HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1982-09-22, Page 19THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEPTEMBER 22, 1982 7 AIT It's e findin a bundl of CASH to sell 1 Cooling Events 1 Corning Events 1 Coming Events 4 Help Wanted • 8 Farm Stock 11 Articles for Sale 11 Articles for Sale ROAST BEEF Supper, Bruceficld United Church Wednesday. October, 20, . 1982 from 5-8 p.m. Adults $h.00, children 6.12 $2,50, under Free, Advance tickets only. • 1.76.1 'FOUGHLOVE meeting, Monday. September 27.'1982 at 8 p.m.. Seaforth Public School, For information phone 527-0418. (•76x1 • BLY I H Figure Skating Club presents "Harvest Fashion Fest" in Blyth Public Sthoo'l, Wednesday. Oct, 6 at 8:00 p.m. Admission $5.00 in- cluding dessert ,and coffee. Tickets available at Blyth Saga and 523.9436. 1.76.2 DON'T miss "Brigand" at the Saturday C'iderfest down- town. (They have just signed a contract for Thompson Hall in Toronto). See details. in ('idcrtest booklet. 1.76-1 THE family of Laird and Ruby Finlayson wish to invite friends, neighbours and rela- tives to a dance honouring their parents' 25th wedding anniversary on October 9 in Hensall. No gi''ts please. -- 1?h.2 100 Huntley Street Rally. Northwestern High School. Stratford, Friday, October 1, 7;,1(1 p.m."Rev. Gordon Wil hams, Mr.. R. Rutledge, .7hx2 LOSE weight. We pay you $1.00 for cvt'ry pound' you hoc' on the Shaklee Slim Plan. Government approved and s..t up by nutritionists. For information phone 52-.0144. 1-"bxl RFNA MacKenzie. 113 S. Main St.. Seaforth, invites all neighbours. relatives and friends to an Open House on her 90th birthday. Thurs. Sept. 30. 2 p lit. to 5 p.m., - p.nt. •9. I -"haI 616 Annual Heritage I)ay Niagara Christian CulLgc. Saturdas. October 2nd, 10 00 aim 6:00 p.ni.. Fort Eric. Ontario Homemade food. hand made crafts. gospel mush. quilt auction and climax 1 00 p m 1,7601 LOW ,list Fall bus tours. Make plans for a ons• dos tour to I'ncic foni's ('akin Mu scum and .lack Miner's Burd Sanstuar% Details (519) ti8,1 29-8 1 -601 El I SHI RTON'S Split Rail Festis al, September 24. 25. 26 features oscr 100 craft booths with demonstrations of pioneer skills on the Arena grounds. Don't miss it. 1 .'601 wAST I. rectos tion drive, Brussels Mennonite Fellow- ship Open Oct 15. 2•- p.m. Newspapers. cardboard. tins. glass Proceeds for world ss Ide relief Phone 88'-6348. --h-1 DRAMA. September ••30. 8 p.m. n. n o I "Mennonite nit c Central Committee Players" used stories and plays to illustrate the issues confronting the Global church and its work- ers. Brussels Mennonite Fel- lowship welcomes you. I -76.1 THE family of Arnold and Margaret Dale wish to invite relatives and friends to join in the celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary. Open reception in Clinton on Satur-. day, September.2S, 1982 from 8 - 1 a.m. Best wishes only please. i -76x1 AN Open House will -be held in the Sunday School Rooms of the Brussels United Church on Sunday, October 3, from 2 to 4 p.m. in honour of the 50th wedding anniver- sary of The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. R.G. Hazlewood. Everyone welcome. 1.76x2 ANNUAL turkey banquet, Belgrave Arena, Wednesday., October 6' at 7 p.m. Tickets avaihtble at Blyth Printing and stores in Bclgrave and Wingham. 1.75-3 REGISTRATION and meet• ing night. September 29. 1982 at 8 p.m. in Cromarty Church for first Cromarty Scout. Cub and Beavers, -' - 1'S2 SHOWER for Dianne Thorn- ton on Wednesday, Septcm- her 29 at 8 p.m. in Brussels Anglican Church. Everyone welcome. 1.75.2 STORYTIMF. for children ages 3-4, at Brussels Branch Library on Wednesday, Sep- tember 15 to October 27, at 10:30 a.m. Preregistration required. Free admission. 