The Wingham Times, 1907-02-21, Page 8lieteeetelleitelletlailealettellaielaWlee*WWWIlelettlfrWV1 CHURCH NOTES. A. Great sacrifice Sale of Furs AND ALL WINTER GOODS During the month of January Fine Sleigh Robes, regular $12 to $15, sale price $9.50 Men's splendid Black Fur Coats, in fine curl Persian Dog, regular e35, sale price 27.50 Ladies' Astrachan Coats, regular $25, sale20.00 " " $30, " 26.00 .1 t " $35, " 27,50 Electric Seal and Bocharan, with Sable Collars and revers, regular $45, sale price 37.50 With just the same reductions on all our very large assortment of flue but smaller Furs. Ladies' Cloth Coats. and Misses' Coats must sub- mit to the sante severe reduction. fey the Youths' tempt ng priicoys' Suite ce ever heatd u and ian Wingham. vercoats at Came and see and you will be convinced that tole is the greatest opportunity of saving money ever offered. D. 11. GORDON. TRE W]NG11AM T]. FS FEBRUARY 214 1907 4:4004000000000.0004 Rea. J M. Horton of Ripley conduct. ed service iu St. Penl'a on Wedueeday evnng, The etnnual a rwons. on behalf of the Eduoetiqual. Fuad of the 14ethodiat church, will be preached in this town, next Sunday, by the Rev. David Rogers, President of the Lou.iou Conference He will no doubt be greeted by large eudleneee as President Rogers is well known iu tide section, The next regular Communion service in commotion with Ss. Andrew's Pteehy- teriau Chnreh will . e held on Sunday $moretug, March 8rd. The i' reparatory service will be held on Ftulay attentuou let March at 2 80 o'clock. The iudivi' dual communion oupe will be used for the first time at thisaervioe and a special. offering is asked for to defray the t'x- penee or purchasing the communion set The many frieude of Rev E R Fireb, pastor of Wingham Baptist cburch v.0 be sorry to learn that he is eufreriog from partial peralvais of the vocal chortle and in forced to tate a rest from public w speaking Mr. Fitch isa clever young utau and has a bright future before him and we hope he may liege a speedy re- covery and we are pleased to learn that he is now some better, Rev. Mr. Welk- er of Ohesley took his work last Sunday end a gentleman from Toronto will take his work next Sunday. Huron Old Boys At Home. The seventh annual At Home of the Huron Old Boys' Association was held , in Torouto on Friday evening last when four hundred•gueata were present and a very happy evening spent. Among those present from the old comity were Dr. 9 Ohisholm, M. P., E. N. Lewis, M. P., ' Atch. Hislop, M. P. P., John T Currie, Warden of the County, Miss W. Alba Chisholm, J. H. Chisholm, and W. H. Robertson, of the Goderich Signal, Hockey Notes. Two Wingham hockey clubs met with defeat on Friday evening last, The Business College team played with Ford- wich at Harriston and loet by a soore of 4 to 3. The High School team played at Kiucardine with the High School boys ,s, ,,,e,. , taele-Waelt �,tiiliellelt ael/f VileketAtAte'O'N'®ti of that town and lost by a snore of 10 to 6. PERSONAL. On Friday evening of this week on the MINOR wingham rink an exhieition game of we shall be glad to have contributions to hookav will be played between Stratford this column from any of our readers. If you and Wingham. Stratford team is cone - have visitors or purpose going away yourself. posed of very fast players and an extra effect. Same may be expected. The O drrop in and,tell us, or send ns a note to that good iti• zene' Band will be in attendance and LOCALS. —Teams and Weekly Globe for one fear for $1.35. —Be sure and read S. Gracey's new advt. in this issue. —It is time you had renewed your sub- tcription to the TIMES. —A number of our townspeople are ri suffering with la grippe. •--The general election for the Legis- lature in Manitoba will take place on March 7th. See the new 1907 go-carts at S. Gracey's store. Never shown in Wing - ham before. —Mr. W. J. Paton has moved his machine shop to tive machine shop in the chair factory, —It is said that over twenty new dwelling houses will be erected in Wing - ham during the coming summer. —The numerous friends of Mr. G, E. King will be sorry to learn that he has again been seriously ill during the past week. —The Bell Telephone Co. will con- struct a line from Goderich to Kintail and [Dungannon during the coming summer. —Mr. Elder, of Brandon, who has 'been in this section for some weeks, slopped a car load of horses to