The Wingham Times, 1907-02-21, Page 2Surf f Bred Terrible Agony
!: R 1, You have gone to the theatre,
have seen the comedy and were PiNor-- "r `
pleased; you have (leen the tragedy and
were stirred, and here you are naw slit,
lag by the kitchen stove in your quiet .
home toad in a little tcbile yon will have
to go out and look after the stock..
You were tired of it all.
Don't say that; you are the most inde-
pendent and =et important man on
God's footstool.
You know no boss. If you went to
the city yon would become one of the
Mob who work by the clook tinct the
whistle. Now you can take a day off
aid no one will dock yon. It you went
t) the shop you would become part of
the machine. They would tell yon to
do this and you would have to do it, to
that and you would have to obey orders.
You. young man, would bo an employee
working for wagee, for so much a day.
Naw, you aro an employer in league
with Nature, who serves and works
while yen sleep, who ripens the grain
while yon rest, and transforms your
orchard into a bank acoonnt through the
warm torn and rain.
Stay with the farm, young man, and
some day dad still tell you, that the
plane is yours, for he is growing too old
and will move to town to take his well-
earned rest.
Read the words of praise, Mr. M, A. M.1unit/,
Marion Ilridge, N.S., has for Doan Kidney
Pint. (Ile writes us): "For the past three years
I have suffered terrible agony from palm across
my kidneys. I was so bad I could not stoop
or bend. I consulted and had several doctoral
treat me, but could get no relief. On the advice
of a friend, I procured a bo:. of your valuable,
life-giving remedy (Downs Kidney Ville), and to
my surprise and delight, I immediately got
better. In my opinionDoan's Kidney Pills have
no muni for any form o£ kidney trouble,"
Dean's Kidney Pills are 50 coats per box or
three boxes for $1.23. Can be procured at aU
dealers or will, bo mailed direct on receipt of
price oy The Doan Kidney Pill Co.. Toronto.
Do not accept a spurious substitute but be
sura and gat "Doan'&"
Notice of changes must be left at this
otiien not later then. Sattrtl y Bolen.
T1!.o copy for cha:ugea Inr;st be left
not later than Monday evening.
Casazil advertisements accepted up
to noon Wednesday of ouch week.
13.1. ELLIOTT, .PUOT,4sn n ANT/ POOTNf eirOP
Stay with the farm, for it is a healthy
spot to live on, where yon °get a com-
plexion from Nature's brash, and an
arm made strong in God's gymaeium,
where you need no medicine to nhair,e
you eat.
Stay with the farm, whore life is
natural and friendships more real,
where you can wear what you want
when you want, and there is none who
will criticize. Stay with the farm, with
its spirits of tract and friendliness,
THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 21, 1907. from the collie who follows yon up and
down tho line to the swallow who builds
is the barn.
(Peoria u TIE WINNHA;u Tines of
1±'riday, 1'ebruary 1lth, 1887.)
NkiOII110IilO0D =WS
The East Wawanoah spring bow will
be held in Belgravo on Thursday April
Each of the con triflers o? dnllett town,
ship has had a sou added to his family
since the oleetio8.
Hugh Moore, of Dunton, sold the farm
2ad concession. of East Wawauosh, near
Manchester, to Thowas Nioholsou, who
lives acmes the road, for $4,100.
Duriag a heavy wind and rain storm
on Tuesday of last week the roof of a
barn belonging to James Webster, of
Ashfield, was blown to the ground,
Hon. George P. Graham will induce a
hill in t e L.-„ islatere to repeal the
three-fitths majority provision in local "
option elections.
f Breaks Ho a Cold In fen Hours
Breathe illyonzei and get
Quick Relief. Cures all
Bronchial Troubles
The wei::d'n output of pig iron for 1005
was nearly .13,500,000 long tone, and of 1 As a noel thing 8 remedy that has
immediate taction contains powerful
steel miserly 13 590,000 tons, acccra':tng to dregs that should be used sparingly.
the es imz to of the British board of trade,
which states that the share of rhe United
States wire: 22.1)0.2,000 tens of pig iron and
10,113 000lon'o of steel, a prepond:'rnoce gorous stimulating elf ct.
