HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1982-09-22, Page 6• A6 — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEPTEMBER 22, 1982 4Brussels ost Don Higgins killed Don Chester Higgins. 20, of Elizabeth Street in Brus- sels died early Sunday morn- ing at approximately 2 a.m. as the result of injuries he received in a single car accident. An official with the Wing - ham O.P.P. reported that the Higgins vehicle was travel Cra J' br ". k Correspondent MRS. MAC ENGEL 887.66445 Rev. A. Young of Goderich conducted the regular morn- ing service in Knox Church on Sept. 12. Mrs. Stewart Steiss was hostessjor the Sept. meeting of the W.M.S. Mrs. Clare Veitch opened the meeting with a reading "September". Mrs. Leslie Knight was pia- nist. Following a prayer by Mrs. Jim Hart "Set your trust upon the Lord" was sung. Mrs. Vdteh. with the use of a chart, told how mission money is used. A substantial amount goes to help finance the Canadian staff in the Christian Church in Japan. The topic on "Crossing the barriers of language. cus- toms, colour and race" was given by Mrs Mac Engel. This informative and interest - 45 ing story was given by a Canadian -born Japanese woman who is the wife of a Presbyterian minister in Tor- onto. Her story appeared in a recent issue of the "Glad Tidings" magazine. Owing to the president Mrs, Earl Dunn being a patient in Listowel Hospital, Mrs, Veitch presided for the business. Seven cards and 13 visits were reported, four members paid birthday money. The Presbyterial visi- tor is to be at the Oct. meeting in the home of Mrs. Leslie Knight, at 1:15 instead of the evening as during the sum- mer.' The roll call was "How to be a missionary in your own community. Ten members were present. Mrs. Stuart McNair and Mrs, Leslie Knight assisted the hostess with lunch. PERSONALS Miss Amy Love, Toronto and Mrs. David Kerley,.Gor- rie, visited Mrs. Mac Engel ling eastbound on Concession and 8 in Grey Township when it swerved into the south ditch. struck a tree,. before hitting a rock. He was v Mr, and Mrs. John A, Perrie celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary on Sat. Sept. 11 with a family dinner at Seaforth and later all returned to Walton to the honkie of Doug and Jean Kirkby. Family members attending were John and Mary Perrie and children, David and Joan, Doug and Jean Kirkby turd Paul. Two sons, Will and Leslie were unable to attend. Mr. and Mrs Don Cotton, accon>,panied by Mrs. Wm. Craig,` spent the weekend visiting relatives in North Bay. Mrs. Clare Veitch, Pres, supply secretary, was guest speaker at North Easthope Presbyterian Church on Thursday evening, Sept. 9. She was accompanied by Mrs. Mac Engel. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Strickler enjoyed a few days camping in the Algonquin Park area recently. pronounced dead at the scene. Police were alerted to the accident by a passing motor• ist at 2:40 a.m. There were no other pas- sengers in the car. Mr. Higgins was born in Morris township and wasthe son of Chester Higgins and the former Wilda Agar of Brussels. He had attended Brussels Public School and Wingham High School. Mr. Higgins was well known in sport • circles around Brussels. In 1981 he played for the Wingham lronmen Junior D hockey club after coming from the minor hockey ranks in Brussels and Belgrave. He was also an avid slow -pitch and softball play- er. He had been goalie for the Seaforth Junior D Cente- naires. He was employed by Bod- min Farms. He is survived by his parents, brothers, Wayne and Greg. both at home; and grandparents, Gordon Hig- gins of Morris Township and Mrs. Freda Agar, of Huron - view in Clinton, • Sh rt Shots by Evelyn Kennedy The beginning of the hockey season seems an appropriate time for this peom written by 11 -year-old Danny Chabot of Saulte Ste. Marie, Ont. These words of his undoubtedly express the feelings of thou- sands of young hockey players. • "Dear Parents and coach" • Well, here it is