HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-02-28, Page 3Every Nin=e will tell you "Invalids require nourishment that's easily digest, ed, for in cases of sickness the gastric juices are so weakened they cannot act properly on ordinary foods." Some stimulation is also required, but it must be stilaul!tion without reaction. Tea, coffee, spiritous drinks acct similar preparations, are stimulants ---stimulants that react, Beef tea and meat extracts are also stimulants, but with this difference, they don't react. Vet while they have stimulat- ing properties, they are practically devoid of nourishment. "Bovril" - not only stimulates but nourishes ••:s well, for in it the nourishing qualities of beef, fibrine and albumen are fully preserved. Is A TRUE E FOO'�tt Not merely a stimulant. PUNY EAST INDIANS. Mae 1Vzitive Born of English Parente If Are a Sorry Lot. "The queerest sight you see in India Os the native born," saki the sailor, "The native born is the thinnest, soft - )est, laziest, sallerest thiug in the way of a white man that was ever in- vented. t'• "Anti he is the proof that Eualand ta on't never colonize India. For the nglish can't live in India, you see. he moist heat of that there land, with s nights of 110 degrees and its noons 130 or worse, takes the strength and ckbone out of an Englishman, gives film liver trouble - and makes a com- plete wreck of him. 4`If he goes back home, he may re- cover his health. If ho stays in India, he don't never recover it. If he has children born in India, those children are called native born, and for poor, little, puny, spiritless critters they're 'She limit. 'If them native born English have children in their turn -well, that third neration of native born has none, at oast. It Is a generation of idiots, para - tics, cataleptics, cripples. If you was see an army of native born of the d generation, you'd think you had e rams sure. r'Let England get out of India. She oes the Indians only harm, and what she does for herself is to turn tall, ,strong, bloomin' young colonists Into Mein skinny, yeller, whimperin' spec- ters what you call native born." -St. (souls Globe -Democrat. Costs Nothing Mess Cured. Liberal Way In W eh Mi o-na Stom- ach Tablet are Sold. It a friend should t 11 you that he would pay the dootor's bill if he did not cure you, would not it i press yon with the skill of that physioiar ? 1t is really in this way that we sell M' o•na stomach tab. lets, guaranteeing to refund. the money if M2•o•na does not c re. If you have any of he usual symptoms of indigestion and ak stomach, such a9 •ffensive breath isalaam from the nose Dryness of the nose toppige of the nose at Pain across the eyes night Pain in back of head Ching of tate body Pain in front of head roppings in throat s' Tendency to talcecold oath open while Burning pain in the ale int; throat lokl g back of t e Bawking to clear the pal to throat . or tion of c usts in Pain in the Chest the nose A cough 5rvu as of tb throat in Stitch in side the; morn it Losingof flesh moss f sngth Variable appetite pas s4o f coughing Low spirited at times Coughing short and Raising of frothy hacking mucus Cough worse nights and Expectorating; yellow memiteea manor Loss of vital force Difficulty in broathini A feeling of tightness Fiequentsneezing across thoupper part Huskiness of voice of the chest If yon have any ff these symptoms use Mi-o-na stomach tablets. They dost but 50o. a box; nothing if they do not cure. We absolutely aree that your money will be refunded should you buy a ilOo box ot Mi-o.na stomach tablets and not be satisfied with tlko results. Mi-o•na is sold by druggists ervwhere, or will be sent by mail on re eipt of pride, 80e. Write to -day fo a free sample pack age, and also give ne your symptoms, and one of the best known stomach apeo- ialists will give your oase his careful and personal attention without charge. Booth's Mona Company, Buffalo, y. Y c L..., EF V FREE -ro uieTEl? I31Li`(CRS .lOur 1007 Catalogue will tell ee:\ you how to get, Absolutely Free, '' a beautiful Carving Set of Fuer SHEFFIELD STEEL, with ,a, Celluloid Handles and y/ t% Sterling Silver Mounts, /;;c{;r;; enclosed in a handsome ,s./Y`�.s,/ plush and silk lined liirhfri., 4-✓ rYdll ease. The out<.i le bt - i, esisr �i�si :f i•• .J4i`:eC! trite lC,..tb..ala'.. ,rd <.0Xl',fr t. d r I '� \�'1 ri� 1(t‘ a,.attai`.11f1L Catalogue and tidide Book is richly itlest ''.mrd and is free t e everecee aeLs tee it gute con.aine detail; oCnth'r special offers, ere., also gives full details of new and standard vat'ie.ies of Seeds, Plants and Jiu;bs. Write to•daay. DAflCS I I -LINTER SEED CO..rt.imitcd i..ONLsC i1, c.atiac:a. .... . ._ 1A.eYOUR ,i �IIPER •A ' J POULTRY INSTITUTE SPRING POINTERS. The various speakers at the Institute 4trongly empbabized tho necesflity of having vigor in the finis. With strong healthy birds the best results could be looked for if properly fed and housed but with stook that looked that brisk ap- pearance so oharacteristio of the laying heu, there was not mutat hope for profit. The selection of a few of the best win- ter layers of good breed type wan etroug• ly rt•oonlnaended zea one of the very beet methods for improvement in breeding The selected hen* need not be in large numbers, a half downs real good ones are plenty and to these sbould be matt d is mills from vigorous hear y lay io6; par - elite. Selection has beeu advooated by many for years but in not all cases hat it proved satisfactory owing largely to the fact that the farmer eoefined the select; d hens to a squall pen and allowed the large flock free range, The speaker* at the Institute were nil of one mind in regard to free range for bret•ders. Prat; tidally every one's eaperieneeisthat e,ga from free range hens hatch beet, there• fore it would seem good trainees to allow the small flock the range o2 the farm. Much tune was spent on incubation and brooding Mr. W. U. Day gave a very clear and pleasing talk on the soi• enoe of iuenbatieu or how a hen hatches eggs. It was shown that the size of the air cell in the large end of the egg might I vary greatly in different eggs, even in t eggs from the same hen and yet the per. oeutage hatch at quid be about the same. The weighing of eggs volts recommended to theee who wished to batch the best chicks, for the reason that it was thought by many that chicks hatched under nor- mal evaporation had a better chance to live, A hen sitting out ot doors upon the ground evaporates ultut 11% of the weight of the eggs during the process of iuoubation. It was demonstrated that the average incubator evaporates the water from the eggs in larger quantities When one wishes to know exactly what evaporation is taking plane, it is a simpte clatter to weigh the egos at the begin Ring, at the ninth clay of incubation whex the first test is made, and on the eigh teenth day or about the time the into chine ie closed. Experiments appeared to indicate that m isture in large quan- tities was necessary, in many machines, right from the first day of incubation until the last day, to keep the loss in weight as low as in the natural method The brooding of young chicks was fully discussed at the meeting. There was a common idea among tee speakers that chioks should be reared on new ground every year if possible and under no circumstances should young broods of chicks be put on ground where other broods had ranged that year. Many weakling and sickly birds were due dir ectly to the common practice of putting brood after brood in the same brooder find never moviug the brooder to fresh ground, when a new lot was placed iu the brooder, For food for brooder ohick many of the commercial chink foods were recommended and when these could not be had, dry bread crumbs, cracked wheat, small crooked corn, and pin head oat meal were strongly endorsed by men of experience. The idea was advanced by one emitter that some artificially hatched chicks lacked for the first few days of their lives the instiuot of telling what was good food and therefore won d eat anything; for this reason it was ad. vocated not to litter the brooder with material undesirable for a chick to eat. Cat hay and straw were considered a good litter. Wt ft. GRAuAns, Manager Poultry Department. POINTED PARAGRAPHS,. Don't bet on your popularity. About the hardest thing in this world to handle is a jealous disposition. When some people get into trouble they enlist a lot of people to help them out. If you have to keep demanding your rights all the time you are asking for something not coming to you, What a comfortable world this would be if people didn't take such delight in making trouble for each other! A. doctor` hat two