in both Germany produced 10,700,000 When Hyomei, however, is breathed
tono of pig iron and 10,037.000 tons of gnicl: relief is obtaed in a natural way.
steel The United Kingdom produced ls0c tc healing mthe edhoaintidiseaseon goesgermseright presto entthe
9,593 000 read 5,812,000 tons,respeetively. at once soothing and healing the irritat-
W6 are Canadians. That, thiol; good- ed mucous membrane. 'Che action in
tress, needs no discussion. We are regi- ing this wsalve ay is similar tupon a buron. spreading a scoth-
dents of the American hemisphere, if we No other medicine for the cure of
ever needed t say so, which we do net. coughs, colds and bronchial troubles is
We are not Americans, because every, ,are rational as Hyonioi. Breathing it
body, the world over, means by that theough the nryt pock®t inhaler caused
term a resident of the United States of goes with every outfit, it canused
either. in the nose or month, thus getting
America, and because we have no inten- full medication into the nasal passages
tion of being taken for such. We are or the throat and lunge as desired. It
not North Americans, because we are g,ves almost instant relief in all affec-
tions of the bronchial tubes, and is
not desk and high cheekboned wards of 1 itnarrnteed to break np a cold in ten
the Government. By racial origin we ; hours.
are Europeans o' various kiwis. No- A complete Hyomei outfit, consisting
of a bottle of Hyomei, an inhaler that
body denies ns any of these pre agatives. ! can be carried in the vest pocket or
Nobody tries to force on us any title ? purse, and a medicine dropper, costs
that we are :shamed of N ubody is j but one dollar, with a guarantee that if
taping -' :-s any title, that eve rWgnire 11 does not give satisfaction the money
Whyah^ �:d we worry? — Itlontreai 1 will beu refunded.
1 Should extra bottIea of Hyomei be
Heran. •. 1 needed theycan be obtained for only 500,
the inhaler lasts a life -time.
Don't Join the Mob All druggists should be able to supply
you with Hyomei, or we will send it by
t; Chis _s P. i;symond in the ,record.) ; mail on receipt of price, and every pack -
with the distinct undrstand-
Thee tell me von are thinking of lean- •`. ii it that iis sols costs nothing lidless it cures.
This is one of the reasons why the ordi-
nary tables that are sold for coughs
and olds should not be taken by people
with a weak heart, as they have a dan-
ing the farm this spring. I lv rite us today for a symptom blank,
I3 n't =1+.a it; keep .close to the soil. which we will send you free, together
Yen are tired of feeding the CS't[13,the 'a with treatise on Catarrh and how to cure
Fheep awn the pigs, bse:l of can the it. When you fill in and return us the
pp 111 'a b symptom blank, our consulting physi-
weod, tired of cleaning the stab e out, . men wilt give you a letter of advice
tire of the stare on the corcer —tired of 1 without charge. Booth's Hyomoi. Com -
it all You have visited the city and its i pang, Buffalo, N. Y.
roar fa=c!cnte3 you. Every ane seemed i
well dressed and happy, and the ccnver• A Word To Letter -Writers.
antics IA thepassers by were music tot Those who write Letters to the press -
ycu ear. i must not expect that any and all kinds -
You didn't see behind the scenes, it ;. of matter can be given a place in a news -
was only the world on show. It was I• paper. Only such letters as are of some
but the dress; parade. If•ublie interest—snch as give informat-
You have seen the great houses of the i ion on, or discuss, questions of public : '
rich creel their carriagee, their sleighs tconcern are welcomed by a self•reapoct- +
and flying robes. Yon have gone to i ing newspaper. It would never do for
church on Sunday evening to the big! a publisher to allow his newspaper to be -
church, bright with electricity, with the i come a medium for the exchange of nn- '
lo, choir above and the organ towering over $pleasant epithets—for "mud•slinging"
, es the saying is—from behind assumed
names. We readily understand how one
Tho 0. P. R. exhibition car, contain-
ing samples of the products of the North
West arrived at the G. T. R. station here
last night and will remain for the in-
spection of the public until noon to -day.