another hockey season, So 1 am writing for Just ono reason! Please don't scream or curse or yell, Remember I'm not in the NHL. 1 ani only 11 years old And can't be bought or traded or sold. just want to have fun and play the game And am not looking for hockey fame Please don't make me feel I've committed a sin. 1 don't want to be that great. you see 1'd rather play and just be me! And so,. in closing I'd like to give you one tip, Remember, the name of the game is Sportsmanship. Courtesy: Winnipeg Minor Hockey Assoc. OPPORTUNITY So long as men shall be on earth There will be tasks for them to do, Some way for them to show their worth; Each day shall bring its problems new, , *saes** And many shall dream of mightier deeds, Than ever have been done before; There always shall be human needs, For men to work and struggle for, **este* The tragic death of Princess Grace off Monaco is mourned not only by her family, close friends and the people of her tiny principality but by the thousands of those who knew and loved her as the Oscar winning actress, Grace Kelly, before she married her prince. She died about 36 hours after the car she was driving swerved off a mountain road, rolled over several times and then 30 metres down the mountainside trapping her and her youngest daughter, 17 year old Stephanie inside. sees*t** Happy New Year to our Jewish readers and friends. Saturday, September IBth was Rosh Hashana Year 5743 on the Jewish calendar. sere****t The trip from home to Air Canada terminal, Toronto, on Monday, September 13 was made In air-conditioned comfort on that sunny 30 degree morning. The first stop was to drop my dog Shebaofff to board out until my return. She resented that and fought against such treatment. There was comparatively light traffic but we did encounter the usual 401 highway construction as we neared Toronto, With an expected two-hour wait at the airport before departure there was a book in hand to fill in the time but h was scarcely looked at. There was too much of human behaviour to observe to keep one's eyes on the pages of a book. Such a place can be very interesting if you like to watch people's reactions to various circumstances, Flying is enjoyed but it must be admitted that there is a slight sigh of relief when the plane is airborne and again when a safe landing is accomplished. There was nothing to be seen but clouds aloft, Nevertheless the book was again neglected for the unending variety of cloud formations caught my eyes. Many resembled carefully designed peaked mounds of whipped cream; one'a huge shaggy dog with floppy ears and wagging tail. It was a fairyland off make-be- lieve characters to any imaginative mind. We touched down in Winnipeg, a few minutes early, with never a bump to jar the passengers. There was, however, a shock when one stepped outdoors into a windy 8 degree atmosphere after the 30 degree weather we left in Ontario and the comfort of the jet. The chill was quickly forgotten in the warmth of the welcome from son, daughter-- in-law and two young grandsons. can he inof brussels choir featured Expressiondonations to the Wingham lronmen hockey club. Brussels native is tops at OwenSound FROM THE OWEN SOUND SUN -TIMES BY ANN KELLY Family Living Editor Fall fair directors didn't take a back seat when prizes were being awarded at the 130th Owen Sound fair. Top honors in the flower class were shared by direc- tors. Mrs. Alice Armstrong and Mrs. Helen Warwick. Mrs. Warwick also led the way in pickles. jams and jellies. In the senior citizens' ex• hibits Mrs. Warwick again took the red ribbon. Mrs, Doug Warwick. a director who has been exhib- Every week more and more people discover what nighty jobs are accom- plished by low cost Huron Expositor Want Ads. Dial 527.0240. iting at the fair for approxi- mately 17 years. claims her participation is due to her membership in the agricul- tural society. President. Mil- ton Bellamy. agrees that involvement promotes inter- est. Noted