HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1982-09-08, Page 10A10 — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEPTEMBER 8, 1982 IEM@nouwan@M New IiI1htS installed in Legion Back from (left) Jackie Kea, Ontario; Evelyn Chambers, Victoria; Karen Stillman, Peter- borough; Joan Pattemore, Leeds; Centre Row (left to right) Julie Lapierre, Glengarry; Cathy Scheurman, Oxford; Heather McHolm, Durham; Ruth Zielman, Huron; Front from (left Liz Sterenberg, Niagara South; Glenna Howley, ii9itti iU U ii % !'r. V:..4r���n���' °r . .,„„4,,,,,,,,,,,_.,I . _ ' At 4 •(b a.� .. om .._,H":;;;:: "Stl8, t'y'CI /ti ry. . C /M 2e*Ms ! Tl t��rf®Bn r7.I,. Re.IJJrrv-°4eAll .'/ l l i� l,bn r"i a r' _... - Vvrt.7vrrMeNv .1 .q -:m nrt+I/3-wJry4oar. //t, dw•Eau ..daJ.7 a.am , 0; ly+,mr Ea :•Med >b ,, r., • ee First PRESBYTERIAN Church 59 Goderich St. W., Seaforth Rev. T.A.A. Duke, Minister Mrs. Carol Carter, Organist SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1982 11:15 Worship Service, Sunday School and Nursery to be followed by a congregational picnic at the church ALL ARE WELCOME ' ST. THOMAS Anglican Church Rev. James R. Broadfoot, B.A., M.D1v. SUNDAY, SEPT. 12/82 - 14th Sunday after Trinity 10:OOa.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon. Sermon- "The Waters of Bethlehem" 5:30 p.m. Parish Pot Luck Supper and Reception for Rev. Broadfoot and his family. - - SUNDAY SCHOOL AND NURSERY COMMENCES THIS SUNDAY MORNING. NORTHSIDE United Church 54 Goderich St. West. Seaforth SEPTEMBER 12, 1982 11 a.m. Church Service. Sunday School and Nursery • Presentation of Sunday School Attendance Awards Margaret Whitmore Audrey McLlwain Organist -Choir Director Jr. Choir Leader EGMONDVILLE, United Church Main Street, Egmondvlile gUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1982 10:00 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES BEGIN Pre-school through Grade 8 11:00 a.m. IlUBLIC WORSHIP Mrs. Minna Scott Mr. David McKnight Organist -Choir Director Minister ALL WELCOMED ORCHA FRESH APPLES for SALE CUNDY ORCHARD 2 Miles South, 1 Mile West Of Clinton CALL 482-3324 VARIETIES, MAC'S CORTLANDS SPARTANS RED DELICIOUS GOLDEN DELICIOUS IDA REDS APPROX. PICKING DATE SEPT. 11 SEPT. '14 SEPT. 20 OCT. 5 OCT, 11 OCT. 15 Clip And Hong Up For iteference Haldimand; Sheli 1981 /82 Ontario Strachan. Wallace, Waterloo and Dairy Princess Kathy c Princess for a year. Such a dream will come true for some lucky young woman in Huron County at the , dairy princess competi- tion on Sept. 25 at the White Carnation, Holmesville, The Huron County Milk Producers, which sponsors the competition. is looking for Huron County women. be- tween the ages of 16 and 25 to take part in the contest. If 1 test interested, contact Dennis Martin at the Ontario Mini- stry of Agriculture and Food office in Clinton. The rules of the contest require the woman be a dairy farmer's daughter or be in the employ of a dairy farmer. • Those who want to watch the competition may obtain tickets from any director of the Huron County Milk Pro- ducers. GORDON SCOTT, P.R.O. This is another week when not• too much has happened in the way of news and reports. With the holi- days ended and meetings soon to start we hope we will have more in the line of reports and news of the legion. Remember all executive members there is a meeting at 8 p.m. at the legion on S 1 11) Thursday (to -nits). Please plan to attend. Owing to a mix up in hall bookings, our Regular meeting will be held on next Tuesday. Sept. 14th at 8:30 p.m. so comrades please remember this and we hope you will plan to attend. Tues., Sept. 14 at 8:30 p.m. Some time ago it was decided we would purchase the lights from the hall at the old community centre. Under the guidance and expertise of our entertainment chairman Jack Muir, this has been accomplished and they are now installed in our banquet hall giving us a far better lighting system. On behalf of the members of the branch we would like to thank Jack for giving up his leisure time and making it possible to up -date our lights, making an improvement on the hall. We are sorry to hear off the death of another of our Comrades of the second war, Charles Murphy. On behalf of the members of the church, we extend our sym- pathies to his wife and f Cly. Age II not weary them nor the years condemn at the going down of the sun and in the morning we will re- member them, This year's ecitement at Huronview occured recently when bees swarmed on a low limb of the old catalpo tree behind normal care. After three days, arrangements were made with Al Galbraith to . come to Huronview to capture the usually long bag - like formation. Fortunately no one was stung! The Sunday morning church service wai held in the new auditorium with- Mrs. Elsie Henderson as organist Two stands on metric On* g©© On dt@ gMff©V/ by Fob Tanaaw 1 have received a dozen or snore letters asking me why 1 have remained silent on the question of metrication. Do 1 support it or not? I've got a mugwump answer: Yes and No. (A mugwump? That's a bird with his mug on on: side of the fence and his wump on the other). I believe that, in the end, metrication will be good for Canada. What 1 do not like is enforced metrication. The Liberal govern- ment has been stubborn and stupid about imposing metrication and it is just al •er sign of Ottawa's arrogance. People of my generation will never get used to metric measurements. A sack of rolled oats is still 100• pounds to me el,en though the mill tells me it's 45 kilos. We will still be talking about acres instead of hectares (2.2 acres) even if the government agent comes up behind us and threatens to slap a fine on us. You get used to what you were taught and grew up with, Farms are laid out in acres. 