HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-02-21, Page 66
ernets from the Sanctum Mill
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
The Menitnha Legislature hes been
eworogned and it ie swill a aeuer:il elect•
itne will eft held on Meech le.
c' .A. SS her Cee Xr3.:*d: 'i.. .
Itterethe Ilio Kin! Vat Ilea A vas @as hl
tri Of / ' � left✓a
There are neout 16 000 islands between
'the Beast of India and Madagascar. All
of theta aro capable ,af aupfnrtinq pope.
lation, but exile 000 are inhabited.
Deniel A. Manu, who fell olT a frsight
rat at LtlackP. eke five ween:, ago, died
'at St. Thomas from his enjuries,
ITCH, ;Mage, Prattle Scratches lard ••g
;Nyle loin of Canthi issue itt'h on summit t
r,r siilwats Cured in etl n'ittutee by «'•11•
ford's tertnitery Lotion It haver Yaila.
,weld by L eitatniitoa.
Deu't worry sheat what's going to
Ilalopen: you are not teeming the um
versa and it tante your funeral.
DR. A. W. {7tle,1S;,e'S
Croup can r.esitively be stopped in 20
minutes Nn arm/tiers - nothing to
ri, lien er dietrees year Child. A sweet,
pttsweet, and FOR Syrup. called Dr
Sheep's Creep Cure dopa the work and
days it quickly. Pr. Slump's Crone
(nee is for Croup alone, remember. It
does rot claim to care n deme, ailments.
IQ's to Orcup. that's all. Sold at
Walley"s Drug Store,
Britain's potato crop averages over 6
tons an acre. Rnsia grows barely 2
tons to the acre; and Italy little over lets
Doan's Sirirey Pills act on the kid.
gems, bladder and urinary Omens only.
rhea cure backaches, weak hack. rheum -
CATARRH CURL', , e t a ' rheum-
l,iiBrigbt'e disease and all other
is sent d,r&t t•t trete tits: aced eine saes arising from wrong action of the
pans by th3 lIc:^t,r<ti 1,*icer. �iducya and bladder
twee the t „,t:, clears t. e sir
pa ayes. tg tI •�; ctathe
threat ori<l r ttnat:ar-ly teas
Catarrh and Hay i et r Iilmcer
frost,All dealers t. Pr. A W. t;
lid:cine Ct. Tct. oto and B set.
Napoleon Graved, tan Ottawa civil ser.
vatic,(:omin:tsed suicide by hanging;
`.fire essential lung -healing principal of
the pine tree Ilea finally bleatanc.;eneeullc
i�apeara ed and retlned into a perfect
tongh medicine -Dr Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
guarantee of satisfaction. Piice 25ts.
T.si illiani R Ia,a eh,Guelph c:ashi'.r, is
=Using, and it et alleged that his an
.counts aro seven hundred dollars shoat.
4C, MT-
$eus the The leese Y..11 i1a;s ri ;' a; E_ag` chambermaid, who wanted to be oblig-
ing, "but we eau sprinkle 'em for you if
you like."
ere are to -day actually Fhippiug their
Many people say they are "all nerves,' flour to Russian porta. and that !?inland
easily startled or upset, easily worried has recently taken Canadian fl,lnr in
and irritated. Milburn,s Heart and -
The milk question is getting serious in
the North Weet on account of the cold
weather, and there appears to be some
truth in the report that the half -frozen
cows are giving nothing but ice cream.
SL'DDEN1T Arreetw:ED.
Children are often attacked suddenly
'ay painful and (i.ent erdus Colic, Cramps,
!Diarrhoea Dysentery, Cholera Morbus,
Cholsra Infentnm, eto. Dr. Fowler's
e street. of Wild Strawberry is a prompt
and sure cure which should always be
kept in the :tonne.
"Are the sheets damp?" said the fussy
old man at the hotel, "No said the
illga slam
The C.P.R. are building three new
:steamers in Great Britain, two of which
are intended for the lake trade.
SPiING ntEDac;r .
As rw spring medicince Burdock Blond
Bitters Jas no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
"weary feeling so prevaleut lathe spring.
She: "Ie the telephone za'rl'e occupat•
ion a proteesion or R business?" He:
*'Neither; it's a calling."
