HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-02-28, Page 6Kerllets frcm the Sanctum Mill
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
'hiiatt. Bentley, er., one of the earliest i
,aestlere of Usborne, flied on Fridey,Feb,
1fitb, aged 84 years'.
c, IV Cs 174...X.A
Mears the Tho Kind You Have Dom Boagi�
Mrs White, relict of the late James
'White. of 13ensall, died on Monday,
:lkeb. 38th, aged 84 years.
As a spring medicines Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring.
Miss Margaret M. McKnight, daugbt'
:ler of John McKnight, Tuukeremith,
tied enddenly last week,
Proved Priceless -Ruby coats and
cinnawoa flavor. Dr. Agnew's Liver
:Pills are household favorities. Impuritiee
'leave the system The nerves are toned.
The blood is purified. The complexion fe
br•ght and ruddy. Headaches vanit.h
and perfect health follows their use. 40
doses 10 cents. -101 Sold by A. L.
Mr and Mrs Hugh Hamilton, of Tuck
•.eremith, celebrated the loth anniversary
.n# their wedding one day last week.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Miss Campbell, sister-in-law 0f Jetties
151cDermit, Brncefleld, passed to her
long home on Tuesday morning, Feb.
lath; she had suffered a paralytic stroke
from which she only partially recovered.
Coanruon Colds are the Cause of Marry
Serious Diseases.
Physicians who have gained a nation-
al reputation as aualt sts of the cause of
various diseases, claim that if cat: ping
cold could be avoided a long list of dang-
erous ailments would never be heard of
Every one knows that pneumonia and
consumption originate fro m a cold, and
chrouic catarrh, bronchitis, and all
throat and lung trouble are aggravated
and rendered more serious by each fresh
attack. Do not risk your life or take
chances when yon have a cold. Cham-
berlain's Cough Remedy will core it be-
fore these diseases develop. This reme-
dy contains no opium, morphine or
other harmful drag and bas thirty years
of reputation back of it, gained by irs
cures under every condition. For sale
by all Druggists.
o. -
Mr Peter F, Schumacher of con A,
Carrick, who heat summer contracted a
disease of the knee, bas been making
such Blow progrees towords recovery,
that he now finds it necessary to give up
his farming business.
When Baby bad Scald Head -When
Mother lied Salt Rheum -When
Father had Piles. -Dr. Agnew's Oint-
ment gave the quickest relief and surest
cure. These are gems of troth picked
from testimony whioh is given every
day to this greatest of healers. It bas
never , eon matched in curative qualities
in Eczema, Tetter, Piles, eto. 35 cents. -
103 Sold by A, L. Hamilton.
Mr. Edward Percy, of Kinlough, was
married in Kincardine on Tuesday, Feb.
19th, to Mise Vine Emmerson, daughter
There were 53 inmates in Bruce House of Mr Samuel Emmerson of the lake
,of Refuge last year and the averageshore town. Mr and Mrs Percy will
weekly cost was $1.16. I make their home on his farm near Kin -
Dropsy and Heart Disease -"For lough.
ten years I suffered greatly from Heart
Disease. Fluttering of the Heart and
,Smothering Spells made my life a tor -
anent. Dropsy set iu. My physician
told me to prepare for the worst. I
tried Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart.
One dose gave great rel;ef, one bottle
.cured me completely." -Mrs. James
.Adams. Syracuse, N. Y.-107 Sola by
.A. L. Hamilton.
The Ogilvie Flour Mills Company re-
port a further sale of 15,000 bags of
floor for immediate shipment from
Winnipeg to China.
Many people say they are "all nerves,'
easily startled or upset, easily worried
and irritated. Milburn's Heart and
:Nerve Pills are just the remedy such
people require. They restore perfect
harmony of the nerve centres and give
new nerve force to shattered nervous
Peter Verigin, who bas returned from
a trip to the Doukhobor settlements of
Russia. states that about a thoneand
Blore Donkbobors will come to Canada
in the spring.
If you are constipated, dull, or bilious,
or have a sallow lifeless complexion, try
Lax-ets just once to see what they will
do tor yt,u. Las -etc are little tootheorne
Candy tablets -nice to eat, nice in effect.
