HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1982-09-08, Page 610 of TO BRUSSELS and AREA READERS e>orawc>nlvu 1972 4Brussels Post and GAUSS( LS ONTARIO .htiuran n «xposilor FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE, THE EXPOSITOR HAS ESTABLISHED A DROP-OFF CENTRE AT Brussels Variety News Items, classified and display advertisements may be left at the Brussels Variety, where they will be picked up each week for publication in the Expositor. Payments of accounts and subscriptions may also be left at Brussels Variety, as long as they are placed in envelopes for easy handling, and clearly marked as to . their contents YOUR CO-OPERATION WILL BE GREATLY APPRECIATED, AND WILL HELP US TO BETTER SERVE THE READERS IN BRUSSELS AND AREA IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE TELEPHONE SEAFORTH, 527-0240 A6 — THE 'HURON EXPOSITOR, SEPTEMBER 8, 1982 = ssel Post •° S,•.ar,a. . WALTON RESIDENTS have .no reason to stumble, trip, or navigate mud puddles with the recent completion•of 1,000 feet of new sidewalk in that village, installed by Spence Construction of Atwood. Ted Danneniann, left and ' Joe Weber prepare a section for the sidewalk.- (Wassink photo) Services resume following , vacation Correspondent MRS. ALLAN MCC4LL • 887-6677 McKillop unit was in charge of devotions at the general meeting of the United Church Women. Wednesday e‘ ening Sept. I held in the basement of Duffs United Church. Mrs. Edith Wcy gave the ('all to Worship from the Mission Magazine. The Pa- cific Way. Mrs. Mildred Traviss was pianist. Mrs. We read the scripture from Acts I-: 24-31, followed by the meditation, The Church in the South Pacific. Mrs. Wcy cond(icted a orship, The ,Pacific Way with Mrs. Karen Hoegy pre• senting. rake. Mrs. F,sther .Dennis, tone and Ibits. Margaret Craig. basket of bread to help the people of the Pacific. Mrs. Margaret Craig. con- %cnor of Church in Society presented a film of The Islands in the South Pacific. 1 he spirit of the South Seas is the spirit of Christ. It told of the churches on the island and rhe people. Closing Itt lith. "Let all the islands rise .ind sing.- closed devo. nuns. Mrs. We) gase prayer. Busnuss was in charge of \lis. Helen Craig opening ith a poem. "One Minute'-. \ionites were approved as lead h% Mrs. Mildred Trasiss Iollno ed hs eorrespondence. \lis !voila McDonald gave the treasurer's report. Mc - 'Bop unit arc responsihle for n.,tt ers fob(' put in the church in September. 1-th and Boundary unit in ()ember. ( leaning the church. Sept, 1-tli A Boundary; October - \1s Killop unit. No%ember • titli. I hth unit: Detcmhcr • \%dhoti 11111 Plato: ,sere made lor the Iu1 he.n to he sem cd atter h. ,nunono ersarvscr%ice. Sept. 111 ,11 1(I 10 a.ni, the guest spe.iker for the occasion v. 11 I,, the Res. Robert S4untford I Sr (icoric v 1 nitcd t hunk 1onv" \Irs 1 duh Wol Kase hrr i,,,r• as delck+oc In the one day school at \Ima It was .h , nl, .1 i,..irler t alendars for tear \ letter 'say r ad „,m Iht altnhol and hug . rn RI Slanatten' ,,, i•. min ' notiating rne,n t 1•', thernd of Sept \ I+,i' •h• pa, k' d after I • .1.. • 'I I ,„ lona'. ca,h 711,7 an laking Ili(- ) he1 Antill I',ir,.disk „n S,,t!i."I,i•, for in, halo.. sale at BERG 1 FREE ESTIMATES Sales -Ser lee Installation • Barn Cleaners ® Bunk Feeders • Stabling Donald G Ives R.R. #2, Blyth 1 Phone: 1 Brussels 887-9024 1:30 p.m. The turkey supper will he the 'first Wednesday in No- vember with the price the same SS last year. Mrs. Karen Hoegy announced a supper commit- tee meeting will be held at the church. September 20 at 7:00 p.m, She also thanked those who helped and brought food when they fed 121 guests prior to the Blyth Festival in July. An executive meeting will he held in October and November with a pot luck supper prior to the December meeting. Mrs. Ctaig closed this meeting with prayer. CHURCH AT DUFFS Church service resumed .Sunday tnornieg, at Duffs after four weeks of holidays while the minister was on vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Traviss greeted worshippers. Mrs. Elva Wilbcc was at the organ for the hymns. itcv. C.A. Swan chose as hisseGrnon. ".Fellow Workers for God." Receiving the of- fering were Chris Boetcher. Jack McEwing and Herb Traviss. The Sunday School child- ren with their teachers took the front scats in a group for the first part of the service. After Res Ssan'•s chat with the children they went to the basement for the rest of their lessons. In the coming mnnhs the minister spoke highly of the guest speaker, The Rev. Robert Mumford B.A., B.D•. Th. M. the senior minister at St. George's United Church, Toronto. AREA PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Don Maiers of Thamesford spent Sunday, August. 28 with her parents.. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Watson. Mr, and Mrs. Ed Godkin of Clinton visited a couple of hours in the afternoon at the same home. Holidaying for a few days this past week with Mrs. Ruth Thamcr were Dianne anti Pam Campbell, Winthrop, Jackie McNichol and Laurie Ann Garry of McKillop. Misses Margaret Short• recd and Kim Humphries spent a week recently at a cottage at Port Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Huether, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Bennett and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Traviss have arrived home from a 10 day holiday to the west coast. 'Congratulations to Bill and Valerie Shortreed on , the arrival of a new son, born August 22. at Clinton Hospi- tal. Labor Day weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Traviss were Dr. Brian and Mrs. Traviss, Allison and Leslie of Waterloo: Mr. and Mrs. Ken Moffett and Brett of Guelph. The U.C.W. of Duffs Unit• cd Church held a very suc• cessful bake sale at Family Paradise Camping grounds Saturday afternoon. W.I. Plans ate being made for the Walton Women's Insti- tute Family and Consgmers Affairs meeting to be held in If other lenders are giving you the run-around, come straight to us. See US al The Wingham Motel, Wingham, Ontario ON: The 2nd & 3rd Tuesday of each month Next Visit Date: September 14 One of the Bank's Representatives- \\'t:'re, FBIB. and our mandate is to support and encourage businesses in expansion and development. Wi offer financing, counselling, management training, plus information on government assistance programs for business. So come, see us. FEDERAL BUSINESS BANQUEFEDERALE DEVELOPMENT BANK DE DEVELOPPEMENT Your success is our only business. For an appolntTttemi ur further Information call 271-5650 [collect I, or write 0136 Ontario St., Stratford, Ontario. CaIla( ra the community 'hall, Wed- nesday, September 15 at 8:15 p.m. The convenors are having Mr. Harold Vodden demon• strafing.. "Canning" and hope to have an exhibit of his tine Work. Roll Call: "A piece of wickcrwarc I own and what 1 use it for.-• Guests will be present, from Cranbrook, Ethel, Brussels and Moncrief Institutes. There will also be a plant sale. Why nor come out and .enjoy an evening with us. Everyone in the community is w eIcomc. Mrs. Helen Cardiff has been a patient in Stratford General Hospital for the past week. While on a motoa trip up north. Mrs. Jane Devries', her s as BY SUSAN WHITE Got a hot news tip for the Brussels Post but you're not sure exactly what to do with it? Relax, the Post has a new depot right on the village's main street, for the conven- ience of readers and advertisers. It's located in Brussels Variety, and owner Ron Clarkson will have a box in the store where ads. subscriptions, messages.. for Ron Wassink, requests for photo coverage etd. can be left. Payments for ads and subscriptionscan also be left at the Brussels Variety. With its extended hours, Monday to Saturday, 8 a.n. to 10 p.m. and Sunday 10 a,m. to 10 p.m., Brussels Variety is an ideal location for the Brussels Post depot. Brussels Variety will not be able t&iake phone calls for the Post. See the ad on these pages t'or more details. Readers who require information over the phone can call The Huron Expositor in Seaforth at 527-0240. Those who find it difficult to, get downtown in Brussels can still mail their news. ads or subscriptions to the Brussels Post at Box 50, Brussels, the same post office box the newspaper has had for years. It's been two months since the Post was amalgamated with the Huron Expositor, and we've been listening with interest to • readers' comments on the expanded paper. We're listening and, we hope acting, on readers' suggestions. One that's in place this week is a more detailed page 1 index, telling you where to find things inside the Expositor. We're also making an effort, with big "Brussels Post" logos at the top of each page. to make it perfectly clear where the Brussels and area news is. And to get all that news on the Post pages of the Expositor. We know the Brussels community lost something of great value when the Post Calf is clipped By Robert Gordon •Blyth-Belgrave Beef Calf Club met at the home of Jim Taylor August 26. Dave Marshall demon- strated the technique involv- e lippingq calf. This took russels daughter and 2 grandchildren siness y were hit by a pick up truck, in the French River • District. Fortunately nobody got hurt. , 111 After some repairs on the car, they were able to drive home. was amalgamated with the Expositor. But, you've gained something too. More columns, more farm and family news, more ads and a bigger newspaper. Not one regular feature has been dropped from the old Brussels Post. All the local correspondents who appeared in the Post continue 'in the, Expositor.' The Belgrave, Walton, CFanbrook, Bluevale, Ethel, and Gorrie news are still here. The popular Short Shots by former Post editor Evelyn Kennedy are on these pages every week. Columns by Smiley and Roulston continue too, on the Expositor's editorial page, along with editorials. and letters to the editor, which former Brussels Post readers are especially invited to contribute. Reporter Ron Wassink, who works out of Seaforth but with a special responsibility for the coverage area to the north, makes a real effort to run Brussels photos, and meeting reports and area council news on the Post pages of the Expositor every week Ads of special interest to the Brussels community will continue to run on the Post pages. The expanded Expositor classified ads include Brussels Post classifieds, giving you a -larger market for those items you want to sell. And that's true about all our news and photos too. There are more readers now, getting the news from both Brussels and Seaforth communities. We're trying to make the expanded Expositor a plus for them all. . A readership survey. to ask your opinion on what you'd like to see more of and what you'd like improved in the Expositor is in the works for Iater.this month, We hope you'll fill it out; we're vitally interested in what you think about your paper. Meanwhile, we welcome all the regular news and invite new contributors too, at the new Brussels Post depot at Brussels Variety. at 4H club place outside the barn on Lisa Thonipson's calf, Jim brought out a small calf for the rest of us to practise on, Meribeth Scott and Lisa Thompson described their adventures in Quebec on the 4.1-1 exchange program. Jim Taylor -gave a demon 'stration on making a halter and showed us how to con- struct the halter while Lisa read the lesson. irectory Wingham M rn1•! riot$ • Guaranteed Granites • Cemetery Lettering . Reasonable Prices Buy direct and save BUSINESS: 357.3910 RESIDENCE: 357-1015 or 357-153)5 !Ilr,h u 527-02 Mrs, ¥v • ne Kni fi Int Agent tor Elam Farmers Ivilituail Fore insurance Company R R i, Brussels 00,7 (47 r i!9 sseis Trans rt Lt Livestock Trucktng and Shipping Service Local and Long Distance PHONE 887-6122 Irl GEORGE JUTZI,BRUSSELS 170 Wallace Avenue N , Flower Phone 201 2040 i % °7.J2ittoctiTEC � fozisE Ito. ED VAN GEEST eaRvxoto USTOWEL, ONT. 4a11...(y. Your Personal Florist With World -Wide Connections McGavin's Farm Equipment WE SPECIALIZE IN A COMPLETE OF Farm Equipment SALES AND SERVICE LINE i Brussels 887-6365 \halloo Se,tt,irth 527-0245 Anstett Jewellers Ltd. / Watch and Jewellery Repairs -, We Sell and Service— BULOVA— ACCUTRON —WATCHES 5 STORES— EXETER—ST. MARYS SEAFORTH—CLINTON—WALKERTON McNeil's Auto Body We Specialize in Collision and Refinishing Clossic E Antique Cor Repous BRUSSELS BUS.: 887.6833 ONTARIO RES.: 887.9216 7", David Iongstaff Ltd. OPTICIAN 87 Main St South Sea(nrth OPTOMETRIST'S and OPHTHALMOLOGIST'S Prestoptions filled promptly HOURS: . ,Mon Tues Thurs Fri 9.00a m 5 10p m Closed Wednesdays Saturday q 11 COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE 527-1303 4211, Agromart FERTILIZERS nag & Hulk FEEDS Provimi Agromix ( mil.- mineral Salt Aurenmvi m ( rumhlrs SEEDS NK (nrn PESTICIDES FARM SUPPI If 5 BRUSSELS 887-6016 Brussels nudrlrvs 887.6408 M i 51 West Sime 1')S(4 N(11, 1)111 RESIDE NTIAL —COMMERCIAL H. TEN RAS CONSTRUCTION LTD.... We NMI and install Pella and thin! Winrloww Patin Door% Insulated F ntranre Doors Instil (:la's ',1•••44/— •"moi McNeil's Auto Body We Specialize in Collision and Refinishing Clossic E Antique Cor Repous BRUSSELS BUS.: 887.6833 ONTARIO RES.: 887.9216 7", David Iongstaff Ltd. OPTICIAN 87 Main St South Sea(nrth OPTOMETRIST'S and OPHTHALMOLOGIST'S Prestoptions filled promptly HOURS: . ,Mon Tues Thurs Fri 9.00a m 5 10p m Closed Wednesdays Saturday q 11 COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE 527-1303 4211, Agromart FERTILIZERS nag & Hulk FEEDS Provimi Agromix ( mil.- mineral Salt Aurenmvi m ( rumhlrs SEEDS NK (nrn PESTICIDES FARM SUPPI If 5 BRUSSELS 887-6016 Brussels nudrlrvs 887.6408 M i 51 West Sime 1')S(4 N(11, 1)111 RESIDE NTIAL —COMMERCIAL H. TEN RAS CONSTRUCTION LTD.... We NMI and install Pella and thin! Winrloww Patin Door% Insulated F ntranre Doors Instil (:la's ',1•••44/— •"moi