HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-02-21, Page 1• - THE TOW VOL XXXYL—NO. 1828. What is the best E ANSWER: HOWARD'S Why? 1.It contains 50 per cent. Pore Cod Liver Oil. 2, It Contains Hypophospleites and Glycerine. . ;, a.. a Is easy to take, and a perfect Emulsion. s. l'OR FALB BT 'Walton McKibbon THE DRUGGIST Macdonald Block, Wingheine. Which? It seems a waste of words to argue that a business education is necessary for the success in life of young men and women. No reasonable person doubts it. It is a fixed fact. The only question—the vital question —is this : " 'Which college ?" Shall it be a school where common sense. practical methods arc followed Shall it be the best college or next beat? It costs nothing to get our now cata- logue. Simply ask us to send it to your addresa. It tells about the most prac- tical Business College in Ontario. We believe it to be the very best. a Enter any time. Individual instruc- tion. Wingham Business College (Affiliated with Clinton Btleble139 College) GEO. SPOTTON, Principal House. Furnis la ings AND Ugh A SPECIALTY. ' Old Post Office Store I Macdonald Block OPEN MARCH 1st 1 WINGIIAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1907, NEW POST OFFICE AND 0ET8TuMES OFFICE, WINDHAM. First occupied on January 23rd, 1007. This magnificent new public building, the need of which has been felt for some time, was erected by the Dominion Government at a cost of about $30,800. The lot was pnrohased from Mr Thos. Gregory, for $5,000, and tho coat of the building is in round figures $s5,800. The building is two storys high, with an attio; size 38 x 50. The customs department, occupies a space 19 x 28 feet. and comprises two rooms, an examining room and an office. riere, Mr. H Davis has commodious quarters, and every tacility for the transaction of the business of his office. The second story, which has been fitted up for occupancy by Postmaster Fisher and his family, has every convenience and will make an ideal residence. The work of excavating for the foundation was begun in October, 1904, and although there has been a good deal of apparently unnecessary delay from time to time, it must be said that the building in every part is highly creditable to those who had to do with its construction. The contractor was Mr. S. S. Cooper, of Chattel, who sub•let different lines of the work to others. The plumbing, iron and'copper work was done by Young & MoBurney ; the cement floor in basement by W Fryfogle; the painting by R H. McKay, and the slating by John Whittaker, of London. The heating system was put in by Wm, Stevely & Son, London. The London Paving Co. did the cement work, the work being done under the supervision of their local representa- tive, Mr. F. Paterson ; the interior fittings were supplied by W. Kyle, Ottawa; the brae fittings by the Rubenetein firm, Montreal, and the eleo- trio lighting was installed by W. H. Green The stone for the building was supplied by the S. Mary's Horseshoe Quarries, and the brick by the Beams- ville Pressed Brick Co. and Elliott & Sons, of Wingham. The position of inspector of the work of construotion was filled by Mr. Wm. Nicholson, who looked well after every detail, and saw that everything was done according to the plans and specifications. The interior walls are finished in wood fibre plaster, the floors and wainscoating in natural wood. Altogether the building presents a handsome appearance, and the arrangement affords ample and convenient accommoda- tion for the handling of the mails, By a new arrangement, the office is now open to box holders from 7 a, ra, to 9; p. m, , and when the evening mail from London is on time it will be promptly distributed. Th's convenience will be Much appreciated by the oitizens. The Postmaster and his family expect shortly to move, and their numerous friends will join in wishing them many years of enjoyment ot their new and commodious home. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. nj Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers The Hospital Fund Contributione to d e Hospital fund for the past week • are 48 follows :—A. H. Musgrove, $10; Wm Balfour, Saskatche- wan, old boy, $10'; 39hn 0. Smith, B.A. $5; John S, Scott, Selgrave, $2; J. D. Burns, $16.84; EL 3iehop, $11.75; W. H. Green $15. Watch for my advt, next week. Geo. CI Hanna Bring along your Shoes. We Jo re- pairing and do it well, W. J. GREER. Interest Cre Med Qunt'terly. The Bank of Hai Tilton g to announce that after tho firsaof rch they intend calculating and or dit ng interest (part- y erly to all Saving , Bank accounts. In- terest will be add a to the prinoipal on the following dat s: Feb. 28, May 31, August 31 and No -ember 30, Died at Eden Mills Mrs Wm Bone was called to Eden Mills on Thursday last owing to the death of her fath a Mr. Allan Ramsay. Mr. Ramsay was one of the early and respected pioneerei of the Eden Mills dis- trict. He was in his seventy-fourth year and was b rn in the section in which he died. The Ramsay family had been residen B of that section of Ontario for nearly one hundred years and the first Rantaay was buried in the family plot seven yafive years ago. Mr. Bone also attende the funeral on Satur• day. Curling Mr. James Cochr est curlers we have has in his poseessio which entitled him' privileges of the G ing Club, which w of July, 1838, at The card ehowsthi the club on the 16t in 1843. ine is one of the old - in this section. He a membership card to all the rights and nd Caledonian Carl - instituted on 26th inburgh, Scotland. Mr Coohrane joined of January, 1843, SLAUGHTER SALE—Cash slaughter sale of Dress Goode, Furs, eta. G. E. KING. Death of Mr There passed Whitechurch on former well kno ham in the person wife of Mr. John year. Deceased wa ham for many yea poor health for so only seriously ill f to her death. Sh husband and one d al took place on to Wingham come John McDonald way at her home in turday evening last a resident of Wing. of Mary Abraham, cDonald, in her 57th a resident of Wing - e. She had been in e months, but was r a short time prior is survived by her ughter. The funer- ednesday afternoon' ry. TAKE NOTIOE.—All accounts must be paid at once. The R, H. CROWDER Co. Death of Turaleerry Pioneer. The death on Sui day, February 10th of Margaret McAlliter, beloved wife of Mr. James Ballagh in her 76th year, re- moves another of tile early pioneer resi- dents of the To nship of Tnrnberry. Mre. Ballagh wa only ill for a short timeith onia, and her death ; w pneu will be a heavy a Iliotion to her family. Call at R. Johnston's and see his line She is survived by her husband, six : of Felts, Rubbers and Shoes and be con- daughters and on( son, viz :—Mrs. Chas. vinced. Young, Bay City, Coll; Mrs j'. P. Harp- er, and Mrs. L. . Yerkere, Detroit, . Mich; Mr. W. MdKonzie, St, Thomas; Mrs. D. Moonie, Wingham; Mies. Lottie and Andrea, at hotne. Banquet by I- otel Brunswick. If came to our native too late for last issue that the genial proprietor of the Hotel Brunswick, Nave an excellent ban - quit to our firemer in appreciation of their heroic work a the Hanna fire. Af- ter all had enjoyed 411 the good things of the boardaGeo. gpo ton was voted to the chair and prooeeded ith the following toast list: "Our Fir eri," Meseta Van- norman and Nich son; "Education" Principal Muegrove; "Trade and Com- rneroe," Messrs Mille and Hanna; "The Drnmuierit," Messrs ariffin and Peareon, Many were the appr !dative remarke of the kinknese and thoaghtfulness of Hoat Orr in showinghis at predation of honor- ing our interepid fire nen, who risk their liyes to safeguard q ir property while many people stand b and criticize. The enjoyable affair ter !mated with singing "Auld Lang Syne" 4t� "God Save the Rine i. Death of Ro 'eert Kennedy. After an illness al only a few dye with pneumonia, rtr, Robert Kennedy passed away at the Wingham hospital on Saturday morns g in hie 85th year. Deceased had been a resident of this section for upwards af forty years and was held in high esteem with his large oircle of friends. re lived for many years on a farm in nrnberry, near Zet, land and some yeafa ago retired and moved to hill comfo table home in Lower Wingham. His broaved widow and children will have 1110 sincere sympathy of the communing ln their sudden be- reavement. The f nem], took place on Tuesday `after1100 to the Wingham Oemetery. Visiting Days. The authorities of ie Wingham Gen- eral Hospital have dejiided that the visit- ing days shall 1-..0 Tu day and Friday of each weekafrorn 2 t 4 o'oIoot p, m. Parties wishing to visf the hospital will kindly take note of thl , St. Pat ick Rev. T. G. A. Wrig it, M. A., Rector of Walkerton, will g :ve an address in St. Pauli Church ne ;t Friday evening on the life and wor : of St. Patrick, the apostle of Ireland Mr. Wright will show that 51. Patric was Protestant, as well as the Irish Cl larch of that day. Emplotmen Mr. Peter Campbel been appointed by Government to the p merit agent for this e will be