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The Huron Expositor, 1982-09-22, Page 17
--- f @amilll and wg© Ne format for Le RemembraLce Da Correspondent MRS. B. M GREGOR 2624025 Mr. Wilfred Mousseau is a patient in South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter. Mrs. Margaret Smith of '1'hedlbrd spent several days sisiting with Mrs, Annie Reid. CARMEL W.M.S. MEETS Mrs. Dorothy Taylor pre- sided for the opening meeting for the fall of Carmel Church W.M.S. on Monday evening se ith two poems "Take Time" and "Work A Little Mrti. Bertha •MacGregor was in charge of the worship. Mrs. Ruby Bell read the Scripture: Matt, 6 verses 5-15 and Bertha gave a topic bn •''1 he Lord's Prayer. The roll call was answered by naming a place you visited during the holidays'. . • The treasurer Mrs. Kathy' Bell gas c the financial report. It was announced the Fall • Rally w ill he held in Carmel .C'hurch. October 13. Mrs, Muir and Mrs. Thompson to look after the lunch. Mrs. Margaret Hoggarth will be in -cfiafie",.'of'(the October 4 itlet'�t i n);. Mrs. Dorothy'I'aylor read a soot's "Hard Luck -•Pot Luck" and .gale readings "Where Dill int Fit !O.' and "Beyond I , unnrru•.ti ". Tea was served he Mrs Hyde and Jean Snell. Mrs. Margaret Hoggarth chaired the Ladies,' Aid meet• ing which followed and wel- comed everyone hack. She stated she had taken a Flower arrangement to Mrs. Mar. len. Bell. Mrs. Moir reported lar the quilt committee and Mrs Eleanor Thompson re• ported for the kitchen corn• notee. It w as decided to hold ,t Rummage Sale at the hureh (October 23 at 2 p.m. Ani articles may he Icft at the church October 22 or tele- phone 2"2.549I or 262.6902 for further information. The annual bazaar will be held on Saturday. Nov. 6th at 3 p.rn. HENSALL U.C.W. UNIT 2 The U.C.W. meeting of Unit' 2 was held Monday, evening September 13. Elva Forrest presided and opened with a poem "Vacation". Dianne Gerstenkorn gave 'the devotional, reading from Psalm 126 Verses 5 & 6 followed by meditation "Planting and Reaping". The offering was then taken with prayer by Elva. 14 members answered the roll call with "What Do You Get Out of Your Meeting." The topic "Economic Sue - cess Story" was taken by Hazel 'Corbett. It told bf the country of Jordon, 80 per cent barren 'desert and how it has risen to economic success with much of the credit going, 10 King Hussein. -- Dianne conducted the bus- iness part of the meeting. Joyce said to thank everyone for the Flowers iii August. Unit 2. -is responsible for the decorating of the church for Thanksgiving, the devotion for the General meeting in October, sale of church cal- endars for 1983, and catering to a wedding on Nov. 6. The Regional meetjng is being -held at Thames Road United Church, October 5 with .Dr. Alma Langford 'as guest speaker. Lunch was served by Helen McLean and Deanne • Brock. Rev. Stan McDonald joined us and related some of his experiences in Saskat- chewan when he entered the ministry 25 years ago. THREE LINKS SENIORS MEET The "Three Links" Seniors of Hensel) re -opened their Fall meetings with a pot luck dinner on Tuesday evening with twenty-one in attend- ance. Mrs. Eileen Rennie presiding with Mrs. Shcrritt at the piano. Bertha MacGregor gave the report of cards .sent and Mrs. Eileen 'Rennie gave an outline of the • Convention attended at Sudbury, Percy CAAmpbell, Past President in- stalled the following officers for the ensuing year. Presi• dent•Eileen Rennie, 1st Vice President -Hilda Payne, 2nd Vice•President•Aldeen . Vol - land, Treasurer -Dorothy. Brintnell. Secretary -Bertha MacGregor. Carl and Hilda, -.Payne will arrange lunch for the October meeting and Ruby Bell and Bertha MacGregor will be in charge of the entertainment. A bus trip for the group is being arranged for