The Wingham Times, 1907-02-14, Page 6f
,Kernels from the Sanctum Mill
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
Judge ethers by the bast that is in your
own nature, rather than by tre worst.
Children are often attacked suddenly'
day pah fol and danoeroue Colic, (-ramps,
Tharrhoea Dysentery, Cholera Morbus,
Cholera Intentum. stn Dr Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt
Sed surf cure which shbuld always be
ltept in the ;mute.
Teeswater Library 4innrd has decided
i;o ask the Village Council to take over
the library.
Pilbs get quick relief frorn Dr. Shoop's
Magid Ointnten, Remen.h-r it's made
alone for P les -and it works with cer-
tainty and satisfaction. Itching, pain.
tut, protruding, or blind piles disappear
like magic by its use Try it and bee!
Bold at Walley'e Drag Store.
The contract has been let for the erect •
den of a new fit e library in Kincardine
at a coat of $4,345.
Fears the The Kind You Havo Always Bot i?
of JY.)
-6ignataro A /44-4 .
� Cc(/jj
e total receipts of Port Elgin Pres,
,:terian ohutoh for 1900 were $2,287 94
The church membership is 273.
As a spring medicince Burdock Blood
Bitters bas no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent in the apring.
Now the doctors tell ns that onions are
good for weak lungs. They certainly do
strengthen the breath.
Many people say they are "a 11 nerves,'
easily startled or upset, easily worried
and irritated. Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills are just the remedy snob
people require. They restore perfect
3leuemony of the nerve centres and give
new nerve force to shattered nervous
The biggest guns in the English navy
weigh sixty-seven tons and fire a shell
weighing well over half a ton.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
t ignatnre of d�SS- C
The farmers hi the vicinity of Wal -
bet burne on the 13th concession of Hui
lett are desirous of having a poetofliee
located in their midst and their claims
are good for the neareat chine is Auburn
four nuke away. Londeaboro is hair
a mile further and Blyth is seven wi es.
A Sour Stemaeh and a Sour Temp•
ex, travel heart du hand and ate the pre-
eureors of .snail aid physical wetck,
Nine hundred and nue ty•Hum times in a
thoueat d fond. f'' meet (indigestion) is
the cans . I)r Von Stun's Pint -apple
Tablets keep the storaaet► sweet -add
digestant -keep the nerve cc+utres well
balanced -the] 're uature's panacea -
pleasant and hem:lees, 33 eeeta.-88
There is a movement on font in Luck- Sold by A. L ilaluiltuu.
now to grant the Lncknow Furniture
Co , of which Mr John Button is the
head, a loan of $I000 to be used in esx
Lending the company's business.
Cost 10 Cents -But worth a dollar a
vial. This is the testimony of hundreds
wbo use Dr. Aenew's Liver Ptlls. They
are so sure. so pure, so pleasant and easy
Acting. The demand for this popular
Liver Regulator is so great it is taxtog
the makers to keep up with it, -93 Sold
by A, L. Haien on.
In consequeneo of the new railway
service, trafllo on Lake Victoria, in
Africa, has developed to euoh an extent
that a new 1.000 ton steamer has been
found necessary to supplement the older
ones of 500 tone each.
I'd rather be Dead than suffer again
the tortures of insomnia. palpitation and
nervi ne twitching of my muscles in-
duced by simple neglect of a little iudi
gestirn '' These are the forceful and
warning words of a lady who proolaims
that her cure by South American Ner-
vine wben everything else had failed
was a modern miracle. A few doses
give relief. -92 Soln by A. L. Hamill
A branch office of the Sterling Bank
bas been opened at Auburn; open on
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for
the present, and under the management
of A. G. Gamble, of the Goderich
If you are constipated, dull, or bilious,
or have a sallow lifeless complexion, try
Lax-ets just once to see what they will
do for you. Lax•ets are little toothsome
Caney tablets -nice to eat, nice in effect.
No griping, no pain. Just a gentle laxa-
tive effect that is pleasingly desirable.
Handy for the vest pocket or purse. Lax•
etc meet every desire. Lax-ets Dome to
you in beautiful lithographed metal
boxes at 5 cents and 25 cents. Sold at
Walley's Drug Store.