1.75.2 BINGO In Dublin 1'nmrnun11 ( entre es en Friday night. Grow ing jackpot. Dublin and District Athletic Association. Sept. 10 jackpot $450.00 in 53 calls I ".1 tf OPF.N house at First Presby• terian Church, Seaforth in honour of Jim and .lean Keys' 50th wedding anniversary on Swi. Sept. 26th from 25.30 p.m. I "5x2 THE family of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ryan invite all rela- tives, friends and neighbours to attend a reception in honour of their 35th wedding anniversary to be held in the Mitchell Community Centre on September 25th, 1982. No gifts please. 1.75x2 aINGO - every Tuesday evening at VANASTRA CiENTRE R.R. 5, CLINTON 1st regular card 51; 15 regular games of 515; 3 -Share -the - Wealth, Jackpot 5200,00 must go. Admission restrict- ed t tQ.16 years or over. 1.65-tf CLINTON Legion Bingo, every Thursday, $ p.m. 1st regular card $1. Restricted to 16 years or over. 15 regular games of 515.00, 55. least on split.. Many other specials, Jackpot 5200 must go each week. 1.65-tf HARVEST Dance, Vanastra Recreation Centre, Satur- day, September 25, Music by ,toe Overholt, $7.00 per per. sun. Danving 9.1. Lunch provided. Proceeds for hall maintenanec. Sponsored by . the Township of Tucker. smith. Advance Tickets 482.3544 or 482-9320. 1-73.4 PERSONAL secretary/book- keeper, or full time. gee er, part time P Apply to Box No 2. c/o Clinton News -Record, Box 39, Clinton, Ont. NOM ILO. 4-76-I VOLUNTEERS are needed to assist at the Lady Diana Nursery with handicapped pre schoolers for a morning program beginning Sept: 7, 1982. For more information call Mrs. Gerry Vanden Berg 482.3053or482-7634,4.72-4 5 Bus. Opportunity UNEMPLOYED? Prepare to earn money during tax sea- son. Income tax course by correspondence. Free bro; chure. Write: U & R Tax Schools, 1148 Main St.. Win- nipeg, Manitoba R2W 3S6. 5.7601 OUTSTANDINGbusiness opportunity. Aracan Interna- tional offers a recession -proof cash business in the fast - foods field. This is not .a franchise. nor a coin -vending proposal. Consider these ad- vantages: proven high profit, no selling. excellent expan- sion potential, no fixed over- head, top products anct,train- ing. Part-time /full-time. Cash investment 527,500.00 (416) 624-0000 ext. 42. 5-7601 2 Lost, Strayed 1 navy sweater trimmed with white. zippered. size 8. Lost m •i'uckersmith Township. Bayfield River area. If found call 52--1822evenings. 2.76-1 3 Found BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES --Are.you Interested in increasing your income with tax benefits/ --Are you of business, manage- ment, sales or teaching back- ground? --Would you like 10 share Our 25 -year history of nutritional and cleaning products with others/ Send resume to THE HURON EXPOSITOR, Box 3874, Sealorth, Onutrlo FOUND in Cromarty over a month ago, a pair of steel runnicd Blas+cs. 345-2657, A fncndls black curly haired dog n ith collar. If it is yours or if sou w ant It. phone .145.20- 3 "6.1 4 Help Wanted IN CASE OF RAIN Ciderfcst EVENTS & ENTERTAINMENT WILL BE HELD AT SDHS GYM SAME TIME CLASSIFIED RATES DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS 12 NOON TUESDAYS Charges are based on the number of words. Set of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers. phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate wards. FIRST INSERTION -15 words 53.00, 10c per word thereafter SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS -No copy changes, 8c per word. minimum 52.00. Accepted in multiples of half inch BIRTHS -15 words, 53,00; 1Oc peer word thereafter. MARRIAGES, ENGAGEMENTS, DEATH NOTICES -15 words, 53.00; each additional word 10c. iN MEMORIAMS-$3.50 plus 15c per line of verse COMING EVENTS -15 words 53.00, each additional word 10c. CARD