to place imm Old Country in posit]. ers or domestics. Per help should notify Mr, what kind of help the W. Sloan has been a Blyth, Mr. F. S. Scott Mr. John Wilson at F Agents. of this town has the Domininion ition of employ - tion, His duties rants from the as farm labor - one desiring such - Campbell, saying r want. Mr. A pointed agent at t Brussels and rdwioh. Highest cash price paid for butter and eggs at W. Bone' e grocery, Chisholm block. Peath of Mrs Ward. Shortly after going t press last week we learned of the deah of Mre. John Ward, who passed away on Wednesday morning of last week 4t her home on Minnie street. The de eased lady had been i1for upwards of wo years. With her late husband, deo and settled in Morris township in 186 and eight years ago she moved to Wingham. Deceased was held in high esteem 'by a large circle of friends and was a tai hful member of the Presbyterian ohuutoh. Mrs. Ward leaves three sons and to daughters. A complete line of Felts, Rubbers and Shoes now on hand at R. Johnston's Boot and Shoe Store. License 4ransfers. The License Com Huron, M. Lookhs and Thos. Churchil Saturday for organ Mr. Lockhardt, w for two years, is tb Thos. E. Durnin, transfers were g Cooper, of the Hot to Mr. Brown, of of the Waverley Stewart, formerly Orr, of the King E ham, to Matthew don. njsionena for West t, Thos. E. Daman , met at Auburn on zation for the year. has been secretary new chairman and e secretary. Three anted, viz.: — S. S. 1 Normandie,Clinton, oronto; Geo. Barton, use, Clinton, to Geo. of Goderioh; J. W. ward Hotel, Wing- lgie, formerly of Lon - Canadian Foresters. A public meeting will be held in the C.O.F. hall on Frid y evening of this week in the interesllof Canadian Forest- ry. Dr. U. M. Staxjley, Chairman of the Medical Board, M4. 3. P. Hoag, one of t he High Andito of the Order, and others will be pre nt and deliver ad- dresses. All me berm of the Order are requested to atte d this meeting and take with them jroepective candidates for membership. Mr. T. G. Weston, of Brantford, organ zer for the Order is epending a few di ye in town and this meeting is being .meld to assist him in his work. The aims and objects of the Oz - der will be fully axplained and the meet- ing should be laraely attended. Real Es ate Changes. Real estate in Ningham seems to be on the move, as anumber of properties have changed h ads this week, The most important ransfer is the sale of I the stone block roperty by Mr. H. D, Henderson to Metiers J. H. Chisholm and i Walton McKibhon. This property is one of the most4 ceatrally located pro- perties on Jose bine street and ehonld , bring in good re urns. We understand the price was it the neighborhood of $9,000.. Mr. C. G. VanStone has sold his building 1 on John Street, on which the foundation for a house has been built, to 14r. P. J. Hill. Mr. Hill will erect a dwailing on this property. Mr. Thos Elliott has sold his cottage on Walter street toMr. Jame e Ford. Mr, Wm Edwards 1 as sold his property on Minnie street, rc eently purchased from Mr, Richard $tiderson, ,to Mr. J. G. Stewart, who is returning to town from Auburn to take4 his old position in A. Young's hardwjtre store. Mr. Edwards intends retnrotng to his old home at Mernickville 1r, Wm Nicholson has purehased the building 101 00 Francis street from M John Terrill and will build a new welling, The last two sales tvere nude through J. H. Chie. holm, real Wattle agent. Postal Mrs. J. A. Chapma ed post mistress at ready entered upon Chapman will oleo store business at Forc her farm, nge. has been appoint- dyce and has al- er (lutes. Mrs. ndiact a general oe, having rented GOOD GIRL WANTED Iwaraa up family. Apply at r 11 11008 of Fall and Winter an s. SHOE SALE -25% of on E ea advertise- ment. W. J. GRE raven ce. Missiolary 111. An announcemen was made in the churches of the town last Sunday, that Miss Preston, a eturned missionary from Japan, would give an address in the Methodist chu h on Thursday of this week. On Su day evening a mess- age reached here, ftaying that Miss Pres- ton was very ill i Sarnia; and so the aforesaid meetiug has been withdrawn for she present. 