HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1982-08-25, Page 5.V I�•. /e11�`�lnllctn
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Name things _made at home
The Seaforth Women's
'Institute held their August
meeting at the hone of Mrs.
Gordan Papple.:This was our
Agriculture and Canadian
Industries meeting. Mrs.
Lorne Dale and Mrs. Arthur
Varley vitere in charge. The
roll call was answered by
name a Canadian article
manufactured within 25 miles
of home.
The motto "Bread is the
symbol of Home, Hope and
Hospitality. very ably taken
by Mrs, Olive Varley.
Our speaker for the eve-
ning was Mrs. Brenda McIn-
tosh. She spoke of the needs
and problems of farm folk
today. Her' talk was very
much enjoyed by all present.
Mrs. Drusilla Leith spoke
on starting classes for seniors'
in physical fitness.
Mrs, Gladys Doig chaired
the meeting• for business
Lunch was served by co -
hostesses Mrs. Mac Scott,
Mrs. Ross Gordon, Mrs. J.
Keys and Mrs. A. Pepper.
Mrs. R.J. Doig and Mrs.
Gordon MacKenzie attended,
the 85th anniversary lunch-
eon held in the Constellation
Hotel, Rexdale.
Mrs. Zing' Westebring
Muller, President of Associ-
ated Country Women of the
World, was the speaker of the
day and the theme was from a
flicker to a flame.
Mrs. John E. MacLean and
Mrs. Gordan E. Papple were
also guests as former board
members of F.W.1.0.
This was a very momentous
occasion for women's insti-
tures. Eighteen hundred
ladies were present. Miss
Helen McKercher was pre-
sent accompanied by her
niece Mrs. Charlotte Mc-
n is ne
COLOURING FUN—Including pre-schoolers and .`primary/
students and going up in age to senior elementary schoolers, 40
youngsters are enjoying bible school all this week at Bethel
Bible Church, These little colourers are, from left, Bill, Brown',
n tr o
Toby Gordon Phillips, Robin Scarrow, Steven McCowan and
Mark McCowan. While the kids played a group of church ladies
in another room prepared craft materials for them to use.
(Photo by White)
gersthoughts of A
We have had no church
- un Wednesdays for sonic
weeks, We hope our regular
services will soon start when
our regular ministers are
hack again refreshed after
their holidays.
Friday Shirley Luther, Sal-
vation Army. Hcnsall. canis
and had a service. It opened
with a hymn -sing of familiar
Shirley accompanied the
hymns from memory ur by
ear, She chose to speak on the
story of the ark.
The story of the ark
hrought hack memories of
Aunt Sarah Belle McLean
where' she taught the first
class in Sunday School at
First Presbyterian Church.
How we would look forward
to h'er telling us a Bible story
and., turning over the new
picture. She made it so real
to us.
This has been a Strenuous -
enjoyable w•eeken+ 1 attend-
ed the Turnbull stmas
reunion which Li. Iegg.
California, organized for the
second year,
. The Christmas idea works
out very well as people from a
distance were able to attend,
Lit and daughter Susan
arc spending a holiday at
"Schadeviess thc fancily cot-
' tage built in 1945. It is a
spacious cottage to accom
modatc a crowd, It was built
by the fancily so naturally it is
a fitting place for the reunion.
I also atteitillidtffe Wedding
annivcrsary,pf Nat and .lean
Hillis in Ingersoll.
Peter and Jennifer had
planned it for their parents.
Peter was honk from Nania-
mn. B.C.
Attendance at the Christ'
mal family reunion was. r cry
successful. The one travelling
thc furthest to the Turnbull
family was Doris Turnbull.
Weybridge•, Surrey England,
Shc was in Ottawa visiting
Gillian Turnbull.
Barbara Myler. Ottawa,
and daughter Sharon attend-
ed the fancily reunion.
Twenty sat down to a
traditional dinner of turkey
with all the trimmings.
Mabel Turnbull, now the
senior member of the family,
in recognition of their Scot•
tish ancestry.used the Robbie
Burns Blessing.
' When the crackers were
pulled the laughs were terrify
Heard from the outer hall:
"1 hope it don't freeze to-
night. Oliver McKay.
Linda Morrison•with Chris-
topher. Gary and baby Daniel
William visited here.
