The Wingham Times, 1907-02-28, Page 2retnutievetiou---Olanett 2,
2. Sanday epgrta and a>nueeutelats far
gain, prize er reward -Obtuse 5.
2. Sunday excursions forgafaor,,pleat.
urs by railway, eieamoror°tilerMode et
LimmitivER (ureveyartge,•-QiansB ti.
4. Shooting ata target or for g nin
Within boating of others. -Clause 9.
5. Sunday newspapers, home-produm
ed or foreign -their pubiioatiou, impar-
tatigu,sale or distribution, -Classes: 2
and 10,
6. Corporations aro liable as well as
individuals, sae for even "permittin3,"
a violation of the Act are exposed to a
maximum penalty of $500 -the penalty
for the workmen being Irene $1 to $40..
7. For the fire; time the great railway
and steamship lines are subject to a
Lord's Day Act. AU construction and
gaueral repair work, making up and
etartiog freight trains, gathering up or
distributing cars in general, loading and
unloading of freight, eto., etc. are pro-
8. For exceptions under the general
head of "works of necessity and mercy,"
see clause 3 and sub -clauses (a) to (x).
Moat of those permitted sorts of work
are perhape reasonably excepted -some
of them unreasonably so.
0. Ill addition to the probibitions of
the newAet it is important to otserve
that olause 14 makes permanently valid
all the pre -Confederation Acts which in
Ontario and the Maritime provinces par-
ticularly go far beyond the new Act In
prohibiting amusements, hunting, shoot-
ing, fishing, etc. For details see the
ESTABLISHIED 1872 summary of these old Acts,
10. The hiring of horses and carriages
or small boats except for the personal
use of the hirer or his family,
are rend, sure and safe, sod are a:. perfect
regulator of the system.
They gently uuloek the secretions, clear
away all effete and waste matter from the
system, and give tone and vitality to the
whole intoetinal tract, curing Constipa-
tion, Sick Headache, Biliousness, Dyspep-
sia, Coated Tongue, Foul Breath, Jamas
dice, heartburn, and Water Brash. glee.
R. S. Ogden, Woodstock, N.B., writes:
"My husband and myself have used Mil-
bnrn's i,axa-Liver Ville for a number of
years. We think we cannot (lo without
them. They are the only pin we ever
)rice 25 cents or five bottles for $1,00,
at all dealers or direct oa receipt of price.
The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto,,
Notice of changes must be left at this
office not later than Saturday noon.
°The copy for changes stnlust be left
not later,. than Monday evening.
Oasne.l advertisement% accepted up
to noon Wednesday of eaoh week.
H. R. MLA GIO`.1.'T, PUamenna AND PROPRIE/rop
The Oes trio Government received last
year oyes 'Sa00,000 in incorporation fees
and $3O OU0 during the month of Janu-
ary, 'I he magnitude of these figures,
which itreatly over shadow those of pre
vious years, is due to the number of
mining companies which have conte in-
to existence,
Two enirnent directors of their oonn-
try's destinies have been having trouble
with gaotatioes lately. eaya the Toron to
News Tile Open Bible is reputed to be
a :cation of the faith of a society
of whi,h Colouel Sam Hughes is be-
lieyed to know something Presum-
ably it melee some differeuoe where the
Bible is opeued; at any rate, see what
happened the other day in the House of
Commons. Seine time ago Sir Wilfrid
Laurier, speaking on the sahjeot of Itn-
perialiern, ni,tde effeotive use of that
beautitul declaration of Ruth's which
hoe ant hp ri''tb1e rhythm]: "Intreat
me Trot to leave thee; or to r turn from
following after thee; for wither thou
goest, I will go; and "where than lodg.