Hog cholera has teen discovered in
the drove of Mr. John Elliott,who resides
near Clinton. He lost fifty before he
discovered what was wrong and when In-
spector Perdue, of Chatham, arrived he •
A pleasant event took place in St.
killed thirty-five more. Peter's church, Goderich, on Tuesday
morning, February 5th, at 9 30 o'clock,
Sudden deaths on the Increase-- the occasion being the performance of
People apparently well and happy to• the mystio ceremony which unites two
day, tomorrow are stricken down, and
in ninety-nine cases out of every hund- in one. The principals in the event were
red the heart is the cause. The king ot Michael Benniger, of Dungannon, and
heart remedies. Dr. Agnew's Cure for Mise Kate McPhee, daughter of 1I. Mo -
the Heart, is within reach of alt. It re-
lieves in 30 minutes, and cures most Phee,
chronic cases, -91 Sold by A. L. Ham-
Lifting the hat to a woman is a cps,
tom which dates back to the time of
chivalry, when knights users app need
in public este,- pt iu full armor. When
entering a trieud's house, or appearing
before women, It was customary for a
knight to remove his helmet as the sign
that he was in the presence of fricude,
and therefore free from attack.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
With Looal Applications, as they can-
not reach rbe seat of the disease. Ca.
tarrli is a blood or constitutional disease
and in order to cure it you [Inuit take in-
ternal remedies Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, teed aots directly on
the blood and muoou, surfaces Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was prescribed by the of the best
physicians iu this country for years and
is a regular prescription. It is compos-
ed ot the best tonics known, combined
with the best blood purifiers, acting di-
rectly on the mucous surfaces. The
perfect combination of the two ingredi.
ants is what produce- such wonderful
results in curing Catarrh. Send far
testimoniais tree,
F. J CnENoY & Co., Protege Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, price 75o.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa
i cn.
On Tuesday, 5th inst, an interesting
event took place in St. James' church.
Seaforth, when Joseph Carpenter, of
Dublin, was united by Rev. Father Our.
Goran, in the indissoluble bonds of mat-
rimony to Miss Teresa Deverean, daugh-
ter of Robert Davereau, of the Hilton
Road, Tnekersmith.
Have You a Skin Disease? --Tetter,
Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm,
Eczema, Itch, Barber's Itch, UI ers,
Blotches, Chrouio Erysipelas, Liver
spots, Prurigo, Psoriasis, or other erup-
tions of the skin -what Dr. Agnew's
Ointment bas done for others it can do
for you -cure yon. One application
gives relief. -35 cents. -87. Sold by A.
L. Hamilton.
For over Sixty Years.
Prof. W. B. Bottomley, In a lecture An old and Well -Tried -Remedy -Mrs
on biology. said that a woman who had Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used
allowed her skirt to trail for half an for over sixty years by millions of moth-
honr in west end streets, sent it to a lab-
ere for their children while teething,
The habit of putting the worst con- with perfect success. It soothes the
atrnction npou the motives of other pec- oratory, where it was found to contain ohild, softens the gums, allays all pain,
16,500 000 microbes,including many cures wind colic, and is the best remedy
ple's actions will make you both mean
phthisis baci.Ii. for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste.
and miserable before you know it. Sold by druggists in every part of the
Rheumatism -What's the Cause?- world. Twenty five cents a bottle: Its
Dr- C'iz:se'gOiae, ! Where's the Cure,? -The active molt- value is incalculable. Be sure you ask
mens is a certain cause of this most painful of diseas-
and guaranteed R
for Mrs Winalow's Soothing Syrup, and
cureforeachand esu is paisonsns nrb as:d in the blood- take no other kind.
every i or m of
South Amer*wanerireatie Cure t=eat -
a d p ot_udi�ng reuses the a=id ::sun. Re Teves in r u The prettiest hands in the world,it is
piles. See testfmonials in the pre s and ask hours and +talcs.- a u au days: 3 old;
ge p S or El: money i not satrsi O. oro a all member of the famous French family of
si 1 3 0., Toronto.
