HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-02-28, Page 44 TUE WINGII. 'i TIMES, FEBRUARY 28. 1907 TO ADVERTISERS 1 SALT RHEUM CURED Not•c a of changes must be tett at this 1'he )�deltjto b off its uot'later than Saturday neon. By Dr WIlliarus' Pink Pills .After cboaun byuentbera itis ratepoftaeyers ofegaSchoounl Seao The copy for changes =net bo left nor later ^than atondate evening. Boeteers Treatment Hatt Failed tions iu the differeut townships ebrongb• tel4nel ett)Oil Ski edu hday of each nted veekup Sk:iu trouble indicates tetat the blood °itetut to ca peratto 1 $vl oiteduoe tvitu is la a poisououet ethic. It to the poison Ur Jae. Pawed wee palled to the oheir and Jot P. Hooper as Seuretare. The objections to the Act were then procekd, ed. with. Moved by W. Henderson, seconded by R. Gtlkiusou, that we ask for the repeal of that portion in the new Aot tbet dl. recti that a compulsory minimum salary shall he paid to teachers. parried. Movee. by Rob Muir, seconded by Wui McGill, teat we ask for the repeal of that portion of the Act that gives .ln. speotor's power to cancel certificates of tem:hers engaged to teach for less than the miuimuni salary. Carried. Mewed by P. S. McEwen, seconded by J. Wylie, that we ask for the repeal of that portion of the Ant that apeoifies that rural schools shall provide scales, measures, take mensuration, set geocue- trioal solids, library, concrete walks, teachers private rooms and eulargemeut of sobgot groaads by i acre. tearried. Moven by Rohl Binir, reminded by R. Gilkiusou, that we ask for the repeal of that portion of the Act that compels County Councils to levy a rate for rural school purpose. Carried. Pinto Pills to all etaitlar sateere. Moved by P. S MaEwea, seconded by candidate for the Commons, a new man Robt Sharptu, that we ask for the am You oau t euro eczema salt rheum, eadment of the portion le the Act theft will have to be selected. Rvery diva and skin eruptions vette salves and out. regntates the training and gnnlifieation Bien to t•h • riding should be fatly re- ward applications. These troubles are of teaghers beo•euss the poorer classes preeeete d at this meeting. rooted in the blood and can oolv be cur- can have little hope of becoming teach - ed through the rich, red blood Dr. Wil• era, t4though many of our brighest in - Tata tiaras Ptak l'itls aatnaUy make. This tellects come from this class, thus a des - Geo. P. ternham, ]ender of the Oppoei- simple medical feet should be known to erituiitation is created in favor of the Von in the Legislators, should not be everyone. lar. Witliams' Pink Pills not rich against the poor. Carried. e?ntertetueet by the Liberal party, The only care skin diseases, but ala other iiSoved by W, J. Henderson. seconded Liberins of the Province should be able troubles caused by had blood, such s by I', S. McEwen, that we ask for the anaemia, with its headaches, sideaches repeal of that portion of the Act that to pay their own leader and not here and backaches, heart palpitation, icdt- raises the salaries of Inspectors's and re - him under any obligation to the Govern- gestio!, rhenmatism,nesrahtia, Si. Vitus moves the power of their dismissal from r_:eut in drawing a salary from the public danoe sod the special ailments that af- the County Council. Carried. uuuty box. diet so many women and growing girls Moved by John Porter. seconded by You can get these pills from your rnedi- Davii Wallace, that we ask for the Itumediateiy upon the conclusion of cine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box amendment of the Act by giving the the present session of the Provincial or Sia bot:es for $'2 60 from The Dr. Trasteee of the Province a fair repro- Wiltiams' Medicine Co,.