HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1982-09-15, Page 17SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1982 [SECOND SECTION PAGES 81 - B16)
ssels Pos
CI -I tnSEN as Miss Congeniality at the Queen of
'the Fair competition, was Joanne Knight. M.C.
for the Saturday event was M,P. Murray
Cardiff. (Photos by Ron Wassink)
NANCY BENNETT, 1981 Fair Queen, crowned the new Brussels Queen
Kathie Hulzebos. At the left Is Miss Congeniality, Joanne Knight and
second runner-up, Jeanne McDonald.
Kathie Hulzebos - Queen of the Fair
NANCY BENNETT, 1981 Fair Queen, crowned
the 1982 Brussels Fair Queen, Kathie Hulzebos,
PRESIDENT of the Brussels Agricultural
Society, John Boneschansker was the first to
congratulate the new fair Queen.
Ratepayers to question nominees
A former resident of Brussels. with strong
tics lo the village has offered to donate a
1972 Chevrolet bus to the village for use h,
service clubs and organi?ations. Dave Miller
purchased the bus in Labrador to move his
furniture and other possessions to his
present home in Scbringville.
Chairman of the recreation department.
Wayne Lowe attended the regular meeting
of Brussels council, Sept. 7, to inform
council members of the offer. He said the
bus will benefit service clubs, hockey teams.
lodges and youngsters who travel out of
town for swimming lessons.
Mr. Lowe questioned the possibility of
obtaining insurance for the vehicle through
the recreation department. "I'm also
seeking information on whether a fee should
he charged or donations accepted for use of
the bus."
, Councillor Gurdon Workman thought it
possible the clerk, Bill King could find out
the policy if other municipalities. He noted
that Palmerston and Drayton both have
"The bus has a new motor but needs new
tires to qualify for a safety certificate."
oyplained Mr, Lowe. "1 think the bus will he
a great thing. but there is a possibility it will
not work out.'•
Council felt if the village was responsible
tor insurance, then owner of the bus should
he Brussels village, Connell also agreed that
"cs-entitle should have use of the bus."
whet, questioned where the vehicle would
be stored, Mr. Lowe reported that several
people have offered storage.
A letter was received by council from the
United Church of Canada concerning the
possibility of including the issue of total „ar
disarmament nn the upcoming election
ballots. The church asked the issue he put o•
a Yes or No vote.
Council opposed the suggestion follow Inv!
considerable discussion and listed several
Reeve, ('al Krauler informed council ' tl
by chance there was an acclamation, a••
election would hay e In he held if th.
disarmament question was included
Reeve Krautcr felt the cast would not bt
justified in an acclamation situation and
Bylaw is adopted
Morris Township council
sntcd unanimously to adopt
a new liquid manure bylaw
for the toys nshlp at its regular
August meeting. The new
tis law is similar to the Liquid
Manure Bylaw passed by the
Huron County ( nuncio and
presently under review by
other municipal councils.
The purpose of the new
bylaw is to help arca councils
regulaft manure storage
throughout Huron county It
is ,11t11 hoped 111.1! the hsI,in
yy 111 help 1' intuit• 1111110TM
111,1111111' 511,1.1gt' In the l'oltrit%
ht .1 Spec sal ntrctitg Mor
ris Hrc•st 11'Illlant I Iston.
said the bylaw ty 111 11,111
Tenni 11 I„ help 1ht rat( pavers
manage their manor(' ss
stemsbv makittt sure there is
enough spate for the opera
tion and 11 is hit: enough to
handle the manioc for 24(1
Also the h, kin sots out
the amount of bind cat h
Limier should have to spread
tilt 111.111111W 011
Mr !Aston acknowledged
that there have been slight
problems NN 1111 manure stor
,Ice sv stents in the township
1o1 lore. but he said he hopes
thcncw bylaw will Improve
the situation
I mala Bird received com-
pensation from Morris town
ship council after several of
her sheep were attacked h a
dog on August 111, of t
Barn destroyed
An earls Friday morning
fire destroyed a Karn nn the
farm of Paul McGill. Int six.
concession fisc. Morris
The Brussels fire depart.
mcnt was called to the flare.
and in turn called Winghant
for assistance. Brussels fire
chief. Howard Bernard said
his department stayed on the
scene for an hour and return•
cd to Brussels upon the
arrival of the Wingham
pumper and tank trucks
Mr, Mr(1111 said passing
Motorists rutin -t'd tnittke
pouring from the structure
but said he had Inst placed
the call. 1 h Mt Gill home
was 0a1,1 -ill dawn several
times as a 11111111 11 ars
lost in the lire itt•re 21
sows. apprnxinlatcls "fl small
pigs, 45 tion of barley and 60(1
hales of straw. Mr. Me(ii11
said no machinery was de
strosed except grain augers
and aerators.