o neighbors about it. '
your g back t Yon carr use it and ' by A. L. E'er-i:::r, >� said belong to Mlle. De. Castellano,
ea �rs or Ensrexs0 r BATES & C e
DR. CHASE'S OINTMENT. pees twoyearetf -...g e sae,, schen
ties of Facial The countess, who gets
After an .. --G s t,,'' "y14 CTEE aha that Lis.
one of the reigning bean -
A blind Baltimore clergyman has had; +n`„t-» of :s e a@ roan c, nes
i her title through the dethroned1
Iris sight restored by a fall on the slippery t t3 herr roc T'r- = Td Lw pa;:t;ed rose
side walk, thus paralleling the experien- away c= Sz---r=xy zv = u'ug, :3 mss,., at'; familyand went, long ago dropped the family
crest aanon the stage where she
is known by another name.
To stop a Cold with "Preventics" is
`'r *ea ice s,a:+err 3Iany d safer than to let it run and care it after -
Gas In 'rite Stomach ! 'e1` r3i a+e wards. Taken at the "sneeze stage"
Phys;,`a r h. � jou e a nation- Preventics will head oft" alt colds and
rep � za r'21"2:41-11'..5 t e came of Grippe, and perhaps save you from
vannas rt�.-a F „`1, -_tet if cathing `Pneumonia or Bronchitis. Preventics
re tab -
cold t'.azs - a »rgiist of Bang-; are sellinlittie g 5 cent some a and 25
cenld t boxes.
erons aiimenta wcald never ha heard of. " g
Every one knrrwE that. pneumonia and If you are chilly, if you begin to sneeze,
consumption origi ate from a cold, and ;! try Preventics. They will surely check
chronic, catarrh, bronchitis, and all i1Drug
cold,and please you. Sold at Walley's
throat and long trouble are aggravated a Drug Store.
and rendered more serious by each fresh The death occurred last `Wednesday
attack. Do not risk your life or take morning of William McDonald, who a
chances when you have a cold. Cham- few weeks ago was taken with a fit of
berlain's Cough Remedy will cure it be-'
fore these diseases develop, This reme- hiccoughs and was taken to the hospital.
dy contains no opium, morphine or Mr. McDonald had been a resident of
ces of thousands of slippers who on land-; her h=We': = & =.-s :e,
ing see thongs they never saw before, i
Belching and that sense of fulness so
often experienced after eating is caused
by the formation of gas. The stomach
fails to perform its functions and the
food ferments. Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets will correct the die.
order, They aid digestion and streng-
then and invigorate the stomach and
bowels. For sale by all Druggists.
Like a postage stamp a man's value
depends on his abilities to stick to 1t un.
10 he gets there.
Your Doctor
Can 'cure your Cough or Cold,
no question about that, but- -
why go to all the trouble and
inconvenience of looking him up,
and then of having hisprescription
filled, when you can step into any
drug store in Canada and obtain
a bottle of SHIL9/1,'S (WEE
fee a quarter.
Why pay two 4. to five donate
when a twenty-five cent
bottle of SHILOH will cure you
ns quickly?
Why not do as hundreds of
thousands of Canadians have
done for the past thirty-four
years: let SHILOH be your doc-
tor whenever a Cough or Cold
SHILOH will cure you, and all
druggists back upthis statement
with a positive guarantee.
The next time you have a
Cough or Cold cure it with
other harmful drug and has thirty years
of reputation back of it, gained by its
oures ander every condition. For sale
by all Druggists.
Goderich for many years past, and leaves
two young daughters, gate and Ella.
His wife predeceased him about 10 years.
An old railway carriage is being used eA'meq R
as a postoffice in the village of Okeford V i
Fitzpaine, England. The telegraph hal a 4tiPEl1 A DANGEROUS SURCICAL IIPERATI01
been connected, and the usual routine is =
being carried on, The postal authori- *n ►`aei"o. Air.: Toronto: can.
ties had to nit their old INN OXYGSNArtIIt CO.,
q premises atToronto,Osaku,.
short notice, and no other suitable build, fi:iiiotilen,-1 xt. molt leased to cet'tlif to 1,
eke curative properties of "Oxygenator. • 1 drat
ug was available, began using it for Catarrh in the head. Baainl
• subdued lite loathsome disease, I then tinted my
sanative to a largo Polypus that existed in my
right frosttil, which was iuccesefully restored by
tie iocai
application KOx7Ke
r thereby
saving mach pain, sector Std imposes had it been
removed by surgical process.