OF THANKS -30 words 53:50. each additional word Sc. SOe DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE THURSDAY NOON iN WEEK OF INSERTION BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE -S1 50 per insertion. SEMI-DiSPLAY FIRST INSERTiON-.19 per agate line SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS -,16 per agate line (Minimum size in this category 21 agate lines) No cancellation of multiple insertions advertisements after Noon Tuesday Phone 527-0240 CAPABLE middle age live-in housekeeper and companion to an elderly lads in Wing - ham Appls Box 36"6 c n The Huron Expositor. Box 69, Seaforth, Ontario 4.762 KNI i f FRS Famih & Child• rcn's sen ices Christmas Bureau are in need of knitters to make hats. mills. slippers. socks For more information sill Anne Van Dtoren 52-. 0098, Catherine Hak 52- 12-6. These items arc used for our meal needs at Christina, Please give us sour support 4.-6 2 F 'ON estra Hones Show nur quahts hoe 1.1 cards and gifts to friends. neighbours. re la ns es Ni. experience nct 'S- an Writ(' or phone tndas for information anti free. colour ( hristnias sataloguc It's Bass and profitable. Monarch Greetings, Box 516, Harrill. ton 18N 1K 1 (416152-3891 4 -h0I ( \RI 1 R in trucking trans. port dris ens need Train now, for sour Class A Lcence. Write Niers Orr's Transport unser training School. P.O. Rix 1186, Cambridge N3H 450 4_-601 WORKING WOMEN do son Kase all the money you need" Would you like to have the opportunity to make an extra 5100 per week? It's easy and it's exciting and it doesn't matter if you are a housewife. shopkeeper. sec• roan. farm girl or that you alrcads have a parttime job. If Soli arc serious about making more money fill nut and mail the coupon today. 1 0 mild like to know how to make an extra 5100 p. w, working in my spare time Name Address . . 7 Situations Wanted BOYS age 11.14 looking for work after school or week• ends. Phone 52"-00Sb. -;"6x1 1 WANTED: Full-time. part time job. odd jobs, Bill Price 52".0509. "•"6x2 WILL do re -upholstering car seats, kitchen chairs. etc. 52-.1312. -•h_tf B..I Enterprises Automotive repairs. Free estimates to cars. vans. 4x4's, small trucks, highway tractors. die• sel or gas. 1f you need your mobile fixed, call Skip oT Jim 52".1344. Reasonable rates. '-5.,1 HERE is a man, he is a jack of all trades, he can do anything from electrical, battery oper- ated. mechanical, interior or extortor work at a very reasonable rate. All you have to do is to pick up the phone and Ball Bob or 1 cd 527-1344. 7.73.4 CASH for crippled or sore footed livestock. cattle. cows and stockers.hogs. Phone 519-876-3250 or 834-2020. ' 8-68-tf 9 Farm Machinery 14 Property for Sale 14 Property for Sale EFa�Q.o_ EsTiaTElliga LT®. NEW IDEA'2 row wide picker with late model 314 sheller, good condition, kept inside. Phone 393-6305. 9.76.2 10 Used Cars OAK library desk. 30" x 40" top.3 drawers and typewriter leaf, in good condition. $200.00. 527-0493 after 6. 11 -?6x1 A pair of girls figure skates, size 10, worn 3 times. Phone 345.2636. 11-76.1 SEMI -automatic 22 cal. with scope and a 410 ga. shot gun. 527-0255, 11.76x1 YOU pick tomatoes, broccoli and beans. Also available be peppers, cauliflower, pota- toes. onions. squash etc. Te -em Farms, R.R. 1 Bayfield 482.9940. 11 .76-1 1970 Chevelle 30 -,body fair. Best offer. 482.7126. 10-76- h' 1980 Acadian, 4 cylinder. 4 speed, 2 door hatenack, Radials. low miles, safetied, Al condition. 55.000 or best offer. 887-9216. •10.76.2 11 Articles for Sale ' 4 matched autographed col- lector plates Chapter 1 "Pre- serving a way of life" 5395.00 Art Court Limited, 59 Erb Street, East, Waterloo, On tario N2J IL? (5191886.3230. 