est 1 will lod e; ;'thy people shall be my
people,and thy God my God " Colonel
Hughes, it isgratifying to note, approv-
ed the soutiment; but he was a bit pnz,
zled by it He cited the Premier's quota
tion, and continued: "This, sir, will
express the sentiment of the colonies to
the motherland. I know not where my
right hon. friend took the quotation; it
is not from Shakespeare, bat it is very
Nurse Tells of ,Eczema Cure
Miss 0. Stanley -Jones, professional
name, 283 Simone Street, Toronto. writ-
ee:--"in my occupation as nurse I have
come across many cases in which Dr
Chase's Ointment has been used with
extraordinary results. One o se is that
of a sixteen mouths old child who was
our d of soald head and another that of
a woman cured of eczema on the face,
after .her doctor had given her up,"
The Lird'ra Da.y Aot of Canada, which
comer into besot on March 1st, 1007, is
Probably the best Lord's Day Act on the
statute books of any country. And it
Oen and eo doubt will be improved in
future years
Thinee prohibited are: -
I. All work, labor or bnaineos of one']
orditierer calItne or other work for hire or
A Cold Finds
Your Weak Spot
You can never tell just what form a
COM will take, but you may be sure it
will search out your weakest organ.
With some it assumes a catarrhal nature
and affects the herd principally; with
, others it becomes bronchitis and there
sets in a hard cough and severe chest
pains. Then, again, it often leads to
inflaYnmation of the iungs, consump-
fion, pneumonia or may settle on the
kidneys or bowels.
Bee -time colds do not .always prove
serious eorne people take chances with
them, but the risk is great. Dr. Chase's
Syrup of Liesee t1 and Turpentine is in-
tended for people who want assurance
ageing se s testae rion front colds.
This' great me tate has absolutely
proven its eetraordinary control over
coughs, colds, croup, bronehitis, whoop-
ing cough, asthma and all such ailments,
and for this reason has a place in the
great lmajotity of homes,
Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and
Turpentine, 25 tie. 'a bottle. all dealers,
ett EctMIMitOrt,13ttea tit Co., Toronto. ,
Breathe Hyomel's Medicated Air and
Mx Will Soon be Well,
If you have catarrh in the nose, head
or throat, with offensive breath, cough -
lug, Urritatlon of the throat, raising of
maeone, diffrcnity in breathing, sueez•
tt,g, husky or hoarse voice, discharge
from the nose, tioktiug and dropping at
the bacx of the throat, especially at
night, begin the use of Hyonie] at once.
Its healing rnedioatiou breath,. d
through the ueat pocket inhaler that
comes with every outfit, will give quick
relief iu all catarrhal troubled, and its
cautioned use will loll the catarrhal
germs, and drive them from the system.
By using Hyomei you get in your own
house the arena results as the gir you
lived out of doors in the Adi ndaoks or
the Colorado mountains. 'L' a germ•kill-
ing properties of I yom ''reach the most
remote air cells of h espiratory organs
soothing and he ' g any irritation,
there may be in the mucous membrane,
and killing all catarrhal germs.
Hero iu Wingham where Hyomei has
been known and sold, there are many
who freely attest its wonderful powers,
but the best testimony that can be offer-
ed in favor of Hyomei is the guarantee
with every outfit "money bank if it
Tho complete Hyomei outfit costs but
$l 00, extra bottles, if needed, 50o, mak-
ing it the most economical treatment
for catarrh as well as the only one that
is sold under a guarantee to refund the
money if it fails to curd.
Ali druggists should be able to supply
you with Hyomei, or we will send is by
mail on receipt of price, and every pack-
age is sold with the distinct understand-
ing that it costs nothing unless it cures.
Write us to -day for a symptom blank,
which we will send you free, together
witia treatise on Catarrh and how to care
it. When you fill in and return us the
symptom blank, our consulting physi-
cian wilt give you a letter of advice
without charge. Booth's Hyomei Com-
pany, Buffalo, N. Y.
Providingfor the Future
There is elle problem that dominates
the home, alt obtrusive, pervasive prob-
lem that oftentimes fills the whole hori-
zon of Iife, one that like Bangno's ghost
"will not darn;" it is the ever present
question of (tome financing, When we
have matrered the "to have," the prob-
Iem of the "to holds confronts ns. It is
the question of providing for the home
which can never be properly answered
until we realize that "provide" is a verb
that should ever be conjugated in two
tenses -present and future.
There is in our Aiuerican life, too of -
ton, a blind optimism in living up to an
income, in assuming that because the
sun of prosperity shines warmly to -day
there is no need of providing umbrellas
for a possible ritiny to-morroev. Those
who wisely livo within an income rare-
ly have to face the problem of trying to
live without one. There are two simple
guaranties against future poverty and
dependence on others, two great eale-
guarda for home and family -a bank
book and an insurance policy. They re-
present the material defense of the home,
a bulwark of love aad forethought stand-
ing etrong and firm in the hour of need.--
Williatu George Jordou in the Illarch
ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches and
everp lore) of contagious itch on Miniau
or animals Cured in 30 minutes by Won
ford's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails.