I have used lour remedy In s family (of e)for
s number of years, and ean highly recommend it
for fevers, colas and throat troubles -ow a gargle,
ghee waritsi, Itis invaluable.
I remain, yours truly,
0.1f. #BOIIN3ON.
The total assessdneet for the township
of Stanley for 1000 was $1 99G 422, and
the total acreage43,318 acres Oa this
FOR S C AT i. C A purposes $3993.85, for township tax
assessment there was levied far county
$4192.74, for the several drains $1003 38,
dog tax $383. General school rate for
Sciatica is really lnflap mation of the
eOiat*Ca net Yt, the largest Leave in the
This pas ive it Delineation is the pro
duct of a run down ouudition, andiu
every oa e you may be duce t to ueryee
are w0111 down flue.
The pain is the cry of the nerves for
more Pond -for richer, redder blood
Rubbing nn a grettey liniment can't
help very much -you must treat the
blootl and re build the nervous system
This can be prowl. tly gout' with reine.
No builder of nerve force is more
powers 01.
No tome se quickly fortifies the mus-
cular system, imparts such strength,
such endurance unci vigor.
Any trsess of Urio Aoid and' rheum -
nth: poi„t11 are weekly driven out by
Fern zone.. The lowersd condition of
the system is changed, into a reserve of
vigor that defies further attacks of Sci-
Marvelous in its reconstructive and re-
building power, quick to give relief, ab-
solutely safe to onre,-u bete tau you
find a better treatment then Ferrozone?
St Id by all dtuggiete in 60c. boxes; try
The interment tong place at Kinloss
cemetery on Monday afternoon of last
we eh of the late Alexander Mc Kenzie,
who died at his home, lot 20, con, 9,
Kinloss, on the previous Saturday, after
an illness extending over a period of one
year. Deceased who was in his 21st year,
had spent some time in the West at Ab-
ernethy and Indian Head and returned
home about a year ago.,
A Habit to be Encouraged. •
The mother who has acquired the ha-
bit of keeping on band a bottle of Chem-
berlain's Cough Remedy, saves herself a
great amount of uneasiness and anxiety.
Coughs, colds and croup, to which chil-
dren are susceptible are quiokly cured
by Its ase. It ounnteracts auy tendency
of a cold to result In pneumonia, and if
given as soon as the first symptoms of
croup appear, it will prevent the attack.
This remedy contents nothing injurious
and mothers gave it to little ones with a
feeling of perfect security, Sold by all
Mr. Angus McVicar of the 4th con.,
passed peaoefully away to the great be-
yond on the afternoon of Thursday', Jan.
31st. Deceased had been in declining
health for the last two or three years
and death was due to a natural wearing
-out of the constitution. He had reached
the ripe old age of ninety years, and was
well known as one of the early residents
of the township, having come to Culross
from North Uist, Iverness Shire, Scot-
land, in the year 1864.
Croup can positively be stopped in 20
minutes. No vomiting - nothing to
sicken or distress your child. A sweet,
pleasant, and safe Syrup, called Dr,
Shoop's Croup Cnre. does the work and
does it quickly. Dr. Shoop's Croup
Cure is for Croup alone, remember. It
does not claim to cure a dozen ailments.
It's for Oronp, that's all. Sold at
Walley's Drug Store.
The Clinton branch of the Huron
Poultry Assooiation has been organized
and the following officers and commit-
tees were elected:-Presitiene, Frank
Hall; secretary, M. 0. Kaufman; treas.
A. J. Grigg; directors, Messrs Bruce
Holmes, Goderich township; Jos. Crich
and Amos. Townsend, Tuckersmith;
Wm. Carter, Constance, J. Duret, Col-
borne; D. Cantelon, Geo. Swallow, Clin-
Years Old -W a
Eighty C catch Fifty
erurs him Want anystronger cures st ger evi•
denoe of the power of this wonderful
remedy aver this universal disease?
