HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1982-09-08, Page 17THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEPTEMBER 8, 1982 - A17 .4 Help Wanted LEADING Saskatchewan! weekly newspaper has open- ing 1'or trained or experienced general reporter. Must have car, camera. Salary nego- tiable. Ernie Ncufeld, (306) 842-7487. 4-74x1 C'ARF:ER in trucking trans- port .drivers needed, Train now for your Class A licence. Write Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training School, P.Q. Box 3186, Cambridge N3H 4S6. 4-74x1 8 Farm Stock CANADIAN Royal Sale of Aberdeen Anguli Cattle. Sun- day. September 19 at Pro- spect Farms, London,'Ontar- io. Approx. 60 lots, mostly 'cows w/ calves at side and re -bred, also bred and open -heifers. For catalogue and more info, call collect Bob Greaves (519) 433-5849. 8-74x1 11 Articles fix Sale 15 Property for Rent 24 Card of Thanks NEW 3 bedroom split" level home in Brussels. Available immediately. 887-9200 • 15-74-2 3 bedroom house for rent. Available October 1st. 527-1405 after 6:00 p.m. 15-74-1 3 bedroom farm home. Avail- able October 1.. References required. Phone 262-5988.' 15.74.1. UPPER duplex, separate en- trance. Own gas furnace. Available October 1. 52'-1833 evenings. 15-74-1 4 bedroom house, finished rec' room with. fireplace. \527-1434 days, 527-1244 eve- nings. 15-74-tf SINGLE stores on Turnberry St.. Brussels from 650 to 800 square feet or may be com- bined to provide approxi- mately 2200 square feet. W into Box 3522 The Huron Expositor. Seaforth, Ont., or . phone 519-527-0240 for par- ticulars. 15.654 APPLES, pears, plums, in season'. McClymont Orchards 1 mile south of Varna, 182-3214. I I-71-tf WATERBED: Do it yourself kit, $175. Includes mattress, heater, liner. Single. queen or king. Save money by making frame yourself. Com- plete instructions, free delivery. (416) 63'-6904. Il-65xtf FURNITURE Schuett's Mild- may have in stock a splendid selection of suites of furni- ture. AItiu bed, chesterfields occasional livingroom, tables and chairs. Competitive prices. Schuctt's deliver. PIANOS new and used; Ham- mond organs: also stereo sets and Flectrohomc television sets. Godfrey F. Schuett 1 united Mildmay, Ont. 1I-'3-2 SWIMMING Pool Sale. grand new 1982 models com- plete with 1/. h.p. sand filter. inwall skimmer, ladder. vacuum and maintainancc kit etc. Discount prices start at 51,395.00 on complete pack- age. Call collect 416.945.4773 1 1.62-tf 12 Wanted t0 Buy SMALL calves, either dairy or beef, 357.2861. 12-65-tf CATTLE, -sick or disabled. Pay top dollar. Call anytime. 392.6829, 12-65-tf 14 Property for Sale IllNSALI area, '5 acre cash crop farm. May be purchased 1ti1h or without crop. Contact teem Reidy Realty Ltd. Real• for 34-•2-08. 14-74.1 FOR SALE: A one floor, 3 bedroom cottage with sun deck on West William St.. in Seaforth. Ideal, quiet loca- tion, close to Main St., schools. churches, arena, Full basement. new kitchen. new roof. A worry -free home on I't lots. Good 12'12% mortgage due June 1984. Phone 52-.0673 after 5:30 p, m. forvicwing. 14.71-tf WALLPAPER Several books Available at Ball -Macaulay Ltd Seaforth FARMERS For a good farm building at competitive prices PHONE: RAY LAMBERS CONSTRUCTION R.R. N2 Clinton 482-3305 FRFF ESTIMATES 19 Notice PREGNANT & distressed? Married or single. Free con- fidential support, Call collect Birthright, 432-7197 or after 6 p.n1, 527-0115 or 524-2023. 