Quite a few skaters from this town at-
tended a carnival in Brussels last Tues-
day night and among them they man•
aged to secant four first prizbe. Robt.
Cornyn took the prize for best costume,
and Geo. Shaw for best oomio costume;
Jas Cornyn took the 50 lap race and
Will. Youhill the race backward.
John Gillespie had the end of his right
thumb taken off in a planer in Gilohriet,
Green & Co's factory, on Monday.
The nominations in this Riding for
the Dominion House were held at Gerrie
on Tuesday, between 12 and 2 o'clock.
The two political parties were about
evenly represented, and both received
fair play. J. A. Morton presented the
papers nominating Dr. MacDonald as
the Reform candidate, and Jas. Perkina
those nominating Thos. Farrow as the
Conservative candidate. T. K. Roddy,
returning officer, appointed the follow-
ing deputy -returning officer° for :Wing.
ilio s Colic
Quick relief is afforded by
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy.
It never fails and is pleasant and safe
to take.
The attack may bo warded off by taking
,. double dose of this remedy as soon as
the first indication of the disrnse appears;
Vse. sato by druggists everywhere.
The Leading Commercial
School of Western Ontario.
Our courses are thorough and pros
tical while the teaching is done by
able instructors. The ambitious
young men and women who desire to
get the best possible commercial
training patronize this school while
' Business men are in search of our
grad nates to fill res , -onsible positions.
• The hest time to enter onr classes is
NOW. Beautiful catalogue free.
a p � ■ ® for might be led into thinking that letters
- if ec heir Cure foM published in that way would be all right.
' i But let us stop a moment and think
Coughs and Colds what a newspaper would come to and
what mischief might be done if such
Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Tur- ' letters were freely published, L^ettors of
pentine is far more than a cough rem- disousaion are always welcome because
edy. It cures the Cold as well as loosen- they are almost sure to express some line
ing and easing the cough. It tckes the Id current thought, but personalities or
pains out of the bones, and reaches the anything for satisfaction should be left
very seat of disease when there is pain t. These are of no use to anybody.
and tightness in the chest. It would not ouIno circumstances that will excuse one
be too much to say that Dr. Obese s Syrup
Linseed and Turpentine'Baq saved thous- for using any other than his own name
ands of people frora'pneumonia and eon- to very rare. The right:and the Biitish
stunption.. There is not a village or way is to say what you have to say and
,henget in Canada where this famous alga your naive 10 it. Nino times out of
family treatment is not recognized as a, ten what one doesn't like to sign his
moat unusually effective onto for Group, numb to it better left unsaid,
bronchitis, asthma, coughs and colds. „
Mrs. R. D. Turner, Broadview, N.W.T.,
writes: --°We have seven children and. When a man submits to tt procession
?nave tared Dr. Chaafe's Syrup of Linseed ; wedding the other men look at him the
and Turpentine for every one of them ' way boys look at a bay whoa mother
and with good results. We get four
bottles at a time and' find it a good
remedy to break up cold on the lungs."
i». Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Tut-
prbtine, 25 cents a bottle, family size
OD casts, at all dealers, or Zidmenson,
Boma & Co., Toronto.
mikes him wear long curls.
The man who has made a failure in
any line of business never has a very
good opinion of the man who started in
the mune line at the tame time and made
it a meccas.
The first day of our Winter Term
will be
JANUARY 2, 1907
We will then re -open with un-
doubtedly the largest class in the
history of this school. If you
want the education that prepares
for good positious, write for our
catalog ; costs nothing.
W. D. EGL1412,1 - Principal
Loeitl history of the early 80o.
Items fawn The "rirnai" Pyles
ham: Ward 1, Jas. Plenty; Ward 2,
Geo. Payne; Ward 3, J, B, Ferguson;
Ward 4, John Dieksoe, After the poll
was deolared closed the following gentle-
men addressed the meeting: Dr, Mao-
donald, Thos. Gibson, M,P.P., and E +),
Wade, in the Reform interacts and Tiara
barrow, Dr. Bethune mud Wm. Clegg in
the Conservative interests.