1 own a house on two acres of land and if the feds want to slap me in jail for saying so. then so be it. Metrication should start in the schools and be allowed to gradually become -fact. If chis country can force all packages to have contents and instructions written in Ibth French and English, surely we can get both measurements on all packages as well for a generation or two, The new measurements would gradually become part of this culture instead of the force-feeding the overpaid bureaucrats of the Metric Commission are trying vainly to enforce. Some murmurings are being heard from government officials which will ease the enforcement. Let's hope those murmurings from the boondocks and the backbenches continue and swell into a roar until this enforcement nonsense is stopped. Speaking of letters, I indicated a month aen that the Christian Farmers Federation was opposed to Ca'nagrex. A letter from Elbert van Donkersgoed, research and policy director for the CFFO. clarifies the point.$ "CFFO has taken no position on Canagrex. We have no objections to the proposal, but we are not pushing it either. Put another way, we don't share Whelan's enthusiasm for what it can do. nor do we share the seige mentality of the Canadian Cattlemen's Association when- ever some form of public enterprise is concerned," said Mr. van Donkersgoed. "We decided some time ago that there were more important issues to which we should be putting our shoulders." 1 read the Christian Farmers Federation's response to the federal Agri -Food Strategy paper in which the federation cautioned that most people outsidc Canada cannot afford Canada's cost of production for food even though it's very chcap for Canadians. The CFFO, in that response. said Canadian farmers should not get to 'the point where they_.dgQend on exports for much of their income. Canagrex is an organization of the federal agriculture minister to help sell Canadian farm products abroad, Therefore, I figured. the CFFO was opposed to Canagrex. Not so. says Elbert, and I thank him for his letter. When letters arrive it is a good indica,ion that somebody out there can read and write. I know it is a busy time of the year for farmers. but 1 really enjoy hearing from you. Register now for HEART SAVER COURSE Learn Cardio -Pulmonary Resuscitation or Re -Certify by calling and leaving your name and phone number at the SEAFORTH COMMUNITY HOSPITAL 527-1650 Ext. 31 and we will see you for the first course on Tuesday, September 14th. 1982 at 7:00 p.m. in the Hospital Board Room. ATTENTION: ALL DIABETICS Seaforth Community Hospital presents the Opening of their DIABETIC EDUCATION PROGRAM First session is September 13 & 14, 1982 Separate programs with insulin dependent and diet controlled diabetics. Enrollment limited. Please contact your doctor for referral. See corning events for future classes. and choir leader. We wel-, come Reverend C. Pick of Ontario'St. Church in Clin- ton. as our minister in the vacancy left by Reverend Wittick. who has moved to Listowel. Miss Margaret Mc- Queen, in a lovely voice. sang • a solo. "Jesus Is Coming Soon". An anthem was given by the -choir. Reverend Pick's sermon was on Elijah's faith sur- mounting his discourage- ment. Elijah goes to Mount Horeb to rl.uew his life and c in inspiration of Moses, and the Law. Faith and Food which was Jesus way of renewal, as he said "1 am the Bread of Life." We look forward to seeing Reverend Pick again next Sunday. On Monday afternoon many residents enjoyed-•-gn hour of "Music Appreciat• ion", in the auditorium.A highlight for Tuesday was the barbecue for first north resi- dents. This was greatly `ap- prrciated. On , Wednesday van ridep were very popular for the day. In the morning several residents travelled to Goderich and in the afternoon other residents enjoyed a drive to Stratford. They espe- cially were thrilled with the view and beauty of the Park, Avon river and the swans. Another afternoon trip was to Exeter, and to Bellview Fruit Farm. These van rides are very much enjoyed by the residents -- getting out in the fresh air and sunshine, view- ing the beautiful countryside, the companionship. They wish to say "Thank You" to Members take .part in .qui z Seaforth 111 Friendly Quiz in which all the mem- Flresters met at the home