7 Use Parnell's LondtOread, Get it at Christie's. We have a few Che tna lobes with elegant pictures for nat1ing, to clear, 35c each, at K. M. F HER. Opens M Mr, George C. H old post office stor block and will ope: with a complete li ings and clothin make a specialty o a large stook so th to gat a good seleo ed for an advt. in t pay our readers to ments from week t Mr. Hanna every e new business. WANTED. -A goodall act aa fine- man1 and engineer at he chair factory. Apply to Canada Fu iture Manufact- , nrers. rch First, nna has rented the in the Macdonald on the 1st of March e of laouse furnish - Mr. Hanna will these lines, keeping _ 1 ill b bl peop W e a e on. He has arrang- e TIMES and it will etch the announce - week. We wish ,ery success in his Wingha Bonspiel. The curlers of ingham will hold a bonspiel in the r' k next week, coin- menoing on Ttte ay afternoon. Invi- tations have been sent to a number of curling clubs in estern Ontario and it is expeotod a larg number of curlers will be in town next eek. The prizes offer- ed are: —For tro hy, 1st, four Morris chairs, valued at 15 each; 2nd, four snit cases, valued at 7 each. Consolation:— let, four hand b s, valued at $6 eaoh; and, four silk u brellas, valued at $5 each. When your Shoespeed` mending send them here to be doctored. W&ll. mend them WELL. W. J. GREER. NOTICE—Persons haviol bills or re- ceipts dated Fridayirruary let will greatly oblige by h ng them in as we were unfortunate in having the dupli- cates burned. HANNA & CO. Old Wingham Boy Promoted. Mr. J. B. Elliott, a former Wingham boy has been appointed to the position of Chief Train Dispatcher of the Chic- ago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway, with headquarters at Eau Claire, Wis. Mr. Elliott learned the operating in Wingham and has been with the above railway company for a number of yeare, working himself up from operator to the responsible position he now holds. The many old friends of Mr. Elliott will be pleased to hear of his promotion. Canadians nearly al- ways climb to the top of the ladder in Unole Sam's country. New china Lunch lit and Doilies just arrived and for s cheap at K. M. k'ISHER. KAISER THE J WELEFt —has de- cided to stay only 1 ays longer! Don't miss the bargainsl ii -selling just at half price for the n e ten days! Call and see what I have left New En At Kincardine o an Encampment o instituted, with of forty-three. Powley, of Torontc charge of the ce teams of Minerva town, conferred t gm team is corn Jos. Gaeat, J, E. Carr, J. W. Dodd Moore, A.J Alde B. Elliott. On campment at Grand Patriarc sent and the loc the degrees. Ot Brussels from to 11, Chisholm ment Oddfello ed all taver On that before the new Enclunpm tUted, ampme nt Friday evening last the I. 0, O. F. was membership Grand Patriarch was present, and had molly. The degree noampment of this e degreee. The do- sed of T. J. Elliott, Groves, P. Hill, Jae. J. W. Haines, Lima on J W Pearen and H onday evening the En- russels was revived. Powleywas again pro degree team conferred er members present at n were J. A. Morton, nd Jas. Dey. Encamp - ship is now being moil/. rio and Ms expected nd of June some twenty nts will have been inati. $1 A TEAR IN ADYANCE WELL-KNOWN PEOPLE DR. PETER AODONALD Ono of our Best uown Citizens. The welI-knownj gentleman whose portrait is this we4 presented to read- ers of the Trios 4s born in Piston C/onnty, Nova Scoti , but moved to the County of Huron wjien eleven years old, locating in the nes hborhood of Bruce - field. After spendng some years at the harnessmaking tr de, and later at car- pentering, framin, etc., etc., he turned his attention to ohool teaching, in which he was veryf successful. Taking up the study of mdioine, the subject of this sketch gradu ted from Trinity Uni- versity, Toronto, the same year lo the practice of h he has been emin In all matters fare and progress a 1872, and in May ot ated in Wingham for s profession, in which ntly successful. ertaining to the wen f the town, Dr. Mao- donald has alms s taken an active in -1 terest. He has Leen honored with the highest municipal position in the gift of I ratepayers,—that of Mayor, and was ! for some time a nember of the School Board. He was warm advocate of the establishment o1 a High School in Wingham, and is1pne of the most active members of the n w Board. To the field of pslities, Dr. Macdonald devoted considerablet time and attention and from 1887 until! 