his wes- tern home on Friday. —The bundle of the November issue of the Bell Telephone directory wits lo- cated last week and copies have been left.with all the Wingham subscribers. Mies Jeneie Hogg, of Grey is visiting there will beg after the game, at the home of Mr. A. M. Bird.The Wingham hockey team will play a game in Lnoknow this (Thursday) Mr. Geo. Lamont visited at the parent. evening. al home in London over Sunday. Missionary Contributions. Miss Little is in Toronto this week at-. The seventy-five Methodist Churches tending the wholesale millinery open- and appointments of this conuty last logs. year levied $7,962 for missions. Add to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cummings, of Lis. this $2,038 raised by the Epworth Leagues of the county, brings the total towel were visiting with Wingham re- contributions for mission up to $9,99o. latives over Sunday. The contributions by the churches in Mr. Robert Birmingham was appoint• this district are as follows:—Wiugham $664, Blyth $201, Dunganuon $166, Sea - ed Organizer for the Grand Orange forth $275, Clinton, two churches, $621, Lodge of Ontario West. Goderich, two churches, $621, Brussels Mre. N. Lovett and two children, of $332, Ethel circuit $274, Auburn circuit $364,=.Londesboro circuit 2248, Gorrie Carnduf, Man„ were visiting for a few circuit $265, Wroxeter circuit $111, days at Mr. H. Kerr's. Bluevale circuit $117, Belgrave oironit Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, of Hartney, $217. The Epworth Leagues of Wing - ham District raised $915 for the support Man., were visiting for a few days with of Rev. G. Railay, at Kilamat, B 0. the Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Alderson. Leagues in this District raisirg the fol. Mr. McInt re of Hi h River, Alta. lowing amounts:-Wingham $291, Bruss- y ' g ' els $85, Ethel $100, Ford wioh$71, Gorrie who ie visiting at his home in Atwood $46, Wroxeter $10, Blnevale $4, Ash - was visiting at the home of Mre. Lind field $55, Belgrave $18. for a few days. Rural School Matters Miss Gertrude Baer returned to The ratepayers in the rural school sec - Woodstock, on Monday, atter spending tions ee Ontario are nearly all diesatis- a couple of weeks with her parents, Mr. fied with the provisions of the new and Mrs. E. Baer. school law passed by the Whitney Gov- ernment ernment and are now making a move to Mr. H. B. Snelgrova of Toronto, re• have a large delegation wait on the - .presenting the Boyd, Brunell Co, Toron- Government and ask that changes be to, was a guest at the home of Mr. made. The first section in this district Edward Baer, on Sun day last. to act in the matter was S. S. No. 3,, ()Wrote. A meeting of the ratepayers of this section was held on Thursday last, when the working of the new Act were explained by Mr. Jos. Welwood. - Provisions of the Act were not before fully understood by the ratepayers. The ratepayers strongly expressed their die - approval of the salary clause, holding that the matter of teachers' salaries should be left in the hands of the trus- tees, and adopted resolutions to that ef=- fect. It was also thought that Inspect - A Boston schoolboy was tall, weak and sickly. His arms were soft and flabby. He didn't have a strong muscle in his • entire body. The physician who had attended the fancily for thirty years prescribed Scott's Emulsion. NOW To feel that boy's arm you would think he was apprenticed to a blacksmith. 421 ALL DRUGGISTS; 500. AND 51.00. `II' 410 0060 444,00`I 000000410 ti 0040 FOR GALE.—Krick house and lm; alro DOMINION a good brtuk house with all modern couvieno.-e; hard and soft water, good BANK barn, and from one to four acres of land, Get particulars at the TIIIESS oillce. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore subsisting between Ales. Young and Joseph Mo Burney, hardware merchants, has this day been dissolved by mutual con- sent. All t•a%ties owing the late firm will nettle with Alex. Young, by whom all debts of the firm wilt be paid. Dated at Wingham this 14th day of Febru- ary, 1007, ALEX. YOUNG, JOSEPH McBURNEY. Farm Labourers and Dome tics. I have been appointed by the dminion Gov - pram ent overament to place emigrants f m the United K ngdom in positions a far. laborers or do- mestic servants in this eulity. Any person requiring such help sho notify me by letter stating fully the kind o elp