HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1982-09-08, Page 20, t r A20 — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEPTEMBER 8, 1982 BRUCEFOELD FO DEPARTMENT PANCAKE BREAKFAST CAR WASH & BAKE SALE Sat., Se -tit .11 7:30 a.m. -1 p.m. at the BRUCEFIELD FIRE HALL NOW IS THE TIME F YOU DON'T WANT RUST OIL IS . A MUST (NEW OIL) $25.00 (Small and medium size) cars 128 00 (Full size cars) A. pickups Village Auto Body DAVE REID SEAFORTH 527-1830 ASHORT REST — Some of them bowled in the local lawn bowling club's 53rd annual tournament last Wednesday and some worked behind the scenes. From left are a visitor, Bessie Cowan of Midland, with her sister Edith Dunlop, Helen Connell, Betty Tilley and Ella Munro, • (Photo by White) WL ©an cip?Gi g EVENT Vincent Farm Equip. against Roth Food Mkt. T I ME 3:30 • DATE Sun. Sept. 12 PLACE Lions Park Health care needs Continued from page 10 Alcoholism and drug abuse is increasing. and there is little response from Queen's Park to the need for more treatment facilities and edu- cational programs. Preventive medicine is effectively ignored. In Northern Ontario, pat- ients and professionals alike vented their frustration over the appalling lack of access to adequate medical facilities. Thunder Bay's Medical As- sociation told of a waiting list for chronic care beds "reach- ing back one and a half years"- ' The Liberal Committee was told of patients who just "give up and die" when care is delayed or denied....of thousands of French-speak- ing Ontarian professionals... of costly and disruptive trips to obtain treatment in far-off centres. Only one psychiatrist prac- tises in Northeastern Ontario, North of Sudbury. and 60 more psychiatrists would be needed to achieve the doctor - patient ratio of the south. Consfance Correspondent MARY MERNER 482-7143 Mr. and Mrs. John Thomp- son attended the wedding for Steve , Howard and Kern Medd in the Londesboro United Church on Saturday. August 28th followed by the reception in Blyth. Harold Merner of Kitchen- er visited last Wednesday with Mr, and Mrs. Carl Merner. Sandy. Julie. Mike and Shelley. Paul and Diane Stevenson. David. Darren and Luanne have moved to Huron St. in Clinton. We wish them well in their new home. Shellev Merner and Mi chcllc Dillon attended a birth• das party on Aug. 31st for' Andrea Rihcy of Seaforth. Mrs. Jack Croricr. Lori and Kevin. Sharlene Fletcher of Huron Ridge, Kincardine vis ited on Wednesday with Mrs Florence McElwain and the Carl Merncr family. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thomp- son. Lcisa. Cheryl and Will spent the Labour Day week• end ntth Mr. and Mrs. Ands. Thompson. Jeffrey and (;reg• ory of Oakville. while there. thc\ toured the Toronto Metro Zoo. John Thompson and (lint Wilson ofRkt3 Blyth attend cd the Steam Show in Milton on Saturday. Carolyn Thompson and Doreen Wilson sisited with Mr and Mrs. Andy Thomp FARMER'S MARKET SAT., SEPT. 11 9a.m.to1p.mt: VICTORIA PARK Featuring * Ve gerahlet ' Fruits *Arts and Cra/l a * Baked _Ciels Hospital Auxiliary Rummage Sale Ad Fret, Hugon ll ©van M@wg AFTER HARVEST WEED CONTROL Winter wheat and spring grain stubble fields give you .an.,. -excellent. -.opportunity to kill perennial weeds. Espe- cially twitch grass and bind weed. For bindweed control you have to wait until the plants are in late bud or early bloom. This will probably be between September 10. 15 in most of Perth and Huron. If your field has not been worked after harvest. Banvel, Cytrol, KiI,mor or Roundup will do a good job in controll- ing bindweed. If you have red • clover and bindweed, you must sacrifice the red clover to get the bindweed. There is some consolation in knowing that the dead bindweed roots will aid soil structure. TW1ITCIH CONTROL Twitch Grass control is more effective in early Sep- tember than early May or late October. There are some basic principles. For Cytrol or Roundup, the twitch should be at least 6-8 inches high. This will probably mean 'spraying mid to late Septem- ber. Again. this trAa���tment will not be successfu`t'ifyou worked the field after ar- vest. If the field is to be planted to corn next year, use atrazine and corn oil. The rate of atrazine will vary with the height and vigor of the twitch grass stand. Use a range of 2 to 4 kg./ha. actual atrazine. The lower rate for the lighter infestations. If the twitch is actively growing, be sure to use corn oil or a corn oil concentrate. - For all three products. Atrazine. Cytrol and Round- up. you will get better control if the twitch is actively growing and at least 6-8 inches high. ACCUMULATED HEAT UNITS MAY 11 TO AUGUST 20 1982 1981 normal Centralia 2257 2232 2196 Ridgetown2435 2312 2325 •Pat Lunch, Soils & Crops Specialist -John Heard, son, Jeffrey and Gregory of Oakville. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Merner and Wes of Waterloo were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Merner. Sand —Rine. Mike and Shell - c\. - Mr. and Mrs. Jim Presicator. Bill. Debbie and Mlvhacl arc home from spending the last two weeks camping at Pine Lake. 5 GRA of Sit and Sleep Li,. uid togs SA "LDAY, S JPT. 11® 1 We offer Factory -To -You Prices on quality mattresses, beds and living room suites. OPENING SI OPENIi �L7 ,TIAL Mattresses and Boxsprings each piece OPENING SPECIAL OPENING SPECIAL. 2 piece Living Room Suites GRACE COMMUNITY CHURCH Huron Centennial School BRUCEFIELD, ONT. 482-9260,565-5341 and 236-4979 10:00 a.m. - Family Bible School 11:00 a.m. - Speaker Randy Mann Water Well DRILLING W. D. Hopper and Sons 4 MODERN ROTARY RIGS Nell 527-1737 Durl 527-0828 Jim 527-0775 from 9. OPENING SPECIAL 4 piece Living Room Suites from 9. Listen to CJCS AM all day Saturday during the remote for even more great, grand opening specials. iv, 'LIQUIDAT�RS 550 HURON ST. STRATFORD PHONE 273-4S70 HOURS Mon Tues Wed , 10 00 a m 6 p m Thurs Fri , 10 00 a m 9 00 p m Sat 10.6 o. 1►� ening Week Specia Adak Gul f For The Week of September 13 18 OIL E1 4 .95 CHANGE for most cars) 5 litres oil, filter, grease Seaforth Gulf Service 527-0333 Seaforth itt rv. 111/ HOURS: Mon. to Thurs, 7 a.m. 10 p.m. Friday 7 a.m.-11 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m.-11 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m.- 9 p.m.