October 5 to the Cullen Gardens at Whitby. Anyone wishing to take the trip are, asked to contact Bertha MacGregor at the earliest possible date. TheiFall Rally,is being held at MFKay Hall, Goderich; October 8. Registration at 9:30 a.m. Please contact the President Eileen Rannie 262- 2005 or Bertha MacGregor at 262.2025 if you can drive or wish a ride. Slips were handed out for name suggestions for the Seniors building, which is in - prbgress, Euchre prize win- ners were: Ladies High- Nel- lie Riley, ladies' consolation Irene Davis, gent's high Myrtle Shcrritt, consolation Evelyn Flynn, lone hands Mary Broadfoot, REBEKAH'S DEDICATE JEWEL BOX Amber Rebekah Lodge members met on Wednesday evening with Noble Grand Bertha MacGregor presiding, assisted by Vice Grand Mrs. Gladys Coleman. Following the business a dedication service was performed when a jewel box to be placed in the Lodge room, given by a donation of the family of the late Sister Mrs. Inez McEwen and a donation from Sister Edith Bell in memory of her mother the late Mrs. Keene. While Mrs. Bell presented the jewel box for dedication. Sister Dorothy Parker gave a most impressive ceremony in memory of the departed sisters whose jewels will be placed in the hos, Acting Warden Sister Beatrice Rieh.trdson assisted with the ceremony. Mrs. John Skea Jr. of Edmonton visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. John Skea. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Chaffs and Sally of Mitchell visited un $tlnday with Mrs. C'haffe's parents Mr. and Mrs. .lack Corbett. . HENSALL BRANCH OF THE CANADIAN LEGION - MAKES PLANS The Hensall Branch of the Legion stet on Wednesday with ,President Irvine Ferris presiding. A donation of $300.00 from the Poppy Fund was made to Parka oud Veterans Hospital (Building fund) and ap- proved. Bingos at the Community' Centre. Hensall was discuss• cd and it was decided to hold a Bingo every second 'Thurs- day commencing Oct. 1982 during the winter months. There is ill be sonic changes in the Remembrance Day banquet this year. 1t will he held in the Community Cen- tre, Hensall. 'Thursday No- scnther 11 for members and their se is CS, auxiliary rner- hers and husbands. also guests of members. • ":1t the going dna n of the sun and in the morning, we alit remember them," BOB HEYWOOD CONDUCTS SERVICE Bob Heywood conducted the scrsice in Carmel Presby- terian Church on. Sunday delivering an inspiring mes- sage from the Scripture of St. Matthew. Ile also sang sev• era' numbers accompaming himself on the accordian, Mrs, Doroths Taylor presided at the organ and led the choir in Ute singing. Res. Knight was conducting service at !Merton Church n QUEENSWAY VISITORS Bill Triebner of London visited with Mrs. Muriel Triebner. Francis Gibson and Edna Weber of Dashwood visited Irma Schroeder. Iso• bel Alcock visited with Cora Alcock. Robert and Ruth Wilds and Nancy Mnhns visited Irma Wilds. Rev. Forsythe conducted church service at the home, Neil Regan was high bowl- er. Residents enjoyed a bus trip to Western Fair last week. FORMER RESIDENT PASSES iN TORONTO The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to Mrs. Jessie Armstrong, whose sis- ter Miss Mary A, Buchanan died in Sunnybrook Hospital, 'Toronto. She was a nursing sister in W.W.I serving in hospitals in England. Franch and Belgium. The fur&ral lyas held from the Bonthron Funeral Home of Michael P. O'C'onnor. Hensall on Tues- day. Mrs. Mary Moody of Grand Prairie. Alta. spent the past tell days visiting with her parents Mr: and Mrs. Stewart Blackwell. George and rela- tives and• friends. Mrs. Keith Koehler and babe of Fort McMurray visit- ed recently with herr Mother- in-law Mrs. •Pearl Koehler and Don. Mr. Lloyd Mousseau re- cently underwent surgery. in , Univetsity Hospital. London. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Searle in the death of the Tatter's sister in Toronto. Every week more and more people discover what mighty jobs are accom• plished by low cost Huron Expositor Want Ads. Dial 527.0240. Knapsackers meet in Kippen ( orrespondenr RENA CALDWELL 262-5935 PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mc- Gregor, Mapleton. Minn., Mr. and Mrs. Don Cramhlit, • Lake Crystal. Minn.. visited 'Return of the Kippen with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald I:ii,ips.nhers— met al the McGregor and the McGregor home of Kathy Finlayson on enusins in the area. Bruce wpl 0 at - p.m. Different McGregor is a grandson of kinds of wild edibles were Fraser McGregor. ilise usscd• as well as how 10 Mr. and Mrs. George Dick des trails. son. Edmonton were recent .tri apple fruit leather visitors with Mr. and Mrs. w hit h w as made by Mrs. Ronald McGregor. Floggarth previously was We are happy to report that s,ititplcd Plans were final, Mrs• Robert Bell has return• trcd for the club trip and the cd from hospital in London. 111CnU was discussed. Bean harvesting is pro - 11 w as decided, "How 10 he grossing in this area. ,i pi -Heti square" would be Kippen Gun Club met don' for the exhibit. Kathy Sept. - (0ith the following 1 inlasson kindly volunteered scores: 25•Harrison Schock. I,inct Hoggarth for the jnh, Jim Darling. Terry Caldwell. Nest nutting will he held on 24 -Jack Bell. Bert Mahaffy. Sept 20 at - p.m. at the home Jack Mills. Lloyd Venner. Al of I iso Hoornaert Kyle. Dan ('rerar, Jamie Sundae morningwnrship of the program A quartette ai tliirone i(' es as held in the/t'onststing of Mrs Ethel ,h,,pr1 with Res, Norma ,Baker. Mrs Audrey Adair, k ,n a barge Margaret Mrs Helen McIntosh at: - 51,0111.111 sang a solo "Now 1 companw'd at the pian, by Mrs Isabel Campbell sang a medics of fasouritcs Mrs. Anne McMurclty delighted everyone with two humorous readings. A sing song follow• ed with Mrs. Grace Kemp at the piano or ism 1,1 the wird and its use Elsie Henderson on behalf 11 oni ctrl hihhcal days to the of everyone thanked :he present time ladies for a very pleasant 111d IncnMusic with Wil- son Me( anon'} was cancelled i,n Monday due to the fact that the mcn were on the rim, harvesting the crops. Mani residents enjoyed van rides l ucsrla\ Geri Fashions from London wcrc here in the new auditorium for most 'of the das. There was quite an arr:n of garments for the laches. in the fall colors and stslcs there wcrc items for the nun ton. This "store" of 16 Inti 1 , .tests". The an• them selection sung by the boll es as entitled "Confi- drmt• anti Frank Bissett presiding at the organ. Rev. k chose as his sermon st.re„i•" and uild of the afternoon. A note to remind everyone of our fall tea and haiaar to he held Wednesday. September 2.9. The scene will he the new auditorium where many fas- cinating articles will he dis- played for sale. This is a great opportunity for you to begin early Christmas shopping. a special gift for someone spe- cial on your list. Come and share the afternoon with us. A warns welcome is extend, cd to Miss Isabella Victoria goods Kase the residents a Camphcll from Seaforth who great opportunity to add to his come to reside at Huron - their is ardrobe or try some• view and Mrs. Theresa thing a little different. Campbell from Goderich who Wednesday was birthday is spending a holiday with us. parts time for all the resi- We would like to convey dents who had birthdays our sympathy to the families during the month of Septem- of the late Mrs. Janet Zapfe her. 1 he Women's institute who was a popular resident from Molesworth had charge and friend to many. Caldwell. 23 -Glen Mogk, ,lint Butcher. 