HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1982-10-06, Page 8THE HURON EXPOSITOR, OC'rO':ER 8, 1982 - 93 el Couple wed Correspondent mind will be in the pulpit again MRS. MAC ENGEL . on Oct. 10. On Sunday, Oct. 3 887.4645 the Sacrament of Holy Com - Rev. Wallace Murray, Lon- munion will be observed with don, was minister on Sept. 26 Rev, Dr. Ross K. Thomson, in Knox Presbyterian Church St. Catharines in the pulpit. Congratulations to Mr. and BY RON WASSINK Diligently answering her phone and accepting C'runbrook area news, Mrs. Mac '(Antic) Engel has been informing Cranbrook and Brussels residents of Cranbrook arca happenings for the past 36 years. (her 50 relatives, neighbours and friends returned the i'all last Wednesday in honour oI her 80th .birthday. She was burn on concession 10 of Grey township in 1902 and has lived in Cranbrook for 60' years. '•1 haven't moved very far", says Mrs. Engel. Annie met and married her husband Mac in 1923, one year after he opened a blacksmith shop in Cranbrook. "It gut to be more of a garage'. with the advent of the automobile. explained Mrs. Engel, Following Mr. Iingel's death in 196', sou Gordon continued the operation of the garage until recent years. It now has been eon vertetl to a hotly shop, Mrs, Engel said she hasn't noticed •any major Changes in Cranbrook. Always a village or approximately 200 residents, Cranbrook tlfti boast several hotels, two stores and a combined hall and post office during the lute 1800s. Relating stories told by her parents and former residents of C'raabruuk. Mrs. Engel said the railway was to have been laid near the village. Instead of being a tillage, Cranbrook was designated to be a large tow n or city. 'I'hc railway did come, but was last further nttrth of Cranbrook.. I'nfitrtunatt' it may scent, but a number of factors saw the demise of the Cratihruuk's general store. When it closed two years ago. Mc village was left without a more, A member of the W.M,S. church organi,a • tine. Mrs, Engel began her correspondence with the Brussels Post as a press reporter for the group. 'today, she is still the press i vintner. A letter dated April Ib, 1946 was received by Mrs. Engel from former editor of the Post, Evelyn Kennedy. The letter stated the newspapers appreciation for sending C'ran; brook news and "the first bene you are in tort n. call into the 'Post' office and wt: w 111 be glad to supply you with stationary and stamps Inr sending in such news." In return for C'ranhrook news, Mrs, Kennedy informed Mrs. Engel she would rt'lcist. a complimentary subscription to "The Post''. Being a correspondent has been wurth- thilc " bet'ause people who take the paper make mention of the Cranbrook news, People sap they like to read about the news", says Mrs. Engel. In turn she has known practically t'vcr>ont• in the area by na.n1e. Mrs.. Engel said thisttas changed in the last lett years because of newcomers to the arca, "Wc never used to travel any distance only trasciting to Brussels on occasion". She said now travel has inoreased. ' A member of the Cranbrook Presbyterian ( !lurch and secretary -treasurer for over 20 tears. Mrs. Engel said people like to keep in much. A few residents faithfully inform her of rec'e'nt events, "hut I hate to go after others". She said sonic people shrink at the idea of being mentioned in hercolumn, but do like to see their name in print. when asked if she would include her hirthday party in this week's Cranbrook netts, Mrs. Emgel replied. "I don't like a Int of puhlicit}.' T.1412. _: firer• -u._- .. MRS. ANNIE [MAC] ENGEL Duff's celebrated communion ( orrespundent MRS. ALLAN McCALI. 887-6677 w'orlths ids (ontmunant tsar ohscrted Sunday niorn Ing .11 Duff's United Church with the RCN,. Charles A S%%all in tite pulpit Greeters were Mrs Hugh Johnston and Miss Ann (lark. Organist tt as Mrs 1 as ern Godkut l shers were 1 ntcrson Mt hnll. Ion Carter and Bruce l Lark Martin Baan led of the responstse reading •'1 ast sour Burden'. from Psalm [; and stripturc readings were t,ukt n from 1 Kings and 1 oke the Res ('harks A tiw an spoke to the children un " I he ,treat of honour" the corn, saunas meditation " 1 he l'ni• ersal 1 allots" was given by Res Sw,ut (mm�uuunn' %s:n sen cd It Annie Itcul. Edith Wes , Brut t ( lark. Emerson .1ntha ll .untDo a 1'r.Ise'r I'hr Muret •tl hoard meeting st„s hold Suntfa% ,%ening al On home til Paul and Dianne SI,( Alum I he I lou L rs tt cit' placed m tit• s.tnt war% its the I I) ..111d Hotnnl.tr% send w't dnesdat evening the 1 ( 11 cit, utit t• will meet Nest titntd.,% w ell he ihe Ih,nksgt%ing scrsme Ihost in hospital .,re Mrs Edna McDonald and Mrs. Helen Firente Ail Inv nonan is e'xtcnded to antonc to attend the Burns V ( W. Ba,aar. Wcdncsda,. 