19-68-tf PHIL'S Refrigerator and Ap- pliance Service. Prompt, de- pendable service to all makes and models of domestic ap- ,•pliances. Phone 887-9062. • 19.65-tf SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. fast efficient service. Write or tall Harvey Dale. Seaforth. Phone Clinton 482-3320 or Scaforth 527-8284. REPAIRS to all makes of sewing machines. Reason- able rates. Several good used machines also for sale. Ph. 527.0875 after 6:00, 19-72.4 24 Card of Thanks Many thanks 10 my relatives, neighbours and friends for their visits, cards and gifts on my 87th birthday, They were very much appreciated. Mrs. Ethel Bone 24.7451 Mrs. Helen Dallas would like to say many thanks to Dr. Underwood and the staff of the Seaforth Community Hos- pital for the care she got and for cards, plants and flowers she received. Thank you. 24-74x1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of MATILDA JANE DUNN ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of Matilda Jane Dunn, late of the Town of Seaforth in the County of Huron, deceased. who died on the 26th day of July 1982, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of Sep- tember, 1982. after which date the assets will be distri- buted having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, Ontario this 19th day of August, 1982. McCONNELL, STEWART, DEVEREAUX & SMITH, Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the executor. rts The family of the late Mt. Herman W. Poppe wish to express their sincere appre- ciation to relatives, friends, and neighbours for their prayers, floral tributes. dona- tions, masses and bakings. - Special thanks to Fr. J.J. Carrigan, C,W.L., pallbear- ers, Dr. Payne, Dr. Barr, fifth floor nurses of University Hospital and Lockhart Fun- eral home. Words cannot express our heartfelt thanks. May God bless you for your thoughtfulness. Mrs. Annie Poppe and family 24-74x1 We would like to thank our family, friends and neigh- bours for their cards, flowers, visits and gifts while Marlene and Chad were in hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Conners and OB nurses for their excellent care and to Grand- ma and Papa Fischer for taking care of Brent and Clint. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. ed. Murray, Marlene, Brett, ' Clint and Chad Fischer 24-74-1 The family of the late Arnold Scott wish to express their sincere thanks and apprecia- tion to all of our friends, neighbours and relatives for their .support and kindness during our recent bereave- ment. We gratefully acknow- ledge all floral tributes. do- nations, cards, and food that was brought to the home. Special thanks to the ladies of Egmondville UCW who served lunch after the funer- al. Also thanks to Mary Richie, Laura, Mary, Linda and. Doreen for _Int Ing" at the house., Special thanks to Mr. David- McKnight for his, very personal and inspiring message and his moral sup- port during the past two months. Thanks also to Barb and Max Watts at the R.S. Box Funeral Home. to the pallbearers and flowerbear- ers. Sincerely Minna Scott and family 24.74x1 Sincere thanks to all who remembered me with gifts and cards and to the doctors and nurses for their kind care while in Stratford General Hospital. Agnes Murray 24.74.1 We wish to thank our friends and neighbours for cards and donations to the Michele fund at the time of my mother's death. A special thank you to Ella Grabcr, Naney Currie, Kathy Bridge, and Barb Knight. the Ladies Auxiliary and Brussels Legion. Branch 218. Barbara Graber 24.74-1 L&M AUTO WRECKING R.R.3, BRUSSELS ONT. Used Auto Parts and Towing We buy rads, batteries, copper and scrap We pay cash for complete cars, or trucks, etc. CALL 887-9561 REAL ESTATE AUCTION SALE of Commercial Building to be held for Mr. Ken J. Siemon at 185 Herbert Street, Mitchell, Ontario, SAT., SEPTEMBER 11 AT 1 P.M. Property now operated