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The Huron Expositor, 1982-10-06, Page 14
YOUNG PLOWER - Murray Townsend, 11, son of Mr, and Mrs. George Townsend of RR4, Seaforth took his first crack at competing In the International Plowing Match and Farm Machinery Show held at.Lucan. He placed first In the green class at the Huron County Plowing Match. A student at Brucefield Public School, Murray said he likes to do a good Job and found it "pretty neat" to compete In the match. His father said, "It is the only thing a father and son can do for a few days " Yy I�oP� ud stories an.er IPM oriters ,RY STEPHANIE LEV'ESOOOIE The International Plowing Match and Farm Machinery show is over for another year and while attendance has bt.t.n assessed as "reason- able". organizers soy match co erage by the' London Free Press cost thorn at least 100.000 in attendance. 'Treasurer of the IPM Mid• dlesex local committee Brian Hughes said on Monday that a full page photo spread in Saturday's edition of The Free Press hurt'attcndance at the Match. Attendance was under 110.000 for:he five day event, "We (the local committee) depend on the pay that comes through the gates." said Mr. Hughes. The treasurer acknow• !edged there was mud on the service roads, hut the pedes• ANTIQUE PLOW - Mervin Dietz of RR1, Dublin handles his 1923 Fordson tractor In the antique plowlna class at the International Plowinn Match, Assisting him Seaforth. is Bill Leeming of RR 1, ♦ All furnaces look pretty well alike on the outside. Here's the inside story on the °LENNOX ' 140 • Up to 98% efficient • Fuel Savings to 44% • Uses no chimney • Propane or Natural Gas ( .1 *Full 20 year warranty If we knew of a better furnace, we'd be selling it! GBAILEY8 FURNACES: HEATING SALES/SERVICE SHEET METAL WORK We are Proud to be you, Lennox Dealer KIPPEN 262-6319 Local winners In Wednesday's plotting int pet Mon the Huron. Perth w inters were as follows: class two, group one. two furrow l,latts, aged 12 to Ih. Steven Adams of RRS, Brussels plarc(I third; Dat id Blackler of RHI, Si Marys placed third in class two, group two, two -furrow plows. aged 1- to 10. and Elmer Erb of Mill- bank placed second in the lass three category, group two. three•furrow plows. Thursday .4 winners from the tun counties were: Brian McGatin of RR4, Walton placed second in class two, group two, (00•furrow plow s. aged 1- l0 10; Rev. Ken Innes 01 (Brussels placed first in l i s 1,,k 0. group five, tao•rut• rin, plows, aged more than trian roads were dry because organizers kept motor vehi• eles off these roads. 'This action was praised by exhib• hors because it enabled visi• tors to tour,displays easily• Mr. Hughes noted that the local committee had put four and a half years into planning the match and the Frec Press had provided "good help". "Then they turn around and sensationalize the mud." said Mr. Hughes. Jack Briglia, nudnaging editor of the London Free Press said Tuesday that the mud at the match couldn't be ignored and indicated that the stories and pictures of the first few days of the match served a useful purpose in warning people to wear hoots if they were' attending the match, He said the pictures in .Saturday's edition of the paper 'tried to recoup the week but' that in 'retrospect "probably we would not have published 1 uesday .' pic- tures." • Mr, Briglia noted that the paper's coverage of the maleh,inlluded things other than the mud. Acknowledging that IPM committee chairman .lack MacNamara has criticized the Frec Press for cutting attend- ance at the match, Mr. Briglia noted attendance tt as still the best in years. Organizers had hoped for 200,000 people to show up at the match, but added Mr, Hughes', "we would have been happy with 150.000,'' He added that about 30.00(1 people with free passes should be added to the 110,000 figthc. The revenue from the gate admission fee enables the local corntltiftee to pay its hills. and while Mr. Hughes said they will be able to do that. there is no surplus which would have benefitted Middlesex County. Mr, Hughes said the Free Press was "100 per cent irresponsible" in its coverage of the match. "They crucified tu" was another continent. Another point