HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-02-14, Page 8THE WTNGRA N TIMES FEBRUARY 14, 1907 sW >I�. M AVO" ✓Nr � � rKW 1/ 'V M!'�r �Kw' \+rte 1 ►1�r 'l'L'L":YtFL+'tfiEL Minutes aS Oouneil meeting held in A Great Sacrifice Sale of Furs AND ALL WINTER GOODS During the month of January Fine Sleigh Robes, regular $12 to $15, sale price $9.50 Men's splendid Black Fur Coats, in tine curl Persian Dog, regular x:)5, sale pl ice Ladies' Abtrachan Coats, regular $25, sale ri $30, " .. , is 635, " Electric Seal and Roebaran, with Sable Collars and revers, regular $45, sale price 57.5Q With just the same reduetions on all our very large assortment of flue but smaller Furs, ,t 20.00 26.00 27.50 Ladies' Cloth Coats and Misses' Coats must sub• mit to the same severe rtduetion. Mens', Youths' and Boys' Suits and Overcoats at the moat tempting prices ever heard or in \Viui:huni. Come and see and you will be convinced that this is the greatest opportunity of saving money ever offered. D. fL GORDON. MINOR LOCALS. PERSONAL. -Division Cour t will be held in Wing - ham to -day. -Yesterday was Ash Wednesday -the l eginning of the Lenten season. -Many new buildings will be erected in Wingham during the coming sum- mer. -Mr. Walter Taylor has been appoint- ed careetaker of the Wingham public school. -Application has been made to the Ontario Legietature to have Fort Wil- liam incorporated as a city. . -Jos. H. McKerr, of Tiverton has teen appointed Clerk of the Sixth Divl- .sion Court of Bruce County. , -Mr. Henry Thomson, of the B. line, Turnberry, is offering for sale his 200 acre farm. For particulars see advt. -Regular meeting of Camp Caledonia, Sons of Scotland will be held next Mon. day evening. All members are request- ed to be present. -Mr. Geo. Stokes, a former G. T. R. agent in Wingham and for some time past at Brantford, has been appointed agent at London. -Owing to a misunderstanding in dates, the Jessie Maclachlan Concert Company did not appear in the Wing - ham opera house on Monday evening. -The apartments of the Wingham Business College have been newly de- corated and tinted, and present a bright, pleasing appearance. The work was done by James T. Gray, late of Toronto. -John Wilson, V. S. is getting out timber to be used in the building of two stores on his property on Josephine street. The second story of the build- ing will be fitted up for the Oddfellows. -It has been arranged that the teaoh- ere and scholars of St. Andrew's Presby- terian Sunday school will have a sleigh ride on Friday evening of this week. Refreshment will be served afterwards and a social evening spent in the lecture room of the church. -Mr. Jimmie Hunter of Lucknow has accepted the challenge given him by Wingham Curlers, of four players from each side, 60 years of age to play a friend- ly match. One game to be played in Luoknow and one game in Wingham, and the team awaking the largest score in points to be winners.-Lucknow Sentinel. BABY'S BEST FRIEND. Baby's Own Tablets have saved many a precious little life. There is no other medicine to equal them for stomach and bowel troubles, colds, situp : fevers or teething troubles. They ; : re good for children of all ages ---fro.• the newborn babe to thewell grow . •hild. And the mother has a gni,.; n .e of a government analyst that they ; • not contain opiates or harmful drugs. Mrs. John C. Gildart, Prosser Brook, N.B., says: "I have prov- ed that Baby's Own Tablets are a great help to mothers, and are baby's best friend. They not almost like magic and I will always keep them in the hone," The Tablets are soldby druggists or by mail at 250. a box "from The Dr. Will- *Ins' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Mr. John M. MoMpllen, a veteran ed- itor and author of Brookville, is dead. The family of James O. Kelly, L'Am- table, North Hastings, were found, in We shall be glad to have contributions to this column from any of our readers. If you have visitors or purpose going away yourself, drop in and tell us, or send us a note to that effect. Miss Sadie Green is visiting at her parental home in town. Mrs. W. E. Alen of Detroit is visiting with old Wingham friends. Miss M. Hammond is spending a week with friends in St. Thomas. Mr. Hugh Hamilton, of Chatham, is visiting at the parental home in town. Mr Robt. McAlpine, of St. Catharines was visiti:g with Wingham friends last week. Mr. and Mrs. Semi. Moulton. of yer- echoyle are visiting `with Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Elliott, Mrs. W. D. Pnrcly, of Nerve, has been visiting friends inWingham and vicinity for a few weeks past. Mr. S. M. Robinson, of the Dominion Bank at Brampton was calling on old Wingham friends