For Infants and Children.
Kinn You E1avv Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
At tho age of 20, the average man
loses 'adapt yearly by illness; at 65 he
will lose 20 days, _
For girls who know their feet are stall
We do not care es fig,
They're all
't wakes their head too big,
If von are couetipated, dull, cr bilious,
or have ri sallow Melees carnpl.atop, tea'
leageite Jain once to et e. what they will
do tor you 'sax. eta are little tcothsntne
(%cacti teblete-nice. to eat, Alpe list effect.
No gripipg, n'i pain. ,Test it gentle inxa
live effect that is pleaaeinglr desirable
Handy for the vest pocket: or parse Lex -
tto meet ten ry dears. Lex-ets ct me to
vnu in twee:tiled lithowrephed unmet
boxes at 5 cents and 2a cents, Sold at
Walley"a .Dtug Store.
Last fall Thomas G Burns, of Palm
sten, trite killed by a live electrto wire
and hie woe got judgment against the
town for 0,000 danteges That cat,e was
appealed and the Division Court held
tbat the jury were warranted in the view
they took ot the cantle of death, and that
the daweges (e 1,000) were not excessive.
Appeal (lienueeed with colts.
proportioned, atter all -
For Oxer Sixty Yeats.
An old and Weti-Tried•F emedy-.-Mrs
Wittslow's Snothiug Syrup has been uHed
tor over sixty years by millions of moth-
ers ter tbtir ('btldien while teethirig,
with perfect snecees. It soothes the
child, softens the gurus, allays all pain,
cures wind t'oI:n, and is the best tamale
for dierritce(1. It is pleeseatt to the taste.
Sold by eru;.'giste in every part of the
a or Id. Toenty fico c( uts a hot tie. Its
value is incaleuleble }3e sure you ask
for Mrs Window's Sent -long Syrup. and
take no otlitr kind. Guarantee0 under
the Food anti Drug Act, June 30t11, 1906.
Serial Nambtr 10118.
Miss Grace M. Vercoe crossed the At.
lantio 21 times as the agent of an Eng,
fish diamoud concern, and on eaoh trip
she has carried with her gems valued at
$150,000 to $/100,CCO.
Kidney Search Lights -Have yon
bat•kache? Do you feel drowsy? 1)o your
linos teel heavy? Have yon paws in the
Wine? Have you dizziness? Ilave you a
ire t dragging feeling Ill the regimes of
the kidney We Any and ail ot these icdi
rate kidney troubles. South Americer,
Kidney Cure is a 1 quid kidney specitin
and works wonderful cnres In most cans -o
plicated eases. -94 Solo by A. L Ham-
Such authorities as F. W. Thompson,
of Ogilvie Company, are of opinion that
the present shortage of wear in Russia
is going to be of immense advantage to
Canada. He states that Canadian mill.
Nerve Pills are just tl>.e remedy such large quantities.
people require. They restore perfect _
harmony of the nerve centres and give catarrh. Cannot be Cured
new nerve force to shattered nervous
systema, With Local Applications, as they can-'
not reach the seat of the disease. Ca-
Bother: "How did this in get all terrh is a blood or conetitntinnal disease -
over this table?" Small son: "It run out
and r2 order to cur. it yen waste take an
ternal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, wed acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaeas, Hall's
Catarrh Care is not a quack medicine.
from under old 'uncle Joke, did yon It was prescribed by oust of the best
physicians in this country fcr years and
make him laugh?" Bob (cautiously) : is a regular prescription. It is compos -
"Well, the joke did tip set his gravity." ed. of the best tonics known, combined
with the best blood purifiers, acting 01 -
ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIbIEN 4' re- rectly on the mucous surfaces. The
Moves all hard, sott cr calloused lumps : perfect combination of the two ingredi-
=aedblemiehes from horses, blood spawn, ents is what produce. such wonderful
curbs, splints, rirgbone, sweeney, stifles, results in curing Catarrh. Send for
sprains, Fore and swcollen throat,congbs, testimonials tree.
etc. Save e50 by the use of one bottle. F. J. CHENE Y & Co., Props., Toledo, 0.
Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Sold by Druggists, price 75a.
Cant ever known, Sold by A . L. Hamil- Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa-
t ton. ion.
by its own self as soon as the bottle up-
set." -
Tom: "When you pulled the chair
1 Mr. J. C. Clark, head master ot Port
Elgin High School, and formerly of Lis- The town of Meaford is at present
towel, has been tap pointed principal at I without a Reeve, Mr. R. Agnew having
Altnonte, ,and will leave on March lst. resigned when action was brought
against him by a ratepayer, who claim-
ed that at the time Agnew was elected
Teaxa-Liver Pills are the laeles' favorite Gas In The Stoino.ch he had a teaming contract with the
medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick Belching and that Fense of fulness so town. There are rumors of action be -
Headache, Billiousness, and Dyspepsia often experierced after eating is caused ing taken against other members of the
without gslping, purging or sickening. by tire formation of gas. The stomach
fails to perform its functions and the Council, who, it is claimed, cannot
Kate and3amea McMullen, brotherand fear €ermcnts, Chamberlain's Stomach qualify. A new election will be held.
r and Liver Tablets will correct the dis- How Dr Von Stan's Pineapple Tab -
sister. aged about sixty years, were froz- order. They fed digestion and streng- lets Give Instant Relief. - They're
en to death in their dwelling, at Garden then and invigorate the stomach and handy to carry -take one after eating-
81i15tation. bowels. For sale by all Druggists.
or whenever you feel stomach distress
Piles get Brick re`ief from D. Shoap's !armed it the
,o only remedy known that will give in.
'MagidOintment. Remember it's made A change was made in the Wallace' stant relief and permanent core -no long
r_F comm on-snffcrers have
DON'T YOU, SLEEP GT fl WELL?, --According to Bradstreet's report,
�+t the cost of living as represented by the
Better Correct ltiatturs Before
Nerves and. Health ale Shattered
Withont sleep there own, be ii4, bodily
or merited vigor, oomagoently elePpteas
MSS is it dang,trontt onh(titiou I4'athintr
so surely restores sleep asFerrc:twie; it's
harntlehe just a nonriening, ee.enntben-
intr tonine
l'erroznne, vital z•'s every part of the
body, retakes the nerves herdy,complete-
ly rebnilda tbt• systern.
The oenae of sleeplesmnes is rernoved-
healrh is restored -you (lin work, tial,.
strep• -tat I like new atter awing Ferro.
zone Don't pat off -get Farrozone t0•
day it dots cure insomnia, 50o per box
at all dealers.
He who lovet acid runs away
Sometimes finds it doesn't pay,
When the maiden sweet and cute
Starts a breach of promise suit,
Gets a j at -lenient for her side,
Takes hia mesh to sooih her pride,
Mets a fellow siuoth acid bolt,
Marries him and keeps the gold.
To Many People Dally with Catar•
rh--It sullies one like a ttluuderotap,
develops -with a rapidity that no other
disease does. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal
Powder is the radical, quick, save and
nleatent cure that the disease demands.
Use the metas, prevent ite deep searing
nod years of distress Don't dally with
Catarrh ARttew's gives relief iu ton
minutes. 60 cents" -97. Sold by A. L.
Some 50 miles off the southern meet of
Newfoundland lies the last remnant of
the colonial empire of France in North
Atuerica- •three islands, small, rooky
and barren, that are, nevertheless, im-
portant as the centre of the French nod
fisheries and because of the sentiment
associated with them as a bit of ground
over which the tricolor may continuo to
fly. The colony is adinieisteted by a
governor stud has a deputy in the French
Warrior Woes - 'Through damp,
cola and exposure many a brave soldier
who left his native hearth as "fit" as
man could be to fight for country's
honor, has been "invalided home" be.
cense of the vulture of the battle ground
-Rh'•nmatiem South Amt rican Rhen-
matio Onre will cshtolutely cure every
cane of Rbenmensm in existence. Re-
lief in six hours, -be' Sold by A. L.
alone for Rims -and 11 works with cer-
tainty and satisfaction. Rehire, pains
ttit, protruding, or blind pike diva` pear
like magic by its use. Try it and see!