required, when vi anted and wages offered. The number ar- riving inay not aufacient to supply all re - vide each applicanefforttwilllr e uired to pro- vide PETER CAMPBELL, Canadian Government Employment Agent Wingham, Ont. Messrs. R. N. Barrett and Murray Wilson, left on Friday last for Brandon, Mr. Barrett will remain in the West and Mr. Wilson will return home in a few —The Wingham branch of the Wo- weeks. man's Institute will hold their regular Mr. M. S. L Homuth left on Monday monthly meeting in the C. O. F. hall, morning for Toronto, where he intends Thursday Feb'y 28th at 2.30 p. m. Sub- residing in future. He has a large fact for diecussion, "Salads." Ladies are all cordially invited to attend. —During Monday night some person visited T. A, Mills' store, gaining an entrance by breaking in the rear window. The goods were scattered about the store, but Mr Mills does not think that anything valuable was re- moved. —The medical men of Goderich have notified the beneficiary societies that hereafter they will charge a fee of $2 circle of friends in Wingham who will wish him every success in his new home. ors were given too much power. After due consideration it was nnaminonsly Rev. A. L, Burch, pastor of the Pres- decided to join with the other school byterian Church at Orangeville was a sections in sending a delegate to Toron- to. Me, J. N. Pickle, was chosen as visitor in town on Tuesday en route for the delegate. We have received a Lnoknow, where he was to conduct lengthy report of a meeting of Turn• special services. He and Rev. Mr. berry ratepayers held on Tuesday, Boyle were close friends at both school which will appear in our next issue. and college. Executor's Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R, gg,, O. 1897, Chap. 129, Seo. 38, that all persons ving claims againsti2the estate, of James ally, late of the town of Wingham in the ounty of Huron, laborer, deceased, w died on or about the first day of Jiideary` A. D. 1007 are Mr. Frank Buchanan ie in attendance az the meeting of the Grand Council, R. T. of T. 'in Toronto this week.On Mon-- for ail medical examinations for admit- ." T., 'in evening the District Council of To- ronto tendered a banquet to the delegates when Mr. Buohannan,who is Past Dom- inion Councillor, was one of the speak - era, representing the Dominion Council. tanoe to such societies, and that they will do no contract medical work for such sooietiea. —Dr. Kennedy met with an accident on Monday afternoon which might easily have been more serious. He was run into by a runaway team of horses near the brickyard, north of the town. He had one rib fractured and his cutter bad- ly smashed, but we are pleased to report that he is able to be around, --On Saturday evening Mr M. S, L. iiomuth was presented with a beautiful gold locket by the members of the Citi- zens' Band. Mr Homnth has for a long time been a member of the band and Will begreally missed. The boyss made this presentation so that, Mr Homnth would always hate a reminder of the happy days he spent with the boyr of the Citizens Band. -'-The Ripley Express came to hand last week in an enlarged form and in a new dress of type. A new power press hits also been installed. Brer. Mooney has made b great Improvement In his paper. The people of Ripley Ore the ] xprets good support and they are get. dm a good paper. Bret. Mooney is an odd Wim bey and the Tlatas wishes hued stems, LETTERS FROM MOTHERS Every day we get letters from mothers telling of the benefit Baby's Own Tab- letd have been to their little ones. Some praise them for constipation, stomach and bowel tronblea; others for breaking up colds and simple fevers; some ea a great help to teething babies,hile others go so far as to say thee,tfie Tab- lets have saved their littlnone's life, We have thousand of latera—all prats• ing the Tablets, 1 t y never do harm —always good. rs. Robert Pierce. Bell's ai R db Ont. p , writes:I would not be without Baby's Own Tablets in the house for a day, When anything ails my little ono I give her a Tablet and she is soon alright. I am sure other mothers will find them quite as satis. factory." Sold by druggists or by mail at 25 cents a box, from rhe Dr. Willi- ams' Medicine Oo., Brockntlle, Ont. CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS A simple and effective remedy' tor SORE THROATS AND COUGHS They combine the germicidal