HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1982-08-18, Page 1Incorporating
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Cunc*ils l
1 L�� L J
Following a two and a half hour meeting
last Wednesday evening, a draft agreement
with amendments for the newly erected
Seaforth aiid district community centres was
adopted. Council representatives of the town
of Seaforth, townships of Hallett, Hibbert,
Tuckersmilh, McKillop and interested Citi.
,,chs attended the meeting.
Chairman of the fund-raising campaign.
Ken Campbell, acted as chairman for the
meeting. He reported the campaign "ap-
pears to have gone very well: We are happy
with results." He said pledges are being
honoured and "nobody is renegging on their
pledge." Thus far, one Wintariu grant has
been received.
In -his report, s4r. Campbell said construc-
tion of the new complex in on schedoI "but I
doubt if the.roof over the hall will b co Bred
this week." When the roof is comp) •ted, the
floor in the hall will be poured. He w s sure
the hall would be suitable to, house exhibits
for the 1982 agricultural fair in September.
"The building committee was given the job
of drawing up an operating agreement (for
the complex) and has been submitted to y'bu '
(council members) to review." Mr. Campbell
said. He hoped the final agreement would be
approved sit the various council's would be
able to pass the necessary bylaws at their
September meetings.
Number one item on the agenda was the
decision on the form of voting to accept
amendments. Systems offered were using a
general vote. majority rule: three of five
munitipalitics: and 80 per cent of the debt
V Seaforth councillor Paul Ross felt the type
of voting "is a major issue. 1 feel it should be a
three of five municipality vote." Another
council representative asked "why wouldn't
a simple majority work to get the amend-
ments in place. The agreement still has to be
approved at council level."
Following lengthy discussion councillor
Rus♦ said not everyone would be satisfied
with voting procedure. A vote was held, to
r Aollih, ge m n t
use the majority system, Mr. Campbell said members only be elected officials, was made
the motion carried. After more discussion on by Bob Dinsmore of Seaforth. One unidenti-
how ,to vote, councillor Ross said "I'll vote in fled representative felt "a lot would be taken
favour of the next sdggestibn that is made." away from electors on the committee, What
Mr. Campbell said, "we will go with a chance have they?"Met Knox ofHullett said.
majority." "If you don't have faith in the members, then
Suggested in the draft agreement was the they shouldn't be,on the committee at all."
Committee of Management shall be appoint- He felt the chairman and vice-chairman be
cd by councils ofthe participating municipali- chosen from the committee at large.
ties. Each of the five municipalities would be Ken Campbell explained the chairman will
represented by one elector and one council- -be nominated annually. "According to the
lor, appointed by the said town or township.. 11 Ministry, there is no problem." A vote was
was also suggested one representative held and the proposed amendment defeated.
chosen by the Seaforth agricyltural society be Item two (d) of the draft agreement stated:
on the committee. 117"the Committee shall prepare by March lain
Seaforth representative. Bill Bennett ex- each year, annual estimates of expenditure
plained that the society made a substantial and revenue.. The said annual estimates of
contribution to the building fund, but other expenditure and revenue shall require the
organizations have also made large commit- approval of at least three of the parties to this
mcnls and would not have representatives on agreement and the said three parties shall be
the committee. Tuckersmith reeve. Bob Bell represented by at least 80 per cent of the debt
%aid the matter was discussed by his council load.
with the council.split on the matter. Considerable discussion was held on the
The amendment was voted on and carried item with suggestions made to change
to delete an agricultural society member,on "approval of at least three of the parties", to
the committee. four of the five parties and be represented by
Concerning the appointment of one-coun- at least 85 per cent of the debt load instead of
.cillor and one cicc•tor from each municipality S0 per cent. The majority felt the change was
on the committee, Don Johns, Hibbert insignificant. No changes were made.
