HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-02-28, Page 51alr1ii.,:rp,.ir, Usar6 10k4u41414.41bolelai oiirui it 1.1. tiwbaw,uW ti.aotl,y,t u_ 1310010104160111, 11 Blue Front Stire MOM Our prices have been generous and although our Big Discount Sale is over we still have some interesting re- ductions to offer you All 'Winter Goods must be cleared out at a price and that price should please you LINES TO CLEAR Men's heavy wool Top Shirts in navy and grey, at prices to suit every one. The reduced prices are, per garment 371Zc, 64c, 75c, 94c and - - - $1.121,. Men's and Boys' wool Sweaters in navy, red, brown, black, white, royal, Sze., plain andfancy, reduced ranging.from 371c to $2.45 Men's Fleece Lined Underwear, medium and heavy weights, reduced price, per garment 37•'_.•C, and - - 57c Boys' Fleese Lined and Wool Underwear, sizes 24 to J4, reduced prices, according • to sizes, 261C to 37'_:C Men's and Boys' Reefers made of heavy frcize and beaver cloths, well lined, re- gular prices of men's $2.75 to $7.50, reduced prices - $2.07 to $$.621. Regular prices of Boys', $3 00, $3.5o and $4 oo, reduced prices $2.25, $2.62'', $3,00 FURS We have no room to carry over any Furs, so what now remains must be sacrificed at once, Black Calf Coats, Fur Caps, Gauntlets, Storm Collars and Fur -lined Gloves will be cleared out at slaughter prices. ealsaar THE \\ IN11ELAl4M TIMES FEBRUARY 28, 1907 Successors to The R. Ii. CROWDER CO. teeeeleteeeeeekeeet c T ICE 83"4 3"> " VES r (FOR CASH ONLY.) 1 Happy Thought Range; six holo with reservoir and warming closet $00.00 for - - - - $50 00 1 Steel Range, six hole, regular $45 00 for - $39.00 1 No. 9 Wood Cook with reservoir, regular $22.00 for - $10.00 1 No. 6 Radiant Home Parlor Cook, double heater, reg, 547 for $39 00 1 Ideal Jewel Parlor heater, regular $37.00 for - - $32.00 1 Brilliant Favorite Parlor heater, regular $33.50 for . $27.09 1 No. 5 Oak Heater, wood or coal, regular $15.00 for $11.50 1 No. 17 Queen 3ek, wood or coal, regular 514 00 for $10.00 1 Prime National Wood Heater, regular $18.00 for - $15.00 CENTRAL HARDWARE, WINGHAM. remainStee 55`rJ;eins:erir]itt)1r. expenses Baird of Health, V7 00; J. 1). Taagrippe is the order of the day Smile, drain contrset, $75 00;1). Sproul around here. culvert, 503; Jas. Johnston, auditor, $7.* Mrs. Joseph Holmes, mother of Mr. J. 00; W. A. Wilson, auditor, $7 00. Coun• T. Holmes, of this village, died at cit adjourned to uraeet March 8th at 10 Londeeboro on Wednesday ,cvetling of o'olookon motion of Anderson and !WA d. last week, aged 81 yvata. Deceased had W S. hit.Caosu , Clerk. boon in poor health for Hough time and her death wad not altogether unexpected. The remains were brought here and the funeral took place ou /friday aftetaoon to Wingham cemetery, H. fattrt'y. :- -_•eau."u..u:. .t, rex• n +ir.'.,hirirm>t.it9R„""' tch This 8 is Tour Trouble autilgestioae Then probably you know the evils of distention, fermentation and irritation that accompany digestive troubles. Next important is to mica how promptly Nerviliue caree, Quick as wiuk it re- lievebloating and reeling of fullness, pute the eutzre digestive apparatus iu perfect order, makes you feel fit and fine all over. IPor internal pain Poison's Norville e surpasses every known rew sty. Keep it in the house always, is's a source of comfort in the hour of emergency. Large bottles for 25c at all dealers. ace se- WESTIIELD. Many people in this section have been ill with mumps. Mrs. W. 11. Campbell was visiting for several days