Srld by A. L Htiniiitou,
Denali* Hidney Pills not on the kids
net's, bladder and urinary organa only.
they cure backaches, weak busk, rheum.
deni din t9 - i
ti , be a, ooi )Kest on, inflnmat]on
gravel, Bright's disease and all Other
,liseeeee arising from wrong aactiotk of the
kidneys and bladder,
-,- - -
(Frain Teets WzNOIUM T7a a at
Friday, February 25th, 1887.)
Dr, Macdonald Carries the old Conser-
vstire Riding by 61 Majority. Last
Tuesday Was a great day for the people
of East Huron in general, and a g -eater
Clay for the Reformers of East Huron in
particular. It marked the ohmax of
one of the most bitter contests that has
ever been fought in the Riding, and it
brought to the Reformers such a victory
that had they hardly dared more than
just hope for.
The following are the majorities re-
ceived by each candidate iu the various
The essential (ting -healing principal of
the pane tree Imo -finally been nueoeseftilly
gape*rated and refined hate aerfect
&Male medicine Der. Wood's Nor�waky
Pine Syrup. Sold y el dealerb On a
geteetitltell df satieffiction. Prior: 25 W. Ii, EkTLSR,i Principal
oats. 1
13rusiel$ ,
Grey - 219
Rowiok - 141
Morris - 12
.i urnberry - . 42
Wu:gleam 36
Wroxeter - - 32
208 232
Walker & Humphries, carriage mak-
ers, of Brussels, have opened a branch
shop in Biaevale.
Richard Armstrong, of the 3rd cou,
Morris, caught seven coons in a hollow
tree in the bash, a few days ago. The
aggregate weight of the animals was 02
Councillor Bosman, of Morris, recent-
ly purchased the 100 acre farm belong-
ing to Robt. McFarlane, ou the 2nd con.
for $2,650. Mr. Beaman has now 400
aures of land in Morrie.
Tenders are asked for the erection •of
a new bridge over the Maitland river ou
the B. Line.
The piles for the new 0. P. R. bridge
in this town have all been driven, and
work on the superstructure has been
A great many old familiar faces were
seen in town this week, and especially
on Tuesday, which no doubt eau be ac-
counted for by the election.
About nine o'clock Monday morning,
a fire broke ant in the residence of Arch
Pringle, on Josephine street, which was
ocoasioned by a defective stove pipe
hole leading from the kitchen to the
dining room.
Last Saturday Mr. and Mrs, 3. 3
Homuth oelebrated the twentieth anni-
versary of their married life, on which
occasion Mr. Homuth presented his
better half with a handsome full silver
service. In the evening they were sur-
prised by receiving a visit from about 50
There's Danger to Every Dose
Once yon come to realize the danger
of negleoting coughs and colds you will
not run the risk of depending on any
"cough mixture" the druggist may
choose to hand you out and will insist
on getting a medicine with a reputation,
such as Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed
and Turpentine. Group, bronchitis,
asthma and coughs and colds are prompt-
ly and thoroughly cured by this treat-
Lozal hlstot'y of the early 8Qs,.
Xie nt Team fits "riniai" fyles
of their Meade.
R. Martin, who has been in the her
uses business is this town for the past
year Ind a half, has Gold out to Josel.h
Moludeo, n. youug man hailing from
Brussels, who has taken possession, Mr
Martin goes to Logdou, where he has SO*
oared a situation in a harness shop.
The members of the Winehaut Tobog-
gan Olub will be oat in full force this
afternoon, and all outsiders aro cordial -
]y invited to attend and share is the
day's sports.
Wei Oornyu, who:has been a resident
of Winghaui for a gIeeat many years has
moped his family to his farm which ho
purchased troth Gilbert Fergie.