1)tlobi t 13 in the I nndcshorn Hall PERSONALS 1 ongr.tlulations to Mr. and Mrs I'.tul Ponnrnarcnkn on thea 1.1111 wedding .utniscr sat s. September 2oth who erre dinner guests Suntia% with Mr and Mrs Walter 1 s nwshcnkn ,u Stratford We dry kl,id to hear 1 hance Mur rat returned home tram Sealortti and Stratford hnspi tats on Enda% alter a st:n of a few months Fait -Side Orchards Brussels 887-6883 PRELIMINARY LIST OF ELECTORS. FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF GREY The preliminary list of all electors prepared as required by the Municipal Elections Act, will be publicly posted in the office of the Municipal Clerk on the 12th day of October, 1982. Electors should examine the list to ensure that their names and relevant information are correctly shown. Applications for inclusions, additions or corrections to or deletions from the list may be made by an elector completing and filling a form obtained at the office of the Clerk during normal office hours Revision of the preliminary list of electors will commence at 9:00 a.m TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12th, 1982 and the last day for filing applications concerning inclusions, additions, correc- tions or deletions is Wednesday, October 20th, 1982 at 5:00 p.m, JANE BADLEY Returning Officer, Township of Grey Next Saturday is Apple Day Mr, and Mrs. John Brassun til fttthads Landing sisited with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bolger last Thursdas night till Erni:is , Mrs. Emerson Mitchell and Mrs. Allan McCall at• tended the Thankotft'rtng sentry Sunday es ening at BEM foiled Church when the Res. Bonnie 'nth was guest speaker. 'sir and Mrs. Erne Ste setts Mase returned home front., holldas to Vancnuscr. H ( sooting their grandson. Neil McDonald, their grand daughter Karen and famdy in ( Agars. also retails es at 1ytt,tsknt in and Edmonton, 5lheria 'es era! Inches from the Walton W' I attended the 3I st Huron (ounty Women's Institute Rally at the Anglican Church in Grand Bend on Monday. October 4, Mr. and Mr). Harvey Craig attended the wedding on Saturday 'irri Huntsville of Murray Craig and Cindy Nicholls Murray is fornterls of Morris 1ownshtp. son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Craig, Mr, and Mrs. Graeme ( rug also attended the Craig and Nicholl, wedding. Mtthad and Shannon ( ratg remained ,s ith their aunt and um:, Mr and Mrs. Scott La Rue and maty at Halthurtnn is het( the% spent the rest of the tt, ski nd with their par ems 1st Brussels W1111 001 Pack has new leader and meets at ,t new time the ( ahs trill nu'c1 al Brussels ( t'ntra1 `, hoot at .1 Ott c 1(1 p m, on l uestlas s It is hoped that the new time will allow more ha s t„ horn. allntt for more outside„, .t, tis Ines and rt•tinty the amount of drittnk (or the part tits Alar smite for six its .n t uh leader Karen 1lnilc, has resigned ,seat the master is Rohm Dunbar 1pplt Itis Ns ill he nn `.hard,,‘ (1, tither Ih and the , ahs a ill , auras the Brussels .an a Ibis is the main fund nU. n'g I'ngt tt of ihl ,tib% I',trt tits of 1 ahs st 111 stet 1 on (1,I11htr,'1st,t 111pm Brost Is ( coital ``i h,n,l 1r sold Hirntr %tho is President 01 tilt Sang, en West Distrtt1 tit ihe Roi \touts stall tutus% til, silt of parents at a 14'011 ( lib Pat k f he Rntsscls I ions ( hilt sponsor the 1st Brussels W„It ( tit, 1'.,, k Attention Post readers JAM The Pantry In the Mini Mall, Brussels Reg s 1 68 lb 1 1.45 II, PEANUTS tin the shrill Rrg 1 511 Ih BANANA CHIPS (.6 S1 75 Ib 1.60 11, 1.35 Ih CORN SYRUP K,¢ 70h Ver also carry WATCH FOR OUR GRAND OPENING! Soft n Crusty or Brown 'n Serve WESTON ROLLS 1, .69 Attention former Brussels Post readers Would you prefer to have the personal classified ads. the coming events, engagements. Lards of thanks and in r, 'mmiams. gathbred in one p1 ter on the Brussels page of ate Expose• tor.' That's one reader's sag, gcstion ae received at our batoth at the Brussels fair, If those placing personal tlasst• ftcds arc in favour. we ask that they spccifs "Brussels page" when dropping the ads off at Brussels Variety If enough advertisers and readers agree. the Brussels personal classifieds will ap- pear on these pages next week. But it's up to you to let us know. (,lad GARBAGE BAGS in, L49 'ckneiders Side BACON ENDS 500 gram 2.29 F D Smith CHERRY PIE FILL ; ° 1.59 NEWPORT FLUFFS til (tis. 1.19 Schneiders 3 varieties BOLOGNA )gram 1.59 Weston Family CHOCOLATE ROLLS .99 Florida Whife or Pink 5/.99GRAPEFRUIT McCUTCHEON WE DELIVER GROCERY BRUSSF 15 STORE HOURS Mon., Tues., Wed, Th•rrs., & Sat . 