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The Huron Expositor, 1982-09-22, Page 9
THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEPTEMBER 22, 1982 -'- A9 Raise ;1900 in run The second annual Terry Fox Marathon of Hope run for cancer, held on Sunday, raised approximately 51,900 and attracted 51 runners from Seaforth and area. There were'three courses in Seaforth, one, two and six miles. The Seaforth run was one of approximately 900 mara- thons held across Canada, which are reported to have raised approximately 51.6 million for cancer research. The local run started from Van Egmond House and was organized by the recreation committee and the Leo Club. The marathon was set up two years ago as a tribute to Terry Fox, the one -legged runner from Port Coquitlam, B.C. who attempted to' run across Canada. His effort was stopped in Thunder Bay after it was discovered that Fox, who lost a leg to cancer, was again inflicted with the diesease, which later claime ed his life. His Marathon of Hope run raised 524 million for cancerresearch. Along his route Fox was greeted by man supporters and well wishers for his efforts. His campaign gained momentum as he moved through the provinces toward his final goal of reaching the Pacific coast. ON THE RUN—Members of the SDHS cross country team on Monday were out in full form practicing for the annual Huron County high schools meet on Tuesday. SEAFORTH TURNS OUT FOR TERRY—They walked to raise funds in the Terry Fox memorial run in Seaforth Sunday. More than 50 • -- par t ic i pa n ts —participants registered at the Van Egmond house and raised about $1900 for cancer research. (Photo by Hook) A good year OOn.1h@gQ@c@aw by G@ r D©MiG, Do6g With golf season fast approaching the end, 1 can look hack and see a very siiceesslul and full golf pro. gram. The junior golfers enjoyed a number of events, guar- anteed to perk up new interest and keep current golfers in the sport. The Slimmer started with the most successful junior tour nano nl ever. The Canadian junior champion Roger Gond. sisited our event along with a ,not1ngent of youngsters Bermuda. Our junior girls hosted the Owen Sound District Junior girl's Cham- pionship and cane up with a winner in 15-vear•old Debbie ('ore Our soung golfers all piled onto .1 bus and s 'sited Glen alms L. sec the practise round of the Canadian Open in .tills Mans of our juniors participated in arca tour- naments and were very suc- cessful. The young golfers were encouraged to partici- pate in club mixed events and learned that "family" golf is fun' Our ladies were out in full force this summer making Monday nights truly "ladies nights". A number of our women golfers travelled to many other clubs for tour• naments and in July, Sea. fiirth hosted their 3rd ladies Invitation with 80 ladies from all over Southwestern Ontar io competing. For the first time a ladies match play event was organized and we are presently awaiting the final between Barb Scott and Rita Core to he played. Our ladies welcomed a number of other clubs here during the summer, and in turn made a fun trip 10 other golf et arses. Thursday night men's nights continued to get the gin's otit and at it. The men's match play was a close race and the Ilth annual inskat- ionwas by far the hest yet. Mixed two brills, including the Air Canada Mixed Two Ball rounded out the season and it managed to keep everyone happily golfing a• way the summer, Plans are already under• way for some of 1983's events which believe it or 001 arc coming up fast. Fall Fairs and the Cider fest are a sure sign that the Autumn has arrived. The familiar golf faces arc still at it, and only that unspeakable white stuff will keep them away. Although the golf nurse and proshop will remain open into November, many of our golf events will wind up before that. Our very successful men's nights arc over except for Saturday afternoon's golf and•barbecue. Hopefully the weather will co-operate. Our ladies will have their closing day on Sunday with golf at 4 followed by a dinner outing. Any ladies who wish to go to the dinner outing must sign in the proshnp so that reservations can he made. On Saturday, October 2lhe final mixed two -hall, potluck supper, and dance will he held. It is free to all members and non-members may join in the fun for $7.00. The draw for the coloured T.V. will be held and presentation of trophies will he made. There will he a booth at the Fall Fair on Thursday nigh) and Friday showing some of golfs fashions front the past, some pictures from the old Seaforth Courses and a scale model of the present course and predicted chang- es. Please'stbp by for a visit. To those members with lockers we would appreciate your removing all clubs by Nov. I. completed by Oct. 2. This w ill The ladies and junior's enable us to present all match play finals must be tro.hies. LOW BERMUDIAN—Eddie Marshall was the low Bermudian golfer in the Men's Invitational on Saturday by shooting a 75. Rod Doig (right) the grounds keeper for the course is