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The Huron Expositor, 1982-08-25, Page 8
B6 — TWL41URON EXPOSITOR, AUGUST 25, 1982 V©ffidly ON BUS TRIP—The Egmondville United Church communicants class are presently on a one week vacation to Virginia and Washington, D.C. Travelling in a motor home, the eight high school age students plus three chaperones plan to mix recreation with education. One person joked they were "bringing jelly beans • for Ronnie". The group collected over $1,000 through work projects, suppers, and raffles to make the trip possible. Shown in the back row is Danny Wesenberg and Merelyn McKnight. Middle, left to right; John Dale, Lana McIntosh, Brenda Wesenberg, Dave' Garrick, • Ross McIntosh. Front: Darlene Moore, Glen Haney, Bryan Coleman, and Dave McKnight, (Wassink (Photo) Top tomato at Manor A new project was under- taken at Seaforth Manor this year when two tomato plants purchased at the Horticulture Sale were planted by the side of the patio between two window wells. They were the Sweet 100, a new staking variety. To date these two plants grew over 6' in height and are just loaded with tomatoes. Several were pick- ed off last week and more will be ready this week. Many thanks to Mrs. Mary McLeod Study are t�pter quality Evaluating historical trends in the water quality of the Maitland and Saugeen Rivers in Southwestern On- tario is the subject of one project in Environment On• tario's Experience '82 pro- gram. A first year physics student at the Univerkity of Western.' Ontario is preparing the im- portant preliminary work for intensive watershed studies scheduled for 1984-88. She will examine water samples for nutrients• such as phos- : phorus and nitrogen, bio- chemical oxygen demand, and suspended solids as indicators of water quality. Co-ordinating that informa- , tion with historical data. trends in water quality can be seen. The 1984-88 studies will use this data in establishing ' basin management plans to improve or maintain water quality in Southwest Ontario. 4,1 Lots of antiques but no museum BYSTEPHANIELEVESQUE 'there arc two solutions for the Perth County -Historical Collection. - Archivist Jim Anderson told Perth County Council at its August 12 meeting that the Stratford -Perth Archives Board (which over- sees the collection) could wait for completion of a museum study currently being conducted by the City of Stratford ,or give the memorabilia hack to the donors. Mr. Anderson's comments followed a tour of the collection by county council. The collection is stored in two Stratford ware- houses. Steed and Bradshaw. Some of the pieces date back to the turn of the century. They include furniture formerly at Fryfogcl Inn. architectural pieces from the county's first courthouse. part of Stratford''. first' Mllll© Correspondent MRS. (DELLA REGELE 527-1106 Mr. and Mrs. Harold McCallum were recent visit• ors with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Preszcator at Cred- iton. Mrs. Mary Yost and Mrs. Lillian Yost of Dayton. Ohio, U.S.A. spent part of last week with Mr, and Mrs. Harold McCallum and called nn other friends. Benny Hnegy visited with Randy Nevers Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Lana Yost and Eric visited a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul McCallum and girls. Mr Fred Kistner of al Bornholm returned to his home Wednesday after being confined at Stratford General Hospital for the past month. Mr. and Mrs, Ed Regele recentlyvisited with Mr. Clarence Dennis at Atwood. Mt. and Mrs. Fred Kistner of 01. Bornholm and Mr. M. Stewart of West Monkton. DRYWALL KNOWN FOR HIGH QUALITY Peter Dakos Drywall COMPLETE DRYWALL SERVICE 527-1398 Or 527-0606 SEAFORTH JEWELLERS .. torr t)IAMONI)S WA"lCif t k .1FWFf II t 1 f-INi' ('IIIN;A\ 'OWN S TOR Lvrki' OC('ilSlON A ltv�cs'of f c l a"ilea Pti(one 527 027U' waterwheel, memorabilia from the Perth regiment. a `movie machine, an organ donated by Dave Bradshaw of Stratford and other pieces gathered from across the county. felt the.picces should be on display. Mr. Anderson said the historical collection slarted in 1898 