It is with pleasure this week we an-
nounoe the marriage of Chive Knechtel,
of Buchanan Bras , and Miss Mary
Nicholson, of Cnlydss,
A very heavy rain and thunder storm
pawed over this section of the country
on Wednesday night. The Iightning
flashed and the rain poured down in tor-
rents, but before neorning a cold wave
struck the atmosphere and paused the
thermometer to take' a considerable drop
Shortly after cis 'cloak on Wedues-
day eveningthe rof of the building
situated on Victoria street, and used by
Chas. A. Scott as a packing house, oave.i
in, carrying everything with it to the
' Misses Case and" Broadfoot, of Sea -
forth, are at present visiting in town.
the guests of Mrs. Jas. A. Cline.
John Wilson, V. S., who started for
the west a couple of weeks ago, return.
ed to tovi n on Tuet)day and will leave
again the fore part of next week.
Fred Johnston Who for the past six
months has been foreman in Scott &
Bell's furniture factory, left for Listow-
el last week, where he has secured his
old situation as foreman over the ma-
chines in Hess & Ca's factory,
The second game for the Gibbons
medal was played on the Wingham rink
yesterday, between Seaforth and Wing -
ham, and the former again succeeded in
defeating their oppohents, the score
standing 45 to 24. The score stood as
Rink Nei 1.
J. Weir, Ji�McAlpine,
J.0 Laidlaw, A"
A. Young, Gen. MoE:ay,
R. Common, sk 23 J. Anderson, sk 11
Rink No 2
M. R. Counter, John Inglis,
A. Wilson John Coad,
J, A. Wilson, Tas Della sld,
J. R. Lyons, sk 22 J. Diasley, sk 13
At once for Wingham and surround-
; ing districts.
High -Class Specialties is Fruit and
Ornamental Stock grown and for sale by
ment. Canada's Greatest
1i/L'��'" .
The Leading Commercial
School of Western Ontario.
Our courses are thorough and pre-
tical while the teaching is done by
able inatractors. The ambitions
young men and women who desire to '
get the best possible commercial
training patronize this school while
Business men are in search of our
gradates to fill res nonsible positions...
The best time to enter our classes is
NOW. Beautiful catalogue free.
The nest day of oar Winter ']Terni
will be
JAN; UOY 2, 1907
We will then re -open with un-
doubtedly the largest class is the
history of tlia school, If you
Wath the e
n that
for good posiai,ons, write for oar
catalog ; costa uothieg.
A permauent situation for the right
party. Liberal inducements Pay
weekly. Haudsome free outfit. Write
for terms and Catalogue, and send 25o
in stamps for our Pocket Magnifying
Glass, or 30c for oar Hand Metal Hack
Fonthill Nurseries
(over 800 aeres)
Treasurel Sale of :Lands
r Taxes.
Torn of win: Mara, County of fliuron,
. o suit;
By'virtue of a warrant under the hand of
the Mayor and s. el of the Corporation of the
Town of Wingh. in, in the County of Huron,
bearing date the .wenty-fourth day of Novem-
ber, 1000, and to ,.ae directed, commanding me
to Ievyupeu the ..finds mentioned in the follow-
ing lift. for art'e,!•.a of taxes One thereon, and
costs therein set forth, I hereby give notice
that, unless the said arrears and coats are
sooner paid, let Ii proceed p i i p e7.. i to Nell the said
lands, or so much thereof as shall be necessary
for arrear„ and c ,ata at the Town n Hall in the
sae' Town of 'tpu nit til on Saturday, the 2nd
day of ;larch 3us year 1007, at the hour of
two ri elo x in the afternoon in compliance
with the pro tis.o .n of the Assessment Aet.
Arrears. Costs. Total
Litt No. 0 on the at 'tide; of
Scott street, (I.' aitSlcutt's
survey, Paten'e $15,3) $2.03 $13,2
Lot No. 7 on the 4. at suit of
Scott street, U'3 at iontt's
eat rev, paten ter 14.00 2.85 10,35
A Wile ab Tut ton yet wtd
between Lois N7 s 3and 4,
. C. TaitScott's su vey, pat. 2.14 2.75 4 23
Lot No, 10 on the a at side of
Stutter street, go crnMent
ndltt n tli n snr e a
tent'i 42,53 3 65 40.05
North part ot No 12,
Peter ,
l ishsrssubdlvisi nofpark
Lot No. 20, oaten ''l 3.81 2.75 4.05
Lot No. 23 -north si a pf Me-
Intoalt street,Pot r Pisltar'S
original mill roe ve pat84 2.75 3.57.