Want the truth of the case confirmed?
Write George Lewis, Shamokin, Pa,
He ways; -"I look upon my cure es a
miracle." It relietes in ten minutes. -
80 Sold by A. L, Hamilton,
The financial report of the Toronto
Railway Company Is a remarkable ex-
hibit of development in the face ofmuoh
hostility on the part of important inter-
ests in the city. Gress earnings haveIn.
creased from $2,747,234, to $3,109,739,
representing about 13 per cent iii extoelti
Of the 1905 returns.
kid sky-.
...� _ .- .- illi ,:...,..............
d Naurbolyd $U. "orient*
��► s'ztoa3.a�..
Beall the
of The Kind You Have Always Bought
The Farmers' Bank of Canada is the
first financial institution either in the
Dominion or in the United States to issue
a $25 note. It is dated January let, 1907,
is of regulation size, and is altogether
quite attractive -both to the eye and in-
trinsically. The ince side bears, aside
from the regulation lettering, fine rep-
resentations of Sir Wilfred Laurier and
Hon. J. Pliny Whitney.
ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches and
everp form of contagious Itch on human
'or animals cured in 80 minutes by Wol-
ford's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails.
Sold by A, L. Hamilton.
The people of Western Ontario should ,
be thankful that they live in a land that
is as free from climatic and social dis-
turbances as any part of the footstool,
Earthquakes in California and Jamiaoall
floods in the West, volcanic eruptions in :
Italy and the Sandwich Islands, blizzards
In Great Britain, revolution in Anus's,
coal famine and suffering in the North-
West, we escape them' a11. Ontario is
good enough.
Tux tapirs' Ft#VO1t;1TE.
Lata -Liver 151116 are the incites; favorite
medicine. They Cnre Constipation, Sick
Headache, Biliicttl nese, and Dyspepsia
without riPfng, purging m
Bor sickening.
Another of the pioneers, in the person
of Mr. Peter Mogenzie,of Ashfield, pass-
ed away on Thursday afternoon, Jan.
24th, The deceased had always been
ragged and healthy until it short time
ago, when his strength began to fail and
continued to do to until he took to hid
bed; he gradually weakened from day
to day till death claimed hien, Ile self*
. fared little or no pain and retained the
nse of all his faonit fes to the last. De-
ceased watt born In the Highlands of
Sootlend in the year 1831,
school rate was $2490.2.4; for separate
sohnols, $622.01. Total amouet levied,
$101118 12
moves all hard, soft or eallnneed lump
and blemishes from horses, blood soavin,
curbs, splints, ringhone, swt'eney, Stifles,
sprains. sore and ewoollen throat.conghs,
etc Save $50 by the use of one bottle.
Warrented the most wonderful Flemish
Care ever known, Sold by A L Hamil-
An estimate is made that Pullman car
porters iu Atnetioaalone receive annual-
ly by way of tips no less a sum than $2,-
000,000, a handsome sum of money,
which really goes into the plethoric poc-
kets' of the company, which pays its
employes salariee based on the probable
amount of "picking." Everybody com-
plains of the abase, but there are few
travelers indeed who have nerve to
withstand the customary quarter.
C7 41., a0 IX" C3 let. S EA. .
Beata rho The Kind You Have Always Bought
` of
An old resident of Clinton and an old-
er one of the county, passed away on
Sunday, 3rd inst, in the person of Mr.
Thomas Carter, who was nearing his
87th year. Death was due largely to
old age. Born in Cork, he came to this
country when young, settling In Goder-
ich towuship, where he lived for a num-
ber of years. About twenty years since
he sold out and moved to Clinton, where
he has since resided
Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid-
neys, bladder and urinary organs only.
They cure backaches, weak back, rheum-
stism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation
1ve1, Bright's disease and all other
iisetraes arising from wrong action of the
xtdueys and bladder
Until recently there was a partnership
existing between two datky blacksmiths
in as Alabama town. The dissolution of
this association was made known by a
notioe nailed upon the door of the emitl y
whioh ran as follows:
'.The kopartnershipp heretofor resist-
ing between me and MoseJ enkins is here-
by resolved. All persons owing the firm
will settle with me, and all persona that
the firm owes to will settle with Mose."