classes of people to contend with -those who swear by hill and those who awear at ham. flow yott resent it when. any one in- terferes in that whish you consider "your business!" And hove often you interfore'with the business of others! The Poet arid the i3eaantT. Oltu of the finest houses in soutbern ellieglttnd is Penhurst Place, the birtl.t- tll:tee of Sir Philip Sidney. Under the trees of itsnatk 1lmuzul Waileri paid his addresses to the haughty Lady Dorothea, whom he celebrated as Saeh- arissa. But the heart of Lady Dorothea Sidney --who was the most beautiful woman of her time -was untouched by Waller's amatory verses, and she re- Jected tate poet 10 favor of the Earl of Sunderland, Many years afterward the countess met Waller and, reminding hint sentimentally of; the old days at 1°onhurst, asked ]iitu when be would again ,write verses about her. "When, madam," said the poet rudely, "you are as yrottng-and as handsome as you were them" - TUE WING11AM TIMES, FEBRUARY 28 1907 Thio TINY SCIARA. A I'roeeaaion of 'Worms Seen Ii *tuns gory and Norway, In some of the ilungarinn forests and is the pine mode of Norway there exists it tiny, wormlike insect called the sclera, of the gentle tipula, Dur- ing the month of July or early !n Au- gust they gather together In large uunthers, preparatory to migrating in search sot food or -Por change of con- tagion, When setting out on this jo•tr- uey they stick themselves togetber by means of some glutinous matter and form a huge serpent -like mass, often reaching a length of between forty and fifty feet and several inches in thick- ness, A,s the venire Is only on an av- erage about three thirty-seconds of an inch in length, witif no appreciable breadth whatever, the number required to compose a continuous line of the size above mentioned Is almost Weal - eatable. Their pace Is, of course, very slow, and upon meeting an obstacle, such as a stick or stone, they will either writhe over or around It, some- times breaking into two bodies for this purpose. 111, Guerin-eIeneviile, a. celebrated French naturalist, said that if the rear portion of this wonderful snakelike procession be brought into contact with the front part and a sort of circle formed the insects will keep moving round in that circle for hours without apparently noticing that they are get- ting no 'founder>, an their journey. If the procession he broken in two, the portions will reunite in a short tune. The Norwegian peasants, when they meet one of these trains, will lay some article of their clothing, such as a belt or handkerchief, on the ground in front of it. If the procession passes over it it Is regarded as a good sign, but 1f it makes a way round the reverse is be- lieved. FAIR PLAY. A. Plea That 1, Respected .by Almost All Classes of alien. There is an appeal to which nearly all classes of men give bocci -tet us have fair play. You may address a schoolful of mischievous boys on the beauties of goodness, oh the eves of cruelty or harshness to their fellows, and they will laugh at you. Exhorta- tions to avoid any abstract evil or wrong and appeals to follow any ab- stract virtue will seem hazy to almost any collection of ordinary, healthy and lusty young boys, but if their sense of fair play be addressed there Is a ready response. Go among a crowd of wharfingers or longshoremen or the roughest and most reckless sailors, who have neither home nor principles of any sort, ani talk to them of the thiugs of the heat. or of the heart, and they will thhsk that you are a harmless but quite fu- tile specimen from crankdotn. Try to awaken In tbem a horror of the brutal- ity of their usual life, speak in moving terms of the force and beauty of kind- ness or of virtue or of any attribute of a polite and civilized society and way of life, and you will be soliciting the wind, talking to a statue, shouting In the desert. But In the most uncouth assemblage and in the vilest haunt in the English speaking world mention fair play and found your argument Fund your plea on that bests, and the effect is instant and eloquent.