Sold at Wol ey'e Drug Store.
Rev. Thomas Griffith, D. D., one of
the prominent Methodist ministers of
Canada, statio-.±ed at St. Thomas, will
retire on account of. 111 health.
Au English antoist has been fined so
street livery businems at Listowel last
week, Mr. J. A. McIntyre of Palmer-
ston taking possession, having bought
Mr, Eggleston out.
A Habit to be Encouraged.
The mother who has acquired the ha-
bit of keeping on hand a bottle of Cham-
berlain's Cough Remedy, saves herself a
often that Inc has pr bitched an advertise• great amount Of nneaeiness and anxiety.
utent stating that he is compelled. to re- Coughs, colds and crane uto which ured
b 1? dren are susceptible are quickly oared
fuse his usual Charitable donations, by its use. It counteracts any tendency
of a cold to result in pneumonia, and if
ce ma. W7.7'"= leL X eels. given as soon as the first symptoms of
Bean the The 1(111 You Hata kap r fl g l croup appear, it will prevent the attack,
This remedy contains nothing injur"
w of
ander the new management of last
pear the National Portland Cement Co,
of Durham have paid ten per cent divi•
and mothers give it to little ones with a
feeling of perfniit eat:Br ty. Sold by all
The will of the late Nathaniel Dyment
dehds lyfttr paying oft :4 Iisrga Wetted- Of Barrio will shortly be filed for pro-
ness. fly itie puretlase of atelier depos- bate. The value of the estate will bo in
It of marl there is in sight enough raw
material to run the big plant for thirty
Dear Mother
Your little ones are b constant care in
Pall end Winter weather. They will
catch cold. Do you know about Shiloh's
Conauteption Cure, the Lung Tonic, and
what it has (Ions for to rmtiy?It is tadto hothe only reliable remedy for all
dresses of the air passages in children.
It is absolutely harmless and pleasant to
take. It is guaranteed to cure or your money
its returned, The price is 25e. per bottle,
311 all il(wlon ill rtlodicioa x11
mood, should ha hs bears htiutish( (f ;
the neighborhood of three million dol-
To stop a Cold with "Peeventics" is
safer than to let it run and euro it after.
wards. Tanen at the "sneeze stage"
Preventics will head off all colds and
Grippe, and perhaps save you from
Pneumonia or Bronchitis. Preventies
are little toothsome candy cold cure tab-
lets selling in 5 cent and 25 cent bones.
tf you are chilly, if you begin to sneeze,
try Preventios, They will surely check
a cold, and please you. Sold at Walley's
Drug Store,
Watchman (discovering a burglar in
the act of opening a bank safe): "Hold
on! What are yon doing there?" Burg-
lar: "Don't make snob a rorr, old man.
I want to see if my deposit is an 'right.
Nobody oat tenet his bankeriiowitdays."
tedious treatment with questionable re-
sults -best for all sorts of stomach
troubles. 35 cents. -06 Sold by A. L.
Mr. Erydons, assignee in the Farn-
ham estate, has issued a satement to the
creditors. The receipts were as follows:
Sale of Chattels, $1555 33; Farm, sub-
ject to Legacy and Mortgage, $12;0le
other receipts, $32.25; total -$2837.63,
The disbursements were $1590,05, lee.v-
ing a balan $1233 58 to ha divided
among the editors. As the claims
against the estate amounted to $1575.-
87, the creditors get 27c on the dollar.
THE bt'3ttA'VRSV
r. Good brain food.
z. Excites the functions of the liver,
3. Promotes a sound and quiet sleep.
4. Disinfects the mouth,
s. Neutralizes the surplus adds of the
lf, Paralyzes hemorrhoidal disturbances.
7. Helps the secretion of the kidneys.
E. Prevents calculus concretions,
.. Obviates indigestion.
se. A preventative against diseases of the
Ix. Restores all nervous energy and re.
rives the statural forces..