- Let Ivo. 2,l,north sdeotMo
Intntsh strtot,Pet r 1 fisher s
orelnat milt rose vo, pat.,. .84 2.75 14,59
South pert Lent N 10, west
side of Uatlirri e street,
Lect end ¥ciCe s survey
peteeted 5115 2.73 7 fig
Dhtod, Trealtir° Set Poroses Wechem,g1jovr
Beth, Mos,
BAPTIST CHURPH--Sabbath 0ervi0e0 at
11 a m and 7 p ilea. Sunday School at
200 p m.. General prayer meeting
on Wednesday evenings, Rev. E. R.
Faoh, B,A,, pastor. Li.Y P U, meets
0 a V
A3 ad y evenings 8 pan, Abhor Casein:
S,S. Snperintendeut.
MaTlropxsT 0>3uiort-Sabbath servloes
at 11 a m and 7 p m, Sunday School at
2;30 p rn. Epworth 7;.e6.,gue every Mon-
day evening. Goueran prayer mooting
on, Wednesday evenings, Rey. W,
G. Rlavapn, pastor, A, P, Lloyd, S. 5,
Pl; tSB. TaRrAx OK y QH-Sabbath ser-
vices at 11 a m and 7 p tn. Sunday
Sohooi at 2:80 p ea. General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evenings, Rev.
D. Parsee, pastor. L, Harold, 5 S. Su-
Sr. PAUL'S Oi ui ori, EPiso0t4.L-Sab-
bath services at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sun-
day School at 2:30p in, General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev.
T. S. Boyle, M. A„ 13. D-, Rector and
S. S. Superiuteudent. John Taylor and
Ed Nash, assistant S)iperiutendents.
SALVATION ARndr-Sorvico at 7 and 11
a m and 3 and 8 p nI on Sunday, and
every evening during the week at 8
o'clock at the barracks.
POST OR7'raE-Office hours from 8a m
to 6:30 p m. Peter Fisher, postmaster.
PUBLI° L413aISX-Library and free
reading room in the Town Hall, will
be open every afternoon from 2 to
5;30 o'clock, and every evening from 7
to 9:30 O'olook, Miss Maud Robertson,
Towst QomecaL-W, Holmes, Mayor;
Dr, A. 3. Irwin, Rseve; David Bell,
D. M. Gordon, Thos. Gregory, John
Kerr, D. E, McDonald Wm. Nicholson,
Oounoillors; J. B. Ferguson, Clerk and
Treasurer; Anson Dunnage, Assessor.
Board meets first Monday evening in
eaoh mouth at 8 o'clock.
Hoerr SCHOOL BoAitb.- John 'Wilson,
(chairman) Dr. J. P. Kennedy, Dr, P.
Meodonald, Dr. R. O. Redmoud, J. A.
Morton, 0. P. Smtth, W. F. VatStone,
Dudley Holmes, secretary. A, °osees,
treasurer, Board meets second Monday
evening in each month.
(chairman), B Jenkins,; H. E. Isard, T.
Elatl, H. Kerr, Wm. Moore, Alex. Ross,
0. N. Griffin. Secretary, John F,
Groves; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson.
Meetingsseeond Tuesday evening in eaoh
lor, B.A., principal ; J. G. Workman,
B. A. mathematical •
master ; Miss F.
13, leetoheson, B. A„ teacher of Hagfish
and Moderns,
Musgrove, Principal, Miss Brook,
Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss
Wilson, Miss Cummings, and Miss
BOARD 05' HEALTH -Thea, Bell,
(chairman), R. Porter, Thomas Greg-
ory, John Wilson, V.S., J. B. Ferguson,
Secretary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald,
Medical Health Officer,
such as t hes wantedof advertisements
meelianies wanted, articles for sale, or in fact
any kind of an advt. in any of the Toronto or
other city papers, maybe left at the Trans
office. This work wilt receive promptattention
and will save people the trouble of remitting
for and forwarding advertisements. Lowest
rates will be quoted on application. Leave
or send your next work of this kind to the
.141T4I LeBERD 1873
THE WINfili# TIl�Esa
TYIe Times OMee, Beaver Block
Teaste or Sunsonn-TION-81.uo per :memo in
advance $1.50 if not so pate. No piper clinger'.tinned till all arrears are paid, except at tin
option of the publisher.