1904' was the able representative of House of Common clear-headed man argumentative ani both in the Home have stamped him able debaters on pi one who is well ve the country. He ht in upholding those est Huron in the . A broad-minded, f deep thought, his brilliant speeches nd on the platform s one of the most blic questions, aud ed in the affairs of s done good service oral questions that have to do with tl.e welfare of the Dominion. In 1900 Dr. Macdonald was honored with the position of Deputy Speaker of the Ho lea. This difficult place he ably and hicorably filled, his wide experience and quick thinking be- ing brought into ser --ice. Of the inter- est of his constituent: and the country at large he was ever ,nindful, and our oitizene point with pr do to the magni- ficent new public buil ing in Wingham, which was erected m inly through his instrumentality. Du nig the construc- tion of the building Ifo devoted consid- erable time and wet hed its progress with satisfaction ancV pardonable pride Dr Macdonald haijustly earned all the honor he has attaped, both in muni- cipal and political lif. . He is a pronain- eut member of the and is held in h gh e sterling qualities. esbyterian Church eem for his many Diaries and Calendhrs, to clear, will be sold at half price, 4ra. M. FISHER. Clearing Sale of everything in Winter Shoes. Big Bargains. W. 3. GREER. Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and. Throat Specialist. 370 Queen's Aienue, London, 3rd door Eset of Si, Andrew's Church, ^ - • TENDERS WANTED.- ,a ,a` The desirable propetty leaUwn ax the "Stone Block," Joseplling/street, Wing - ham, is for sale. Tenfiers to be received by the undersigned up to and including tho first day of March, 1907. Terms easy. For full partionlers address JAs. H. Cuistiotag J. WALTON MOKIREON Winghem, Ont. Local Optio Defeated. Judge Malcolmso has decided that local option was dat ated in Teeswater at the election on 3 riflery 7th. As will be rementhered the Were two ballots in emestion. One ith the orods upon the line, but prOjec 'ng more below than above, and one mar ed for the law but lacking the retnrni officer's initials on the back. The for r was counted by the judge against th law, and the latter was rejected as ap lied, thus cutting down the vote requ �d to (wry by a fractiOn below the tieceasary 60 per cont, ( nnilanlInanblan ALL WHO WOULD Stiffer from eye troubles when relief is so close at hand. No need to wait one day to have the trouble attended to. We Test Eyes Free. And fit each eye seperately with its proper lense. We guarantee all our work and aro always here. We suit all di fficult cases and can suit you at, Walley's Drug Store PHONE 100. WINDHAM, ONT. Property 'Owners Will find it distinctly to their advantage to make me their agent; based on quick returns and satisfac- tory dealing. The following list are a few of the many properties for sale: 43850-134 story, 9 rooms, nearly new, rents $84 per year; Alice St. $1050--1aa-; story house, 8 rooms, good repair, rents for po per year; John St. $1100—PL; story frame house, 8 rooms, hard and soft water, fine cellar, ex. cellent repair; Francis St. $1250-13 story house, 8 rooms, hard and soft water, nice location, rents for $102 per year; Victoria St. $1200-2 story houses, six rooms, beautiful location; Albert St. $1200-14 story house, 8 rooms, fine cellar, stable, 20 fruit treem, two acres of land, Lower Wingham, $1300—new brick cottage, 7 rooms, hard and soft water, stable; Joseph - en e St. $1600-2 story house, 9 rooms, good repair, a beautiful home; Scott St. $1950— 2 story brick cottage, 7 rooms, electric lights, good stable; John St. $2700-2 story solid brink house, bath, furnace, could not be built now fpr $4000; Maple St. 100 acres -3 miles from Wingham, excellent buildings, 10 sores of fall wheat, 10 acres of bush, owner has lived on farm over fifty years; snap at the price. If you want anything at any time in Real Estate, come direct to head- quarters. Money to loan on farm security, J. 11. CHISHOLII, Real Estate. Insurance and Loan Agent. Vanstone block. Wingham. Highest price paid for hides an& poul- try at T. Fells' butcher shop. Dr. Ovens, Oculist, London, Surgeon Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at Mc- Kibbon's drug store, Tuesday. Mar, 5th. —all day. Glasses properly fitted. 111111101111111Z=Ktanzo THE LEADING SHOE STORE GOOD Rubbers FOR EVERYBODY Wet feet are numerous at this eeaeon of the year, If you prefer to keen your feet dry, our Rubbers offer you pro- tection. Rubbers for Everybody We have all good kinds of Rub- bers for Men, Women and Cnild- rell. Storm and Low Cut Rubbers, Toe Rubbers, Sandale, Footliolde, Self • acting Rubbers, _Newport Rubber, eto., etc. Rubbers at 40c to 750. It's good jadgment—it's good sense—sto wear Rubbers during the snow and slash of the early Spring season. See rs for Trunks and Valises. . J. Greer TEE SICKER 1