for her culinary expertise, Mrs. Warwick only had time to exhibit in three classes, flowers. pickles and preserves and senior.citizens. In three baking classes for seniors she took three firsts. Although she's willing to concede that some talent may have been inherited. her mother was an exhibitor at the fairs in Brussels, Mrs. Warwick said. "You have to work at anything. If it's food 1 enjoy making it." Here is her prize-winning recipe for Urangc and Date Bran Muffins made in a Gorrie residents hear Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Mun- dell attended the Knox Pres- byterian Church anniversary service at Belmore and visit- ed with friends Rev. L. E. Jorgenson of Wheaton. Illi• noes. a former minister was the guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. tan Howes of Peterborough spent the weekend with Mrs, Cecil Grainger and visited Mr. Cecil Grainger in Listowel Memorial Hospital. Mr. flobt. Grainger of Waterloo also visited on Sunday. Mrs. Wm. A. Smith and Mrs. Alvin Mundell attended the Fall Board meeting of Maitland Presbyterial at Chalmers Presbyterian Church. Whitechurch on Monday. Mrs. Glad Edgar and Mrs. Wm. A. Smith visited Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Easton of Hillsburgh on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bennett were supper guests at the BERG Sales-Servke Installati®ft FREE ESTIMATES 1 Barn Cleaners C. Bunk Feeders ' Stabling Donald G. i Ives R.R. M2, Blyth Phone: Brussels ••T.9024 ')no®i®.®i®s® a �a home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vollpf Gowanstown on Sun• day. Mr. and Mrs. George Hc• therington returned home Sunday by plane after three weeks holiday in the Western Provinces. They visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Steven Wooloschuck, Winnipeg. Man.: Mrs. Gerald Pederson. Strathclair. Man. and Mrs. Mel Batters of Neepawa. Man. Then travelling to Cal- gary. Alta, where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Clifford He- therington and also with Jas. Hetherington and Jos. Jeffray of Balzac. Alta. A number attended the Steam and Thresher Show at Blyth over the weekend. Mrs. Glad Edgar called on Mr. and Mrs. Steven Edgar. Adam and Ashleigh of LIsto• wet on Sunday. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Graham and blender. ' 1 medium large orange 1/2 cup orange juice 'h cup chopped pitted dates I egg 'h cup margarine at room temperature 1 cup all-purpose flour 'h cup bran 1 tsp. baking soda 1 tsp. baking powder '4 cup white sugar .. tsp. salt Method: Cut orange in eights. remove seeds and place in blender. Add orange juice and dates and blend until thoroughly liquidfied. Add eggs and margarine and blend again. Into sifter over large bowl measure flour, baking powder, soda, sugar and salt. Sift. then add bran. Tip liquid in blender into flour mixture, Mix with minimum of stirring to blend. Spoon minister also attended the wedding of Thomas Graham and Patti Meyer in Knox Presbyterian Church with Rev. Bert Van Cook of Doon officiating on Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Ted Graham, Patrick and Michelle of Morrisburg. Mr. Jas. Graham, Waterloo: Mr. and Mrs. Donald Graham and Genevieve of Kitchener. Jas. Bonnie. McKenzie. Karen MeRea, Scott and Terry Mc. Kenzie all of Tillsonburg. Ted and Kim Carmichel. Toronto: Mrs. Jean Huctwith. Wal- lacchurg: Mr. and Mrs, Nor- man Graham. Nada and Neil of Cnhourg: Dr. and Mrs. Richard Melton of Guthrie, Blake McMann. Guelph: Marjorie and Patti Abrams of Port Lambton and Sonya Colvin of Teeswater. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nay and .Teff Nay of Kitchener spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Rick Na', of Trenton BRUSSELS PUBLIC HOME & SCHOOL ASSOCIATION is sponsoring a 50's Greaser DANCE AT B.M. &G. ARENA SATURDAY., OCTOBER 2 Music by: "Crippled Duck" ADVANCE TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM EXECUTIVE MEMBERS. PROCEEDS TOWARDS SCHOOL PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT. into oil non-stick muffin tins. Bake at 400 degrees F. 12 minutes or for large and 10 to 11 minutes for smaller muf- fins. Mrs. Warlvick is the former Helen Baeker, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Baeker. A former teacher and resident of Brussels she moved to Owen Sound follow- ing her marriage to Douglas C. Warwick, son of the late Dr. and Mrs. ID, Warwick. The couple celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary in July of this year.( Friendship club meets Brussels Friendship Club met in the Legion hall Sep- tember 15. Get well cards were signed by the members for Olive Dundas, Clark Matheson and Walter Kerr. We wish them the very best and hope they will soon be able to attend our social afternoon. Gerrie Bolger was elected president for the new team. The fall rally is to be held in Goderich October 8. and we hope as many as possible will attend as it is a very enjoyable day spent with other clubs. A letter was received asking for donations to the homebound care at Wineham. We enjoyed the program put on by Mr. and Mrs. Sutton, Cecil Bateman and Cameron Somers. A lunch committee was named for the October meeting. A few games of euchre followed with 4 tables at play. Winners are as follows: High Lady - Mrs. Sutton: Low Lady -Mrs. Mel Jacklin. High Gent, Fred Thuell, Low Gent•Cecii Bate- man at Belgrave anniversary Correspondent MRS. L. STONEHOUSE 887.9847 The congregation of Knox Presbyterian Church, Bel - grave, held their 118th anni- versary service on September 19 with a good attendance. Rev. James Perrie of Shake- speare and North Easthope was guest speaker and gave an inspiring message on "Journey into the Un- known." The choir from Melville Presbyterian Church, Brus- sels, under the leadership of Mrs. Joanne King, sang-tvo anthems, "1 ask the Lord" and "Praise the Lord 0 Jerusalem" with Mrs. Marg- aret McLeod taking the solo in the anthem. U.C.W. MEETS The call to worship by Mrs. Earl Anderson opened the meeting of the Afternoon Unit of the U.C.W. held in the church on Monday, Septem- ber 13. The financial report was given by Mrs. Lawrence Taylor. The next meeting will be October 12th. The general U.C.W. meeting is on Sep- tember 28. The worship service was in charge of Mrs. Floyd Camp- bell who spoke of Terry Fox, his courage, his determina- tion, histiove for others and the grief and honour given by a nation to a one -legged 21 •year-old cancer victim who set out across Canada to raise money for the Cancer Society. Mrs. Cecil Coultes gave a reading. "Life Through Death". She said, Terry discovered that real life lies not in the number of our days or quantity of things we own but in the quality we expend in the time we have. He called us to a sense of unity. courage and self -giving love. Mrs. Leslie Bolt continued the study with the topic, "Jesus Christ Cosmic Liber- ator''. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gras - by spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Christen- sen of London. Brussels Variety Tasty Nu Bakery Products Available Friday & Saturday y� 1 it4 0- FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Monday to Saturday Surtd.ey B e.ln. to 10 p.m. 100aa.m. to 10 p... Tobacco, Brigham Pipes, Confections, Groceries, Gifts, Health Care Products, Books, Magazines, Stationery and Pet Supplies -LOTTERY TICKET CENTRE - Phone 887-6224 Mr. and Mrs. Brian Edgar and Alison of Brigden visited among Elston and Edgar relatives this past week. Mr. and Mrs. George Gib- son of Wingham and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse were dinner guests of their cousins Mr. and Mrs. David Ireland of Teeswater on Saturday evening. The congregation of Knox United Church welcomes everyone to their anniversary service on Sunday, Septem- ber 26 at 11:15 a.m. We are pleased to have the Rev. Glen Harper of London as guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. James