'No griping, no pain. Just a gentle laxa-
tive effect that is pleasingly desirable.
Handy for the vest pocket or purse. Lax -
eta meet every desire. Lax-ets come to
you in beautiful lithographed metal
boxes at 5 Dents and 25 cents. Sold at
`Walley's Drug Store.
General Booth states that the Salva-
tion Army, London, receives inquiries
regarding emigration to Canada at the
rate of 2,000 per day. Of these persons
about ten per cent. aro unsuitable.
"My Physician Told Me I must Die,
but South American Kidney Cure cured
nreof that awful Bright's Disease." This
is a sentence from a letter of a well-
known business man in a western town
who through over work had contracted
this kidney pestilence. It will relieve
instantly and cure all kidney diseases. -
102. Sold by A. Hamilton.
Your Doctor
Can cure your Cough or Cold,
no question about that, but-,
why go to all the trouble and
inconvenience of looking him up,
and then of having hisprescription
filled, when you can step into any
eirug store in Canada and obtain
bottle ef. $HILOf'S CURE
for a quarter.
Why pay two to five dollars
when a twenty-five cent
'bottle of SHILOH will cure you
as quickly?
Why not do as' hundreds of
thousands of Canadians have
done for the -past thirty-four
years : let SHILOH be your doc-
tor whenever a Cough or Cold
SIIILOH will cure you, and all
druggists lsts back up this statement
with a positive guarantee.
The next time you have a
Cough or Cold cure it with
For Over Sixty Years.
An old and Well -Tried -Remedy -Mrs
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used
for over sixty years by millions of moth-
ers for their children while teething,
with perfeot success. It soothes the
child, softens the gums, allays all pain,
cores wind colic, and is the best remedy
for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part of the
world. Twenty five cents a bottle. Its
value is incalcnloble. Be sere you ask
for Mrs Winelow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind. Guaranteed under
the Fond and Drug Act, Jane 30th, 1906.
Serial Number 1098.
A traveling man received the foIlow-
ing telegram from hie wife -"Twins ar-
rived to•night. More by mail." He
went at once to the nearest office and
sent the following reply: "I leave for
home tonight. If more come by mail
send to dead letter office."
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
With Local Applications, as they can-
not reach the seat of the disease. Oa-
tarrh is a blood or constitutional disease
and in order to cure it yon must take in-
ternal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucone surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in tbis country for years and
is a regular prescription. It is compos-
ed of the best tonics known, combined
with the best blood purifiers, acting di-
rectly on the mucous surfaces. The
perfect combination of the two ingredi-
ents is what produces such wonderful
results in curing Catarrh. Send for
testimonials free.
F. J. CHENEY & Co., Props., Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, price 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa-
At aix o'clock Tuesday evening, Feby
19th the marriage took place of Alms. A.
daughter of Deputy Reeve, Robert
Elliott, to Mr. Albert A. Ccs, of Morris,
Manitoba, The ceremony took plaoe at
the revidonce of the bride's parents ou
Pioton street and was performed by the
Rev. W. II Graham, of Victoria Street
Methodist. Chard:, Goderioh.
It Cures all Creeds. --Here are a few
names of olergy emu of diff, rent greeds,
who are firm believer's in Dr. Agnew's
Catarrhal Powder to "live up to the
preaohu»g" iu all it claims. Bishop
Sweetuu n, Rev. Dr. Langtry (Episco.
paliau); Rev. Dr. Withrow and Rev Dr
Cham sere (Methodist) ; and Dr. New-
man, all of Toronto, Canada. Copies of
their personal letters tor the asking. 50
oents.-105 Solo by A. L. Hamilton.
APpendioitis was known in Egypt
thousands of years ago, A mummy has
been discovered that had its appendix
removed and the inoisiou made by the
surgeon is still in evidence. We under-
stand, however, that it was the same
then, as now -the operation was suc-
cessful although the patient died.
Try This for four Cough.
To relieve a tench or break up a 'old
in twenty-four hours, the following
simple formula, the ingredients of whioh
can be obtainec(•etf any good preeoription
druggist at small cost, is all that will be
required: Virgin 011 of Pius' (Pure),
one-halr ounce; Glycerine, two nutters;
good Whiskey, a half pint. Shake well
and take in teaspoonful doses every four
hours. The desired results can not be
obtained unless the ingredierts are pure.