by John Radford Farm Equipment Ltd. consists of 2.14 acres of land on which there is a pole structured implement building 32 x 64 tinned and insulated with attached office 16, x 18. Building is serviced with town sewage and water and heated with natural gas. This building was built new in 1974 and is well maintained. Terms 10% down balance due in 30 days being offered subject to a reasonable reserve bid. For moreistatarmation and viewing phone Ken gletasott at 348-9078 Auctioneer Richard Lobb 482-7898 20-74-2 24 Card of Thanks After spending 4 Feeks in hospital 1 wish to thank Dr. Rodney, doctors and nurses and staff of Seaforth Com- munity Hospital, Father Carrigan. Father McQuaid, Father Oostveen, those who visited me and sent cards and mass cards, flowers and prayers and K of C. Thanks to the people that took off my crop and looked after my place. It will always be gratefully remembered. ' Clem Krauskopf 24-74x 1 26 Personal Howard and Joan Bernard, Brussels announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Dianne Marie to David Ver- non Diehl, son of Ron and Agnus Diehl, Moncton. The Marriage is to take place in Brussels United Church, Sep- tember 24, 1982 at 7 p.m. 26.74.1 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nolan, R.R. 2 Dublin, are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Donna Marie to William Dean Cornish, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Cornish of Queensville, The wedding will take place on Saturday, September 1i, at 3 p.m. at St. Columban Roman Catholic Church. 26-74-1 ARE you tired of being, alone? Are you unattached, separat- ed, single or divorced? Meet that special person. Apply P.O. Box 104, Owen Sound, N4K 5131. Please state age. 26-73x2 DOES your organization need to raise funds? Sell spices, a new ideal. We supply all forms and information. Call Mr. Spici.s(416) 767-2341 or wife" 7 South Kingsway, Toronto, M6S3T4. 26-74x1 Every week more and MOM people discover'`rwhat mighty jobs are accom- plished by low cost Huron Expositor Want Ads. Dial 527.0240. FRESH CAULIFLOWER ' 3 miles west of Exeter on Hwy 83 86.00 a dozen Open Daily 9 a.m.-8 p.m. CLOSED Sundays Phone in large orders Visscher Farms 237-3442 Also available Broccoli in season ••••••••••••• • • R.G. •• • • Gethke • GENERAL • • AUCTIONEER • • Serving Perth and Huron • Counties with many years esf experience. For reliable • • service at reasonable rates • • Call 347.2465 collect • 0 SAT. SEPT. 11, 10 a.m.- • • Furniture, antiques. mise. • items. etc. 21/2 miles south • • west of Mitchell for Vera • • Campbell estate, • • 20-72-1 • • • • • • • • • 27 Births VISSCHERI Charles and Cindy (Anstett) are happy to announce the birth of their baby daughter. Stephanie Marie. on Sept. 2. 1982 at Victoria Hospital, London. Ont, Proud grandpar4nts are Margaret and Albert Vissch- er, Parkhill. Ont. and Leone and Ray Anstett. Seaforth, Ont. 27.74x1 RAYMOND: Keith and Loree (nee Gammie) are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter Lindsey Margaret weighing 7 lbs. at London's Victoria Hospital on Friday.' September 3. 1982 at 12:55 p.m. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gammie of Lucknow and Mr, and Mrs. Robert Raymond of Brussels. 