-Phiia- dolphia Ledger. Overloaded. Corned beef hash as made by Sen- ator Hanna's cook waa very popular In Washington several years ago. When the head waiter of the senate testament wanted hash prepared very carefully he ordered it this way: "One °orned beef hash for Senator I3anna." One day when the restaurant was do- ing a heavy business almost everybody seemed to want cornea beef basil. "Corned beef hash for Senator Hanna" had been ordered fourteen times. When the fifteenth order went down to the kitchen the chef shouted: 'That's fifteen orders for Senator Flannel He'd better watch out or he'll founder hisself." Saved the situation. "Ha, here comes Ratcliffe with a Jagger! 1iy last moment has arriv- ed!" exclaims due of the characters in v new melodrama, Unfortunately, eowever, the actor representing Rat- cliffe bad forgotten the dagger and Come on the stage without it. But be was equal to the occasion. "Villain," he exclaimed, "thou thou ;hist thou sawst a dagger In mine band. 'Twas Ithine evil conscience supplied the v1- 1 sion. But I will slay thee with a blow of this strong right hand," which be proceeded to do. Vlore Positive. "Well," said Cadley scornfuily, "I'lt bet you didn't do the proposing. It's a safe bet that your wife asked you to marry her." "No," replied T3enpcck, "you're wrong." "Oh, come now, be honest." "No, she didn't ask me; she told me to." -Philadelphia Press. Grintlitones Wet and The strength of 0 gtiudstone appears from tests to vary 'weedy with the de- gree of its wet test% or dryness, stones • that are dry t tensile strengths vshowing to1. of from 1-16 to 186 pounds a squaw inch, but' after soaking overnight breaking under stresses of S0 to 110 pounds a square inch. ABSOIUTE SECURITY1 Cenuane Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Dear Slgnaturc of Sec Fdc,Slmlle Wrapper Below. Very stall and, as easy to tahe US sugar. bAtTER FGA inoe s ITTLE FOR DI I®iiS11ESL. iVER FOR COHSTWAYION Pius. FON SALLQW SEt1N. F011 TI3ECOt1IPLEXiOR ti7fC1YV NZ: MUST rip,4ttt,et 23 Bits I Purelyvegetable /C+^:e• .%roDG cum,. $101( HEARAGN;, FRAUDS i1 dr,a tnelent u ,iJ 110:t•suis:.ere t: ac•iaaa PA -attars -4 a•ua 3..t::aa:a-.3. A Weil kilo,' .1 t•.,atet'i ai :.;u::'• what he t. i; to air it ti:,,:, p.0'1 by ,hilus in the year i t: -J. i,1t0a1 for it and ti:'•nn'ed tact . -u1 oritiuel .\.l.;u.-, :,'c.ut.;t tit:? pita,,.,. press ttoimh. 0 tial;th.li t•eltei f:.lin ;um auxrh_tr, .:(:ler.: ee ,:,tan 11. 1. 'm -- the beet: v: t:. sh;,ti a t:f an ex', t i p:'ove,l to he tee eel :t :leet:re to tioot:t a in :dent aateette_tirit le to say, it wits si:ni 1, it t•.:py or the wee - work teemed hy en ere -teeters fool: filler. ter ,•leve; was the tatiutt that 011.y an expert e0111,1 tell It from the merle:11 Drum( r:.1,.rfk. Vit•;;ria a. pet's,1fy duri:f•x t•:'. -e it yeel'A have bcut:ht' foe.<ir:i;<ai of mom' t: -,m-.8 Imam the iu:l,reetem 11111 te.,y were rho or!- liinia, ifieketis' ";1omoiny tier Tim: ee 11ca,is" has ht': a fel;r,t ninny times anti sold ss original t:f tolict•tars who uo (bolt treasure thein as rarities. 4101101110 copies of this little look are worth a good stun. awl 50010 unscrupulous dealers, tekhig utl- ritutage of the circumstances. have had it reprinted and palm off the copies on unsuspecting bibliomanlaes for the genuine tirst edition. Many 1000 make a living; by "doc- toring" old and rare books for un- scrupulous dealers. These men are adepts in the art of book restoring and are quite able to make good any part of an imperfect copy. For instance, if a rare book itas a leaf missing it is handed over to a restorer, wito re- prints the page with battered ,type, the paper upon which it is printed be- - bug afterward discolored with chem- icals or tobacco water in order to give j it the true antique bus. .The first folio Shakespeare is, of course, of great value, and it is safe to say that every possible deception has been practiced in fitting up copies of this work for sale. At one time the manufacture of first folio Shakespeares was quite a trade. A first folio having several leaves missing, had leaves In- serted from the second folio, while In one case time entire play of "Cymbe- line" was reprinted and inserted in a first folio., The "faked" pages were so cleverly clone that several experts were ait first unable to detect them when turning over the pages of the work in question. hook restorers, as a rule, are most ingenious assts, and they can produce an imitation of a page of a rare book which will deceive hundreds of collectors. One particu- lar restorer has "doctored" more than a thousand old books during the last two years, producing pages in facsim- ile and supplying colophons or deco- rated capitals. There is not a thing wanting to make a book complete that this man cannot skillfully "fake." 