deputy -reeve suggested to delete the elector Item three proposed that all operational
and only have councillors on the committee. and capital costs of the Community Centres
He Said the Mitchell arena board had one for each calendar year shall be shared among
elector and one Councillor up until two years the parties to the agreement, and each party
ago. " fhc elector \\ as dropped because of shall pay its share for any given year. Mr.
c•xpc•n%v." Campbell said the figures quoted were based
Rcc\ c Bell was in favour of one elector and on useage using figures of organized sports.
one councillor because it is a new agreement. Bob Bell said his council suggested the
"Maybe three \ cars from now it can be figures be reviewed every three years and the
operated with only elected officials." percentage paid by each municipality not be
Another spokesman felt the committee adjusted more than five per cent at any given
should have the input of the general public, time. He said the user fee could be based on
"especially on a new board." The proposed the average of the preceeding three years.
amendment was defeated. One elector and Although Paul Ross felt it wasn't neces-
councillor of the concerned municipalities sarv. Mr. Bell said if the addition was made.
will sit on the committee. "there would be good guidelines to havei`so
A motion for an amendment was made, case a complete new council was elected 's
that the appointment of a chairman and the motion carried.
vice chairman from among the committee A change in item nine was accepted. With
the change it reads ,Committee members
shall be appointed annually by their respec-
tive councils and to take office in December.
The term of office for any Committee member
shall be limited to six consecutive years.
Reviewed every three years and renewed
by each municipality every, year, the naw
agreement will become effective on Septet",
her 15 until December 31.
Following the approval of amendments.
Mr. Campbell asked each council to appoint
their representatives "as soon as possthlc so
the management committee ran begin work
Please turn to page 3
Will buil
REPAIRS AND POINTING are being made to brick chimneys of St.
James Catholic Church by Peter Jansen of Seaforth. Work was started
last week and is expected to be completed this week. At work, 50 feet
above ground level is Pete Jansen Jr. (Wassink photo)
(0i W
Summer, school
at Dublin.
' Page AS
Mr. Filmer Chappcl requested that
council help in restoring and preserxdng the
"Butler" Cemetery on Part lot 11. Con stir.
13. The family cemetery. 44' x 150' was the
site for a Methodist Church, antd ,+:s
connected with Flimville. There are same 18
to 20 headstones with dates going ha,k to
1850, Many are quite legible.
Council agreed they would Icvcl the
ground, being careful to -,cc if an, more
stones were just below the surface. fcn,c it on
three sides. and build a cairn of the ex:smig
head stones. The Road Superintendent w,,%
instructed to proceed immediateh ih
spraying, levelling and fence building c
cairn would be left to 1983.
The clerk was instructed to writ, the
Ontario Energy Board and the C I N t .
protesting the proposed increase of ours u,
Bell Canada and Union Gas, The six and the
per cent guidelines of the Federal (io,crn-
ment to be observed. Copies to the Prem er ,+f
Ontario, Hon. James Snow. Bill Jarvis. INO
Edighoffer and the County of Perth.
Accounts for roads $68"4,33 • road arc\+
were on vacation - and general of SSh.',1 r•1
were approved, This included pad rt)cm, •n
the "McMillan and Scott" drainage \,ork,.
The clerk was instructed to issue a chequt for
5145.319.60 for the new D, 160 grader. dur :n
arrive by the 28th August.
Af itsee�jegal advice. the Tawn,h:p
forwarded a cheque for 51130.00 as ?0 per
cent of the cost of a study by the Minmstr\ of
the Environment on "sinkholes", xthnh are
50c per copy
FINGER LICKIN' GOOD—Tracy Roth, datighter 400 chickens were barbecued and served to
of Ken and Cheryl Roth, Seaforth was one of approximately 700 guests. Proceeds will be
several residents attending the Seaforth fire donated to the building fund of the new Seaforth
department chicken barbecue last Thursday. Over and district community centres, (Wassink photo)
d cairn of headstones
h'ctng +ontammatcd hi, surface water, thus improNement of nc,cssae,) of the "Glenn hcmu sought to make this effective in 1983.