value of Orseelehe *185 thh. scathing �ropertlee of *lippery CIM ins 1100. •ktis. Your din et or from 0i, 100 lir et.imilss. itrte, )mins .,, L001tdtf, Jltsote, idoritteal. ger required to send b liver to the udersi6 p deceased, on or before e std or to de- ecutor of the said e 18th day of March A. D. 1907, their names f addresses and descrip- tions and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security (if any) held by them duly certified, and that after the said day the Executer will proceed to dia..' tribute the assets of the 'deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shell then have notice, Dated this'll/tit day of February �A. D. 1907. R. VANSTONE, Vi ingham P. O . Executor. LrDlxm.—In Wingham, on Feb. bth, the wife of Mr. J. D. Lidiet; a son. Pictci.t.r,.—In Culross, on Feb. 1215, the wife t Mr. W. Pickett • a Son. o W uentrRr.—In W Wingham, on Feb. loth A W g , the wife of Mr. John Arnsbury: a son. BANTeS —In Wingham, on Feb. 1815, the wife of Ensign Banks; a son, MARRIISD LwrsintaN—BOslrAN—At the home of the bride's parents, on February 20th, by Rev. W. G. Howson, Mr. Jas. H. Leishman, of Saskat- eheeren to Miss Martha E. Bosman, youngest daughter of .61r. and Mrs. Edward Bosman, of Wingham. • DIED Fox—In Brussels, on Feb. 11th, Harriet Greta, infant. daughter of James and Louisa Fox, aged 10 months and 7 days. CADS --In Morris, on February 13th, Martin Cade, aged a years, 1 month and 15 days. WARD— In W Ingham, on February 1315, Druoilla Ward, relict of the late John Ward, aged 67 years and 0 months, KaivNED=—In winghain, on February 16th Robert Kennedy, aged 84 years, 11 months anti 15 dant. MCDONALD-111 Whitechurch. on February, 10th, Mary Abraham, wife of Mr John McDon- ald, aged 56 years, 0 months and 18 days. THE BUSINESS OF THE MUTUAL LIFE Assurance Co. of Canada. HEAD OFFICE, WATERLOO, ONT. For 1906 shows substantial increases over the previous year, as may be seen from the following figures: ITEMS 1005 1000 gains ower 1Assets t 9,298 oils $ln,ti8(i i80 $1,080,447 Income 1,956.518 2,078,423 116.905 377 'In ur nceittforee 44,197, 4 1,208,878, ,712,4458 dtxpenae ratio � Ciroeel' and Chins KerehAllt Income..... Yi$ mo, 18.$1 D.O. 1.46 , 4810 .� ..ro ONE WAY SECOND CLASS COLONIST RATES TO San Francisco - - 844.20 Los Angeles - - $44.20 Mexico City - • 843.20 Ogden and Salt Lake, Utah 540.65 Helena and Batte, Mont. $40.65 Nelson B. O. - - $41.15 Spokane, Wash. - - $41.15 Victoria, Vancouver and New Westminster B.C. 543.65 Rates to other points in propor- . tion. Tickets on sale daily from March let to April 80th. For tickets and full information as to rates, routes and train service call on L. Harold, Depot Agent. J.' D. MCDoNALD, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. vvWVVVVVVVW_ ISOVVVVVWVVVVV The Corea Best and tGrooeriee. see. R I GI1RISTIt'S T 1 c China . Glass and Ornamental Ware Oranges, , s Bananas, Eto. PRODUCE TAXER, J. Heary Christie AB 211, O'OSENS WillOttAlti, ONT. ,&gent, yringhttia. _ . . _ - .. - . BEAD OFFICE : TORONTO, Unita, paid up, $3,000,000 Resirve Fund and Undivided profits $3,928398 Total Assets, over 49,000,000 WINCHAM BRANCH. Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT—Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and npwarde, and added to principal 30th June and Met December each year. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager. R Vinton., Solicitor. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale his farm of 200 acres, being Iota 21 and 4, con. B, Turn - berry. 23 miles west of Wingham, on the boundary. The farm is exceptionally well fenced, well watered, and In a good state of cultivation. Soil, mostly clay loam. 3;4 acres of good orchard. 60 acres fall plowing done, On the premises are a large bans; barn 70 x 80 with stone stabling underneath; also lean-to on north end 30s 70; also drive barn 60 x 60. Also a large brick brick, with frame kitchen and dining room. On the barn is a new 14 -foot power windmill which drives straw cutter, grain crusher and root pulpar, also 60 foot tower pumping windmill, which supplies water from never•failing well to house and barn. Reasons for selling, terins and price can be had Prole the undersigned. Possession at any time. HENRY THOMSON, ° Winghain 1'. 