It is therefore better to purchase the in-
gredients separately and prepare the
mixture yourself. Virgin Oil of Pine
(Pure) should be purchased in the origin-
al half -ounce vials, whioh druggists buy
for diepensing, Each vial is securely
sealed in a round wocden case which
protects the Oil from exposure to light.
Around the wooden ease is an engraved
wrapper with the name -"Virgin Oil of
Pine (Pure)" -plainly written thereon.
There are many imitations and cheap
productions of Pine, but these only
create nausea, cud never effect the de-
sired results.
A weather prophet named Foster pre-
dicts that there will be a poor crop in
the West this year. His reason for ar-
riving at this conclusion es that the deep
snow has prevented the frost entering
the ground, and that in consequence
there will be a lack of moisture during
the summer.
"They Sell Well" says Druggist
O'Dell of Truro, N. S. Want any better
evidence of the real merit of Dr. Von
Stan's Pineapple Tablets as a cure for
all forme of stomach trouble than that
they're in such great demand? Not a
nauseous dose that makes one's very in-
sides rebel -but pleasant, quick and
harmleee- a tiny tablet to carry in your
pocket. 35 cents, -104 Sold by A. L.
On Tuesday, Feb'y 19th, the residence
of Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Emmereon,
south side, aiucardine, was the scene of
an enjoyable wedding, when their daugh-
ter Vina was united in marriage to Fd.
win Peroy, of Ktnlough. The bride wore
a beautiful eoetame of gray silk voile lc'!1
her travelling costume areae Merle broad-
cloth. She wad assisted by Miss Vine
t Elliott while the best than was Arthur
Hudson. The ceremouy was performed
by the Rev. Mr. Locke, pastor of tee
SHILOH Methodist ch_£u/rchi.h
e s
havCe AA
On Wednesday evening, Feby 13th, a
pleasant event took piece at the resi-
dence of Mr Wm Connell, Lneknow, at
8.80 o'clock, the occasion being the
marriage of Mr. Harvey A. Anderson of
Content, Alberta, to Miss Nellie Som-
merville, of Belfast, and cousin of Mrs
Connell. The ceremony was performed
by Rev. Mr. McKerrol of Lucknow, only
the immediate friends of the contracting
parties being present.
Nurse's Good Words -"I am a pro-
fessional nurse," writes Mrs, Eisner,
Halifax, N S. "I was a great sufferer
from rheumatism -almost constant as-
eeoiation with best physicians I had
every chance of a cure if it were in their
power -but they failed, South Ameri-
can Rheumatic Care was recommended,
to -day my six years of pain seem as a
rlreant. Two bottles oared me, -106
Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
The death of cows by hanging is rath-
er an unusual occurrence, yet this was
the fate of six valuable bovines owned
a farmer named Henry Bullis, who re-
sides on the banks of the Grasse River
in St. Lawrence county, across the•river
from Cornwall. The floor of the stable
gave way the other night and as the
stanchions held firm the animals were
all found dead in the morning,
A Habit to be Encouraged,
The mother who has acquired the ha-
bit of keeping on band a bottle of Cham-
berlain's Cough Remedy, saves herself a
great amount of uneasiness and anxiety.
Coughs, colds and croup, to which chil-
dren are susceptible are quickly cured
by its use. It counteracts any tendency
of a cold to result in pneumonia, and if
given as soon as the first symptoms of
croup appear, it will prevent the attack,
This remedy contains nothing injurious
and mothers give it to little ones with a
feeling of perfect security. Sold by all
Womanly Troobles. THE, SABAT
It le imposeiblo to go into details on
Nate snbjeot butthe experience of many e
poor woman who is crippled for lite, just
because she didn't nee a stood remedy is
time should be it warning to others.
When the firet stage of womanhood
appeals in a young girl, a great deal de -
perms in getting her over t: is 'miaow
stage, so that to years to come she will,
not develop green sickness' or ooneinmp-
When she complains of flashed face,
hesdnohe, bearing down feelings, giveher
a course of Ferrozone whioh well carry
her past the orislo.