this week. EELGRAVE U.S S. No, 17, Belgrave was opened on Monday last, with Mr. A.A.'Naylor, w'ho was formerly teacher in S S. No. 13, East Wawanosh as the teacher. There were thirty-seven scholars in attendance the first day. A meeting of the ratepsy ere of the section will be held in the Foresters'hall, next Tuesday at 10 o'clock a.m. to consider the changing of the site for the new school building. EAST WAWANOSH. Intended for last week All is quite. Sleighing is good. Wind, snow and rain follow each other in rapid succession. Farmers are busy getting out wood, logs, etc., also attending to their live stock, which, by the way, must be boom- ing just now as there were no less than five of yonr Wingham buyers round our corner one day last week. "Where the carcase is there will the eagles be gather- ed together." Our rural population must be degener- ating to an alarming degree. According to the estimate of the Ontario Govern- ment, there is not brains enough in the country to hire a school teacher. Pre- mier Whitney and his advisers ought to be in Russia. No doubt they could or- ganizea despotic Government of the most tyrannical order. Never mind, when next election comes we will make some of those M. P, P's. sorry for what they have done. Last Sabbath being the anniversary of he Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor, a very Interesting and in. strnotive discourse was delivered byRev. J.J. Hastie, on the early history of the Presbyterian church. Tho Rev. gentle- man took his hearers back some three hun dred years and told of such men as,gnox� Cameron, Melville and Penick; and also of their co-workers on the continent, in the persons of Calvin and his devoted, followers; and of their struggles to free' themselves from the bonds of the church of Rome, Such an address as this, re- freshes the memories of those who have read the tales of the Covenanters, the Ifuegnenots, and the Waldenses, and should make us thankful that we live in an age when such persecutions for the Sake of truth need not be endured, the Clerk's office, Bluevale, Feby 11th. Members of Council all present. The Reeve in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted on mo• tion of Messrs Moffatt and Felly, The auditors laid their report for the year 1906 before the Council for final audit bioDAiebeal Moffatt -That the audi., tor's repor be adopted. Carried. Corunounioations were read from Climax Ruud Machine Co. and ordered to be filed. Also a ()entity Bo -law reed re improvement of public hic:hways and action on it deferred to next meeting of Council The Clerk was instructed to ask for tender. from the Wareham 'hems s and Merano for the township printing tor the year 14107 Tenders to he ]aid before Council ar their next mesa, fog. Rutherford- Belly- That any rate- payer wanting a ohanee of path oia.te re fence viewers or poonri keepers will notify soma member of Council before next mretieg. Carried. The fotlowing eccoontstwere pal;sed aI d elm gees Ii ued ;-- Munic•ipel world, assessment rn114. $5 45; Rnbt Black. auditing, 1;;10 00; Alex McEwen, anniting, $I0 00; John 1Noegrove, atter ding audit. $3 00; Chas, Britton, 12th con drain. $(7.00. Rut hertor3---Moffatt-That thi. meet ing do now adjonrn to meet in the Clerk's office, Bluevale, April 1st, at 10 o'clock a. m, Carried JoriN Burr ss, Clerk. n ,tyH. Winnipeg City Commit has decided destitute condition by the neighbors. not to accept the Manitoba Govern - They were starring and without fire, I ment's offer to install a telephone eye. 7gr. 7lellg has died from his hardships, tem at once. CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS A simple and effective remedy for SORB THROATS AND COUO US They combine the germicidal value of Cresolene with the soothing properties of slippery elm and Lice. rive. Your druggist or from us, 10c in s•anq's. Eattetme, Miss Co., Limited, Agents, Montreal. 4or BDRal. ('limo. -In Morris, on February 3rd, the wife of Mr. Jc.hn Craig; a son. MARRIED MITCHELL-PCoTT• At the re,id.'iice of the tri la's lather on February lith, by Rev W. J. West, M. A , Mr Win. Mitchell, to Miss 1Nar- garet H. t•cott, daughter of Mr. Geo. B. Scott, both of Turnberry. DIE D BrunFF.-In Wingham, on February 11th, Henry Francis Burgess,nged 72years,10months and 2 clays. BALr.AOA,-Iu Turnberry, on February llth, Margot et Ballagh, wife of Mr. Janos Ballagh, aged 67 years. GORDON.-In Brussels, on Feb. 5th. Deleanea Munroe, relict of the late Robt. Gordon, aged 87 years, 8 months and 12 days. Saiirei.-In Brussels, on Feb. 1st, Helen Waters, relict of tho late Oliver Smith, in her 92nd year. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Notice is hereby given tlia the partnership heretofore subsisting bet -een Alex. Young and Joseph Moburney, h aware merchants, has this day been dieso ed by mutual con- sent. All parties o0 4g the late firm will settle with Alex. Young, by whom all debts of the firm wilt be paid. Dated at Wingham this 14th day of Febru- ary, 1007. ALEX. YOU NG, JOSEPH MCBCRNEY. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for safe his farm of 200 acres, being lots 21 and 2` con. B, Turn - berry, 21 miles west of yvIngham, On the boundary. n he farm is ; exceptionally well fenced, well watered, ancFin a good state of cult'vation. Soil, esti clay loam. 311 acres of good orchard. f a fes fall plowing done. On the premises ar large bank born 70 x 80 with stone stabling underneath; also lean-to on north end, 30 x 70; also drive barn 30 x 60. Also a large brick brick, with frame kitchen and dining room. ou the barn is a new 14 -foot power windmill which drives straw cutter, grain crusher and root pulper, also 50 foot tower pumping windmill, which supplies water from novcr-failing well, to house and barn. Reasons for selling, terms and price can be had front the undersigned. Possession at any time. HENRY THOMSON, Wingham P. 0 Valentine Day FEBRUARY 14. " Valentine's day is drawing near. And both the men and maids incline To choose them each a valentine." The time-honored custom of exchanging gifts on Val- entine's Day will be exceed- , ingly popular this year. You will find an almost unlimited display of Valen- tines and favors at the "Big Book " Store. Come early and get first choice, as they are moving off quickly. K. M. Fisher, TILE BIC. BOOK S'1'oi:Is. THE BEST PLACE IN WINGHAM TO SECURE A Piano Organ OR Violin IS AT DAVID BELL'S Terins to suit putohwser, 04400O.44441:44001144044 ■ Is your baby thin, weak, fretful 7.1 Make him a Scott's Emulsiion) baby. 000 0 0:0 q 00 00 0 Scott's Emrclsiora is Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites prepared so that it is I easily digested by little folks. 'Consequently the baby that is fed on Scott's Emulsion is a sturdy, rosy- cheeked little fellow full of health and vigor. ALL DRUGGISTS: 50c. AND $1.00. 0 3 il ece . 5i 2 4 ii is 0 00 00000000000000000000000000 :td' Irr` 1 • `EALED TENDS 5Saaddressed to the under - 10 signed, and en lorned "Tender for Public "wilding, Owen So nil, Ont.," will be receivers at this office untilonday, February 25. 1907, inclusively, for til, construction of a Public Building, Owen Sund, Ont. P1rns end specifi ,tions can he seen anclforms of tender obtained et this 'Deportment and at the office of M. ssr . Foster and Clark, Archi- tects, Owen Sound Ont, Persons ten°erin • are notified that tenders will not he cnnsir eyed unless made on the printed form supe ied, and signed with their actual ,ignntures. Each terdrr mu t be accompanied by an, accepted cheque ., a cha'tered bank, made payable to the ord •r of the Honourable the Min'ster of Public Works, equal to ten per cent. 110 p c 1 of he amount of the tender which will be forfe fed if the party tendering decline to enter in o a eontraet when calhd upon t.' d.s so,or if 1 fail to complete the work contracted for. If se terrier be not accepted the cheque will be r turned. The Department its not bind itself to ac • - Capt the iuwest or a y trader. By rder, FRED. GELINAS, Secretary. Department of Publ.. Works, Ottawa, Jan ary,31, lt'67. Newspapers will t he paid for this adver- tisement if the ins rt it without authority from the Departmen . • Bread PurUy! - There is nothing nose distaste. fill than poor or inferior bread. PALL'S LONDON BREAD combines all that is purest and best, and the hygienic oonditions under which it is made commend it to the many thousands of users all over Western Ontario. WING -HAM AGENT : J. HENRY CHRISTIE. DO YOU WISH TO VISIT California Mexico Florida OR THE Sunny South Are you anxici to escape the cold weather and snow, and spend the winter in the " Land of Fruit and Flowers ?" Winter tourist tickets are on sale daily, and if you are contemplating a trip see that yonr tickets are routed via the Grand Trunk. For tickets and full informMion as to rates, routes and train service call on L. Harold, Depot Agent. J. D. MCDoNALD, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. 