Last Saturday afternoon, Daniel Cook,
of MuLeod & Cook, whose saw mills is
situated near Belmore, met with a ten.
rib's aooident by being ornshed,to death
while unloading saw loge in the mull
At the recent annual meeting sof the
County L. O. L. held here, the following
officers were elected for the the ensuing
year: R. Nethsrly, Blyth, Co. Master;
T. H. Young, Brussels, Deputy Master;
H. Perkins, Gerrie, Chaplain; M. Mor-'
risen, Rec.-Sea ; Dr. Holmes, Brassels,
Fin, -Sec.; Wm. Magill, Belgrave, Treas.
urer; Geo. Pettyjiieoe, Wingham; Direc-
tor of Ceremonies; A McMannus, Luolr-
now, Lecturer;` Wm. Laidlaw, Blyth
1st Dep. Do.; W 1i. Ologg, Gorrie, 2nd
Dep. Do; B, Gerry, Brussels, sr. Past.
Master; Id. Perkins, Gorrie, jr. Past
Robt. Comm left on Tnesday last for
Ingersoll, whither he has gone to accept
a situation.
Frank Bradwin, late in the employ of
the "Bear," has accepted a position in a
More in B:uasels.
Will. MoOntcheson, ormerly in the
employ of .Tas. A. Cliue & Co., of this
town, left on Tuesday last to accept a
position in Mr. Grant's hardware store
in Brussels.
Ed. S. Usher, of Hamilton, ie at pre-
sent relieving John A. Tracey, cashier
of the Bank of Hamilton here, whg left
on Monday to attend the funeral of his
sister at Stewarttown,
achille Works
Having eeoured a first-class machinist,
11 ata prepared to eo all kinds of repair-
ing on the shortest notice. Also
Z ant alto building a few
Portable Sawing Machines
BAPTIST 0s171011 -Sabbath services at
11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School at
2:80 p m. General prayer meeting
on Wednesday evenings, Rev. E. R.
,Fitch, B.A., pastor. B,Y.P.U. meets.
Monday evenings 8 p.m. Abner Cosens
S.S. Superintendent.
METHODIST QlruROvm Sabbatl}8ervloee
at 11 aro and 7 p ui. Sunday School at
2:30 p m. Epworth League every Mon-
day evening. leneral prayer meeting
on 'Wednesday evenings. Rev. W.
G. Howson, pastor. A, E. Lloyd, S. S.
PRESBYT1RIA11 OauP.oH—Sabbath ser-
vices at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday
School at 2:30 p m. General prayer ;
meeting on Wednesday evenings, Rev.
D. Perrie, pastor. L. Harold, S 8, Su-
bath services at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sun-
day School at 2:30 p m. General prayer
'meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev.
T. S. Boyle, M. A., B. D. Rentor and
S. S. Superintendent. John Taylor and
Ed Nash, assistant Superintendents.
SALVATION Antra—Service at 7 and 11
a m and 3 and 8 p m on Sunday, and
every evening during the week at 8
o'clock at the barracks.
POST OFFICE—Office hours from 8a m
to 6:30 p m. Peter Fisher, postmaster,
PUBLIC • LIaaASy—Library and free
reading room ` in the• Town Hall, will
be open every afternoon from 2 to
5:30 o'clock, and every evening from 7
to 9:30 o'clock. Miss Maud Robertson,
Terms to snit purchaser.
—something new. Call and inspect
before placing year order elsewhere.
W. O. PATO N r
TOWN COUNCIL—W. Holme4, Mayor;
Dr. A. J. Irma, Rattles; David Bell,
D. M. Gordon, Thos. Gregory, John
Eerie D. E, McDonald Win. Nicholson,
Ooanoillors; J.B. Ferguson, Clerk and
Treasurer; Anson Dulmage, Assessor,
Board meets first Monday evening in
eaoh month at 8 o'clock.
(chairman) Dr. J. P. Kennedy, Dr. P.
Macdonald, Dr. R. C. Redmond, J. A.