A1sv8RTletse RA'rtas. - Legal and other
castialadvertisementslOeper Nouperiellinefor
Arse lneertion, Soper lin for each, enbeoqueltt
Advertnisements in local columns are oltargod
10 eta. per line for first insertion, and 5 cents
per lino for each subsequent insertion..
Advertisements of Strayed, Partus for Salo
or to Rent, and similar, 11.00 for first three
weeks, and 26 cents for each subsequent in-
CONTR4oT RATIus--ThefoUowingtable showt
our rates for the insertion of advertisement.
for specified periods;--
Sik&OE. •1 YR. 6 AM. 8 MC. lam
Onogoiutnu.,,.,..,,.$70.00 $40.00 $22.60 48 00
Half Column,. 40,00 26.00 15.00 6.00
b2uarter.0ohunn....... 20.00 13.50 7.60 8.00
CO�ne Inch 5.00 $3.00 2,00 1.26
will be insermtedtillaforbid alis harged accord
(ugly. Transient advertisements must be paid
for in advance, '
extensive assortment f all rm requie tea or print-
affording facilities not equalled in the
county for turning out first class work. Large
type and a5prepriate otos for all styles of Post.
ere, Hand Bills, oto., and the latest styles of
choice fanny type for the Ener olasses of print
Proprietor and Publisher
1 KENNEDY, Member of Assooia
tion. Gold Medallist in Medicine. Special
attention paid+to diseases of Women and Chli0
ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p, m.: 7 to 9 p. m
Centre Street
Physician, Surgeon, eta.
Drug Store. Mao Night calls answerer( aver t the ofll.ou
R. ROBT.O. REDMOND, 7,1. R.0.8. (Eng
L. R. C. P. (Lond,)
Office, with Dr. Chisholm.
Private mad
st, No oommtse on charged lowest
gages, town and Arm property bought and
sold. Office, Beaver Blok, Wingham
Wingham, Ont.
R. L. DIoEflson HADL,,EY Homer•
OPPICE: Meyer Block, Wingham.
Wingham, Ont,
ARTHUR 1. 'wenn
D. D. S„ L. D. S.
Dental Coor llege tan LicentiateSurgerof ofof the Royaly
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office
over Post Office, Wingham.
VY J. PRICE, B. S. A. L. D. S„ D. D. S.
(Successor to Lir. Holloway')
Will continue the practice in the office Iately
occupied by Dr. Holloway, in the Beaver
Block, Wingham.
A LEx. KELLY, Wingham, Ont.
of bln. i all kinds rsonaerates Orders left
the TIMES office will receive prompt attention,
articles they wish to having
of stook or other
tine the same for sale in the'TIMYts. Our large
ciranlation tells and it will he strange indeed if
you do not get a customer. We oan't guarantee
that you will sell because yon may ask more
for the artiole or stook Shan it Is worth. Send
your advertisement to the TI119Es and try this
plan of disposing of your stook and other
mules LEAVE 11'08
London 6.40 a.m..... 3.80p,m.
Toronto &East 10,40a.m6.48 a.m., .. 2.40p.m,
Kincardine -11.13 a.m... 2.06 p -m.... 9.16p.m.
Kincardine ,. -.0,40 a.m-.10,40 a.m.- 2.40 P.m.
London.....,....,, i 11,10 a.m....7.85Palmersp,m,
Torontot , East 9. 8p m 9.15 p.m,
L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham.
easy. POR.
Toronto and Emit d.68 a.m..,. 8.34 pan.
Tees water 1,2rs p.m.,..10,61 p.m.
ARtttve reels
'1'ee'swatet..... 6.45 n,m. 5.23
Toronto and Ea9t 1.17p,m „10.43 p.m,
.L. I3, 8114.118.11,:hgent,Wtn,nem.
Tempe heet)ans
iCopvnit114ra &e.
aeynna seitdlisg ii sketelt and rleserlptttion mol
quickly, ascertain our opinion free whither as
invention 14 probably pate tante, ('emmunies
(tons strictly conedenttial. It.ndimek n0 Yetsni-.
seta free. Oldest agency for *rearing parents.