John- ston of Welland accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnston on a motor trip to the East Coast where they visited with their nieces Mr. and Mrs, Dwight Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. Bereve McKinley of Truro, Nova Scotia. Mrs. Cecil Coultes spent the weekend with her daugh- ter Barbara Coultes pf Toron• to. On Saturday evening Sep- tember 18 a very enjoyable dinner and dance was held in the W.I. Hall. Belgrave by the Van Camp family in honour of their parents Ver. laine and Glen Van Camp who were married 35 years ago ort September 15, 194' in Lon- don. The original wedding party. Connic (Fryfogle) Fox - ton. Pansy (Champion) Mof- fatt and Alex Nethery were present all except Don Camp. bell who was unable to attend. Dancing was enjoyed from 9-12 p.m. followed by coffee and lunch. Mr. and Mrs. James La- mont visited on the weekend with their daughter and son-- in-law Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cottrill of Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Warren James and Mr, and Mrs. Gordon James of Goderich visited last Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs, Mark Arm- strong. Miss Dorothy Boyle of Toronto was a visitor in Knox Presbyterian Church, Sunday morning. Miss Boyle is a daughter of the late Rev. J.A. Boyle. former minister of Knox Presbyterian Church, Belgrave. This community extends sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. William Fenton in the pass- ing of her mother Mrs. Harold Knapton of St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. George McGee and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Robertson returned on Sunday from a bus tour to Agawa Canyon, Mackinac Island and Frankenmuth, Michigan. Ethel Congratulations to Verna and Bill Bishop on the occa- sion of their 55th wedding anniversary which was on ,Sunday. I Mr. and Mrs. Stan Alexan- der were with a Clair Bert tour last week. c cr P:V\ 1:Q E OUR QUALITY+ SAVINGS ON FOOD Del Monte Crushed or Sliced PINEAPPLE Rio Pieces and Stems MUSHROOMS 14 ors. .89 10 ors, .89 KIDNEY BEANS 19 ors. .89 10 ors. Saico MANDARIN ORANGES .89 ALUMINIUM FOIL Richs COFFEE RICH Chapman's 1 kg. ICE CREAM "fres 25 ft 17 in. . 89 . 89 1.59 OPEN 6 DAYS STEPHENSON Self -Serve Groceteria 887-9226 Brusiussels ness irector • Guaranteed Granites e Cemetery Lettering .* Reasonable Prices Buy direct and. save BUSINESS: 357.1910 RESIDENCE 357.1015 or 1574535 Phone 527= 24 lvJ rs. Yv nn Agent for kni Jl�t Elva 'Farmers ivd.utual fFor Ilvsurance Company R R 3, Brussels '887-6476 `\ %\��=/ii.\��%ice\��`%ice\��%1�\\��si��`% ssels TrInsport Ltr•�! Livestock Trucking and Shipping Service Local and Long Distance PHONE 887-6122 GEORGE JUTZI,BRUSSELS 4 i 170 Wallace Avenue N , Flower Phone 291-2040 ED VAN GEEST LISTOWEL, ONT. Your Personal Florist With World•Wide Connections McGavin's Farm Equipment WE SPECIALIZE IN A COMPLETE LINE OF Farm Equipment SALES AND SERVICE Brussels 887-6365 Walton Seaforth 527.0245 �*7moi\,�"//.i���` Anstett Jewellers Ltd. Watch and Jewellery Repairs — We Sell and Service — BULOVA — ACCUTRON —WATCHES 5 STORES— EXETER—ST. MARYS SEAFORTH—CLINTON— WALKERTON "We McNeil's Auto Body We SpecrohZe in Collision and Refinishing Classic & Antique Car Repairs BRUSSELS ONTARIO BUS.: 887-6833 RES.: 887.9216 e\\ David Longstaff Ltd. OPTICIAN 87 Main St South Seaforth OPTOMETRIST'S and OPHTHALMOLOGIST'S Prescriptions filled promptly HOURS: Mon . Tues , Thurs I n n 00 a m 5 10 p m Closed Wednesdays Saturday 9 12 COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE 527-1303 Agromart FERTILIZERS Rag R B„IL FEEDS Provim Agromix Cattle mineral Salt Aurenmvrm (`rumbles SEEDS -NK Corn PESTICIDES FARM SUPPLIES BRUSSELS 887-6016 Brussels BuildeF 887.6408 Mill St West Smre 19;h N(N, 1H0 RESIDENTIAL — COMMS RC IAL H. TEN PAS •' i CONSTRUCT/ON LTD. We sell and install Pella and Hunt V1 inflows Patin Doors Insulated!. ntranr,' Dnnrs Insul (,lass