making the presentation. (Photo by Hook) Dancefit now "Dame Fit (.nada'•. a artlm.sascular fitness pro- gram has come to Seaforth this fall with classes beginn- ing at S.D.H.S. this week. Instructing the course will he Cheryl Phillips. who recently completed the instructor's workshop required to teach "Dance Fit". the program is designed to des clop flexibility. small . muscle strength and endue a net' a s w ell as pros ids fun for Ihr part0ipants. During the 10 week course consisting of Iw ice• w eckh classes, the par- ticipants articipants learn 12 different dances. choreographed to use all nululc groups ensuring that no clement of physical conditioning Is neglected. I he most important feature ST I. T•Birds 2. V -W's 0 3. Ferrari's 2 4. Charger's 0 5. Corvette's 5 6. Mercedes' 7 Men's high • single - George Love. 308; triple George Love,, 833. Ladies high - single - Marj Hunt. 261; triple Elaine Palin, 570. JAMES 7 in town of the course is that each participant does onls as much or as little as She please-, w uh 111 testing nr competition of any kind. rhis makes It the ideal course for those seeking an evening out for fun and recreation as well as fitness. An added bonus of the program is that most parti- cipants report having more energs after an hour of "Dance F'it than when they began. So if -.011 p.m. has hecn finding sou heading from the supper table to the couch, exhausted after a hard days work, grab sour running shoes instead and head to the S.D.H.S. gym for an hour of "shoulder rolls''. ''disco lindys'', "jar/ ,skips". and "hip bump combos-. he glad you did. Cheryl says response tothc program has been excellent with 45 people pre -registered so far. A second class has been scheduled for the sante nights running from 8:15- 9:15 to allow room for every- one to move in the gym. Anyone not sure if they want to register for the whole 10 weeks is ss eleoma to attend the first weeks classes Io try the program mut before regi- stering. (Photo by Hook). 11 ©0@ MEN'S INDUSTRIAL BASEBALL PLAYOFFS—BEST OF 5 FINALS Game 2 :Creamery 3 Queens 2 Gane 3 • Creamery 3 Queens 2 Creamery wins series 3-0 ('reamer}' wins playoff championship HAPPY WINNER—Joe Walsh was the low net winner for' the mens invitational golf tournament on Saturday in which he shot a 62. Presenting the trophy is Gerard Meidinger, the club president. (Photo by Hook) —Business Directory- -- FLORIST • Hildebrand Flowers 15 Main St. Seaforth Office 527-0555 Res. 527.1784 Complete Floral Service with a personal touch. i PIANO PIANO TUNING • Repo •, • Rob, • • Keys Rr[c +r—ed • Damon Chosr•, BRUCE Pu! SIFER 348,9223 M knell Ali I, tipcs of saws. knlscti and scissors sharpened Spctlalliint, In 1 IrIsid, saws ,m11 t„''is STA'( SHARP SAI.i:S AND Si R\ I( F Gordon Blanchard RR4, Walton 52'•1806 • J (--FARM SUPPLIES-\ PPn 5000 d'^ 5000' pc npr.i'r. Seaforth Co-op 527-077n J DECORATING Graves Wallpaper' & Paint 1 t'aturtnc I' \ I \ I ( enceinte \ Impnrtrd \0 all ( 5j'.11C;II \ra or (—CONTRACTING - W. J. Feeney CONST. LTD. CUSTOM BUILDERS Renovations. Additions. new homes. Replacement window s Phone 345-2405 Dublin J ,—MUFFLERS—m Mnffle'Wnrid 4i.. Mufflers guara'ntced as long as you own the car tit \FORTH MOTORS I.T D. 527-IOItt J APPLIANCES— Appliance and Refrigeration REPAIR SERVICE Jim Broadfoot 482-7032 } SEWING - 1 SEWING MACHINE 05 SUPER MARKET Over 100 machines on display Service to all makes Sales-Whito. El ol, Husgvarna Iola o1 used machines from 539 95 SEW AND SAVE' CENTRE LTD, 149 DoWnia SI (2 doors south of Hudsons) Stratford, 2"1.9fh0 J - Flanagan --� Carpentry • Aluminum Siding • Horne Renovations • Additions • Framing • Roofing Peter Flanagan 527.,34g• J DECORATING i s f tr, g1 �-r—r ~ri t P,a -.s • a \'. -' ,1 n Shades ▪ HILDEBRAND PAINT AND PAPER' PHONE 527-1880 m a i n 5' Se it 1. 1' J ,-FUNERAL HOME, Whitney - Ribey Funeral Home CEMETERY MONUMENTS ROSS W. RIBEY DIRECTOR A' t.,,,4•nth st s,aiorth Phone 527-1390 Sincere and Courteous Service • ,-IMPROVEMENTS _\ MacLEAN HOME IMPROVEMENTS ,4 Phone 527-0032 Free Estimates For Siding - Aluminum and Vinyl, Aluminum Windows, Doors, Awnings • Railings • INSURANCE SEAFORTH INSURANCE 39'Main St. S. Seaforth .Home .Business Farm .Auto .Life . Sickness & Accident . Investments 527-1610 • OPTICIAN Dovid—Th Langstaff ltd Opticion r' Main 11 \ S, 4111111 OI'TI)V1F IRIS1 s \"sI) OPHTHALMOLOGISTS Prescriptions Filled Prompt', SUMMER HOURS Mon., Tues., Thurs.. Fri,. 10:OOa.m.-5:30p.m . CLOSED WEDNESDAYS & SATURDAYS COMPLETE OPTICAL S RV10E 527.1303 J CARPENTRY J&J Carpentry •Concrete Forming and Finishing •Framing •Drywall •Roofing •Cabinet Making John Ryan 527-1520 • . FUNERAL HOME-� Barbara A, Watts Funeral Director 47 High Street Seaforth Phone 527-0885 • J 1 v & STEREO-.\ Complete Line ZENITH TELEVISION AND STEREO SALES SERVICE Seaforth Electron ics 17 Sparling SI 527.1150 � � J S & L $39.95 Special Living Room. Dining Room, Hall MAGIC CARPET CLEANING UPHOLSTERY SPECIALISTS Customer Satisfaction (Guaranteed) Phone 527-0386 (Evenings) ,