raised by Mr`fiughcs was that at least one of the pictures run in the Salurd,n edition had been taken on 1uesday. This fact was stat(! in the photo caption. but the headline rc:ttl "11ut1•wresllcrs would hate lett 1 a match" be Iok al committee has asked people to write letters to the ed1t, r of the Free Press and cane I their subscription htet, c, eek more and mire prol,le thscmer what might. lobs are ancon) plishtvl 1, loft cosi Huron I:xpOsu„t '''ant Ads 11I,11 52” 02411 Huron warden is top RV' STEPHANIE LEVESQUE 'Keeping Huron on lop" is Ilett the ,nlrnty's warden. }LIMY Rnhntson 111 How it k Im,nship explained his win III !he plot tog competition for tt,trtit•ns .and reuional &hair sten at the International Plow Ing Match and Farm Machtner. Show In Lucan this past reek. Warden Robinson topped the list of .10 competitors al the match, 1)rgantre•rs of the spatial et enl dtt hied tilt' competitors nue Iwo groups Of the 11 n1 his group, Warden Robin• son plink ctl last. enabling hint to keep an ewe on those going beforehand and learning 11nn1 1L. r inislnkcs In 11, . , ompi•utton. 11r Robins„• o.iid he also took ad%,ultec, of using a ninking plow I,, "d a horse \I Ihout:li,1• •rV.850.1 an. mei, for if ..o 101t) "1114 hal„sus ,,, •ked the hest fo1L„c o ,: the pion log. the spec1.1 nts competitors, nklnchnc 511's, Mi'1's, „ere I.kt n to the 1 uean ('11111171111 ,,, t entre tt herr vac h poi, . pant rt reit ed .1 nnlg .tut' 1Iifit e \ s, pt. 311 "('Ill of Huron 1 , „'•ty Council. ileo lits R. • taiincl Wilder aniu,un, • !hat the warden had n„n.! the slher plow for his 111 • 1s, He Das heart Ilv applaud., tl by (111101 11 4/ /I J the t'o-ope7afo BRUCE SMITH Sales R,Ivc'entat.ive Mitchell Co-op Store 130 Georgina Street Mitchell, Ont. NOK INO Bus: 348-9975 Res: 348-9975 taw co-operatorg INSUAAN(f AND (INAN(IA1 1901(11 LiFE•H0ME•AUTO•BUSINESS•FA' At THE HURON EXPOSITOR, OCTOBER 6, 1982 — 89 rte. ,...,...._......._.. — ---—_.............. ....... DALE CARNrGIE COURSE IN EXETER Leadership And Effective Communications o Greater Poise and Seat • Expressing Ideas with Conflndence Greater Ease o More Effective a Bsnproved Leadership Communications Skills • increased Enthusiasm • Closer Family Reiationshilps • Monagint:l Stress More .Effectively e Remembering Names O Setting Goals o More Productive Meetln,;s EEexplanation preview meeting Wednesday, 'ctober 2 - 6o5'':' p.m. 112. 4wn Hall, 322 ht•iin St., Exeter For MI re inf rm,ition CAI 433-7474 lJ Il�{1@, Presented by RALPH Pd9a:HOLS CORP, .'C avovvvovvmvcvvmommmomvo© .=..©.... ovvmmmvvo©ovm®eemwmvvvvovovoomm®oveo Ban S. McGibbon M.B.A. T I I_ iJL e Festive . Season is al ost up..n us..t. 6 I This year Christmas fruit is available in BULK ( Bring your own container for these prices ) N li E'D FRU 1`T Pineapple Wedges Bulk 2.39 Ib. Sunshine Fruit Mix Bulk.,.,,2.65 Ib. Deluxe Fruit Mix Buik..b,.,.,1.95 lb. Light Fruit Mix. Bulk.......,1.29 Ib. Whole & Broken Red and Green Cherries Bulk ' 2.19 Ib. Orange & Lemon Peel Bulk 1.25 lb. Melon Cubes Bulk 1.15 Ib. Orange 8 Lemon Citron Peel Bulk 1.35 Ib. Citron Peel Bulk 1.45 Ib. Maraschino Cherries Bulk2,19 Ib. Mincemeat Bulk 1.05 Ib. Ginger in Syrup Bulk 3.35 Ib. ODENSE Almond Paste 4.85 Ib. Almond Icing 1.50 Ib. RAISINS DATES NUTS, RAISINS Sultana Lexia (large White Currants, DATES Iranian - Chinese NUTS Walnuts (crumbs and pieces), (halves and crumbs), Almonds, Natural, Blanched, Slivered, Sliced, Filberts. old fashioned) 1.38 Ib. 2.12 Ib. 1.97 Ib. 1.99 Ib. 2.29 Ib. 1.99 Ib. Cashew pieces, Pecans FERGUSON APIARIES We're open daily 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Open Friday night till 9:00 HWY, M Mtween Henson end Zurich 236.4971 Closed Sundays IT'S TIME TO PLANT YOUR WINTER WHEAT AND FALL FERTILIZE YOUR ALFALFA OUR AIR -FLOW DRY SPRAYER IS READY TO GO!!! PLANT YOUR WHEAT FOR ' SEED WHEAT THE SAME COST AS SPREADING *FREDRICK YOUR FERTILIZER Our new airflow unit is capable of doing both jobs al the sante time TO 500 ACRES DAY certified and registered *HOUSER certified * FAVOR certified * GORDON certified *OAC WINTER TRITICALE Day or Nite the Service is Rite HOEGY'S FARM SUPPLY Brotf haLit' n LI MILTED t i.-,2:1 1 1 '(1:,2')11