Iu the ado t woman if any irregulari-
ties occur, Ferrozone will be found a
remedy of remarkable potency and pow-
Ferrozone is the ideal regulator and
causes all organs of the body to perform
their work properly,
it purifies the blood, tones up the
nerved and vital energies. The stomach
to etrengthened, and digestive and as
similetive processes are improved by the
good work of Ferrozone. It regulates
the bowel, cures oonetipation and piles,
and replaces disease and decay by health
and strength.
There is nothing better for the com-
plexion thau Ferrozone. It removes the
dark circles from under the eyes, re-
moves and cures all manner of akin erup-
tions, gives brightness and brilliancy to
the e3 es, a rosy tint to the cheeks, whit-
ens the teeth and develops a well round-
ed, plump and handsome form.
Ferrozone is the ladies' favorite, and
should find a place in eve or household,
It 16 prepared in the form of a chocolate
coated tablet, convenient and pleasant
to take. Price per box, 50o or three
boxes for $1 25. Sold by all druggists.
A Chicago teacher gave a boy pupil a
question in compound proportion for
home work one evening which problem
happened to include the circumstance of
"men worsting ten hours a day to com-
plete a certain job," The next morning
the unsuspecting teacher, in looking
over his pack of exercises, found one
pupil's problem unattempted, and the
following note attached to the page; -
"Deer Sir, I refoose to let my son James
do his sum you give him last night as it
looks to me like a slur on the 8 -hour day
syetem. enny sum not more than 8
hours be is welonm to do but not more.
Yrs trooly, Samuel Blocksy.
To stop a Cold with "Preventics" is
safer than to let it run and care it after-
wards. Tauten at the "sneeze stage"
Preventics will head off all colds and
Grippe, and perhaps save you from
I Pneumonia or Bronchitis. Preventios
are little toothsome dandy cold cure tab-
lets selling in 5 cent and 26 Dent boxes.
If you aro chilly, if yon begin to sneeze,
try Preventive. They will surely cheek
a cold, and please you. Sold at Walley's
Drug Store.
Mr. W. A. Schoenau, died at bis home
in Mildmay on Saturday, Feb. 16th,
aged 82 years. Deceased was born in
Berlin, Prussia, on Augnet 4th, 1825,
and came to America when he was 22
years old, landing in New York in May,
of the year 1848. In 1849 he was
married at New York to Miss Sarah Lat-
imer, who survives bin. Mr. and Mrs.
Schoenen shortly after name to Canada,
settling in the village of Waterloo. He
lived in Kincardine for five years, 1865
to 1870 and in Balakiava from 1870 till
seven years ago when he moved to
Minister of the bowl Recommends
"tor several rears I hare boon to Tory "ppea
4ealth. I,a.t Fall Irmo advised by Ret. J. 3. Allan,
et Hurray Harbor, Y.E.I., to try'Oevesnetnr.'
gators trying it I had no faith in it, butiest Otto -
ter I began its use and can truly say that before
*sing ono lug I bad won 1erlully improved in my
/aural health. Since then I have used severai
autLe as a result have never Spent ouch a healthy
Winter or Spring alit did this roar. 'Oxygenator'
for Throat'. rouble, Catarrh, Purifying the Moot
and for Building up the System, I holier, le to,
Tiled tomas by any other remedy,
1 of my congregation tote Map, and It
with blessed results. I tat:, grea0 referee In
'oxygenaWing to"
ing t vi 1mrM�
tr. sway, and
..card t. y eyes, 'Ur;ged .cot' has done
aaam more good than the n.•atial• Jr the treatment
( rtr.lrod in the Reno: itnl
Yat 0'r.'),., I think Ar pe,rheos. For nitre to
to their, lunge ns' htta, ;dead aaywbere. it
1/011+i ++444e00
• yig{, ti, At
Boast tot t at.e
mic% F.11.1
For &ref hopa.
AYR ...,.*
't -441L 4.0*YO £NAt0174,0O.