$roakvitle, Out. sentation on the Advisory Council of ?,egihltature there will probably be a re• Education. Carried. organisen'n of the Ontario Cabinet, culminating ailments. Deceased was Moved by R. Gilkinson. seconded by The oletages spoken of will affect three P. S. McEwen, that the Secretary pub- :mu—Hee. J J. Foy, Atto.ney•Gener horn in York township, York County, lash the minutes of this meeting and ask :fon. W 3 Fianna, Provincial Secretary, Ont„ her maiden nacos beim Eliza for ccrresioudenoe with a view of oo- antl 7 P fl:> vney, M. P. P , of Guelph. Welsh. Along with her brothers Joseph operative froth township Sohool .Trate P and George she name into this townabip tees or individual ratepayers willing to esteem -diem to the report Mr. Foy will re- aid us in securing our civil rights. Car. tare, Mr. It tuna will succeed him, while in the pioneer days of 1357. Oa the 4th Jas. PowELL J. F. Hooeee tMr.re DMr. iioy will take Mr. Hanna's va• day of Jau. 1800 she joined hand and Chairman Seorerary. heart with her now berert partner and Wingbam, P. 0. Oat Wroxeter, P. 0. eat*d pertiolio as Provincial Secretary, shortly after they purchased lot 14, con It is earnestly requested that every Dnneau 0 Ross, son of the old and 5, on which they have continuously re- rural wheel in the County of Huron tried leader of the Liberal party in Ont• sided and prospered. will take up this matter with the ob- ject in view .of amending the new school arid, It in. George W. Ross, was ma - Act by electing delegates in each and tWednesdey of Last week elected to re- every rural section in the County with '.present West Middlesex in the Ontario .rAAtEsxaw�• the object of interviewing the Govern. `a:egisi sturex in the pleas of the former Misses Dora Smith anti Jean Ritchie ment. of Brussels, spent Saturday and Sunday in our village, being the guest of Mrs D. Lienteuant•Governor Snowball dropp- ttlaoDonald, ed dead a; Fredericton (N. B) while George A. Stewart, of Strathroy, the firs Geo. Worner, left on Tuesday for walking to church Sunday night. Ooneervanve standard bearer, was 145, her home at Saskatoon, after spending - or 32 more ti,au Mr. Ross' father Ied the winter with bar parents, Mr. and Lilo stook Afarkets. Mr. Stewart in thegeneral election of Mrs. Thos. Strachan. The following are the quotations: 1955. Quite a number of our young people Exporters' cattle— Per 100 lbs. y Choice $4 90 $5 25 attended the tea mooting at Biuerele, Bzedium 4 75 4 90 eftEM. Monday night and report a good time. Bulls 4 00 4 255 s, s, oele tote 600 or 700 cords of wood Chas. Lske talks of goiug to the West Light 3 65 Cows 4 00 4 25 Feeders— best 1000 pounds and up- wards 3 75 4 QO Stockers choice 3 00 3 25 er, con 11, tete peen sold to Rich Mit- Wingham last Wednesday. " bulls2 00 2 25 ellei1, aleo of this locality, for the sum of Miss Janet Andrews, who has spent B picked'— 4 40 4 80 et1.500. Possession will be given in several months with her sister, Picked Choice ... 4 50 • 4 65 April. Win Hamilton, returned to her home at Medium.... 400 4 25 The 100 sere farm of John Savage, lot Dungannon last week, Cows.. , • .... 2 50 3 75 15, con 3, his been purchased by Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Jno Lamont, of Little Bulls 2 25 2 50 Hoga— n synard, of the same line, for the sum Rapids, Algoma, returned home after an est 6 90 of $4,£09, and he will get pm.ession next enjoyable visit among friends in this Lights 6 65 mouth. Mr. Savage has bought a farm Sheep— Exportn'ir Dnngancou and will remove there. ewes 4 7500 Bneks.,,, Wednesday- morning of last week, Jas Culls... . . - 3 50 T. Da idson left for the West where he Spring Lambs per lb.. 5 50 hos spent a number of years. Risby. Calves, each........,... 3 00 to send a delegation to watt npou the Goverment tie Soso as. arra, emeuts oen be made, to state our obeectines. 1'S*A131.FSI E11 2812. 