Try This for Your Cougar.
To relieve a cough or break up a cold
in twenty-four hours, the following
simple formula, the ingredients of which
can be obtained of any good presoriptiou
druggist at small cost, is all that will be
required: Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure),
one-half ounce; Glycerine, two ounces;
good Whiskey, a half pint. Shake well
and take in teaspoonful doses every four
hours. The desired results can not be
obtained unless the, ingredients are pare.
It is therefore better to purchase the in-
gredients separately and prepare the
mixture yourself. Virgin Oil of Pine
(Pure) should be purchased in the origin-
al half -ounce vials, which druggists buy
for dispensing. Each vial is seourely
sealed in a round wooden case which
protects the Oil from exposure to light.
Around the wooden case is an engraved
wrapper with the name -"Virgin 011 of
Pine (Pure)" -plainly written thereon.
There are many imitations and cheap
productions of Pine, but these only
create nausea, and never effect the de-
sired results.
A meeting of the board of directors of
the Great Northwestern Exhibition was
held at Goderich last week, when it was
decided to change the name to "The
Goderich Industrial Exhibition."
Pills and Piles
A prolific cause of Piles is the use oe
cathartics and pills of a drastic, violent
nature, which Is always followed by a
reaction on acsonnt of the resiuoue, dry-
ing properties they contain.
There are other causes, but no matter
what the cause or what the kind of Piles
Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Roid can be relied
upon to cure -to stay cured.
It's an internal remedy that removes
the canoes of Itohiog, Blind, Bleeding or
Suppurating Piles.
A guarantee goes with each package
containing a month's treatment.
It can be obtained for $1 00 at drug-
gist's, or Tho Wilson-Fyle 00., Limited,
Niagara Falls,, Ont.
Dyspepsia, Boils,
Loss of Appetite,.
Salt Rheum,
and all troubles
arising from the
Stomach, Liver,
Bowels Or Blood,
MMrs.ALet '' tthne
of Ball rdu15 ()nt
*rites: ' I believe 1
would havb been in
myve lona 8t0
bad itt not been for
Burdock Blood Sit-
ters. 1 wearnndolnt
to such as anent
that 1 could ettaree-
ly • rowel abeul We
house. Verge .ubieob
to severe Madames.lnsokaebes and dint•
nee. t tear ?petite
was_ gone end I WAS
uhoouasitor . flAf$85 .
dal UV
yrat =
f y ! E
1 1"Ii
' a/ r/jF i !i'(CoGi911,d
The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the rates below
for any or all of the following publications :
Times to January lst, 1908 $1.00
+ Times and Daily Globe 9,.50
Times and Daily Mail and Empire 4.50
+ Times and Daily World 3.10
.'1. Times and Toronto Daily News,. 2.30
+ Times and Toronto Daily Star 2.30
Times and Daily Advertiser 2,35
.i Times and Toronto Saturday Night ... 2.60
' Times and Weekly Globe . 1.35
Times and Weekly Mail and Empire 1.70
1'. Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star . 1.75
'1'Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, and
'l+'. book " Handy Home Book " 1.90
Times and Weekly Witness 1.85
Times and Montreal Weekly Herald 1:35
Times and London Free Press (weekly) 1.80
.1. Times and London Advertiser (weekly) 1.60
'1` Times and Toronto Weekly Sun 1.80
' Times and World Wide 2.`,?0
.'1i. Times and Northern Messenger. 1.35 '1' Times and Farmers' Advocate 2.35
., We specially recommend our readers to subscribe
4.. to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine.
Times and Farming World 1.35
,1, Times and Presbyterian 2.25
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�i Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto) ... 1.90
Times and Youths' Companion 2.75
Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly) 2.90
Times and Sabbath Reading, New York 1.45
Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto)1,85
Times and Michigan Farmer 1.65
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m a r
Times and Boston Cooking School Magazine...... 1.75
Times and Green's Fruit Grower. 1.35
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Times and McCall's Magazine 1,45
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Times and American Boy Magazine. 1.65
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