Patents taken thro5eh Munn Is, CO. 'Acute,
*emu /loose, without ebsrse, to the
$cieuliflc Jlnieric e
Ahandeomelrftturt WA weekly. I,araent air.
e'tlation of anted ea jnnrnsi. Teras. t7 e
Far t, ur mo IMO. 1. Sing Wall he,rsdt'sierit,
"n c . I9r adlusy. New Y t
nnraush (do.. e9C: '81,,1'ce bta.&ou, i►.
President of the Ontario Agricultur
College, Guelph -Sketch of His
Busy Career and Work.
The past few years have witnessed(
a quiet revolution in the conditionte
and methods of agriculture in On-,
tario, a revolution in wino() scientific'
methods have superseded the hap-
hazard ways of earlier days. A num-
ber of energetic men have been the
mainspring of the movement, and one
of These has been Mr, George 0.
Creelman, president of the Ontario -
Agricultural College, Guelph, Mr.
°realm= is an illustration of what
may be accomplished by energy com-
bined with a strong and attractive per-
sonality. At the age of thirty-seven
he has accomplished what most men
would be content with at fifty or six -
President Ontario Agricultural College„
ty; the responsibilities which usually
come with grey hairs fest with him.
on a jaunty and light-hearted figure.;
The appointment, of Mr. Creelman'
to the presidency of the Agricultural'
College four years ago was like com-
ing home,. After his early education)
in the schools of Collingwood, the•
town of his birth, he sought an edu-
cation in escientific agriculture at.
Guelph, and completed his course;
with the degree of B.S.A. at the Una-'
versity of Toronto in 1888, A year Inta
er lie was appointed to the staff of.
the State Agricultural and Mechanical.
College of Mississippi. Here he lab-
ored with success for nine years, when:
the resignation of Mr. F. W. Hodson
led to his appointment as superinten-
dent of Farmers' Institutes for On-
tario in 1809. This afforded a wide
field, and from that day onward Mr.
Creelman has worked for the uplift
of the farmers of this province. Un-
der his administration the member-
ship in the institutes grew rapidly;
new features were added to the meet-
ings, Women's Institutes for the im-
provement of the conditions of life for
women on the farm were organized,
and orchard demonstrations were giv-
en. In this work Mr, Creellnan's
personal magnetism was of the great-
est value in carrying farmers' meet-
ings forward by the impetus of his
own, enthusiasm and arousing interest'
in dry subjects by his attractive man-
ner of speech and wealth of apt illus-
When, therefore, in Mareh, 1903,
Dr, James Mills was appointed to they
Dominion Railway Commission his)
natural successor seemed to be Mr_
Creelman. Though the college was:
then in a flourishing condition, the(
new president has promoted and wit-'
nessed a still further expansion. The
Macdonald Institute and Hall, for)
women, have been completed, organ-
ized and put on a running basis; al
farm machinery hall has been added
to afford instruction in handling and.!
repairing farm machinery; several de-.
partments have been divided and en-.
larged, and the departments ofj
nature study and manual training;
have been developed, Last year there)
was in all an attendance of 1,004 stn-)
dents at the college. The routine of) .
'college work is a heavy tax, but June,
brings excursions of farmers to the)
college numbering 40,000 people; these:
have to be received and addressed by:
the president. There are also many'
meetings of dairymen, fruit -growers„
the Experimental Union, the Winter
MISS LAUr.A 110SE, O.A.C., eui Lith.
Fair and other agricultural gatherings
which Mr. Creelman attends, eaoh af-
fording an opportunity for furthering
his life work as an agricultural edit -1
All this would fill most men's lives
pretty thoroughly, but Mr. Creelman
still has time for an occasional game
of bowls
ns, ad
n he is never
happier than when spending a quiet
evening with Mrs. Creelman and hie
little fioek of fair-haired bairns.
Miss Laura Rose is well and favor-
ably known to agricultural audiences
in Ontario- and elsewhere in Canada.{
Site has charge of the Voile Dairy
.Department at the Ontario Aatieu1-,
.lural tiollege and during No{mber,
and December lends her services to
Institute Work,