Morton, 0. P. Smith, W. F. VanStone,
Dudley Holmes, secretary. A. Cosens,
treasurer. Board meets second Monday
evening in each month.
(chairman), 13 Jenkins, H. E. Isard, T.
Hall, H. Kerr, Wm. Moore, Alex, Ross,
0. N. Griffin. Secretary, John F.
Groves; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson.
Meetings second Tuesday eveningin eaoh
I3 PUIiLmIrnI)
Tho Times Olilee, Beaver Block
Tants or ansinn tertoN—$1.00 per annum in
advance $1,50 if not so paid. No paper disease,i
timednsertiontjil, all arrears are paid, except at the
airtime/ the publisher,
Anvs wrIswo Reiss. — Legal and other
ea anal advertisements 100 per Noupperiel line for
first insertion, 8a per line for eaoh subsequent
Advertisements in local oolumns aro charged
10 0ts. per line for first insertion, and 5 cents
per line for each subsequent insertion,
AdvertitoLieutsements of Strayed, Farms for Sale
, and lar, $1.00 fur first three
weeks, and 25 cents for each snbsequont in-
CoNTnage R.i,Tns—The following table shows
our rates for the insertion ore advertisements
for specified periods
SPAOYa, 1 YR. 6 HO. 8 Aro, 1110
140.00 132.50 38 00
HaLlUolumn 40.00 25.00 15.00 6,00
QuerterQolumn20.00 12.50 7,50 8,00
One Inch 5.00 8,00 .2.00 1.25
Advertisements without pp ecifio directions
will be ibserted till forbid ,and charged acoord-
ingly. Transient advertisement; must be paid
for in advanoe. ,
Tnm tOB DapANTWONT 1.8 stocked with au
extensive assortment o! all requisites for print-
ing, affording facilities not equalled in the
couiityfor turning out first class work, Large
type and appropriate ants for all styles of Post-
ers, .land Bills, ate., and the latest styles of
choice fancy type for the finer classes of print
Proprietor and Publisher
c .r Member 0!t'ho D.C.Bh MeediP. cal Associa-
tion. Gold Medallist in Medicine. Special
attention paid -to diseases of Women and Child
ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. m. ; 7 to 0 p. m
Centre Street
' Wingham,
lor, B.A., principal ; J. G. Workman,
B. A., mathematical master ; Mies F.
B. Ketolieson, B.A., teacher of English
and Moderns.
Musgrove, Principal, Miss Brock,
Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss
Wilson, Miss Cummings, and Miss
(chairman), R. Porter, Thomas Greg-
ory, John Wilson, V.S., J. B. Ferguson,
Secretary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald,
Medical Health Offioer,
At once for Wingham and sarrotrnd-
ing districts.
High -Class Specialties in Fruit and
Ornamental Stock grown and for sale by
Canada's Greatest
A permanent situation for the right
party. ' Liberal inducements. Pay
weekly. Handsome free outfit. Write
for terms and cataloene, and send 25e
in stamps for our Pocket Magnifying
Glass, or 300 for our Hand Metal Hack
Foothill Nurseries
(over 800 acres)
Orders for the insertion of advertisements
such as teachers wanted, business chances,
mechanics wanted, articles for sale, or in fart
any kind of an advt. in any of the Toronto or
other city papers, may be left at the Trims
office. This work will receive prompt attention
and will save people the trouble of remitting
for and forwarding advertisements. Lowest
rates will be quoted on application. Leave
or send your next work of this kind to the
Treasurer's Sale of :Lands IT PAYS
for Taxes.
Town of Wingham, County of Huron.
To Vit:
By virtue of a warrant under the hand of
the Mayor and seal of the Corporation of the
Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron,
hearing date the twenty-fourth day of Novom-
her,1900, and to me directed. commanding me
try levyunon the lands mentioned in the follow-
ing list, for arrears of taxes due thereon, and
costs therein set forth, I hereby give notice
that, unless the said arrears and costs are
sooner paid, 1 shall proceed to sell the said
lands, or 90 much thereof as shall be necessary
for arrears and costs, at the Town Ball in the
said Town of Wingham, on Saturday, the 2nd
day of (larch, in the year 1007, et the hour Of
' two o'clock in the afternoon, in compliance
with the provisions of the Assessment Act.