with relatives in Lnoknow. Mrs. Jackson Wihtman is seriously ill at her home in Goderiob. Wee Annie Wilitman has been at the county town for some time nursing her aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson have returned to their home in Pitot Mound, Man., af- ter spending several weeks visiting with old friends iu this section. ST. IIi:L.NS. Aitchoeon Bros. are hauling logs to the mill to get lumber to build a new barn on the Wollwood farm. Mr. and Mrs. John Modrostie have been visiting with his brother Will, on the old homestead, Mr. John Menzies receutly pnrenesed a span of colts from ramie Todd at a good figure. Dsiss Me1ienzio, of Guelph has been visi•ing with her cousin, Miss Annie Mckenzie. Ili Tour nom Pettier? No, it's aft bid as ever. Nothing seems to help. Why not UFA the up to -date specific) "Catarrhozono," which drives out cold in one day. Inhale Catarrh. Ozone ised you will be relieved in two minutes. °outiunA the treatment and pure is assured. Eieialing. germ destroy- ing and pleasant,nothing for colds,theeat trouble and Catarrh compares with Oa. tarrhozone. Sold everywhere, 23e and $1.00, Regained .1 erve And Vital Energy, From Walton P.O. Que., comes the following from Mr. Nezeire Begin—"If anyone had told me any remedy could build up my nervous system so well, I would not have believed them. Before using Ferrozone I was run down in nerve and vital enet'gy,and in very weak health. I didn't get enough eleep ne night, felt poorly in the day time. Ferroz,ne has filled me with energy and vim, increased my weight and made a new man of me." Hundreds tell the sums story—weak and dispirited, everything going wrong, unable to catch np. They took Ferro - zone and all was changed to health and serenity Price 50o per box at all dealers. nt,''TTH Mrs, J: M Hauiiltnn died at London on Tuesday evening, Pay 10th. About 12 weeks ago, she was raken to Lnndoo for trefitmeut, being affected with a nervous debi'ity n hick eventually turn- ed into auaeinia, but all that medical skill could do was unavailing and she passed away as above stated. The de- ceased lady was born in Bast Wawa. nosh 45 years ago, being a daughter of the late George McGowan, cue of the earliest settlers of that township Aire. Efeinilton was a consistent member of St. Andrew's church and was held in the very highest esteem by all. W. D,obertson has disposed of his bak- ery and grocery business to McIl wain Bros. 0 Tneeday, Feb, 10th, in Ma:lidale, James Cox parsed away after an iliuees of Isgrippe which settled on hie lungs, at the age of 82 years and 6 months. De- ceased formerly lived in Hullett, on the 10th ooh., and left the tawnsbip about 4 or 5 year ago. NEST \WAWANOSrd. Council met accord in to adj aurnment, on February 9th. Members all present; Reeve Bailie in the chair. Minutes of last meeting road and confirmed on mo- tion of Murray and Anderson. Treas. nrer's report showing a balance on hand of 5788.96; received and filed. By-law No, 1 was amended by changing assess- or's salary from $50 to $00 on motiou of Bailie and Murray. The auditor's re- port, after being finally audited, was adopted on motion of Anderson and Thompson. A, Anderson was empower- ed to bay 2000 fent of 3 inch temente plank for township pnrposee on motion of Thompson and Medd. Tho following cheques wore issued:—A, McGregor, printing debentures, 51.50 ; John Bowels, repairing culvert, 50e; D. E. Mauro°, key. This week we offer at cost for cash the finest line of Stoves and Base Burners ever before shown in Wingham. We have the following in stock : Base Burners—new. 1 only Art Huron, with oven, was $35, at $28 1 only Art Huron, without oven, was $30, at $25 1 only Favorite, with oven, was 540, at $32 1 No. 40 Art Souvenir, with oven,wae $43,at 530 1 No. 20 Art Souvenir, with oven, was $32, at $2; 1 Only Reoord, with oven, was 525, at $20 Base Burners—Second Hand. 3 Art Souvelairs, nearly new, at 1 Connteylr"Oxford at - - 1 Art Sohveuir at 1 Radiant Home at - • - $25 • - 4525 $2.