The editor sat in his office whence all
but him had fled, and he wished that
every last dead beat was in his grave -
atone dead. EI s mind then wandered
far away to the time when he should die
and his royal editorial soul go scooting
to the sky; when he'd roam the fields of
Paradise and sail o'er Jasper seas, and
all things gl,•rione would combine his
every sense to please. He thought how
then he'd look across the great gulf dark
and drear, that'll yawn between his
happy soul and those who swindled here,
and when for water they would calf, and
in agony they'd caper, he'd shout to
them: "Just quench your thirst with
the due that's on your paper.
Croup can positively be stopped in 20
minutes. No vomiting - nothing to
Oaken or distress your child. A sweet,
pleasant, and sate Syrup, called Dr.
Shoop's Croup Cure, does the work and
does it quiokly. Dr. Shoop's Croup
Cure is for Croup alone, remember. It
does not claim to mire a dozen ailments.
Ir's for Croup, that's all. Sold at
Walley's Drng Store.
Bears the - The Kind You Have Always Bought
Action has been taken against the
township of Colborne 'in the claim of
Mrs. William Ivers, of West Wawa -
nosh, for damages for the death of her
husband, cringed by the over turning of
his wagon last fall on a road whioh the
plaintiff claims was not in proper condi-
tion. Mrs. Ivers claims $10,000 damages.
At the meeting of the Colborne town-
ship council, it was decided to contest
the claim. Itis understood that the
township, while denying any liability,
would consider a proposition for settle-
ment of the claim, but of course for
mnoh smaller amount than is named,
The township has had a good deal of liti-
gation lately and ie probably not anxious
for any more. In the meantime it looks
as if the matter would go before the
eaer see
LI as in life Stomach
' - Belching and that sense Of fulness so
often experienced after eating is caused
by the formation of gas. The stomach
fails to perform its funotione ,and the
food ferments, Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets will t ot1'ect the dis-
order, They ritd digestion and Strang•
then and invignrats 'the semi:molt and
bowels, For tease by all Druggists.
The old man efts in his easy chair,
Omid hie ear has caught the ringing,
any a ehurob bell far and near,
Their own sweet: music singing.
And his head sinks low ou his aged
While him thoughts far beck are reach
To the Sabbath morns of his boyieh days,
And a mother's sacred teaching.
A few years later, and, lot the bells
A merrier strain were pealing,
And heev'nward bore the marriage vows
Which his maahood'e joys were Beal-
But the old man's eyes are dimming
As memory holds before him
The sad, end picture of later yea's,
When the tide of grief rolled o'ee him;
When the bells were tolling for loved
ouee gone,
For the wife, the sons and daughters,
Who, ono by one, from his home went
Ind down into death's deep waters.
But his aged heart bas still one joy ,
Which his old lite daily blesses,
And hie eyes grow bright and his pulses
'heath a grandchild's sweet careeses.
But the old man wakes from the reverie
Anti his dear old fame ie amelias,
While tho child with her serious eyes
keeps on,
The Sabbath hours beguiling.
Ah! bells, once more will ye ring for
When the heavenly band shall sever
The cord of life and his free soul flies
. To dwell with his own forever.
moves all hard, soft or calloused lumps
and blemishes from horses, blood spavin,
eurbe, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles,
sprains, sore and ewoollen throat,coughs,
eto. Save $50 by the use of one bottle.
Warranted the most wonderful Blemish
Cure ever known, Sold by A . L. Hamil-
Comparison may not be a detraction,
but it is certainly a half sister.
Piles get quick relief from Dr. Shoop's
Magic Ointment, Remember it's made
alone for Pales -and it works with cer-
tainty and eatisfaction. Itching, pain-
ful, protruding, or blind piles disappear
like magic by its use. Try it and see 1
Sold at Walley'e Drug Store.
Yoa need not worry about heaven if
the thought of you makes people happy.
Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite
medicine. They mere Constipation, Sick
Headache, Biliiousness, and Dyspepsia
without griping, purging or sickening.
Tice- i4ird Itinnfh.
November IVES called by the ancient
Saxons the whit t:tonat. or w-lntl
month, ou account of the gale:+ then
prevalent. It wax; also named the blot
monat, or blood month. from the an-
cient practice 01' thea slaughtering cat-
tle for the \\*inter provisions. It is said
that the Leman ;senators wished tU
Hume the month after Tiberius. its
months had already been named after
,iu1ius Cnton1• and Augustus, but the
emperor. lil:c Canute, felt that it was
possible to have too much flattery and
refused, remarking dryly, -What 'twill
you do, conscript fathers, if yon have
thirteen Caesars?"
illus Colic
Quick relief' is afforded by
Charnberla fu's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea, Remedy.