Mr. and Mrs. George Cam-
eron, Brucelield visited with
Ella Holley.
The staff at Kilharchan
held a pot luck supper at the
Lion's Park • in honour of.
members of the staff who are
retiring—Helen • Wilbec.
R.N., Bea Kale,• R.N.. and
Thelma Bode!
We wish these faithful
ex•membcrs of the staff well
and extend to them our best
John R. Frost. St. Thomas
and sister. J'can Dill. Dublin,
s 'sited with Mabel Turnbull.
Sherri Ward came to show
us her adopted kitten, Tinker.
a lovely little fellow. loved by
Sherri as a pct.
' I was pleased to have a visit
from ex -pupils Alvin Hoff.
F.gniondville and brother
Vernon Hoff. Nanaimo. B.C.
Vernon hasn't been honk for
14 years.
Age is'a quality of mind, If
you have left your dreams
behind, if hope is cold, if your
ambitions are all dead, then
you are old. '
But if you make of life the
best and in your life you still
have zest: no matter how the
years go by, no matter how
the birthdays fly, you are not
I read this at the party at
Vanastra to which we were
Mr. and Mrs. Art Smale,
Staffa, visited with Bessie
Smale. Margaret Smale was
on her weekly visit with
friends and relatives at Kil-
harchan. She was a former
member of the staff here.
Now retired.
Adaline Stoskopf• Fuller-
ton. Gerald and Shirley, visit-
ed her sister Anna Hoegy.
Elizabeth (Liz) Clegg and
Marilyn Hilles, Tillsonburg
visited their aunt Mabel
Glen Layton. Clinton, visit•
cd with his mother, Mary
This week's -bingo results:
Mary Ryan: Alan Cook, Kate
McKay. Martin Wiles.
Mae Watterworth. a senior
member of the staff, was
taken suddenly ill and is in
Stratford Community Hospi-
tal for a rest.
No frost has been reported
so far but it wont be long now
September is coming up,
one of the most beautiful
These boys arc now big months when nature displays
grown men and they had to all its glory. in brilliant
identity themselses. Vernon colour.
brought pie a special book I am making a scrapbook of
"Nanaimo Retrospective.% the new Constitution but
personal) signed by the when I looked for the section
masor Frank Nem with a in the Gtobe and Mail for the
personal message new Constitution it had been
ucstroved. I asked if they
could send ice another.
They did so. Surprise!
Surprise! In the envelope
there was a copy in the Globe
dated July 1, I8h" and thc
first constitution.
In Toronto at that time
there was a daily. the Mail
and Empire which amalga-
mated with the Globe. It was
then called the Globe and
Vernon reads the t•xposuur
and follows pis Kilharchan
Notes. He reminded nit of
sonic of them.
1 was pleased to see l.loytl
and .lean Morrison. Thorn-
hill, at the wedding anniver•
cars, also Isabel kcllnck,
Huntssille with daughter
Dianne ss ho was Jean's class.
mate at the University of
Young farmers home
The Junior Agriculturalist life and the work involved in
Program has successfully the production of food.
completed another year in This has been the tenth
the counties of Huron and year for the Junior Ag.ricul•
The students. age Ili or I'
years as of January 1, 1982.
completed nine weeks of
living and working on local
fames. Hopefully, the stu-
dents returned home with a
greater appreciation for rural
1 had a pleasant surprise
Wednesday when a very
special visitor called to see
me. D. Roger Whitman,
Gilmer Texas came and asked
me to go•to the flower show.
Besides the flower show, we
A Lucan arca woman was
named president of the'
Huron -'Middlesex provincial
Progressive Conservative
Association at its annual
meeting on Aug. 18.
Mrs, Ruth Hill of R.R. 2.
Lucan, has been a Conserva-
tive all her life. She takes over
front past president Gerry
Ginn of RR2, Clinton.