1I TIIEsa Xi. 8. Feet 0 T. i tttiytenea ea b Paoi•airiTop in the blood that varies blotches, piW liles, eczema, boils, bait rheum or bad. coiupteetou. Dr. Wilhauts' Pink Pills snake rich, red Motet that banishes these troubles, liars. Osborne, wife of Andrew Osborne, clerk of the Tori ^whip of Iie re- nebeo, Froutenao Coaaty, Out , writes; ' I cannot epeak ton highly of D. Wit- linins' fink Pills. for cuey did for oto what doctors failed to do. Some years Tfi.'?s:�laAY. FEBRUARY 28, t907. ago I was attacked by salt rheum hi the hands, caused by it run down condition of my blood. 1 eudared the tortures of this terrible disease for some time, and only those who have bee.i similarly et• thottel eau realize m,• suffering. At times nay hands wer eio bad that I could The Senate committee on railways has not count my hair, I wee helpless. I throw +'tat the bill to incorporate the consulted a doctor but his treatment Bt J ,-t +,.t Traaaportation Co wbiok ie failed to benefit cue—my rasa Feeuled molts AND COMMENTS. incurable. While in this con ion I to bead tt cnt:al from St J t.eph, on Lake road of Dr. Williams' Ptak P s Red de- Hnr•in to Port Senile), on Loke Ede. ceded to give him a trial. onn I began Last Huron Liberate will meet at to improve and by the tithe I h=d tal:eu about a dezen bo ae >•. was completed) Brresele next Tuesday afternoou. to cured and I hay t slue had the seete,t a candidate for the Legislature. Rltghtest return o the trouble I can As Aroeie Hislop, M P. P. is now the heartily recommend Dr Witiiams' premie_, who resigned some time ago to enter the Slate. The Liberal candi- bate"s mej nity over his opponent, Mr. o.. new at the Haufryn brickyard ready for nt:St PPason'a operations. The flee 100 acre farm of Albert Cart - for the hammer. Several from this vicinity attended the Leishman -Busman wedding at vicinity. (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Eckmier and Miss Fern spent Sunday with Ethel friends. &r. Harold Hogg, visited at Joe Simp- See•i<., is his destination. He was an- son Sunday afternoon. cot:waned by hoe brother Joe, who goes Jos. Combes of Molesworth paid Jam- e -a' for the firet time. estown a flying visit on Monday. The gnarautiae for smallpox has been Lawson ging went to Moorefield on lift td from the house of Elijah Rea. Saturday, where he is the guest of Mr. There are wee cases at the Holmes and Mrs. Imes. homestead and the Bradford house is *till on the hat. Dr. Sproule, of Toren• J Ring is not regaining strength as to..e in ettoad 1'ir.;., being quarantined rapidly as his many friends would wish. es roll as the families mentioned. Ile has been removed to his son's home Dui e'et school, w! i''b was closed to pre. au' z'rof Rereading the disease has resumed operations as has Moies- Wertli school. where he can be better waited on. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bryans entertained a few of their friends on Monday evening. D. L. Strachan, Postmaster at Pine Friday morning,morning, Fob. lSth, Bira Joan River, visited his parents here on Son - Ii Elshoo 5th con, teas summoned from day last. the earthly Lome t) the House of Many Mr. Geo. Mason of Wingham, took Mansions and Ir:_.,. d peacefully away charge of the service in the hall last after eat 1llaess et about 5 mouths. Sunday night where he addressed a large Pneumonia and Ilawt failure were the and appreciative andienoe. On Wednesday night of thin week the subject of City life or country life will . , be discussed at the regular meeting of the literary and debating society. .d .