with interviews on livine pioneers. Old Boys reunions in 1906 and 1914 tncreased, the interest in history and the Value estimated at $80,000 - Rccvc John Lindner of North Easthopc row nship asked if it would be possible to sort out who owns what in the collection. It's virtually impossible," said Mr. Anderson explaining some of the pieces were donated years ago. He added the collection should remain as one entity and not he split up, During the tour. most county councillors NURSERY KINDERGAR TEN GRADE SCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL collection. Over the past several years, students have been hired to index the collection. The archivist said in the '10's the collection was valued at 560,000. but with . inflation would now be valued at about 580.000. Downie Township Reeve Wilfred Tuer said the study being done by the city would have a bearing on what happens to the collection. COLLEGE UNIVERSITY ADULT "Five years down the road. I would hate to sec it (the collection) still sitting in the warehouses." said Reeve Tuer. "Something useful should be done with it. something that will not offend anyone." Warden Elsie Karges of Listowel corn mcnted it was an education for county council to tour the warehouses. She added the county now knows why the mo..thly rent is being paid. The archives board pays 5196.2" a month for the Steed warehouse and the Bradshaw warehouse is free. No action was taken by county council. In other business. council approved changing the business hours at the court house from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. to 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. cttecttve January 1. 1983. The question of the employees hours has been referred to the negotiations committee, We can help make ANY STUDENT'S ROOM BETTER with WALLCOVER, to suit any taste or age. Ng / SUNWORTHY 11 YES -YOU -CAN WALLCOVERINGS Complete line of BENJAMIN MOORE PAINTS & FINISHES Nautavac Rug Cleaner Rental • BOOK NOW! Moore, PAINTS IMAGE CLEANERS - formerly Grand Bend Cleaners Complete dry-cleaning & laundry service. Graves Wallpaper & Paint 527-0550 - Seaforth for recommending this vari- ety. On Wednesday morning Seaforth Manor residents were entertained on the patio by the Salvation Army Cadets What a treat to hear these fine young people sing and. also their message accortp- anying themselves also on the electric piano and- guitar. With their own sourl,J system connected to 'the van all residents could hear and see this fine performance. Cliff Thornton extended a wel- come and the group were thanked by Charles Ross, President of the Resident Council. Saturday was a perfect day for a picnic. Enjoyed by all. That was the comments you heard as everyone sampled hot dogs, hamburgers. water- melon and chocolate milk and cookies, Residents really look forward to a weekly barbecue and picnic and so far -ttfe Weatherman has co-operated. Tuesday of last week Mr. Syd Pearson and Mr. Elmer Bakcsy were the lucky euchre players defeating Charles Ross and Penny Caza. SUMMER SPECIALS! WHOLE WHEAT BREAD. 24 OZ. LOAF, SLICED, 60% ONLY. 69 LOAF (FRI, & SAT. ONLY) NEW IATL MUFFINS /o9. FRESH OFF THE BLOCK MOZZARELLA CHEESE. 2e4( LB. DANISH CLUE 2.99 LB. K SULTANA RAISINS 1 .19 LB , TASTY NU ! AKERY & C EESE OUSE Seaforth 527-1803 Zurich Exeter Fall Values at Shinen's COATS New Fall and Winter coats and pant Goats in wools, hlends and quilted All colours and sires At Reasortable Prices • DRESSES One and 2 piece styles Beautttul Fall colours All sires 29.95 - 65 00 SKIRTS & BLOUSES Lots To Chodse1'rom SLACKS Gabardines and polyesters 14'95 - 21'95 BEST SELECTION IN IBEX BLANKETS SLEEPWEAR HANDBAGS LINGERIE AT REASONABLE PRICES MEN'S FALL. JACKETS Sires to SO I oss prices MEN'S PANTS washable polyesters in plains and checks 21'95-35.00 RACK -TO -SCHOOL PANTS In corduroys and leans All 44/PS 21'96 - 25.00 SHIRTS Dress shirts to long and short SIPFVF'S Sired to IX 9.9s - 19.95 NEW PLAID SHIRTS In cotton and flannel All Sizes to 19'95 SPECIAL, PRICE'S IN WORK CLOTHING & UNDER W F,'A R Shinen's Men's and Ladies' Wear 5270278 Seaforth