0. Q EALED TENDERSaadressed to the under - IJ signed, and enders a `Tender for Public Building, Owen Sound, . t.," will be received at this office until Mon, - y, February 26,1007, inclusively, for the con: ruction of a Public Building, Owen Sound, .,nt. Plans and specification, can be seen and forms of tender obtained at t• s Department and at the office of Messrs. Fo- ger and Clark, Archi- tects, Owen Sound, Ont • Persons tendering are notified that tenders will not be considered unless made on the printed form supplied, ..nd signed with their actual signatures. Eacli tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a artered bank, made payable to the order o the Honourable the Minister of, Public Wo s, equal to ten per cent. (10 p.c.) of the a ount of the tender which will be forfeited = the party tendering decline to enter into a :ontract when called upon to do so,or if he fai to complete the worlc contracted for. If the 8 :oder be not accepted the cheque will be returned. The Department does hot bind itself to ac- cept the lowest or any lender. By Orde' b. GELINAS. Secretary. Department of Public W rks, Ottawa, Januar 31, 1907. Newspapers will not paid for this adver- tisement if they insert without authority from the Department. WINGHAM flour Mills We have good corn at $20.00 per ton, come and secure your supply. All kinds of Chop and a good supply of Bran, Shorts and .Low Grade Flour. ways ask for Wingham Mill's Flour, PRICE LIST Five Lilies flour, } bl, $2.20 to $2.40 Prairie Pose " " 2.00 to 2.20 Star " " 2.00 to 2,15 Cream Pastry Flour 2.00 to 2,05 Low grade Flotir,ton 25.00 to 27.00 Bran, per ton - 20.00 to 22.00 Shorts, 20.00 to 22.00 Screenings - 18.00 to 20.00 Chop (mixed) 2500 to 25.00 Chop (oat) - - 25.00 to 28.00 Chop (Corn) - . 21.00 to 24.00 Winter Wheat, bus. .08 to .70 Goose " " .60 to .62 Manitoba " " .75 to .85 Goods delivered promptly to all parts of the town. HOWSON, HARVEY & BROCKLEBANK. CArrrnt. PAin Ur ; TOTAL, ASSETS; Rsspavp new #2,600,000 Thirty-two. Million Dollars 51,000,000 13,ENK OE HAMILTON A General Banking Business Transacted SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received, and highest current rate of interest allowed. 96 Branches throughout Canada. WINGHAI1 BRANCH C. P. SMITI-I, AGENT. THE CANA)'.IAN It ANK ® C MERCE ESTABLISULD 1937 Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000' Rest, - - 5,000,000 Total Assets, - 113,000,000 IIEAD OFFICE, TORONTO B. E. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager A. H. IRELAND, Superintendent of Branches Branches throughout Canada, and ii the United States and England, A GENERAL BANNING .BUSINESS TRANSACTED FARMERS' BANKING Everyfacilitya king. Sales- Not s cashed or taken for collection BANKINGby- mall.Y accounts receive every attention be made or drawn Uy WINGHAM(ONT.) BRANCH - A. E. SMITH, MANAGER. 86• The Bee Hive Three Stores, seem to be the draw- ing feature by the masses. The way goods are moving in and out, something must be doing. No dead stock here. The quality of Groceries; 61othin� and -DryJr6ods are of the best. Being selected by a large staff of experi- enced buyers, is filling a long felt want, and are certainly bought cheaper in large quantities. Our offer of part cash as well as trade is still on. Country people, take advantage of this for your produce, and get busy We can save you some money. American Coal Oil Kept in Stock. TITIN BEE 111V1 CO. WINGHAM STORES : • Next door to Elmer Moore's and in The -Carey Stand. C .al i z1 i✓'SIM Special Gut Bargains in PURN ITU RE AT S. G -RACE' YDS. All new and up - to - to stock. PARLOR GOODS, MATT $46.00 Parlor Suites for 539.00 39:00 " " 31.50 35.00 a " 29.00 23.00 " " 13.50 and S SPRINGS I $3 75 Mes attrses for $3 35 Hercules Springs—the I best in the market at I the price, guaranteed I for 5 years. for - 3.50 We handle the Astermoore Mattresses, too. -- Bedroom Suites, .Sideboards, Parlor and Extension Tables at special prices. 4.0 off leaves 26 on. We think we can beat that, for cash. wantingdo hip in --•f youaret PETS I ARY CARPETS --If g Carpets or Floor Rugs this spring, see what we can do tor you. Give us the size of your room and we'll get carpet made to fit. rte' We make a specialty of nice, neat Planta Framing. Or Room Mouldings, Window Shade. etc., etc. S. GRACEY .P'tiidN1TUEl DEALER ,AND UNDERTAKER. .'7 d9fJ': /, C"t 7�^`•2 _��yi��.11 :l<�. L'f <.I C>�.•! L:. [\_"_'. ,.f -4.#.w-it•'.-e . ►#4.4-Y..,.a..r.•.w.4•4••••4 'or • ] 7