> v5' 4 Second Hand Ranges. /1 No. 49 Happy Thonalit, with high shelf and water front, a bar ain at - $23 Coal Heaters. Wood Heaters. 6 Wood Heaters, from '52 to 55 Tortoise Neater, was 512.50, at 58 1 Box Stove - - - $2 Neva Idea, was $12, at - 58 New Wood Cooks Mascot Heater,Was $10, at $6 1 Mk Acorn, ext., was $23, at $17 14rtohor, ext., was $25, at $20 Wood Cooks—Sec. hand 1 OM Grand 'levee', sq , at $1.5 1 12t Grand Jewel, ext., at $.0 1 923 Rbyal Huron, ext., at 515 1 Model, ext„ at - - 1 Jewel, ext., nt • 517 We also carry a full line of the best Ranges on the market, including " Huron" Stoves and Ranges. HARDWARE, PAINTS AND OILS. SAP PANS ARP wits PAILS NOW ON . . Tinsmitiling, Steam Heating, Piumhing of all kinds. Eavetuoughing a specially. We are agents for the celebrated Sherwin-Williams and Robertson's Ready Mixed Paints. Chttrcl's Alabastine on hand. mareasuftowor Or These bargains are only good until March 15, 1907. A. YOUNG. Established 1579 Whooping Cough, Croup, Froncllitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, fiit3htlueuia Cresoiene is a boon to Asthmatics bees it not seem mare erectly • to 1.rentho in a remeuy to cure disease of the broach;ng organs than to take the remedy into th < stomach It cures because the air rendered etrongly anti- septic is carried over the diseased :•urlat.e w:th every breath, giving prolonged and, .0 tint treat- ment. It is tnvatuable to mothers ssi:lt small children. Thoeeofaconsumptive !t' l,e tendency find immediate 31f ,j. feu) relief from coughs or in- ' ' flamed conditions of the •; !}fS throat. Sold I.y druggists. Send postal for booklet. LEEMINc;, MILLS CO., Limited, Agents, Mont- real, Canada. 307 eit/'>k rite. The oloslug out of this life to Wm. Perrot at his home in 13rtasscls, Fel', 16th, did net 00414.1110 an unexpected event. as be had bean hovering close to the borderland for some days. He was born in the 3 ilingo of Ilrentyre, Sevt- land on Jaly 220, 1ts27 and was souse- gnently it: his bOttz year. In Jane of • , 1837 he dims to the 2nd lino of Morris, . accompanied by his wife (who waft Miss Jane McNichol, of Argyleshire) and one A child, and where by intirstry, persever- :1 ance nttd economy he made a comfort- 1 able hoine, still in the possessiou of the 1 family. This winter Mr. and Mrs+. For- rest tied daughter moved t.) Brost le ; y whore he had a house and. lot, Mr. For. !j rust's seven sons (Wtn,uf Ba itwood ;Jou ,'.] of Cranbrooh; Jae, of Iron Bridge, Al- 'y goma; Archie, of New Ontario, Thos , Chieegu; Robt, of ]3rantiord; and Walt- er on the hotneetead) and oast daughter. 