27-74.1 FUEL OIL FURNACE Repair and Cleaning 24 HOUR SERVICE PARATCHEK'S MAINTENANCE Dublin 345.2235 USE EXPOSITOR WANT:. ADS Phone 527-0240 HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. All classes of livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Greg Hargreaves 262-2619 Hensall Victor Hargreaves 482.7511 Clinton Barry Muter • 236-2717 Exeter and 229-6205 Kirkton RICHARD LOBB Auctioneer AUCTION CALENDAR Clinton 482-7898 SAT., SEPT. 11, 10 A.M. Shop tools. farm equip- ment, tractors, trucks. for Radford Farm Equipment's Ud., 185 Herbert Street, Mitchell, Ontario. SAT., SEPT. 11 1100 P.M. Commercial building, at 185 Herbert Street. Mitchell. Ontario for Ken' Siemon SAT., SEPT. 18 10 A.M. Antiques, furniture, ap- pliances etc, at Richard Lohh's Rarn, Clinton for Mrs. Irene O'Rourke plus additions WED. SEPT. 2.2, 7:00 p.m. 4 hedroom brick home to Mitchell for the - estate of l na MacDoueald FARM MACHINERY CONSIGNMENT SALE 80 TR of ACover TORS and 100 Peso of EQUIPMENT URINDLEY SALES YARD Durageinnon, Ontario SATURDAY, SEPT. 18 10 A.M. SHARP Moro consigrinmeratz accepted CALL 529-7625 27 Births . FESCER: Murray. Marlene. Brett, and Clint are pleased to announce the safe arrival of their son and little brother, Chad William Earl born August 24, 1982 at Listowel Memorial Hospital. Proud grandparents are Ken and Doris Fischer and Helen Pletch, 27-74-1 19 Notice (Iladle°s Srltiaml Engoi es Ser'ioce I MILE NORTH - OFLONDESBORO 523-9202 Lawn and Garden Equipment Repair New and Used Garden Equipment in Stock CLASStF)� war. **was USE IOW We Pump Septic -Tanks, Cesspools, Etc. Call or -write LLOYD WEBER Phone 887-6700 BRUSSELS Ont. VEAL'S Abattoir and Meat Market 'Hwy. 83.31/2 miles east of Exeter 235-1123 Try us for CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING Kill days -Tuesdays OUR SPECIALTY Horne cured and smoked meats processed exactly the way you like it, 27 Births COLEMAN: Sean Coleman announces his promotion to "Big Brother". Lindsay Brooke Anne arrived Tues- day, August 31. 1982 at Seaforth Hospital. Pam and Bob wish to thank Dr. Under- wood and staff. 27-74 I Fornitnre Ife!w�l�r Sen?Oce UPHOLSTERY AND AUTOMOTIVE SEATS "Furniture Stripping A Specialty" Phone 482.7379 L CATEIt,'ING Plot & cold meals Available for:, banquets, wedding dinners, wedding receptio.nS anniversaries& - private parties Phone 527-0715 Laurene Regele Pbofe 347-2774 Doreen Wurdell Elizabeth Court Apts.. 176 Oxford St., Hensall Available now, 1 bedroom Aug. - Sept. 5265 2 bedroom now Aug. - Sept. -5295 -,odes utilities, carpet - Ing, appliances, laundry facilities. PHONE 262-3448 or262-2615 15-65_tf Bachert Meats Custom; Killing Cutting, Wrapping Freezing Kill Day Tuesdays All meat Gov't Inspected on the farm 1 mile east of Walton 887-9328, ••••••.•••••••••••••••••••I•• • • ▪ ESTATE AUCTION SALE • • • • of furniture. antiques and miscellaneous items to be • • held at Lot 30, Concession 3, Fullarton Township. I' . • • miles south and one mile west of Mitchell on: • • • SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11. 1982 AT 10 A.M. • • OFFERING INCLUDES: Flat to wall cupboard: set of • • • • six pressback chairs: set of sewn pressback chairs: • • hanging lamp; Gone with the Wind lamp base: blown • • pitcher and glasses: refrigerator. electric stove; • • chesterfield and chair: vacuum cleaner: buffet: desk: • • two wardrobes: Quasar portable color teles ision: small • • ® ,lack •and white television; tw'o washstands; seven • • piece chamber set: three brass and iron beds; • • flour sugar bin: adding machine: portable typewriter: • * • electric sewing machine: 12 place setting dishes: large • • assortment of silverware; hiscutt jar; mustache cup; • ' • small appliances: love seat and chairs; hall tree; • •• extension table: wringer Is asher. coal ml stos e; trunks: • • large offering of dishes including antique pieces: e • granite ware: sealers; apple peeler: copper boiler; • dressers: crock churh: herjding and linens; quilts. • hooked mats: pressback rocker. cookware: lantern; • gramophone; antique