When asked about a poss
1hle cause. Mr. McGill said•
"I am guessing. but it could
have been wiring or a heat
lamp " He said he had
regularly checked the recent -
1% harvested barley crop but
noticed no signs of overheat-
An estimate of loss was not
available. Building and con
lents ssere partially insured.
scar Mrs Bird was .11 the
meeting to sign an affid,iv it sit
pay mens could be made la her
for tnlurics inflicted h% the
dog ms mrd hs Hotter Stnu'rs.
of H H 2 Blyth
Council has sent an illy 11(C
to Mr. Somers to recmcr the
iompensation cost as nidi
cared in the livestock v al u'r's
report of August 23, 1982,
pursuant to the Dog 1 urns
mg and I iv (-stock and Poultry
Ott of November 1081,
Tenders for the trashy
Drain Branch A. Black Muni.
cipal Drain Branch A and 13
and the Hopper Municipal
Drain Branches A anti 13 were
opened at the August 25
meeting of the Morris town.
ship council.
H.I Roth of H.H. 1 Ncw
Hamburg w as accepted to do
the work on 'the first two
tenders at a total cost of
$9.625, ss hilt UW R Drainage
of R.R. 4 Stratford was
chosen to do work on the
Hopper Municipal Drain
Branches A and 13 at a cost of
added, "it also takes a Int of thought,"
"It's not fair to ask electors to vote on the
issue because most people don't have
enough information on if'', said councillor
Hank Ten Pas,
"We want to fan nuclear is capons, but
still sell Candu reactors," stated the reeve.
The election of a new council will he held
November 8. Reeve Krauler favoured a
ratepayers' meeting so the electorate can
question those nominated.
Clerk. Bill King noted the closing date for
nominations is October 18. Council favoured
holding the meeting in the library an
October ". at 8 00 p.m.
Slumps removed on village property
numbered 1". Cosi for removal was 5420.
The problem of property ow ncrs (Tinos inµ
stumps and fon',arding the hill to the village
was discussed,
Reeve Krautcr said residents are rernos
inµ stumps, presenting council with a hill
without first receiving permissmn "Pcople
don't ,sant a Irce, saw it doss,, and esnccl
the village to pay costs."
During 1980, Delores Wheeler had Iwo
tree stumps removed. She had presented
a uncll ,lith a hill for the removal
Although not wishing to set a prcccdcro
council agreed to send Mrs Wheeler partial
pasinenl in the amount of $28 ..we soul,so
ssould pas part of the hill. so pas het the 5:s
sse agreed upon." said 0111110110f Workman
BIG MUGSIII—Large beer steins will be offered as door prizes at the
annual Brusselsfest this weekend. Sponsored by the Brussels Optimist
Club, organizers are confident of a successful evening. The steins were
made by Pat Langlois of Pat's Ceramics, Brussels, She is shown with
Brusselsfest chairman, Murray McArter, displaying the prizes. (Wassink
Approval was go en in RTII ( anada
install a Tong distance telepht'ne ,al'Ic
Mill Street, Some roadwork will result
Councillor Workman said that several
residents near the CI Agroniart suet
asked why the street has not been paved Ht
vrtd residents don't realvt• the street is ( s,
property The reeve said. ''We van'1 rave ,
0,1110 ay property "
01 the Ili planters I1, !,air r.
ontstructcd through the downtow n rrt•,,1,. ,
1,1111111 program, fat• 11151' been
(.111 11 approved hiring Was re 1lit'^ s
o'o•plelc funding Itic platters 1 •
1's11nlatctl 4$, hours
New --bylaw
is passed
1,rcv tc•wrsl•II'
has adopted Ittc mode' hold
livestock noarurt sI,'r,Itt hs
lacy d. fort'. 1,1,,1 1, , 1••1,1'
Oro! .It 11•, HI , ' ( ,".'sly
1 1,1 1 • , k \1.4t' s
111, sl,,t,11,t 11, ., 1 I'•1 ,w
by Iii tt
rl 11111
,1,11 d.1
,t 11 '• .' 4 ,�',I1•' �,
011,,1•••.1, .r.
Three apply
for position
(11'1 , I,•w Iltb l t' '''' 1 ,1.
,1„ opted Iht 1. ,• 1 ! „<.,
Hanna and Han•10t,.. l ,,,
stmt tion 1'nett,I
Ise done or I!:, '!11• ,1'' 1 ' 111
( oat. svnn \l11,1, ma' I1.,n•.
S.1 lint loci
In ,,thel ,I•un,• tis
It ndt t t I,•r s1 ,. •, .•1 I 11
a tip