Arrears. Costs. Total
Lot No. 6 on the east tilde of
Scottstreet, U. Tait Scott's
survey. patented. 115.39 92.90 118.29
Lot No. 7 oil the east side of
Scott street, C Tait Scott's
surrey, patented 14.00 2.85 10,85
A Lane about ten feet wide .
between Lots Nos. 3 and 4,
C. Tait Scott's survey, pat. 2.14 2.7'5 4.89
Lot No. 10 on the east Bide of
Shnter street, government
additional survey,patent'd 42.53 3.55 40,05
:forth port 1.09 No. 12,Peter
Fisher's subdivision if park
Lot No. 23, patented 3,31 2.75 0.00
Lot No. 23 north side of Mc-
Intosh etreet,PeterFisher's �`
original mill reserve pat84 2.75 3.39
Lot leo. 23, north Side el Me
Intosh street,Petor Flsher'e
original mill reserve, pat.84 2.75 3.591
South part Lot No. 10, West
side of Catherine street,
Loot and McKay'& survey
patented r OR 2.75 781
S, B. p 1C1iG Ut4ON,'1'resauarer, TEsDated. Treasuter'a cities, Widghsm, Nov. i `29th, 1906.
Physician, Surgeon, eto.
Office—Macdonald Block, over W,McKibbon's
Drug Store. Night calls anewered at the office,
L. R. C. P, (Lond.)
Office, with Dr. Chisholm.
Private and Company funds to loan at lowest
rate of interest. No commission charged, moi•1
gages, town and farm property bought and
sold. Office, Beaver B1oo;r, Wingham
t Wingham, Ont.
E. L. Drown sa t Drrn .EY Houses
Mossy TO LOAN,
Osrion: Meyer Block, Wingha)n.
Wingham, Ont,
Ontario's. Minister of Public Workei
Tells In The Motor News How
They Benefit the Roads
A vast amount of the present wear;
and tear of and injury to roads could
readily be avoided by using wide in--,
stead of narrow tires on heavily load-.
ed wagons, says Hon. Dr. T. 0.,
Reaume in Tho Motor News. Narrow;
wagon tires are the great destroyeral
of good roads. The injury done by;
these increases as the wagon gets old-,
er and the wheel wabbies loosely on',
the axle. A narrow tire on an old
and heavily -loaded wagon can do more
damage to a road in one trip to mar-
Icet and back than would pay for a
new wagon.
Wide tires, on the other hand, are
a benefit rather than an injury to the .
road. They have a greater bearing
and do not cut into the road. In—
stead of two inches of road surface
supporting the load, wagon and all,
by doubling the width of tire the
ARTHUR J. LE,WIN, D. D. S., L. D. 2.
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania
Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office
over Post Office, Wingham.
..T. PRICE, B. 2. A., L. D. S., D. D. S.
(Successor to Dr. Holiowav)
Will continue the practice in the'ofnco lately
occupied by Dr. Holloway, in the Beaver
Block, Wingham.
ALEX. KELLY, Wingham, Ont.
For the County of Huron. gales of all kinds
conducted as reasonable rates. orders left at
the' !VINES office will receive prompt attention,
and anyone having live stook or other
articles they wish to dispose of, should adver-
tise the same for sale in the Testes. Our large
°ir'onlation tells and it will be strange indeed if
yon do not get a customer. We can't guarantee
that yon will sell because you may ask more
for the artiole or stook than it is worth. Send
your advertisement to the Timm and try this
plan o! disposing of your stook and other
London - 0.40 a.m...... 8.30p.m.
Toronto &East 10.40 a.m,. 6.43 a.m.... 2.40p.m.
Kincardine..11.15 a.m2.03 p.m.... 9.15p.m,
Kincardine ....0.40 a.m.10.40 a.m.... 2.40 p.m.
LondonPalmerston ... 11.10 a.m...- 7.85 p.m. Toronto & East 9.35 a.m.2.08 p.m.... 9.15 p.m.