records: beam scales; irons and o trivet; iron pot: hay knife; hand tools; cistern pump; • high chair; reel power laAn mower: wooden wheel • wagon; Viking cream separator; horse mower: feed • tank approximately three ton capacity: 800 hales straw; • 800bales hay; steel water trough: two farm gates, cast • iron seat; and many,other items too numerous to • mention. • TERMS: ('ash day of sale. • • Cheques accepted with proper identification. c NOTE: This is a good offering with something to • interest everyone, so plan to attend. • VERA CAMPBELL ESTATE • Proprietor R.G. GETHKE • Auctioneer • 347-2465 • Not responsible for accidents on day of sale. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0®00,60006*®6•••••••••••••••••• 11. 19 Notice ISC I CKEY STEVENS Country Gold & ROCK 'N' ROLL Good recorded music for weddings, dances, anniversaries, parties, etc. 5 years experience Phone Brussels (daytime or evenings) 887-6159 OIUAKER 1 STAIE ) ST 111 LLIIS CM. SAE 50 H.D, Su r rder OI ndOND * a t SAa 3OHDX Series in $1 19 ,. -order. ,,d.r 1001, 100 it. omen. MiMmen, order 10 (Bring your own container) SEAFORTH AUTOMOTIVE .<.i.nh 11' ono =.•memo .n•,.,•e b, armor 4 19 Notice TENDER LEAN BEEF from choice, grain finished cattle Government inspected. Cut to our exact needs. COMPLETELY PROCESSED HALVES only 1 a 59 Ib. ROBERT COLEMAN 262-3031 �.C:ulstom Slaughtering IProceesiing Kill' Day Wednesday DASH'WOOD 237=3677 Seed Wheat VARIETIES FREDERICK -REGISTERED & CERTIFIED GORDON - CERTIFIED Ask about discounts for pick-up and cash R. T. Bolton & Son 527-0559 "DEPENDABLE QUALITY PEDIGREED SEED" Te -em Farms Pick your own Tomatoes, Beans, Broccoli. Also available, Canning Pears, Freezer Cauliflower and Broccoli, Melons and Honey Dews. Onions SO lbs. No. 1 Potatoes 50 lbs. In -Store Specials Available Te -em Farms R.R. No. 1 Buyfleld 482-9940 °7.00 `6.00 NOTICE OF HIGHWAY CLOSING NOTICE IS HF'RFB'i that •h, 1. „rlwr.nion o1 the loenship of NitKillop pn r t. ,.'nstder and. if deemed adsisablc. pass a Bs law Iro,idint for the stopping up and closing of d ; t eta," part a,f road sl , allow ante hich part ma he n'ort part •,Marls dostribed as follow 511 and stngul•tr that ,trl,nn pat, el or tra,t of land and prenusys sttt,arr Istnk and bone in the Township of \tthilter. In the (ounn of Huron and F'ro%ot.e o' Ontario and hwntg,omposol of fart o1 t'n'onktnal road alloy, an,1 hernt to 1„ t 13 r ,• t. t ssn•n 5 of the said Tow nsiiip ,d \tc Kiilop and I .•t Ih. (onu'ss100 `. of 1!•c said 1.",tabu 0) \1rKillop and wltt.t, p,1rt m.n he mors parnrularh d'sent'ed a, Part 4 .i; ,,rdtnp tr .1 Plan of Rcterrnce dt pos'te'd ''i the I and R 'Ci,trs Oftl,1 for tl•t 1egod:, 1It, Huron as numher 221 .762 AND Ft'RTHE R PRO\ IPINt; for t'•, ,a!t' .•t ^tr ,,• ,' shopped up and closed road allo,s at., t It is proposed 111,1, the 13% ia,t ht ,,,'t•i,i,'t,1 the Count•il of the ('orporatton .,1 ;''s 1.'.t, •'1 'st,'Kdlop at its regular nlcet,ne too h, r, .0 51. ';lop 1 oss nsffip'otunicipal,Off. e. N n•t'srop t 1 ......... .... the, 4thdas o10,tuber. IQ82.+t 1 n,io,\ m the :'tern,,on \ND T \KF FCRrHFR VO'l l('1 !kit '•ct •rt t'a+sing the said hs law at itsmeet,ne to be )''l.l ar t5, saii! time and plare. the Council of tho i t'o:.,n.'r . I t'+c 1o41nshipof McKillop.1',111 t'',' i• ' 't,+ .1414 person who claims that 1 is lar,! 6 :'.t affeited hs the s,litl 134 i.4 ., ,! • to he heard D,\ Ti -oat the I cm 'odor ,'t \1, K,. , Ott, 1 '15 ,lots of August. 1982. THECORP(IR•\lU1V in THF TOWNSHIP 01 \1thll I tip h Its 0t+lielrnrs, McCONNELI, STEN ARI. 111 \ 114.'1- %C\ & SMiTH, nJ \tor, st lscatot''• r.,i.1 '8441 I w,'