11.7601 OVEN ready roasting chick- ens, 8.9 Ib. average. Avail- ble now. Phone Robert Cole- man. 262.3031. 11.75.2 APPLES: McIntosh, Sparton, Cortland, prune plums, cider apples now ready. Pick your own Snows; Sweets. Kings. Greenings, Delicious starting Sat. Oct. 2. Spys and Russets Sat.. Oct. 9. Picking days Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Bring containers. McClymont Orchards, I mile south of Varna. Phone 482.3214. 11-'6.1 1 pair of mens Bauer skates, size 6'1: 1 pair of Nordica downhill ski boots. ladies size 8 skis, bindings and one Sekine ten speed hike. Call 52-•1544 after 8 p.m. 11.-6-1 AUTOMATIC; Westinghouse washer in good working order. S50.00. Call 52-•0493 after h. 11.-6x 1 GOOD used Franklin stove with brass balls and acces- •so.ries.345-2234. • 1I -76x1 BUNK bed from 5179. Sit and Sleep Liquidators, 550 Huron St„ Stratford. Ontario. 273-4570. 11.76.1 FREE 1982 "Special Edi- tion" S.I.R. catalogue. Sup- plying Canadians with out- door sporting equipment since 1924. S.I.R. Mail Order Dept. 015 1863 Burrows Av- enue. Winnipeg. Manitoba' R2X 2V6. 11-7601 SOFA beds from $299. Sit and Sleep Liquidators, 550 Huron St., Stratford, Ontario, 273-45'0. 11.76.1 PICKLING cucumbers for sale. All sizes available. John Segeren on Hwy 98, .3 miles west of Seaforth 482-9217. 11.76.2 ANTIQUE rocking chair and 200 gallon oil tank. 527-1977 11 -?6x1 'TO give away kittens, house broken. 527-1219. :11-7b-1 20 bags of Fredrick seed wheat, 25 kg. bag 55.00 a bag. 527.1974. 11.76-1 ( VIII i I1I )tai� 'REAL ESTATE L:TOl:'i Real Estate Ltd. Clinton Phone: 482-7371 BOSHARTdining room suite, 6 chairs, corner china cabinet and table with 2 extension leaves. Also 1 Kelvinator fridge. Phone 527.1587. 1I.76x3 PUPS to give away. 527.0599 11 -?6.1 WINDFALL Macs, 54.00• a bushel, prune plums, fresh cider, red and white potatoes, cooking. Spanish onions. honey. special NI Macs, 57.00 a bushel. Art Bell's Fruit Farm, 524-8037. 11.76-1 MATTRESSES from 569. Sit and Sleep Liquidators, 550 Huron St., Stratford. Ontario 2-3-4570. 11-76.1 I ss ill baby sit in my home ('all anvtimc..145 2652 - -2 4 8 Farm Stock 5 piece colonial kitchen set and two pair of mens skates. size 8. 52- 1868. 11.-6- I SWIMMING Pools, Clear• ance prices from 5E39.5.00 on complete packages including v. hp sand filter, in *all skimmer. ladder, deluxe vacudm and maintenance kit. etc. Walkways, patio decks, fencing and expert installa- tion also asailable. Call col, lcct 416.945.4173. 11.6Sxtf' REGISTERED Polled Here- ford hulls reads to work Halter broken. Good hind quarters Fd Powell. R,R 1. Wingham. Phone 335 3843 8."62 MI.'ST sell Quarto horse weanling colt, halter broken. gentle. good straight lines. Will register. S'S0. or hest offer. Phone 524.4360 or 482.9960. BRED gilts. York cross Land - race from closed herd condi tions. Due Sept. • Oct. Call Dasc Hannon. 345.20-8. 8 68.8 Phone Box No. 3675 c /o The Heroin Expositor, Box 69. Seaforth, Ontario NOK 1WO '.Si 30 M.e. $1,13 , sec IOW/30He X1.19, sopor Blond SAI 30000 Series III SLIM doe M,...Oe. IOC i. ,*t „ er.,• T order TO (Bring your own conte,nerl S AUTOMOTIVE `. n ..8tr .,..,.,.n1., Pro, .411,•• st,...n 4.75-2 HUTTON FARMERS For a good farm building at competitive prices PHONE: RAY LAMBERS CONSTRUCTION R.R. k2 Clinton 482.3305 FREE. ESTIMATES NEW LISTING 69 acres, 98 highway, farrow: ing barn, raised ranch home, several ponds. NEW LISTING 11/2 floor frame home, central location,. Blyth, double gar- age, under 520,000.00, low down payment. ***rine• 2 acres, 6th line Morris. Victorian brick home, fully renovated, combination fur- nace, low down payment will be considered. I floor brick bungalow. Blyth. finished basement, electric heat, carport. Hwy. 94, "': acres, neat bungalow, attached garage. finished basement, insulated barn suitable for hogs or Poultry. V. acre lot, Kinburn, drilled well, septic system, hydro. 10 acres, near Kinburn, good brick home. small barn. ccc*cc*** Commercial property, main street, ,n Blyth. under 520.000.00, could be resi- dence. s Mi`\U EEh 1 iL11.G 4:2-3224 $3,000 G'`',.,!!T L VAILABLE 515,000.00 is the price on this 1'/2 storey home, aluminum sided, 3 redecorated bedrooms, 2 baths. single garage. Large lot. 518,000.00-2 storey home.O®r'e^DDse to uptown. Possible duplex, Large lot. i7 �a $21,500.00-One floor home in excellent condition, 3 bedrooms, newer roof, new furnace, large lot. $25,000.00-3 bedroom home with modern kitchen, separate dining, centrally located, possible mortgage at lower rates. $28,000.00-Egmondville, 2 storey frame home with an extra Targe lot. Small storage barn. Open for offers. 34,900 -Modernized home, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Located ory large lot to Egmondville. GODERICH STREET-101. S®� - bedroom home in mint condition, family t locks from uptown. HIGH STREE1 SOLD.tlding lot, '/r block from, uptown. $47,500.00.5 yearold brick and aluminum bungalow, 3 bedrooms. full basement, laundry on main. Attached garage. 53,500,00 -New split level home, in mint condition. neutral colouring, attached carport. HOBBY FARMS -1 acre, 3 acres, 31/2 acres, 5 acres, 10 acres. Ranging in price from 540,000.00 and up. WORKMAN 1' 11 Londeshoro, 1' : floor frame home, 3 bedrooms. good starter home. Hiller ((1- \l f\ IJ\IIrFn Real Estate R AI,TON Totalls restcled 3 bedroom home on a , hoice treed lot. Hnmc in Ilk, new condition with new ad,ird fantls room, new kitshcn garage with a down pas to, lit of 52500 and assume rl', existing first mortgage 1 ndor will take hack a ses,'rd mortgage for the balani, ssith no interest for 2 scars Reduced asking price 1 r, ,i( opportunity here. 1.ONDFSBORo Well maint,cned. 1 floor home on a , ('.•Ice lot 140 ft. x 140 0 1imp room, dining room. kit,he^ Colorlock sid• ing. Aston,: 521,900. All offers considered. 6 acres on hic'-way in Clinton arca. 1 bedroom aluminum sided how, steel Karn. workshop Tr\ your offer on this one •+. 0sec BR( SSELS In good rc•iiiential area. 1 stores rem, aced 2 bedroom home. re, room, electric heating. Tr'. 'our offer. Good financing ,'r'.idered. BRI SSELS 3 bedroom hone. good sized livingnoon, separate dining roam, nice kn,hen. Lost' ask. nig price. ME:I ?LATHERS N ingham 357.,1208 LLOYD W . HUTTON RF:Al F'STATE Kincardine 150 ACRES Grey Tw p. set up for dans . 50x100 Karn with stable cleaner. silo and unloader. milk house and hulk cool cr. three bedroom hist k home. Large FC(' mart gage (11.'n, 119 ACRES Systematically drained. close to Stratford 150 ACRES Near Stratford. large beef set up with silos. large fieldstone home. interest ing mortgage. 000000000 I' : storey modern home with good barn set up for hogs Priced to sell In McKillop Twp DUBLIN 1 bedroom immaculate home' 2 bathrooms. car, pet throughout, reads to move in. Assumable mon• gage for about -5"r of purchase price at 11' :"a. DUBLIN 2 bedroom cottage, alumi num siding. gas hot water heating. full basement Ready to mosc inlarge mortgage asaulahlc. .An extra lot alongside with garage and well. This prnperts is in excellent condition. Priced cheap for quick sale. 0000000 We have a choice for you in other farms, homes and commercial lots. Give us a call. JOE O'REILLY 345-2465 100 acres. highway farm. farrow to finish, Hullctt Township. Albert Street, Brussels. 1', stores frame home. large lot and workshop. good starter home. priced for quick sale. 46 acres, highway farm, near \ arna, 2.1 acres workable. hardwood hush, large double home. large barn suitable for hogs lir poultry, large drive shed with workshop Holmes'. 