4vwvvvvvvvywwvvvv vvvvee The Difference DOMINION BANK HEAD OFFICE : TORONTO. C 1pital paid up, $3,000,000 Resirve Fund and Undivided profits $3,928,198 Total Assets, over 49,000,000 WINCHAM BRANCH. - Farmers' Notes disoonnted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT -Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal 80th June and 31st December each year. D. T. HEPBURN, manager. R Panetone,Solicitor. ,1 CENTRAL /7 STRATFORD. ONT. The Leading Commercial School of Western Ontario. Oar courses are thorough and pre- ' tioal while the teaching is done by able instructors. The ambitious young men and women who desire to . get the best possible commercial ' training patronize this school while Business men are in search of our grad aates to fill res onsible positions. The best time to enter our classes is NOW. Beautiful catalogue free. t 1 3 in goods is always quite appar- j ent to all who Iook for quality. There ar-t low grade and high grade qualities in both pure and i 'adulterated kinds, • DON'T BE CONTENT with big quantity only. This often i paves the way for many conse- quent evils. Secure at ail times the Highest Grade of Pure a• Goods which in the end is the most satisfactory. NOTHING PAYS BETTER • ELLIOTT & Mc1ACHLAN PRINCIPALS. HAM Plour,Mills We have good corn at $2 0 00 per ton, come and secure yonr supply. All kinds of Oho) and a good supply of Bran, Shorts and Low Grade Flour. Always ask for Wingham Mill's Flour. PRICE LIST Five Lilies flour, bl, $2.20 to $2.40 Prairie Rote " " 2.00 to 2.20 Star - " " 2 00 to 2.15 Cream Pastry Flour 2.00 to 2.05 Low grade Flonr,ton 25.00 to 27.00 Bran, per ton - 20.00 to 22.00 Shorts, " - - 20.00 to 22.00 Screenings - 18.00 to 20.00 Chop (mixed) - 25.00 to 26.00 Chop (oat) - - 25 00 to 28.00 Chop (Corn) - 21.00 to 24.00 Winter Wheat, bus. .68 to .70 Goose " " .60 to .62 Manitoba " " .75 to .85 Goode delivered promptly to all parts of the town. HOWSON, HARVEY & BROCKLEBANK. WINGHAM s than dealing at a Reliable Groe- 5 erg Store where the food wants ac p W of the people is a constant study. IS jl�J orks TRY CHRISTIE'S Get some of my good Coffee 40 a. per lb, PRODUCE TAKEN. J>>, Heury •Christie Grocer and Chin% Merchant WINGIIAtf ONT. Having scoured a flret•class lbfachinist, I am prepared to do all kinds of repair- ing on the shortest notice. Also CASTINGS MADE TO ORDER I am also building a fere Portable Sawing Machines -something new. Call and inspeot before planing your order e1sewhere, W. Or PATON. CCQrrTxL raze Tr: TOTAL, ASSETS: RESeavE Ft:TND: 82,900,000 Thirty-two Million Dollars 02,000,000 BANK OF HAMILTON A General Banking Business Transacted ' SIMPLICITY is the key -note of our Savings Lank Department, No formality or delay in opening accounts or withdrawing money. Interest allowed at highest current rates on all deposits of $1.00 and upwards -compounded half -yearly. WINGHAI`I BRANCH C. P. SMITH, - AuENT. THE CAA F C MME IIEAD OFFICE. TORONTO B. E. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager A. 11. IRELAND, Superintendent of Branches 1111p ANK CE ESTABLISHED 1661 Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Rest, - - 5,000,000 Total Assets, 113,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England. BANKING BY MAIL 85 Business s;;aay be transacted by mail with any branch. of the Bank. Accounts may be opened and deposits ittiade or withdray.rn by mail. Every attention is paid to out-of-town accounts. WINGHAM (OPT.) BRANCH A. E. SMITH, MANAGER. IlILL t.d.41111,Aalih:m41.162.'ud„3,Idt, ip. Itl.•.io 11,10, 1,,.u6y111.iw'a'iWILiO r'•t12Y4ii.111yILAY114i11,l . 0 N E W S1rin;L ress Goods The newest in Dress Goods for Spring are now arriving at the Bee Hive's Two Stores. The latest fash- ions, the newest weaves and the most desirable fabrics are here, and the ladies are invited to call and inspect them. A look through will convince you that value for your money is to be had right here. Our Proposition Just think of the proposition we place before you. The only question is can you, dare you in justice to your- self overlook a chance like These Stores offer to save at least one-third and in some cases even one-half the price you would be obliged to pay regularly for your winter merchandise. Some of the Bargain Lines. Dress Goods, Silks, Linens, Shirting, Cottons, Men's and Boy's Clothing, Furs, Carpets, Curtains, Lino- leum, Floor Oilcloth, Hosiery, and Gloves, Underwear, Men's and Boy's Furnishing, Ladies' and Misses Jackets We Could We could write column after column of price quotations but space in this valuable paper costs money and our,tremendous low prices won't allow of our telling you in print of the hundreds of good things we have wait- ing for you -enough said, we'll look for you in. We keep Groceries and can supply you with the choicest lines at very reason- able prices. PRODUCE TAKEN. The highest prices in cash or trade given for farm produce of all kinds. Bring along your farm produce and secure highest prices in exchange for any of the splendid bargains offered. TI -IE BEE HIVE CO. 'TWO STORES. Next door to Elmer Moore's and ilkThe Carey Stand. t►