� Dbctoi {� The managers of Victoria Hall par - J 1 pone holding a grand eoncert On the 28th ;Met in the hall here, when the beet local im ..c., a - 1talent will assist in the programtne;there !L will alas be a aeries of ma;; tc luuteru dictnes it leers. -... _ ; Tsar. Elijah. Jachile sold a three year 1 Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is not ; . Old filly Inc which he received $200. Mr 11 a simple cough syrup. It is a ' JOckhn always had the, best. strong llledicine, a doctor's ( M. N el lir, assessor for Grey Tp a - - : has been calling oe the ratepayers of -medicine, It cures hard cases, ; i this vicinity; taxes are not among the severe and desperate cases, n eit ll bills the farmers have to pay. - Chronic cases of asthma, plea- p Dr P. a and wife called on Jsme$tosvn risy, bronchitis, consumption. - ',friends on Monday. Ask your doctor about this. = i - 'the nest kind of a testimonial* i? "Bold for ever sixty yerre') i u:•ttberry Schools d • rrrirr.rsost _ • ' Representatives from the school see „'t�e,t.G Ayer do., Doren,/tut. aisa,nc aGuw,crt or tion$ of the ToWnahip of Turnberry met P siRSA:'ARti.4A. - to S Seotiin. O. 0. on heeday, Feb. 1 epetit 19th. to decide tepee a unttotm position / titin t'lsoR. iu regettd to the Sebool Ant, and to for - w. bare „0 0M as.! are apnbtisa ; mutate a definite plate of ^toted action ferr>ranisen Or oh Leasoi1 e5. in requesting the (Obyertiment to repeal the W i` !i certain ob jeotiooable featuresr. Ota M Hastert ruceveht by tett i The meeting yme Baas dy non partial+^ kit coat of Ayor's Bills at bedtime. and intensely tamest. It tree d, side( t cr"410-4**~*"akelpolesoom-w~l.rip—• BARGAINS, BARGAINS /18 el T=.IE "BIG STORM," WINGI3AIVI, ONT.. UNTIL FEB. 2 l st We announce Bargains in our Tailoring Department In order to give opportunnty to any who may yet wish to take advantage of the low prices in our mer- chant tailoring department, we have extended the time to February 21st. These are price inducements you cannot afford to let go by you. SUITS - OVIRGOATS 7 Suit Lengths only of our fine Scotch and English Tweeds tont Worsteds, worth $22, for $13.50 , 11 Snit Lengths only of our $20 Sults, now - - 17.00 10 Suit Lengths only of our 'Sig Suits, at - 15.00 10 only of our $1,6 Shite, at 13.00 Only a few Ieft, at the same reductions. Also special bargains in - PANTS - and a large stook to select from. • Come early and get firet choice. Remember, these are not old styles, out of date, but made any style to snit von. Cat and made on the premises. IV Sweatshop 'Work Uere. MEN'S FU$NISfINGS—Although our stock is all new you eau nick up lots of speoial bargains, such as Underwear, Caps, Fur Collars, Mitts, Gloves, etc. We sell the bust Overalls made in Canada (The Monarch), all double -stitched seams and made in good style. r1AX.WEL,L i HILL Merchant Tailors and fen's Furnishers. . Collm.alfg.-1~44.1%.0".."6.4„.00~4 4stikroSd.u.k.%4444.settmette 525. 4 50 4 00 6 20. 7 50- wINonAaI AI .1U IT F.f:PORTS Wingham, Feb. 27th, 1907 Flour per 100 lbs .... 2 00 to 2 60 Fall Wheat ,.,, .... 0 70'to 0 70 Oats 0 3o to 0 35 Barley .... 0 45 to 0 50 Peas 0 76 to 0 76 Buckwheat 0 50 to 0 60 Butter 0 22 to 0 22 Eggs per doz 0 22 to 0 22 2 50 to 3 00 Wood per cord lTay , per ton S 00 to 11 00 Potatoes, per bushel new0 45 to 0 50 Tallow per lb 0 5i to 0 05 Lard ... 0 15 to 0 15 Dried Apples per Ib 006 too 06: Live Hogs, per owt6 10 to 6 10 Turkeys, drawn........ 0 10 to 0 13 Geese, " OOSto010 Ducks, per lb 0 OS to 0 10 Chickens, per ib 0 O8 to 0 10 Diamonds, We have theta from $8 tip, wad an immense stook to cheaee from We are hacinit for E eSTER ep e- clat bargains in --Hand Pointed China „ea —Crosses —Pendants —Watches --Necklaces —Cat Glass, eta , eta. I' -ort are not in Landon, Write n§ —it vvili pay yea. C.N. Ward 86 Co. 3774 Richmond Sir LONDONI, ONT. 1 1 ..I1 .100 r 316 ERR. TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA i, ,Red Bell Tea Red Bell Tea Red .Bell Tea ee llive t re e s THE BEE HIVE THREE STORES. WQNGHAM AND GORRIE A RUSH Off' B I BSS There's a 1 ush of business in the Dress Goods de- partments of these 3 stores. Repeat orders for exclusive dress lengths of newest weaves and colorings fills the de- partments for this week's selling. We're after the latest and best for Bee Hive customers and we always get it. Groceries of Extra Quality. We allow nothiug but the