "'8 • 81600-2 story bona. 9 seems. good repair, a beauttfnl belie; neat nt $1950-.- 2 store -hick cettage, 7 mono, electric llght, good stable; John $t. ,$,2700—e story solid brick Ionise, bath. Menacecouhleve betatuilt now for 64000; Maple' St. 100 nevem —3 mita from Wirighane, excellent buildings, 10 sores of fall wheat, 10 teemed' hush, owner has lived on farm Over fifty yeare; snap at the prion If yon want anything at any time in Real Estate, come direct to head- quarters. &Loney to loan on farm security, J. H. CHISHOLM, Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Agent. Vanatone bionic. Winebam. When your Shoes need mending send them here to be doctored. We'll mend them weer,. W. J. GREER. Fon SALE.—Brick house and lot; also good brick house with all modern couvienees; hard and soft water, gond barn, and from eine to four aoree of land. Get particulars at the Thine office. PUBLIC SCHOOL EXAMS. February examin teens in fourth class. Subjects. Compo ition, arithmetic, y and literature. Hartle cm. Wingham. Cape. Holton, sk .17 F. Paterson, ek. .15 Wingham 01163100013102:020-15 Harxiston . , 300 00312000400102-17 CoNSOLA.Tio. —FIRST ROM), Palmerston, 0. Graham, sk. Seatortb. E. Bright, sk... Southampto B. McAuley, sk. Kincardine. R. Rose, ek LuCkbow. W. Alli, sk, Lncknow 4 J, B. Hunter, sk 7 Ingersoll. .M 3, E. Gayfer, eit.16 n Perfects. 15 T.J.Hamilton,sk 13 Wingham. 15 W. Holmes, 1.k..13 Seaforth. 16 W. McDougall.ak 9 Mullane3. 0. Telford, bye. • SECiixo Be•rme, PalmerstonIngersoll. G. Grahata,sk...15 3. E Gayfer, k. 12 .' • CI Southarapt n. • Ennoardine W. AlcAulay,ek 6 R. Roes, ek 12 Lucknovr. •Durham. W. Alli, sk • .13 J. 0. Telford,sk.14 Winglsna. • Wiughtine, C. Innechtenek.1,.11 V.VannOrrnan,Sk 14 •Winghtn u ' •Palmeratcn A. OraWford,sk. 1S J. 21, Taman, sk, 8 Tin la 110uND. Murdoch, b Listowel ( °sinner), Palmerston (Graham.) defau t toPalmerston. Hincaratne. •Lucknow. R. Roes, sk...... 1 W. Min, 8 Witigham. Whitehall. Vaartormers, sk.. 5 Orford, ek14 Sn t neat, tirtOknOW. ' Palmerston. Mardookok 110 G. Grothant, ek. .7 • Klncftfdine. Wfnglsm. g. Ross, sk....... 2 Vannormati, sk,14 . • Lac:knew.aghribi. tims. "M (1..kturdock, Is 20 VantrOrrnall, Sk 13 lefax(tnum 500. E. Swarts. 01) E. Ltnklater 398 3, MitohelL . '198 E. Buchanan 382 L. Ross ‘k ... , 380 M. Ritchie 377 P. Gilleapie , 371 F. Suggitt B. Bennett 1 ' .36 . 364 H. Mullein. ... ... ...... ..332 G. Young 1325 J. Retold . ... 322 M. 13ostnan, 311 V. Dickinson , ,ij 304 R. Tnrvey j 297 1 289 13, Biehl . .... ' B. Aries ....... .............284 M. Roadhouse . . . ....,283 A. McBurney. /. ... 266 *X. Whim., , 259 A. Pngh , 263 L. .Tohne J 233 A. Knechtel.t „ .. 249 F. Johnston 1 . . 345 P. Cartwrigh ........244 *J, Ross 244 *O. Emitter... .... — 23/ L. Stephouso . 224 3. Armour ... 210 M. Cantelat.. .... ., .......,.209 *laTipling..„ nE, Foray$h.,,.i 204 *M. Hollerith.. . ... 196 N. Nicholls. — ........, . ,196 IL Drummond 193 P. Orr.. ....... ., . 190 D. Mann I 4 • 4 r . 4 • 6 • r • 6 d r •I . . 187 O. Armour .... ,„„, ...180 ., ..„, ..,..... 198 *I. Campbell . , 180 A.Hogg „ ) 0. Meehan— e'..... 180 *R. Pieter •' 179 R. Robertson E. Senderson ' .168 **C. Knox... .. . ........ ,....164 • *N. Watititi. • 11 6 r 6 . 150 111C,Ifilties..• .....—144 *A. Sanderson 121 *a, sinnuons- • los dtu66“.116 Highest price paid for hides and poul- try at T. Pelle' butcher shop. Dr. Overlie °outlet, Lendon, Surgeon Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat: will be tar Mo- Kibbon'e draw store, Tuesday, April 2nd —all day. Glasses properly tiered. mmermammeamffassom THE LEADING SHOE STORE To Fit Man With Shoes A Perfect fie in a Man's Shoe means a Shoe that fin' his Non tits his eye, and fits his pocketbook, Oar Shoes will fit all three. The right leathera—tbe latest lasts, Mee and heels; in all size and widths. Pay re $2.30, $3.00, $3.50 or 54.00 for *pair eif Shoes, Sir, and you'll get Perfect sat isfact ion The Shoat are oat —tire meney is yams, 1*et1i talk or the Shoe (louden. See us for Trunks and Valises. / 6, W. J. Greer Tat SECO= A I _ 1