OS listeboni + Ti 1►tl►l1#itta Deli*
Professor Wm. Saunders, Director of
Goverument Experimental Farms, speak
ing the other day before the Agricultural
Committee gave some interesting figures
respecting the production of wheat. Con-
trasting the yield per acre in various
countries, he pointed out that in Great
Britain came first with t average of
u0 95 bushels' per Here, an i Germany
second with 28.25 bushels. The average
in O:itmrio is 1$ g_ bushels per acre, in
Manitoba 18.5 and in the Narth West
praviacte l9 13 baskels,
Try This for Yoar Cough,
To relieve a cough or break up a cold
in twenty-four hours, the tollowing
simple formula, the ingredients of which
can be obtained of any good prescription
druggist at small cost, is all that will be
required: Virgin Oil of .Pine (Pare),
one-half ounce; Glycerine, two ounces;
good Whiskey, a half pint. Shake well
and take in teaspoonful doses every four
hours. The desired results can not be
obtained unless the ingredients are pure.
It is therefore better to purchase the in-
gredients separately and prepare the
mixture yourself. Virgin Oil of Pine
(Pare) should be purchased in the origin-
al halt -ounce vials. which druggists bay
for dispensing. Each vial is securely
sealed in a round wooden case which
protects the Oil from exposure to light.
Around the wooden ;ase is an engraved
-/rapper with the name -"Virgin Oil of
Pine (fare)" -plainly written thereon.
There are many imitations and cheap
productions of Pine, but these only
create nanmea, and never effect the de-
sired results. .
A novel experiment is about to be tried
by the Government of Victoria, Austra-
lia,. A sum of $25,000 has been placed
in the administration's estimate for the
making of roads by prisoners through
the "bush" in unsettled parts of the
state, Each prisoner who does his work
well will be paid a regalar daily wage,
the amount to accumnlato until his re.
lease, when, as the premier says, ho
"will have a respectable sum with which
to make a new start in life."
"I believe it to be the most effec-
tive remedy for the Stomlteh and
Nerves in the market," is what Annie
Patterson, of Sackville. N. B., says of
South American Nervine, for, she Bays,
La Grippe mud the complications which
followed it left her next to deaf? with
Indigestion, Dyspepsia and General
Nervous Shattering. It cured her, -100
Sold by A, L, Hamilton,
Action has been taken against the
township of Colborne in tho claim of
Mrs, Wm Ivers, of West Wawanosh,
for damages for the death of her hus-
band, caused by the overturning of his
wagon last fall on a road whish the
plaintiff claims was not in proper condi-
tion. Mrs. Ivens claims$10,000 damages,
At the meeting of the Colborne town-
ship council it was decided to contest
the claim. It is understood that the
township, while denying any liability,
would consider a proposition for settle-
ment of the claim, but of course for a
very mush smaller amtfnnt than le
named. The township has hada good
deal of litigation later' and ie probably
not ansxiotte for any more. In the listeria
title it looks as if the matter Would go
before the ooiirti.
price of leading stud esseptlal articles cif
food, has .Made the astonishing advance
of 20 per Beat, in the last year. A(cord..
ing to these remarkable figures, the cost
of foods, clothing end buil ting material
has guns up one'Aftb bine° Deoemhor,
1005 Flour is the only commodity that
hast ehown an aotual decline, and even
that hasmeant nthiug to the conyum-
er, for tho prtoe of b,ettel has remained
the tetra
Awfa.l'hxperionee with Ileart Div.
ease. -Mr 14 J. Law, '!'urnnlo, Can
writes: ''I Ras so ware/ y treuhlcil with
with heart (liseaae that I was amble for
18 months to list down itt bed Int I
mother After takinu ono hose of De,
Ageetv's Rout Cure, I retired teed slept
soundly. I used one hotrin nail the
tronhle has not ruturut'd,"--09 Sold by
cl, Ia llanmilton
An industry which ha'I been overlook-
ed so far by Canadians has been brought
to the attention of the Canndien Menu-
faoturers' Assooiation lately lie several
letters received from the 010 Lend. The
tudnstry i., question iu the manufacture
of wood • flour. ort as it is otherwise
called, "wood meal," "wood pulp," or
powdered wood," A good market exists
for woad tl•lur in Great Britain, About
8,000 tons are need aunuelly there in the
tnaitntacture of high explosives and
Cotntnon Colds aro the Causo of rattily
serious Diseases.