There were about 150 in
attendance at the annual
meeting, billed as a family
affair. Huron -Bruce MP Mur-
ray Cardiff was on hand as
was his predecessor Robert
McKinley. Other notables in
the crowd were Huron County
Warden Harold -Robinson.
former MP Charles Mc-
Naughton and a former mem-
ber of the Ontario Police
Commission. Elmer Bell Of
Other executive members
named include. first vice-
president Tom Jasper of
Goderich. second vice-presi-
dent Donna Wood of Clinton.
vice-presidents Fred Dobbs
of RR1. Clinton, Doug Mur-
ray of RR2, Lucan, Jim
Hayter of Goderich,Bob
Feasey of RRS. Strathroy,
Anson McKinley of RRI,
Zurich, and Gary Bean of
Exeter. The chief financial
officer is Chris Little of Exeter
and the secretary is Doreen
Strong of Seaforth.
An advisory committee was
named ' and includes, Jim
Sills. Charles Corbett of RR2,
Ailsa Craig. Jim Britnell of"
Goderich. Lorne Kleinstiver
of Dashwood, . Clarence
Hardy of Lucan, Elmer Hay-
ter, of RR1, Varna, Glen
' Webb or RR2, Dashwood.
Merton Culbert of LUcan.
Don 'Shipway of Ailsa Craig.
Mary Dbn'nelly of Goderich,
Elmer Bell of Exeter and Alf
Ross of Seaforth.
nt Sar..h.
covered Egmondville includ-
• ing The Van Egmond house, a
common interest to us both.
While my doctor when he
was here he did so much to
bring me back into the social
world, both mentally and
physically. In other words, a
form of telepathy. Thanks
Roger for your help. It was
much appreciated by myself
family and fricnds.'Thus 1 still
enjoy life.
Carrie Regele. McKillop
visited with Anna Hoegy.'
Fororielieslderre0o0•Corr meretad*OrrdastterIed
Ph. 345-2447 CR. No. 4, Walton
energy sec :::W for
C . ada
turalist Program in Ontario,
and some area farmers have
hosted as many as seven
Junior Agriculturalists.
Bauer Travel presents
Fall Travelcade of Motorcoach
COST: $29.00 EACH
September 22, 23 Niagara Falls
September 25, 26, 27, 28 F.Igin House
October 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Deluxe Agawa Canyon •
*itinerary available
October 22, 23 Southwestern Ontario Discovery Cost: $81.00 ea. twin
October 28 Mystery Tour Cost: S12.50ea.
Cost: $69.00 each twin
C II E :tier Travel
Seaforth -
We're using less oil.
in Canada. we are able to produce more cicitn.ns, naniral gas.
propane and coal than we need \1'hcn we hong our oil production
into balance with our oil consumption. Canada ss ill he completely
self-sufficient in energy. And with the assistance of programs tram
the Government of Canada, that's exactly w hat'. happening
• Thousands of homeowners and businesses ha% c used t'an.ad,i Od
Substitution Program grants to convert from
oil to other fuels for heating.
• Over a million have used Canadian lime
Insulation Program grants to cut energy con-
sumption by improving insulation
• A majot\pipeline project is taking western
natural R''s to new markets to help reduce
dependence on cul. Another program
is helping gas utilities to extend service to
new customers
• The Propane Vehicle Grant Pmgram is helping
operators of large fleets of vehicles convert
from gasoline to clean, economical propane
Government of Canada research and devel-
opment is finding new ways of reducing our
dependence on cul improved insulation tech-
niques for homes. water heating from solar
energy, generation of electricity by wind power.
use of waste matenals as an energy sourer arc
all being demonstrated in current federal
government protests.
We're finding more oil.
in the north. in spite of difficult economic times over the
past year and a halt. there have been new oil discovenes in both the
Beaufort Sea -Mackenzie Delta and in the Arctic islands areas
Canada's established oil reserves, as esumated by the Canadian
Petroleum :\sso>t'auon, increased in 1981 with the inclusion, for the
tir•st time. of the promising Hibernia reserves in the .Atlantic offshore
Enough gas has now been pros ed o1T•Sahle
island to proceed with des clopment All told.
natural gas reserves hays been discovered at
more than twice the rate of production in Canada
to recentvears
Energy security -
a source of strength
In ream r ,•n. ,,rid for rid
Together, we'll make it!
Enquire about Government programs..
many hacked hs• grants and incentives. which
can help homes and businesses reduce their
energy costs hs• conserving and convening.
Energy, Mines A Resources Canada.
PO. Bos 3500.
Ottawa. Ontano KIY 461
IA, Energy, Mines and . Energie, Mines- et
'Tr Resources Canada Ressources Canada