8 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Fri., 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 p m 887 9445 A FRIEND IS SOMEONE WHO CARES, SUPPORT UNICEF THIS HALLOWE'EN Mrs. AIIan Baker, (Shirley Clark) ' who were married Sept. 25 in Trowbridge. The bride is a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Conley. They will be residing on the groom's farm, 9th con. Grey Twp. We welcome Shirley to the community. Mn, and Mrs, Tom Baker have moved to Brussels. Mrs. Bert van Donkers- geed was hostess for a pantry shower for Shirley Clark at her home 9th con. It was a busy weekend for many in the community. Some attended the 'Baker - Clark wedding on Saturday evening in Trowbridge and others attended the SQth wedding anniversary celebra- tion in B.M. & Grey arena for Mr. and Mrs. Jas, F. Keys, RR I . ' Seaforth, Luke van Donkersgoed is enrolled in the Agriculture Course at University .. of Gu..'tph. Mr. a. it Mrs. Sid Barnes. London. and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis. Zimmer. .Cleveland, visited Mrs, Ida Gordon, Miss Christine van Donk- ersgoed, Guelph. spent a•few days with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bert van Donkers- goed. Mr. and Mrs. Bob McKay, Milton, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Clare Veitch, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Strickler visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shireman at Plattsville on Sunday. We are pleased that Mrs. Earl Dunn cahie home on Saturday from Listowel Me- morial Hospital where she was a patient for three weeks, Misses Sharon and Tracy Engel, London, were home for the weekend and Tracy staved for the week Stan Bentley, Dean, and 'Roger Cameron were on •a Fishing trip to Shining Tree. Many were saddened to hear of the death of Rev, Dr. Hugh Davidson of Listowel. Rev. Davidson has supplied in Knox church at various times and as recently as Sept. 5. Thursday, Friday, Saturday Lewis b75g White Bread .79 loaf Hum ptv Dumpts 200g .99 Chips Maple Lane 3 qt bags 2% Milk 2.09 Gifts * Tobacco * Confections * Health Care Items - Lottery Tickets - HOURS: Mon. • Sal. 8 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sunday 10 a.m. • 10 p.m. Brussels Variety Brussels 887=6224 1®0.eOeF. DANCE B.M. & Go COMMUNITY CENTRE Sato, November 6 9p.mt, e 1 aim,, Music by Free Spirit • Proceedsto Community Projects TICKETS $5.00 . LUNCH NO ONE UNDER 18 PERMITTED Tickets available from any ,member of the Oddtellows LI'••-ge wssas R NOT CE VIII AGE�'� SSELS RES F E TS There are 16 planters in the village made by the Summer Employment students for planting flowers etc. for next year., Would you like to have your name on one as your contribution to the Village of Brussels? They cost $70.00 and for a donation of that amount we will put a sign on one with your name on it. In this way you can be a part of the program to beautify the Village of Brussels. Donations are Income tax deductible and will be received in the Municipal Office. WM. H. KING, A.M.C.T. Clerk -Treasurer, Village of Brussels NOTICE OF NOMINATION NOMINATION OF PUBLIC SCHOOL SUPPORTERS FOR REPRESENTATION TO THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION • for the electoral districts of Township of Grey and Village of Brussels will be received by the undersigned commencing THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1982 " Friday, Saturday, Sunday A Oct. 8, 9, 10 RIB -EYE • 5,99 STEAK DINNER Buy second dinner for ONLY Thanksgiving Monday Treat your family to a ROAST TURKEY DINNER -or , DINNER HAM (with all the trimmings) Olympia Restaurant OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Brussels 887-6914 until MONDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1982 Between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5 p.m. ONE REPRESENTATIVE TO BE ELECTED FOR A THREE YEAR TERM ELECTORS ARE HEREBY REQUIRED to take notice and govern themselves accord- ingly, and further take notice that the manner in which the said nominations shall be filed is set forth in the Municipal Elections Act. Nomination forms and full particulars of procedures to be followed may be obtained from ' the municipal offices. If a greater number of candidates than required to fill the offices are nominated and make the required declarations, notice of the time for holding the polls including the advance poll and notice of the last day for making applications for a certificate to vote by proxy is shown below. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE: 1. A nominee may withdraw from a nomination at any time before 5:00 p.m. in the afternoon of Tuesday.. October 19, 1982. 2. Nominations must be signed by at least ten electors and the nominee must make a declration of consent and qualifications. 3, -Where the number of candidates for an office is not sufficient on the Wednesday- following ednesdayfollowing nomination day, October 20. 1982. the Clerk may between the hours of 9 a.m, and 5 p m receive and certify additional nominations for the office in respect to which there was an insufficient number of candidates SHOULD AN ELECTION BE REQUIRED, the same will be held on Monday, November 8, 1982 between the hours of 11 a. m and 8:00 p m Advance Poll on Saturday. October 30, 1982 between the hours o' 9 a m and 8 p.m DEADLINE FOR OBTAINING CERTIF- ICATE TO VOTE BY PROXY'IS NOVEM- BER 8, 1982 AT 5.00 P JANE BADLEY Returning Officer, Township of Grey