Physicians wile have gained a nation-
al reputation as analysts or the cause of
various diseases, claim that if cat lithe;
cold could be avoided a long list of dang-
erous ailments would never be heard of.
Every one knows that pneumonia and
consumption originate from. a cold, and
ohrouio catarrh, bronchitis, and all
throat and lung trouble taro aggravated
and rendered more serious bur eaoh fresh
attack. D,I not risk your life or telco
chsuoes when yon have a cold. Chinn.
berlain'a Cough Remedy will care it be.
fore these diseases develop. This reine-
dy eent:tins no opium, morphine or
other harmful drug and has thirty years
of reputation back of it, gained by its
cures ander every condition, For sale
by all Druggiste,
Death came rather suddenly on Satur-
day, Feb. Oth, to Jae Funston, at his
home on Lot 85, Con 6, Huron Tp. Al-
though in failing health for about
a year, ha was able to move about with
but slight assistance. He retired
to bed about 7 o'clock on Friday even-
ing and the end came a few hours later,
from general weakness. Dlr. Funston
was born in Fermeuagh County, Ire,
land, and came to Cauade in the year
1852. After a residence of eight years
in the vicinity, of Loudon, Ont. he mov-
ed to Hnron Tp ( being one of the early
settlers in that district.
Itching Piles- Dr. Agnew's Oint-
ment is proof against the torments of
Itching Piles. Thousands of testimoni-
als of owes effected by its use. No ease
too aggravating or too long standing for
it to soothe, comfort and cure. Itcuras
in from 3 to 6 nights, 35 cents, -05
Sold by A L. Hamilton.
Great Britain's eeports and imports
last year exceeded for the first time the
gigantic total of £ 1,000,1)00,000 05,000,-
000,000), easily beating all previous
trade and navigation returns of the
United Kingdom. Owing to the recov-
ery from the paralying effects of the
South African war, the great advance
in the cotton trade, and other contribu-
tory causes, the trade of the country
during the last few years has been going
forward by leaps and bounds. Compar-
ing 1306 with 1905, the returns show im-
ports increased £42,900,000, and exports
increased £53,200,000. The total in.
crease was £95,100,000.
When the last box of this season's
cheese is exported, the local value of the
Shipments from Canada will reach about
$28,000,000, a handsome revenue for the
farmers of this country, out of which
they- have realized splendid profits, as
seen everywhere in the bettor style of
living. It is it fact noticed by some of
our jewellers, that their sales to farmers
last year were larger than in any forms
or year. It is very certain that the deal-
ers attd exporters who paid them such
high prices for their cheese, and contri-
buted so largely to their profits have
not invested as lavishly in purchases of
jewellry as their agricultural friends
have. -Montreal Trade Bulletin.
Blood Bitters
holds a position unrivalled by unro)1ieI
blood medicine as cure for
PIMPLES, RINGWORM, or any, Madam
arising from s disordered state of the
Stomach, titer, Bovre1e or Blood. Y'Difitlre
lou require ft goo blood medioins get
._.-, IMPOc r BLOOD mins.
has hetet closely allied
with the development
of Sewing; Machines
c tines
In Canada for t rter(
than One Wahl! o a.
ttm, 7Y,'
I3 at. s we
have a fa�ivi4%iJ? i'io which
bears Investigation and
stands 4.1tiy test.
f;ji t_. --_.
LCnr. . G'' cn : 'iyi u ,21P.
...,.v.. vs. -.,rum... n.^stas.,. s ,._�u:, erste mac, -n.,..
THE ve@LL.R,s> EY1ASt,,1UFA U Fit 0 CO.
COMPANY OFFlc(?e: r...1 Ci l:1 °W LL tat' A a,., P. Q.
TORONTO, LONDON, HA1f LTOtl. OTTA1.7A, ST. 40141d, N. fill
AGENTS WA:l i I1D v.nYwisnn t .
teteteettleeiteeeetWeettea046 40Neta'eeti'ttlei Oftee0OVetetu'eetet'Ishii.'i'.F.eeteteeerettMatettli
4. -F
5r s ,6113tl;r
4 mum
`A .
FOR 1906 - 07.
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os .
Times to January lst: 1905 $1,C0
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