of Rosie and Linda Van Dyk, September 6. Members went through books to complete empty'spaces. Next came the Bell Ringer bers took part in. After this they discussed the skit and decided who would act out which roles. The meeting was adjourned after a snack. Mr. and Mrs. John Aubin and Mr. and Mrs. Don Matthews were in London last Wednesday attending the funeral of Mrs. Aubi'n's brother-in-law the late Harry Kestle. A Brucefield native, who was one of the first officers in the Canadian Women's Army Corps, died last week in Ottawa. Alice Sorby, born Emma Alice Higgins 78 years ago. was senior CWAC officer at Canadian Military Headquarters in London England during WWII. She and her husband, Walter Oswald Sorby of Guelph, who was a major in the Royal Canadian Artillery, were married in 1927. She received a BA from the University of Toronto in 1924 and later taught high school in Guelph. She became a lieutenant -colonel and was made a member of the Order of the British Empire. 1 The fun fitness program designed for everyone Dane IT QUALIFIED INSTRUCTOR CHERYL PHILLIPS All new dances for Fall 1982 PRE -REGISTER: 527-0765 or attend first session 20 Classes (10 weeks) '20.00 f ---'2 SESSIONS--- 1 I Beginning Tues. Sept. 21 I SI Thurs. Sept. 23 7-8p.m. [- Please wear comfortable exercise clothes and gym shoes Mr. 8, Mrs. John Blair are pleased to an- nounce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Lorle Lynn to Jetwes Anthony Segeren son of Mr. & Mrs. John Segeren. The wedding will take place on Friday. Septem- ber 24, 1982 at 3:00 P.M. In St. James Church, Seaforth, ST. MARYS - Victoria Bridge has received a new lease on life now that the St. Marys town council has decided to call a halt to construction plans and to withdraw calls for tenders which went out last week. But council's unanimous decision was based on principally on the im- practicality and in- convenience of building a new structure during the winter months rather than a change in sentiment as to whether or not a new bridge should be built at all. Despite strong opposition against demolishing the old stone bridge, council was particularly, concerned that new construction would cut off a main transportation route for several months. • • • • • • • • a • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • BLADE RUNNER LEGION AUXILIARY NEWS BY BARBARA SCOTT, P.R.O. The fall meeting of the Auxiliary was held last week with 27 members present. Annie Malcolm, sports of- ficer, told of upcoming dates in the Zone. Bowling in Goderich on Sept. 18. Euchre in Brussels on Sept. 29. Euchre in Walkerton on Sept. ,22 and bowling in Wingham on Oct: 14. If you would like to attend any of these events please. contact Annie as soon as possible. Final plans were made for sending delegates to the Provincial Convention in Sault Ste. Marie. Thelma Coombs, President, and An- nie Malcolm • 2nd, .:vice- president will attend. This convention takes place in Oct. The times etc. for the bus trip were also finalized. Please be at the Legion Hall at 1 p.m. on Friday, Sept. '17 so We can get underway promptly. • Peg Coombs won the draw held each month within the auxiliary and Bob Upshall was the lucky winner of the gallon of maple syrup, held at the Branch last month. rides to town all who are responsibly' On -Thursday afternoon, in the chapel. the residents were happy to listen to the beautiful organ music played by Mr. Stiles of Godcrich, who comes to nlav r,.,• nq once a month. We look forward to this. We extend a very warm welcome to a new resident - Mrs, Rebecca Williamson, of Goderich. CLINTON 199 IDEZCIE ItT3dt1£3'_--.. 482-7030 NOW OPEN NIGHTLY EXCEPT MONDAY NIGHT BOX OFFICE OPENS 8:00 P.M. -FORST SHOW AT DUSK FRI DAY-SATURDAY-SUNDA Y SEPTEMBER 10-11-12 With Burt & Dollyi !. this much fun Just couldn't � be legal? �• 1 f1; 'i �Ju Ilhi � ti poo:,..,..., • A UNIVERSAL -550 PICTURE ma 11,11VERSAL CITY .TUMM.MC - PLUS SECOND FEATURE a HE'S TRYING TO BE FAITHFUL, AND FAILING HILARIOUSLY. You Are Cordially Invited to Attend the VANASTRA RECREATION CENTRE OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, September 15 '82 7 pm -10:30 pm Get A Taste of the Upcoming Program JOIN US FOR COFFEE, FUN AND A FREE SWIM - (930-10:30 pm) hope you will join us! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • *PREMIER THEATRES; THEATR PARK NFI:VYoUiir GODERICH S247a11 IT Aire ZOOND,T,oNFD WED. •TNURS, SHOWING AT 8:00 P.M. 2 GREAT SHOWS FOR THE PRICE OF 1 091 iREMieR THEATAEB_ PRIVErtM' (-1. 1 •Hfrncil if- costisslo(t 10 4 , )HOME Miss sepses ,,o.le., BOX OFFICE OPENS 7:90 P.M. SHOW STARTS AT DUSK FRI.-SAT.-SUN. ONLY the epic a Oerittire`r, o'j ii ne'rx, kind of hero. • O;N.„,.fHE.,111 w. .E{.;. ,LRY.k A140 MONTY PYTHON LIVE AT THE HOLLYWOOD BOWL 0 • • STARTS FRIDAY, SEPT. 10 SHOWING HIONTIT Al /1/3 P CLINT EAS I WOOD • • • 0 A grisesoime' secret, %protected for generations; rises to give its.... ND FEATURE AT 9:00 P.M. HARRISON FORD IN 0 0 00 *Goof • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • •