HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1982-09-08, Page 1Incorporating
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AY, SEPTEMBER ft, 1I9112 — 22 PAGES
50c per copy
' BY RON WASSINK I'aul Carroll, principal of Seat'orth Public
Early morning motorists on 'Tuesday, School, said the 1982 enrolment is the highest
September 7, realized the first day of school since 1916, The 1982 figures are 3b1, an
had begun, noticing the yellow school buses nrolment has
beenase over 1981 increasing. tstrangel enough, since
making their stops. Following a two mont
"vacation" on the highways, commuters
were quick to comprehend that to contend'
with the school bus traffic, un earlier
departure time is necessary.
As for the students, many were anxious to
return to school to meet old friends and find
out who their new teacher would be. A recent
survey showed the majority ot'students were
conteht to return to their studies. Some were
even getting a bit bored with summer
Principal of Scaforth District High School.,
Bruce Shaw says the 1982 enrolment is 397
students, up 34 students from 1981. The most
Surprising statistic comes from the grade 13
class which has increased by 40 students. The
class will be divided in two groups to
accommodate the 68 students,
Mr. Saw says the present job situation is a
definite factor in the increase. Many grade 12
graduates were unable to enroll in commun. •
ity colleges and decided to return to
secondary school.
Five new faces are on the teaching staff at
the high school. They include Laurie Chateris
who will -teach commercial subjects .for one
semester. Assuming duties of History
chairman is Jim Howard. Exchange teacher
from England. Peter Latronico will teach
geography and history. A half-time teacher in
1981. Brian O'Connell, will teach full-time in
the commercial department. Beryl Wilson
will teach English classes,
19'9," says Mr, C'rroll, He said this year s
enrolment is expected to he higher by week's
end. No teaching changes were made at the
Also principal ol'the Walton Public School,
Mr. Carroll said enrolment is down there
from 1981 by two. to 84 registered in
kindergarten, grades one. two and three.
"We are holding our ow.n." Although there
were no teacher changes. there was a name
change. Miss Farrish is now Barbara Elston.
Brussels 'Public School reports 1982
enrolment at 189 students. Secretary at 'the
school, Isabel Prior said 200 students
enrolled in 1981' with a final June enrolment
of 197. Following an absence from the
'teaching profession, Lynne Henry has
resumed kindergarten classes.
No teaching changes took place at the Grey
(ventral school, but 1982 enrolment is at 251,
up front 249 in 1981.
With an increase of nine students from last
year. Huron Centennial School shows an
enrolment of 499 students, One teaching
change conies about because of the retire-
ment of Clara Scott. Donna Shaddiek comes
formerly a teacher at Hulmcsvillc Public
School will teach grade one classes.
Another school holding its own is Nutlet%
(ventral. The 1482 enrolment was down one
from 198110 28' students, .loining the staff is
Edward Griffin, grade four and French
Please turn to page 3
Campbell heads
The committee charged with managing
the new Scaforth and District Community
Centres building has a new chairman. in a
Ken Campbell. of R.R. 1 Dublin• who's
been chairman of the building committee was
selected head of the management committee
at a meeting last week. After discussion by
the rive municipalities involved last month, it
was decided to have the present building
committee. which has eiti,cn and council
representatnes• Blas un to manage the new
Mr. Campbell is a elNen member? he's a
ratepaser from McKillop tow nship. Jim
Popple, a councillor from 1lick crsmtih
_miaow i
township. has been named vice•chairman of
the new arena committee.
the tow n of Scaforth will he hired as
secretary•neasurer,for the community centre
management committee. Mr..C'ampbcll said,
The cuntntittee is working now at setting up
potteu•s and deciding hou the new complex is
he operated.
I he new chairman sacs the group w111
adsertse for an arena manager and for one
lull ante arena attendant. Scaforth's recrea•
tion director, Brsan Peter. will act as an
interior manager nnul Nov. I and those
Interested in booking the new building can
make Arr ngements w nh him until that date.
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SURE iT'S WET --There's quite a growth of algae, and some silting in
Silver Creek at the Lions Park these days but visitor Leah Nicholson of
Hope tocea nSilver-.--Creek
Unsightly weeds and scum which have of M'.'KiIlop council Tuesday evening. Reeve 1 the Ausauble Conservation Authority that the morning. He said he understood the authority
had equipment availableio clear rivers of silt
marred the water of Silver Creek as they flow Haney Craig and councillors were sympathe- authority had a responsibility. and weeds and ahev would o clear
fiversof concerning
through Seaforth Lions Park will be elimi- tic and reviewed with the parks committee McKillop councillor Art Anderson who this. •
nated next year if plans of the park committee delegation steps that could be taken to clean represents
cp a would voice stow ship onr the
t meeting Authority
yfaid Other suggestions included the possibility
are successful. up the riser.of havingthat part of Silver Creek, not now
The problem was discussed with members It was agreed that since the park lay within authority he was attending on Wednesday co vered being brought under a municipal
bylaw' so that maintenance costs would be
fire h not longenough spreadrbasedBrusseS
engineer assessment of benefit.