'Ile. 13 acre hobby farm. 1 floor Krick bungalow. pas cd rinse ,small insulated barn Farrow to finish and started pullet farm 54 acres, near Seaforth. high ratio low interest F('(' mortgage 1' : acres. near `1,A"' ipen. 1' : stores h Ot .0 heated workshop ,nsng as ail. able ( 1 15 acres, wooded near Au• burn. large Krick home. coo. hinatinn furnace. 2 small Karns *0.000•• 2 Hiles front ( Inrton. 100 acres, u- workable no hitild• Ings Near Brucefieid. 6 acres. gond frame hnnic. drive shed and barn. -6 acres. near Rl th. 55 acres wnrkahle. large barn. 2 fluor home. dris c shed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 acre. Bluth. 1' : stores brick home. heated workshop LARGE SELECTiON OF . FARMS AND LAND. REAL ESTATE LTD. SEAFORTH OFFICE HENRY A. MERO BILL HENDERSON ST. COLUMBAN OFFICE STEVE MURRAY 527-0430 527-0430 527-0995 345.2172 44 WEST ST.: Ti.�OLD)m brick bungalow. full basement, nice ya ens home. Mid 40s. NEW LISTING: Egmondville. 4 bedroom 1 floor bungalow. family room with fireplace, rec room. 2 baths, 2 lots. all for the low price of 555,000.00. 1800 SQ. FT.: Ranch home with 20' x 40' inground pool, double heated garage, 2 fireplaces. bar with waterfall and pool, much, much more. 5135.000.00. Financing available. SPLiT LEVEL: 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, finished rec room, garage. large lot. 24' x 40' workshop. S98.000.00 HERITAGE HOME: A large brick 5 bedmom home that has been restored to its original beauty. Situated on 2 lots. Must he seen. SILVER CREEK CRES.: 3 bedroom brick ranch style, full basement and country kitchen. Eligible for the 58.000.00 incentive grants. EGMONVILLE: 4 bed SOLD on a double lot with rec room, garage. bale , .,. „ „ch more. 565,000.0 0 SiLVERViEW SUBDIVISION: 2 bedroom Victorian. full basement. attached garage. many many luxurious fcaiures S"0000.00. WILSON ST.: 4 bedroom home. completely remodell• ed with mans umquc features. 559,9 0.00 NEW HOME: 3 bedroom Krick •bungalow. full basement. attached garage, nice lot, eligible for the 58 801 00 in,entisc grants 555.000.00. EGMoND\iI.I.E: DUPLEX: 11 years old. 2 bedroom turns. hill hast mcnt. loss maintenance costs and well rented 54',.00001 BR•ANTFORD ST.: h sr old hrick and aluminum sided 1 bcdr'om home. full basement. carport. 2 baths. mu, h more 542.000 (10 HIGH ST.: 1 argc Krick heritage home. currently duplcs, d ,ind w ell rented Close to uptown 546 500.00 finan,'ne asailahlc STORE ON MAIN ST.: Good los ation. 1200 sq ft of retail area ''i" basement. rear parking and entrance. sin reason ah lc FGMOND%ILIE: 3 bedroom brick bungalow. full basement re, room good location 544.000 00 C01 Elf AN ST.: 3 bedroom hungalnss , full basement attra,',se Int. sera affordable at 538,001 00 EAST Will1AM SI.: SOLI/ bungalow. mcch renosated :argc lot I ..n 53" (1(10 (1(1 JOHN ST.: I ares• 2 stores stucco house, hard, ,o d.. floors '.tamed glass w indosss A nice original home 0- beauttfi:l lot 535 (1(ki 01 E(,MONDV11.1 F: A tills little ? bedroom heck censer is oh full basement and ret room Oil Sia (9 i8 1 cents is ails hit DOt'BI k WIDE': 1 l'cdnsom Bendrx hrnre ,r Fgmnndsi , full hasemcnt, large Int 525 tk10 (11' .1.AMES ST.: If 'mu eser wanted to re'.h'r ,t •^,e old 1 i,lona^ '.'s le 'sonic, this is lint: of the car, !cis 'rt: Stu, li w„rk ,ilrrarts done. sarong. roof (urna,c its 52s IIIb 0,1 38 ANN ST,: I . '.rt:•SOLD bedroom n:,. lot • 51 -.5110 01` EGMONDVII l F.: 1' : stores 3 bedroom hr,, k home. large Int 5`4 UtN',111 N05% 15 THF TiMF FOR NEM HOME RL'YFRS OR FiRST TME BUYERS TO TAKE AD\ ANT AGE OF UP TO '8000 1► A\ •AILAMI: IN FEDERAL AND PROVINCIAL GOVF.RNMF:NT INCENTIVE. GRANTS WE'LI. SEE 1 OL' .AT THE FAIR