effecting the quality M the grouted ,vatcr. A Uiair" Tho Drai-,f.kc C'+ntni,sionet report- \,htch was he,ond the life of the present
similar stuck is being'done in Tuckcrsmith. ed that the "McMillan ' and ' Scott" drains council Hibbert is a member of the Seaforth
On the ad\iee of Mr. Michael Mitchell. wore ncarl� completed. and that Cul\crts for Fire Area
council agreed it, help the stud+, but the "('amphell" drain had been delivered A rating hyla\+ for file drainage was
indicated it would not accept financial A n•soluuon was passed that the township p,issrd in the sum of $12.600,(Nl,
responsih:ltt\ for remc(, ine this problem of Hibben should participate in the purchase At a special mceung on the 21%1 July. 1982,
Such funding should come 100 pct cent from if the %it Nichol building. Seaforth, for file taunt it Ip)pro%vd to mrrcasc the drainage
the Pro\ in ial gn\crnment. through which use as a Fire Hall, The cost being 51 -,000 00 loin % per tine hundred acre property to
e,er M:nistr\ it considered nccessar'.. less 51:.(18(1 00 the \aloe of an cvisung ha, 520,000 00 This to he effective with
Kclle.\ \ Associates we•rc• appointed to which ',1r McNichol would take as part Debenture No hh. Ifie nest debenture to be
bring in a report on the repair ,ind rimment Permission from the 0.\1 B „as :s,ut'd
Fortner SCaforth ph\ sit:dn, hr (harles I
Moro,. _'. \\as unaSla to appear in (joderi\h
prmmcial ,ours on \tmida\. August It,
concerning a series of drug charges
Thr••c da\, prior to his sthedufed court
appe.trnnc. Dr N1mo no\+ practising in
Brnnkl,n Ne" lnrk, was atrestcd for
attemplinv fo arrange the murder of his a itc.
Dr lorrainc S.tmo Rcason, gi,cn m doll\
newspapers \vas so he night gain sole
o\+nrrsh:p ni t he couple's 511111.0(x1 farm near
It'was reported that ilr \1o\o. a name of
limhahwr and a nantrabird Canadian. \sac
accused of ,(Inspiring to hire anhrrtderro\cr
police officer to kill his trite, \+ho he had
Brussels kids
sell corn.
Page Ab
married while .i tnedical student in ( .
I)r \Ln o ".I, arrested last Frieia\ ,t, t., r„
his posmon in the cmcrgonc\ ronin of
Grcenpoml Hospital to RrooklN n H, \%,I,
arraigned onchargesofconspirac\ to\ommit
nuirdor.ind cnntntal stdtt nation and nJ, a,t•,!
on his man recogmiancc.
\ former resident in-chtet of 011m,,t ( ', t,
Hospital. Dr S1mo was a lameh do,Ior n,
`,caforth from IUh to 11-180. 1 he touplt \\ n!+
their two thtfdren had resided at thti:
\caforth farm until the\ separated m i•'
\tis \lova. a pathologist. mo\ ed It, Rt,, best
cr, Vow )ork „nh the children. aged
,ind to at the time of the sepanntnn
Follnw me his failure to appear :n Ooder:, h
,ort a a,trr,int was issued for the arrest of
1)r \t+\o who,\astoha\clearnedhis fate on
,n !,,irges of pres,ribnig controlled drugs
r+,t ranoh,, to a non patient at fits Seaforth
'nr..i. l�stt
fro\ in, tal Iudec William Cochrane direct -
,d tilt w.irrani be v\ct,ised "with discre•
non to Cnsurt, it, appears for the fudge's
(ria t:ntlnie on tl,t tounts on No\cnthcr i
Ito Huron ( punt\ ,ase is hehc\ed to be
it-, III,; in Ontario it not 1, wjd.i where a
d,sto� :, tharked with prcctrrhme nar,nties
a pt rv+n „ho t, rot r++s 11,01tAIT
Society holds
flower show.
Story and
photos on
page A9.