'That'rt What. "A great deal depends upon thedress- • ` Ing," observed the thoughtful thinker. I ''speaking oC what?" queried his fel end. "Women and salads," answered the T. T. --Exchange. 'Those who want fewest -things: aro nearest to the gods.•-Socrittes. "Just the thing" For a "bite at bed -time," what could be better than a glass of milk and Moone 'ss Perfection Cream Sodas Canada's Cntct Crackers, from Canada's fittest bakery, Crisp, invttiriz, delicious. In t n air -tight t� ., boxes, that keep il them in faultless condition. Your grocer has than, tel'yvV•fVIITI IIIVIP rrrrvv lrrnt Vrmrrar► rV ar is ■ E Special Announcement f Fall and Winter ► T. A. IVIILLS IS OFFERING HI3 STOOK AT SPECIAL PRICES.. DRESS GOODS. I hnvA ristermined to oliar out my Deese Gao.je stock at grestlly reduced priee.t this .13'ttt 3i t's•i lo soon goes on, nixes alai= aro going At lees than wss too on the dollar, Biask Dress Goods a specialty. ar Fall and Dark Winter ?rints at Cost. tr to FLAWNELLETTES. ► inure—Lased very lamely by tire ease in all kinds from 5e per yard up. Oan give yon heavy, 36 in wide, alt ootortags, at 103. Ile Grey Flannels and Flannel Shirtings. And a nape variety of Shirts made to order. PRINTS, HOME-MADE BLANKETS. t,„. From the roxM tfr, TN eswater and factoriest0rtes Pure st0 ; ► well cleansed and very obese, at the price wool has been this Rammer. pall 0. and see them if in need of a pair. Sheeting, white and grey, 3d mad 713 inches. UNDERWEAR i► I keep the celebrated STANFIELD Shirts and Drawers, made from Nova ► Scotia wools, soft and fi+xibte, and gaar,snteed not to shrink, sizes 311 to 441 - *Ladies' Wear ire the Puritse make, Tee best breeds in Canada, Also Misses' and Children's in all sizes, from 15a each up to the finest. ► HOSIERY. ► ► From the Wellsiey B:utttiug Mills direct, The best wearing goods fa Canaria, made from pure North-west wools, and at prices that cannot`be ►► equalled, quality considered. ► READY-MADE CLOTHING. ""-Th-ave decided to clear out my large stook of Clothing this fall and win- te ter. and can give you great bargains. A nice Overcoat for $4 00. usually ;g9. ► A good, serviceable Sait $4.00, and Large stook to select froth. Boys' School I°. Suits, splendid variety. A good Work Pant for $1.00, worth $1 40. E' Carpet, Oilcloth, Linoleum. p,. A large number of ends in All -wool, Union. Tapestry find I3rassels, at t- about half price. Call and see them and get prices. Sone cheap Hemp ► Carpets and Mats to offer. . Linoleum in 1, 2 and 4 yards wide. Oilcloth in 1 and 2 yards wide. ► ► Men's and Women's Fur Goods. Coon, Wooahat, R'a+siren C elf, Do; and Bieheo Goats f ,- Aim For the Lzdies, Astrachan Goats that a oft bs btatec for vatuil met qa witty. Word- inanship guaranteed. Gill and see them. Hats, Gaps, Gloves, Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, G:oeeries. Potter and Eggs, Timothy and Clover .Feed, 13aelcwheet and Tartar Ring Oats Wanted. T. A. MILLS. 4 • a4A4.1:4.k*AAerasi.aaaaaAaaaaaA 44A,ILA411.444.4AaAaaaaa.0041141101 a laa•••esasos•fl•asa••••seso• •••••Ca••••e asease•••••••e • d • • p • • d • tr in • • An Advertiseent • • • •TRE TIMES • o • �jResvlls• Bria s Rood • • O • a • • e • • • 0 • 3 • • 0 • as • • A sa a • • • s • • a • • • • • a • A • • • • • • s • • i ia M • The Wingham Times reaches the homes of most of the people of Wingham and surrounding country. It keeps its subscribers posted on all the news of the day—local, political and foreign, If you have anything to sell, or want anything, advertise in The Times. Rates on application. We Thiuk Printing i Thais our business. We constantly on the lookout for new ideas, our business. are constantly on the lookout for new ideas, and these are here awaiting your accept- ance, It's no trouble for us to gine you information—to write or call --it will place you under no obligation, and perhaps we may suggest sornethirg )'eu can profit by. Prices right, Quality ever the talisman. GO • TheWillghaffl Times ••w • a• _ \ 'INGIIAM, ON-I'-\l:to. g 0 N •000•11•0•t•SUs06041•1100•0L1 000••t aikdooka. 0ni1441.111llt•ti • 1 • 0 • • 0 0 • • • • • 0 i • • tis i • • *i wi 0 • 1p 1100000. $111001