highest clase groceries to pass into Bee Hive departments, and sell them at the very closest possible margin of profit . A trial order for Groceries makes a new customer every time. We have a special bargain this week -5 cans of choice peas for 25o. We pay high- est prices for farm produce and part cash if so desired. New Clotb.in.g for Men and Boys. A heavy purchase of Men's and Boys' Suits all made. to oar special order of the best tweeds and worsteds of English and Canadian manatee" - tnre. Every Suit made up with best linings and equal in fit and finish to regular ordered tailor made goods. Pricea here will save you dollars. American Coal Oil Kept -in Stock. It pays to deal at The Bee Hive 3 Stores THE BEE HIVE CO. WINGHAM STORES : Next door to Elmer Moore's and in The Carey Stand. f1 Are You Bald or is your hair becoming thin and faded If so, your personal charm is vanishing. That's the name of OUR. OWN BLEND NEW PACK&GE TEA. In the future we're going to pat up in l Ib, and ' ib packages our Lawn Special Blend of Tea, to be known as Kerr's Red Bell Tea. We will guarantee every package to be just as good as we say it is, And we say that its the best, the vera best Tee, on the market for the money. The regular price of this "Red Bell Tea" is 35s and 50a a lb. black or mixed, But to introduce it we are offering it for a time at 28c and 400 alb. If you're a lover of good Tea try the "Red Bell Tett". Give it a good fair trial. If you da this, yoa'll always use Kerr's Red Bell Tea, OUR BARGAIN TABLE. „ Our Bargain Table has proved to be quite a success, This week we offer in addition to very many other money -saving opportani• ites a big bargain in Writing Tablets. Nearly. 300 Writing Pads, goad linen paper, ruled or plain, regular price I5c each, special price `Jc each. More Bargain Prunes, 20alba, jest received, selling at 50 a lb. Dress Goads Department attractive jast now, new goads arriving continually. The most popular weaves and the most fashionable shades. Fancy Tweed Suitings, Grey Worsted Suitings, black and white Worsted Suiting, pretty spring color- ings blended in two and three tone shadings. . moi. Sic ++V+++++++++4+++++++++4++4 ++++++++++++++++++0+++++++ •7,11a + KS * f +• + — 4 + +' d + t + +for the liberal patronage we have enjoyed in the •4. + past, and in return we have decided to give all Z ♦ our customers an excellent chance to f • + 4. ♦• 4• + A : w ,a yr h ... lio at special prices until April lst. 4.I CHAIRS, CHAIRS ! I tAnyone wishing to get an outfit of chairs at the $ • cut price, call and see what are made in Winghatn •• + Chair Factory, as we have them all set up to + choose from. 40 per cent. off list price till April 1st. Now this is a chance that seldom comes • •y• our way ; take advantage of it. f + * Bedroom Suites and Sideboards 1 See what are made at the Union Factory. Sold f xat the same cut price as chairs. We have them + all set up to show you. $ ♦ s e ... _ . 4' Prot Ourene nil I Gouches and Parlor Suites ran overcome the Fhortcnmiva by providing substi ntes in his Leeks' Curly and Wavy Fronts, Wigs, Potupsdoura• Transformations, Switches wavey sad plain, eto. Gents' Toupees and Wigs• --the finest of the finest, made . to look, fit and Wear well Over 75 thousand near in ase. All 'users are happy and benefited together. Won't you join in ? Coll and AFa the Prof's great display at the BRUNSWICK !HOTEL, WINGIIAMI, on famous creations in HAIli, GOODS. Wednesday, March e THE »OTI NWEND CO„ OF TORONTO, Ltd. • We carry the best in stock, which will be sold at _ • cut prices up to April tst. SPRINGS All the best, guaranteed. 4' + • and MATT tnaie at Walker & Clegg's, and F Now is your chance to get all the Furniture you need for Spring, before you get busy. 4 * W2Ikr'es Furniture Store1+ I7ndertaking ilromptly and satisfactorily attended to. • +4+44++4+4+++4++++4++++♦++ ++++++++++++++++++++++4++4