1 Mies Marion at home, anrvivo. All were preseut at the funeral, except Arable, who could not be rationed by % telegram in time. Mr Forrest was en honorable man, respected by his neigh- i '" bora and always willing to do a good 4 turn, He never lost his huterest in the' il land of his birth, visiting it several times i and reading the newttj .i ers from tit re with groat zest. C1?I,110SS. Me. John McAllister, 2nd line, has brought from his brother Henry his entire outfit of farm (103 acres), farm stock, implements and grttia and feed ou hand. The price was 58,200. Henry has not been ecjoyieg good health of late and has decided to retire from busi• nese. A pretty wedding vers solemnized at Sylvan Lodge, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roderick McDonald, 8th line, on Thurs- day, Feby 14th, when their daughter Maria became the bride of Mr, Geo. A. 3tcClennaghau of Kinloss. Rev. D. Tait nfllaiated in the presence of about sixty guests. The bride, who was given away by her father, was unattended. She was dressed in white r.unslin, ber guiug-away suit being of blue lady's clout. The marriage took place at 10 30 a. in. and after the eujeynieut of a wedding breakfast the happy couple drove to Wingham fruits where they left for a trip to Port Huron and Grand Rspicis, Mich, The bride was the re- cipient of a number of handsome pro- seute testifying to the eateefu in which she is held by her many friends. Mr, and Mrs. McCleunsghatn will snake their home near Whitechurch. Oa Friday evening last the young people held a reception party for Mr. anrt Mrs. Mfo- Clennaghau and a very bF ppy evening was spent. The table vacs beautifully laid and all enjoyed the many good Malaga. `rheyonuu couple will live en the farm once occupied by Mr. John Mitebell, of Wingham. There is a good house and barn ea the tarns, i ..y.e ITHE AD,.. .ING STORE 1 - Patterns t Ifo r Sew Idea Mati 11. L. Isard & Go. DRESS 000DS DEPARTMENTJ Not in our busines = experience has it be n our privilege to offer to the people of Wingham and surround- • ing country such a magnificent display of Bross Goods, Trimmings. Silks and Re1n' 7nber, we carry the largest stock and you can depend upon gettinz just what you want here, at prices guaranteed as low as any city store, and you will b -a in the express chargt.s by it:av- int y .ur order with us. We have met the demands succ°.ssfully in the past, and our aim for the future is to greater things, and to make each season better than the last. Our Spring Importations comprise the following; Crepe de Chene, Cream Corduroy, Cream Serge, Grey Hopsack,. Voiles, Cashmeres, Lustres, Roxanna, Plaids, Grey Cheviot, Check Tweed, Venetians, Canvas Cloth, Broadeloi;b., Ta etal.ne, Panama, Shepard's Plaid, Gorey Tweed Suiting, Cord de Chene. tl an Taffeta Niik, in ail colors, 27 inches wide, 50o. We will be pleased to show you through our stock at any time. All other departments are complete with New Spring Goods. Tems' Waists t,s Just received a shipment of very pretty shirt waists. Long or short sleeves. Special value at $1.00 each. . \sk to see them. +"e PHONE 6S. _5 trs" 'n;",,al "std,,;,,r2'"^'w.,S .` i"e'tawos; . stix+sici.°2 yirstee' , :tr w.u,,•, sy?s r Y dre le StI ,. l =MS ZiLt ,r,'r,, y"et,s,is eireir .' fin gn ii BIGGER l AR A1NS THAN EVER Bargain Dress Goods 75e goods for 40e. 50e goods for 29e. Ladies' Ready-to-wear Coats $15.00 ones now going* et 810,00 1'2.00 „ t. :; l)t) )i) ere .< tt i;C)f,) Men's S ai ti. n.,'s. Regular ''•'.:;i") per yard, 2 0 tt 1 25 tt fir b1.25 1,)') ,til MIEN'S HATS. lifl;ular 2.50 Hats for 5135 2 25 it 50 tt ] .1141 Ladies' Fur Coats. Regular et12,50 Coats Eelling for e 15.00 tt 55.00 " tt 40.00 45.00 " 33.00 35.0.0 tt 23.i .1 tt 75e lines at 517)x. :)t) " • .a CE " t ip O e .1 , Lf a . d5+z line'; at 2.'c. 25e " Men's Underwear. The 1`+?'11.1.ir el., -)t) kind now cic.Iring at .re) .30 t. ,t .75 „ it .1 .50 i. MEN'S WHITE SHIRT'S. The regular $t.25 Shirts are ;;