For some years there has been a problem in
BY RON WASSINK •-•donations. The final cheque will help pay for las the 2.400 feet of fire hose. "It takes too "keeping algae in the slow flowing Silver
Under the impression the Brussels voliin- radio, for the department. "We ended up
to fg hctlla ehlelif R1r. B(r arTastnship fire reek undd, nerecenttro . he ph blemphas
leer fire depanment could reach Graham's with enough from the breakfast and ticket
and the ussels Stockyards anh fire sales to pas 1.r the radios'•. said Chief departml`ttsho ldalsobe•tr,`IIedti,titheslcouncil conversion
on highway aSilver
riC ee'kdrort work ono. 8
Sure} barn it tl
hmr from the last fire hydrant on the Bernard. got in te
He told franc)) all fire hose was laid to the that the fire department "hasn't
know t what near
In hich Ihasde sealed release
part o(tSilsf quantities cr
Brusselss Stockyards from the nearest hydrant enough hose. e c
during .a recent fire meeting. "We reached answer is," said fpr Bernard Creek that runs through the park. This in turn
the salts barn gate." explained the chief.
Startled ht the' fire chief's
inln tsrtdcr k has
surface watcr.d the rtver in some This encourages areas up
a coma
One tat 1 mei-looked was the length of time to councillor Hank
co% er the sales Karn. sou 'could require a lot lation of weeds and grass and pros ides a base
of hose'. Reese ( al Kramer asked if there for debris and algae. '
,las arts 5% ater pressure note' the hose was Representing the Lions Park committee in
Lod the fire thiel replied in the affirmatisc seeking the cooperation of McKillop were
"It w.as pretts ¢„vile committee chairman Dr. J O Turnbull,
Marlen Vincent and A.1' McLean
London played with a stick in the water on the weekend. She was visiting
grandparents here. (Photo by Hook)
outskirts of the village. Brussels council w as
shocked by figures released by the fire t )ot'I.
. Chief Howapd Bernard attended the
regular council meeting. Tuesday es mime to
present final cheques from the fire mid,
THE OLD SEAFORTH ARENA has been demolished. The truss rafters
were removed last Friday with the use of a crane. The estimated weight
'of each rafter was five ton. Ken Campbell has purchased the former
arena structure. He said the 100 by 190 foot building will be erected on
Exercise for -Seniors.
Story and photo
on page A3
his farm and used for corn storaai' If you still feel attached to the old
arena and wish to reminisce. a dr 's a past the Campbell farm to see the
old girl will act as a reminder of ,i bygone era Mr. Campbell said the
huge trusses will be hauled away tt a barn mover (Wassink photo)
Brussels kids look
back on summer.
Photos on pages
A6, A7, A8
Please turn to nage I
Young girl dies in accident
1'llnlheth Roma ink . 14. sshi, crew up in
1 tit kt•rsnnrh I ow n'.hip w herr her parents
openo1 Heritage 1 stares. died last \Sednes
d,n morning in Vim crsus Hospital. 1lsndnn.
alter she tt as stns, k hs a , ,Ir st hole riding her
hike on 11teleas 4 itislsmolt „I N inehani last
1 tit Was night
Miss Rotnaotk. ,,hose parents also ow. n the
N ,n ghan, \Elul ,It RR4. 55 mown had lust
n,sr'I Iht hl h1s a' ,+n lel hlkr when she
was .1411,1, hs a tar aht'iii Ill p m DDnscr of
s.1s 1,1 1 id o lit aril 21i of,
55 Inchon
n,t, student .11 Huron t ewe nt. Lit
tn-hl 1 11,,Ih4it' cr,iduatt ti 141
Ilan, Irrl" Iasi ttdw,nosh 1'u1'l4 ",',','l
\, , 1, ,I•, r . ,',1 ',AM..,1 tt•tl` chs'
('cur, sk]annc ( 1111, .11),1 i .1%e,1
1, s ' ; ",,I. ,'•t t 1c, ,p4 ree tet, rt Jr'
\it, 't .,s ,1 r•'t 1,•1't ,'1 1 gr,rntls,H, l nue,'
11,"...•. \n•.•,, s". 1,1'r11.11-% 11' Ione the
M l,e' 2.414 1 1'
„, ,teal \la" Rrnl.lnli, h' 8r,,1h5rs
K, vin ,i Nt,l ls, s • \Iherta .l'',l 5,41,4• .i'
I„erns RR I \0 �1.,.;,, .141 M '•, r gt:'"di','r
t, .� („•'et •„',' R."t 8'ni.l",k ,'1 \111',,„
.'1 \t,ot•t''•d
1.,, ",1, ;•.,',+11'' ~„r„ '..i'ss \\'"'"„ Elizabeth Romanik
R'ht, 1il•',+.' 11.0'.0 a';'1 }r,d.n +''•, '• I'•, \s,\,1 111,11,‘. \J", \1t r. ,^
't'., ,.Js ,• ,d11, rt ,' 1,' 11.1% 'd :•, l:arena•
\1, h Ie''" I er •"00).0)1 1 ' 414.1 t ' ., ,'• I's01`ll'snn and .ls,hs \1rt,rceor }','wt •h. a
t rs wt re 10.0.01c '101,0 \,I'.m R'
I..,. 1.,., i, ".,", ,1 L. f gn•,tnJt, , t , .,,, Ih 1„•'c \rove, \ s roe ,,, Bek,'.,.' J^.i
1',1',1'1 .n, rs '., ,, K. s' \1''t, t l,,,rd 1'' He.oht•r Hrdlt't
Kids collect bottles for arena.
See page 412
Ed'tor'ais . .
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