21 • Grant McGreg- or. Mery Batk in. 19 -Bob Baker. I6. Ra hard Smith land and Mrs, Kenneth Mc Mrs. Harry. A. Caldwell Lcod in Grand Bend on visited with Mrs. Ed Sather- Sunday, Brucefield Sunday School honoured Correspondent ISABEI. SCOTT 482-7590 1uckersmith Unit I met Mond -e evening Sept. 13. Mrs. Haiel McCartney and Mrs. (;race Chapman were in charge of devotions Mrs. McCarthy read a poem "(kiting Home". Rock of Ages es as sung w nth Mrs. Ann Broadfoot at the piano Mrs. Chapman chose her topic -on the beginning a 211th ( cmury Christian looks at Genesis. Mrs. Hanel Me'( acmes chaired the business. Thank sou Cards e' cre read from the Kiss Linde and Sirs Helen Dallas Dates to remember are the dessert euchre flit. 12 Mrs I'itna Patterson read an interesting lent she had ret ci cd from Father Abra- ham in loth,( 1I numbers a!Isis erect the roll all with (UM rhes had spent their summer eat:utun Nest meeting will be held Oet 11 at Bpm Sundas Si hoot pipits re cctyt•ti their terrifieates and seals at the morning seri tie at ehors h g,si n out hs Mrs Beth ( nnpet, sop,nntendrnl and hs the minister Mr Monet Sescral received diplomas for perfect attendance during the year The flowers 111 hurch were in memory (1 Mrs Janet /aphc and Mrs Norman Baird, The sympaths -of the commenity is extended to the families. Miss .lana Allan, Landon spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs. Robert 1' Allan Miss N cads Mustard. Toronto spent the %Ieekcnd (01111 her lather Mt Mustard ( ongrd101,0nm5 to Mrs I.8 Mustard who celebrated her t)?rd 1,1, hday last (0cck Public Meeting Town of Seaforth ONTARIO NEIGHBOURHOOD IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM The Town of Seaforth invites residents to come to a meeting Wed., Sept. 29 at 8 p.m. in the SEAFORTH COUNCIL CHAMBERS to discuss your neighbourhood improvement services as; PARKSAND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES, ROADS, SIDEWALKS, STORM SEWERS AND STREET LIGHTING PLEASE PLAN TO ATTEND As residents. your input is essential. JAMES CROCKER Clerk -Treasurer Town of Seaforth THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEPTEMBER 22, 1982 -- A15 Seaforth & District Minor Sports 19 2 . - 8 REGISTRATIONS and EIpN1ENT SALE Sa ( at tie former Phjmsteel Store ) r es e 2 RS 7p.m. t 9 p.m. (FIGURE Beginner -$35 Junior - $45 Intermediate and Senior - $55 [For family of 3 or more $5 off each fee] Fees include $5 for C.F.S.A. registration Power Skating - $25 GET $35 Registration Fee [$30 tor each child in a family after the first] $20 extra per girl for Travelling Teams House League will also be formed. E MINOR HOCKEY ALL Mite and Novice — 525 Atom — Midget Registration Fee — 545 ALL TEAMS TRAVEL FEE — 530 Family Fee sl 10 on Registration Fee Only NEW HOUSE LEAGUE FORMAT M & M MEATS 04 04 X N ;04 .5 M & M MEATS M & M MEATS SHOP the M & M WAY... BUY BULK and SAVE!!! 0/I/,111 niche✓actor-� /�- BABY WHOLE e CARROTS 2 LB. 4 `• 1 9 REG. CUT 5LB. BOX GREEN BEANS 5 LB. SLICED CARROTS yII4,40404, 43.19 SCHNEIDER COOKED BONELESS SMOKED FRESH KENT HAM 2.9918. 2-3 L8. AVERAGE s* irllls"#isii PL( .' If'1.\ 1 1' ,STon i-:.sP1':(;1 11,,S WE HAVE A NEW SELECTION OF GOURMET FOODS ---READY TO EAT IN 15 MINUTES STORE HOURS Mon., Tues., Wed., Sat. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Thurs. & Fri. 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Sunday noon till 5 p.m. 42.39 r�- �IfsKr�.✓i. !• i R MuMA,� fir, VAIL114 S TOA&MMEATS r:s WED., SEPT. 22nd to SUN., SEPT. 26th PRE BROWNED - ITALIAN VEAL CUTLETS 47.99 '12 - 3,Soi. PATTIES sa, •1 Ill 05 'w MAKE YOUR OWN FISH BURGERS CAPTAIN BURGERS COD FILLETS 5 1 5.50 •5O HOTEL FRESH BACON 42.19 L.B. 11 LB. BOX '24.09 41. ( DICED, FORMED 8 BREADED ' SHRIMPEEZ 2 LB. BOX 47.50 WHILE QUANTITIES LAST 'N' FIRMS AT BUDGET PRICES 4S5 ERIE STREET STATFORD 273.4690 MiMMEATS EATS •