L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham.
Toronto andEast 6.53 a.m.... 8.84 p.m.
Teeswater _ 1.26 p.m ....10.51 p.m.
Teeswater....,8.45 a,m..... 8,28 p.m.
Toronto H BI OltER, AgenC Wingham p.m.
COPVnICH`rs &c.
Anyone sending a aketeb and description ma,
quickly aseert*in our opinion free whether at
invention le trohabiy patentable. emnee teirS
tions atrlctly confidential. Handbook en Paten6
a Yate is oaken thro'gRh for &500. Tecate'
*petal notes*, wlthw utcharge, 1st the
A hastdsereely' Menne ea teatime Unmet en.
eulation of any scientific)arnal. Term*, St et
eaar: erste months, at sem by hewidaalett..
Drente' 0* r bf New r r
load is distributed over to,vice thei
amount of road surface. In making
wagons consideration should be given.
not merely to the strength of the wag. -
on and its wheels, but also to the
strength of the roads to be traveled
and the kind of wagon they have
strength to support.
Tests have 'been made from time ta
time of the effact of wide tires not
merely on the roads, but also on the
pull required to move the loads.
Among these tests have been those
made by the British Association For
the Advancement of Science in 1902,
by the experimental station of Mirti-
eouri 'University of 1897 and more re-
cently by the United States War Dee
partnaent. The results in all cases'.
have been. practicedly the same:
Pirate -With regard to the roads it
is found that wide tires leaves a
road in better condition than before
passing over it. '
Second—As to tractive effect, the
only practical disadvantage of wide
tire's arises where the road is so soft
that the wheels sink into it and the
mud sticks to the rims and packs be-
tween the spokes. On very hard,
smooth roads or roads covered with
dust wide tires require a very slightly
increased tractive effect. On all other
classes of roads the advantage is in.
favor of the wide tire.
The practical application of the re-
sult of tests is that for traffic on coun-
try roads if wide tires of four inches
and upward are generally used there
would be a decided improvement in.
every class of road. The tractive pow-
er required would be less and the '
cost of keeping the roads in repair.
would bo much. reduced. If an farm,
wagons a -ere equipped with wide tires
the muddiest and stickiest of our;
roads would be very much improved,
and inany of what are now known as
bad roads would be for the most
of t3te year in fair condition.
While the majority of,'wagons con-
tinuo to leave narrow tires, the few
having wide tires are httavier to draw '
on very muddy and sticky cla.y roads,
but on the great majority of. roads,.
the average country roads, the ad-
vantage is in favor of the tine four
inches wide.
It is urged against wide tires that,
they do not roll freely in the ruts
made by narrow tires. So long as.
narrow tires are commonly used. thia
will be the case to some extent; but,.
031 the other hand, if wide tires were
generally used the rote would not
In any case, with narrow tires the.
bottom of the ruts made by the tiara
row tires are uneven, and the narrow
rims are constantly grinding agaixist
the sides •of the ruts, creating the
greatest friction, so that the objec-
tionable difference is not so great aza
it appears on. first sight, if it exists'
It is further contended that the widei
tires collie in contact with mOre 100Set
stones than do those with a narrow
'tread. The greater resistanee offered.
in. this Way is more than counter -
helmeted, however, by the loose stones
dropping into the narrow ruts.
In the one case the wheel goes to
the stone; in the other the stone gets
in front of the wheel..A.The irregular
bottom of the ruts and the stones in;
the narrow ruts keep up a constant
vibration of the wagon, which trange
Mite a swinging motion to the tongue,
gelling and annoying the horses and
destructive to conveyances.
A provincial: law coming into effeet
after a term of yeart requiring a stat-
ed width of tire for certain sizes of,
Wagon axles would not create hard -i.
ship, might be accompanied by a re -1
bate of taxes or a small bounty- and
would result in &benefit to the roads;
decreasing the cost of Iriaintenance.
Butter Essentials.
In making the Bost quality of but.,
ter for market there are five essefii-
tiala--uniformity in color, i11 texture,,
in eating. in packing and in leaving;
no wader in the butter.