It never fails and is pleasant and sato
to take.
Tho attack rsay bo warded off by taking
t, double Close of this remedy us soon us
rho first Indication of tbu disease appears
Von by d d•sigtrists n•,•or..n•,
Above His Income.
"So you have decided that Taliaferro
.cannot mnrry your daughter."
"Most assuredly not; wouldn't, have
such a son-in-law."
"What's the trouble? Is he•dissipated
dor profligate?"
"Everything. Ile has an edition de
luxe opinion of bimself, but is. in reall-
ty only a paper backed copy." New
York Press.
steeDi.NIr Views:WM).
Children. aro often attacked iiaddeniy
by painful and dangerdtes Cdlfo, Cratape,
Diarrhoea Dysentery, Cholera Morbus,
Cholera Infantum, etc. - Dr. 'Fowler's
Extraot of Wild StraWberry le a'prdmrpt
nucleate cure which shdted alessye be
kept in the house.
The Lobster.
"AST, g'on, Bike," said the British
soldier, attempting to end the argu-
ment; you're a lobster."
"Ye flatter me," retorted Mike.
r"Shure, a lobster's a wise animal, fur
:green is the color fur him as long as
he lives, an' he'll die before he pots on
d red coat."
. • .� .,. , •
The ll.'aellarltable pause;
Golf is considered bad for the tene-
per, but even on a golf course one win
not see anything approaching the rude-
ness that Is to be seen on the croquet
ground. If a golfer "tootles" a bail
or gets "bunkered" ho may throw his
club about and else u little bad lan-
guage, but be will not accuse the op-
ponent of cheating and refuse to speak
to the unfortunate person for the rest
of the clay, which a croquet player fre-
quently does. -C. B. Fry's Magazine.
Stops the irritating cough, loos.
ens the phlegm, soothes the in-
flamed tissues of the lungs and
bronchial tubes, and produces a
quick and permanent cure in all
eases of Coughs, Colds, Bron-
chitis, AAthlna, Hoarseness, Sore
Throat and the first stages of
Mrs. Norma Swanston, Cargill,
'Writes': "I take great pleasure in roeom-
inendieg Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syv» p.
I. had a very bad cold, could not sleep ki
night for the coughing and bad pains in
+my chest and lungs. I only used halfx
bottle of Dr. brood's Norway Pine Syrup
and wee perfectly well again."
'Melee 2i3 cants a bottle.
1)r. Cltaaen's OInt
/Bent is a certain
and guaranteed
curefu: each and
every f, or m et
itching, bleeding
and protrudt4
pike. See testimonials in the press and ask
o neighbors about i Y o eat
yourt, u i uso i
gggotiyoi oney back it not satisfied. ro, at all
tea -era or EnMANsu t, !HATES & Co., Toronto.
Terms to snit purchaser.
FOR. 1906 0 07.
It is simply marvelous, the effect'
13u -Ju has ou Rlteumatisnt. It not mere-
ly relieves the paid but completely ride
.ire system of the disease, i3u-Ju, TBI;.
GENTLE KIDNEY PILL, does this, be-
cause it cures the kiflueys.
UXURIDOE, ONT., Aug, 311t. 1904
"was an invalid for 3 years with Iullautwa-
tory Rheumatism, and was bed fast until about
6 mouths ago, when a friend left me some .
au-lu rills, 1 was helpless ns an infant, I con-
tinued taking them, and now I am able to get
out of bed, dross myself, and walk without
crutches. JOHN McCOI,I,OUIi
5oe a large boy, at your druggist or by mail
And money Wel: if they fail to cure. The
Clatiiu Chemical Co. Limited, wiudsor, Out. 60
Machina [Yorks
Having secured a first-class machinist,
I am prepared to :.o all kinds of repair. -
mg ou the shortest entice. Also
I am also building a few
Portable Sawing Machines
-something new. Call and inspect
before plaoiug your order elsewhere.
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